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A69684 The doctrine of particular unconditionate election (before time) asserted and prov'd by God's word against the Quakers, papists, and Arminians : in answer to a challenge given the author (by the Quakers) to make good (by the Scriptures of truth) the abovesaid doctrine ... / by Ja. Barry. Barry, James, fl. 1650-1702. 1700 (1700) Wing B969A; ESTC R27208 49,035 128

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and the World hath hated them because they are not of the World even as I am not of the World Here are two distinct Partys described by Christ the one is Prayed for the other is not the one is hated the other hates the very Practice of the latter denotes the Persons to be Children of another Father distinct from those they hate There is nothing more discovers Men to be the Children of the Devil than their hating Righteousness and not loving those who appear to be Godly 1 Jo. 3.10 In this the Children of God are manifest and the Children of the Devil whosoever doeth not Righteousness is not of God neither he that loveth not his Brother As Love to God his Truth and such as bear his Image is an infallible Character of an Elect Child of God Jo. 13.35 1 Jo. 3.14 1 Jo. 4.7 So to hate God his Truth and such as bear his Holy Image is the indelible Character of a Reprobate designed for Eternal Destruction 1 Jo. 3.10 The second thing in the Proposition to be considered is the End and Design of God in that Act of his in Electing and Choosing which is twofold First as it respects the Creatures Elected viz. that they might partake of the Special Grace of God here on Earth and of Eternal Glory in the Kingdom of Heaven through Christ his Son according to that of Paul Ephes 1.4 According as he hath Chosen us in him before the Foundation of the World that we should be Holy and without blame before him in Love 2 Thes 2.13 Because God hath from the beginning Chosen you to Salvation through Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth Vers 14. Whereunto he called you by our Gospel to the obtaining of the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 5.9 For God hath not appointed us to Wrath but to obtain Salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ Secondly with respect to God Electing viz. That the Glory of his Soveraign Free and rich Grace might be Extolled and Praised for ever according as the Apostle expresseth it in Ephes 1.6 To the Praise of the Glory of his Grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the Beloved Vers 11 12. In whom also we have obtained an Inheritance being predestinate according to the purpose of him who worketh all things according to the Counsel of his own Will that we should be to the Praise of his Glory who first trusted in Christ The third thing in the Proposition to be considered is to take Notice of the Properties in that Act of God Electing Those Properties are in number three First God in Electing and Choosing some Sinners to himself out of the corrupted Mass of fallen Mankind on whom he purposed to shew Mercy He did Elect and Choose them most freely there was nothing at all in the Objects Elected and Chosen that could move God wherefore he should Elect one Sinner more or sooner than another for as fallen into Sin and equally obnoxious to the Curse of the Law and the Wrath to come were all the Sons and Daughters of Adam lookt on by God when he fixed his Electing Love on some and actually rejected and passed others by on whom the most High God as an uncontrolable Soveraign purposed to execute the fierceness of his Wrath for Sin The reason or impulsive cause of this Difference which the tremendous God saw fit to make between Sinners equally guilty and obnoxious to the Curse and Wrath of God is not to be sought out of God himself An Example and lively Instance hereof we have in Rom. 9.11 which the Wise God hath seen sit should be recorded on purpose to stop the mouth of Carnal reason which is so wretchedly prone to Question and Dispute against his Soveraignty over his Creatures The Children being not yet Born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to Election might stand not of Works but of him that calleth It was said unto her the Elder shall serve the Younger As it is Written Jacob have I Loved but Esau have I Hated The Wise God foreseeing the purblind Reasonings and Cavillings of Carnal Mens unsanctified Brains against the Doctrine of Gods absolute Soveraignty in disposing of the Eternal concerns of his rational Creatures fallen by Sin into a state and condition of Misery through their own default hath seen good for the vindication of his own Prerogative to make known to the Sons of Men and that by the unerring Wisdom and unquestionable Authority of so great a Man as Paul the great Apostle of the Gentiles the reason of Gods Method in proceeding to Elect some of fallen Mankind to a state of Life and Salvation through a Redeemer and Reprobating others leaving them for ever to perish in that Sin and Misery into which they did without any constraint wilfully plunge themselves to be no other than his own most free and holy Will seeing that he alone is the undoubted Soveraign of the World who hath an indisputable right to determine what to do with or how to dispose of Sinning Rebels without being any way liable to the controulment of any of his Creatures especially such of them as by Sin have forfeited their very Being to the Divine Justice and who while in an unreconciled State are not capable of knowing him or of being subject to his Divine Law The good Will and Pleasure then of the Blessed God is the Source and Fountain whence the great Disparity between the Elect and the Reprobate World doth spring not any thing in the Creatures themselves as Arminian Cavillers dream and conceit it doth This will evidently appear if the Reader will but with a becoming modesty and unprejudic'd judgment read the whole Chapter at length and with fervent Prayer to God for the Wisdom of his Spirit look narrowly into and with sobriety consider the 11th and the 16th Verses where it plainly appears that the two conceited Qualifications of which the Enemies of Election are usually proud and which they hold and teach are the procuring cause of the Difference between the good and the evil Men on Earth viz. the Free Will in Man and the good Works which unregenerate Men do but conceit they do they are both met with and equally discarded by God from having any room or place among the causes which put God either upon Choosing the Elect or rejecting the Reprobate Mark the 11th Vers That the purpose of God according to Election might stand not of Works but of him that calleth With this agrees Ephes 2 8.9 For by Grace are ye Saved through Faith and that not of your selves it is the Gift of God Not of Works least any Man should boast And Tit. 3.5 Not by Works of Righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he hath Saved us c. Vain unregenerate Man would fain perswade himself that he is worse than Threadbare Rags of his polluted Morality negative and positive is a covering sufficient
give countenance to the point in hand He doth not say that all are called but many In which Text there are three sorts of Men offered to consideration First some who are not called at all Secondly some who are called with a common or external Call but not Elected And thirdly some who are called not only with the common and external Call but also with the internal efficacious Call of the Spirit and that because Elected and Chosen to Life and Salvation Now that these three sorts of People were equally Beloved of God and their Salvation equally intended who but Children of Darkness and Deceit dare to affirm or believe That of Paul also Acts 14.16 God who in times past suffered the Gentiles to walk in their own way Backs and confirms the present Truth And doth not the Account we have by Travellers who correspond with the most parts of the World inform us that the greatest part of the Nations have not so much as the Name of Jesus Christ among them and even in these Kingdoms where Popery Arminianism and Quakerism prevail Doth not sad experience teach us how deplorable a Condition the generality of the Kingdoms is in as touching the saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ or the proper means appointed by God for the saving Discovery of his justifying Righteousness to the Souls of Men such as the pure and unmixed Word of Truth Read and powerfully Preached to them for calling them out of Darkness into the marvellous Light of the Knowledge of God in Christ For want of an Orthodox Teaching Ministry these Kingdoms especially England and Ireland are near to a Harvest ripeness ready for the Sickle of Gods Judgments through the affected Ignorance of the Lord Jesus Christ which reigns in the Minds and Hearts of the greatest part even of Englands and Irelands Professors with the Occult and Spiritual Idolatry of Mens Souls whereby the Son of God and his pure Gospal Worship are shut out of Mens Hearts and Affections that the Statutes of Omri and their Carnal secular Interests might bear the sway To which I will add that Deluge of open Debauchery and Atheistical Oppression and Prophaness which like a Land Flood over runs the Nations the which if not very speedily prevented by those who have the Reforming Power put into their Hands by God will pull down from Heaven such sore and desolating Judgments as will make England with her Hypocritical formal Professors an abhorring to all Nations More might be offered to consideration from Gods Word to the same purpose as the sad and deplorable Condition the Ephesians Philippians and other Countries were in before the Apostles were sent among them The Ancestors and Forefathers of whom God suffered to Live and Die like Bruits and worse serving Dumb Idols those Teachers of Lyes serving divers Lusts Atheists without the knowledge or hope of God in the World Ephes 2.1 2 3. To them God sent no Prophet or Apostle no Law or Gospel which should be a means of Salvation to them till God sent Paul to their Off-spring Now can it in truth be said that God did equally love and will or design the Salvation of both the Fathers and their Postery seeing the means of Salvation were deny'd to the Fathers and freely given to their Posterity As touching the Learned or rather Silly and Impertinent Question wherein the Quakers desire to be resolv'd viz. What Gospel of glad Tidings it is which I and others who hold the Doctrine of Particular Election have to Preach to those for whom Christ Died not Answ This silly Question is grounded on a false Supposition that Faith is required of all Men the which I never taught neither do I now own to be true For I do not think or believe that such as never heard of Christ or who never had the means of knowing him are required to believe that Christ Died to Redeem them Secondly They are grossly if not wilfully mistaken in thinking and saying that I press on all I Preach to that it is their Duty to believe that Jesus Christ Died for them all without any Limitation or Restriction I do not believe that those People to whom the glad Tidings of the Gospel is Preached are any of them required absolutely and without Restriction to believe that Christ Died to Redeem them All who ever attended on my Ministry and who are able to give a Judgement they will witness for me that the scope and drift of my Preaching is to convince and awaken Sinners out of their natural State by opening up to them from God's Word the happy sinless State wherein God Created them in Adam their natural and faederal Representative how they came to fall from that Happy State and what the sad and wretched Effects of that Fall was to Adam the Head and now is to all his Children in their unrenewed State This I do instrumentally by opening up to Sinners the Sense and Design of the Moral Law which is to discover Sin and to Damn the Transgressors of it before God to let Sinners know how spotless that Obedience and Righteousness must be which answers its own Demand in order to its justifying them at the Bar of a Holy God As also how weak and unable it is to help a Lapsed Transgressor It points out and requires Duty but can afford no Ability or Strength to do that Duty And all this in order to bring Dead Sinners to a sight and sense of their need of a Redeemer I labour to make them sensible that out of Christ no Life or Salvation is ever to be expected and that until Christ the Son of God be received by a true Faith they themselves with all their threadbare polluted Morality and all those Advantages wherein they bless and count themselves Happy are all under the Curse of God and Living and Dying so they must as certainly as God is Just and his Law Holy look to be eternally separated from God and Christ for ever and ever No Civility goodness of natural Temper no Morality no Zeal for that which they take to be the best Religion no learning or shining Parts whether natural or acquired no Riches or Greatness in this World will ever avail to keep them back from being by the Laws powerful Sentence sent down to Hell When I find and perceive that the Spirit of God hath by the Law set home on the Conscience brought the Sinner with the Prodigal to a sense of his undone Condition when I hear him cry out not in a rotary and formal customary way which God knows is too much in use and fashion in this sleepy Hypocritical Age in the bitterness of his Soul Mon and Brethren what shall I do to be Saved I then open up as God's Messenger the Mystery of God's Covenant of Grace held forth in the Gospel wherein is discovered the Incomprehensible All-sufficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ to save and reconcile to God the greatest and vilest of Sinners I presently fall