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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00278 VVhether it be a mortall sinne to transgresse ciuil lawes which be the commaundementes of ciuill magistrates. The iudgement of Philip Melancton in his epitome of morall philosophie. The resolution of D. Hen. Bullinger, and D. Rod. Gualter, of D. Martin Bucer, and D. Peter Martyr, concernyng thapparrel of ministers, and other indifferent thinges. Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560. aut; Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575. aut; Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586. aut; Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. aut; Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. Briefe examination for the tyme, of a certaine declaration. aut 1570 (1570) STC 10391.5; ESTC S119567 38,613 108

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increased by the hearyng of the worde of God this hearyng is brought by the preachers of the Gospell Suche therefore let vs call for and that there maye be store of them let vs be earnest for reformation Let there be a visitation of the vniuersities whence many fit ministers for Churches maye be gotten Let vs neuer ceasse to crye out agaynst that Sacrilege that the fattest benefices are graunted to vnworthye men in respect of their worldly seruice that the parishes are so miserably vndone through papistical sleyghtes violence These these I say are certaynely papisticall factes agaynst these ought we chiefely to bende our force but to be stout and earnest against stones stockes vestures and such other thinges which of them selues neither bring gayne pleasure nor honour it is a very easie matter to the hearer and speaker especially those that be discharged from papisticall superstition for by the shaking of such thinges great mens stomakes are not offended But to remoue Churche robbers from the spoyles of Churches and to do all thinges possible to this ende and purpose that euery parishe may be prouided of conuenient ministers that Curates may haue sufficiēt for their sustentation to ayde them to the full restitution of Christes discipline This is a thing of great moment This is a harde thing to all them which are not able to say with saint Paul For Christe is to me life death is to me aduantage And againe God forbyd that I shoulde reioyce sauing in the crosse of our Lorde Iesus Christ wherin the world is crucified to me I to the world It pleaseth me right wel that al Antichristes irashe shoulde be remoued away as farre as might be I meane not only his ensignes and markes but all his steppes and shadowes in what thing soeuer they seeme to stand whether it be in stockes stones garmentes or whatsoeuer other thing els it be But let vs endeuour our selues to banishe first the body and substaunce of Antichrist and then after his ensignes steppes and shadowes The body and substaunce of Antichriste consisteth in the wycked destroyers and spoylers of Churches by whose meanes not only Christes discipline but also al the whole doctrine is oppressed and put out of place When I consyder these thinges againe looke backe as I ought to do towarde the preceptes of the Lorde and his examples I wyshe with al my hart that as many of vs as wyll be Christes folowers in deede that euen so we earnestly go about to restore hi● kyngdome as the Lord himselfe went abou● to begyn it that we seke it before all othe● thinges and let the preachers in all doctrin● and discipline instruct the people and be su●● who for our Lorde Christes sake the preachyng of the Gospel wyl be redy to leaue al that by these mens ministerie we bryng th● people to the kyngdome of Christ and let v● appoynt to euery flocke their owne faythfu● shephearde who may labour no lesse to cal● agayne the true notes and markes of Chri●stianitie as to abolishe vtterly the marke● notes of Antichristianitie which I would wishe so abolished that there remayned no● so much as the memorie of them in any mens heartes But seeyng that this thing can not be brought to passe vnlesse Christes kyngdome be fully receaued I woulde wishe that all we shoulde to that ende bestowe all our strength vnto the which worke for as much as we neede many workefelowes I would● wishe with all such as truely loue the Lord● Iesus that we set apart all dissention and ioyne in one perfect concorde to endeuour our selues to set vpon the cōmon aduersari●● We see now being taught by the experience o● so many yeres that the Lorde graunteth bu● to a few to depart from that sentence whiche they haue once fastened them selues in specially if they haue also contended for the same so that we shal be enforced either to dissolue christian Communion with many whom the Lorde hath receaued or els we must geue place one to another to the intent that eyther of them may rest in theyr owne iudgement though the other dissent It is a verye harde thyng in deede yea to most holy men to denye them selues and he is seldome founde among men whiche woulde not be content rather to yeelde in his patrimonie then in the opinions of his witte Nowe then wheras we see almyghtie God to beare this our infirmitie in vs so mercyfully fye on the hardnesse of our heartes yf the example of our Lorde God can not encline and mollifie our heartes to the like mercy and patience Wherefore I conclude that we ought to take great diligent heede fyrst that we take not vpon vs strayghtway to determine al questions as they ryse yea let vs sturre none at all which throughly tend not to the kingdome of Christ Let vs acknowledge the weakenesse of our witte and iudgement Let vs stand in feare of our naturall arrogancie and our peuishe selfewyll in our owne inuentions All thinges necessary to saluation are set forth vnto vs openly clearely and plenteously in the holy scriptures and in the studye and perfection thereof euery one of vs wanteth verye muche Let vs labour then to fulfyll and once to make vp our imperfection with godly studies Of al other matters let vs dispute most warel● let vs define most slowly or neuer let vs ch●tende at no tyme If at any tyme thorowe the craft of Satan our owne negligence variaunce shal ryse in these thynges let vs betyme leaue of from the same as soone as we can by whatsoeuer way we may or els let vs make some truise in them Seldom● is there any victory obtayned yea neuer holsome victory gotten Hereby most godly sir you see vndoubtedly what is best to be done both in this controuersie of vestures and also of the libertie of other ceremonies I had rather then much goodes this question had neuer ben moued but nowe seeyng it is moued I wyshe it to be geuen ouer and deferred to some other tymes These your two argumentes It is a peece of Aarons Priesthood and therfore contumelious toward Christ now exhibited ●●s then glorious when he was to be exhibited Secondarilye These are notes of Antichristianitie and therefore not to be vsed of men geuen to Christianitie These reasons I say conclude not in my iudgement that whiche you toke in hande For we borowe many thinges godlye from the orders of Aarons Priesthood to the glorye of Christ now exhibited So many things which the Antichristes haue made markes of theyr impietie may be tokens of the kyngdome of Christ as the signes of bread and wine the water of Baptisme the laying on of handes preachynges Churches Holydayes and many other thynges Also these places of Scripture are of a great scope The earth and the fulnes thereof is of the Lord not of the deuyll not of Antichrist not of the wycked And agayne The sonne of man is Lord of the
meditation vpō no other thin● but vpon the heauenly puritie bryghtness● and of the apparrelling of all good vertue● whiche be bothe set out and also be exhibit● to all true beleuers by the holy ministerie ● the Church and that both they and their mnisters woulde labour withall diligence ● attayne to that brightnesse and comlyness● that al at length may shine in the vestures ● righteousnes and saluation And it behoue● ministers to vse some garments not only ● couer and to defende their bodies but such as may also haue some signification an● may admonishe them of some thing Now therfore forasmuch as it is thoug● good to the Kinges Maiestie to the chie● councell of the Realme to reteyne the vse o● these vestures for this present they ought to chaunge the wicked abuse of the papistes i● these good creatures of God in them selues to some godly vse both to the glory of God and to the honour of the Kynges Maiestie ● so openly to declare that all thinges to hol● and good men are holy and pure And tha● they be truely sanctified by the worde pra●er so that neither deuyll nor man can defy● any creature of God but that godly me● may vse them godly to the glorye of God yea euen for some vse of signification not only in the fruition of their naturall effectes For all creatures may admonishe vs many wayes to consider the creatour both of them and of our selfe and of our gratitude toward hym beside the consyderation of his large liberalitie in respect of their natural effects And to these admonitions they maye and ●ught publiquely be vsed Whiche sentence of myne I myght iustifie with diuers Scriptures besides the example of the Apostles whiche dyd so long vse Moyses ceremonies without any impietie As concerning the second question this is my sentēce gathered as I beleue out of holy Scripture They which do say that it is not lawfull to vse the apparrell that is in question in any maner yea in that maner which I haue described I say that they be at the least in errour for that they denie al thinges to be holy to them that be sanctified The same do I affirme of suche which for the same cause wil not weare those vestures forasmuch as the vse of them is receaued neither vpon superstitious or lyght cause but by the publique lawe of the Realme and by the consent of the Churches In dede the vse of these vestures maye be forced by suche superstition to pleasure the Romane or any ●ther Antichrist as it is nowe in Germani● that it can not be godly admitted of the go●ly ministers of Christe For I muste need● say that they take frō the godly Magistrate their due honour which doth deny that the iudgement ought to be folowed in these ma●ters Rom. 14. for that they do declare the v● of these garments to be obserued of that co●sideration which I haue a litle before descr●bed I trust your moste Reuerende fatherhoo● wyl beare al these things wel in worth F● to answere to briefly to grossely I though● it a great offēce especially for that I see wit● what art Satan doth resist lest that at once the whole religion of Christe shoulde be restored amongst vs as were necessarie as all godly Kynges hath done their diligent labour according to Gods preceptes and examples whiche he hath declared by Moyses ▪ and Christe his sonne whyles Satan goeth about to stirre vp so many pernitious contentions of all the circumstaunces of our religiō aswel in doctrine as rites For surely except that we remoue so horrible and manyfest sacrileges and dishonoringes of God wherby the whole kingdome of the sonne o● God may be receaued and we lowly submit ●ur neckes to his good yoke O howe intollerable wrath of god shal be kindled agaynst this Realme The Scriptures be full of such ●xamples as he doth nowe shewe most terrible vnto Germanie Our Lord Iesus Christ ●ssist the Kinges Maiestie with his holy spi●ite and be present with you the head fa●hers of the Churches al the nobles of this Realme that ye may both knowledge and embrace duetifully in time the dayes of your holesome visitation and all other such thinges in the whiche only standes the peace and health of this Realme God preserue your fatherhood At Cambridge this tenth of December To M. Martin Bucer doctour in Diuinitie most worthy his reader and maister most reuerende GRace and peace from the Lorde c. For what cause I am now in trouble moste Reuerende ye shal vnderstand it by this messenger in writyng I praye you that you would vouchsafe ones to geue it the reading ●nd yf that ye shall espye any errour therein I desyre you to signifie it vnto me by your ●etters If anye thyng hath ben vttered to ●arkly with fewer wordes then the cause requireth I pray you that you woulde set it out in the margent with more light and ap●er wordes If ye see the cause iust and meete ●or a godly minister subscribe therevnto in ●he ende I hartily pray you I sende you also ●hat I haue written before three yeres ago ●pon the .x. preceptes that your worthynesse ●ay knowe what my iudgement is in the cause of diuorse I praye you vouchsafe t● reade it that if I haue erred in this parte ●● humane ouersight I maye be aduertised your learning and fatherly admonition an● that I may refourme the same I pray you● fatherhood therefore and I doubt not but ● shall sone obtayne that you would helpe t●● Church in her conflict by the great and m●● notable giftes of god vndoubtedly bestow●● vpon you I require the same of M. docto● Martyr to whom after your sentence a●● prudent iudgement is knowen this m●●senger whiche I sende shall repayre T●● Lorde Iesus long preserue your worthyne●● At London the .xvij. of October 1550. Yours in heart an● prayer all whole Iohn Hoper To the Reuerende and learned father Iohn Hoper Byshop his good Lorde Grace and peace through Iesus Christ our Lorde RYght Reuerende and in Iesus Christ most dearely beloued I had purposed to aunswere before this tyme vnto the letters whiche of late I receaued from you but I was so let with wayghtie and sundry busi●esse that I coulde not before nowe accom●lishe eyther myne owne will or your expec●atiō in this behalfe wherfore I besech you ●ccordyng to your accustomable gentlenesse ●nd wysedome to take in good part this my delay What ye haue written of the controuersie whiche is risen betwene you and the ●ight reuerende Lorde B. of London as tou●hing the apparrell of ministers I haue both ●ead it as your request was also consyder ●t as attentiuely as I coulde for the shortnes ●f the time I say shortnesse of time because I ●ould not retayne with me your writing but only one night For the messenger who ●uered it vnto me set foorth the next day ea● in the mornyng towarde Cambridge w●ther ye wylled me