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A33456 The Divine services and anthems usually sung in the cathedrals and collegiate choires in the Church of England collected by J. C. Clifford, James, 1622-1698. 1663 (1663) Wing C4703; ESTC R8935 42,075 266

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and let no● thine heritage be brought to confusion ii Hear us good Lord for thy mercy is great and after the multitude of thy mercies ii look upon us Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LXXVIII Let God arise c. Psal 68. v. 1 2 3 4. 1. LET God arise ii and let his enemies be scattered ii let them also ii that hate him flee before him ii 2. Like as the smoak vanisheth so shalt thou drive them away and like as wax melteth at the fire so let the ungodly perish at the presence of God ii 3. But let the righteous ii be glad and rejoice before God let them also be merry ii and joyfull 4. O sing unto God ii and sing praises unto his name magnifie him that rideth upon the heavens as it were upon an horse praise him in his name yea and rejoyce ii before him Alleluiah ii Mr Cob. ANTHEM LXXIX Thou art my portion O Lord c. The eighth part of Psal 119. 1. THou art my portion O Lord ii I have promised to keep thy law ii 2. I made my humble petition in thy presence with my whole heart O be mercifull unto me according to thy Word 3. I called mine own waies to remembrance and turned my feet ii unto thy Testimonies 4. I made hast and prolonged not the time to keep thy Commandements 5. The Congregation of the ungodly have robbed me ii but I have not forgotten thy Law 6. At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous Judgments 7. I am a Companion of all them ii that fear thee and keep thy Commandments 8. The earth O Lord is full of thy mercy O teach me thy statutes Henry Molle ANTHEM LXXX Let my complaint come before c. The twenty second Portion of Psal 119. The first Part. LET my Complaint come before thee O Lord give me understanding according to thy word 2. O let my supplication come before thee deliver me according to thy word 3. My lips shall speak of thy praise when thou hast taught me thy statutes 4. Yea my tongue shall sing of thy word for all thy Commandements are righteous The second Part. 5. Let thine hand help me for I have chosen thy Commandments 6. I have longed for thy saving health O Lord and in thy Law is my delight 7. O Let my Soul ●ive and it shall praise thee ●nd thy judgments shall help ●e 8. I have gone astray like ● sheep that is lost O seek thy ●ervant for I doe not forget ●hy Commandements Mr. Shepherd ANTHEM LXXXI Christ our passeover is sacrificed For Easter day instead of the Venite 1 Cor. 5. 7 8. The first part 7. CHRIST our passeover is sacrificed for us 8. Therefore let us keep the feast not with old Leaven neither with the Leaven of malice and wickednesse but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth Rom. 6. v. 9 10 11. The second Part. 9. Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more death hath no more dominion ●ver him 10. For in that he ●ied he died unto sin once ●ut in that he liveth he ●iveth unto God 11. Like●ise reckon ye also your selves ●o be dead indeed unto sin ●ut alive unto God through ●esus Christ our Lord. ANTHEM LXXXII Christ is risen from the dead ● 1 Cor. 15. v. 20 21 22. 20. CHRIST is risen fro● the dead and becom● the first fruits of them th● slept 21. For since by ma● came death by man came als● the resurrection of the dea● 22. For as in Adam all die● even so in Christ shall all b● made alive Glory be to th● Father and to the Son and t● the Holy Ghost As it was i● the beginning and is now an● ever shall be world withou● end Amen ANTHEM LXXXIII O Lord of hosts thou God c. A prayer O LORD of hosts thou God of Israel which sittest ●pon the Cherubins thou art ●●e God alone of all the King●omes of the world thou only ●ast created heaven and earth ●ncline thine ear O Lord and ●onsider open thine eyes and ●ee Deliver us from the hands ●f our adversaries to the intent ●ll the Kingdomes of the earth ●ay know that thou only art ●he Lord ii So be it ii Dr. Tye. ANTHEM LXXXIV O Eternall God Almighty c. A Prayer The first Part. O Eternal God Almight● Just and holy who● name is the Lord God of host● to thee O Lord we call a● cry for mercy ii again● thee have we offended ● and our fathers have sinne● we have done unjustly we ha● committed iniquity now gra● to us O Lord thy great merc● ii for great is our misery ii The second part Save thy people O Lord and blesse thine own inheritance despise not the works of thine own hands because we be sinfull thou shalt be called Mercifull ii forgive us now for the glory of thy holy name ii that we may know that thou art more mercifull than we deserve The third part We shall give thanks to thee O Lord and rejoice in thy laud and praise thee for evermore ii Amen Mr. Johnson ANTHEM LXXXV Save me O God for thy names c. Psal 54. 1. SAve me O God for thy names sake and avenge me in thy strength 2. Hear my prayer O God ii and hearken unto the words of my mouth ii 3. For strangers are risen up against me and tyrants which have not God before their eyes seek after my soul ii 4. Behold God is my helper the Lord is with them that uphold my Soul ii 5. He shall reward evil unto mine enemies destroy thou them in thy truth ii 6. An offering of a free heart ii will I give thee ii and praise thy name O Lord ii because it is so comfortable 7. For he hath delivered me out of all my trouble and mine eye hath seen his desire upon mine enemies So be it Dr. Tye. ANTHEM LXXXVI Thou art my King O God c. Psal 44. v. 5 6 7 8 9. 5. THOU art my King O God ii send help unto Jacob. ii 6. Through thee will we overthrow our enemies ii and in thy name ii I will tread them down ii that rise up against me ii 7. For I will not trust in my bow ii It is not my sword that shall help me ii 8. But it is thou ii that savest us from our enemies ii and puttest them to confusion ii tha● hate us ii 9. We make our boast all the day long and will praise thy name for evermore ii Mr. Tomkins ANTHEM LXXXVII Almighty God who through c. The Collect for Easter day ALMIGHTY God who through thy only begotten Son Jesus Christ hast overcome death and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life we humbly beseech thee tha● as by thy special grace preventing us thou dost put into ou● minds good desires so by thy continual help we may bring the same to good effect through Jesus Christ our Lord who liveth and reigneth wit●
Lord turn not away thy face The 1 2 4 5 and 6 staves of The Lamentation of a sinner O Lord turn not away thy face From him that lyes prostrate Lamenting sore his sinfull life Before thy mercy gate Which gate thou openest wide to those That do lament their sin Shut not that against me Lord but let me enter in ii And call me not to mine account How I have lived here For then I know righ● well O Lord How vile I shal● appear I need not to confes● my life I am sure thou cans● tell What I have been and what I am I know thou know'st it well And can the things that I have done Be hidden from thee then Nay nay thou know'st them all O Lord Where they were done and when Wherefore with tears I come to thee To beg and to intreat Even as the child that hath done ill And feareth to be beat ii So come I to thy mercy gate Where mercy doth abound Requiring mercy for my sin To heal my deadly wound O Lord I need not to repeat What I doe beg or crave Thou know'st O Lord before I ask The thing that I would have ii Mercy good Lord mercy I ask That is the total summe For mercy Lord is all my suite Lord let thy mercy come Mr. Hooper ANTHEM CIV Almighty God which by the c. The Collect for the Epiphany ALmighty God which by the leading of a Star ii didst manifest thine only begotten Son to the Gentils ii mercifully grant that we which know thee now by faith ii may after this life ii have the fruition of the glorious Godhead through Christ our Lord ii Amen ii Dr. Bull. ANTHEM CV O Lord in thee is all my trust c The Lamentation O Lord in thee is all my trust give eare unto my wofull crie Refuse me no● that am unjust but bowing down thy heavenly eye Behold how I do still lament my sinnes wherein I doe offend O Lord for them shall I b● shent sith thee to please I d● intend ii No no not so thy will is bent to deal with sinner● in thine ire But when in hear● they shall repent thou grant'●● with speed their just desire To thee therefore still shall I crie to wash away my sinfull crime ●hy blood O Lord is not yet ●rie but that it may help me ● time ii Haste thee O Lord ●aste thee I say to powre on ●e thy gifts of grace That ●hen this life shall flit away ● heaven with thee I may ●ave place ii Where thou ●ost reign eternally with God ●hich once did down thee ●end Where Angels sing con●inually to thee be praise ●orld without end Mr. Hooper ANTHEM CVI. Sing unto God all ye kingdome● of the earth c. Psal 68. v. 32 33 34 35. 32. SIng unto God ii al● ye kingdoms of th● earth ii O sing praises unto the Lord ii 33. Who sitteth in the heavens over all ii from the beginning Loe ii he doth send out his voice ii yea and that a mighty voice ii 34. Ascribe ye the power to God over Israel his worship and strength is in the clouds ii 35. O God wonderfull art thou ii in thy holy places ii even the God of Israel ii he will give strength ii and ●ower unto his people ii ●lessed be God ii Mr. Tomkins Mr. Stonard ANTHEM CVII The Lord is my sheepherd c. Psal 23. 1. THE Lord is my sheephe● therefore can I lack nothing ii 2. He shall feed m● in a green pasture and lea● me forth besides the waters ● comfort 3. He shall conve● my soul and bring me forth i● the paths of righteousness ii ● for his name sake ii 4. Ye● though I walke through th● valley of the shadow of dea● I will fear no evil for tho● art with me ii thy rod a● thy staffe comfort me ii ● 5. Thou shalt prepare a tab● before me against them that ●rouble me thou hast anoin●ed my head with oyl and my ●up shall be full 6. But thy ●oving kindness and mercy ●hall follow me all the dayes of my life ii and I will dwell in the house of the Lord ii for ever ii Amen ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM CVIII Have mercy upon me O God ● Psal 51. v. 1 7 9 11. 1. HAve mercy upon me ● God after thy grea● Goodness ii and accordin● to the multitude of thy me●cies doe away mine offence 7. Thou shalt purge me wit● Hyssope and I shall be clean thou shalt wash me and I sha● be whiter than snow ii 9. Tur● thy face from my sins ii and put out all my misdeed 11. Cast me not away fro● thy presence ii and take no● thy holy Spirit from me ii Amen Adrian Batte● ANTHEM CIX God the Protector of all that c. The Collect for the fourth Sunday after Trinity GOD the Protector of all that trust in thee without whom nothing is strong nothing is holy Encrease and multiply upon us thy mercy that thou being our Ruler and guide we may so pass through things temporall that we finally lose not the things eternall Grant this O heavenly Father for Jesus Christs sake our Lord Amen Henry Molle ANTHEM CX O sing unto the Lord a new song Psal 149. 1. O Sing unto the Lord a new song let the Congregation of saints praise him 2. Let Israel rejoice in him that made him ii and let the children of Sion ii be joyfull in their King 3. Let them praise his name in the dance ii Let them sing praises unto him ii with Tabret and Harp ii 4. For the Lord hath pleasure in his people and helpeth the meek hearted ii 5. Let the saints be Joyfull with glory ii let them rejoice in their beds ii 6. Let the praises of God be in their mouth and a tow-edged sword in their hands ii 7. To be avenged of the Heathen and to rebuke the people 8. To binde their Kings in chaines ii and their nobles with links of iron 9. That they may be avenged of the heathen as it is written Such honour have all his saints ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM CXI The Lord even the most c. Psal 50. v. 1 2 3 4 5 6. 1. THE Lord even the most mighty God hath spoken ii and call'd the world ii from the rising up of the Sun ii unto the going down ii thereof 2. Out of Sion hath God appeared in perfect beauty ii 3. Our God shall come ii and shall not keep silence ii there shall goe before him ii a consuming fire ii and a mighty tempest ii shall be stirred up round about him ii 4. He shall call the heavens ii from above and the earth that he may judge his people 5. Gather my Saints together unto me ii those that have made a covenant ii with me ii with sacrifice ii 6. And the heavens shall declare his righteousness ii for God is judge himself Mr. Tomkins ANTHEM CXII Bow down thine eye O Lord
After the Sermon the last Anthe● At Evening Service AFter the Psalms a Voluntary lone by the Organ After the first Lesson is sung th● Magnificat i. My soul doth magni● the Lord. After the second Lesson the Nu●dimittis i. Lord now lettest thou th● servant depart in peace c. After the third Collect i. Light● our darkness we beseech c. is sung th● first Anthem After the Sermon is sung the la● Anthem THE TABLE A. IX ALmighty and everlasting God page 10 XXXVI Ah helpless wretch what 42 XLV Almighty and everlasting God 57 L. Almighty and everlasting God we hu 62 LX. Almighty God whose praise this day 72 LXI Almighty God which madest thy bl 73 LXXXVII Almighty God who through 116 LXXXIX Almighty God the fountain 118 XCII Arise O Lord why sleepest thou 121 CIV * Almighty God which by the lead 137 CXXXVIII Above the Stars my Savio 192 CXLII All laud and praise with heart 198 CLII. Alack when I look back upon 216 CLVIII A new Commandment give 224 CLXV Awake my soul and come aw 236 B. XX. BEhold it is Christ which was ord 26 XXII Blessed be thy name O God 28 XXXVIII Behold thou hast made my d 46 XLVI Behold how good and joyful a th 58 LIX Behold now praise the Lord all ye 71 LXXIII Blessed are those that are undef 92 XCIII Blessed art thou that fearest Go 122 CXII Bow down thine eye O Lord a 150 CXXII Behold I bring you glad tydi 164 CXXV Bow down thine ear O Lord 168 CXXIX Blessed be the Lord God of Is 176 CXXXI Blessed are all they that fear 178 C. VI. CAll to remembrance O Lord page 6 XLI Christ rising again from the dead 50 Christ is risen again c. 51 XLVIII Christ our Paschal Lamb 60 LXXXI Christ our passeover is sacrifi 106 LXXXII Christ is risen from the dead 108 D. XII DEliver us O Lord our God 14 XXXI Deliver me from mine enemies 37 XLIV Deliver me O God from all 56 E. CXLVII EXalt thy self above the 208 G. LII GOdliness is great riches 64 LXXII Glorous and powerfull God 90 CIX God the Protector of all that 145 CXIX Glory be to God on high and 160 CXL Give the King thy judgments 194 CXLVIII God which as on this day 209 H. III. HIde not thou thy face from me 3 VIII Haste thee O God to deliver me 8 XXXII Hosanna to the Son of David 38 XXXV Hear my prayer O God and co 41 LIII Hear the prayers O our God 65 LXXXVIII Holy Lord God Almighty 117 XCIV How long wilt thou forget me 124 CVIII Have mercy upon me O God 144 CXX Holy holy holy Lord God of host 162 CXXIII Holy holy holy Lord God Al 165 CXXVIII Hearken ye nations O come 174 CXXX Hear my prayer O Lord and 177 CLVII He that hath my Commande 223 CLIX. Hear the voice and prayer of thy 225 CLXIV Hearken O God unto a wre 234 I. XVI I Call and cry to thee O Lord 19 XVII I will exalt thee O Lord for thou 20 XXVII I lift my heart to thee 33 XXXIX I will praise the Lord with 48 XLVII If ye love me keep my Comma 59 LI. I am the resurrection and the life 63 LXVI I heard a voice saying in 80 LXXIV In thee O Lord have I put 94 LXXVI If ye be risen again with Christ 97 XCVI I will magnifie thee O Lord 126 CII I beheld and loe a great multitude 132 CXXIV In Bethlehem Town O happy 166 CXXXV In thee O Lord have I 186 CXXXVI If the Lord himself had not 188 CL. I heard a voice in heaven Saying 213 CLX I have loved for the Lord will 226 L. XIV LOrd we beseech thee give 17 XXXIII Lift up your heads O ye 39 XLII Let God arise and let his enemies 52 LV. Lord who shall dwell in thy Tabern 67 LXX Let us now laud and magnifie 88 LXXVIII Let God arise and let his 100 LXXX Let my complaint come before 104 CXIV Lord who shall dwell in thy Ta 152 CXVII Lord to the I make my moan 158 CXXXIX Lord I am not high minded 193 CXLI Lord in thy wrath reprove 196 CLXVI Look Shepherds look Why 238 M. LXVII MY song shall be of mercy 82 N. LVII NOT unto us O Lord not 69 O. I. O Lord make thy servant Charls 1 II. O Lord grant the King a long life 2 IV. O Lord give thy holy Spirit 4 VII O Lord the Maker of all things 7 X. O thou God Almighty Father of all 11 XI O Lord the worlds Saviour 12 XIII O praise the Lord all ye heathen 16 XVIII O Lord I bow the knees of my 22 XIX O God be merciful unto us and 24 XXV O God whom our offences 31 XXVIII O Lord turn thy wrath 34 XXIX O give thanks unto the Lord 35 XXXIV O Lord rebuke me not in thine 40 XXXVII Out of the deep have I called 44 LVI O clap your hands together all ye 68 LXIII O how happy a thing it is 76 LXVIII O Lord our Governour 84 LXIX O Lord thou hast searched me out 86 LXXI O praise God in his holiness 89 LXXV O God my heart is ready 96 LXXXIII O Lord of hosts thou God 109 LXXXIV O eternal God Almighty 110 XC O how glorious art thou O God 119 XCVII O God the proud are risen up 127 XCVIII O glorious God O Christ our 128 XCIX O how amiable are thy dwelling 129 CI. O God who through the preaching 131 CIII O Lord turn not away thy face 134 CV O Lord in thee is all my trust 138 CX O sing unto the Lord a new song 146 CXIII O Lord I have loved the habita 151 CXVI O clap your hands together all 156 CXVIII O mortal man how long wilt 159 CXXVI O God of gods O King of ki 170 CXXVII O God of gods O King of 172 CXXXII O Lord let me know mine 180 CXXXIV O Jesu meek O Jesu sweet 184 CXLIII O Lord of whom I do depend 200 CXLVI O sing unto the Lord a new 207 CLI O Lord my God in all distress 214 CLIV. O God the King of glory which 220 CLXI O Lord make thy servant 228 P. XXVI PRevent us O Lord in all our 32 LXII Ponder my words O Lord 74 LXIV Praise the Lord O my soul 78 CXXXVII Praise the Lord the God of 190 CXLV Plead thou my cause O Lord 204 R. CXV REmember not O Lord God 154 S. XXX SIng joyfully unto God our 36 XLIX So God loved the world that 61 LVIII Save us good Lord waking 70 LXV Sing we merrily unto God 79 LXXXV Save me O God for thy 112 C. Sing unto the Lord O ye Princes 130 CVI. Sing unto God all ye kingdoms 140 CXXI Steven being full of the holy G 163 CLXII Submit your selves one to ano 230 CLXIII Sitting by the streams that gl 231 CLXVII See sinfull soul the Saviour 240 T. V. TEach me thy way O Lord and 5