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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50919 Paradise lost a poem written in ten books / by John Milton. Milton, John, 1608-1674. 1667 (1667) Wing M2137; ESTC R13460 160,733 344

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thou to foresight wak'st As once 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 while Shee to life was formd To w●…m 〈◊〉 Adam gratefully repli'd 〈◊〉 I follow ●…hee safe Guide the path 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and to the hand of Heav'n submit ●…wever ch●…'ning to the evil turne My obvious breast arming to overcom 〈◊〉 suffering and earne rest from labour won If so I 〈◊〉 attain So both ascend In the Visions of God It was a Hill O●… Paradise the highest from whose top The Hemisphere of Earth in cleerest Ken Stretcht out to amplest reach of prospect lay Not higher that Hill nor wider looking round Whereon for different cause the Tempter set Our second Adam in the Wilderness To shew him all Earths Kingdomes and thir Glory His Eye might there command wherever stood City of old or modern Fame the Seat Of mightiest Empire from the destind Walls Of Cambalu seat of Cathaian Can And Samarchand by Oxus Temirs Throne To Paq●…in of Sinaean Kings and thence To Agra and Lahor of great Mogul Down to the golden Chersonese or where The Persian in Ecbatan sate or since In Hispahan or where the Russian Ksar In Mosco or the Sultan in Bizance Turchestan-born nor could his eye not ken Th' Empire of Negus to his utmost Port Ercoco and the less Maritine Kings Mombaza and Quiloa and Melind And Sofala thought Ophir to the Realme Of Congo and Angola fardest South Or thence from Niger Flood to Atlas Mount The Kingdoms of Almansor Fez and Sus Marocco and Algiers and Tremisen On Europe thence and where Rome was to sway The VVorld in Spirit perhaps he also saw Rich Mexico the seat of Motezume And Cusco in Peru the richer seat Of Atabalipa and yet unspoil'd Guiana whose great Citie Geryons Sons Call El Dorado but to nobler sights Michael from Adams eyes the Filme remov'd VVhich that false Fruit that promis'd clearer sight Had bred then purg'd with Euphrasie and Rue The visual Nerve for he had much to see And from the VVell of Life three drops instill'd So deep the power of these Ingredients pierc'd Eevn to the inmost seat of mental sight That Adam now enfor●… to close his eyes Sunk down and all his Spirits became intranst But him the gentle Angel by the hand Soon rais'd and his attention thus recall'd Adam now ope thine eyes and first behold Th' effects which thy original crime hath wrought In some to spring from thee who never touch'd Th' excepted Tree nor with the Snake conspir'd Nor sinn'd thy sin yet from that sin derive Corruption to bring forth more violent deeds His eyes he op'nd and beheld a field Part arable and tilth whereon were Sheaves New reapt the other part sheep walks and foulds i th' midst an Altar as the Land-mark stood Rustic of grassie sord thither anon A sweatie Reaper from his Tillage brought First Fruits the green Eare and the yellow Sheaf Uncull'd as came to hand a Shepherd next More 〈◊〉 came with the Firstlings of his Flock Choicest and best then sacrificing laid The Inwards and thir Fat with Incense strew'd On the cleft Wood and all due Rites perform'd His Offring soon propitious Fire from Heav'n Consum'd with nimble glance and grateful steame The others not for his was not sincere Whereat hee inlie rag'd and as they talk'd Smote him into the Midriff with a stone That beat out life he fell and deadly pale Groand out his Soul with gushing bloud effus'd Much at that sight was Adam in his heart Dismai'd and thus in haste to th' Angel cri'd O Teacher some great mischief hath befall'n To that meek man who well had sacrific'd Is Pietie thus and pure Devotion paid T' whom Michael thus hee also mov'd repli'd These two are Brethren Adam and to come Out of thy loyns th' unjust the just hath slain For envie that his Brothers Offering ●…ound From Heav'n acceptance but the bloodie Fact Will be aveng'd and th' others Faith approv'd Loose no reward though here thou see him die Rowling in dust and gore To which our Sire Alas both for the deed and for the cause But have I now seen Death Is this the way I must return to native dust O sight Of terrour foul and ugly to behold Horrid to think how horrible to feel To whom thus M●…l Death thou hast seen In his ●…irst shape on man ●…ut many shapes Of Death and many are the wayes that lead To his grim Cave all dismal yet to sense M●…re terrible at th' entrance then within So●…e as thou saw'st by violent stroke shall die By Fire Flood Famin by Intemperance more In Meats and Drinks which on the Earth shal bring Diseases dire of which a monstrous crew Before thee shall appear that thou mayst know What miserie th' inabstinence of Eve Shall bring on men Immediately a place Before his eyes appeard sad noysom dark A Lazar-house it seemd wherein were laid Numbers of all diseas'd all maladies Of gastly Spasm or racking torture qualmes Of heart-fick Agonie all feavorous kinds Convulsions Epilepsies 〈◊〉 Catarrhs Intestin Stone and Ulcer Colic pangs Dropsies and 〈◊〉 and Joint-racking Rheums Dire was the tossing deep the groans despair Tended the sick 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Couch to Couch And over them triumphant Death his Dart Shook but delaid to strike though oft invok't With vows as thir chief good and final hope Sight so deform what heart of Rock could long Drie-ey'd behold Adam could not but wept Though not of Woman born compassion quell'd His best of Man and gave him up to tears A space till firmer thoughts restraind excess And scarce recovering words his plaint renew'd O miserable Mankind to what fall Degraded to what wretched state reserv'd Better end heer unborn Why is life giv'n To be thus wrested from us rather why Obtruded on us thus who if we knew What we receive would ei●…her not accept Life offer'd or soon beg to lay it down Glad to be so dismist in peace Can thus Th' Image of God in man created once So goodly and erect though faultie since To such unsightly sufferings be debas't 〈◊〉 inhuman pains Why should not Man R●…taining still Divine similitude In part from such deformities be free And for his Makers Image sake exempt Thir Makers Image answerd Michael then Forsook them when themselves they villifi'd To serve ungovern'd appetite and took His Image whom they serv'd a 〈◊〉 vice Inductive mainly to the sin of Eve Therefore so abject is thir punishment Disfiguring not Gods likeness but thir own Or if his likeness by themselves 〈◊〉 While they pervert 〈◊〉 Natures healthful rules To loathsom sickness worthily since they Gods Image did not reverence in themselves I yeild it just said Adam and submit But is there yet no other way 〈◊〉 These painful passages how we may come To Death and mix with our 〈◊〉 dust There is said Michael if thou well observe The rule of not too much by temperance taught In what thou eatst and drinkst seeking from thence Due nourishment not gluttonous delight Till many years over
first began this Heav'n which we behold Distant so high with moving Fires adornd Innumerable and this which yeelds or fills All space the ambient Aire wide interfus'd Imbracing round this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what cause Mov'd the Creator in his holy Rest Through all Eternitie so late to build In Chaos and the work begun how soon Absolv'd if unforbid thou maist unfould What wee not to explore the secrets 〈◊〉 Of his Eternal Empire but the more To magnifie his works the more we know And the great Light of Day yet wants to run Much of his Race though steep suspens in Heav'n Held by thy voice thy potent voice he heares And longer will delay to heare thee tell His Generation and the rising Birth Of Nature from the unapp●…rent 〈◊〉 Or if the Star●… of Eevning and the 〈◊〉 Haste to thy audience Night 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 will bring Silence and Sleep listning to thee will watch Or we can bid his absence till thy Song End and dismiss thee ere the Morning shine Thus Adam his illustrous Guest be sought And thus the Godlike Angel answerd milde This also thy request with caution askt Obtaine though to recount Almightie works What words or tongue of Seraph can suffice Or heart of man suffice to comprehend Yet what thou canst attain which best may serve To glorifie the Maker and inferr Thee also happier shall not be withheld Thy hearing such Commission from above I have receav'd to answer thy desire Of knowledge within bounds beyond abstain To ask nor let 〈◊〉 own inventions hope Things not reveal'd which th' invisible King Onely Omnisci●…nt hath suppres●… in Night To none communicable in Earth or Heaven Anough is left besides to search and know But Knowledge is as food 〈◊〉 needs no less Her Temperance over Appetite to know In measure what the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 well contain Oppresses else with 〈◊〉 and soon turns Wisdom to Folly as Nourishment to Winde Know then tha●… 〈◊〉 Lucifer from Heav'n So call him brighter once amidst the Host Of Angles then that Starr the Starrs among Fell with his flaming Legions through the Deep Into his place and the great 〈◊〉 returnd Victorious with his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ' 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eternal Father 〈◊〉 his Throne be held Thir multitude and to his Son thus spake At least 〈◊〉 envious 〈◊〉 hath fail'd who thought All like himself 〈◊〉 by ●…hose ●…id This 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 s●…rength the 〈◊〉 Of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 us 〈◊〉 He trusted to have seis'd and into fraud Drew many whom thir place knows here no more Yet farr the greater part have kept I see Thir station heav'n yet populous retaines Number sufficient to possess her Realmes Though wide and this high Temple to frequent With Ministeries due and solemn Rites But least his heart exalt him in the harme Already done to have dispeopl'd Heav'n My damage fondly deem'd I can repaire That detriment if such it be to lose Self-lost and in a moment will create Another World out of one man a Race Of men innumerable there to dwell Not here till by degrees of merit rais'd They open to themselves at length the way Up hither under long obedience tri'd And Earth be chang'd to Heavn Heav'n to Earth One Kingdom Joy and Union without end Mean while inhabit laxe ye Powers of Heav'n And thou my Word begotten Son by thee This I perform speak thou and be it don My overshadowing Spirit and might with thee I send along ride forth and bid the Deep Within appointed bounds be Heav'n and Earth Boundless the Deep because I am who fill Infinitude nor vacuous the space Though I uncircumscrib'd my self retire And put not forth my goodness which is free To act or not Necessitie and Chance Approach not me●… and what I will is Fate So spake th' Almightie and to what he spake His Word the Filial Godhead gave effect Immediate are the Acts of God more swift Then time or motion but to human ears Cannot without process of speech be told So told as earthly notion can receave Great triumph and rejoycing was in Heav'n When such was heard declar'd the Almightie's will Glorie they sung to the most High good will To future men and in thir dwellings peace Glorie to him whose just avenging ire Had driven out th' ungodly from his sight And th' habitations of the just to him Glorie and praise whose wisdom had ordain'd Good out of evil to create in stead Of Spirits maligne a better Race to bring Into thir vacant room and thence diffuse His good to Worlds and Ages infinite So sang the Hierarchies Mean while the Son On his great Expedition now appeer'd Girt with Omnipotence with Radiance crown'd Of Majestie Divine Sapience and Love Immense and all his Father in him shon About his Chariot numberless were pour'd Cherub and Seraph Potentates and Thrones And Vertues winged Spirits and Chariots wing'd From the Armoury of God where stand of old Myriads between two brazen Mountains lodg'd Against a solemn day harnest at hand Celestial Equipage and now came forth Spontaneous for within them Spirit livd Attendant on thir Lord Heav'n op'nd wide Her ever during Gates Harmonious sound On golden Hinges moving to let forth The King of Glorie in his powerful Word And Spirit coming to create new Worlds On heav'nly ground they stood and from the shore They view'd the vast immeasurable Abyss Outrageous as a Sea dark wasteful wilde Up from the bottom turn'd by furious windes And surging waves as Mountains to assault Heav'ns highth and with the Center mix the Pole Silence ye troubl'd waves and thou Deep peace Said then th' 〈◊〉 Word your discord end Nor staid but on the Wings of Cherubim Uplifted in Paternal Glorie rode Farr into Chaos and the World unborn For Chaos heard his voice him all his Traine Follow'd in bright procession to b●…hold Creation and the wonders of his might Then staid the fervid Wheeles and in his hand He took the golden Compasses prepar'd In Gods Eternal store to circumscribe This Universe and all created things One foot he center'd and the other turn'd Round through the vast profunditie obscure And said thus farr extend thus farr thy bounds This be thy just Circumferen●…e O World Thus God the Heav'n created thus the Earth Matter unform'd and void Darkness profound Cover'd th' Abyss but on the watrie calme His brooding wings the Spirit of God 〈◊〉 spred And vital 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Throughout 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but downward purg'd The black 〈◊〉 cold 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Adverse to life then founded then conglob'd Like things to like the rest to several place Disparted and between spun out the Air And Earth self-ballanc't on her Center hung Let ther be Light said God and forthwith Light Ethereal first of things quintessence pure Sprung from the Deep and from her Native East To journie through the airie gloom began Sphear'd in a radiant Cloud for yet the Sun Was not shee in a cloudie Tabernacle Sojourn'd the while God saw the Light was good And light from
meet him came his Ofspring dear Great joy was at thir meeting and at sight Of that stupendious Bridge his joy encreas'd Long hee admiring stood till Sin his faire Inchanting Daughter thus the silence broke O Parent these are thy magnific deeds Thy Trophies which thou view'st as not thine own Thou art thir Author and prime Architect For I no sooner in my Heart divin'd My Heart which by a secret harmonie Still moves with thine joyn'd in connexion sweet That thou on Earth hadst prosper'd which thy looks Now also evidence but straight I felt Though distant from thee Worlds between yet felt That I must a●…ter thee with this thy Son Such fatal consequence unites us three Hell could no longer hold us in her bounds Nor this unvoyageable Gulf obscure Detain from following thy illustrious track Thou hast atchiev'd our libertie confin'd Within Hell Gates till now thou us impow'rd To fortifie thus farr and overlay With this portentous Bridge the dark Abyss Thine now is all this World thy vertue hath won What thy hands builded not thy Wisdom gain'd With odds what Warr hath lost and fully aveng'd Our foile in Heav'n here thou shalt Monarch reign There didst not there let him still Victor sway As Battel hath adjudg'd from this new World Retiring by his own doom alienated And henceforth Monarchie with thee divide Of all things parted by th' Empyreal bounds His Quadrature from thy Orbicular World Or trie thee now more dang'rous to his Throne Whom thus the Prince of Darkness answerd glad Fair Daughter and thou Son and Grandchild both High proof ye now have giv'n to be the Race Of Satan for I glorie in the name Antagonist of Heav'ns Almightie King Amply have merited of me of all Th' Infernal Empire that so neer Heav'ns dore Triumphal with triumphal act have met Mine with this glorious Work made one Realm Hell and this World one Realm one Continent Of easie thorough-fare Therefore while I Descend through Darkness on your Rode with ease To my associate Powers them to acquaint With these successes and with them rejoyce You two this way among those numerous Orbs All yours right down to Paradise descend There dwell Reign in bliss thence on the Earth Dominion exercise and in the Aire Chiefly on Man sole Lord of all declar'd Him first make sure your thrall and lastly kill My Substitutes I send ye and Create Plenipotent on Earth of matchless might Issuing from mee on your joynt vigor now My hold of this new Kingdom all depends Through Sin to Death expos'd by my exploit If your joynt power prevaile th' affaires of Hell No detriment need feare goe and be strong So saying he dismiss'd them they with speed Thir course through thickest Constellations held Spreading thir bane the blasted Starrs lookt wan And Planets Planet-strook real Eclips Then sufferd Th' other way Satan went down The Causey to Hell Gate on either side Disparted Chaos over built exclaimd And with rebounding surge the barrs assaild That scorn'd his indignation through the Gate Wide open and unguarded Satan pass'd And all about found desolate for those Appointed to sit there had left thir charge Flown to the upper World the rest were all Farr to the in land retir'd about the walls Of Pandaemonium Citie and proud seate Of Lucifer so by allusion calld Of that bright Starr to Satan paragond There kept thir Watch the Legions while the Grand In Council sate sollicitous what chance Might intercept thir Emperour sent so hee Departing gave command and they observ'd As when the Tartar from his Russian Foe By 〈◊〉 over the Snowie Plaines Retires or Bactrian Sophi from the hornes Of Turkish Crescent leaves all waste beyond The Realme of Aladule in his retreate To Tauris or Casbeen So these the late Heav'n-banisht Host left desert utmost Hell Many a dark League reduc't in careful Watch Round thir Metropolis and now expecting Each hour their great adventurer from the search Of Forrein Worlds he through the midst unmarkt In shew plebeian Angel militant Of lowest order past and from the dore Of that Plutonian Hall invisible Ascended his high Throne which under state Of richest texture spred at th' upper end Was plac't in regal lustre Down a while He sate and round about him saw unseen At last as from a Cloud his fulgent head And shape Starr-bright appeer'd or brighter clad With what permissive glory since his fall Was left him or false glitter All amaz'd At that so sudden blaze the Stygian throng Bent thir aspect and whom they wish'd beheld Thir mighty Chief returnd loud was th'acclaime Forth rush'd in haste the great consulting Peers Rais'd from thir dark Divan and with like joy Congratulant approach'd him who with hand Silence and with these words attention won Thrones Dominations Princedoms Vertues Powers For in possession such not onely of right I call ye and declare ye now returnd Successful beyond hope to lead ye forth Triumphant out of this infernal Pit Abominable accurst the house of woe And Dungeon of our Tyrant Now possess As Lords a spacious World to our native Heaven Little inferiour by my adventure hard With peril great atchiev'd Long were to tell What I have don what sufferd with what paine Voyag'd th' unreal vast unbounded deep Of horrible confusion over which By Sin and Death a broad way now is pav'd To expedite your glorious march but I Toild out my uncouth passage for●…'t to ride Th' untractable Abysse plung'd in the womb Of unoriginal Night and Chaos wilde That jealous of thir secrets fiercely oppos'd My journey strange with clamorous uproare Protesting Fate supreame thence how I found The new created World which fame in Heav'n Long had foretold a Fabrick wonderful Of absolute perfection therein Man Plac't in a Paradise by our exile Made happie Him by fraud I have seduc'd From his Creator and the more to increase Your wonder with an Apple he thereat Offended worth your laughter hath giv'n up Both his beloved Man and all his World To Sin and Death a prey and so to us Without our hazard labour or allarme To range in and to dwell and over Man To rule as over all he should have rul'd True is mee also he hath judg'd or rather Mee not but the brute Serpent in whose shape Man I deceav'd that which to mee belongs Is enmity which he will put between Mee and Mankinde I am to bruise his heel His Seed when is not set shall bruise my head A World who would not purchase with a bruise Or much more grievous pain Ye have th' account Of my performance What remaines ye Gods But up and enter now into full bliss So having said a while he stood expecting Thir universal shout and high applause To fill his eare when contrary he hears On all sides from innumerable tongues A dismal universal hiss the sound Of public scorn he wonderd but not long Had leasure wondring at himself now more His Visage drawn he felt to sharp