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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B00565 The meane in mourning. A sermon preached at Saint Maryes Spittle in London on Tuesday in Easter weeke. 1595. / By Thomas Playfere Doctor of Diuinitie. Playfere, Thomas, 1561?-1609. 1596 (1596) STC 20015; ESTC S94747 56,543 134

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my death but weep much for your owne life VVEEP NOT FOR ME BVT VVEEP FOR YOVR SELVES Wherfore holy brethren if wee haue any teares nowe let vs shed them if we haue any psalmes now let vs sing them The whole gospel is nothing els but ioyfull newes the sum wherof is comprised in that Euangelicall Angelicall message to the shepherds I bring you glad tidings of great ioy which shal bee to all people But then Christ was borne in his mothers armes Now he holdeth vp the Angels that they fall not and lifteth vp men which are fallen with his owne armes stretched out vpō the crosse This Crosse is his kingdome that he carrieth vpon his shoulder (p) Esa cap. 9. ver 6. which is a greater glory and credit to Christ then was the creation of the whole world (q) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Oecume in cap. 2. ad Heb. For if God had created a thousand worlds man had defaced them euery one with his sin But to saue if it be but one poore soule and to redeeme it from the pit of hell this indeede is the omnipotent power of the crosse of Christ Sweet sauiour I humbly imbrace and kisse the woundes of thy handes and feet I esteeme more of thine hysope thy reede thy spunge thy speare then of any princely diadem I boast my selfe am more proud of thy thornes and nailes then of all pearles and iewels I account thy crosse more splendent and glorious then any royall crowne tush what talke I of a crowne then the very golden sun beames in their greatest beauty and brightnes This is that triumph wherby Christ caused vs to triumph in himselfe and to bee more then conquerours (r) 2 Corin. cap. 2. ver 4. when as the goodnes the sweetnes of Christ did triumph ouer all impiety and malice ſ Cum de impietate malitia suauitas piet asque tryumphauit Cypr. And therfore if the women mette Dauid playing and singing Saule hath slaine his thousand but Dauid his ten thousand howe much more then ought all the sonnes and daughters of Ierusalem all christian men and women to meete Christ playing vpon the harpe and singing that newe song to the lamb with the foure and twenty elders Thou art worthy to receiue glory and honor and power because thou wast killed yet thou hast killed and slaine not only a thousand or ten thousand but euen all thine and our enemies and hast redeemed vs thy friends to God by thy bloud There is a time to weepe and a time to laugh a time to mourne and a time to daunce (t) Ecclesiastes 3. ver 4. Why art thou then so heauy O my soule and why art thou so disquieted within me What man Plucke vp a good heart trust in God thinke vpon the honorable passion and gladsome resurrection of Christ And then though thou wert neuer so much afflicted yet euen in the fiery furnace of affliction reioyce with ioy vnspeakeable and glorious Daunce now not as Herodias did but as Dauid did Leap vp in affection as high as heauen Where thou shalt heare one rapt vp to the third heauen saying to himselfe God forbid that I shoulde reioyce reioyce in any thinge but in the crosse of Christ and to vs Reioyce in the Lord alwaies and againe I say reioyce And againe and againe I say reioyce and reioyce alwaies in the Lord. Especially at this time For if when the matter was in doubt no man almost knewe to what passe these troubles would sort in the end and very fewe in the church no not the Apostles but only the virgin Mary did vnderstand beleeue the resurrection of Christ yet then our Sauiour sayd VVEEP NOT FOR ME how much more now ought wee not to weepe but to reioyce seeing our Lord hath so mightely declared himselfe to be the sonne of God (u) Rom. 1.4 by raising vp his owne selfe from the dead And if wee might not weep when Iacob went ouer Iordan with nothing but his staffe in his hand (x) Gen. 32.10 then much more nowe ought wee to lift vp our hearts in great ioy to God and say O Lord we are not worthy of the least of all thy mercyes for our ●●●essed redeemer went ouer Iordan with nothing but his crosse which is 〈◊〉 Iacobs staffe (o) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Damascen l 4. cap. 88. vpon his shoulder but now hee is returned again with two greate troupes O what a great troupe what a goodly flock is here wee with all the militant church are one flocke of Christ And the other ftock is the triūphant church in heauen With whom we must continually reioyce for the victory and the saluation which Christ hath shewed ●s this day For though on good friday towards euening the sky was red all o●er coloured distained with the bloud of Christ (y) Mat. 16.2 yet laudes be to our Lord O praysed bee God that was a good signe this day it is fayre weather The winter is nowe past the raine is chaunged and gone the flowers appeare in the earth the time of the singing of birdes is come and the voice of the Turtle is heard in our land (z) Cant. 2.11 And what saies the Turtle Euen as it is here VVEEP NOT FOR MEE VVEEP NOT FOR ME BVT VVEEP FOR YOVR SELVES BVT VVEEP FOR YOVR SELVES Pindarus reporteth there was an opiniō of the city of Rhodes that golde rained downe vpon it (a) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ode 7. If euer gold did raine downe from heauen vpon any city I thinke it is rather this city then Rhodes Not only for aboundance of gold and worldly riches wherewith it is replenished but also much more for infinit spirituall gifts and golden graces of God O London London excellent excellent thinges are spoken of thee O thou city of God! It is spoken of thee that thou employest a great part of thy wealth to the reliefe of poore orphanes of poore souldiers of poore schollers It is spoken of thee that thou doest reuerence religion loue the trueth more then any part of this realme doth besides It is spoken of thee that none are more obedient none more readie then thou art both with bodie goods to defend the state It is spoken of thee that thou art so famous in all foraine countries that as Athēs was called the Greece of Greece (b) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Athenaeus lib. 1. so London is called the England of England And wee may almost as well say that al England is in London as that all London is in England These are excellent things I assure you beloued excellent things indeede Wherefore wee which haue receiued so many singular graces of God should aboue al other be thankfull for them And not only one or some few but euen al of vs should bring forth good fruites answerable to such great mercies Well would to God it were so But certainly
it is not so Certainly all amōg vs all are not pure corne there are many tares all are not good fishes there are many bad all are not wise virgins there are many foolish all are not sheep there are many goates Yet to ●●ueigh particularly against the sins of this citie which shuld make vs weep for our selues I thinke it not greatly conuenient at this time Only I beseech you that we may trie and examine our selues that wee may enter into our owne consciences euery one of vs humbly bowing the knees of his heart and saying in this sort O Lord Iesus how haue I bestowed all those talents of gold which thou hast giuen mee how haue I requited thee for all thy kindnes towards me what hath my whole life been els but a continuall warring against thee what hath it been els but a daily renewing of all thy bloudie torments and of thy whole passion Ah vile wretch that I am how oftē haue I like Iudas himselfe betrayed thee and sold thee for a little worldly pleasure or for a little luker and gaine how often haue I bound thy hands and euen most despitefully spit in thy face by refusing those gifts which thou wouldest haue giuen me and by killing the comforts of thy Spirit Woe is me alacke for pitie I am that cursed Cain which haue murdered innocent Abel my brother whose bloud doth now cry out for vengeance against me because that bloud by my sinnes onely is polluted by which the sinnes of all the world besides are purged For this will I weepe day and night yea though I had as many eyes in my head as there are starres in the skye yet I would weepe them out euery one (c) In sontem frontem atque in flumina lumina vertam to thinke that I should bee such an vnworthie wretch as by my sinnes to crucifie Christ so often and to put him to so many deaths who hath been vnto me so kinde and so louing a Lord. O deare Abell deare Abell O my good brethren that I could possibly deuise what to say or what to doe to obtaine thus much of you or rather of God for you that you would weepe though it were neuer so little for your sinnes But alas I can doe no more now but commit and commend all that hath been spoken to the effectuall working of the holy Ghost in you and to the faithfull obedience of your good hearts to God Blessed bee God I am yet very much reuiued being otherwise almost quite spent with speaking so long when I look about me and beholde euery one that is present For I see no place in this great auditory where there are not very many readie to weep the water standing in their eyes some alreadie weeping right-out in true remorse and sorrow for their sinnes You make me remēber that which we reade in the booke of Iudges when the Angel of the Lord found fault with the Israelites for their disobedience they lifted vp their voyces and wept and called the name of that place Bochim and offered vp sacrifices there vnto the Lord (d) Iudg. 2.5 This place also may bee now called Bochim that is the place of weeping wherein you haue offered vp as many sacrifices to the Lord as you haue shead teares for your selues O what an acceptable sacrifice to God is this your sorrowful spirit I warrant you you shall neuer repent you of this repentance you shall neuer be sorrie for this sorrowe This sorrowfull spirit of yours makes God haue a ioyfull spirit and greatly pleases and delights the holy Ghost Wherefore now that we haue once made the good spirit of God reioyce and take pleasure in vs let vs not in any case hereafter let vs not hereafter grieue the same spirit of God whereby wee are now sealed vp to the day of redemption The holy Ghost is grieued when we are not grieued but if we bee thus grieued for our sinnes then is the holy Ghost delighted Yea such griefe and sorrow will not onely bee to the holy Ghost a great pleasure and delight but also it wil be to vs the very seed or the interest and loane of euerlasting life (e) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bas Hom. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 144. For look how a father pitieth his owne childe and if he see him crye doth what he can to still him and takes out his handkercher and wipes the infants eyes himselfe after the same fashion God our heauenly father will with his owne holy finger wipe away all teares from our eyes and take vs most louingly by the hand and lead vs out of the house of mourning into the house of mirth Then though wee haue sowne in teares yet wee shall reape in ioy f Tum breuibus lachrymis gaudia long a metam Paulinus Yea though wee haue sowne but a very few teares which God hath in a small bottle yet we shall reape all the infinite ioyes which God hath in heauen Then though wee haue wanted wine a little while yet in the ende Christ shall turne all our water into wine all our sadnes into gladnes all our musing into musicke al our sighing into singing Then though wee haue been a long time married to weeping blear-eyd Leah yet at length wee shall enioy the loue of cheerfull beautifull Rachell Then shall Abraham that good mower bind vs vp into sheaues as pure corne and fill his bosome full with vs and carrie vs into the Lords barne to make a ioyfull haruest in heauen Then shall wee with the wise virgins hauing store of teares in our eyes which are as oyle in our lampes go out of this vale of teares which floweth with woe weeping enter into the celestiall Canaan which floweth with milke and honey Then shall Christ say vnto vs not as it is here VVEEP NOT FOR ME BVT VVEEP FOR YOVR SELVES but hee shall saye Weepe not for me and weepe not for your selues For that which would be too much ioy in this life shall not be ioy enough in the life to come Therefore he shall not only say vnto vs Weepe not for mee and weepe not for your selues but he shall also say Reioyce for mee and reioyce for your selues Reioyce for mee because I was once lower then the Angels but now I am crowned with honour and glorie and reioyce for your selues because you were once as sheepe going astray but now you are returned to the shepheard and bishop of your soules Reioyce for me because I am your brother Ioseph whom once you solde into Egypt but now all power is giuen me in heauen in earth and reioyce for your selues because you are the true children of Israel which once dwelt in a land of famine but now you are brought by triumphāt fierie chariots into the land of Goshen which is the kingdome of glorie To the which kingdome of glorie and ioy of all hands ioy for Christ ioy for our selues we beseech thee O good Lord to bring vs after the miserie of this wofull and wretched world not for our owne deserts or merits but for the most glorious passion and most ioyfull resurrection of Iesus Christ to whom with the Father the holy Ghost bee all honour and glorie power praise dignitie and dominion now and euermore Amen