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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A89273 Fornication condemned, in a double sentence, commending marriage, condemning whoredom [brace] in all, or, A brief consideration of Heb. 13. 4 Moore, Thomas, Junior. 1667 (1667) Wing M2601A; ESTC R42315 77,906 108

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other he shall have no want for it shall be in him a well of living water springing up to his refreshing and satisfaction at all times even to eternal life Joh. 4. 14. Hear O Israel what I testifie unto thee And there shall be no strange god in thee neither shalt thou worship any strange god open thy mouth wide and I will fill it Psal 81. They onely that are redeemed from the earth and so have their conversation in Heaven from whence they look for the Saviour c. These are they that are not defiled with women for they are virgins chaste to the Lamb who dwells with them and leads them to living fountains of water that they hunger not nor thirst after other refreshings nor are taken with the appearing beauty and contentments of other women any harlot-Churches or Societies nor with the golden cup in the hand of the whore See Revel 14. 3 4. with Isai 49. 10. Revel 7. 15 16 17. And this leads to another instruction implyed in all the former 5. That it is a shameful and dishonourable thing and of bitter and dangerous consequence to neglect and despise the gracious tenders of this blessed Match to refuse this marriage not to be willing in the day of his power to be joyned to the Lord seeing without it we are yet in our sins and under the power of darkness and Satan and can have no inheritance in the riches and Kingdom of Christ and of God nor can do any thing or bring forth any fruit that may be acceptable in his sight or remain upon our account to any praise from him but remain under wrath and lye open to the power of all evil snares and temptations and cannot escape the damnation of Hell therefore to defer and still to linger or look back and not so to receive the love of the truth as to save and redeem us from the earth not onely because that onely the present day is ours but also especially the last times into which we are fallen are perillous and still dwelling upon the earth we lye open to such snares as in which if once taken we shall hardly recover the wicked shall be holden with the cords of his sins It is an heavy wo and judgement denounced upon all the dwellers on the earth in these last days they shall worship or wonder after the Beast the Antichristian Beast they shall be so taken with the appearing glory of his Kingdom or things thereof as either to receive his mark in their hand or fore-head or else to strive after and glory in the attainment of some like glory in visibility outward power dignity order observations or like things or else shall make him their dread they shall not escape the pollution of women or of the man of sin For fear and the pit and the snare are upon the inhabitant of the earth and he that escapeth the one shall fall into the other yea the great day of the Lord hasteth greatly and that will be as a snare upon all that dwell upon the face of the earth by which they shall be taken and holden for ever under the wrath of God which shall be poured out without mixture and they shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoak of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever And they have no rest day nor night who worship the beast and his image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name Revel 13. 8. 17. 8. with chap. 8. 13. 14. 9 10 11. with Isai 24. 17. Luk. 21. 35. Knowing therefore the terrour of the Lord we cannot but perswade men be ye reconciled to God receive not this grace in and through which it is tendred in vain 3. That which remains of what we propounded to be considered in this point of usefulness is such instructions as are resembled by the comely or honourable behaviour in marriage or in the things pertaining to it As to say 1. In seeking or wooing a wife c. 1. As in earthly marriage the man is the first seeker and wooer so it is here the Lord Jesus Christ by his Spirit and in the Name of the Father is the first Seeker and Wooer he first seeks us and prevents every man with his goodness calling and graciously moving to repentance before any man regard him or incline the ear to come to him for who hath first given to him or enquired after him he finds them all walking after the vanity of their minde labouring for that which is not bread and spending their strength for that which will not satisfie and graciously cries after them Ho every one that thirsteth come to the waters and he that hath no mony come ye buy wine and milk without money and without price c. Rom. 11. 35. with Isai 55. 1 7. I am sought saith he of them that have not asked for me that is that have not first so much as asked for me or inquired at all after me till I first sought them yea I am found of them that sought m● not I said Behold me behold me unto a nation that was not called by my name All the day long I spread out my hands unto a rebellious people that walk in a way not good c. Isai 65. 1 2. He speaks once and twice while yet man perceives it not or will take no notice of it yet he waits that he may be gracious For he was sent to seek and to save that which was lost and therefore also he sends his servants his Ambassadors to woo and beseech for him praying their acceptance as a kindness to their Lord and himself in and with them cryeth yea he standeth at the doors that are still kept shut against him and knocks declaring it is that which he will accept as a kindness from them to him as we have before noted and it 's worthy to be considered if they will open to him incline the ear and come in his gracious calls and drawings Luk. 19. 10. 2 Cor. 5. 18 19 20. with Prov. 9. 3 4 5. Matth. 22. 1-10 Revel 3. 20. This is such infinite grace and condescention for him that is the Lord of glory and heir of all things so honourably to treat such poor miserable and vile wretches that have nothing but sins to forgive and diseases to heal and while they are yet enemies so to prevent them and follow them and to indure so many repulses and still to wait that he may be gracious as it is wonderful to behold and shews such meekness and lowliness of heart as renders him a fit teacher and leader for such as we are and may incourage any vile sinful wretch to open to him while yet he stands without and knocks surely this is not after the manner of men for though the man be the first seeker and wooer yet he proposes some help and advantage
such married persons as believe and know the truth not to dwell together with their relations as persons of knowledge in the ●ight and instructions of the truth known by them and so the wife being in subjection to her own husband as it is fit in Lord therein also cheerfully submitting to and bearing that fruit of sin remaining upon her in this married condition for the Lord's sake and that with thankfulness to him that hath turned our water into wine our curses into blessings into sanctified instruments of good that so if any obey not the Word yet they also may be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold their chaste conversation coupled with fear c. And the husband giving honour to the wife as unto the weaker vessel so tendring and cheririshing And she being also a believer in Christ with him giving honour to her also as an heir together with him of the grace of life that is in Christ Jesus An heir of the same inheritance and having the same title and on the same account for in Christ Jesus is neither male nor female but ye are all one in him all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus for as many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ and as such the Grace known leads to give honour to her a peculiar kinde of honour in the Lord together with that in the flesh forementioned As likewise it teacheth husbands to love their wives as Christ loved his Church and gave himself for it that he might wash and sanctifie it c. and not to be bitter against them 1 Pet. 3. 1-7 with Eph. 5. 22-25 with Col. 3. 22 c. I shall not inlarge this discourse by further explication of these particular instructions and commandments given by the Lord Jesus unto believers onely say in general that it is shameful and dishonourable in them not to be found so demeaning themselves in the light of the Lord in which they have known and may further know these things and the blessing met with in doing them And be that knows his masters will and doth it not shall be beaten with many stripes I might also here fitly place the discovery of another abuse of marriage and dishonourable demeanour in it which is found in another extream namely that of excess and insobriety or intemperance and inordinate affection for in all these things there is excess and then doth a man or woman exceed when their affection to and rejoycing in the present and worldly or natural injoyment of one another and use of the comforts refreshings and contentments of this life are not kept under and in subordination and subserviency to their love to him and glorifying his name by whom they have any comfortable enjoyment of those things and to the promoting the things of his Kingdom in them and by them Much more then when in stead of letting the moderation of our minde be known unto all men we love father mother wife or children more then Christ and that appears when we prefer their love and the injoyment of them before his love and injoyment of him and fellowship with him and the pleasing them before the pleasing and glorifying him and when we suffer ourselves to be swallowed up of and carried away after the delights pleasures and contentments of this life as in the injoyment of one another or in any creature-contentments And surfeit or fill ourselves with them that the heart is over-charged and the body unfitted for seeking or serving him or receiving and drinking in from him in the things of his Kingdom Or also so set our mindes and affections upon them that we cannot freely part with them for his sake or yeild them up to be at his dispose This great instruction contained in the first branch of this Text namely that Marriage is honourable in all considering how and by what means it becomes so and to what great end it is so made Teacheth us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for the blessed hope c. Tit. 2. 11 12 13. And so in this particular that we should every of us learn to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour and not in the lusts of concupiscence as others that know not God but so as devoted and consecrated vessels to the use and honour of him by whom all things which by sin were polluted and filled with shame are made clean and honourable to us 1 Thess 4. 3-5 And so not onely in this but in all things this instruction as well admonisheth to a sober and comely use of every creature not to live to ourselves our own lusts or the lusts of men in the injoyment and use of them but to him that dyed for us and rose again as remembring and considering that we could have had no mercy in meat drink cloaths or in any thing pertaining to this life but by the sacrifice of the Son of God made perfect through his personal sufferings by which peace was made nor any continuance of it after iniquities and abuses of grace committed by us but by his intercession who is our peace which clearly shews wonderful goodness and a gracious and glorious end of the Almighty towards us therein All which powerfully instructs us to aim at that as our great end in all our use of them that God in all things may be glorified and the things of his kingdom promoted 1 Cor. 10. 31 32. 2 Cor. 5. 15. with 1 Pet. 4. 1 2. But for this I refer the Reader to what is spoken afterwards more largely of sobriety in teaching in temptation 4. In the last place This whole consideration may be of further usefulness unto us to instruct and teach us by and upon occasion of earthly Marriages and in our seeking enjoyment and use of them and behaviour in them to be exercised in minding and considering the heavenly as in a resemblance and similitude appointed of God to that purpose That being in the first consideration of it the bottom ground and reason of this being clean and honourable to us and in the second and third considerations of it the end of this and all other creature-enjoyments being made so to us is first and chiefly to be looked to and minded by us in the beginning and whole proceed of our conversation for wisdom counsel and strength to order it aright and to be aimed at as the end of our conversation in all things For some helpfulness therefore herein I shall here put to minde some Instructions concerning that heavenly and spiritual Marriage especially as in the second Consideration of it which is that chiefly resembled by the earthly Marriage as they are set before us in this whole Consideration of the earthly Marriage which is honourable in all as by way of resemblance or similitude The Instructions I shall mention may be ranked under three Heads They are
for the promoting the things of his kingdom and not for our own ends and pleasure aiming at him as the great end of all our conversation that he may be known and glorified in us and by us in that which he hath done and is become for men in himself and in that which he is doing and will do and also in the returning or bringing and offering to him all the fruit we have brought forth by him and for him even the children or seed after the Spirit for they are his I have espoused you says the Apostle to one husband that I might present you as a chaste virgin to Christ My joy therefore says John the Baptist is fulfilled when the Bridegroom hath the Bride this is that elsewhere called the offering up of the Gentiles and so seeking to build nourish and bring them up into him in all things and for him and so also our children after the flesh And truely as a wife treacherously departs from her husband so do such as have been espoused to this one husband treacherously depart and go a whoring from him when 1. They either are ashamed of his name or count it not glory enough to be known and called by it but seek to magnifie or to be known and distinguished by their own name or the name of some other person or thing besides or together with his name or do receive and are marked with some other name either in the hand as actors in it maintainers and defenders of it or in the fore-head to confess and shew it forth before men Or 2. When though in some sence they would be called by his name to take away their reproach yet they will ear their own bread and wear their own apparel rest not satisfied in his being sent into the world dying for our sins and rising for our justification according to the Scriptures as a sufficient signe witness and revelation of himself what he is for us and to us and so of the Father but seek after some other signe as those Matth. 12. 38 39. 1 Cor. 1. 22-24 An evil and adulterous geneneration saith our Saviour seeketh after a signe and there shall no signe be given unto it but the signe of the Prophet Jonas for as Jonas was three dayes and three nights in the Whales belly so shall the Son of man be three dayes and three nights in the heart of the earth nor are contented to be found in and cloathed with his righteousness onely but seek after some other righteousness or work to commend them to God and to rejoyce in before him and so go about to perfect by the flesh that rejoycing consolation and confidence that holiness and those works that were begun by the Spirit in the preaching of the Cross of Christ as the Galatians see the whole Epistle to them and of the Corinths the Apostle had jealousie left they should be corrupted from the simplicity of Christ in like manner 3. When they own and acknowledge any other Lord or Master of their faith Father of their spirits chief Bishop and Shepherd of their souls and desire to come into bondage in their mindes and consciences to any other name power or ordinance of man and have their fear toward God taught or determined by the doctrines and precepts of men See Isai 29. 13. with Matth. 15. 2-9 23. 8-10 with 2 Cor. 1. 24. 1 Pet. 5. 3. And whoever of them following such a lust or desire of preheminence as was sometime found in the Disciples Matth. 18. 1. with Mark 9. 34. Matth. 20. 21 c. and approved and followed by Diotrephes 3 John 9. do assume any such Lordship over Gods Heritage as having dominion over their faith or power to binde and loose the conscience or sit as Lord and Judge there by vertue of whatever work place or office in the Church they assume it to themselves they therein commit such treachery and spiritual fornication as is resembled by a mans having his fathers wife which the Apostle mentions as such abominable fornication as was not so much as named among the Gentiles 4. When they go in unto and seek fellowship with other lovers whether things or persons to make them fruitful or that their fruit may be the more fair and beautiful in appearance or be the end or pretence what it will as to say when they acquaint themselves and have fellowship with Philosophy the wisdom from beneath or love of being wise in a mans self and vain deceit that artificial science knowledge or way of knowing demonstrating and expressing things which in respect of these things is falsly so called when I say they seek to and have fellowship with these for understanding finding out and demonstrating the great things of God in Christ Jesus which belong to their own and others peace as not satisfied with the simplicity of Christ in his Testimony or with that plain preaching of the cross which is foolishness with men or not there singly to stay and wait for the evidence and demonstration of his Spirit for opening our understandings and leading us into all truth and there to wait for the hope of his righteousness by faith in the perfecting what concerns us and making us fruitful but lusting after and doting on some other wisdom and strength with it which in stead of rendring us more excellent and fruitful indeed and in truth makes the preaching of the cross by us without effect and onely tends to espouse to ourselves or beget a faith resting on the wisdom and power of man See 1 Cor. 1. 17 18 c. 2. 1 5 c. with Col. 2. 8. 1 Tim. 6. 20. Or when they go out from him to other Societies where he seeds not nor makes his flock to rest at noon as seeking to gather grapes of thorns or figgs of thistles or as wondring after something of the Kingdom and glory of the beast or of his whore there and seeking to learn how to adde something like it unto what is of the Spirit in and among those that call on his name in truth that they may have something also to glory of in appearance and grow more comely glorious and fruitful that way But indeed it defiles and makes barren and desolate of true glory and fruit See Cant. 1. 7. Matth. 7. 15 16. Revel 3. 2 4. with chap. 14. 4. 5. When they give their loves to another as in those things peculiarly pertaining to their onely Lord and Husband as to say when they yeild up their mindes and members to the service of sin in any of the unclean and filthy lusts of the flesh or in covetousness which is idolatry they herein defile his Temple which he hath double bought with such a price as aforesaid and so there is treachery and spiritual fornication against the Lord even in this uncleanness and filthiness of the flesh See Rom. 6. tot with chap. 7 4 5 6. 8. 9-12 1 Cor. 3. 16 17. with