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A59929 Eiphnikon, or, A peaceable consideration of Christ's peaceful kingdom on earth to come Rev. 20. 4, Rev. 5. 10 : to be added to the Prodromos or fore-runner : wherein the proof and confirmation that such a kingdom shal [sic] be is abundantly established ... : whereunto is added an appendix concerning the first resurrection ... Sherwin, William, 1607-1687? 1665 (1665) Wing S3399; ESTC R34221 107,789 130

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Christs Kingdom upon earth And so likewise Psalm 24. where the King of glory is to enter as seems probable the everlasting doors of the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven c. The 45. Psalm is eminently of Christs Kingdom under the type of Solomon and in part applied by the Apostle Heb. 1.8 And Psalm 46. of the like nature and so likewise the 48th and also the first part of the 50th and the latter part of the 53. The 67th seems wholly to be prophetical of the time of Christs reign But the 68. Psal contains much of the glory and grace of Christ then to be manifested And the latter end of the 69th is to the like purpose Psal 72. Is a very glorious illustration of Christs Kingdom above what could be fulfilled either in David or Solomon or any other but the Son of God who shall be feared through all generations in whose days righteousness and peace shall flourish so long as the Moon endures and shall rule to the ends of the earth and all Kings and Nations shall serve him and his name shall continue for ever and as long as the Sun endureth c. The 80. Psalm contains an excellent prayer for Gods Israel to use for the coming of the Messiah to take his Kingdom In the 89th such promises are made to David and his seed that could not be wholly fulfilled in any but Christ and his Kingdom And the 96. is likewise prophetical of the Kingdom of Christ and the 97. to the like purpose and the 99. contains high expressions of Christs reign and also the 102. The 110. Psalm is an eminent prediction of Christs Kingdom and applied often in the New Testament The 132. evidently concerns the Kingdom of Christ And not to insist upon divers others where there are notable expressions that seem to tend to the same purpose take for a conclusion the 148 and the 149. which eminently relate unto Christs reign on earth according to what in many former Scriptures and prophets have been foretold thereof so from the beginning almost to the end we may observe how the Spirit of God stirred up the spirit of holy King David to set forth the glory and excellent greatness of the kingdom of Christ as his Antitype seed and Saviour in whom the greatest promises of God shall be fulfilled which could not have accomplishment in any other CHAP. VIII Containg other evidences out of the New Testament to wit of the Gospel and Acts of the Apostles besides what was occasionally spoken of Chap. 4. by the four Apostles Peter James and John and the Apostle Paul to all which Christ gloriously appeared ANd now to appeal to the last sort of witnesses having seen such clearness in the Prophets of the Old Testament and the Psalms we may in like manner consider the testimonies of the Gospellers in the New But here the like course might justly be taken with us men of this generation for I put my self in the number who have but even lately received the truth which our Saviour did with his Disciples going to Emaus Luk. 24.25 O fools and slow of heart to beleeve all that the Prophets have spoken concerning his suffering and entering intoglory so now of the beleeiving the things concerning Christs Kingdom to come onearth yea we might henceforth turn our argumentation into a vehement expostulation with our selves What was not the Angel Gabriel the first Gospeller we read of at the time of his annunciation before our Saviours conception by the Holy Ghost when he told the blessed Virgin of the holy glorious wonderful heaven-bred Babe that should shortly after that be born of her an evident witness of Christs Kingdom to come Or doth he to no purpose after he had informed the blessed mother of our Lord of many unspeakable glad tidings Luke 1.30 31. other ways then after adds verse 33. And the Lord shall give him the throne of his Father David and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever and of his kingdom there shall be no end Surely this holy Angel well understood the meaning of the many Prophets yea of the Prophets of all ages before as being contemporary with them all along from the beginning to that time And did not that glad child John Baptist as one right bred of his beleeving mother Elizabeth upon this good news leap for joy in his Mothers womb when the Virgin came with it to her house whereupon good Elizabeth told the Mother of our Lord that assuredly there should be a performance of those things which were told her Verse 45. and was not this Kingdom of Christ one if not the main of them And that blessed Virgin her self in an holy rapture of Spirit breaketh out in no less then the Angel had foreshewed to her of this matter Vers 54 55. He hath holpen his servant Israel in remembrance of his mercy as he spake to our Fathers to Abraham and his seed for ever beleiving all in that Covenant would be performed whereof the promised inheritance and Christs Kingdom therein was part And this again good Zachary though upon occasion of the Angels good news of his own son which at first he beleeved not he had been till then so dumb that both the Mother and the Babe acknowledged Christ before him yet when he had gotten the use of his speech again like a channel dammed up before the living waters of the spirit soon run in a stronger current from his beleiving soul then happily otherwise they would have done and very much concerning the Kingdom of his Lord and Saviour Vers 69. He hath raised up an born of salvation for us in the house of his servant David and this he confirmeth from the general successive Testimony of the Prophets which we in part set down in the two preceding Chapters Vers 70. As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets which have been since the world began And V●●● 71. he declares how general the redemption was by Christ the mercy promised to the fathers the covenant with them the oath to Abraham as we noted out of Moses his prophesies to free them from all enemies and even from the fear of them Vers 74. which is the priviledge of Christs Kingdom on earth Again when the Angelimparted unto the Shepherds when Christ was born his very glad tidings of great joy to all people he tells them first of that that he was born in the City of David who by descent was the Son of David according to the flesh where also the Priests informed Herod that he should be born when under pretence of worshipping he thought to destroy him and thereupon made there many young Martyrs for him yet upon that occasion was found that great testimony of Micab Chap. 5.2 And thou Bethlehem in the land of Judah art not the least among the Princes of Judah for out of thee shall come a governour that shall rule my people Israel Mat. 2.6 But the Angel tells
as follow largely Vers 51 52 53 54. having in the middle of the Chapt●r shewed those sund●y particulars of it First For the order Christ should rise as the first fruits and cause of the Saints holy resurrection ver 23. Secondly The time when the Saints in a special manner alone should be so raised by him namely at this his coming ver 23. Thirdly He gives an intimation how long he must reign after that coming till all enemies be put under his feet Fourthly He sets down the last enemy to be subdued that is death which came by the first Adam and at last shall be destroyed by the second Adam Fifthly In vers 27. is imployed his invincible prevalency when all enemies are destroyed and vers 28. how as Man or Mediatour Christ will be subject to the Father to this purpose Psal 110. gives a clear evidence which is concerning the raign of Christ on earth after which Paul shews as Mediatour he delivers up the Kingdom to God the Father vers 24. When death and hell shall be cast into the lake of fire as was said Rev. 20.14 read what will then be at the last most general resurrection hinted before vers 51 52 53 54. Consider the many particulars there taught in this point not known usually before and so in like manner in the 20. Chapter of the Revelation Christ reveals to Saint John more fully and clearly what Saint Paul had taught before obscurely and darkly till hereby explained namely that under the seventh Trumpet when Christ shall come to raign on earth and shew himself there gloriously in his Kingly Office there shall be such a first resurrection of Martyrs Apostles Prophets and such holy persons of all sorts as was observed before and this Gods faithful people ought to know and believe to their great comfort and rejoycing as well as any thing concerning the Doctrine of the resurrection so gradually made known to the Church before as Christ was pleased any way before to dispence the knowledge thereof to the glory of him who shall so raise them to raing with him here where they have served him in faithfulness or suffered for him or with him And now we shall by Gods gracious assistance proceed to consider other Scriptures that seem to confirm this which we have delivered from Christ Rev. 20.4 And this doubtless was revealed to the holy Fathers and Prophets in the Old Testament concerning the raising of the deceased Saints at Christs Kingdom on earth as really though not so clearly as it is now to us in the New Testament as being the cheif glory of that his Kingdom wherein they were to have their part therefore God is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and that should be his memorial for ever to whom and their posterities with them the land of Canaan was promised and shadowed out to be accompished at this time fully wherein all the great promises to that purpose are to have their compeat accomplishment vid. Deut. 30 to vers 11. Deut. 4.20 21. Eze. 37.25 This Jobs expectation had particularly respect unto When the Judge should stand on the earth at the last day as the original carries it and Daniel was to stand in the lot at this time as before we shewed and which seems to be our Saviours drift in the Text Rev. 20. and for this end the great promises of circumcising the heart of the seed of those holy Fathers tend to this Deut 30.6 when they had been driven to the utmost parts of heaven and brought into the lands which their Fathers possessed that they might possess it vers 4.5.6 in their sight So that Evangeligal Prophet Esay Chap. 26. professeth of himself and the faithful with him in that his excellent Song to this purpose vers 19. where having spoken in order of the condition of Gods people in the time now past unto the time of the resurrection of Gods people at this very period as may appear from the Context for having spoken of their condition in the captivity of Babylon ver 13. When other Lords besides the Lord Jehovah had had Deminion over them and yet they would by him only make mention of his name Concerning those Lords he saith They are dead they shall not live they are deceased they shall not rise therefore he had visited and destroyed them and made all their memory to perish vers 14. though they themselves were removed that were his Nation into all the ends of the earth and though a long time after they had prayed and been like a woman with child in pangs and hopes yet had brought forth nothing but wind since for long time there was no deliverance wrought in the earth neither did the inhabitants thereof fall v. 16 17 18. yet that both would come to pass he professeth his saith saying of Gods people and of himself Thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise awake and sing ye that dwell in the dust as Ephes 5.14 Awake thou that sleepest and rise from the dead and Christ shall give thee life as also Esay 60.1 and then it followeth for thy dew is as the dew of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead where he fully shews his faith concerning this first resurrection where he shews the Jews should be a herbs after winter is past quickened by the reviving dew of the spring-time whereas the Lords spoken of vers 13. were such as are mentioned not then to rise Rev. 20 5. the inhabitants that had not fallen till that time those Rev. 19.11 to the end but the Jews Church and himself as at the first resurrection when those said inhabitants of the earth among the rest of the dead that lived not should have no part in that first resurrection when unto himself and Gods people both a temporal and spiritual resurrection will be both of body and soul and outward condition at that time hence the Israelites and Jews as two sticks joyned into one though like dead bones before scattered yet then God shews they should be raised with flesh and skin and be and stand up as a great army Ezek. 37. and hereunto may be referred the mystical resurrection of the two sackcloth witnesses as typical thereof And this the Apostle Paul seems to declare by the Allegory of the two Testaments Gal. 4.26 resembled by Hagar which was Mount Sinai in Arabia that gendred to bondage and Sarah the Jerusalem that is above that is the Mother of all the faithful that Mother City prepared for them Heb. 11.16 that will then come down from God being the City of the living God Heb. 12.12 with all her children The children of the resurrection as our Saviour stiles the faithful Luk. 20.36 shall possess unto which purpose he applyes Gods being the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in vers 37. next following yea moreover our Saviour describs the faithful v. 35. by being counted worthy to receive that world and the resurrection from
ΕΙΡΗΝΙΚΟΝ OR A Peaceable consideration of CHRIST's Peaceful KINGDOM on EARTH to come Rev. 20.4 Rev. 5.10 To be added to the ΠΡΟΔΡΟΜΟΣ or Fore-runner WHEREIN The Proof and Confirmation that such a Kingdom shal be is abundantly established upon a seven-fold foundation more particularly set down in the next ensuing leaf Whereunto is added an Appendix concerning the first Resurrection spoken of Rev. 20.4 5 6. compared with Rev. 11.18 manifesting it to be of the bodily Resurrection of the Just to begin not long after the glorious appearance of Christ and his said Kingdom Breifly and plainly set down for the benefit of all faithful Christians Ezek. 37.24 25. And David my servant shall be King over them and they shall all have one shepherd they shall also walk in my judgments and observe my statutes and do them And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant wherein your Fathers have dwelt and they shall dwell therein even they and their children and their childrens children for ever and my servant David shall be their Prince for ever Dan. 7.21 22. I beheld and the same horn made war with the Saints and prevailed against them Vntil the Ancient of days came and judgment was given to the Saints of the most High and time came that the Saints possessed the kingdom 2 Thess 2.8 And then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming Among the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or forms of Doctrine in the Council of Nice by Gelas Cyzicen History thereof this is recorded 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is We expect according to the holy Scriptures the manifesting unto us the appearing and Kingdom of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ and then the Saints of the most High as Daniel saith shall take the Kingdom Answerably hereunto our Received Nicene Creed From thence he shall come at the end of the world to judge the quick and the dead as it is Rev. 11.18 and then follows Whose Kingdom shall have none end as before explained Hoc Omega suis MVNVS Alpha tulit Printed in the Year 1665. THE CONTENTS THe Proof and Confirmation That such a Kingdom of Christ shall be is established in the sequel of this Treatise upon the sevenfold foundation ensuing First From a frame of Christian Doctrine containing the general consideration of Christs three great Offices of Mediatorship as the great Prophet Priest and King of his Church in seventeen Theses with six inferences drawn from them page 3 to 8. Secondly By a visional representation of Old and New Testament Doctrine suitable thereunto from the fourth and fifth Chapters of the Book of Revelations setting forth God the Fathers glory as Creator and the Lambs as Redeemer whence are also other seven inferences deduced to confirm Christs Kingdom to come on earth p. 9 to 35. Thirdly By divers evidences and expressions in those four Apostles writings to whom Christ in a special manner manifested his Kingly glory viz. to Peter James and John at his tranfiguration and Revelation to John and to St. Paul at his conversion from whose writings six several senses of Christs comings are observable since his coming in the flesh p. 41 to 56 Fourthly From the eminent Chronologers of the holy Ghost who writ of Satans three Babels namely Moses of the Tower of Babel Daniel of the Monarchy of Babylon and St. John of the mystical Babylon all which come to their utter confusions at the said setting up of Christs Kingdom on earth p. 57 to 71 Fifthly From the other Prophets of all times with the Psalms in the Old Testament and all sorts of Gospellers in the New Chap. 6 7 8. Sixthly By other Arguments drawn from the Lords prayer and the three usual received Creeds or Articles of Confessions of Faith p. 90 to 95. Seventhly From the most ancient Orthodox Fathers of the most pure primitive times who owned this truth in its untainted purity p. 96. All which with many other useful particulars to be observed occasionally set down in reference to Christs personal reign with his raised Saints will more fully appear First by the contents of each Chapter premised and then by the Chapters themselves in order unto which for brevities sake I refer the Christian Reader In the Appendix the bodily resurrection of the Saints is first explained from the distinct consideration of those two parallel Texts of sacred Scripture Rev. 11.18 and 20.4 5 6. confirmed from sundry Texts of Old and New Testament and many weighty considerations tendered to manifest that first resurrection there spoken of to intend the bodily resurrection of the Saints at that very time whereunto that Revelation of Jesus Christ for his Churches benefit hath particular reference Further shewing that the Antient Doctors and Fathers of the primitive times of the Gospel were of that judgement A TABLE OF CHRONOLOGIE BEcause the help of some Chronologie is very needful to the understanding of mystical Prophesies in the holy Scriptures especially for such as this small treatise is intended for and to that end they may neither be troubled or discouraged with too large or too many or curious notions or varieties of mens opinions concerning the order of times I shall here labour to set down such a general soantling for the use of ordinary capacities that by the help hereof together with what is all along set down ofttimes in the following Treatise they may in some sort have pointed out to them the times the things they therein read of have particular reference unto And this we shall indeavour to set down First More generally until the beginning of the four Monarchies set forth Dan. 2. and Dan. 7. 1. By the great Image Chap. 2. 2. By the four Beasts Chap. 7. Again secondly To consider particularly the times following them 1. Then more generally In the first place consider what Moses compendiously sets down before the general Deluge for the space of 1656. years of the old world as ordinarily it is computed 2. From Noahs flood to the promise made to Abraham about the year of the world Anno 2030. is 374. years Exod. 12.4 3. From the promise to Abraham to the Israelites departure out of Egypt 2460. is 430. years 4. The beginning of the Assyrian kingdom by Nimrod about 1788. which continued to the Chaldean Monarchy by Nebuchadnezzar about 1700. years 5. Take notice the Temple of Solomon was begun about the 3000. year of the world as learned Dr. Usher computes it from whence to the Captivity of Babylon he reckons likewise 395. years being in the year 3395. And may not the Antitype of Solomon and his Temble be glorious at the end of 3000. years more 6. I shall here adde a general computation of Bucholcherus for the apt concinnity thereof reaching first to the Captivity of Babylon and through all following times 1. Israel saith he
in the glory of his powerful grace and the confluence of such redeemed and saved souls Therefore Such reign of Christ remains still to be executed by him 7. If without such reign of Christ on earth the mystical body of Christ will not be compleated and that in the far greatest part of the members thereof then to come in then it must necessary come in its time to make his mystical body compleat in the members thereof But otherwise it will not be compleat in the far greatest part of the members thereof Therefore It must come in in that its due time CHAP. III. NOw let us come to consider in what manner it may or shall be wherein the great difficulty of the reign of Christ seems to lye which we shall endeavour to hold out two ways These Reasons were writ the contrary way in the Original Copy First In setting down some reasons which may seem to make against the personal reign in his humane nature And Secondly To shew that it probably may be understood in a mystical manner for that some way it shall be according to Scripture is not to be denyed but because that such as his raign shall be such will his coming be when he is to raign and take the Kingdom to himself and set it up in the world we shall therefore in reference thereunto by Gods assistance shew the several sences of his coming according to Scripture since his Ascention into Heaven and endeavour to open this particular sense of his coming to raign under or after the seventh Trumpet and to give some illustrations thereof The first of these we shall now endeavour under this head namely to offer some reasons against a personal reign in his humane nature which are these that follow Unto which upon more serious consideration I have added these ensuing Answers Answer to that But such as his reign shall be such will his coming be That though that may hold true in a general sense These Answers were added to the eleven Reasons in Apr. 1665. yet not in a special for though he will personally appear according to Scripture in the Clouds Visible to the sight of all at his coming yet it is not manifest in so much As I can discern that Christ will at least ordinarily be personally visible to any save those in the New Jerusalem the thousand years though the whole world will then be his Kingdom and at his pleasure he may then stay at or visibly enlighten that City of him the great King as it is called Mat. 5. and shew forth his glory there how and as long as he pleaseth or otherwhere likewise as to Paul Stephen or as in the story related by Mr. Mede in his Answer to Dr. Twisse his second Letter of his visible appearing on a purple Cloud and speaking to the Jews in a great contest with the Christians in the Kingdom of the Omerites about three hundred years after his Ascention for as he hath manifested his Kingly glory in the world in the time of his sitting at the Right Hand of God the Father in Heaven so may be as he and the Father pleaseth some way manifest himself personally Visible in the World though probably vailed save unto the raised Saints in the time of his reign upon earth Answer in general to all the Reasons First and in general to those seeming reasons against Christs personal coming and appearing at the last ruine of Antichrist which I first tendered according to my then present apprehension but afterward by a remarkable hand of God upon me was further resolved from his word as in the sequel may appear Whereupon is likewise considerably offered that in case of a new dispensation a great part of these Reasons will fall voide Answer First Because the Scriptures do not clearly affirm any such thing as his personal being upon earth before the last day of Judgement But since I have found many places of Scripture that sufficiently evince it as in the Fore-runner in the Paper Sep. 27. 1664. But to come to answer them particularly in order for the tendering of things contrary often occasion the clearing up of truth which I wholely herein aimed at or at least then groaped after for some time And thinking it more safe then to prove that such an appearance and reign of Christ should be then which in order of nature was first to be proved and onely offer things considerable at least in appearance why I conceived it to be in this or that manner as both before and after may be observed But the paper Sep. 27. 1664. in the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may sufficiently shew my mistake in that seeming reason Secondly Because the interpretations to that purpose do not seem convincing Thirdly Because such interpretations do seem to gain-say some articles of the Christian faith and such interpretations are not to be given that have not Scripture warrant especially if they oppose the received Articles of Christian Religion Answer to the second and third Reasons That the interpreting of Christs coming or appearing to be personal and visible about the destruction of Antichrist and afterwards gloriously to be manifest at least to the raised Saints in the World is not contrary to Scripture but a Scriptural explication of an Article of Faith See in the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the latter end of two papers of Dec. 7. and Sep. 27. Fourthly There seems to be no necessity of any such personal presence since the Scriptures witness how that by a wonderful powerful and glorious presence many great things have been accomplished effectually for the Church in former and latter times as all along when Israel came out of Egypt Christ wonderfully shewed himself to be their King in plagueing Phar●ah in destroying him and his Host in the Red Sea while Israel passed safely through it in conducting them wonderfully and graciously by a Pillar of a Cloud by day and a Pillar of fire by night all the time they sojourned in the wilderness as signes of his presence with them to guide them provide for them and protect them And when Christ so evangelically gave to them the Law on Mount Sinai Vide Mr. Ant Burg. Vin. Log. p. 145 146. as Divines do evidence thereby declaring himself their King and Law-giver with such Majesty and terror by thundring and lightning and burning of the Mount with shaking and trembling and a mighty voyce which made Moses himself exceedingly to tremble and quake and the people so affrighted c. And afterward appearing unto Joshua with a Sword in his hand he declared to him he would go with him to subdue the Canaanites saying he himself was the Prince of the Host of the Lord when Joshua likewise worshipped him as is recorded Josh 5.13 14. So Rev. 19.11 12. there is a glorious description how he goes against Antichrist at the Armageddon Battel when he will deliver his people from that spiritual Egyptian and Babylonian bongage
immortality dwelling in the light which none can approach unto whom no man hath seen or can see Now we may not conceive that Christ should again denude himself of his glory which he hath so dearly purchased by his former humiliation and sufferings or at least greatly diminish it to come to remain with men personally upon earth Ans 11. Though Christ shall not diminish his glory to be in the world and be seen of men when the Tabernacle of God is said to be with men Rev. 22. but rather accomplish the end of his sitting in glory with his Father in Heaven till that time namely to receive to himself a Kingdom and then to return as be himself speaketh Luk. 19.12 Yet at his glorious appearing he will manifest himself visibly unto men as vailing his glory with clouds for a time at least to be discernable by them And how often or how long he may do so being then in his Kingdom the World through whom even Abraham also is stiled Heir of the world by the righteousness of saith as the Apostle speaketh Rom. 4.13 I see no sufficient ground to determine And I beleive many things will then be done by him that we cannot yet apprehend neither are necessary for us to know but as he shall be pleased to reveal any of them as useful to his Church hereafter CHAP. IV. Wherein are set down six several sences of Christs coming recorded in the New Testament since his Ascention whereof the fifth is taken for his coming or appearing at the destruction of Antichrist which whether it be to be understood mystically or personally how-ever wonderfully diverse things are offered to be considered but left to the judicious Reader duly to weigh and determine as God by his Word and Spirit may direct onely resolving that most surely one way of the two it will be at that time and to that purpose many evident Testimonies are occasionally added from those four Apostles to whom Christ manifested his Kingly glory namely first to the three Discipls Peter James and John in the Mount and afterwrads to St. Paul at his conversion and in the last place are many considerable resolves many ways represented to such as may seem to reason again-such mystical Doctrine THus having briefly tendred some reasons against Christs personal coming and appearing in the time when his Kingdom shall be eminently set up in the world in the thousand years spoken of Rev. 20. The thing we shall now endeavour concerning it is to shew that it is to be understood mistically though it is probably wonderfully and gloriously and powerfully to be fulfilled when that time is come though in many respects it may not be understood fully till it be in actual being but to that end we may the better understand what the Scripture speaketh in reference hereto we shall endeavour to represent the several senses wherein the coming of Christ is taken in several places since his Ascention into Heaven First It is taken spiritually for his gracious coming unto his faithful and obedient Servants So it is Rev. 3.20 If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me Such shall find spiritual refreshment in Christs gracious approaches unto him Secondly Christs coming is taken for that glimps or shew of his glorious coming in his Kingdom when he was transfigured before his Disciples Peter James and John Mat. 16. ult When his face shined as the sun and his raiment was white as the light So Mark 9.1 c. Luke 9.27 Concerning which Saint Peter speaketh remarkably 2 Pet. 1.16 17. For we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but were eye-witnesses of his Majesty For he received from God the Father honour and glory when their came such a voyce to him from the excellent glory this is my well beloved son in whom I am well pleased and this voice which came from Heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy Mount Thirdly Sometimes the coming of Christ is taken for his visional presence as he fore-signified he would come to his Apostle John in vision John 21.22 If I will that he tarry till I come what is that to thee Some thereupon conceived that John should not dye from those words which sense John denys there but it was spoken of his outliving the rest of his Apostles even to the time that he was banished by Domitian into the Isle of Patmos for the testimony of Jesus towards the end of the first century at which time Jesus Christ came unto him in vision under diverse appearances as Chap. 1. when he began to give the Revelation to him afterwards as a Lamb Chap. 5. afterwards as a Warrior on a white Horse conquering and to conquer Chap. 6. as a strong Angel Chap. 10. and as the Mighty King of Kings Rev. 19. and as the great Judge of all men Chap. 20. A fourth sence of Christs coming may be that of Saint James Chap. 5. the coming 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lord draweth nigh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word is And behold the Judge standeth before the doors which vers 8.9 seems to be meant of that special dispensative coming our executive coming to fulfil his sentence at Jerusalems destruction by Vespatian and Titus by which words the Apostle James writing to the twelve Tribes scattered viz. the beleiving Jews that were then Pilgrims from their own people for Christs Religion stirs them up to patience in regard Christ would fulfil his threatning against the obstinate Jews which as Josephus and others relate he then terribly did by fearful fights voyces and horrible desolation when an eleven hundred thousand were destroyed and cast in jakes c. in that populous wicked City besides above seventy thousand carried Captive and sold for slaves so this was a dispensative or executive coming at that time 5. It is taken again for his wonderful powerful appearing and glorious coming to destroy Antichrist and his adherents and deliver his people and set up his Kingdom at the beginning of the seventh Trumpet Rev. 11.15 to the end And Rev. 19 20. Set forth by those three Apostles that were at his transfiguration in divers expressions by his appearing and coming and the like and likewise by St. Paul to whom he appeared gloriously to convert him who very remarkably speaks of this coming at the destruction of Antichrist whom he first saith he shall consume with the Spirit of 〈…〉 his messengers and witnesses by testifying against his errors and from the word declaring his desolation shall first bring him low into a deep consumption by all the Vials to be poured out to his destruction but then again he will powerfully do it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with the appearance of his coming as a Learned Linguist renders it which our translation turnes with the
and comfort and shall any think it not worth his enquiring into What is not that wonderful Majesty and glory of Christ to be considered and observed Is the peace and grace holiness and happines of his Church held out in Scripture abundantly in those times not worthy to be highly esteemed and prized Yea shall such multitudes of Saints have their portion in that heaven-born Jerusalem and shall they not take notice of their priviledge Is not the coming in of such multitudes of Subjects to their great King of Kings both of Israelites Jews and Gentiles there seriously faithfully and thankfully to be acknowledged beleived and improved which in comparison of the other times will be as an harvest to the after-gleanings or the Vintage to the after-gatherings Is not the salvation of such vast numbers of beleiving souls in these grace-prevailing sanctified seasons that shall greatly honour Christ Jesus in their times and enjoy eternal happiness afterward with him in heaven be a matter of exceeding rejoycing to the fellow-members of Christs mystical body If the glorious Angels in Heaven rejoyce at the conversion of one sinner that repents as our Saviour speaketh how should Gods people rejoyce by faith aforehand to see so many millions of millions that are then to come in to that glorious Church-state on earth If Gods faithful Servants have rejoyced in their seasons past when God hath prospered their labours to bring home poor souls to Christ though but a few many times how should it make the hearts of beleeving souls to exult but even by faith to foresee that day of salvation to come to Gods people and with faithful Abraham so foreseeing Christs first coming so to rej yce beforehand as he did Yea is that the mainfruit of the travel of Christs soul Isa 53.11 12. When he shall see his seed and prolong his days and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand and wherein he himself shall be satisfied as the Prophet there shews and shall it not be the great satisfaction of all Gods people in these times to be assured thereof If from about 600000 natural Israelites and such as were born of them in forty years space in the Wilderness there is computed by learned and judicious Divines to have died above six millions in the Wilderness when almost the same number entred into Canaan that came out of Egypt How many millions then yea how many millions of millions may be conceived to spring up and be educated in the faith of Jesus Christ their King and Saviour in that thousand years space when there shall be such confluence of all Nations into the true Church and when they will not be cut off in judgements by untimely deaths as many times great numbers of those Israelites were and is not such blessedness and happiness of Gods Church reserved for those times upon many considerations if we duly weigh the many and large promises and evidences of Scripture thereunto to be referred of great concernment as many ways to all such as rejoyce in the happiness of Gods chosen and would glory with his inheritance It is then likely there will be a strange holy contention upon earth between God and his people as the holy Spirit seems to imply concerning those times Rev. 22.3 saying And his servants shall serve him whether God or his people should do better each towards other that is as I may say what is within the reach and sphere of their activity For Christ will greatly exalt his people under that his dominion and they by his grace will be such as the more he exalts them the more they will rejoyce to exalt him and the more they exalt him the more he will inlarge them both with grace and glory and the larger their portion of grace shall be the greater will be their peace security and happiness And this will be the more and more constant in that regard the interrupting and corrupting causes thereof which might otherwise hinder as formerly shall then in a very great degree by his kingly power and goodness be removed and taken away when Satan the Tempter is bound and shut up in his bottomless pit and strong tentations proceeding at other times from the prevalency of the corruption of men shall be much abandoned provocations much removed natural corruption manacled and fettered and in many as it is probable very greatly suppressed and accordingly grace holiness inward peace and with them consequently outward peace prosperity and all kind of security that is suitable to that condition and how will this work upon the sanctified spirits of that happy seed and generation blessed of God to consider still with holy David What shall we render unto the Lord our King and Saviour for all such his goodness conferred upon us So that if men have any Christian frame of spirit upon them they cannot but upon such considerations think of and inquire into the Kingdom of Christ to come on earth as many ways worth the while except they be onely carnal Gospellers that only make worldly marchandise thereof but otherwise regard neither grace nor glory for themselves or others or at least are conscious to themselves that they have no part in either Yet even such by the due consideration of these things by Gods mercy may learn to be wise hereafter and shew themselves men and not like such the Prophet David speaks of being in worldly honour have no understanding but are like the beasts that perish and thus much for answer to the vain pleadings of such persons CHAP. V. Which declares how the three great Chronologers of the Holy Ghost to wit Moses Daniel and St. John do successively foretel of the Kingdom of Christ at the end of the fourth Monarchy set forth in that Image expounded by Daniel Chap. 2. and how that the three Babylonish designes of Satan in the three Babels they severally speak of the first to promote confusion of tongues in Moses record at the Tower of Babel the second to erect oppressive tyranny against Gods people by the Monarchy of Babilon in Daniels time and thirdly to advance spiritual delusion and seducement by the mystical Babylon in the latter times all which will be at last by the setting up of Christs Kingdom altogether brought to confusion so that thence the Stone cut out of the Mountain without hands that smote the Image before while there was regnum lapidis will then become a great Mountain filling the whole earth when there will be regnum montis as Mr. Mede appositely speaks FIrst then for the evidences of Christs Kingdom and reign on earth to come under or after the seventh Trumpet out of the Chronology of Moses and Daniel more darkly given but further cleared in the book of Revelation as we observed in which book we shewed the Spirit of God doth so much and in so many places refer us to the Prophets and as St. Peter saith directly that all the prophets since the world
of Antichrist as in the conversion of the Jews before the last judgement and the end of all things Again Page 5. he saith of this Text this I doubt not to aver doth principally belong to the Jews for to them pertain the promises saith the Apostle And the natural branches shall be grafted into their own Olive tree I shall onely add here that both terrible and comfortable Prophesie in Chap. 4.1 2 3. Behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble c. Vers 2. But to you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings c. So that by all these evidences we may see what exceeding great reason there was or the Spirit of God to call in the Testimony of the Prophets of the Old Testament to give witness to the reign of Christ in the thousand years under or after the last Trumpet and concerning his new Jerusalem come down from God Rev. 20. 21. as we formerly observed and are here in brief set before the eyes of all such as are not resolved to shut them against them and when the excellency and priviledges of this Kingdom both spiritually and temporally come in their place to be considered much more may appear but these may suffice at present as to the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that such a Kingdom of Christ is to come in the thousand years whereunto the Spirit of God in the Prophets of all times hath had a peculiar respect as Act. 3.21 Rev. 10.7 and may much more appear in what further might from the Prophets be hereunto added CHAP. VII Shewing upon several enforcing consideration● that David in many Psalms prophetically spake of the said Kingdom of Christ on Earth VVE come unto the last head of Testimony according to our Saviours own distribution concerning himself and those are the Psalms wherein David chiefly the man after Gods own heart and therefore more like to be a secretis one of his Privy Counsel as we may say and unto 〈◊〉 the Counsel of God concerning the Kingdom of his So I upon earth was largely revealed above many other and this might come to pass for divers reasons 1. Because the great promises made to David of his seeds succession to perpetnity he foresaw could not be fulfilled in any other but the great Messiah 2. That the said messiah and great King of Jerusalem was to come of his race and lineage 3. Should so have a right according to promise to rule the people of Israel 4. Because Davids Kingdom was a type of his from a low beginning in appearance to the worlds eye at first Yet God setting it up against Sauls it grew stronger and stronger but the other weaker and weaker So with the beginning and increase of Christs Kingdom Isa 9. Again as David was victorious at last over all enemies and had peace round about so will it be with Christs Kingdom in the world over Satan and all his wicked dominion in the issue And by the spirit of Prophesie King David hath declared much to this and the like effect in the book of Psalms above others and hence the following Prophets as in the preceeding chapter may be observed so often call Christ not onely the Branch the off-spring of Jess the Father of David but oftner by Davids own name and was foretold to sit upon the throne of David to be of the house and over house of David to build the Tabernacle of David and the like so it is no wonder to have Davids heart full of such matter and his tongue in this respect like the pen of a ready writter And the breathings of the Spirit of God in Davids Psalms seem to vent themselves much in such delightful harmony concerning the Kingdom of Christ who in all the former considerations spiritually foresaw him not only as his Antitype and seed but as the great Messiah and Saviour of him and his people in whom both the great promises both to him and the foresathers should both spiritually and temporally in due time have their full accomplishment And therefore if any persons by the guidance of Scripture and cheifly of the Revelation by the assistance of Gods Spirit consider such Texts it may evidently appear to such unprejudiced and serious teachable spirits that a great part of the Psalmody of holy David is warbled out according to such celestial Ditties as might magnifie and exalct Christ the Son of David yet so as he might also appear to be the root of David as Rev. 5.5 even the eternal Son of God and therefore so many expressions are used in the Psalms which are incompetible to himself or his meer natural seed So that all the gracious beams of Divine light that to such purpose reached any time unto Davids soul seem to be concentered in the Son of Righteousness from whom they had their original who may fitly be observed to be the Alpha and Omega of that Book of psalms To begin with the second Psalm which usually is acknowledged to be of the Kingdom of Christ though some will not acknowledge that Kingdom to come on earth though God there promiseth to set him his King upon his holy hill of Sion After Satan with his wicked worldly powers have done their worst yea and suffered their worst too at the destruction of Antichrist even as it was with their type also the Jewish Hierarchie that when he came in the flesh would not have him reign but would destroy him which brought their destruction about forty two years after but when the other go about to destroy his people they shall utterly be destroyed themselves by him and in both respects Yet saith God have I set my King upon my holy hill of Sion And therefore he shall break his enemies with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces as a potters Vessel And likewise he hath verse 8. the Heathen promised for his inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession which then will be fulfilled when he shall set up that his Kingdom upon earth That the 8. Psal refers to Christs Kingdom the subject matter declares since he regains that soveraignty over the creatures which the first Adam lost besides the Apostles testimony Heb. 2. The 9. Psalm contains much of the great works of God against his enemies and for his people which will be fulfilled at the setting up of Christs Kingdom And so also Psalm the 10. toward the latter end and the 11. Psalm seems to be of the like nature But in Psal 18. holy King David doth largely sing of Christ under the type of his own Kingdom but in such a way as was not competible to it saving in reference unto that King of Kings And Psal 21. is very much of the same nature but far exceeding what could be applied to Davids temporal Kingdom The latter end of Psalm 22. is remarkably of
thousand years particularly specified Rev. 20. when he would raign with his Saints on the earth and when the new Jerusalem shall come down from God out of Heaven Rev. 21.2 By all which it may appear that in the whole body of the Book of God the life-blood and spirits as it were of the Scriptures concerning Christ seem cheifly to run in this vein to set forth the excellency of his kingly Office and that even the eminent use of Prophesie in the first period and the execution of Priesthood in the second do in a great part make way for and usher in the most eminent glory of his Kingly Office in the third Period whereupon Christs mediatorship will be perfected full reconciliation made with God and abundant enterance to the mystical body of Christ together with himself their head administred into eternal and perfect blessedness Thus having offered unto the consideration of serious and truly Christian Spirits all the forementioned evidences to confirm this glorious excellent truth wherein the main difficulty of the matter seemed to lye as respecting the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to shew that most certainly the raign and Kingdom of Christ in the world eminently is to come as our Saviour hath made known to Saint John in the thousand years under or after the seventh Trumpet We should here proceed to the other part which concerns 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 those things fore-promised to be enjoyed by Gods people in the time of such his reign And that both spiritually viz. Abundance of grace spiritual peace joy security large communion with God Christ and the holy Spirit Together with much benefit and comfort by the perfected Saints perfected I say in respect of their real happiness and the security of it Rev. 22.9 on such the second death shall have no power And also temporally viz. abundance of outward plenty peace security comfort in the enjoyment of the temporal blessings and good things of this life more then ever any ages of the world since the fall obtained whereunto the Scriptures likewise give large Testimony But because there have been in sundry Proofs already many things set forth to this purpose concerning the things of Christs Kingdom and in the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or forrunner hereof already published as in a short abridgement thereof contained many great things of such nature from evident Texts of holy Scripture We shall not at present proceed any further therein but as the Providence of God may further lead thereunto But de modo now we shall add nothing fearing to be either too curious or peremptory therein onely at present resolving that either mystically or personally in case of a new dispensation that Kingdom of Christ will in its time appear that we may not gain-say such as have obtained more light therein nor seem to diminish from the glory of it or any ways resist the truth We should likewise in the last place adde some improvement of this to all sorts of persons which we shall only at present in two words as it were adjoyn First to warn all opposers to take heed that either by denying or opposing Christ Kingdome in Doctrine practice or project least when Christ comes in his Kingdom they should be found resisters thereof and fighters against it or particularly comes in wrath against any such in the interim by sending any swift messenger thereof unto them remembring his sentence against those old rebels the Jews Luk. 19.27 But those mine enemes that would not that I should rule over them bring hither and slay them before me For it is a desperate danger to be found fighters against Christ upon any account or engagement in the world whatsoever at any other time but more especially at that time when he shall come in his glory and will manifest his great power and wrath upon them Secondly To encourage all Christs over-comers to be valiant and resolute in fighting against and resisting of all Satanical frauds and Antichristian oppositions against Christ and his Kingdom and to plead Christs right for the strenghening of others to stand on Christs part but always according to Christs warrant and direction in the pleading of this his last clause in the last part of his New Testament-will left amongst us in special mercy to poor unworthy sinners And for their encouragement they may observe from his word that it seems not to be long before he will make it good Surely saith he I come quickly Rev. 22.20 and this is according to the order of things therewith described probable in its order to draw on very fast For Antichrists ruin will make way for Christs reign on earth in that his eminent Kingdome Office and Authority and to that end let both sorts seriously consider that excellent closure of the Prophesie of that Evangelical Prophet Esay Chap. the last vers 5. and so forward which seems very apposite to that purpose and seriously to be weighed upon sundry considerations both respecting the latter time of Anti-christ and divers matters concerning Christs Kingdom then to come And so we conclude with the Churches earnest request unto Christ for the hastening of his coming Even so come Lord Jesus come quickly Amen Arguments for Christs Kingdom upon earth from the Lords Prayer First from the three first Petitions Arg. 1 VVHat Christ set down as the cheif rule and direction of the prayer and faith of his people shall surely be accomplished But that Gods Name should be Hallowed his Kingdom come his will be done on Earth as in Heaven is by him given as the cheif rule of their prayer and ground of their faith Therefore These things shall most surely have their accomplishment on Earth as in Heaven That is intra spheram activitatis quoad statum which in this respect is like to be remakable though corruption then be in the Saints yet will be then strongly and powerfully resisted the more grace the more glory to God then and after to themselves Arg. 2 At what time these are most-eminently promised and foretold to be in the world in that they shall be fulfilled and performed But in Christs reign on earth they are most eminently promised and foretold that they shall be Rev. 11. Rev. 20. Therefore In that time they shall be fulfilled and performed Argument from the fourth Petition Gods people may then pray most comfortably and confidently for daily bread when they find all such grace most inlarged on his Church unto which the entail of all needful temporal blessings is cheifly made yea and upon that account are in great abundance promised But such entail of needful supply of temporals or daily bread upon the abundance of spiritual grace in the time of Christs said reign upon that account is more strongly then made unto them yea and abundance of temporal prosperity unto the abundant measure of grace which then will be given Therefore Gods people will most comfortably and confidently then pray for it Argument from the
expresly Act. 10.41 But not so glorious as will be after in the highest heavens which the Saints on earth could not abide as being too great for mortal eys c. And in that state our Saviour is recorded to have spoken to them in the 40. days after he arose from the dead concerning this Kingdom of God we speak of as is likely Acts 1.3 which might occasion the Disciples asking Vers 6. whether at this time he would restore the Kingdom to Israel And he also might then promise to them the New Heavens and the New Earth as 2 Pet. 3.13 And whereas some make great stir against the manifest drift and scope of Rev. 20.4 because the souls are said to live besides that in Scripture Idem souls are taken for persons frequently Gen. 40.20 Psal 16.10 Luk. 12.19 c. How fitly may that be resolved by considering them vissionally in the state they were represented to Saint John then and were to be in when they were to have their bodies quickned which is plainly the drift of that Revelation in that text● for it had been no Revelation to have said their souls only lived nor that their souls thence should raign unless in a state sutable to Christ with bodies and to be with them on earth And the like Decypherings of the deceased Saints were then also Rev. 7.13 14. where they are said to be arrayed in white robes c. Namely as they shall be when they shall be raised and raign with Christ on earth and so Chap. 6.11 White r●bes were given to every one of them which is spoken of the same souls but then represented unto him in vision in what manner those souls will appear when their bodies shall be raised at Christs Kingdom And this is further evident from the Antichesis of them that lived not again then namely in respect of their bodies so that these must then live again in respect of their bodies Thirdly They must live again in that respect they were before dead that is of their bodies for their souls always lived only their bodies were dead therefore those and only those then lived again Fourthly They must then so live as will be most suitable to Christs state of reigning on earth as being their head who is therefore the first fruits of the resurrection he eminently shewed his power and pleasure in this at his very death as a preludium what he would do when he came to raign more generally for the Saints Mat. 27. when many dead Saints arose and went into the holy City when Christ for a time after his resurrection was in such a middle condition in regard of his body and who would have thought of such a thing to be done then if the Scripture had not so clearly recorded it So that as Paul said before King Agrippa Act. 26.8 Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you that God should raise the dead So why that then he will so raise them when his word fully testifies it sormerly more and more clearly and at last most clearly therefore saith he when the Son of Man shall come namely at that coming we speak of shall he find faith on the earth This was prophesied by Zach. chap. 14.5 typified in the Israelites as buried in the Red-sea Exod. 15. alluded to in this particular case Rev. 15.3 besides the places spoken of above Again on the other side that those souls living or as is said of the other sort v. 6. living again is not to be understood Spiritually lay together all the ensuing considerations First It is not agreeable to the Prophesie for they always so lived since the departing out of this life Secondly To understand it spiritually was no new Revelation for that was a plain known truth ever believed and acknowledged in the Church of God Thirdly The living there is not of the souls spiritually because this is of a living peculiar to that time not to be before nor after but at the last more general resurrection Fourthly Because they can only in a particular manner to that time only live in such sence as they could before be said to be dead not spiritually but only bodily Fifthly They cannot spiritually be said to raign with Christ that thousand years in such a spiritual manner as the Text imports because spiritually they did so before Sixthly They are not suitable to the outward glory of Christs Kingdom in the world then if they have not their bodies Seventhly Many peculiar promises to the Fathers and Prophets c. imply it must be bodily and not ●piritual only Eightly as we before hinted the spiritual raign without the bodily will not be suitable to the state nature and end of Christs Kingdom for then according to his prayer Job 17.24 Father I will that they be with me where I am that they may behold my glory not only spiritually but bodily wherein that vision will much consist Again adde as he is the first fruits of the resurrection in regard of body not soul so they in respect of their bodies will be a great part of the harvest hallowed by that first fruits Again consider the Doctrine of the resurrection as we hinted before hath been set forth by degrees it was but rarely and darkly taught in the Old Testament hence our Saviour to confute the Sadduces out of Moses who would be his Disciples in presence by an inference repells their errour not by plain words God is the God of the living not of the dead but he is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob therefore they live and little we find but Jobs profession of his own faith and the promise to Daniel and Esays mystical prophesie Chap. 26. and some few miraculously raised by the Divine power of Christ as types of that to come which the most of them if not all seem to have reference unto this very time of Christs beginning to raign as we shall endeavour by and by to make evident and for Saint Paul in the New Testament he sets forth many things concerning the resurrection after he had 1 Cor. 15. in the beginning of the Chapter strongly proved it against that Sadducaical opinion especially by the resemblances betwixt the first Adane and the second and by the dying and quickening of grain which was our Saviours own resemblance for his own death Except a Corn of Wheat he cast into the earth c. So when the Apostle in the said Chapter goes on to speak of the Doctrine thereof he sets forth many particulars of it the ground or cause Christ the first fruits the order first Vers 23 24 25 26. those that are Christs at his coming namely this coming when only the Saints will be raised then shews what will be before the end namely all rule all authority of the evil world must be subdued by Christ and even the last enemy to be subdued will be death and then shews a mystery afterward about that point yea many mysteries
divided the land of Canaan in the 50. Jubilee from the Creation which was 2500. years that is 50. times 50. 2. Again saith he when the Jews returned from Babylon after 70. years Captivity it was the 70. Jubilee which was 3500. years that is 20. times 50. or 10. hundreds Again concerning the New Testament times saith he as aptly again in breif the seventh Seal and the seventh Trumpet of that seventh Seal and the seventh Vial falling under that seventh Trumpet brings us to the seventh Millenary or great Sabbatisme of the Saints with Christ in the thousand years as 't is called Heb. 4.9 Again secondly more particularly when Nebuchadnezzar had obtained the Monarchy of Babylon then in a dream is presented to him the Image of four Mettals setting forth the four Kingdoms or Monarchies whereof he was the first the head of gold Dan. 2. after Daniel Chap. 7. hath a Vision of four Beasts signifying the same Kingdoms succeeding each other But the Babylonian Monarchy of gold about 70. years after ended in the death of Belshazzar and Cyrus his taking of Babylon when began the Persian Monarchy of the silver Armes and Breast about the 3390th year of the world according to Helvicus which continued 230. years to the year 3620. Whereupon begun the Grecian Monarchy upon the speedy conquest of Alexander the Great which held according to the said Author 280. years reaching to the year of the world 3900 when began the Roman of the Iron Legs with Feet and Toes of Iron and Clay which last denoted the state thereof in the Popes time which Roman Empire began about 47. years before Christs birth who was born saith the same Author the 3947. year of the world But thirdly From Christs Nativity the account is more certain 1. The Dragons casting down when Constantine the Great set up the Christian Religion in the room of Heathenish Idolatry in the Roman Empire about the year of Christ 312. or 320. as some conceive and from thence to the beginning of the date of the Beast Vide Excid Antichrist whilest the Barbarous Nations broke in pieces the Western Empire about 80. years or more when soon after the beginning of the fourth Century it is conceived the twofold Beasts 42. mouths Rev. 13. began together with the 10. Crowned Horns at one hour Rev. 17. both in the Western Empire But in the East about the 600. year of Christ the Saracens pushed at the Roman Empire in the East as was foretold Dan. 11.40 called there the King of the South And about the year 1300. the King of the North the Turk overflowed all with his multitudes and though Edom Moab and Ammon escaped in Arabia Petrea being a great shelter to the Jews v. 41. as Mr. Mede observes yet though Egypt long by the Mamalacks held out they were at last subdued and at his steps as ver 42 43. about the year of Christ 1517. and that only remains to the Turk to hear tidings to trouble him out of the East probably from the Jews seeking to get their own Country and out of the North which happily may be of the Israelites from Assyria lying North of Judea upon the like design whom in rage the Turk will go to resist in the glorious holy mountain but he shall certainly come to his end and none shall help him ver 44 45. to be executed about the sounding of the seventh trumpet Rev. 11.15 But as for the Pope's 42. months the same time with the Womans time times and half a time in her wilderness condition and with the two witnesses Rev. 11. their 1260. days of years their beginning with his is reckoned about the 406. year of Christ or 110. as some conceive In his viz. the Popes or Beasts said date there are considerable 1. His rise 2. His reign 3. His ruin 1. His rise to the great darkness of Popery towards the 11. Century till the Berengarians and Waldenses discovered him above 600. years 2. His reign whilst he prevailed in his Wars and Massacres against the Waldensian Germane and French Churches above 400. years more 3. The time of his ruin since he hath begun to fall by the hand of God according to his word and though he hath been killing the witnesses for considerable time successively yet at last by killing the finishing witnesses after 3. days of years and an half they rising his great ruin comes on eminently to be finished at the pouring out of the vial of the seventh Angel Whereupon ensueth the glorious Kingdom of Christ reigning eminently with his Saints on earth the thousand years The PREFACE Containing many instances whereby it hath appeared how backward many if not the most of Gods people have been to beleive the accomplishment of the great things that have been promised by God and for long time beleived and expected by his people till near the time of their accomplishment all which notwithstand God hath fulfilled both in the Old and New Testament as is still likely so to be in the great things remaining hereafter to done for the true invisible Church till the mystery of God shall be finished With an intimation how wily and watchful Satan hath been is and it may be expected in these things remaining he will still be more so in opposing and perverting the Doctrine of Christs Reign approaching as knowing that thereby his own Dominion will be utterly cast down THE PREFACE To my late well known and well approved Friends and Brethren B. D. F. K. N. S. T. A. P. I. O. C. increase of faith truth and consolation from him that sits upon the throne from the Lamb that was slain and from the seven spirits before the throne Amen My well beloved Brethren in the Lord IT hath all along seemed remarkable that in the great Revolutions of Divine Providence when great things have been drawing on to be acted for the good of Gods Church though they have been foretold and promised yet at the time of their accomplishment they have been usually by many of God people little expected if not gainsay'd and opposed by most When the 430. years preceding Israels return out of Egypt which God had foreshewed to Abraham were towards their expiration the Israelites would not take notice that God would by the hand of Moses deliver them and even when the time was almost fully come that God should deliver them out of that Egyptian bondage so long as Pharaoh was able to resist they were frequently out of heart and complained against Moses and Aaron and yet upon the self same day from the promise to Abraham wherein the said 430. years were expired the Children of Israel were actually delivered Exod. 12.41 And after that all the while they were in the Wilderness how often upon how many occasions did the most of them turn back in their hearts as the Psalmist speaketh into Egypt and by their renewed rebellion so provoked God that he sware in his wrath against that generation that they
should not enter into that rest Yea Moses himself was so provoked by them that he spake unadvisedly with his lips and they so tempted Aaron the Saint of Lord as Psal 106.16 that neither of them came into the land of Canaan nor any other of the people save Josua and Caleb of all that generation above the age of 20. years that had been delivered out of the hands of Pharaoh yet in Gods own time he accomplished his promise in giving that people possession of that land Josh 23.14 When faithful and holy David was anointed to be the Captain of Gods people even he in fighting the Lords battels found the sheild of his faith so shattered that despondently once he said I shall one day perish by the hand of Saul and thereupon ran himself upon dangerous rocks of temptation amongst Gods enemies from which notwithstanding God graciously delivered him and at last brought him into full possession of the Kingdom over all the tribes of Israel and Judah When Judahs 70. years Captivity in Babylon was almost expired they despise the day of small things and say the time is not yet come to build the house of the Lord Haggai 2.2 by whom God yet foreshewed that the great Mountain of strong opposition that stood before Zerobabel should become a plain and so it came to pass Yea when Christ himself the long expected Messiah came at the time in the place manner condition and in every respect as had been foretold he should come in the flesh how few even in Jerusalem or in Judaea acknowledged or regarded his wonderful birth his holy and wise demeavour and heavenly manner of life after all those divine witnesses of Simeon Zachary Anna Elizabeth c. or the very Angels before and at his birth or any thing afterward that set him forth to be wonderful before the time came wherein he openly manifested himself in the world and after that how was his person despised his doctrine and miracles though such as never man taught or wrought in the world before not only not regarded but even blasphemed by the great ones of those times and by their means likewise not owned by inferiours lest they should be cast out of the Synagogue and though some of the Preists believed in him they durst not confess him If Nicodemus a Mr. in Israel acknowledge and own him it must be in the night when he may not be seen and all the strange wonders before and at his death and resurrection and afterwards for the most part neglected and buried in silence So strangely in the worlds view and even in good mens too many times Gods greatest predictions and promises use to take place And have not since Christ the six first Seals of the Primitive times when Michael and the Dragon fought hand to hand as 't were whose worship should be set up and some of the Trumpets after wards been mystically sulfilled and passed according to the series of their several times which Mr. Mede on the Revelations very appositly applies How have those many Synchronisms of Antichrists tyranny 42. months with the two witnesses prophesie in sackcloth 1260. days of years Rev. 11. The Beast out of the Sea having seven heads and ten horns according to his Politick capacity the other out of the Earth with two horns like a Lamb according to the Ecclesiastical capacity Rev. 13. lyen hidden from most mens eyes And hath not the woman the true Church though gloriously at first adorned Rev. 12. yet since as long been forced into the wilderness Rev. 14. where her place was prepared and all that while the Scarlet Whore the Antichristian or false Church sits as a Queen and not only bewitcheth the Christian World with her Sorceries but also with the Cup of her Spiritual Fornications makes drunk the Kings of the Earth till the will of God shall be fulfilled when they shall hate her and make her desolate and naked and eat her fiesh and burn her with fire Rev. 17.16 17. And how few take notice that the time of her recompence is near Rev. 18.6 7. How many of Gods Vials are already poured out upon her How far she hath done her utmost in killing Christs witnesses even few do seriously ponder And when the second Woe is past how soon may sound the Trumpet of the seventh Angel such who can delare And thence forth many other excellent contemporaries are reveased from Jesus Christ the faithful and true witness and set before us under and after the said Trumpet who as he is about wonderfully to glorifie himself in taking his Kingly power Rev. 19. When the Kingdomes of the world shall become the Kingdomes of our God and of his Christ Rev. 11.15 in a far different manner then they have been formerly So likewise how long the earth shall be blessed with that happy Dominion he as clearly sets before his people Rev. 20.4 namely for the space of a thousand years even near or until the last judgement Vers 7 11 12. c. And after the Chronology of the time and after the time of the said seventh Trumpet in the 20. Chap. vers 7. where first having set down Vers 1 2. the contemporary binding of Satan and casting him into the bottomless pit and sealing him up there during that time having also subdued before the powers of the wicked world while he himself with his Saints vers 4.6 will wonderfully gloriously and graciously more then before manifest his Kingly power in the world the said thousand years wherein in the said following Chapters he evidently and strongly informes his people in the substance of many other contemporaries As first of the new Heavens and the new Earth for the thousand years chap. 21.1 and the New Jerusalem descending down from Heaven vers 10. and the Tabernacle of God being with men for the same time vers 3. again chap. 22. there is set forth the pure river of water of life proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb vers 1. and the tree of life bearing twelve manner of fruits the leaves whereof are for the healing of the Nations through the same period Vers 2. for in all the Book of Revelations where things are not said to succeed one another as the Seals Trumpets and Vials but one Table of Chronoligie is assigned to them all such distinct visions are contemporaries as all that concerned the true and false Church in Antichrists time have the same measure though diverslly computed by Moneths Days and a times time and an half So all these Visions under and after the seventh Trumpet have one Chronological Table to compute their time viz. a thousand years all which particulars being by Christs special order so strongly asserted by the Angel and the antient and latter Prophets as earnestly called in for evidence hereunto as we shall endeavour by Gods assistance to point out afterward yet so Providence hath over-ruled and ordered that though the substance of all these
things were antiently and all along promised to the Jews and Israelites and foretold by the holy Prophets successively in all ages and much by the Jews in our Saviours own time though both unseasonably and unsuitably expected and as Mr. Mede and others from Justine Martyr and other Ancients Testifie how the things in the said thousand years were usually by Christians beleived in the times next after Christ yet what by the subtilty of Satan teaching the Jews and others to affix such vain fables and sensual delights somewhat like to a Mahumetan Paradise to that time of Christs glorious Dominion in the world that occasioned many ancient and modern worthies as may happily more hereafter appear too much to have declined from truth to avoid such affixed errors And since by mens apprehensions of inconsistency of those things with some Articles of Christian faith some have thereupon endeavoured as may appear to thrust this thousand years of Christs raign into such troublesome corners of times moving Tabernacle where it never could long find that rest and peace wherewith it must notwithstanding in due time be blessed And to give such harsh and forced interpretations of many Prophesies both in Old and New Testament concerning that happy time to come as are unsuitable to the purport of them And an other stratagem of late times Satan hath used upon the breaking forth of some beams of light again appearing concerning that said happy period to come to stir up the owners of such Doctrine to turn Libertines Spoken according to the then present apprehension I had tillfurther light through grace as after may appear upon serious view in the sequel from the bonds of moral obedience due unto Magistrates as Christs deputies yea to attempt even to take away Magistracy it self and Ministry too whereas Christs Saints must not take the Kingdom to themselves till he the great King of Kings give it to them in his own time not in theirs or else so personally to understand his raign in his humane nature upon earth in a bodily presence that it may seem inconsistent with some Articles of Christian Religion when sacred truth allows not so to determine or as others by putting unwarrantable senses upon the Divine Mysteries not accommodated to the scope of the Spirit of God therein observable which Doctrine when the Spirit of truth shall defecate and cleanse from all old dreggs and scum of former and late errors misapplications and mistakes I confidently believe for the substance it will be owned as a precious truth among the beloved people of God though we may not put weight upon the gronndless conceits or fancies of men and the sacredwritings both of Old and New Testament may throughly evince it but especially this Revelation of Jesus Christ will necessarily enforce it if rightly and orderly considered especially compared with Daniel Ezekiel and other Prophets My endeavour therefore shall be by the assistance of the Spirit of grace and truth who will lead his servants in due time into all profitable and comfortable truth to point out such things tending hereunto which my own infirmity may otherwise prejudice unto others which notwithstanding as I shall endeavour I humbly request may be done with prayers and faithful endeavours by others better fitted for such a work all prejudices to the contrary being wholly laid aside in considering the last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ in the last branch of it now upon proving and therefore at such a time men had need be wary they do not go about even then to disallow and disprove of it when it is neer to be put in execution especially since he upon earth gave this intimation to the world to beware of infidelity upon this occasion Luk. 18.8 as may appear from the former Chapter When saith he the Son of man shall come shall he find faith upon earth He knew well what wiles Satan would use to darken the knowledge of that time which he the Arch-murtherer of mankind beleiving trembles at as is conceived was the mark set upon Cain his first-born murtherer of his Brother Abel when he himself must be shut up in his dungeon of darkness from seducing men which will be his sore torment all that time and the fore-runner of his speedily ensuing perpetual unexpressible misery and that upon his imprisonment the long promised and hoped for happy light and glory of Gods Church shall arise and shine forth Isa 60.1 which will adde to his anguish And as Cain built Cities for his cursed posterity thereby to abate the sence of his trembling but the universal deluge both destroyed them and their habitations so ever since mans fall the Devil to abate the sence of his own horrour hath been building many Castles in the Aair of wicked designes and seducements but knows when Christs raign shall take place they must all perish with their Author And therefore no wonder that Satan should seek to conceal and hide that period from men raging the more because he knows his time is so short Let us therefore the rather by faithful prayers and diligent search of holy Scriptures commend our selves to the guidance of Gods holy Spirit to be led into all truth and particularly in what concern Christs Kingly rule on earth not with respect unto what owning it hath by men but as witnessed unto by the Word of God which is the said holy Spirits evidence which if he once appear to set his Seal unto none shall make it void but it shall powerfully overcome and be victorious in the end as all other witnessings of Christ Jesus have and do and shall overcome the opposers of them though never so great many or eminent in the world April 24. 1664. MVNVS AN Advertisement Christian Brethren YOu may be pleased to take notice that after the evidences in the letter of Novemb. 1663. in the Fore-runner and my serious weighing of many other Scriptures especially in the Revelations compared with Daniel I was abundantly satisfied that such an happy state of the Church was to come on earth but yet it seeming difficult to me for a time to reconcile a personal presence with Christs intercession at the right hand of God and taking it for a truth that the coming of Christ was not to be expected till the last resurrection And not having so fully discerned then the clearness of a personal appearance above 1000. years before as since I beleive to be evident as by the last Paper of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may appear I thought I had fairly-salved the matter and that my reasons against the personal and only for a mystical appearance then had been good and sufficient with the illustrations thereof added as you may observe pag. 35 36 37. c. But besides a remarkable gracious hand of God upon me as you may there likewisy discern both to discover such remarkable passages in Scripture that seem more strongly to hold out a personal appearance then and to
was the instrumental deliverer of Abrahams Isaac's and Jacobs natural posterity out of the boudage of Egypt so the spiritual gifts and graces of Christ unto the spiritual seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob are the onely instruments of their spiritual deliverance from the spiritual bondage of sin and Satan when they are conveyed thereby as the Israelites were through the Red Sea of Christs blood and spiritually baptized by him as the Apostle speaketh in the Cloud and in the Sea of spiritual Regeneration and as the Israelites were circumcised when they had passed through the Red Sea the badge of their Covenant with the Fathers so the spiritual circumcision was to be on the hearts of the spiritual seed and as Moses that was the Minister of Circumcision and the Law could not bring the Israelites unto Canaan but Joshua accompanied with faithful Caleb did So the Law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did as the Apostle saith Heb. 7.19 and even so all the typical Priesthood and Sacrifices and oblations did but seem to set forth to the faith of Gods people what was to be done by the true High-Priest the Lord Jesus Christ by his once offering up of himself for mans sin in the end of the world Heb. 9. So here likewise by Davids providing for the building of Gods house where the Ark should rest as he intended yet was not permitted but it was promised to him and fulfilled when the Ark was gloriously placed there in Solomons time and honoured by evident manifestations of Gods presence there though all the institutions then used in that Temple which was a type of Christs body were but likewise typical of his priestly Office to come under the New Testament so these two famous Kings were eminently types of Christs Kingly Office First As Sauls worldly Kingdom was to be removed to make way for Davids a man after Gods own heart who was annointed of God though sometimes despised of men and as David overcame all the enemies of Gods people as Davids Kingdom was full of troubles at first yet after he had a compleat conquest over all his enemies round about and enjoyed peace on every side So Christ came in a low appearance into the world at least in the worlds eye yet by humbling himself he got the victory he hath been long fighting mystically for his people and shall at last gain them a peaceable Kingdom and all his foes be made his footstool in Gods due time Psal 110. but till that full victory his Ark as in Davids time will be in a moving Tabernacle but when the raign of the true Solomon comes his Ark will be setled his Kingdom shall be peaceable and flourishing Now that these were but types of Christs Kingdom appears by the eclypsing the glory of both First after Davids victory he fell and upon that succeeded many afflictions from his own house to the end of his days The most glorious raign of Solomon at first afterwards ended in as dark obscurity by sin and sufferings and his Son Reboboam grosly provoked Israel to the loss of ten Tribes and afterwards both Israel and Judah were in a declining condition till that whole generation went into Captivity and the Ark of God ceased to be any more with the Jews and though after seventy years according to Gods promise many thousands were brought back to Jerusalem by the decree of Cyrus as God foretold yet the Ark of God was no more amongst them nor they ever after but in a decaying state though God upheld the race of David in the Tribe of Judah yet much in obscurity till Christ that lineally was to proceed out of Davids loins came in the flesh in whom that promise was so fulfilled but yet in the set time when the Scepter was departed from Judah so that the glory of Davids Kingdom was not to be in himself or Solomon or their posterities according to the flesh only but in Christ the great deliverer of his people both from spiritual and temporal bondage and captivity as the Prophets of old abundantly witness and the New Testament confirms as may be shewed hereafter by Gods assistance yea David himself in many Prophesies foretells of Christs Kingdom what never was or can be performed to his meer natural off-spring as besides many others Psa 72. and Psa 137. do plainly shew Again Consider that when some of the Jews came back from Babylon what numerous multitudes not many ages after remained in the Persian Dominion in Ahashuerus and Queen Hesters times scattered as Haman said through all the hundred twenty and seven Provinces that he ruled over toward whom as God shewed mercy to them by Ahashuerus Marriage with Hester a captive Maid of the Jews so thereby seems to be shadowed how Christ the great King of his people though they have been long scattered in the captivities of many generations yet will again betroth them unto him in faithfulness as he speaketh by the Prophet Hos 2.19 which flourishing time of Christs Kingdom is described by the Spirit of God in the thousand years under or after the seventh Trumpet of which many things will be revealed when he shall take to himself his great power and raign Rev. 19. and the Kingdoms of the world shall become the Kingdoms of our God and of his Christ Rev. 11.15 then as he the Angel of the Covenant shews that at the beginning of the seventh Trumpet the mystery of God shall be finished Christ had wrought mystically in his Kingdom before but then he will shew himself in his Kingly authority before the Ark in the Temple might not be seen save by the High-Priest but then the Temple in Heaven shall be opened and there shall be seen in his Temple the Ark of his Testament Rev. 11.19 The Israelites were of old a generation of Prophets as David stiles them Psa 105.15 And do my Prophets no harm for they had such discoveries of God and his works renewed unto them by the Spirit of Christ in the Ministry of Moses in his five Books wherein they were taught of the creation of all things the destruction of the old world the fall of man the way of salvation for old and new world what God had done for them what service and obedience he required of them in what way and by what ordinances they should be accepted of him which no other people had besides them a●l the time Gods Ark was amongst them Yea they were also a Generation of Priests then for though onely the Priests in office then in reference to Christ might kill the Saerifices and place them upon the Altar yet in regard they were to bring their own Sacrifices to lay their hand upon the head of their offering to ●●stifie their faith and acknowledge their sins to testifie their repentance yet it was onely the faith and repentance of the true Israelites that through Christ unto whom they looked spiritually by whose onely propitiation and
Sack-cloth for a time and times and half a time In Chap. 13. We have the description of the false Apostatical Church from about Anno. 406. as is probably conceived from Honorius the Emperor and Pope Innocent the first his time set forth in a twofold beast wherein Antichrist and his followers are vers 1. described in their politique capacity as taking possession of the seat of the Roman Emperour in the West into which when the Dragon who was before dipossessed cunningly winds in that his substitute the Beast giving his power and place unto him under a new shape of Idolatry and so he riseth out of the Sea having seven heads and ten horns expounded Cap. 17. having upon his horns ten crowns and upon his head the name of Blasphemy By the other Beast vers 11. he is set forth in his Ecclesiastical capacity making up one body with his Clergy so he is said to come out of the Earth of an earthly constitution having two horns of power Ecclesiastick and Civil like a Lamb but speaks like a Dragon But concerning the twofold Beast Christ the mighty Angel described Chap. 10.1 when he gave the Book to John containing the Beasts forty two moneths speaks vers 6.7 that his time should be no longer And to that end had his two Sack-cloth Witnesses prepared Cap. 11. The Pastours to feed the woman in her wilderness-condition 1260. days of years whom in a seeming disgraceful manner he sets up against this great Beast which in appearance is maxime impar congressus they being contemptible in the worlds eye and yet lets them know they should have all along such power that they shall by the spirit of Prophesie overcome the Beast with all his worldly grandure and greatness and by suffering and dying after the Lambs example at last totally and finally overcome him And yet all the while that false Antichristian Apostatical Church of spiritual Babylon that scarlet whore described Rev. 17. Sits as a Queen not onely bewitching the Christian world with her Sorceries but also making the Kings of the earth drunk with the cup of her spiritual fornications the true Church though in a wilderness-condition yet continues to sing a new song on Mount Sion with the Lamb and to follow him where ever he goeth while the destroying Angels by their judgments surprize the Whore Chap. 14. And therefore while the Whore in all her gay gaudery promiseth her self security that she should see no sorrow Christ hath his seven Angels with their seven last plagues or Viale to be poured out upon her bringing her inevitable destruction by degrees upon what ever was of worth in her accompt even to destroy the Kingdom Throne and Empire of the Beast and even to make those Kings which the Scarlet Whore riding upon the Beast had before made drunken to hate the Whore and make her desolate and naked and eat her flesh and burn her with fire And lastly as a mighty Conquerour Rev. 19. Christ overthrows in the Armagedon Battel all the Hosts of the Dragons substitute and possesseth his Empire there and in all other the Dragons dominious besides and casts the Beast and the False Prophet the Pope and his counsel into the Lake of fire and brimstone and then as the most puissant King of Kings and Lord of Lords lays hold on the Dragon Rev. 20. and binds him likewise with a great Chain and shuts him in his Dungeon the bottomless pit And sets up his own Kingdom Dominion and Soveraignty generally over all persons places and times of the seventh Trumpet and thousand years wherein by his word he declares he will reign with his Saints upon earth Rev. 11.15 and 19.20 where again all time will end And in this last period are set forth as Synchronals the binding of Satan the raign of Christ with his Saints a thousand years on earth The new Heavens and new Earth for the same space of time and the Tabernacle of God with men The new Jerusalem The pure River of water of life and the tree of life bearing the twelve manner of fruits whose leaves are for the healing of the Nations All which are to be during that happy time when the Kingdomes of the world are said to be the Kingdoms of our God and of his Christ as was expressed Chap. 11.15 And when the Lord God omnipotent reigneth as the great multitude of his servants are taught out of the Throne to praise him so enlargedly Chap. 19.5 6. For as we noted before in all the Book of the Revelations where things are not said to succeed one another as the Seals Trumpets and Viols but one Table of Chronology is assigned to them all such distinct Visions are contemporaries as all that concerned the true and false Church in Antichrists time have the same measure though diversly computed by moneths days a time times and half So all these Visions under or rather after the seventh Trumpet have one Chronogical Table to compute their time viz. a thousand years all which particulars being by Christs special order so strongly asserted by the Angel and the antient and latter Prophets as earnestly called in for evidence hereunto for the stablishment of the Faith of Gods people herein since he the Lamb that had power to reveal them to his beloved Disciple Saint John hath likewise power to execute and fulfil them in their seasons till all be done which in his Office of Mediatorship is committed to him having therefore seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth whereby with his perfect wisdom and providence he will accomplish all that his undertaking Which Synchronismes in the last Period according to Mr. Mede in his Clavis Apocalyptiea are as a guiding thread which who so taketh and humbly and faithfully useth may greatly through grace be helped in passing through many otherwise inextricable labyrinths in many dark passages of this book for in this last period the said Mr. Mede hath gone contrary to the stream of Exposituours for many hundreds of years as others since him have done wherein for the substance there seems to be much clearness though the mysteries therein comprised are very high and intricate which in the ensuing and now neer approaching times will doubtless be much unfolded when the mystery of God shall be finished at the beginning of the sounding of the seventh Angel Chap. 10.7 and when likewise Gods Temple shall be opened in Heaven and there shall be seen in his Temple the Ark of his Testament Chap. 11.19 Now seeing in regard of all Christs other actings past since his taking of the book of Revelation at his Fathers hand they have been mystically and spiritually executed though all most really and powerfully so I conceive the mystical manner of understanding his reign on earth the thousand years As I then apprehended seems in regard of the Symetry proportion and suitableness to what hath already been done is here to be understood
though as Mr. Mede observes the Spirit of God sets forth things of our latter times more clearly then in the former Now that this may appear more evident let us diligently weigh and consider what the representative true Church do in the sequel who in the unity of Faith and spiritual Grace through all the times contained in this book looking in a spiritual discovery or vision through all the series of them to the utmost compleating of the Lambs victory over Antichrist and his followers in that excellent Period of his Kingly power solely and for ever thence-forward to be held in his own hand and We say they shall reign upon earth as may appear from the 8. verse of this 5. Chap. to the end First In vers 8. the said representative true Church fall down before the Lamb having every one Harpes and golden Viols and Odours which are the prayers of Saints Secondly Verse 9. They sing a new song for New Testament grace and glory To the Lamb saying thou art worthy to ●ake the Book and open the Seals thereof Thirdly They shew the ground and matter of their new Song Thou wast slain and hast redeemed us by the blood out of every kindred tongue and people and Nation where observe whence those representative four Beasts and twenty four Elders have their original descent successively to the end of the world having all along the same frame of spirit Fourthly They set forth the promotion and advancement he hath spiritually raised them up to in the earth in all their successions by his work of redemption Namely 1. What they were actually possessed of Thou hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests 2. What more especially fiducially and in vision they saw and say they should have in the last period of time If any forsake father c. Mat. where they had before served Christ or suffered for him in the following words And we shall reign upon Earth as 2 Tim. 2.12 if we suffer we shall also reign with him And hereupon comes in the conclusion in a general doxology set forth in a vision of an innumerable company of Angels round about the Throne and the Church vers 11 12. expressing their high praises to the Lamb and then of all creatures joyning to ascribe all excellency blessing glory and power c. to him that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever Whereupon the four Beasts or living Wights say Amen Testifying their faith and assurance thereof and the twenty four Elders to declare their assent and consent like the people in Solomons time when he had prayed at the consecration of the Temple and God manifested his glory there 2 Chron. 7.3 they bowed and worshiped him that liveth for ever Which words seem to have special reference to Christ as having been slain and alive again and lives for ever more as Rev. 1.18 who hath the Keys of Hell and death and in the end will cast the Dragon Satan Hell and Death into the Lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which brings in the destruction of the world and last judgement Rev. 20.11 When Heaven and Earth will flee before him that then will sit upon the throne and all shall be raised that are then dead to come to be judged c. vers 12 13 14 15. So that the Spirit of God teacheth the representative Church to look upon their reign on the earth as the main thing that is driven at in respect of themselves in the Book of Revelation as a thing all along to be eyed by them from the first giving of it and which shall be accomplished in all time till the consummation thereof And thereupon both they Angels and all creatures break forth into praises as was shewed Inferences from Rev. 5. which will be proved in the Sequel 1. If the beginning and ending of the Visions given by Christ to his beloved Disciple St. John hold out the great glory of Christs kingly Office with his Saints in the last period under or after the seventh Trumpet then such glory thereof is yet to come in the said Period But he hath therein so revealed such his Kingly glory to him both in the beginning Chap. 5. Vers 10. and in the end thereof Chap. 20. and else-where Therefore It shall so be fulfilled in the said third period 2. If the representative true Church are taught by Christs Spirit to look upon such his reign on the earth as a great fruit of the redemption wrought by Christ yea as the compleating of his Mediators office in the world and as a great honour and recompence through grace in time for their service and suffering for him in the world For as they have there suffered with him so there they shall raign 2 Tim. 2.12 Then they shall accordingly attain in due time the end of their expectation and confidence But Christs Spirit hath there so taught them so to look upon such Christs reign on Earth Therefore In due time they shall accordingly attain the end of such their expectation and confidence 3. If Christs taking of his kingly power to himself at the seventh Trumpet be the fulfilling of the Prophesies of the Old Testament and his answering to the types therein contained of David chiefly delivering the Jews and Israelites and in Ahashuerus marrying captive Hester and so delivering all the dispersed Jews and Israelites then it must ●eeds be so undertaken and performed But it will be the fulfilling the Prophesies and answering to the types of the Old Testament Therefore It must needs be so undertaken and performed 4. If the Spirit of God is eminently large and vigorous in setting out the glory of what belongs to Christs Kingly Office upon earth in the said last period then there is the more sure ground to beleive and expect it But he is eminently large and vigorous therein Therefore There is the more sure ground to beleive and expect it 5. If Christs Office of Mediatorship must end when he resigns up the Kingdom to the Father when full reconciliation is made and the perfect union of himself with his Church as her spiritual head is fully accomplished then before that time the eminency of his Kingly Office upon earth must needs appear as there hath been of his Prophetial and Priestly Offices hitherto But there is no Period left for it but that under or after the seventh Trumpet before his Mediators office shall so be finished at the said time Therefore It must necessarily be in that third period to come under or after the seventh Trumpet 6. If the great glory of such reign of Christ will then appear in the multitude of his subjects both of the Israelites Jews and Gentiles As the Scriptures abundantly winess then the greatest glory of his powerful grace and the greatest confluence of redeemed and saved souls shall then come in But the glory of such Christs reign will then appear in the multitude of such his subjects
further considering what is said Rev. 21.22 c. to this purpose of of the same time I observed Rev. 21. at the new heavens and the new earth the Tabernacle of God is said to be with men which may denote a near communion in a more unusual manner then formerly and in the new Jerusalem that came down from heaven the Lord God Almighty the Lamb are said both to be the light and the Temple thereof chap. 21 22 23. which may import some excellency both of worship and discovery then to be in the Church Again c. 22. the pure river of water of life out of the Throne of God and the Lamb which may note the abundant and constant overflowings of the graces of the Holy Ghost with power in that time proceeding from the Father the Son and so the tree of life by that river c. to note Christ will be gloriously and graciously present with his Church then to preserve it in that excellent condition as in Paradise if man had eaten of that tree and like to those in Ezekiels Visions in the nine last Chapters of the Temple the New Hierusalem the waters flowing thence and the trees there c. all which Texts seriously weighed occasioned me to apprehend some wonderful new dispensation of grace under the reign of Christ upon the earth which whether it may be some only mystical appearance of Christ glory and Majesty shining from Heaven upon earth either spiritually wrought or visibly apparent as the lighten-from one end of the earth to the other Mat. 24.27 or in what manner or how long that time only may manifest yet Master Brightman who is large upon a flourishing state of the Church of the Jews hath a learned and large exposition of the precious stones in the new Hierusalem applies them spiritually to such a Church to come in earth wherein Paraeus dissenteth from him upon the ground fore-hinted And that Text Psa 110.1 Sit thou on my right hand until I make thy foes thy footstool which in the New Testament seems sundry times to have reference to the ruine of Antichrist and his complices seems to limit Christs sitting there to that season And St. Pauls five parts of the mystery of Godliness makes the last to be his taking up into glory as if in that was the finishing of that mystery 1 Tim. 3.16 as the Angel Christ Rev. 10.7 likewise speaks Antichrists time shall be no more But some Scriptures speaking of the end of the World Lo I am with you to the end of the World Mat. 28. ult and so the parable of the Tares the Harvest is the end of the world seemed to oppose any new way of dispensation but setting against those Texts the Angels viz. Christs swearing time should be no more Rev. 10. which some learned Divines expound of wicked Dominion at the end of the fourth Monarchy by the Popes perdition which agrees with a like vision Dan. 12.7 where likewise he swear for a time times and a half when he that is Antichrist figured before in Antiochus Epiphanes and here again spoken of shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people all those things should be finished i. e. the Kingdom should be given to the Saints of the most high as before and Michael the great Prince stand up for Daniels people vers 1. which evidently agree with the times of the seventh Trumpet But for further resolution I considered Mat. 28. ult and Mat. 13. where 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies the finishing together while the Tares and the Wheat grow together till all that offend be gathered out of Christs Kingdom of the age as Gods finishing his mystery Rev. 10. and in both those places appeared to be remarkably the same in sense with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 often used for the present state of things till evil Dominion end as may be seen in many places of the new Testament as first for worldly men Luk. 16.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hujus seculi the Children of this world are wise in their generation so of the Devil 2 Cor. 4.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bujus seculi in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them that beleive not So Ephes 6.12 The Rulers of the darkness of this world So Joh. 12.3 Stan is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Prince of this world So also John 14.30 which is onely until the same time and so in that sense those phrases seem to be taken till the end of the prevalency of evil men and Devils when Gods mystery shall be finished at the seventh Trumpet when glorious light of grace and truth will shine in the Church of God and for the Parable of the Tares where the Harvest is expounded to be the end of the world it seems manifestly to be meant of such a coming wonderfully at the setting up of his Kingdom where it is said he will then send his Angels to gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend and the order of proceeding seems contrary to the last destruction for here the Angels must first gather the Tares and bind them in bundles and burn them before the Wheat be gathered into the Barn the true Church but at the last judgement when Heaven and Earth and all the works in them shall be burnt which is called then the destruction of the ungodly men Christ by a change before in an instant delivers the faithful then alive from that temporal destruction and the ruine of Antichrist seems agreeing with that of the Tares burning first in order by taking of that hurtful brood out of the way c. And in Luk. 17. The examples of the Flood in Noahs time and the destruction of Sod●●m and Gomorrah in Lots time are instance in which were the taking away of ungodly men but not the destruction of the Universe so here 't is said all that offend and work wickedness shall be taken out of Christs Kingdome But as we hinted before of Christs giving the Kingdom to the Saints that it must be his certain gift to them not any mens daring attempts will carry it so if any new dispensations shall be which we but darkly guess at Gods present Institutions must necessarily be observed and prized till in such regard his will is clearly made known to his people for all such affairs are the flowers or jewels belonging onely to his celestial crown that none other may order but himself and in his own appointed time onely and it is a snare of Satan to concieve otherwise thereof and in case Satan know any such truth his malice of late is the more remarkable in his seduced followers who to their own and others mischeif have cryed down and rejected Gods sacred Ordinances in the times when they are most useful and needful for them and others Or by any other ways or means then to make them unprofitable or ineffectual If some Ordinances shall not continue in
those times of light it is like because they will not then be needful as Mr. Archer conceives of the Lords Supper which was to shew the Lords death till he come as when Christ came in the flesh typical worship ceased yet the promise for those times in this is clear Thy teachers shall not be removed into corners any more but thine eyes shall see thy teachers Isa 20.20 yea The watchmen upon her walls shall never hold their peace Isa 62.6 But after all when I was transcribing my said Reasons and was to begin the last page of a sheet unwittingly I wrote them inverso ordine from bottom to top which made me think happily I must retract as to them hereafter which in case of a new dispensation in a way of grace before not known may take off the force of all such reasons Especially if our Saviour promise to be with his Ministers to the end of the world in the foresaid way of Ministration by baptizing and teaching them to observe all that he commanded them before was meant by him but till that time he himself in vision swore time namely of the evil world shall be no more Rev. 10. but at the seventh Trumpet the good new world should begin and such a pattern was that new dispensation to the Israelites when God had by a mighty hand plagued and at last destroyed Pharoah and them when Israel were passed through the Red Sea by Christs conduct then into the wilderness as Moses had signified to Pharaoh we know not with what the Lord will be served there until we come thither but there were new Revelations to Moses new given Laws in Tables of stone again and again new Ordinances of justice in the civil government new institutions appointed for ceremonial and divine worship new orders of priests of Aarons race in several branches in the rooms of the first born besides occasional appointments as the brazen Serpent the Sensors of Corah Dathan and Abiram c. so when God shall deliver his people from the spiritual Egyptian bondage of Popish tyranny and set them in the ready and safe way to the Heavenly Canaan though they have but a moving Tabernacle where he is worshiped in this world yet he may make such new Heaven and earth of ordering matters of Church and State and so feed his Israel while he guides them the sure way to Canaan and the heavenly Sion with Heavenly Manna as in that former type which we may no more know how in particulars then the Israelites did in Egypt and therefore though the thing be most certain that such a glorious reign of Christ is to come on earth which we shall now here contrary to former purpose a little here insist upon yet de modo though I would chuse what is least offensive so far as I may yet I must have an ear an eye open to receive further instruction and light from the word and spirit of grace and truth But at present accordingly for confirmation of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I shall I say endeavour these two ways to shew the certainty thereof First from the witness of St. John the Angel the Spirit yea Christ and of him that sits on the Throne as ratified in the Revelation Secondly by the other two with Christ at his transfiguration viz. James and Peter and from St. Paul to whom Christ did so eminently reveal himself at his conversion First the Apostle John one of the three at Christs transfiguration which seemed to be with him a secretis as we may say that beloved Disciple to whom the Revelation was given he sets down in sundry places there that the Kingdoms of the world should be Christs Chap. 11.15 And the Lord God omnipotent reigneth Chap. 19.6 And the twenty four Elders give him thunks that he hath taken to himself his great power and hath reigned Chap. 11.17.20 the Saints shall raign with Christ a 1000. years and so often and strongly the things concerning his Kingdom are asserted first concerning the marriage of the Lamb Chap. 19.7 8 and in vers 9. he concludes these are the true sayings of God again concerning the New Heaven and the new Earth when he that sat on the throne had said Behold I make all things new he adds again write for these words are true and faithful Chap. 21.5 and after the vision of the pure River of the water of life and the tree of life by it with twelve manner of fruits with leaves for the healing of the Nations his servants are said to see his face and his name is in their fore-heads and they shall reign for ever and ever Chap. 22.4 5. he adds vers 6. These sayings are faithful and true and the Lord God of his holy Prophets hath sent his Angel to shew unto his servants the things that must shortly be done then in time for eternity hath no such distinction of shortly or long time to come again vers 10. John must not seal the saying of the Prophesie of this book for this reason the time is at hand and Christ concludeth vers 20. Surely I come quickly And further observe how the Prophets Testimony is often called in to these things Chap. 10.7 for at the finishing of the mystery of God it is said as he had declared to his servants the Prophets So Chap. 11.18 that then he should give reward to his servants the Prophets and Chap. 18.20 The Apostles and Prophets are bidden to rejoyce at Babylons ruine because God hath avenged them on her and one of the seven Angels that had the seven Vials full of the seven last plagues that came to John Rev. 21.9 and shewed him the new Hierusalem the Lambs wife the bride descending down from Heaven and after that the pure River and tree of life Chap. 22. and having there asserted the truth of the things he shewed and told her adds and the Lord God of the Holy Prophets hath sent his Angel c. and when St. John was about to worship him he refuseth saying I am thy fellow-servant and of thy brethren the Prophets and of them which keep the sayings of this book and of the new Heavens and the new earth The Prophet Isaiah speaketh plainly Isa 65.17 and Peter speaks of the same with a nevertheless before the last destruction 2 Pet. 3.13 which seems by his words to have been again promised by Christ to him and other Disciples saith he according to his promise and so we have enterd upon the Testimony of another those three of Disciples that were with Christ in the Mount and in Chap. 1.16 he speaks of that power and coming of Christ in that his transfiguration in the Mount as a glimpse of the glory of his coming in his Kingdom vers 17 18. and Chap. 2.5 7. How God delivered Noah from the destruction of the Old world and Lot from the destruction of Sodom which as they were for examples of vengeance to those that live ungodly so he
former and that the preceeding but this in most dreadful manner after which never any such shall be any more under Satans rule should be utterly broken in peices and fall in perdition after which Christ will set up his own Kingdom which shall stand for ever when it shall be regnum montis and fill the whole earth Again In Chap. 7. Daniel after the Vision of the four Beasts hath the exposition of the fourth specially given him which though as some conceive there is an historical and literal sence in some respects observeable and Antiochius Epiphanes signified by the little horn c. which happily may not be denyed for many Scriptures have both an Historical and mystical sence and Prophesies of several things are sometimes much interwoven as Mat. 24. of the destruction of Jerusalem and the world yet again by some learned and judicious men these things are either applyed literally or at least mystically or typically to the times of the Roman Monarchy to which it is very aptly applicable both in regard of the strength and prevalency of the Roman Monarchy and the long continuance thereof and in the special resemblances of the Antichristian power and state afterward and even the very phrases in Daniel are applied to the Pope Rev. 13. but after this vers 27. it follows the Kingdom the Dominon the greatness of the Kingdom note the expressions shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey him and this can belong to no other but Christ as in Rev. 11.15 and of these times all the Prophets speak successively Rev. 10.7 Act. 3.21 and further Chap. 12. which seems to be a further explication of several things concerning those times of the Roman Monarchy and Christs Kindom succeeding it wherein seems first to be set forth secretly by the standing up of Michael their Prince what the book of Revelation gives light to in sundry particulars therein briefly couched The appearing or coming of Christ or standing up for his People as Daniel to destroy Antichrist the Feet and toes of the Roman Monarchy together with the remainder of his ten horns with such a terrible destruction as never was since there was a Nation to that same time and then his people should be delivered and vers 2. having spoken briefly and darkly of the resurrection of the dead which is more largely explained Rev. 20. which happily may be meant of the last general resurrection after the finishing the happy times after his peoples delivery beforesaid or rather to be understood of the civil resurrection of Israel and Judah prophetied Ezek. 37. when they should become one stick when such as are faithful and strengthen others will be renowned but back-sliders contemptible And vers 3. having spoken somewhat of the recompence that should be given to the faithful messongers of the Gospel and all such as turn many to righteousness then at the begining of the 4. vers Daniel is commanded to shut up the words and seal the book even unto the time of the end and when Daniel was desirous to know the end of these things in the latter end of the 4. vers and in vers 7. there seem two marks of the time of the end fore spoken of which vers 8. Daniel saith though he heard yet he understood them not and yet though he desired to know it was not then granted for vers 9. the words are sealed c. Now the first of those marks of the times that should be before the said time of the end in vers 4. is many shall run ton and fro and knowledge shall be encreased which seems by the series of times in the book of Revelation to set forth the character of the times next after Christ and so by many running too and fro was shewed the Apostles and other evangelical Messengers of Christ that went then to publish the Gospel in all parts of the Roman Empire then called the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Luk. 2. and to cause the knowledge of Christ and his Gospel to abound Or else by running too and fro may be signified that though then many received the Gospel and took up a profession of it for a time yet by tentations and persecutions many left again the owning of that profession and yet notwithstanding abundance of light and knowledge did then shine out in the primative Churches though they were greatly persecuted The other mark of the times before the said end which Daniel acknowledged he then understood not seems to be set forth not onely by the said Series of times given to St. John in the Revelation but to make the sence of the former more suitable to the truth in vers 7. there is the peculiar stamps set upon those next times that in the Revelation are plainly explained what times they be viz. The date of the Beast or times of Antichrist which succeeded the said primitive times as Rev. 12.14 namely the time and times and half wherein the woman the true Church was to be in her wilderness-condition by reason of his tyranny and wickedness and to make it more evident there is described one in white Linnen who is said to swear that those things should be finished then when he that is Antichrist shall have accomplished to seatter the power of the holy people the Saints Then saith he these things shall be So the Angel Rev. 10.7 which denotes Christ as the learned and judicious do conceive swears that time should be no more that is say they the worlds time under Satans rule under such powers as formerly for the most part And that the mystery of God should be finished even at the beginning of the seventh Trumpet Yet though Daniel understood not the said markes of the said time in respect of the Gentile Church yet he hath others given respecting the Jewish Church which set forth the conversion of his people the Jews which though unto us it seems difficult to find the Epocha thereof the thousand two hundred and ninety days which is conceived to be about the Emperor Julians time and if so seems to approach nigh pointing out the Jews first conversion and forty five years after the glorious times expected to appear or happily about the pouring out the seventh Vial Antichrists last destruction c. Onely in the conclusion Daniel hath this consolation given him that he shall stand in the lot at the end of the said days verse 12. Now what these famous prophetical Chronologers have so foreshewed formerly more darkly Christ hath since by his beloved Disciple St. John more clearly and largely revealed concerning the excellency of Christs Kingdom on earth as we have in some measure set down before And thus the main pillars and work of this building being erected I suppose with other usual materials to wit the Prophesies and Promises concerning Christs Kingdom in the rest of the Prophets in the Old
kind of studies which afterwards they grosly abused And Moses by means of Pharaohs daughter was afterwards trained up in all the learning of the Egyptians But when God used the Ministry of Moses and Aaron to bring his people out of that bondage he set up an instituted Church and as he wrote the tables of the Law himself So he directed Moses in writing his five Books for the benefit of his Church Yet doubtless that excellent faculty of writing hath been likewise much after that time abused by Satan and evil men likewise to eclipse truth and promote errors amongst all Heathen people For that as God had by that means set down the sum of his true Religion for that generation of the children of the godly Patriarchs and Fathers and after forty years made their posterity a famous Nation and people and by degrees were formed into a glorious state and Kingdom in the end of Davids and begin●ing of Solomons reign So Satan had all along an apparent design to raise huge Mountains of tyranny in the world to serve his own purposes in his wicked Dominion thereby to promote Atheism and Idolatry and what ever was evil and to overpower oppress and subdue if it were possible Gods Church and professed people and so far as their sins gave advantage from time to time they did so by the just hand of Gods providence most wisely and powerfully steering and ordering all the affairs of the world to his own glory and the fulfilling of his own holy pleasure when Satan and evil men least intend it making them in such cases like refiners to his people to cleanse them from their dross and though several Infidel and Idolatrous Nations afflicted and oppressed Israel soon after Moses and Joshua's time as in the Book of Judges and the following stories in Scripture may appear many times until Davids victorious and Solomons flourishing Kingdom which in the next succession Satan by his engins of Idolatry and wickedness soon found a way to divide to make way for his own rule in the world and upon the ten tribes revolting got the greatest part even of Israel it self to turn to his side and promote his design for the most part Helvic till at the last the height of their sins and the fulness of their iniquity delivered them up into the hands of their Assyrian conquerours under which captivity they have lain above 2400 years and still by the like means and actings Satan afterward raised a greater mountain of opposition against Gods Church when advantage against them might be obtained and Judahs sin was likewise ripe so that the Assyrian rod that scourged Israel before being burnt in the Babylonian furnace these also might be cast and fashioned that head of gold the Babylonian Monarchy which by its massie weight meeting together with Judahs sins written with a pen of Iron and with the point of a Diamond might grind that people almost to powder wherein Satans designs seemed to attain their end But now for a remedy for this God reveals by Daniel as was fore-shewed that though Satan at the present seemed wholly to have wone the victory yet he should not always wear it but that first he would break in peices that head of gold by a meaner mettle and so make use of the succeeding breasts and arms of silver viz. the Medes and Persians and that not onely to destroy the said golden head but also as he promised graciously by his Prophet concerning Cyrus whom he therefore stiled his Shepheard Isa 44.28 to reduce his people in a wonderful manner again to Jerusalem and rebuild by a strange munificence and assistance his Temple there and though for their crying sins they were afterward in the two following Monarchies of Brass and Iron namely the Grecian and Roman long and soar afflicted they were also at length after the Promises of the Messiah were fully compleated by the Iron legs and thighs of the most terrible Roman power wholly made desolate upon their rejection and crucifying the Lord of life and glory the true King of Israel as Nathaniel had acknowledged him Joh. 1. But when diverse heads of that monstrous Roman Beast explained to Daniel Chap. 7. but more to St. John Rev. 17. had successively passed their seasons and when he that letted 2 Thes 2.7 was taken out of the way Satan then found advantage to erect another and worse then the former Babel namely That which is the third Babel to wit the Mystical under the great Antichrist the Pope wherein Satans design by winding that proud cruel and wicked Tyrant cunningly into his own seat and authority by hypocritical pretences to make that foul beast to defile and poyson the waters of life and by strong and strange delusions so to hinder and abolish both the truth and power of Christs new constituted Religion in the world as far as he could reach wherein his evil design hath likewise greatly prevailed for above twelve hundred years past But for help and remedy against this mystical Babel also Christ aforehand shewed unto his beloved Disciple John and by him to his Churches successively the utmost period of his continuance and manner of his now approaching ruine as of the Dragons before and that the said Beast likewise when the term of his Kingnom was out must with it go into perdition and be cast into a Lake of Fire and Brimstone denoting the perpetual ruine of all Antichristian Tyranny and an utter end of all wicked dominion being the last and lowest parts of the said Image to wit the feet and toes according to the interpretation given to Daniel Chap. 2. and at whose destruction the mystery of God should be finished in the world as the expression of the Spirit of Christ is Rev. 10.17 and Dan. 12.7 when the whole of what was revealed to St. John concerning the Beasts rise and ruine as was before noted should all in such ways as he hath set down be accomplished viz. by the prophecyings of the two sack-cloth witnesses and the pouring out of the seven last plagues upon all the Beasts worldly excellency as Rev. 11 and 15 16. Chap. So that then the Kingdoms of the world shall be the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and be given to the Saints of the most high as before Dan. 7. Rev. 11.15 So that as all the Devils designes and Gods had run counter before so by Christ these have all along been so managed that at length the usurped Dominion of Satan will be utterly subverted and the decreed Monarchy of Jesus Christ must be compleated in this world under or after the seventh Trumpet as a step to his eternal perfection of glory and happiness with his whole mystical body the true Church in the Kingdom of his father which as mediatour he will resign up to him at the end as St. Paul teacheth 1 Cor. 15.4 Now as by the miracles of Moses the first of Christs Chronologers the Egyptian Magicians were
confounded As by the spirit of Wisdom given by Christ to Daniel the second Chronologer the Astrologers Caldeans and South sayers of Babylon were overcome So by the Spirit and Word of Christs Testimony in the mouth of his sackcloth Prophets according to Saint John the third Chronologer the subtilty of the man of fin is quite defeated and he himself with his cheif followers made utterly desolate and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone so that thenceforward as the Devil the wicked one usurped a rule in the world in the hands of his evil powers abusing such their authority for the most part for the promoting of evill and hindering or preventing of any good so afterwards Christ will put all his authority under his reign and dominion in the world into good hands to remove and hinder evil and to maintain and advance good which happily may be the advantage Satan may take at the end of the 1000 years to stir up the wicked at that time in the world to attempt against Christs true Church at the last to cast off their iron yoke as to them it may seem which they have been so long held under by and to strive to break those bands asunder and to cast away such cords of good Government from them as Psa 2. But then He that sits in heaven will laugh them to scorn and by such means destroy both Satan and his followers and while so they seek to encompass the camp of the Saints they will find Christ come at last against them for ever to destroy both Satan and them when the Devil with his host of evil men shall be sent after the Beast and false Prophet into the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death never any more to commit or work or even further to attempt any mischief in the world and so casting Death and Hell with them into the same destruction Revl 20.10 14. Christ will have the perfect victory when all his enemies are so put under his feet And thus we may observe how notwithstanding all Satans Babels of confusion Christs Kingdom shall be set up both to put an end to all such his designs and to put an end to all such attempts save onely that which after he shall be loosed for a little season will put an end to all his actings in the world and of all his seed and usher in all their misery eternally in Hell but in all the thousand years before that neither he nor they shall be suffered to annoy Gods servants but that will really be fulfilled in the time of the New Jerusalem which shall come down from heaven which will be her priviledge Rev. 22.3 And his servants shall serve him CHAP. VI. Wherein are briefly and summarily set down the Testimonies of the Prophets in all the ensuing times after Moses which have been sufficiently cleared from what hath been formerly said to the contrary to belong to the said time of the Kingdom of Christ in the said Thousand years HAving considered what in the three great Chronologers is observably spoken of our Saviours Kingdom upon earth we shall by Gods gracious assistance proceed in the method concerning the rest which our Saviour himself after his resurrection directeth us unto Luk. 24.43 It is written saith he of me in Moses the Prophets and the Psalms endeavouring to observe some things further out of the other Prophets to this purpose and to come to speak of what is recorded in the Psalms likewise of the Kingdom of Christ wherein that eminent sweet singer of Israel did so abundantly tune forth such melodious streins thereof and even upon occasion of his own Kingdom and Solomons delivereth such great things in reference to Christs Kingdom which could not have their accomplishment in any other then him that was the eternal son of God And the like may be observed in all the ensuing Prophesies of Gods ancient people of Israel and Judah the subjects in cheif of that Kingdom as likewise of their most glorious King and Governour who will then be manifest to them and we have the covenant of God in respect both of these Subjects and of their great King made with David for Solomon as a type 2 Sam. 7. but looking at Christ wherein consisted the sure mercies of David which are largely illustrated both by Gods free and gracious promise by both in Nathans message from vers 10. shewing that Israel should be planted in their own place and move no more nor afflicted any more by the sons of wickedness verse 11 And after speaking of the establishing of Davids house though as in Solomon and in his successors his naturall race might sorely suffer yet in a heavenly King the Son of David and the Son of God vers 13 14. applied Heb. 1.5 there is stability ascertained and so Davids faith and prayer improve it with much grateful acceptation verse 19. Thou hast spoken of thy servants house a great while to come and v. 26. Let thy servants house be established for ever and so again vers 29. this covenant Psal 89. could be in none but Christ the Messiah That the Prophesies and Promises that follow concerning both never yet had any suitably fulfilling nor can have other ways then in such a wonderful way and glorious manner as is peculiar to the Kingdom of Christ at such his appearing 2 Tim. 4.1 which as they have been strangely wrested to avoid a litteral sence by some so have they been sufficiently cleared by others to contain it so that the evident clearness and great vigour in so many Scripture Testimonies cannot but work upon such teachable spirits as this abridgement is intended for It is counted policy though wicked in slandering calumniare audacter haerehit aliquid So in so great abundance of Testimonies of truth upon good Christian policy we may confidently assert for in such clearness something will remain to wit to such as are not more disposed to shut their eyes against Scripture light then to open them to behold it I shall but as it were pass through them because I aim at brevity the large discussion being done by others already and especiall in the second and third books of The dawning of the Day-star composed by Dr. Nath. Homes wherein very learnedly and judiciously such Scripture-Prophesies and Texts respecting the quod sit That there is such a Kingdom of Christ to come on earth in the thousand years are very clearly and convincingly opened and applied thereunto which I had opportunity to peruse since these brief collections who both strongly asserts the truth therein and very satisfactorily afterwards answers what things have been objected to the contrary where I am well assured that intelligent persons by Gods assistance may finde more clear resolution as respecting those mystical Scriptures and Prophesies through the whole book of God then in many large Commentaries of most Writers on them for many hundred of years last past which differ therein from the most
pure Primitive times Now among the Prophets look first into that Evangelical Prophet Isaiah who is abundant to the purpose where we shall only take some few at present to prove that such a Kingdom of Christ is to come and refer the great things foretold by him and others concerning that Kingdom to be considered in another place First In the second of his Prophesie verse 2 3 4. It shall come to pass in the last days the mountain of the Lords house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and the nations shall flow unto it And many people shall say Come ye and ●st us go unto the mountain of the Lord unto the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths for out of Sion shall go the law and the word of God from Jerusalem And he shall judge among the Nations and shall rebuke many people c. So Isa 9.7 Of the encrease of his Grvernment and peace there shall be no end upon the Throne of David and upon his Kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgement and with justice from hence forth even for ever Again Isa 11.10 In that day there shall be a root of Jesse which shall stand as an ensign of the people to it shall the Gentiles seek and his rest shall be glorious as Heb. 4. And verse 11. It shall come to pas● that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left from Assyria and from Egypt and from Pa●hros and from Cush and from Elam and from Shinar and from Hamath and from the Islands of the Sea and verse 12. He shall set up an ensign of the Nations and shall assemble the out-casts of Israel and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth with much more to that purpose in that place before and after these words c. And very remarkable is that Prophesie Isa 24.23 Then the Moon shall be confounded and the Sun ashamed when the Lord of Hosts shall reign in mount Sion and in Jerusalem before his ancients gloriously So again Isa 59.20 And the redeemer shall come to Sion and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob and very much to this purpose Cap. 60. but for this Kingdom more especially vers 14. The Sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet and they shall call thee The City of the Lord The Zion of the holy one of Israel Verse 15. Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated so that no man went through thee I will make thee an eternal joy of many generations Vers 16. They shall also suck the milk of the Gentiles and shalt suck the breasts of Kings and thou shalt know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer the mighty one of Jacob and so forward to the end of the chapter where many glorious things are spoken of this City of God as likewise very leargely in the following chapter and likewise in many others both before and after wards which may be considered in there place The next is the Prophet Jeremiah who in chap. 3.17 tells us At that time Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the Lord and all the Nations shall be gathered to it to the name of the Lord to Jerusalem neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart Another clear and vigorous Prophesie is set down Jer. 23.5 6. Behold the days saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch and a King shall rise and prosper and execute judgement and justice in the earth Verse 6. In his days Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and this is the name whereby he shall be called The Lord our Righteousness And to the like purpose again Jer. 33.15 16. In those days and at that time will I cause the branch of Righteousness to grow up unto David and he shall execute judgement and righteousness in the land Verse 16. In those days shall Judah be saved and Jerusalem shall dwell safely and this is the name whereby he shall be called The Lord our righteousness and verse 17. Thus saith the Lord David shall never want a man to sit upon the Throne of the House of Israel and verse 21. If ye can break my Covenant of the day and my Covenant of the night and that there shall not be day and night in their season then may also my Covenant be broken with David my servant that he shall not have a Son to reign on his Throne and the like again repeated in the 25 and 26. verses The places are so clear and full I spare to speak any thing to apply them because they cannot justly and rationally be applied otherways and such as understand them onely spiritually say something but not all nor that which they principally drive at namely that special period of Christs reign upon earth whither the current of Such Scriptures lead and after all our Saviour himself abundantly in the Revelation instructs his people and all such as will not willfully shut their eyes against the light The Prophet Ezek. likewise speaks very clearly Chap. 24.23 24. And I set up one Shepherd over them and he shall feed them even my servant David he shall feed them and he shall be their Shepherd and vers 24. I the Lord will be their God and my servant David a Prince among them I the Lord have spoken it Again As evidently doth he speak of Christs reign Chap. 37. After that he had spoken of the joyning of the stick of Judah and Ephraim into one he saith vers 22. And I will make them one Nation in the land upon the Mountain of Israel and one King shall be the King to them all and they shall be no more two Nations neither shall they be divided into two Kingdoms any more at all and vers 24. David my servant shall be King over them and they shall have one Shepherd and they shall also walk in my judgements and observe my statutes and do them and vers 25. And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant wherein your Fathers have dwelt and they shall dwell therein they and their Children and their Childrens Children for ever and my servant David shall be their Prince for ever And in those nine last Chapters of Ezekiel which learned and judicious men conceive to be the Revelation of the Old Testament where the holy Prophet had high mysteries of the New Jerusalem imparted to him and amongst the rest there are observeable many things set forth concerning the Prince and what order of state belonged to him and in conclusion he saith The City shall be called at that day viz.
the dead observe the expressions so the Apostle to the Hebrews speaks of a world to come Heb. 2.5 which is applyed hither with Psal 8. as appears from the context And Act. 2.29 30. the Apostle applies the promise to the Patriark David Psal 130.11 of his Seeds sitting upon his throne to Christs resurrection who is the resurrection and life to all that are his which then will be fulfilled and 2 Sam. 7.16 his seed is said to be established before him And as for such as were wonderfully raised from the dead in the Old and New Testament being all raised by the power of Christ and by the vertue of his resurrection in its time to be accomplished were to strengthen the faith of Gods people in all times following that Christ in his due time which now is revealed would raise up from the dead all his believing Saints and faithful servants Yea that eminent manifestation of Christs kingly glory before his three disciples at his transfiguration having Moses and Elias then so talking with him of his decease which he was shortly after to accomplish at Jerusalem seems remarkably to set before us that we now speak of namely that when he will appear in the world to be the great King of his people on earth the said thousand years that then such as Moses and Elias shall appear with him and be greatly honoured by him c. It is an observation of godly and learned men upon the promises made in the Epistles to the seven Asian Churches that some of them signifie the state of the Church in the Primitive times as it were adumbrated and resembled in the two first Epistles in the five last the times of Antichrists date of 42. months but all the promises in those seven Epistles relate to the New Jerusalem As first as our Saviour told his Disciples that followed him that in the regeneration they should sit on Thrones judging the 12. Tribes of Israel answerable to that promise Rev. 3.21 where Christ saith He will grant to him that overcometh to sit with him on his Throne even as he also overcame and was set down with his father in his Throne and that will be fulfilled Rev. 20.4 And whereas it is said Rev. 1.6 Christ hath made them Kings and Priests unto God and his Father who is himself there stilled the Prince of the Kings of the Earth So in Christs kingdom upon earth that will be fulfilled Rev. 20.6 where it is said The Saints shall be Priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years So that promise Chap. 2.7 where promise is made To him that overcometh to eat of the Tree of Life in the midst of the Paradise of God by allusion to the tree in Paradise whereby eternal life should have been confirmed to Adam if he had stood that is applyed to such as shall have their part in the New Jerusalem Chap. 22.14 who shall have right to the tree of life so Chap. 3.4 5. promise is made to walk with Christ in white and white raiment So such as shall come into the New Jerusalem Rev. 7.9 13. and Chap. 19.8 Christs armies that followed him were cloathod in fine linnen white and clean So Chap. 3.12 promise is made to be a pillar in the house of God and go no more out c. and to have the name of God written on them c. Answerably again Chap. 22.3 4. His servants shall serve him and they shall see his face and his name shall be in their fore-heads Again Chap. 2.11 They shall not be hurt of the second death Answerable to that Chap. 20.6 On such the second death shall have no power So it is promised to such Their name shall not be blotted out of the Book of Life but be confessed before the Father and before his Angels Rev. 3.5 So Chap. 21.27 They enter the New Jerusalem whose names are written in the Book of life All which and divers other promises the Saints to whom all along from Saint Johns time these promises have been made they cannot have fulfilled to them in the New Jerusalem upon earth in Christ raign if they be not raised then from the dead And that promise Of raising such up at the last day Joh. 6. To such as his Father hath given him vers 39. To such as see the Son and believe on him vers 40. To such as the Father draweth to come to him vers 44. To such as eat his flesh and drink his blood v. 54. four times repeated in that latter part of that Chap. is manifest to be under stood of that first matutina resurrectio called the last day in respect of the world at the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the finishing together of that age while evil men are mixed with good like tares in the field when as our Saviour speaks Rev. 10. the world time shall be no more when he will raise all his people that then sleep in the grave to raign on earth with him till the great multitude of their fellow-members be come in This Doctrine many of the ancient Fathers acknowledged in the first Primative times as Justine Martyr reckoned by Master Mede in his Dialogue with Trypho the Jew Irenaeus in his 5. Book and 5. last Chap. Nepos B. of Egypt Tertullian in his 3. book against Marcion Lactanti in his 7. book of Instit chap. 23. c. even Augustine sometime held it though by the subtilty of Satan forgeing lyes to asperse the Millenary opinion and stirring men up to foyst in offensive errours in those times both Saint Augustine and others laid it down after him c. But Christ in these latter times hath again discovered it after so many hundred years of its lying hid for the most part in the Church to be a doctrine really to be imbraced by his faithful people who shall have the good of it and wherein he will appear wonderful in and toward his Saints in the said Kingdome Again it is observable in Heb. 3 and 4. Chapters after he had spoken of that rest of the people of Israels entring into the Land of Canaan and of Gods rest from the work of Creation and Christs resting from the work of Redemption he speaks of an other rest from Davids words To day after so long a time it is said to day if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts c. and then concludes there remains a rest or Sabbatisme for the people of God which they should have in this world and that seems to be in the New Jerusalem both Jews and Gentiles then living or raised from the dead c. And for that Text Dan. 12.2 Many that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake here take notice it is said many not all shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt may be answered one of these three ways either as an abridgement of both resurrections the matutina and