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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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were the deliuerance too late but wee meane that hee deliuered him that hee should not bee hanged So likewise when the Scripture saith that Christ dyed to deliuer vs out of hell because hee saueth and deliuereth vs that wee come not there which else should surely haue gone thither and haue beene damned perpetually except Christ by his death had deliuered and loosed vs. Christ reuiueth vs againe that were dead LIke as the Pellican which hauing brought foorth her young ones dead or beeing stung or killed by Serpents shee pecketh foorth her heart bloud to reuiue them Euen so wee beeing conceiued and borne in sinne and altogether dead in our trespasses and offences stung of that olde and fierie Serpent the diuell which first beguiled our Parents in Paradise and so hauing the reward of sinne which is death we in this case are reuiued and quickned againe by the bloud of the true Pellican Iesus Christ which he from his heart hath shead and powred out for vs. Col. 2.13 14. Christs person consisteth of two natures 1 LIke as there must be both these two natures true and sound the properties of either being kept in one person of Christ to reconcile man to God and to strike this couenant So also to keepe this couenant that according to the promise and oath of God it may be euerlasting both natures must remaine for euer sound with their properties vnlesse we will haue the couenant in the piller and foundation to be shaken 2 Like as when the roote of a tree is hurt the braunches also doo wither and there can be no fruite hoped for Euen so the Doctrine beeing corrupt concerning the person of Christ and the two natures in the same person together with their distinct properties the doctrine also of the Priestly and Kingly office of Christ remaineth corrupt which are as it were the fruites of the doctrine concerning his person Christ though amazed and confounded with sorrowes and feares yet remained still sinlesse LIke as if you set two glasses filled the one with muddy water and the other with cleare Christall water and first let them stand till all the muddinesse in one be setled at the bottome then shake both these glasses in the one the mudde ariseth straightway and defileth all the water there in the other although you shake it neuer so much yet the cleare water though troubled likewise remaineth still all cleare as Christall Euen so if any of vs bee shaken and disquieted with any trouble our muddy affections arising doo presently defile vs all ouer but Christ in whom was mans true nature but not any the least defilement of nature beeing likewise shaken he remained still cleare from any the least spot of sinne at all Christ neuer lost his confidence in God LIke as those men do neuer loose their confidence and trust in God who by some violence are stricken into astonishment or naturally fall on sleepe their faith patience loue obedience decreaseth not in them for all that Euen so neither in Christ his assurance in God could neuer decay albeit his sinlesse nature might and did feare the paine and beeing astonished with excessiue paine might and did suddenly desire ease Math. 27.46 Mar. 14.33 c. He that Speaketh in the Church LIke as if the Harpe make a confused noyse and giueth no distinct sound it delighteth not it recreateth not because no man can tell what it is that is plaide So he that Speaketh in the Church in a language which other men vnderstand not cannot edifie because men vnderstand not what he speaketh Confessing of secret faultes LIke as he is vnwise that openeth his disease and committeth himselfe vnto an vnskilfull Phisition that will rather make him worse then cure him Euen so as vnwise is he that reuealeth his secret falls scapes to them whose mouthes are readie with the Pharisies to say See thou to that or to blabbe abroad their brethrens infirmities so making the matter rather worse then better Christ after a sort present with vs in bodie 1 AS the sun which thogh it remain stil in the firmamēt and therefore in verie deed toucheth not the eye yet the bodie of the Sunne is present to the sight notwithstanding so great a distance betweene So likewise the bodie of Christ which by his ascending is taken vp from vs and hath left the world and is gone to his father is indeed absent from our senses yet our faith is conuersant in heauen and beholding that sonne of righteousnesse and is verily in presence with it there present like as our sight is present with the body of the Sunne in the firmament or as the Sunne is present with our sight in earth Ioh. 14.19 16.28 Act. 7.55 Col. 3.1 Hebr. 4.16 10.28 2 As the Sunne with his light is present to all things So is also Christ with his Godhead Spirit and power present to all and filleth all Ephe. 1.23 Col. 1.17 18. How Christ sitteth at the right hand of God 1 AS it is the vse and custome of Kings and Princes which haue their deputies substitutes to whom they freely giue all authoritie to rule and gouerne and do cause that man to sit by him and at his right hand whom he will giue most honor and vnto whom he wil giue most authoritie and power Euen so we vnderstand by these words He sitteth at the right hand of God that our Sauiour Christ is exalted aboue all creatures and that hee hath dominion or gouernance in heauen and in earth and that he raigneth with his Father hauing equal power with him 1. King 2.19 Psal 45.9 110.1 Mat. 20.21 Phil. 2.9 10 11. 1. Pet. 3.22 Ephe. 1.20 21. 4.15 2 As those on earth that are set at the right hand of Kings do execute iustice in courts or Assises for the maintenance of the state and peace of the Kingdome Euen so Christ Iesus sitting at the right hand of his Father that is being made soueraigne Lord of all things both in heauen and earth is to hold a Court or Assise in which he shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead Christ confounds his enemies AS Iosua dealt with the fiue Kings that were hid in the Caue he first makes a slaughter of their armes then he brings them foorth and makes the people to set their feete on their neckes and to hang them on fiue trees Euen so Christ deales with his enemies he treades them vnder his feete and makes a slaughter not so much of their bodies as of their soules And this the Church of God findes to bee true by experience as well as it findes the loue of Christ towardes it selfe Iosu 10.24 Luke 17.27 Psal 2.9 110.1 Corruption of truth by mans traditions AS sweete Dough is made sowre by a litle Leauen So is the sweetnesse and comfort of the doctrine of truth corrupted if it be neuer so litle entermedled with humane doctrine or mans traditions Mat. 13.33 16.6 The Creature
some for the soule 3 As in a banquet if any dish chance to be ouer saulted or otherwise it is not well dressed the same doth not so offend vs that therefore we can eate but litle of the rest that is well seasoned So likewise if in Sermons we heare any sentence or word not so fitly applied as it were to be wished we must not for that leaue to make our profite of the rest that is well and deuoutly spoken 1. Cor. 2.4 5. 4 Like as when a man filleth out but a litle wine into an excellent wrought and grauen Cup men regard more the Cup then the wine when contrariwise if most excellent wine be brought in a simple Cup they consider and commend the wine rather then the Cup Euen so is it with the treasure of the Gospell presented in a Cup either of earth or of gold bicause mans curiosity hath more respect to the pot the mouth or the eloquēce thē to the treasure 2. Cor. 4.7 5 As we see by experience that the sucking of the child bringeth in milke into the mothers brest Euen so such as shewe themselues desirous to heare the word of their Pastors are a great encouragement to them to proceed the more chearfully and do euen as it were bring words into their mouthes 6 As it is in vaine to call the Physition and to heare his counsell whē we list not to take the medicine that he doth prescribe So in like maner the people that heare the Sermons and do not put the words in practise in stead of reaping profit shall incurre the greater damnation 7 Euen as hee that hauing beene two or three yeares at schoole and hath not profited is worthy to be takē away So those Parishioners that haue bene many yeares in the schoole of Christ and heard his word yet do not amend neither increase in faith and loue do worthily deserue to be depriued of such a benefit of God and according to the threatning of Amos to endure such a famine not of bread but of the word that the strongest and most lustie seeking after it but not finding it may perish Amos. 8.11 8 As the Church is the house of God the kingdome of Christ So those Parishioners that bestow their goods vpon the maintenance of the holy ministerie without the which this house and kingdome cannot subsist doo offer a sacrifice of a most excellent sweet sauour in the presence of the Lord. 1. Cor. 9.7 c. Gal. 6.6 c. 9 As Christ commaundeth vs to pray to the Lord of the haruest to send workmen into his haruest So is it the Dutie of Parishioners when he hath giuen them faithfull Pastors to pray vnto him First to preserue them in health and long life for the good and edification of his Church Secondly by his holy spirit to guide them that they may faithfully and with fruite employ themselues in their ministerie Math. 9.38 Ephes 6.18 19. Col. 4.3 2. Thessa 3.1 Rom. 15.30 31 32. Men Distressed do seeke after God AS they which haue great neede of water doo make haste to come to the fountaine or well where water is to be had but hauing drawne the water and filled their vessels doo depart and turne their backes to the fountaine which hath supplied their want and satisfied their Desires So very many wheh they bee compassed round with perils and daungers and are beset on euery side with afflictions and troubles then they flie apace to the fountaine of grace and mercy but when they haue obtained the water of comfort then they doo despise that flowing spring of liuing water Iere. 2.13 Luk. 9.61 Psal 84.7 Students in Diuinitie LIke as he which would behold the light of the Sunne doth rubbe and purge his eyes that they may behold it the better So he which would attaine to the knowledge of Diuinitie must first wash his soule and his life that hee may the better vnderstand those things which God hath reuealed in the Scriptures Diuersitie of wills and opinions AS amongst many thousands of men there are not two faces alike nor one voice agreeable with the other So will euery man haue his owne minde vse his owne way wit and fashion Euill speakers AS slouching and cowardly dogges doo barke at all men whome they know not So the rude and barbarous people doo carpe and reproach what thing so euer they vnderstand not Examining of a mans owne selfe LIke as no man will euer seeke to the Physition except he know himselfe to be diseased or acknowledge the excellencie and necessitie of the Physition and how much he is bound vnto him except hee know his owne disease to bee pestilent and deadly Euen so no man acknowledgeth Iesus Christ to bee the onely Physition of our soules who died for our sinnes and rose againe for our Iustification except he first know his owne soule to be diseased Neither can hee perceiue the excellencie of Christ crucified nor how much hee is bound vnto him except he first enter into the consideration knowledge of his owne outragious sinnes and the incurable infirmitie which we haue receiued through the infection of our first parents Adam and Eue. Rom. 4.25 Election of God 1 LIke as if one to see the better should fixe his eyes vpon the Globe of the Sunne by the beholding of which light it is not to bee doubted but his eyes would wax dimme who if he looked vpon that light in the sunne beames might haue vse of it and see all things offered to his sight and how and what way to direct his steps Euen so likewise the eternall Election of God while it is considered in Christ in whom wee are chosen and we seeke for in ourselues the testimonie that the holy ●host yeeldeth vs by our effectuall calling then it affoordeth vs especiall comfort and assureth vs of our saluation otherwise it bringeth trouble of mind and vexation of conscience Ephe. 4.9 13 14. 2 Like as all men would account him a foole that should take vpon him to leade the Sea and because he is not able to doo it should say there is no water in it Or if he should say there is no world because a childe cannot measure it with his spanne Or that there were no light in the Sun because his bleared eyes cannot abide the light of it So when man with his short wit shall come to the deepenesse of Gods wisedome and Election and because he cannot with his little dish of wit take vp all and should say there is no Election or predestination at all he were greatly deceiued Rom. 9.12 c. 3 Euen as if a man haue two debters and he forgiueth the one and followes the Law in exacting his owne of the other he cannot truely be said to bee vniust or an acceptor of personnes So it is with God in Electing and calling some to saluation and in damning other some 4 As there is not a more euident testimonie and a surer argument that
present Knowledge of God in this life that which shall be in the life to come 1. Cor. 13.12 3 Like as when a man goeth to buy or borrowe some Candles and bringing them home being within night yet keepeth them vnlighted receiueth no comfort nor benefite by them Euen so if a man haue Knowledge in the word of God and yet his heart and mind is not enflamed and kindled with the loue of the truth his Knowledge will not profit him to saluation Knowledge of God 1 AS he that diggeth for treasure casteth the earth from him and maketh a deepe pit vntill hee finde that which he seeketh Euen so he that seeketh the Knowledge of God must castaway all earthly affections and wholly prie into heauenly affaires Prou. 1.4 5. 2 As great and rich Treasure is many times hid in an homely earthen vessell So it pleaseth God to put the precious Knowledge of himselfe and his truth into poore weake and fraile men 2. Cor. 4.7 Knowledge may be increased alwayes in the best LIke as he that vseth the hand and helpe of many Physitions though he be alwayes vnder the cure of some can neuer come to perfect health Euen so such as doo alwayes seeke and euer learne yet for all that they neuer come to the Knowledge of the truth 2. Timo. 3.6 7. Knowledge and beleefe in grosse 1 AS a man may carrie fire about him in a flint stone without heate and perfumes in a Pomander without smell except the one be beaten and the other chafed Euen so such men as Know and beleeue in grosse the misteries of our faith that there is a God which rewardeth good and euill that he is terrible in his counsels vpon the sonnes of men that there is a hell for sinners a heauen for good lyuers a most dreadfull day of iudgement to come a strait account to bee demaunded and the like All this they Know and beleeue in generall as marchandise wrapped vp together in a bundell but for ●hat they vnfold not these things nor rest vpon them in particular for that they let them not downe into their hearts nor doo ruminate on them with leysure attention for that they chew them not well in mind by deepe consideration nor doo digest them in heart by the heate of meditation they remaine with them as a sword in his scabard and do helpe them as little to reformation of life for which they were reuealed as a preseruatiue in their pocket neuer applied can helpe their health And thus they beare the general● Knowledge of these mysteries locked vp in their breasts as sealed bagges of treasure that bee neuer told nor opened and consequently they haue neither feeling sence nor motion thereby 2 Like as it may bee that one man may know an other man by sight whom yet in deed he knoweth not thorowly because he vnderstandeth not what affection hee beareth towards him So men Know naturally that there is a God but what his will is or what is not his will they doo not know Rom. 3.11 Iohn 1.18 A godly King 1 AS breath is necessarie for the body of man So also is a godly King to the people whome hee gouerneth Lam. 4.20 2 As the roaring of a Lyon is fearefull So the wrath of a King is terrible Prou. 19.12 3 As a theefe taken in stealing with the deed dooing is brought to open shame Euen so Kings and Princes and nations putting confidence in Idols and yet deceiued in finding no helpe in them in time of their distresse are put to manifest shame and confusion Iere. 2.26.27 Meanes of Knowledge AS light endureth not alwayes but darkenesse succeedeth So the times and meanes to get Knowledge endureth not alwayes but wee are to vse them whilst God doth giue them Iohn 12.35 The Kingdome of heauen 1 LIke as Marchants can be well content when they see Pearles of great price to bestow all their substance and wealth on them hoping to be great gayners thereby Euen so much more godly Christians ought not to spare any earthly treasure or to forbeare any cost for the attainment of that most precious pearle the Kingdome of heauen Math. 13.45 46. 2 As hee that findeth a Treasure in an other mans ground cannot iustly enioy the same except at his great charge he first straine himselfe to purchase the soyle Euen so the Kingdome of heauen the heauenly riches cannot be had but of them which if neede so require can bee content to forgoe all their worldly wealth for it Math. 13.44 3 As wee doo naturally loue the body more then the soule and the goods and commodities of this temproall life more then the treasures of spirituall riches So wee seeke first the things that concerne this present life and as for those that belong to the Kingdome of heauen wee seeke after them but seldome sleightly and as it were for a fashion Math. 6.36 4 As all they that are possessed with righteousnesse peace and ioy of the holy Ghost which Saint Paul calleth the Kingdome of God are certaine to enter into heauen So it is in vaine to pretend to enter into the Kingdome of God which is in heauen vnl●sse the Kingdome of heauen which is the gate bee first in vs that is to say if wee haue not the true knowledge of God and of his Sonne Iesus Christ a liu●ly faith a feruent charitie vnlesse we increase in sanctification of body of soule and of mind vnlesse in our selues we doo feele a good conscience conioyned with peace and ioy in the holy Ghost and vnlesse we bee regenerate in newnesse of life Rom. 14.17 Iohn 3.3 1. Cor. 6.9 5 As where there bee two gates to a Towne it is not enough that we enter the first vnlesse we also passe throgh the s●cond So is it not enough that we being members of the Church vsing the holy ministerie which is as the first gate to the Kingdome of heauen vnlesse we thence proceed to the second in liuing as true and liuely members of the Church declaring the effects of the holy Ministerie by the testimonies of our faith mortification of the old man newnesse of life in briefe by dayly amendment of life 6 As when winter is ouer the nearer that the Sunne draweth vnto vs the more doth the earth being warmed by the heate therof fructifie and the longer that the daies are the more worke may we doo Euen so the nearer that the kingdome of heauen doth draw vnto vs by the comming of Iesus Christ especially by his ascention into heauen the more should we be heate in the loue of God and charity to our neighbours to bring forth the more fruit of holinesse and be the more addicted to all good workes 7 Like as it is commonly said that the Cat would fish eate but she would not her feete weate Or as Balaam wished that hee might die the death of the righteous and that his end might be like theirs but yet he would not obey the will
that they may immediately teach not seeking thereby to amend and make better themselues 2 As vessels that are to bee filled are bowed and made apt to receiue the liquor that is powred therein So ought a Learner to accommodate and applie himselfe that nothing of that which is profitably spoken doo scape him 3 Like as in meates one and the selfe same dish is diuersly set forth according to the inuention of the dresser and appetite of the eater Euen so in Learning one and the selfe same point is diuersly handled according to the discretion of the writer and capacitie of the reader 4 Like as choyse and good Wine looseth his verdure and strength if it bee put into a vile and vnpure vessell Right so a good word or sentence if it bee spoken of an euill man or Learning if it chaunce to a wicked man taketh none effect 5 As the Diamond enchased and set in Gold giueth a farre brighter glosse then if it were set in leade yron or other baser mettal Euen so the loue of godlinesse and vertue planted in a Learned mans breast bringeth forth farre greater and more excellent fruit then if an vnlearned man enioyed the same graces Lying of God and his truth most offensiue AS hee sinneth most grieuously which deceiueth trauelling men by shewing them a contrarie way Euen so much more hainously offendeth he that in matters of Religion doctrine and godlinesse doo bring men into errours through Lying because he doth therby as it were thrust them out of the kingdome of heauen Ezech. 13.6 8 10 19. Iere. 23.25 26 35. 14.14 Esay 9.15 16. 1. Cor. 15.15 Iam. 3.14 Lords Supper 1 LIke as in the person of Christ his manhood was seene on earth and his Godhead being not at all seene did notwithstanding great and wonderfull things without any chaunging or confounding of natures Euen so in the Lords supper we see the bread and Wine Christs body we see not which notwithstanding worketh in vs. 2 As the body of the Sunnes light aboue is in it selfe whole albeit it bee dispersed heare beneath So likewise Christ in heauen aboue is whole notwithstanding he suffereth vs in his supper each one to bee full partakers of his body and bloud when hee giueth himselfe vnto vs and yet without any diminition at all of himselfe when he offereth himselfe vnto vs which are weake without beeing inclosed in vs when he is receiued of vs and without any dishonour at all to his maiestie when he commeth into our small cottage and will haue our hearts to be his Temple and dwelling place 3 Like as the forbidden fruit which Adam and Eue did eate in the Garden of Eden by Sathans prouocation procured their death Euen so that heauenly Manna which Christ hath appointed for our spirituall foode in his supper dooth bring vnto the worthie receiuers thereof euerlasting life Gene. 2.17 4 As the sicke man the weaker hee knoweth himselfe to bee should so much the more earnestly desire meate both to receiue nourishment and to refresh his strength Euen so so farre off it ought to bee that our weaknesse should keepe vs from the receiuing the Lords supper that it ought rather to spurre vs forward to come vnto it that by it we might be strengthened in faith and repentance 5 As the word of God is all one whether it fall vppon the euill or vpon the good surely it is all one in the minds of the hearers So the Sacrament of the Lords body and bloud is all one whether it be receiued of the good or of the euill and as the Gospell in it selfe is the power of God to sauing it doth also saue but it is not al alike to the vnbeleeuing as it is to the beleeuing So the Sacrament is of it selfe the body of Christ but to the wicked which doo contemne it and to them which do receiue it vnworthily it is farre otherwise 6 As a mother hauing brought foorth her little one dooth not forsake it but nurseth and bringeth it vp So Christ hauing ordained Baptisme to bee as a seale and pledge of our spirituall new birth into his Church did institute the holy supper to the end that by participation in his body and bloud we might the more bee strengthned in this assurance that Christ is ours together with all his benefites and so feede our soules spiritually to life euerlasting 7 As a litle waxe powred vpon other waxe is made all one with it Euen so they that receiue the Sacrament of the Lords supper worthily abide in Christ and Christ in them 8 As the Child when he commeth to age is bound to honour his parents not onely for his begetting and bringing into this life but also because they haue fed and brought him vp and still do continue the same duties vnto him Euen so should it be with vs whome God hath as it were begotten into his Church through our Baptisme and to whome hee hath since in his holy supper ministred the foode of our soules in the Communion of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ for not onely our spirituall new birth by Baptisme but also the spirituall foode which that good Father giueth vnto vs in his holy supper doo binde vs to honour him yea and should thereto mightily induce vs considering that for foode of our soules hee hath deliuered his onely Sonne Iesus Christ to bee crucified for vs. 9 Like as if any man had a child so sicke that nothing coulde serue for his foode and recouerie but precious Pearles confected or preserued this child should be much bound to loue and honour his parents that for his reliefe had not grudged at such cost and expences Euen so wee shall deserue great reproofe of our heauenly Father who feedeth vs in his holy supper not with pearles but with the very flesh and bloud of his Sonne Iesus Christ in case wee should make no account to please him by amendment of life withall considering that as there is no comparison betweene pearles the body and bloud of Iesus Christ so the spirituall life of our soules is without comparison much more excellent then the life of our bodies 10 As meate and drinke ministred vnto the body doo maintaine the life motions and senses of the body So from the communion in the body and bloud of Iesus Christ which is the foode of the soule must proceed the spirituall and heauenly life cogitations affections words and deedes 11 As it were a straunge case if the body by eating and drinking should gather no sustenance and consequently want all motions sense and bodily operation So were it a monstrous matter that the soule communicating in the body and bloud of Iesus Christ should gather no spiritual foode that might bring foorth newnesse of life and holynesse in words and deeds 12 As the hololy supper is the table of Gods children the faithfull and members of the Church of Iesus Christ So the communicating thereat is a solemne protestation
doo the will of my Father saith Christ which is in heauen Euen so is it often said that a hood maketh not a Muncke neither rounding or powling neither yet a long Gowne or a square Cap or Tippet maketh a true Apostle or Minister but he is counted to bee the assured Minister of Christ which both is able and can by sound doctrine exhort and comfort the gaine-sayers thereof and also doth diligently goe before the people of God by good example of life and vertuous conuersation 48 As it is the dutie of Iudges which doo sit in iudgement as concerning matters of life and death to shut the one eare to the accuser and to reserue the other for him that is accused after the example of great Alexander So likewise it is the part of Ministers to be ready to make answere to euerie question of the Law of God for he that is ignorant in Gods Law he may assure himselfe that he can by no meanes be Gods Minister Mind 1 AS we vse not the troubled water vntill it bee cleared againe So must we not vse our Mind being moued and angrie but suffer it first to be pacified 2 As out of the vessell which is filled with liquor the ●yre is expelled So out of a Mind replenished with ver●ue and godlinesse all kind of vanities be voide Member of Christ falleth not finally AS a mans arme taken with the dead Palsie hangs by and receiues no heate life or sence from the rest of ●e Members or from the head yet for all this it remaines still vnited and coupled to the bodie ●nd may againe be recouered by plaisters and phisicke So after a greeuous fall the child of God that feeles no inward peace comfort but is smitten in conscience with the trembling of a spirituall Palsie for his offence neuerthelesse in deed remaines before God a member of Christ which shal be restored to his former estate after true and vnfained repentance Memorie AS the leaues of a booke which is sildom vsed wil cleaue fast together Euen so the Memorie waxeth dull if it be not oft quickned A Minde ruled by reason AS the ship which hath a strong ankor may safely stay in any hauen So likewise a man which hath his Mind ruled by reason will liue peaceably and quietly in any region of the world The Minde of man 1 AS Trees planted and set by the waters side seeme faire and pleasant adorned with store and varietie of fresh and greene leaues So likewise doth the Minde of man being garnished with godly knowledge moys●ned with the water of Gods diuine spirit flourish shine with the bright beames of vertue and spread abroad his boughes both of faith toward God and also yeeld foorth the fruite of Christian workes toward his neighbour Psal 1. 3. Esay 17.8 2 As the eye of the bodie although it behold all othe● things yet it cannot see either it selfe or some other part● of the bodie euen those which are nearest vnto it So it fareth with the Mind of man the eye of the soule it ranged ouer the whole worlde aboue the highest heauens an● beneath the bottom of the earth and yet it is a straunger 〈◊〉 home most ignorant of the owne estate 3 As we see in running Riuers that the force of the water is greatly diminished when as the currant thereof is turned into seuerall litle streames and that both the heate and light do loose much of their vertue when as they are dispearsed abroad into large and open places So likewise it happeneth to our Mindes when as they are applied vnto seuerall studies which sometimes are contrary one to the other so that we thinking through an ambitious desire to do many things in the end effect and bring to passe nothing as we should do 4 As Porke betokeneth vncleannesse from which we must abstaine and beasts did signifie that beastly affections should be killed So the Minde and will must be renued that it may allow chuse and do such things as please God 5 As the bodie being alwayes oppressed with labour looseth his strength and so perisheth So likewise doth the Minde of man oppressed with the cares and pleasures of this world loose all her force lust and desire that she had to the rest to come of eternall life and so dieth not onely the death of sinne but hasteth what she can to hate abhorre all vertue 6 As a ship hauing a sure Ankor may lye safe in any place So the Mind that is ruled by perfect reason is quiet euery where Merite or desert not to be looked for for well doing 1 LIke as if one say the Prince hath bestowed a great Office vpon such an honest man this betokeneth ●ot wherefore but vpon what maner of person the Prince ●estowed it Euen so in like maner if we say that God wil ●iue glory the kingdome of heauen and euerlasting life ●o them that walke vprightly this teacheth vs what maner of men the Lord will giue the inheritance vnto but not for what cause mouing him he will giue it vnto them Eze. 36.22 Math. 18.27 25.34 Luk. 17.7 9 10. Gal. 1.15 3.18 2 As he which is wicked and dooth wickedly hurteth himselfe and not God Or as hee that hath the health of his bodie and doth by good dyet keepe and preserue it dooth hee therefore deserue any reward at the Phisitions hands Verely no for he doth it not for the Phisitions profit but for his owne Euen so likewise he that by the gift of God hath obtained the health of his soule and by his grace doth the things that belong to the preseruation of the same shall we say that he dooth Merite or deserue any reward at Gods hand because that he is made such by his grace and gift and doth now through his helpe aide and assistance keepe the same grace for his onely profite and commoditie either by earnest beliefe or by vnfained loue or by assured hope or by well doing and patience in aduersitie and trouble c. 3 Like as if any man that hath a state or interest for terme of yeres and a taking of profit in a peece of ground by another mans liberall graunt doo also claime to himselfe the tytle of proprietie dooth hee not by such vnthankefulnesse deserue to loose the verie selfe possession which hee had Or like as if a bonde Slaue beeing made free of his Lorde doo hide the basenesse of the estate of a Libertine who is made free by maumission and not by byrth and boaste himselfe to bee a Free-man borne is hee not woorthie to bee brought backe into his former bondage Euen so althoug● good woorkes proceede from the grace of God ye● they doo please him and are not vnprofitable to the dooers of them but rather they receiue for rewarde the most large benefits of God not because they deserue but because the goodnesse of God hath of it selfe appointed this price vnto thē But what spitefulnesse is this
subiect to many cares anguishes and vexations Mercilesse Men. 1 AS beasts are not eaten vntill they be dead boyled or rosted Euen so Mercilesse Men whilst they liue will do no charitable deeds or workes of mercy to the poore vntil death hath thē in his pot ther boyle them after his maner only at their death in their last testament they wil perhaps leaue some Legacies to be giuen when they bee dead but death must be sure of thē before the pore be sure of a pennie It were better done by much to relieue the poore with their owne hands in their life time it is not amisse that they doo good then but it were better done before Ezech. 16.49 Prou. 14.31 19.17 21.13 Math. 5.7 2 As oftentimes yong children the more the Father doth cocker and dandle them the lesse they care for him and if he say vnto them I wil haue this or that done none so readie to bid him commaund and doo it himselfe as his owne children So it many times falleth out with vs God our heauenly Father hath blessed vs and blessed vs againe and yet when he saith I will haue you to be mercifull and pittifull to your needie brethren like stubburne children we sit still and stop our eares as if we heard not Math. 9.13 Prou. 11.17 Luk. 6.36 Mich. 6.8 No difference of Men after death AS Trees growing in the wood are knowne some by difference of their trunkes or bodies some by the properties of their boughes braunches leaues flowers and fruits but this knowledge is had of them whiles they stand grow are not consumed but if they be committed to the fire turned into ashes they cannot be known for it is vnpossible that when the ashes of diuers kindes of trees are mingled together the tall Pine-tree should bee discerned from the great and huge Oke or the mightie popler from a little lowe shrube or any one tree from an other Euen so Men whiles they liue in the wood of this world are knowne some by the stocke of ancestors some by the florishing leaues of their words eloquence some in the flowers of beautie some in the fruits of honestie many by their sauage ignorance and barbarousnesse and some by their mild lenitie and kindnesse but when death doth bring them into dust and hath mixed and mingled them al together then their ashes earth dust cannot be discerned or knowne for when the ashes and dust of all are mingled together then shall there appeare no difference betweene the mighty Princes of the world and the seely poore soules that are not accounted off of the learned and vnlearned betwixt rich men and beggers or betweene the wise and the foolish Man is borne to loue God 1 AS Birds of all sorts do desire the ayre fishes seeke for water and the fire of the earth mounteth flameth vp towards the Elementall fire and all things seeke their place and centre and doo tend towards the same Euen so we ought to seeke after our God who is our onely rest our centre and onely God 2 As flouds and ryuers with great force runne into the Sea because they came out of the Sea Euen so we ought to loue God to aspire towards him in al feruencie of loue to drawe neare vnto him who is that vnmeasurable Sea of all goodnesse from whence we came for hee hath made vs after his owne similitude likenesse Gene. 1.26 3 As we are bound to keepe the precepts commandements of God So are we most strickly bound to loue honour and obey himselfe 4 Euen as the Horse is ordained to runne the Oxe to plough and the Dogge to hunt So is Man borne aboue all things to loue God Masse AS an harlot who setteth her body to sale dooth paint her selfe to all lasciuiousnesse and vncleannesse doth scrout her selfe with rings Iewels and putteth on costly apparell therewithal to allure to her selfe companions whose substance she may wast away Euen so that whore of Babylon called the Masse commeth abroad set out as it ●ere with Gold and Iewels whilst shee doth vse certaine holie lessons and songs out of the word of God wherby she doth easily deceiue the ruder sort and the simple who deceiued with the outward shew do think her to be a very chast virgin who indeed is a most filthy harlot hurting her companions more then the vilest harlot that may be Vnlearned Ministers are not to be admitted vntill they be fit AS an Egle so long as her yong ones be not very fledge and throughly feathered she doth not suffer them to goe out of the neast and to flie abroad but after they be perfectly winged and in their beautie strength of their feathers she throweth them out of the nest that they may flie and exercise their wings and feathers and vse them to the end wherefore they haue them Euen so our Sauiour Christ that heauenly Eagle after his resurrection commaunded his Disciples to stay at Ierusalem as it were in a neast and not to depart thence vntill in the day of Pentecost he had filled them with the grace of the holy Ghost and then hee commaunded them that passing through the world and trauelling through diuers coastes of the earth they should publish abroad and spread farre and neare the Gospell of his kingdome Act. 1.4 2.2 3 4. Math. 28.19 The Misteries of Gods word are not to be opened to the wicked AS a Marchant that is expert and skilfull in his profession and facultie will not open nor shewe his rich● wares and costly marchandise vnto those whom he wel knoweth will not buy them which do come into his sho● or ware-house either as curious persons or as crafty spies and subtill searchers not with any purpose to buy bu● to doo some euill and calleth vnto him onely thos● whom hee knoweth to be verie willing and desirous to buy Euen so the Lorde his manner is not to open his heauenly Mysteries and the deepe secrets of his sacred and most holy word vnto them whom hee perceiueth and seeth plainly to seek after them vainly and curiously or with a wicked mind and corrupted purpose to search them out to the end they may tread and trample them vnder their feete and dooth call them onely to the true knowledge of his Lawes and ordinances and doth instruct and teach them whom he is sure will profit them selues and others thereby Matth. 7.6 12.38 39. Luk. 23.8 9. When Man in trouble seeketh for comfort from the world he seeketh for life in the house of death AS the blood in the body of a Man being corrupted with a poysoned Arrow dooth by and by flie to the heart euen seeking and hoping as it were to finde some remedie and helpe there and yet dooth euen so soone as it toucheth the hart find death wher it sought for life So Men when they are sore pressed with calamities do make the world their first refuge and
the roote be not fatted with new and fresh dung it will wax barren with feeblenesse Euen so no lesse needfull in Christes Church bee these three Officers to wit Magistrates Ministers and Labourers for it becommeth Magistrates not to suffer wronges and thefts oppressions and iniuries to be done and to maintaine Gods law and them that bee the Preachers thereof yea and to see the land kept from insurrection and inuasion of forraine enemies it also appertaineth to the Ministers and Preachers to labour faithfully to weede and cut away the voide braunches of sinne with the sword of Gods word and to Labourers it belongeth to worke and labour bodily and carefully to get out of the earth bodily sustenance both for themselues and others All these estates be so needful to the Church that none may well be without other fo● if Magistrates and men to gouerne the people by law● and wisedome should want then theeues and wicked liuers would so increase that no man could liue in peace and if Preachers should want then the people woul● wax wild in all vice and sinne through ignorance and f●● default of knowledge of Gods word and so perish eue●lastingly And if Labourers and Artificers should b● lacking in the Common-wealth then both Magistrat● and Ministers should become Husbandmen Laboure● and handle craftes men or else must die for want of nat●ral foode 2 Like as if there were but one Horse or one sheepe in the world yet if hee had Corne and grasse as nature and kind hath ordained for such a beast hee would liue well enough by himselfe without any helpe of other of the same kind But if ther were but one man in the world although he had all the good and wealth therein yet for want of other he would die or at least he would be worse then if he were not liuing Principles are necessarily to be knowne AS in a Pothecaries shop wher the knowledge of such things is set forth and professed it is a great shame if common and no lesse profitable simples should be vnknowne So in a Church or family of the faithfull where the knowledge of such matters is professed it is great shame if common and no lesse needful Principles should not be well and rightly vnderstood Persons of men in Christianitie not to be regarded AS Echium or Tipers Buglosse seede is like a Serpents head yet bringeth an wholesome hearbe and remedie against Serpents So a man vncomely may haue good graces and be an helpe to men against the wicked Prudence and prouidence in worldly affaires AS in times past it did suffise if men were not hurt or annoyed by brute and wilde beastes but afterwards ●en vse them for their gaine and commoditie as to bee ●ouered with their skins to feede on their flesh and to be ●ealed with their gall or inward parts So ought we not ●●ely to beware least our enemie doo hurt vs but also to 〈◊〉 him for our vtilitie and profit Princes and Magistrates are especially to eschue vices 1 AS the Eclips of the Sunne is the cause of death and destruction So is an errour or vice which is an Eclips of vertue in a Prince a great calamitie and a pernicious plague vnto the people and presageth the like fall in the apish immitating multitude 2 As the Hart when he can finde no pasture is poore and bare of flesh and void of strength when he is hunted and pursued Euen so are the Princes and Rulers of those countries which by the iust iudgement of God are oppressed and ouerrun with forraine nations Psal 42.1 3 As a great braunch cut from a tree bringeth downe a number of small ones with it Or as a great Prince commeth forth of his Pallace a multitude doo follow him Euen so do subiects ordinarily follow the example of their Prince and Magistrate whether good or bad for whatsoeuer he doth it seemeth that he commaundeth it Deut. 17. 16. c. Iosu 1. 8. 1. Sam. 2.30 4 Euen as from the Sap of a tree dooth proceed that strength wherwith the boughs do florish and bring forth fruit So from a godly Prince and magistrate such iustice vertue and godlinesse doo proceed that thereby all the people are mightily moued to true Religion aright worshipping of God due obedience and honestie of life and conuersation 5 Like as when in mans body the Hart dooth not impart vnto the members the vital spirits but the artiries are stopt shut vp and the bloud forsaketh the vaines it is a signe of death that the partie in this case is either alreadie dead or else he wil die shortly Euen so when kings Princes of the earth are tyranical towards their loyal subiects withdrawing from them pity mercy loue liberalitie it threatneth doth prognosticate the ruine of thei● kingdomes but through the mercy clemencie and loue of Princes their kingdomes doo mightily florish and the Princes themselues doo enioy great tranquilitie securitie and peace Prou. 20.20 Esc 10.3 6 Euen as among the pretie sweete Bees that Bee only which leadeth ruleth al the rest either hath no sting or at the least doth not vse it So clemencie and mercy agreeth with none more in all the world then with a Prince Prosperitie and wealth maketh not a man truely happie 1 AS children do much wonder and prayse those players which on the Scaffold be apparelled in pide and peeuish garments So fooles they be that wil deeme them happy who be loaden either with wealth or braue attire 2 Like as we see horses when they be much pampered to kicke to be fierce not to abide the rider Euē so Prosperitie maketh men drunken as it were bringeth them on sleepe and no maruaile for as the common saying is Fulnesse ingendreth fiercenesse Dan. 4.1 Psal 30.6 3 As a morning cloud that at the Sun rising vanisheth away Euen so shall the Prosperitie of the wicked be 4 As the Grasse on the house top which for lacke of roote withereth afore it can grow vp to bee mowen or to serue to any other good vse Euen so is also the florishing Prosperitie of such men Cities and landes as by manifold wickednesse prouoke Gods wrath and indignation against them Psal 37.1 2. 129.6 7. Esay 37.27 Preachers of the Law when need requireth are no disturbers of the peace of the Church AS the skilful Physition who giuing a sharp purgation to his surfitted patient which for a time doth disquiet all the parts of his bodie may truely bee accounted a distemperer of his patients health for euen as a purgation notwithstāding it maketh much rumbling in the patients bowels and seeme for a time to disease all the members yet afterwards procuring perfect health to his body cannot therefore in truth and in deed be called the disquietter thereof So surely those Ministers notwithstanding they minister some bitter purgation out of the word to such silly poore patients in Christ as haue surfeited long vpon some points of
and goeth into a straunge Countrie when hee commeth into a pleasant Towne where he meeteth merie companie and good companions peraduenture he spendeth away the time and tarrieth too long among them and so forgetteth his houshold and things at home but if one hard mischaunce after an other happen vnto him then he maketh the more haste home again to his wife children where he hath more rest quietnesse Euen so when these transitorie things as riches health beautie honour and dignitie happen vnto vs if we wil once gape vpon them and delight so much in them that we doo the lesse regard and esteeme the heauenly life then will God make the way rough crabbed vnto vs here in this life that we should not take and esteeme this transitorie life in this world for our right naturall Countrie towards the which wee take our iourney Psal 137.1 c. 2 As a man must somtimes spurre his Horse although he be a good and quicke Horse that so hee may goe and runne the faster and speedier Euen so we cannot goe forward in our vocation and calling so speedily nor so wel as we ought to do except we be prickt forward with sharpe spurres and scourges 3 Like as when the Maister striketh his slouthfull dull and sleepie seruant then he laboureth the more diligently and is more profitable vnto him Euen so we all for the most part of vs haue the nature of such slouthfull and sluggish seruants which will doo nothing well except we be driuen by compulsion and euen whipped and beaten vnto it 4 As those be euill seruants which will doo nothing vnlesse a man bee euer vppon their bones with a cudgell yea and then wil doo nothing well neither yet notwithstanding must a man neuer cease driuing and forcing of them vntil such time as they begin to amend and to serue willingly with a good hart Euen so although no compelled seruice that is violently wroong out of a man doth please God yet the continuall inuring and exercising in goodnesse may make it at length so pleasant and delectable vnto vs that we shall haue delight therein Troubles and aduersities is a furtherance to eternall life 1 LIke as the Corne is first threshed Fanned and rid from the Chaffe and then laide vp and reserued in the Garner Euen so godly Christians vpon earth are beaten mishandled euill intreated whereby they are purged and rid of many wild light maners and so are brought into the euerlasting Barne of the kingdome of heauen 2 As no man can triumph or be crowned except hee hath foughten and warred manfully which cannot bee without great daunger labour and trauel Euen so can no man attaine to the crowne of eternall life except he hath first suffered much Trouble sorrow aduersitie 1. Cor. 9.24 25. 2. Timo. 1. 8. 2. Timo. 4.7 8. 1. Pet. 5.1 Iam. 1.12 3 As the man that is sicke must receiue the purgation and medicine how sower or bitter so euer it be that hee may the sooner recouer his health againe and not die Euen so when we suffer the hand of God to rule and order vs being content and patient therewith although it smarteth and grieueth vs yet it shall profit and helpe vs to euerlasting health and soundnesse Math. 5.4 10. 7.13 14. Luk. 6.21 Ordinarie meanes to auoide Trouble are not to bee condemned or refused 1 LIke as a Shipmaister being vpon the water and foreseeing a tempest to bee at hand calleth vppon Gods ayde and helpe and yet for all that hee hath a sure eye to the sterne to rule that as hansomely and cunningly as he can Euen so in like manner of necessities and perils it is lawfull and men ought also to vse all manner of honest and conuenient meanes as Physicke and medicines in sicknesse labour and trauel with the sweate of our browes in pouertie the power and authoritie of the Magistrate in wrong iniurie debate and dissention battell array against the enemies of our Countrie and such like so that no man build nor trust in any manner of thing sauing in the very liuing God onely which can helpe deliuer and remedie all things without any middle or meane if there were none at all Act. 27.10 c. 2 As weake tender and diseased eyes are refreshed and quickned with greene and freshe pleasant colours Euen so cumbred and Troubled minds are wonderfully refreshed receiued and restored to strength through seemely honest and measurable myrth and pastime as by hearing of instruments of Musicke by walking abroad by altering and chaunging of the ayre and by going out of such places as bee obscure and darke into such as bee verie lightsome and especially for a man in his Trouble to visite his speciall friends or to bee visited of them God deliuereth from Trouble in due season LIke as God seeth the Trouble and affliction of his Church how it is vexed Euen so hath hee appointed a iust time how long hee will suffer the wicked to take their pleasure and how farre they shall goe and attempt and when that is expired no longer nor no further can they goe Iere. 25.1 vnto 15. 29.10 Psal 46.1 c. Math. 28.20 God helpeth and comforteth such as are in Trouble by his word and spirit 1 LIke as a Captaine in warre giueth his Souldiers that are vnder him a great courage by speaking manfully and comfortably vnto them Euen so God will haue his word dayly to bee published and proclaimed abroad to those that are in Trouble to the ende to encourage his Souldiers that fight vnder his banner Math. 18.20 2 As in Winter the trees although they seeme not only vnfruitfull but also vtterly dead yet the Sunne with his comming when the winter hath taken her leaue doth so mollifie resolue and warme both the earth it selfe and the trees that they bud out againe waxe greene bring foorth fruit Euen so when the faithfull are esteemed and seeme as though they were depriued and destitute of all helpe and as it were vtterly forsaken in time of Trouble yet dooth the heauenly spirit of God lighten warme and strengthen their hearts to all goodnesse God sometime mittigateth Troubles that wee may the more easily ouercome them 1 AS a Captaine giueth sometime his Souldiers libertie to take their rest ease and pastime that they may somewhat refreshe themselues and afterward fight the more manfully and freshly Euen so our spirituall Captaine graunteth ofttimes vnto his Children a certaine recreation ease and rest whereby they may refreshe and reuiue themselues that they may afterwarde handle themselues the more valiantly in their spirituall affaires 2 Like as a man of warre hath a lust and a courage to fight hauing diuers valiant seruants about him which will suffer him to take no wrong Euen so the holy Angels doo compasse about and defend vs that in all manner of Trouble and affliction wee are bolde and able to stand and continue it valiantly Psal 34.7 c.