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A43199 Ductor historicus, or, A short system of universal history and an introduction to the study of that science containing a chronology of the most celebrated persons and actions from the creation to this time, a compendious history of ... transactions ... of the ancient monarchies and governments of the world, an account of the writings of the most noted historians ... together with definitions and explications of terms used in history and chronology, and general instructions for the reading of history / partly translated from the French of M. de Vallemont, but chiefly composed anew by W.J., M.A. Hearne, Thomas, 1678-1735.; Vallemont, abbé de (Pierre Le Lorrain), 1649-1721. Elémens de l'histoire. 1698 (1698) Wing H1309; ESTC R15760 279,844 444

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After Ninus he places 1. Arius Both the same with those in the former Catalogue 2. Aralius Both the same with those in the former Catalogue 3. Mamylus 4. Sparthaeus 5. Ascatades His Name is likewise mentioned in the former List. 6. Amyntas All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 7. Belochus All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 8. Balatores All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 9. Lamprides All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 10. Sosares All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 11. Lampraes All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 12. Pany●s All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 13. Sosarmus All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 14. Mithraeos All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 15. Teutamos All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 16. Teutaeus All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 17. Arabelus These are not in the List of Zuingerus 18. Chalaos These are not in the List of Zuingerus 19. Anabos These are not in the List of Zuingerus 20. Babios These are not in the List of Zuingerus 21. Thinaeos These four the same with those in the former List only Eupacmes here is there called Eupales 22. Dercylus These four the same with those in the former List only Eupacmes here is there called Eupales 23. Eupacmes These four the same with those in the former List only Eupacmes here is there called Eupales 24. Laosthenes These four the same with those in the former List only Eupacmes here is there called Eupales 25. Pyritiades 26. Ophrateus 27. Ephacheres 28. Acracarnes 29. Sardanapalus Notwithstanding the Darkness and Obscurity of these Times and the various Opinions of Authors about the first Founder and about the Names and Number of the succeeding Kings of the Assyrian Monarchy yet they afford us so much Light as to give us occasion to make these following Reflections REMARK I. THO' the Title of Monarchy belongs equally to all States that are under the Government of one single Prince who is stiled the Monarch of that State so govern'd yet in History it more peculiarly relates to the four great Monarchies of the World who succeeded each other and in their Turn conquered and gave Law to the other Petty Monarchies of the Earth REMARK II. THE first of these Monarchies was according to the joint Testimony of all Writers the Assyrian which by Historians both Sacred and Prophane is promiscuously stiled the Babylonian the Chaldean and the Assyrian Monarchy It was called the Babylonian Monarchy because of the Tower of Babel which Nimrod the first Founder of this Monarchy built and because a great many of its Monarchs held their Court at Babylon It was stiled the Chaldean Monarchy because Babylon was in Chaldea and several of its Kings were Chaldeans Lastly it is called the Assyrian Monarchy because Ninus after he had built Nineveh the Capital City of Assyria translated the Seat of the Empire thither REMARK III. FRom the Beginning Growth and Decay of the Assyrian Monarchy and of the other three we may once for all observe that the Providence of God thô unseen and unregarded had the greatest Share in advancing them from so small a Beginning to so great a Grandeur as to be at last the Terror and Scourge of the rest of the Inhabitants and Kingdoms of the Earth That the Designs and the Glory of this Supreme Being were all along carried on and promoted by these Humane Instruments even whilst they only thought of advancing their own private Interests and of enlarging their own Territories That when the Designs of this great King of Kings and Lord of Lords were once brought about and his Glory sufficiently signalized then he discarded those Instruments took the Empire away from them and bestowed it on another People This is so visible from the whole Series even of Prophane History that it needs no other Proof than the Considerate Perusal of what Historians have delivered to us about the various Changes and Revolutions that have happened in the several great Monarchies of the World Those who were the Greatest arrived by degrees to their Height from very small Beginnings and when they were there there they stopp'd some invisible Power giving a Check to their growing Greatness Afterwards we find that in the midst of all their Glory they have either dwindled away as they rose or else lost all they had been conquering for several Ages together within the compass of a few years or days And does not all this sufficiently prove an over-ruling Providence which takes care of all Human Affairs and disposes of Kings and Kingdoms as he thinks fit Having made these short and we hope useful Reflections we shall now proceed to give you an Account of the State of the Assyrian Monarchy as it was divided into that of the Medes and Babylonians Sardanapalus was conspired against by two of his Generals Arbaces and Belochus the former was made King of the Medes and latter King of the Babylonians The State of that part of the Assyrian Monarchy which was under the Babylonians from Belochus the first King to the Death of Belshazzar the last King which State lasts 271 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 3148. 1. PHul Belochus after Sardanapalus reigned 48 years over the Assyrians 802 3196. 2. Tiglath Pileser reign'd 23 years His Name is mentioned in the Scriptures 754 3219. 3. Salmanasar succeeded reign'd 10 years 731 3229. 4. Sennacherib reign'd 7 years This was that King of Assyria mentioned in the Scriptures who brought an Army into Iudea besieged Ierusalem had his Army destroyed by an Angel retired in Confusion to Nineveh and was killed by his two Sons Adrammelech and Sharrizer who fled afterwards into Armenia 721 3236. 5. Assarhaddon succeeded his Father and reign'd 10 years 714 3246. 6. Merodach conquer'd Assarhaddon and reign'd 40 years 704 3286. 7. Ben. Merodach reigned 21 years 664 2307. 8. Nebuchadnezzar I. reign'd 35 years He in the 12th year of his Reign defeated Arphaxad King of the Medes by some called Dejoces who built the City of Echatane The next year he sent General Holofernes into the Land of Iudea who laid Siege to Bethulia and was beheaded by Iudith in his Tent. 643 3342.
his Common Places which will produce another Advantage for by this second Reading he must undoubtedly engraft them the deeper into his Memory But here a great deal of Care must be taken to reject Minutia Trifles which contribute nothing to the Benefit of the Publick which ought to be the chief end propos'd in reading History Hoc est illud praecipue in cognitione rerum Salubre Frugiferum omnis te exempli documenta in illustri posita Monumenta intueri Vnde tibi tuaeque Reipublicae quod imitere capias inde faedum exitu quod vites Liv. lib. 1. Hist. I would here conclude this Chapter did I not foresee two Observations which it is necessary Youth should be acquainted with OBSERVATION I. Vpon the Four Monarchies There is a very considerable Error crept into Chronology and History which relates to the placing of the Four Monarchies for they are commonly thought to have succeeded each other immediately As first the Assyrian Empire is supposed to end with Sardanapalu● and then the Median to succeed to all the Power of the Assyrians which is not true for altho' A●baces caus'd the Medians to revolt from Sardanapalus whom he consequently freed from the Yoke of the Assy●ians yet the Assyrian Empire continu'd after this for near 150 Years to the time that Cyrus the Great ruin'd it by the taking of Babylon What remain'd of the Assyrian Monarchy after the death of Sardanapalus was term'd the second Assyrian Empire which altho' it was altogether unknown to the Greeks yet it is nevertheless famous in Holy Scripture The like Fault is committed in regard to the Mede● and Persians of which the Bishop of Meaux speaks thus As to what relates to the Monarchy of the Medians which the greatest part of Prophane Historians place in the second Rank and separate from that of the Persians it is certain that the Holy Scripture unites them together and over and above the Authority of these Holy Books the bare Order of Matters require it should be so The Medes before Cyrus altho' they were powerful and very considerable yet were they totally eclips'd by the Grandeur of the Babylonish Kings but Cyrus having conquer'd their Kingdom by the united Force of the Medes and Persians and to which afterwards he came to be the lawful Successor as we have observ'd after Zenophon that Great Empire whereof he was the Founder ought reasonably to take its Name from those two Nations altho' the Glory of Cyrus has occasion'd that of the Persians to be prefer'd Also it may well be imagin'd that before the War with Babylon the Median Kings having extended their Conquests all over the Greek Colonies of Lesser Asia might have been exceedingly famous among the Greeks who consequently might have attributed the Empire of all Asia to them inasmuch as they were then acquainted with no other Eastern Kings for the Kings of Nineveh and Babylon who have been more Potent have scarce been so much as mention'd in those Remains we have of the Greek Historians when all that was considerable from the time of Sardanapalus to that of Cyrus was wholly ascrib'd by them to the Medes Bodin imploys all the 7th Chapter of his Method to refute those that make the Four Empires of the Assyrians Persians Greeks and Romans to succeed immediately to each other and who likewise pretend that those Monarchies were figured to us by the Four Beasts and the Statue compos'd of Four Metals spoken of by the Prophet Daniel and which they also affirm are to continue to the end of the World But here Bodin finds no great difficulty to demonstrate that the Roman Empire which was the last of the Four came to a Period under Augustulus in the Year 475. and that from thenceforward it was never more able to re-establish it self for it is most absurd to imagine the present German Empire to be the same with the Roman as appears by the ancient and modern Bounds for the Roman Empire in the time of Trajan according to Sixtus Rufus was bounded on the North by the Danube and the O●cades on the West by the Isle of Cadiz on the East by the Euphrates and on the South is contain'd all that was then known to be habitable in Africa to which Trajan added moreover his Conquests in Mesopotamia and Arabia Felix whereas at this Day what is call'd the Empire of the Romans scarce comprehends the hundredth part of that All Asia as every Body knows is now under the Turk Persian M●gul c. and Rome has nothing left to boast of in Africk England France Spain Portugal Denmark c. with all Greece and the neighbouring Countries as likewise Sicily Sardinia c. are now fell off from that Empire and are long since become New States under several potent and formidable Kings Italy which was the first Patrimony of the Roman Empire is at this Day subject to divers Princes and Rome it self under the absolute Dominion of the Pope Father M. Lomejer has lately maintained That the Four Sovereign Monarchies boasted of by so many Authors did not take up all that space of time from the building of the Tower of Babel to their supposed Conclusion for he pretends that there were other Monarchies both before and after these as likewise several considerable Empires which flourished at the same time with them The Image which Nebuchodonosor saw in a Dream did not foretel the Four pretended Monarchies seeing that David who expounded this Dream says That the first should be the Empire of Nebuchodonosor whose Reign would be the most Glorious for that afterwards the others would decrease by little and little till they came to be of small Note And moreover the Assyrian Empire was in its declension when Daniel expounded Nebuchodonosor's Vision By all that has been observed we may collect That those who lay down the Successions of the Four Monarchies for a Ground of Universal History may build upon a deceitful Foundation OBSERVATION II. Vpon the several kinds of Government As there is frequent occasion to speak of Empires Monarchies Republicks Aristocracies c. in History and as it may happen that they may not always be rightly understood I do not think it amiss to give some general Ideas of them and first of I. Theocracy which is when a State is govern'd by the sole Power and Will of God For Example The ancient Government of the Iews was a The●cracy as Iosephus observes for God there administred all Matters relating to a Sovereignty For 1. He gave them Laws which were either Political Ceremonial or Moral 2. He denounc'd War order'd their Camps and nam'd their Generals 3. He created their Magistrates appointed them Judges even to Saul's time who were then as it were his Viceroys and moreover it was by his Order that Samuel consecrated Saul King of Israel Thus we see God was pleased to be a Monarch and Sovereign Judge and Arbiter over the Iews but this Theocracy or Divine Government lasted only to
under the Conduct of Moses Six hundred thousand fighting Men beside Women and Children 1497 A REMAKK Concerning the Origine of the Nations of the Earth FOrasmuch as the whole Race of Mankind except Noah's Family perished by the Flood 't is from this Family that all the People of the Earth descended Noah had three Sons Iaphet Sem Ham. I. SEM thô the second Son is the Person we place first because from him descended Abraham David and Iesus Christ himself according to the Flesh. He had five Sons 1. Elam from whom came the Elamites the Grandsires of the Persians 2. Assur from whom came the Name of Assyria and the Assyrians 3. Arphaxad to whom was born Salah the Father of Eber or Heber from whom proceeded the Hebrews that is the Iews or the People of God 4. Lud from whom proceeded the Lydians not those of Asia Minor but others less known upon the Confines of Persia. 5. Aram from whom proceeded the Syrians Syria in the Hebrew is called Aram. St. Augustin makes this Judicious Reflection That the Scriptures make no mention of the Descendants of several of Noah's Children as for Instance of Elam Assur Lud the Sons of Sem because they were not the Heads or Chiefs of any Nation Aram had four Sons 1. Vz who seiz'd upon Trachonitis and the Country of Damas and called one of these Countries by the Name of Vz where Iob dwelt 2. Hull from whom came the Armenians 3. Gether from whom proceeded the Bactrians 4. Mesh from whom came the Mesraeneans situated along the Gulph of Persia. Heber Arphaxad's Grandson had two Sons 1. Peleg so called because in his Days the Earth was divided into several Nations and Languages 2. Ioktan who had 13 Sons They were the Chief Heads of several Colonies who spread themselves over the Face of the Earth 1. Almodad who became Master of all the Countries of the Indians from the River Cophena which falls into the River Indus according to Iosephus and St. Ierom. 2. Sheleph 3. Hazarmaveth 4. Ierah 5. Hadoram 6. Vzal 7. Diklah 8. Obal 9. Abimael 10. Sheba 11. Ophir who gave his Name to that Country in the East from which they fetch Gold And the Scriptures make mention of Mount Sephar towards the East which was upon the Confines of their Country 12. Havila 13. Iobab II. HAM had four Sons 1. Cush settled himself in Ethiopia which the Hebrews to this day call Cush 2. Misraim who went into Egypt which in Hebrew is called Mesraim where there is even at this day a City called Mesra 3. Phut from whom proceeded the Inhabitants of Lybia and Mauritania where at this very time there is a River called Phut 4. Canaan from whom came the Canaanites who were in possession of the Holy Land till they were outed by the People of Israel Cush begat Nimrod who began to be a mighty one upon Earth He was one of the greatest Hunters under the Cope of Heaven The Capital City of his Kingdom was Babylon next to it Erech that is Edessa in Mesopotamia Achads that is Nisiba and Calneh that is Seleusia or Ctesiphonta in the Land of Shinar near Babylon Out of that Land went forth Ashur who built Nineveh and the Streets of that City and Calah He likewise built the great City of Resen which lies between Nineveh and Calah Cush had five Sons more 1. Seba from whom came the Sabeans in Arabia Felix 2. Havilah from whom proceeded the Getulians in Africa 3. Sabtah from whom came the Sabathenians in Arabia where according to the Account of Geographers is situated the City of Sabathai or Sabatia 4 Raamah 5. Sabtechah St. Ierom says that from these two last Sons of Cush are descended such People as 't is hard at present to reconcile their ancient Names with the new ones Raamah had two Sons 1. Sheba from whom descended the Sabeans different from those which we have already mentioned For there are two Countries of Sheba in Arabia both of them famous for the Frankincense which comes from thence in abundance The one is writ with a Schin and the other with a Samech 'T is from the first which the Queen of Sheba came to visit King Solomon And in the 71st Psalm where we read the Kings of Arabia and Saba in the Hebrew 't is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Kings of Sheba and Saba 2. Dodan from whom is derived according to St. Ierom the Name of a Country of Ethiopia Misraim had six Sons 1. Ludim from whom came the Lydians who are in Africa 2. Anamim 3. Lehabim from whom came the Lydians formerly called Phuteans 4. Nephtahim 5. Pathrusim 6. Chas●uhim As for four of these Nations Iosephus and St. Ierom declare That at present they are very obseure because they were exterminated in the Wars of Ethiopia Canaan had eleven Sons 1. Sidon who built the City of Sidon and gave it his Name The Canaanites who inhabited Phenicia and the Holy Land have been famous for their great Commerce from whence came the Riches of Tyre and Sidon Upon which account it is that the Scripture gives in the general the Name of Canaanites to Merchants and Traders 2. Heth the Father of the People who dwelt in the Promised Land 3. Iebuseus Iebus was the first Name of the City of Ierusalem whose Inhabitants and those of the Neighbouring Country were called Iebusites 4. Amoreheus the Father of the Amorites who dwelt in the Promised Land and whom God ordered his People to drive out 5. Gergeseus From whom descended The Girgasites 6. Heveus From whom descended The Hivites 7. Araceus from whom came the Arkites and from whom according to St. Ierom the City of Arcas near Libanus took its Name 8. Sineus of whom came the Inhabitants of the Wilderness of Sin or rather of Mount Sina 9. Aradeus from whom descended the Arvadites and who gave his own Name to the Cities of Arade and Antarade of which Ezekiel makes mention 10. Samareus of whom came the Inhabitants of the City and Country of Samaria 11. Hamatheus from whom proceeded the Inhabitants of the City of Hamath There are two of these Cities mentioned in Scripture the Greater Hamath which is Antioch and the Lesser Hamath called Epiphania III. IAPHET had seven Sons 1. Gomer of whom came the first Inhabitants of the Country of Galatia 2. Magog from whom proceeded the Greeks the Messagetans and the Scythians 3. Madai from whom descended the Medes and according to several the Macedonians 4. Iavan of whom came the Ionians and all the other Greeks 5. Tubal of whom came the Iberians who are situated beyond the Euxine Sea and not those who dwelt in Spain 6. Meschech from whom descended the Muscovites or the Capadocians There is in Capadocia a City formerly called Mazaca and since named Cesarea 7. Tiras from whom proceeded the Thracians Gomer had three Sons 1. Ashkenaz from whom came the Germans whom the Hebrews at this very day call Askenssim 2. Riphath of
However to give it the better Auth●●rity we will set down the Words of Iustus Lipsius 〈◊〉 his 61st Epist. In the Knowledge of Times it is enou●● says he to understand the general Series and Order Things and to see where the Empires Wars and 〈◊〉 remarkable Events have their beginning and end A● he wish'd that some Body would give us such a Tab●● Dionysius Petavius has answer'd his Desire and pu●●lish'd Chronological Tables in Latin And of 〈◊〉 Days the like has been done in English in a sm●●● Pocket Volume ingeniously contriv'd by Colonel P●●●sons Others have multiplied the Tables to that deg●●● that they make up a whole Book which 't is true are 〈◊〉 more compleat and of excellent Use when the Rea●●● is grown to more Proficiency Of these Helvicus is 〈◊〉 best unless our Country-man Mr. Tallent may be p●●●ferr'd And then to make the better Impression on the M●●mory I would have the whole History of the Wo●●● divided into certain Epocha's which should comme●● from some very notable Action and by Synchro●● apply'd to other Actions by which means the times 〈◊〉 smaller Events would be the better remember'd Again as Geometricians resolve a Problemn by examining it part by part and forming an Analysis so here if the History be divided first into Two afterwards into Three Four or more Epocha's it will much facilitate the Learning 'T is for this Reason that we have made use of this Method proposing first only the great Aera's of the World and our Saviour then divide it into 4 7 and 13 parts the Times whereof having fixed we proceed to set down Particulars in a larger Chronology divided into Fifteen Royal Epocha's 'T is not to be express'd what a vast Light these different Divisions of the Times will give to this Study from which People have always been discourag'd by reason of its Obscurity It is well known That Division among Logicians is one of their best Means of arriving to the exact Knowledge of any Subject in Dispute which made Socrates call it An Art inspired by God §. 1. First Division of the Times into two Parts THe First Part contains all that space of Time from the Creation of the World to the Birth of JESUS CHRIST which according to our Computation through all this Book is of 3950 Years This is properly what they call The Time of the Old Testament During this long Extent we see the Esta●lishment and Downfal of three Great Monarchies ●iz the Assyrian Persian and Grecian which have preceded the Empire of the Romans In that space of 40 Centuries we shall find also a ●reat Number of other States Kingdoms and Repub●icks the greatest part of which became Roman Pro●inces when Rome a little before the Birth of the Son of God made her self Mistress of the whole Universe The Second Part contains all the Time elapsed from the Birth of JESUS CHRIST to this present ●ime which according to the Vulgar Computation is ●698 Years This is what they call the Time of the New Testament which space of 17 Ages comprehends all the most considerable Events and Transactions in the Roman Empire in the Eastern and Western Empires in the Kingdoms of France Spain and England and in the other States and Republicks of Europe Asia Africa and America These are the two most important Epocha's in History One is the Creation of the World by the Eternal Father and the other the Restauration of the World by the Son of God consubstantial to his Father §. 2. Second Divison of the Times into three Parts according to Varro VArro divides the whole Series of Ages into three Times the first of which he calls 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 obscure and uncertain the second 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or fabulous and the third 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Historical I. The obscure and uncertain Time is that from the first Original of Mankind down to the Deluge o● Ogiges about the Year of the World 2154. and 17●● Years before the Vulgar Aera and 1020 before th● Frist Olympiad This Time is called obscure and uncertain because the Historios of the Nations of the World give no Account of what has happen'd for 2● Centuries II. The fabulous Time begins at the Deluge of Ogiges and reaches as far as the Olympiads that is to th● Year of the World 3174. and 776 Years before th● Vulgar Aera and lasts 1020 Years It is called fabulous because in effect whatever Prophane Historian have written about those Times is intermixt with 〈◊〉 great many Fables What they relate about the Argo●nautes Vlysses Helena Hercules and some others is fo● incoherent that we know not what to think of it W● must make the same Judgment of the Burning of Troy And if we should strictly examine what Poets have lef● us upon that Subject we should perhaps be apt to be●lieve That Troy was never but a Fiction of their Imagination What Herodotus relates from the Taking of Troy to the Olympiads signifies very little and is intermix'd with a great many Tales and Romantick Stories If he had been serious in his Accounts of the Scythians Egyptians and several other Nations we should be obliged to call him the Father of Lies and Fables whom Cicero honours with the Title of the Father of History But tho' we should be forc'd to give Credit to those Relations which carry so few Characters of Truth with them we would not therefore be much the better for it since Herodotus's History reaching no higher than Giges King of the Lydians who lived about the Year of the World 3238. and 712 Years before the Vulgar Aera he leaves us at a Loss and in the Dark for about 3300 Years of which he gives no Account What we find in Berosus Manetho Metasthenes Philo and Annius is still very uncertain and there 's a great deal of Reason to doubt whither there ever were Kings that bore the Names which those Authors give them And indeed we meet no where in all the Old Testament with the Name of any of those Kings of the Assyrians so much celebrated by Prophane Historians whereas we often meet with those of the Princes of the Moabites Ammonites Mesopotamia Egypt Syria and others less considerable that have been either the Enemies or Allies of the Iews We must not expect more Light from other Historians Diodorus Siculus begins his History at the Siege of Troy Trogus Pompeius ascends no higher than Ninus and who shall instruct us of what has happened before those Times Christian Religion into whose Hands the Holy Scriptures are deposited can alone by the Light she draws from them connect the first Times into a continued and uninterrupted Succession from the beginning of the World to the Return from the Babylonian Captivity And then as we find more Obscurity in the Accounts of Time in the Holy Scripture we find in requital more Light in the Writings of Prophane Authors However we must observe That the Bible serves only to
last of the Danes is succeeded by Edward the Confessor Son of Ethelred 1042. Theodora Empress of the East 1055. Henry III. Emperor of the West 1039. Henry IV. Emperor of the West 1056. Michael Stratonious Emperor of the East 1056. Isaacius Comnenus 1057. Constantinus Ducas 1061. Harald Son of Godwin Earl of Kent Usurps the Crown of England 1066. William Duke of Normandy invades England Conquers Harald and is made King 1066. Michael Ducas Parapinaus Emperor of the East 1067. Romanus Diogenes marries Michael's Mother 1068. and Reigns with him till taken by the Turks and afterwards kill'd by Michael 1071. Nicephorus Betoniates Michael being depos'd succeeds him 1078. Alexius Comnenus puts Nicephorus into a Monastery and succeeds him 1080. The Turks separate themselves from the Sarazens and chuse for their Prince under the title of Sultan Tangrolipix 1048. He Conquers Persia 1059. Takes Ierusalem 1068. Axan succeeds him 1070. He took Prisoner Romanus Diogenes Emperor and conquers much Melec the 3d Sultan 1086. At this time the Turks were Masters of Syria the lesser Asia and all Palestine where they very much oppressing the Christians Simeon Patriarch of Ierusalem writes to the Pope for Relief who calls a Council at Placentia and obtains a general Croisade or War from all the Nations of Christendom for recovery of the Holy-Land to be Decreed 1095. Great Preparations are immediately made for the Holy War and divers Princes and Noblemen among whom Godfrey of Bulligne Duke of Loraine or rather of Brabant set forward with a great Army 1096. Solyman Sultan of the Turks 1097. Ierusalem is regain'd from the Turks and Godfrey of Bullen made King of it 1099. William Rufus King of England 1087. Henry I. his Brother succeeds him 1100. Baldwin Brother to Godfrey King of Ierusalem 1101. Henry V. Emperor of Germany 1106. Calo. Ioannes Comnenus Emperor of Greece 1118. Baldwin II. King of Ierusalem 1119. Lotharius Saxo Emperor of Germany 1125. He restored the Civil Law the Code and Pandects being found in Italy in his time Conradus III. Duke of Sweden succeeds him 1138. Emanuel Comnenus Emperor at Constantinople 1143. He is said to have caused Lime to be mixt with the Meal that was sold at Constantinople to the Army of the Emperor Conrade in his Journey to the Holy Land Stephen Earl of Blois King of England 1135. Fulco Baldwin's Son-in-Law King of Ierusalem 1135. Baldwin III. his Brother succeeds 1143. Noradine Sultan of the Turks 1143. Frederick Barbarossa Emperor of Germany 1152. Henry II. King of England 1154. He conquer'd Ireland 1172. Almaric King of Ierusalem 1163. Saladine Sultan of the Turks 1170. Alexius Comnenus II. Emperor of Greece 1180. Andronicus his Son 1182. Isaacius Angelus Comnenus 1185. Henry VI. Emperor of Germany 1190. Ierusalem re-taken by the Turks 1187. Richard I. King of England 1189. He goes to the Holy Land in his way takes the Island Cyprus In his return is taken Prisoner by the German Emperor Alexius Angelus Emperor of Greece 1195. Philip succeeds Henry VI. in the Empire 1198. Is oppos'd in it by Otho who was set up by the Pope Iohn steps over his Nephew Arthur's Head into the Throne of England 1199. By reason of a Quarrel between him and the Pope the Kingdom is interdicted and no Holy Offices perform'd for 6 years He had great Wars with the Barons who call in the French He first granted Magna Charta A great disorder in the succession of the Greek Emperors for Constantinople is taken by the Latins and Alexius Ducas who had strangled his Predecessor forced to flie to Adrianople 1204. Theodorus Lascarus Emperor at Adrianople 1204. Baldwin Earl of Flanders at Constantinople 1204. A succession in both those Cities continued till the time of Michael Paleologus Frederick II. Duke of Swaben Emperor of Germany 1212. The Inquisition first erected against the Albigenses 1222. Frederick Emperor of Germany goes to the Holy-war recovers Ierusalem and is Crown'd King of it 1229. He had Wars with the Pope was excommunicated and Anti-Caesars set up Henry III. King of England 1216. The Barons rise against him 1227. Magna Charta confirm'd by him 1253. Breaks it the Barons rise again and the King is taken Prisoner and detain'd by Simon Mountfort 1258. Lewis call'd the Saint King of France goes to the Holy-war with a great Army 1248. Takes Damieta returning home is taken Prisoner 1250. Great Confusion in the Government of the Western Empire occasion'd by the Emperor's Quarrel with the Pope Richard Brother to King Henry of England chosen Emperor 1256. Michael Paleologus regains Constantinople and Reigns sole Emperor there 1260. Edward I. King of England 1272. Rodolphus Count of Hapsburg Emperor of Germany 1273. From him proceeded the Austrian Family Andronicus Paleologus II. Emperor at Constantinople 1283. Adolphus of Nassaw Emperor of Germany 1291. Albert of Austria succeeds him 1298. Ottoman the founder of the present Turkish Empire 1297. Henry VII Earl of Luxemburg Emperor of Germany 1308. Edward II. King of England 1307. By too much cherishing Gaveston and the Spencers he lost the Love of his People and was at last depos'd 1326. Ludovicus of Bavaria Emperor of Germany 1314. He is oppos'd by an Anti Caesar Frederick of Austria Albert's Son Great Disputes at this time concerning the Authority of the Emperor and the Pope Edward III. King of England 1327. He is victorious in France his Son Edward stil'd the Black Prince took the French King Prisoner and by his Heroick Valour left his Father and Himself an immortal Name This King instituted the Order of the Garter In his time Wickliff lived Andronicus Paleologus III. Emperor at Constantinople 1328. Iohn his Son succeeds at 9 Years old 1341. Iohn Cantacuzen his Tutor makes himself his Associate in the Empire and rules with him till 1354. Charles IV. King of Bohemia Emperor of Germany 1347. The Mariners Compass found out 1302. Philip the Fair King of France having great difference with Pope Boniface VIII is excommunicated 1302. Pope Clement V. remov'd the Papal Seat to Avignon where it remain'd for 70 Years 1305. The Albigenses and Waldenses much persecuted at this time Walter Lollard a notable Opposer of the Romish Superstition with many of his Followers burnt in Austria 1315. Gun-powder invented in Germany by Barth Schwartz a Monk and Guns first used by the Venetians 1344. Amurath the Turkish Sultan brings 60000 Turks into Europe and takes Adrianople 1359. Richard II. King of England 1377. Quells the Rebellion of Iack Straw and Wat Tyler 1381. Is depos'd 1399. Henry IV. Son of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster succeeds and begins the Lancastrian Line of Kings 1399. Wenceslaus King of Bohemia chosen Emperor 1387. Rhodes well defended against the Turks 1380. Andronicus IV. Emperor at Constantinople 1384. Manuel Paleologus succeeds him 138● Bajazet the Turk began to Reign 1388. Tamerlan the Tartar began to Reign 1387. He conquer'd Babylon Persia China and India Overcomes Bajazet and puts him in an Iron Cage 1399. The
of the Ancients familiar to you since you may there gain with Pleasure and without Difficulty what has cost others so much Care and Labour The Art of Government so exceedingly capricious and tedious which could otherwise be attained to only by a long Experience and tiresome Custom is taught by History with all the Ease imaginable There ●ou may meet both Virtues and Vices in their proper Dresses as likewise observe the various Conditions of Humane Life together with the parpetual Instability and Vicissitude of Things of this World as also the Establishment Revolutions and Fall of Empires In a word you may there observe how Virtue goes seldom unrewarded nor Vice unpunished and that therefore it is the surest way to Glory and Honour to be Innocent and Iust and to abhor Vice which the ●●●enging Hand of God has branded with Infamy in this World and prepared Punishments for in the other The great Character History bestows on good Men and the Ignominy it casts on the Bad with that Severity which neither spares the Crown nor the Mitre are sufficient Motives to inspire the Love of Virtue and Ab●orrence of Vice Cornelius Tacitus says very well That it is not one of the least Benefits of History that Vice is always therein represented Infamous for thereby great Men are deterr'd from evil Courses for fear of the Iustice of an impartial Historian Let a Prince be never so great a Libertine he will always have regard to his Reputation even at a time when he has the greatest Contempt for Virtue The Emperor Tiberius who was immoderately cruel and voluptuous would no doubt have been yet more Vicious had not he dreaded the Account his Historian would have given of him wherefore you see him retire at length from the Eye of the World and hide himself where he thought to be secure from an Impartial Pen. Can there then be a Study more useful to Mankind especially to Princes than where they find treasured up all manner of Rules for their Conduct Selymus Emperor of the Turks did not acquire that great Reputation which almost obscur'd the Memory of his Predecessors who treated History with the greatest Contempt but by causing Caesar's Commentaries to be Translated into his Language for thereby he became so true an observer of the Conduct of that great Captain that in a short time he Conquer'd the greatest part of the Lesser Asia and Africa Also Caesar himself did not arrive to that pitch of Glory and Honour that we find he did but through a violent Emulation which he conceiv'd at reading of the Life of Alexander insomuch that he could not refrain from Tears when he consider'd that he had done little at an Age when that mighty Conqueror had subdu'd so many Kingdoms Yet however great might be Alexander's Ambition it is certain that he had form'd his design of Conquering the World upon reading of the Actions of Achilles in Homer and whom he chose all along for his Model But not to go out of France who does not know that the Emperor Charles V. laid the Basis of that prudent and politick Management which afterwards render'd him one of the greatest Princes of Europe upon the Life of Lewis XI written by Philip de Comines Nothing has so great Influence over Mankind as the Impressions receiv'd from the Examples of great Men for we are naturally apt to believe thro a good Opinion we have of our selves that we are capable of doing any thing that has been done before Somewhat like this the Bishop of Meaux speaks of History in his excellent Discourse address'd to the Dauphin For says he tho' History were of no use to other Men yet ought Princes however to read it since there is no better way to bring them acquainted with the Power of Passions and Interests as also with the fo●ce of Time and of good and bad Councils Histories are made up of nothing but Actions all which seem chiefly to be compil'd for the Vse and Imitation of great Men If Experience be necessary to acquire that P●udence which makes them Govern well there can be nothing more assistant to them than to joyn Examples of Times past to the Experience of Times present Whereas Princes now adays scarce ever care to be convinc'd of any Error but at the Expence of their Subjects or their own Honour when by the help of History they might form an infallible Iudgm●nt without running any hazard IV. History has those Charms that it has recovered its Readers from the most dangerous Sicknesses nay even when the Art of Medicine has been at loss for a Remedy Examples of which we have in two Kings of Spain and Sicily Alphonsus and Ferdinand both whose Maladies were so charm'd by reading Livy and Curtius that they were restor'd to their Health when they had been given over by all their Physicians 'T is also reported That Lorenzo de Medici commonly stil'd the Father of Letters was recover'd from a very dangerous Illness by the Relation of a Passage out of the History of the Emperor Conrade III. which was as follows This Emperor having reduced the rebellious City of Veinsberg commanded it to be entirely destroy'd and moreover ordered that its Inhabitants should be all made Prisoners except the Women only Whereupon these Women made their humble Suit to the Emperor that they might save at least what they were able to carry away which being granted Conrade was infinitely surpriz'd to see them march out with their Husbands and Children on their Backs and mov'd to so much Compassion thereby that he immediately pardoned the whole City It was to this Passage that Lorenzo de Medici ow'd his Life which made Bodin to cry out Quanquam Historia salutare est Medicamentum Method ad Histor. Proemio p. 5. V. History is of that known Benefit in discovering the Truth of the Christian Religion that without the Assistance of it and Philosophy we could never be able to oppose the Atheists and Pirrhenians What we borrow from Philosophy to defend Religion with is very considerable and solid for thereby through a Contemplation of the Universe we come to the knowledge of a Sovereign Being which Created and Governs it and likewise are sufficiently convinc'd that this great Work cannot possibly be Eternal In a word The just and due Order of all things of this World produces such a Beauty and Harmony as could not proceed but from the great Wisdom and Power of the Almighty A Philosopher demanding one Day of St. Anthony who liv'd in the Deserts of Appi How he could apply himself to the Contemplation of Heaven without the assistance of Books The Holy Hermit answer'd This vast Globe meaning the World serves me instead of a Library and the Creatures therein contain'd are as so many legible Characters whereby I can discover the Omnipotence of God and which by consequence easily disposes me to a Meditation on his Grandeur St. Clement of Alexandria being inspir'd with the same Thought
which Iesus Christ had founded and Rome became thenceforward Metropolis of the Spiritual Empire Also when the time was come that the Roman Power which had vainly boasted it self of Eternity was to undergo the Fate of other Empires Rome tho' become a Prey to Barbarians yet preserv'd its ancient Grandeur by means of Religion for those Nations who had Conquer'd the Romans having by little and little softned their Manners by the observation of Christian Piety their Kings thought none of their Titles so glorious as that of being Protectors of the Christian Church Thus the Empires of the World have been serviceable to Religion and have preserv'd the People of God wherefore that same God which had caus'd his Prophets to foretel the divers Conditions of his People made them also Prophecy of the Succession of Empires You are acquainted with those places where Nebuchodonosor was mark'd out to Punish the Pride of the People especially of the Jews who approv'd themselves so ungrateful towards their Creator You have also no doubt observ'd Cyrus nam'd 200 Years before his Birth to re-establish the People of God and to chastize the Arrogance of Babylon The destruction of Nineveh likewise was not foretold with less certainty Daniel in his wonderful Visions has briefly but fully represented to us the Babylonish Empire together with that of the Medes Persians and Greeks The Blasphemies and Persecutions of Antiochus were also Prophesied of as well as the miraculous Victories the People of God gain'd over that cruel Tyrant In these Prophets you may find all these famous Monarchies come to nothing by little and little and the new Empire of Iesus Christ to be so expresly Characteriz'd that there is no reason to doubt of its being meant as by Name of the Kingdom of the most High the Kingdom of the Son of Man c. being Pronounc'd to be a Kingdom that should subsist even in the midst of the Ruin of all others and to which alone Eternity was promised God therefore who made use of so many different Nations to Chastize Employ Enlarge or Protect his People having a mind to be known for the Author thereof discover'd the great Secret to his Prophets and caus'd them to foretel it before he put it in Execution Whereupon these Empires being made Partners with the Designs of God their Fate has been foretold by the same Oracles of the Holy Spirit which Prophesied of the Succession of the faithful People Nothing demonstrates better the necessary Relation between Sacred and Profane History than this excellent Discourse of the Bishop of Meaux where we may observe the proceedings of God in the Revolution of Empires and by what means the Almighty Wisdom brings his Ends about even in those Matters where we think either our Prudence or Policy has had the larger share I would gladly have all Youth learn by Heart as much at least of this admirable Discourse as we have just mention'd for thereby they may be able to unravel if I may so say all the Intrigues betwixt God and Man and discover the first Principles of all Affairs which History has handed down to us Profane Historians have always fill'd us with confus'd Ideas but the Bishop of Meaux has demonstrated the Hand of God to have set all the Springs of Causes at work and that for the peculiar end of Preserving and Sanctifying his People Men misguided by their Passions think all must be related in History that contributes to satisfy either their Avarice or Ambition but they are deceiv'd for like Children they only see the Wheels of the Movements without being able to guess at the Mechanism and Causes of them The Sanctification of the Church is the secret Spring of all that has hapned most considerable in the World from its Creation and the Fall and Rise of Empires is the Mechanism of the Almighty Altho' we cannot always discover what share God has had in certain Affairs yet it must never be deny'd that he has had any Who could ever have imagin'd that the Grandeur of the Roman Empire which we commonly look upon as an effect of the great Wisdom and Valour of the Romans should have ever contributed towards the publication of the Gospel and the glory of the Church In a word there might have been only one History which should have been that of the City of God where Empires and Dominions might have been brought in as so many Incidents and Episodes which have only collateral Relation to the History of the Church Nevertheless as the Devil will always have a share in humane Affairs and that S. Austin together with the Holy Scriptures attribute to him a Power over the Kingdoms of the World we divide History into Ecclesiastical for the Affairs of the Church and into Civil for the Affairs of Empires and Republicks We make no use of the Word Profane as being improper for the History of Christian Kingdoms whose Kings are the Protectors and Cherishers of the Church This I presume may be sufficient to justify my preferring this Division of History to that of all others which have treated on the same Subject ARTICLE I. The Authority of the History of The People of God contain'd in the Books of the Old and New Testament THE History of the Iews is contain'd in the Books of the Old Testament which is sufficient to convince any Christian that it is unquestionable and will never admit of any Doubt Yet it is not to my purpose to quote any Fathers hereupon or to shew what they have advanc'd in their Disputes against the Pagans to prove the Truth and Divinity of the Bible those Matters being to be met with in the Books of such Doctors as have writ upon that Subject Nevertheless as it is chiefly at Genesis that the Deists and Atheists level their Criticisms it would not be amiss to say something in vindication of that Holy Book and the rather because the History therein contain'd being once establish'd all the other parts of Religion necessarily follow on course 1. Then it is certain that Moses was Author of the Book of Genesis Nay more positive says du Pin in the first Tome of his History of Ecclesiastical Writers speaking of this Book than that either Homer was Author of the Iliads and Odysses or Herodotus or Thucydides of those Histories that are ascrib'd to them The Holy Bible continues he afterwards teaches me that Moses was Author of the Pentateuch Thus are the Five Books of Moses call'd of which Genesis is the First Iesus Christ proceeds Dupin and the Apostles have assur'd me as much ancient Authors concur in the same Opinion and all other People agree with them c. We may find in the same Book a number of Witnesses to evince this Truth of which some were Iews others Christians and others Pagans all which positively affirm that Moses writ the Book of Genesis and all the rest of the Pentateuch 2. Moses without dispute was a much more ancient Writer
Iugurtha is too minute and particular He should not have said so much to make the Bounds of the Kingdom of Atherbal and Iugurtha then in question What need was there to describe all that vast Country and to distinguish the particular Manners of so many different Nations Trogus charges Sallust and Livy and not without a great deal of Reason with a wanton and immoderate Excess of Harangues in their Histories And indeed all those Speeches we put in the Mouths of great Men carry with them an Air of Falshood for from what Memoirs can a Man pretend to have fetch'd them And besides a Warrior never speaks like an Orator Therefore Harangues are Supposititious as well as that which Sallust makes Catiline speak to the Conspirators which probably was secret and extemporary Most of Sallust's Harangues are always admirable but never to the purpose Nothing can be finer than Marius's Speech it is the soundest Piece of Morality in the World concerning a noble Birth every thing there is reasonable and Antiquity cannot boast of many Discourses where one may find so forcible Persuasions to Virtue but that is out of its proper Place And the Air with which he makes Cato and Caesar give their Opinions in the Senate himself as great as he is is little proportion'd to the rest of the History We ought to make the Picture of none but important Persons wherein Sallust is faulty for he gives us the Picture of Sempronius who is but indirectly concerned in the Conjuration of Catiline Sallust with all his Simplicity is too prolix when he inveighs against the Corruption and loose Manners of his Time he is always angry with his Country and always discontented with the Government He gives us too ill an Opinion of the Commonwealth by his Invectives and Reflections upon the Luxury of Rome Thus nothing can be more eloquent than the Description of the Condition Rome was in when Catiline took the Resolution of making himself Master of it And when that admirable Author represents the Commonwealth corrupted by Luxury and Avarice and sinking under the Weight of its own Greatness he uses the most exquisite and eloquent Expressions that can be met with in any History 'T is in those Images that a Man of Skill has an opportunity to shew it and the Historians of the first Rate are full of those fine Strokes Sallust's Preambles which are great Speeches full of Sense and manly Eloquence seem to me to carry with them an Air of Affectation They are generally Common Places that have no Relation to the History Perhaps this Author had some Pieces of Reserve which he employed upon occasion as Cicero us'd to do That Method may be good for an Orator who speaks often in Publick but such Precaution is not allowable in an Historian who is supposed to be Master of himself and of his time Among the Latins Sallust has a noble Expression a true Wit and an admirable Judgment No Person ever imitated so well the judicious exact and severe Stile of Thucidides He is sometimes stiff in his Expressions but he never flags his Conciseness makes him now and then obscure his Manners are always true and he gives Weight to all what he says His Sentiments are always fine although his Morals were bad For he continually declaims against Vice and always speaks well of Virtue I find him a little too morose and peevish with his own Country and too censorious upon his Neighbour but take him all together he is a very great Man IV. Titus Livius was of Padua and not of Apona as some have imagined Soon after he was come to Rome he got into the intimacy of all the great Persons of that Capital of the World which gave him an opportunity to take all the necessary Instructions for the Composition of his History which he Published under the Reign of the Emperor Augustus He wrote one part of it at Rome and the other at Naples where he sometimes retired to Study and give himself up intirely to his great Work His History reached from the Foundation of Rome to the Death of Drusus in Germany and contained 140 or 142 Books But we have but 35 of them left and those too by an additional Misfortune do not follow one another The second Decad is wanting We have only the first third and fourth with about a half of the fifth As for what we want we must be contented with the Epitome or Abridgment which Florus has made of it if so be that we can see without indignation a small imperfect Copy which has in some measure robb'd us of so great and compleat an Original For Abbreviators are generally charged as necessary to the loss of the Books which they Abridge Men are naturally lazy and are glad to meet with Epitomes to save themselves the trouble of reading great Volumes Thus the loss of Trogus Pompeius is laid upon Iustin and that of Dion Cassius upon Xiphiliuus because they have Epitomiz'd them There are a world of Learned Men that cry up to the Skies the Merit of Livy's History Vossius who relates all that has been said in his Commendation gives us in four words a fine Panegyrick upon that Author Nothing says he can be greater or richer than this Writer Nihil hoe Scriptore est grandius atque uberius We have remark'd somewhere in this Book that Alphonsus King of Arragon recovered of a very dangerous Fit of Sickness by the reading of Titus Livius But we have forgot one particular which does no less honour to that Author which is That this great King as an acknowledgment of his Recovery demanded of the City of Padua the Bone of the Arms wherewith that famous Historian had writ his History and having obtained his Requests this Wise Prince caused that Bone to be transported to Naples where he received it like a precious Relick However in the very Age he lived Asinius Pollio found fault with something in him which he calls Patavinity This Patavinity was a Country way of writing such as North-Country Men and others will have with respect to the English Tongue unless they live a considerable time in London or either of the Universities These was says Quintilian in Livy a Country way of Writing that betray'd his Birth at Padua and some Expressions which could never pass upon the Courtiers and Politest Men in Rome Some think it strange the Livy who was a Man of Wit should relate so many populous Reports which he did not believe at all himself as he always seems to in●inuate His History is full of Prodigies Now an Ox has spoken another time a Mule has ingendred and then again Men and Women Cocks and Hens have changed their Sex There rains nothing but Stones Flesh Chalk Blood and Milk The Statues of the Gods are said to have spoke wept or sweated Blood In short adds Mr. de la Mothe la Vayer how many Apparitions of Phantoms do we not find in him How many
9. Nebuchadnezzar II. stiled the Great succeeded his Father Nabopolassar This man besieged and took Ierusalem carried away Zodekiah and all his Nobles into Captivity rifled the Temple of its Vessels brought them to Babylon and placed them in the Temple of his God Bell. He dreamed a Dream of the Four Monarchies which Daniel explained erected an Image in Susa cast the Three Children into the burning fiery Furnace was puffed up with Pride at the Greatness of his Conquests and the Magnificence of his Buildings was deprived of his Reason and turned out to feed with Beasts was restored after 7 years and died after he had reigned 43 years 608 3386. 10. Evilmerodach succeeded his Father Nebuchadnezzar and reigned a little more than 2 years 564 3388. 11. Nerigloosser kill'd Evilmerodach and reign'd with his Son Laborosoarchod about 4 years The former was defeated by Cyrus and killed in Battel and the latter was slain for his Irregularities 562 3392. 12. Belshazzar Son to Evilmerodach and Grandson to Nebuchadnezzar succeeded In a Prophane Feast which he made he saw an Hand writing upon the Wall which Daniel explained and according to his Prophecy he was deposed and killed by his Soldiers and Cyaxares or Darius the Mede seiz'd upon the Throne Thus ended the Assyrian Monarchy which was translated to the Persians 558 The State of that part of the Assyrian Monarchy which was governed by the Medes from Arbaces their first King to Cyaxares or Darius their last Years of the World Years before Christ. 3148. 1. ARbaces having defeated Sardanapalus and taken Nineveh reigned over the Medes 28 years 802 3176. 2. Sosarmus reigned 30 years 774 3206. 3. Medidus reigned 40 years 744 3246. 4. Cardiceas reigned 13 years 704 3259. 5. Dejoces or Arphaxad reigned 53 years 691 3312. 6. Phraortes or Artynes succeeded his Father Dejoces conquered the Persians and reigned 22 years 638 3334. 7. Cyaxeres I. succeeded his Father was more Warlike than his Predecessors but was subdued by the Scythianss who ruled 18 years afterwards were made drunk by him and were killed He reigned 40 years 616 3374. 8. Astyages succeeded his Father and reigned 35 years This King sent his Son Cyaxeres and his Grandson Evil-Merodach who with a great Army of Horse and Foot made Incursions on the Frontiers of Media The Assyrians were beaten and forced to retire 576 3409. 9. Cyaxeres II. or Darius the Mede succeeded his Father and reigned 30 years This was he who conquered Belshazzar and began to lay the Foundation of the Persian Empire being during his Life called the Empire of the Medes and Persians but after his Death united by Cyrus 541 CHAP. III. Of the Persian Monarchy THE second of the four great Monarchies was the Persian which lasted from Cyrus the first Monarch to Darius Codomannus the last 206 years Years of the World Years before Christ. 3419. 1. Cyrus obtain'd the Kingdom of Persia by the Death of his Father Cambyses and the Kingdom of the Medes by the Death of his Uncle Cyaxeres and by this means founded the Persian Monarchy Cyrus died in the 70th year of his Age. But some say that being defeated by Tomiris Queen of the Scythians he had the Misfortune to fall under her just Vengeance who cut off his Head threw it into a Vessel full of Blood and insulted over him in these Terms Satia te sanguine Cyre i. e. Now Tyrant take thy fill of Human Blood 531 3421. 2. Cambyses succeeded his Father Cyrus and reigned over Persia 7 years and 7 months He was a cruel King killed his own Brother Smerdis crucified Polycrates and killed himself at last by his own Sword 529 3429. Oropastes the Magician usurps the Throne under the false Name of Smerdis but within a few months after was killed by seven great Lords who conspired against him Their Names we learn from Herodotus to be Otanes Hidarnes Megabizus Gobrias Aspatines Intaphernes and Darius 521 3430. 3. Darius I. Sirnamed Hystaspes one of the seven Lords who had killed Oropastes is acknowledged King by all the rest which he brought about by this Stratagem These Lords could not very well agree among themselves what Form of Government they had best have Otanes was for a Democracy Megabizus maintained that an Oligarchical Government would be most advantageous But Darius preferred a Monarchical State before either of the former and his Opinion met with the greatest Applause The Question then rose who should be their King since the Heirs-Male of Cyrus were extinct At last they agreed unanimously That the next morning by Sun-rising they should all mount on Horseback and the Man whose Horse neigh'd first should be acknowledged King Oebor Darius's Groom had the Art of making a Horse neigh when he pleased which Skill he then made use of in favour of his Master So that no sooner was Darius mounted but his Horse neigh'd the other Lords alighted did Obeisance to him and owned him for their King He reigned 36 years 520 In the beginning of his Reign he married Atossa the Daughter of Cyrus Widow of Cambyses and of a certain Grandee to whom she had been afterwards married This he did out of Policy to support himself in the Throne thereby insinuating that the Kingdom was not translated to a Stranger but to one of Cyrus's Family Within a while after Darius being returned from Hunting sprained his Foot as he alighted off his Horse There were a great many Egyptian Physicians then at Court who used their utmost Skill to ease the King but all to no purpose for he neither slept nor was his Pain abated for 7 days together At last Democedes a Greek Physician was called for who managing the Distemper according to the Grecian Method gave the Prince something to make him sleep and healed him in a few days The same Democedes was likewise Fortunate in curing the Queen Atossa of an Ulcer in her Breast Among other Favours which that Princess urg'd him to demand of her he intreated her to inspire the King with a Resolution of conquering Greece He had his Desire granted for Darius ordered fifteen of his chief Nobles to attend Democedes that they might take a View of the Cities of Greece which he intended to conquer Accordingly they departed from Susa the Capital City of Susiana in the Kingdom of Persia and passing through Phenicia to Sidon they furnished themselves with Provisions and embarked for Greece They took a View of the Sea-Ports drew Charts of the Coasts omitted nothing that might be of Use to their Design went as far as Italy and visited Tarentum At last Democedes being arriv'd at the Place he desir'd very cunningly gave his magnificent Attendants the slip who in the whole Expedition followed his Orders and by this means got to Crotona where his House was leaving the others to get home as well as they could Other Authors tell us that it was Hippias who instigated Darius against the Greeks But wh●ther one or either of them occasion'd it 't
and made all its Inhabitants Slaves not excepting the Women and Children At the Siege of this City he was wounded on the Shoulder with an Arrow and his Leg bruis'd by the fall of a Stone He went up to Ierusalem with a Design to besiege it but the High-Priest Iaddus meeting him in his Sacerdotal Ornaments prevented his Intention for Alexander was so struck at the sight of him that he alighted off his Horse and did him Obeisance crying out That God appeared to him in the same Shape and commanded him to go and conquer Asia This High-Priest read to him the Chapter in Daniel wherein it is foretold That a Greek should conquer the Persians Which he was very well pleased at and sacrificed in the Temple offered great Oblations and gave the Iews full Toleration to live according to their Laws and Religion The next year Alexander marched with his Army into Egypt where Pelusium surrender'd to him From thence he went to Memphis where he found 800 Talents and several precious Stones belonging to the Crown From thence he marched along the Nile to the very utmost Parts of Egypt went into the Province of Cyrene and visited the Temple of Iupiter Ammon where the Oracle declared him to be the Son of Iupiter which was what Alexander's Ambition aimed at And this Extravagance sufficiently shews how far the Excess of Prosperity transports Men. After this he went in search of Darius who on his part rallied his Forces raised more and omitted nothing that might put him in a Posture for another Engagement As Alexander made his Approaches so Darius ordered his Army to march from Babylon to Nineveh the River Tigris on the Right hand and Euphrates on the Left 3619. Alexander intercepted Letters from Darius wherein he sollicited the Greeks to Assassinate their King which made him when Darius overcome by the Civility and Gentleness which Alexander shewed to his Captives the Queens of Persia sent fresh Ambassadors to him to mediate a Peace offering to give him part of his Dominions and his Daughter in Marriage return for Answer That as for what he offered him they were already his by Conquest and that he did not think it safe to make a Peace with that Man who every day sought an Opportunity of Assassinating him 331 Upon this each Army prepared for the Engagement which happened at Gangamela that lies on the River Bumela But forasmuch as Gangamela is only a small Village Historians call it the Battel of Arbela which was a considerable City and pretty near the place of the Engagement There was a dreadful Slaughter made of the Persians and thô Darius behaved himself very gallantly in this Fight yet he was forced to fly Alexander according to Quintus Curtius lost no more than 300 Men but of the Persians according to the most modest Account there were 90000 killed upon the spot and a greater Number taken Prisoners Darius fled to Arbela and was pursued by Alexander But he got thence before his arrival Alexander found wherewith to satisfy himself for his Journey thither for the most precious Jewels of the Crown to the Value of about 600000 Pounds Darius had left behind him This Battel put an end to the Monarchy of the Persians and laid the Foundation of that of the Grecian The Grecian Monarchy begins here which lasted only during Alexander's Reign 6 Years and some Months It was afterwards divided into four Kingdoms and lasted in that State till Julius Cesar was made Perpetual Dictator 280 Years more Years of the World Years before Christ. 3619. Alexander proclaimed King of Asia offered great and costly Sacrifices to his Gods and distributed his Treasures his Cities and his Provinces among his Friends The Air growing infectious by the great number of the Slain obliged him to break up from Arbela He marched to Babylon the Governor whereof opened the Gates to him and this great Conqueror made a Publick Entrance into that City where they extolled his Valor and praised his Fortune 331 Calisthenes the Philosopher who attended Alexander in this Expedition found in Babylon Astronomical Observations for 1903 years past which he sent into Greece to Aristotle By which it is proved that the Chaldeans began their Observations in Astronomy since the year of the World 1716. When Alexander perceived his Army to grow insensibly Effeminate by the Luxuries they met with in Babylon he ordered them to decamp and marched to Susa where he was received with loud Acclamations of Joy the twentieth day after he left Babylon In Susa he found several Dromedaries twelve Elephants and Money to the Value of about Seven millions Five hundred thousand Pounds with a great many Pieces of Purple 3620. Alexander engaged in several Battels which he won and had by that means a way open to Persepolis where was the most magnificent and beautiful Palace of all the East This Place he took and by the Instigation of Thais a Courtesan burnt it when he was drunk He found therein 120 Talents and so vast a Treasure as loaded 20000 Mules and 5000 Horses 330 After this he marched in pursuit of Darius who was retreated to Ec●atane in Media where he had raised more Forces for another Battel But Bessus who commanded the greatest part of these Forces assassinated him and afterwards fled away Darius being stabb'd was thrown into a Cart which a Macedonian happened to meet with The dying King prayed him to help him to a little Water drank of it and immediately expired Alexander hearing of it ran thither found Darius dead wept over his Body bewailed his Misfortunes covered him with his Mantle ordered him to be embalmed and sent him to Sisygambis to bury him in the Sepulcher of his Ancestors Then he distributed among his Soldiers the one half of the Booty which he took in this last Expedition which amounted to Three milions eight hundred and fifty thousand Pounds Alexander made Incursions into the Country of the Parthians stayed some time at Hecatompolis and at last arrived upon the Frontiers of Hircania He conquered where e'er he came by his Valour storming those Towns he could not win by Treaty After this he entred into Zadracarta the chief City of Hircania where he stayed 15 days Nabarzanes who had a hand in the Murder of Darius came thither to wait upon Alexander and brought him Presents to gain his Favour which was granted him It was at this place where Thalestris or Minothea the Queen of the Amazons whose Country according to Q Curtius was situated between the River Phasis and the Mountain of Caucasus came to visit him upon a Business no way redounding to the Honour of that Princess But some pretend that this whole Matter of Fact as related by Curtius is false 'T is said that Onesicritus reading the Fourth Book of his History wherein he treats of the Adventure of this Queen to Lysimachus who had constantly attended Alexander in all his Expeditions this Lysimachus being then King said to him smiling And where
of the River Indus At Susa he married Statira the eldest Daughter of Darius and bestowed the youngest on his Friend Hephestion 3626. Some time after he left Susa and went to Ecbatane where he spent whole Days and Nights in Riot and Excess His Friend Hephestion died there of a Debauch in Drinking Alexander caused the Physician who had tended on this Favourite in his Sickness to be hang'd To divert the Grief he conceived at the Death of his dear Hephestion he carried on the War against the Cosseans He subdued them in the space of 40 Days thô they fled under the Covert of Mountains and were never conquered by the Kings of Persia. Afterwards he made his Army pass Tigris and marched towards Babylon The Caldean Astrologers met him and advised him not to go thither for it would be fatal to him but slighting their Advice he went thither and was received with great Shouts and Acclamations of Joy He built in Babylon a Dock capable of containing 1000 Sail of Ships and embarking on the River Euphrates he visited Arabia It was then that he laughed at the Caldeans saying He entred Babylon and went out of it again without any harm done him Thus in the height of his Confidence he sailed about the Lakes of Arabia 324 3627. And upon his return to Babylon gave himself wholly to his Pleasures and especially to immoderate Drinking The Journal of his Life represents him in his last Days as a Man drenched in Drunkenness and who did nothing but Eat drink and Sleep Potavit perpotavit crapulam edormiit solito more crapulam decoxit One day as he was offering Sacrifices to the Gods for the Victories he had gained he feasted himself and his Friends drank very hard and carried on the Debauch till late at Night When the King returned from this Feast a Physician of Thessalia invited him and his Company to come and drink at his House The King accepted the Offer and carried twenty of his Friends along with him There was in the Company one Proteas a Macedonian who was a great Drinker the King and this Man challenged each other to drink and at last the fatal Bowl came into his Hands which he drank off and with it his Death Some say there was Poison in that Bowl others that it was his immoderate and excessive Drinking which was the cause of that violent Fever which immediately seized him and within a few days hastened his End He died in the flower of his Age being but 33 years old and was equally lamented both by Greeks and Persians Sisygambis who survived all the Misfortunes of her own Family yet broke her Heart at the News of his Death And thus have we given you a summary Account of the Birth Education Rise Growth Heighth and Fall of this once Great Man We have briefly described what he did before and what he did after he became the Vniversal Monarch of Asia and as he thought of the whole World Considering the Extent and Largeness of his Conquests and the short space of Time he took up in effecting them we may see with what Reason the Prophet Daniel compared him to a Flying Leopard You see that within the compass of a very few years he added to his Petty Kingdom of Macedon Thrace Greece Egypt part of Arabia and of Africa Syria Pamphylia the two Phrygia's Caria Lydia Paphlagonia Assyria Susiana Drangiana Arachosia Gedrosia Aria Bactriana Sogdiana Parthia Hircania Armenia Persia Babylonia Mesopotamia and India But at last in the midst of all his Glory in the very centre of his Conquests he was cut off by an untimely Death and thô he boasted himself to be descended of the Gods and was adored by his Flatterers as One yet he found his Mistake perceived he was but a Mortal Man and that he must die like the rest of the Petty Princes whom he had conquered By him fell the Grecian Monarchy too after it had lasted about 6 years and 10 months For after his Death his Conquests were cantoned among his Captains each seizing on what Share thereof he could At first 't is said the Provinces were divided among thirty of them But at last they were reduced to four Principalities under four Princes Ptolemy had Egypt for his Share Seleucus reigned at Babylon and in Syria Cassander became Master of Greece and Macedonia And Antigonus had Asia Minor for his Part. The Reign and Successors of Ptolemy King of Egypt and the Reign and Successors of Cassander King of Macedonia we shall not treat of here since they belong more properly to another Place where in two distinct Chapters we shall be more particular in speaking to them In this Chapter we shall only give you an Account of the Successors of Alexander the Great who reigned in Syria and in Asia Minor Sect. 2. The Kingdom of the Syrians This Kingdom began under Seleucus Ninacor in the Year of the World 3633 before Christ 317 and lasted about 253 Years to the Year of the World 3886 at which time it was made a Roman Province by Pompey BEfore we give an Account of its Kings it may be proper to give you a short Description of the Country Syria formerly was a large Country in Asia including Assyria Mesopotamia Babylonia Phenicia and Palestina and it has oft been taken for the same with Assyria Some extended its Bounds as far as the Euxine Sea and hence we read of several Syria's in Holy Writ But if we cut off Assyria Mesopotamia and Babylonia from it then Syria is bounded on the North by the Mountain of Amanus which parts it from Armenia On the East by Mesopotamia from which 't is parted by the River Euphrates On the South by Arabia Petrea And on the West by part of Egypt the Phenician Sea Cilicia and a small part of the Mountain Amanus It is at present called Souria or Soristen is one of the finest Champain Countries in the World and abounds with pleasant Pastures Damascus was the Capital City of Syria which became a great Kingdom when the Empire of Alexander the Great was after his Death divided among his Generals Years of the World Years before Christ. 3633. 1. Seleucus Nicanor was the first King of the Syrians He was at first made General of the Cavalry afterwards became Master of Babylonia and Antigonus Master of Susiana 317 This Seleucus being assisted by Ptolemy the Son of Lagus by Cassander and Lys●machus defeated Antigonus who was the first King of Asia after the Death of Alexander He conquered India put Demetrius Poliorcetes to death in a Prison and killed Lisymachus in an Engagement Iustin tells us that the Seleucides were all born with the print of an Anchor on their Thigh And Historians say that never any Father loved his Children so passionately as this Seleucus for the Proof of which they relate this notable Instance His Son Antiochus fell sick of a violent Passion for his Mother-in-Law Stratonice Erasistratus his Physician perceiving it went
the Maccabees After this Demetrius raised Forces against Alexander but was defeated and killed by him By this means Alexander was established in the Kingdom of Syria over which he reigned 6 years 151 Demetrius the eldest Son of Demetrius Soter being willing to revenge the Death of his Father and to regain his Kingdom had great Success therein Apollonius join'd with him and was sent by Demetrius into Iudea to fight the Iews who were in League with Alexander Ionathan and Simon engaged him several times At last Alexander ravaged Syria Ptolemy Philopator and Demetrius marched against him where Ptolemy was wounded in the Engagement Within a few days after Alexander was killed by his Domesticks and Ptolemy upon the sight of his Head died for Joy 3805. 12. Demetrius Nicanor became at last sole King of Syria and suffered the Iews to live very peaceably Ionathan laid Siege to the Fortress of Ierusalem and Demetrius sent to have him come to him and give him an Account of that Action Ionathan still continued the Siege and pacified Demetrius by his Presents 145 No sooner had Demetrius Nicanor disbanded his old Forces having as he thought no further Occasion for them but Tryphon laid hold on the Opportunity to make young Antiochus Sirnamed the Divine King who was the Son of Alexander He endeavoured to make Ionathan his Friend who did him great Services 3807. 13. Antiochus the Divine set up by Tryphon but afterwards the latter being minded to be King himself instead of Antiochus and being afraid Ionathan should oppose him in his Designs surpriz'd and killed him Simon is Elected in his Place to be both General of the Army and High-Priest He several times defeated Tryphon who that he might the more easily usurp the Regal Dignity killed Antiochus 143 3809. 14. Tryphon the Vsurper In his time Demetrius Nicanor marched with his Forces into Media to strengthen himself against Tryphon where he was taken Prisoner by the General of the Army of the King of Persia and Media At last the Soldiers could not away with Tryphon and went over to Cleopatra the Wife of Demetrius who surrender'd her self and her Army to her Brother Antiochus Sedetes 141 3812. 15. Antiochus Sedetes took the Government upon him and reigned about 10 years He at first made a League with Simon the High-Priest and afterwards very dishonourably broke it sending Cendebeus against him whilst he went in pursuit of Tryphon who retired into Apamea which being taken he was killed there Simon the High-Priest being very old sent his Sons against Cendebeus who beat him This only served to foment the Jealousy of his Son-in-Law Ptolemy against the Father and his Children who killed the Father and two of his Sons in a Feast to which he had invited them In the Eighth Year of the Reign of Antiochus Sedetes there happened an Earthquake at Antioch at 10 a clock in the morning on February the 21st After this Antiochus with his Army were cut off in Parthia which gave way for his Brother Demetrius to remount the Throne 138 3822. Demetrius Nicanor reassumed the Throne after his return from the Parthians where he had been Prisoner But he had debauched himself so much among the Parthians and grew by his Pride so intolerable that neither his Soldiers nor his Subjects could endure him but chose themselves another King 128 16. Alexander Zebenna was the Man they Elected who was the Son of a certain great Merchant Demetrius was abandoned by all Men fled from one Country to another and at last was assassinated as he was going into a Ship But some say he was killed by his Wife Cleopatra Zebenna in his Prosperity proved ungrateful to his Friends and forgot his old Benefactor Ptolomy Physicon who had set him upon the Throne Ptolomy by way of Revenge assisted Antiochus Gryphus against him who defeated put him to flight and afterwards killed him 3826. 17. Antiochus Gryphus reigned 8 years very prosperously and all Syria enjoyed a profound Peace His Mother Cleopatra offended at her Son 's good Fortune upon his return from the War he had successfully ended against Zebenna presented him with a Glass full of rank Poison He excused himself out of Compliment and his Mother still urged him to drink it off At last he frankly told her That he was informed of her ill Will towards him and that she could not clear her Innocence better than by drinking up what she was so civil to offer him Upon this she was forced to drink off what she had prepared for her Son and so was poisoned Antiochus Cyzicenus declared War against his Brother Gryphus but was defeated by him 3835. 18. Antiochus Cyzicenus had the Fortune at last to defeat his Brother Gryphus who fled away and was turned out of his Kingdom which his Brother became Master of But no sooner was he King but he gave himself up to all manner of Pleasures and Debaucheries He associated with none but Comedians Buffoons Jugglers and Fencers He applied himself very seriously to the making of Puppets dance and became so great a Master in that Mechanical Art that he could make Figures of Birds to fly and run along as if they were natural 115 3856. 19. Seleuchus the Son of Antiochus Gryphus having raised Forces declared War against his Uncle Antiochus Cyzicenus They came to an Engagement wherein Antiochus was defeated His Horse carried him into the Enemies Camp and he for fear of being taken alive killed himself 92 3860. 20. Antiochus the Pious the Son of Antiochus Cyzicenus having escaped the Ambuscades which his Uncle had laid for him declared War against him after he had taken upon him the Diadem at Arada Seleucus was routed beaten out of all Syria and fled into Cilicia He was received there by the Mopseates who being enraged by the extravagant Contributions which Seleucus raised upon them burnt him in his Palace with two of his Friends Upon this Antiochus and Philip two Twin-Brothers of Seleucus in revenge of his Death besieged Mopsuesta took it by Storm and demolished it Antiochus the Pious marched against them and defeated them Antiochus was drowned in a River as he fled away and his Brother Philip reigned together with Antiochus the Pious and afterwards they endeavoured by War to decide which of the two should be sole Master 90 3861. 21. Demetrius Euceres the Son of Antiochus Gryphus was seated upon the Throne of Damascus by Ptolemy Lathurus But Antiochus the Pious opposed the new King being assisted by his Brother Philip's Forces Iosephus says that Antiochus the Pious was killed in a Battel against the Parthians 89 22. Philip and Demetrius Euceres both of them the Sons of Gryphus became Masters of the Kingdom of Syria Thus for these last years the Seleucides raising continual Commotions with each other for the Crown were at length cut off in several Battels The Syrians offended at these Disturbances called in Tigranes King of Armenia and submitted to his Government 3863. 23 Tigranes called in
among the Canonical Writings of the New Testament This City was at first called Ephyra afterwards Heliopolis i. e. The City of the Sun It was famous for its Painters Architects and Carvers and was built by Sis●phus Corinth in the several Risques of Fortune which it has run has appeared to the World under VI. distinct States Sect. I. The First State of Corinth under the Race of Sisyphus of which there were X. Kings which lasted 269 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2543. 1. Sisyphus The same with him who as the Poets tell us was condemned to the endless Labour or rouling a Stone up a Hill which no sooner was at the top but rouled down again to the bottom and so renewed his Labour 2. Glaucus the first Instituter of the Ishmian Games 3. Bellerophon He being guilty of Homicide fled to Argos where he was kindly received by King Pretus But it seems Sthenobea the Queen of Argos falling in Love with Bellerophon tempted him to lie with her but upon his Refusal accused him of tempting to violate her Chastity which by the way is much the same with the Story of Ioseph and his Egyptian Mistress Upon this Pretus was offended sent him into Lycia to his Father-in-Law Iolas with Orders to put him to Death But Iolas after several Trials of his Valour so admired him that he not only spared his Life but married him to his Daughter Philonoe 4. Orynthion 5. Phocus 6. Thoas 7. Demoph●on 8. Propodas 9. Doridas Both Sons of Propodas and 10. Hyanthidas Both Sons of Propodas Under these two last Kings the Heraclides fell into Peloponnesus and became Masters of Corinth 'T is to be observed that History is so obscure about these first Kings that the exact Time and Duration of each Reign cannot be set down Sect. II. The Second State of Corinth under IV. Kings called Heraclides which lasted 144 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2812. 1. Aletes the Son of Hippota● the Son of Antiochus who was Nephew to Hercules He reigned 38 years 1138 2850. 2. Ixion reigned 34 years 1100 2884. 3. Agelaus reigned 37 years 1066 2921. 4. Prymnis reigned 35 years 1029 Sect. III. The Third State of Corinth under VIII Kings called Bacchides which lasted 215 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2956. 1. Bacchis reigned 35 years 994 2991. 2. Agelaus reigned 30 years 959 3021. 3. Eudemus reigned 25 years 929 3046. 4. Aristodemus reigned 35 years 904 3081. 5. Agemon reigned 16 years 869 3098. 6. Alexander reigned 39 years 852 3137. 7. Telstes reigned 34 years 813 3171. 8. Aristomenes or Automenes reigned only one year 779 Sect. IV. Years of the World Years before Christ. 3172. The Fourth State of Corinth was under Annual Magistrates which lasted 121 Years viz. From the Year of the World 3172 to the Year 3293. At this time the Government was changed into Aristocracy For 200 of the Bacchides ruled in Common and only created a Prytanis every Year from among themselves till at last it fell under the Tyranny of Cypselus and Periander who reigned about 73 Years 778 Sect. V. Years of the World Years before Christ. 3245. The Fifth State of Corinth was that of the Re-establishment of their Liberty By this means it became a Free Republick and had a great Share in the Wars carried on by the Grecians against the Persians and in the Wars between the Athenians and Lacedemonians as has been already observed This State lasted about 439 Years Sect. VI. The Sixth State of Corinth was under the Romans of which we shall have occasion to speak when we come to the Roman Monarchy CHAP. XIII Of the Mycenians MYcene was a City of Peloponesus situated between Argos and Corinth It was founded by Lacedemon the Son of Semelé But the Kingdom of Mycene was founded by Perseus the Son of Danae after he had killed by an Accident his Grandfather Acrisius King of Argos So that this State is to be looked upon only as a Continuation of the Kingdom of Argos the Regal Authority being translated thence by Perseus to Mycene about the year of the World 2641 before Christ 1309. This Kingdom or State lasted 218 Years under VII Kings Years of the World Years before Christ. 2641. 1. Perseus reigned about 57 years Before he was King he did many great Exploits among the rest overcame the Gorgons three Sea-Monsters 1309 2708. 2. Sthenelus succeeded his Father and reigned 8 years 1242 2716. 3. Eurystheus succeeded his Father Sthenelus and reigned 43 years In his time lived Hercules said to be the Son of Iupiter and Alcmena who by Eurystheus was injoined to destroy divers Monsters in hopes that he would have been killed by them But he always returned home Conqueror which gave an occasion to the Story of the twelve Labours of Hercules Eurystheus jealous of the growing Greatness of this Hero made War against the Herac●idae wherein he and all his Sons was killed 1234 2759. 4. Atreus and Thyestes the Sons of Pelops and Grandsons of Tantalus reigned conjunctly the space of 8 years They had another Brother named Plisthenes who died whilst young and committed the Care of his two Sons Agamemnon and Menelaus to his Brother Atreus He married Aerope the Mother of these Children and Daughter to Minos with whom Thyestes was caught in the Act of Adultery Atreus was so enraged that he first banished his Brother then recalled him within a while after and having killed his Sons dress'd them and served them up to him to be eaten Hence arose the Proverb of Thyestes's Supper 1191 Atreus after the Death of Eurystheus became Master of all Peloponnesus and put the Heraclidae to flight 2767. 5. Agamemnon reigned 15 years He declared War against the Trojans in the Behalf of his Brother Menelaus After Troy was taken he returned home but was there immediately killed by Aegysthus and his own Wife Clytemnestra who lived in Adultery with Aegysthus 1183 2782. 6. Aegysthus the Son of Thyestes born in Incest after the Death of Agamemnon succeeded and reigned 7 years 1168 2789. 7. Orestes the Son of Agamemnon revenged his Father's Death upon Aegysthus and his own Mother Clytemnestra whom he slew After which he ran mad but was restored to his Senses at the Altar of Diana in Taurica He reigned 70 years over Lacedemonia and Mycene 1161 2859. Orestes left two Sons behind him viz. Tisamenes and Penthilus who were Dethroned by the Heraclidae as they were returning to Peloponnesus 1091 CHAP. XIV Of the Thebans BOEOTIA one of the States of Greece was bounded on the West by Phocis on the East by the Eubean Sea on the North by Locris and on the South by Attica and Megaris The Metropolis of this Country was Thebes but who built it is uncertain Calydnus is said to have reigned first in that Place after him Ogyges but last Cadmus But since the Account of the Thebans before the Reign of Cadmus is very obscure we shall pass that
by and begin our Account with him Years of the World Years before Christ. 2525. The State of the Thebans under XIV Kings which lasted 295 Years 1425 1. CAdmus was the first King of the Thebans The Grecians tell us that he was the Son of Agenor who sent him and his other two Brothers in quest of their Sister Europa whom Iupiter had ravished forbidding them to return unless they brought their Sister with them That Cadmus at last after many fruitless Journeys came into Boeotia where despairing of ever meeting with his Sister being admonished by the Oracle he built or as 't is most probable repaired Thebes and added a Fort to it which from him was called the Cadmean Fort That he married Harmonia the Daughter of Mars and Venus of whom he had one Son named Polydorus and four Daughters Semele Ino Autonoe and Aga●e That he at last warred against the Illyrians conquered and reigned over them leaving the Kingdom of Thebes to be governed by his Son Polydorus This is the Account which the Grecians give us of Cadmus But thô they in Honour to him say he was a King's Son yet the Sidonians his Countrymen deny it and affirm that this Cadmus was only the King's Cook and that he ran away with a certain Musick-Girl called Harmonia His coming into Greece was about the same time that Ioshua governed Israel so that it may be very justly supposed that he carried a Colony of the Canaanites whom Ioshua had expelled into Greece Whether this or the other Account be truest we shall not here stand to determine thô upon very weighty Reasons the latter seems to be most probable However most agree that this was the Man who first brought Letters into Greece from Phenicia 2. Polydorus succeedded his Father married the Daughter of Nycteus by whom he had one Son Labdacus whom at his Death he left to the Care of his Father-in-Law 3. Labdacus succeeded In his time Epopeus the King of Sicyonia ravished Antiope the other Daughter of Nycteus upon which a War broke out between them wherein they both died of their Wounds which they received Upon the Death of Nycteus his Brother Lycus was made Labdacus's Governor who administred the Government so faithfully that Labdacus upon his Death committed his Infant Son Laius to his Care 4. Laiùs succeeded his Father In his Reign his Governor Lycus having punished Antiope according as Nycteus had ordered him was at War with her two Sons Amphion and Zethus and was killed by them in an Engagement Thebes was taken by them and the young Child Laius very narrowly escaped 5. Amphion and Zethus reigned over Thebes Amphion built Walls round Thebes married Niobe the Daughter of Tantalus and Sister of Pelops who having a great many Children boasted that she was a better Breeder than Latona her self which occasioned her to lose them all For Apollo was commanded to kill all the Males and Diana all the Females upon which Niobe was so stupified that the Poets feign she was turned into a Stone Thô this Account is rather Romance than true History yet we thought it would not be amiss to insert it that so our young Reader may have some Light even in the Fictions of the Poets which he may meet with A while after Amphion and his whole Family were cut off by the Plague Zethus pin'd away upon the Death of his Son whom his Wife had unfortunately killed and these Brothers being thus removed the Thebans restored Laius again to the Throne Laius married Iocasta the Daughter of Meneceus by whom he had a Son but the Oracle advising him to beware of him he bound his Feet and exposed him in order to make him away The infant was according to his Order exposed but found by a Shepherd and brought to Polybus King of Corinth He took care of the Child brought him up as his own and cured him of the Swelling which he had in his Feet from whence he was called Oedipus A long time after Laius uncertain what was become of his Son and Oedipus ignorant who were his Parents both went to make their Enquiries at the Oracle In Phocis they met by chance where Laius very roughly commanding him to give the way was killed by his Son whose hot Blood it seems could not brook such rude Provocation 6. Upon the Death of Laius Creon the Brother of Iocasta usurped the Throne till such time as Oedipus did explain the Riddle of the Monster Sphinx For all Travellers who passed by where she sate had the Riddle proposed to them upon these Terms That in case they could not explain it they should be put to Death but whoever did should marry Iocasta and be King of Thebes Oedipus unriddled the Riddle and married his own Mother Iocasta after he had killed his Father Both which he did ignorantly At last a full Discovery was made both of the Murder and the Incest of Oedipus upon which Iocasta hanged her self and he was kept Prisoner by his Sons sent to Athens and there died with King Theseus 7. Eteocles and Polynices the two Sons of Oedipus agreed to reign alternately but Eteocles being once upon the Throne would not let his Brother have his Turn in the Government Upon this Polynices made his Aplication to Adrastus King of Sicyon his Father-in-Law Adrastus to revenge the Affront marched at the Head of an Army and sat down before Thebes After many dubious Skirmishes it was agreed That the two Brothers should determine the Quarrel by fighting a single Duel They accordingly fought and killed each other but did not put an end to the Contest for a sharp Engagement followed wherein the Soldiers of Adrastus were cut off and himself rid away full speed for his Life 8. Laodamas the Son of Eteocles succeeded but being in his Minority Creon the Brother of Iocasta was his Governor Within ten years after the Sons of those who were cut off in the last Battel to revenge themselves upon the Thebans raised another War wherein Thebes and Laodamas were taken 9. Thersander the Son of Polynices set up by the Victors who leading the Beotians against Troy was slain by Telephus in Mysia 10. Pencleus made King by the Beotians but engaging with Euryphilus the Son of Telephus was slain in the Battel 11. Tisamenus the Son of Thersander succeeded 12. Damasicthon the Son of Opheta and Nephew to Pencleus 13. Ptolemeus succeeded 14. Xanthus the last King of Thebes was killed in a Duel by Melanthus the Messenian With him ended the Kingdom of Thebes which was turn●d into a Common-wealth in the year of the World 2820 before Christ 1130. But still the Thebans had a great Share both in the Intestine and Foreign Wars with which Greece was engaged as appears in the Accounts we have given of Athens and Lacedemonia CHAP. XV. Of the Macedonians THE Kingdom of Macedonia or Macedon so called from Macedon the Son of Osiris or as some say from Iupiter and Aethra was bounded on the West
by the Adriatick Sea on the East by the Egean Sea on the North by the Vpper Moesia and on the South by Epirus Achaia and Thessaly This Kingdom began in the year of the World 3137 under Caranus the Heraclide and lasted 645 years till it became at last a Roman Province We may consider this Kingdom under three distinct States Sect. 1. The First State of Macedon under XX. Kings of which Philip the Father of Alexander the Great was the last which lasted 477 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 3137. 1. CAranus the Heraclide founded this Monarchy and reigned 28 years 813 3165. 2. Cenus succeeded and reigned 12 years 785 3177. 3. Thurimos succeeded his Father and reigned 38 years 773 3215. 4. Perdiccas I. succeeded his Father and reigned 51 years It seems he shewed the Place where he and his Successors should be buried 735 3266. 5. Argeus the Son of Perdiccas succeeded and reigned 38 years 684 3304. 6. Philip I. succeeded his Father Argeus and reigned 38 years 646 3342. 7. Aeropus the Son of Philip reigned 26 years He was carried in his Cradle against the Illyrians who thereupon were routed 608 3368. 8. Alcetas succeeded his Father Aeropus and reigned 29 years 582 3397. 9. Amyntas I. the Son of Alcetas succeeded and reigned 50 years 553 3447. 10. Alexander I. Sirnamed the Rich succeeded his Father Amyntas and reigned 43 years He slew the Persian Ambassadors who would have abused the Macedonian Ladies sent two Images of massy Gold to Delphos and Elis and would not be corrupted by the Persians but discovered all their Plots against Greece 503 3490. 11. Perdiceas II. the Son of Alexander succeeded and reigned 28 years 460 3518. 12. Perdiceas III. succeeded but reigned a short time being killed by 432 13. Archelans his Bastard Brother who succeeded and reigned 24 years 3542. 14. Orestes the Son of Archelans succeeded was committed to the Tutelage of Eropus who killed him and succeeded 408 15. Eropus the Governor of Orestes reigned about 6 years 3548. 16. Pausanias the Son of Eropus reigned only one year being put to Death by 402 3549. 17. Amyntas II. the Husband of Eurydice who ascended the Throne and reigned 24 years but had a troublesom time on 't 401 3573. 18. Alexander II. succeeded his Father Amyntas and reigned only one year He sued for Peace from the Illyrians and sent them his Brother Philip as an Hostage who was by them sent to the Thebans 377 3574. Ptolemy Alorites usurped the Throne but was killed by Perdiccas after he had reigned 3 years 376 3577. 19. Perdiccas IV. governed Macedon 5 years He was slain in a Battel fought against the Illyrians left his Son very young whereupon the Macedonians made his Brother Philip II. King within a short time after his Death 373 3588. 20. Philip II. ascended the Throne with a great many good Qualifications He was Courageous and Prudent and when he was Hostage at Thebes he dwelt with Epaminondas a great Philosopher as well as a great General His Conversation with so great a Man was of extraordinary use to him as appeared afterwards in the whole Sequel of his Life And it may be very justly affirmed that the Grandeur of the Kingdom of Macedon the Greatness of Alexander and perhaps the Grecian Monarchy was owing to the Instructions which Philip learnt from Epaminondas He reigned 26 years 362 This King made his Peace with the strongest but subdued the weakest Countries such as the Athenians Pannonians and Illyrians He set all Greece into Flames and took an opportunity from their Divisions of becoming their Master 3595. This year Alexander was born at the City Pella Some Authors tell us that on this very Day Philip received these three extraordinary Pieces of News 1. That Parmenio had defeated the Illyrians 2. That he had won the Prize at the Olympick Games And 3. That he had a Son brought into the World But the Learned Criticks have discovered that these Events were not at the same time What is most certain is that on the Birth-Day of Alexander the Temple of Diana at Ephesus was burnt by a Villanous Incendiary who was willing by this Act to render his Name famous or rather infamous to Posterity Great Care has been taken to smother his Name but Theopompus in his History tells us he was called Erostratus 355 3605. This year Philip besieged Perinthus a Town in Thrace but the King of Persia jealous of the growing Greatness of King Philip succoured the Perinthians which gave occasion to Philip to think of carrying on a War against the Persians Within a while after he set upon the Athenians and defeated them in the Battel of Cheronea where his Son Alexander about 18 years old signalized himself At last having made Preparations for the War against Persia he was slain at his Daughter's Wedding by Pausanias a young Macedonian to whom he had refused Justice 345 Sect. 2. The Second State of Macedon under Alexander the Great lasted only 13 Years Years of the World Years before Christ 3614. ALexander the Great raised Macedon to the highest Pitch of Grandeur for at last this mighty Conqueror within 12 or 13 years extended the Bounds of his Kingdom so far into Europe Asia and Africa that Macedon might then very justly have been stiled The Mistress of the Vniverse The Danube and the Black Sea bounded his Conquests Northward the River Hydaspes the Indian Sea the Gulphs of Persia and Arabia bounded them on the East and Cyrene the Capital City of Cyreniacum or Pentapolis in Africa bounded them Southward All this large Tract of Country was under his Dominions But having already treated of the Progress of his Conquests in speaking to the Grecian Monarchy chap. 4. we shall not trouble our selves or our Reader with any Repetitions 336 After Alexander's Death at Babylon there happened a long Contest between the Commanders about the Election of a Successor at last they agreed to salute Arideus King This Arideus was Alexander's base Brother whom King Philip had by a Comedian named Philinna Sect. 3. The Third State of Macedon under XVII Kings lasted 155 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 3627. 1. ARideus was only a Titular King all his Authority being in the Hands of four Governors or Tutors viz. Perdiccas Python Antipater and Polysperchon When he ascended the Throne he took the Name of Philip Arideus and reigned only 6 years and 4 months for he was put to Death with his Wife Eurydice by the Order of Olympias Alexander's Mother upon her return into Macedon 323 3633. 2. Cassaneder succeeded him and reigned 19 years He returning at the Head of an Army from Peloponnesus besieged the Queen Olympias in Pydna forced her to surrender and put her to Death Afterwards he married Thessalonice the Daughter of Philip and made young Alexander the Posthumous Son of Alexander the Great with his Mother Roxana Prisoners in the Fort of Amphipolis Within a while after a League
People that they made him King 242 3718. 15. Antigonus Doson the Governor of Philip reigned 12 years After the Death of Demetrius the Cities of Greece shook off the Yoke of Tyranny and joined themselves to the Republick of the Acheans Aratus the Sicyonian was a great Promoter of the Interests of the Acheans and freed Athens from the Dominion of the Macedonians The Etolians envying their Success joined in a War with Cleomenes King of Sparta against them upon which the Acheans finding themselves unable to resist so great a Power implored the Assistance of Antigonus Doson who repelled Cleomenes and gave him so great a Defeat that he was forced to fly from Sparta to Alexandria Antigonus used the Spartans extreme kindly and permitted them to enjoy their ancient Laws and Privileges but in the midst of all his Glory he was forced to march back to the Defence of Macedon which the Illyrians had invaded He defeated and put them to flight but straining his Voice too much in the Battel he burst a Vein and soon after died of a Consumption 232 3730. 16. Philip IV. the Son of Demetrius at the Age of 16 took the Government upon him which devolv'd to him by the Death of his Governor and Father-in-Law Antigonus and reigned 42 years 220 This King was a very Martial Prince warred against the Etolians and defeated them several times He was so far puffed up by the Success he met with that he aimed at nothing less than the becoming Universal Monarch of the whole World and was for pushing his Conquests to the very Walls of Rome Hence arose the War between the Romans and the Macedonians of which we shall have occasion to speak more particularly when we come to treat of the Roman Affairs which belong to this time 'T is enough at present to acquaint our Reader that Philip failed in his Design was beat several times by the Romans forced to make a Peace with them and was the Cause of hastening the Downfal of the Macedonian State In his time several Prodigies happened in Asia among the rest a great Earthquake which overthrew several Cities and swallowed up others From hence the Soothsayers prognosticated That the Roman Empire then in its Rise should swallow up the Empire of the Greeks At last Philip died of Grief and deputed Antigonus his Kinsman to be his Successor But his Son Perseus being certified of his Father's approaching Death by his Physician secured the Kingdom to himself 3772. 17. Perseus succeeded his Father Philip and reigned 10 years and 8 months 178 3782. This year Perseus having given the Romans great Provocations they engaged in a War against him and he prepared to oppose them He entred into an Alliance with Gentius King of the Illyrians and did all the Mischief he could to the Romans The day before that Battel wherein Perseus was entirely defeated Sulpitius Gallus Tribune of the Soldiers by the Permission of Paulus Emilius the Roman Consul made a Speech to the Army wherein he advised them not to be terrified if they saw the Moon in a total Eclipse that night from two a clock to four in the morning since it was no more than happened at other times according to the Calculations of Astronomy That very night the Eclipse did really happen which caused the whole Army to admire the profound Skill of Gallus and was a great Encouragement to them as it was the contrary to the Macedonians The next day they came to an Engagement wherein Perseus was defeated put to flight taken and carried to Rome to grace the Roman Triumphs and thereby ended the Kingdom of Macedon which became a Roman Province after it had lasted 645 years from Caranus the first King This happened 168 years before Christ in the first year of the 153d Olympiad Anno Romae Conditae 585. CHAP. XVI Of the Lydians LYDIA is a Country in Asia Minor of which Sardes was the City of greatest Account and where the Kings of the Lydians usually kept their Court. It was situated upon the Banks of Pactolus near the Mountain of Tivoli and was one of the most ancient Cities in the World Thô Lydia has been a State exposed to various Turns of Fortune yet History affords us but little Light therein The Kingdom of Lydia had XXII Kings who reigned the space of 505 years But of these we have no Account except of the first and the four last after them till Cresus the last of their Kings were five more Years of the World Years before Christ. 2733. 1. Argon or Agron the Son of Ninus or according to others the Son of Alceus reigned first at Sardes but of XVII of his Descendants we have no knowledge 1217 3150. 19. Adrysus reigned 45 years He was of the Line of Hercules 800 3395. 20. Alyattes I. reigned 14 years 755 3209. 21. Meles reigned 12 years 741 3221. 22. Candaules or Mirsilus the Son of Mirsus the last of the Line of Hercules reigned 17 years He was killed by Gyges with whom he saw his Wife too familiar 729 3238. 23. Gyges having usurped the Throne sent large Presents to Delphos attack'd Miletum and Smyrna and took the City of Colophon by Storm By this means the Kingdom of Lydia was translated from the Family of the Heraclidae to the Mermnades in whose Family it lasted the space of 170 years of which Gyges reigned 38. This Gyges was at first a Slave and kept the King's Herds from whence he rose up at last to be King 712 3276. 24. Ardis the Son of Gyges reigned 49 years In his time the Cymmerians a People of that Country which at present is called Lesser Tartary were driven from their Habitations by the Scythians marched out of Europe into Asia keeping still along the Sea-Coast and took Sardes the Capital City of Lydia 674 3325. 25. Sadiattes the Son of Ardis succeeded and reigned 12 years 625 3337. 26. Alyattes II. succeeded his Father Sadiattes and reigned 57 years He was the youngest Brother The Inhabitants of Sardes had recourse to the Clemency of Alyattes for Cyaxeres King of the Medes would have had them submit to him but Alyattes refused it from whence arose a War of 8 years between the Lydians and the Medes This King had by his Wife Carica a Son named 613 3394. 27. Cresus who reigned 14 years after the Death of his Father He was one of the richest and most potent Princes of the World made the Greeks his Tributaries conquered the Phrygians Mysians Thrasians c. 'T is said Esop so famous for his Fables lived in his time in Phrygia that Cresus sent for him to Sardes where he treated him with a great deal of Respect and that going from Sardes to Delphos he was by the Inhabitants of that Place thrown off a high Rock Cresus puffed up with his Prosperity asked Solon who gave him a Visit what he thought of his Glory and Grandeur Solon replied That no Iudgment could be passed upon the Happiness of
Man from the course of a few years but by the close of his Life Cresus derided the Philosophical Severity of Solon but soon found by a sad and fatal Experience that what he said was too true Within a while after Cresus made Preparations for a War against Cyrus but was defeated by the Army of the Medes 556 3408. This year Cresus after the gaining several Victories in Cappadocia supposing Cyrus had no great mind to fall upon him disbanded his Army and retired to Sardes where he thought to have spent the Winter very quietly He was scarce got thither but Cyrus came and sat down before it with his Army and after 14 days Siege the City was taken and Cresus condemned to be burnt This unfortunate King considering he was now drawing to his End remember'd what Solon had said to him about the Happiness of Mankind and thrice invoked the Name of that great Philosopher Cyrus moved with Compassion towards him set him at Liberty and afterwards asked his Advice upon all Occasions 542 Thus with Cresus ended the Kingdom of the Lydians after it had lasted 675 years For afterwards it was subject to the Persians Greeks and Romans and at present to the Turks CHAP. XVII Of Tyre TYRE was a Sea-Port Town built upon a Rock and the Capital City of Phenicia If what Archbishop Vsher says be true it must be acknowledged that this City was more Ancient than Troy and Corinth For he tells us it was founded in the year of the World 2499 by Agenor the Father of Phenix and Cadmus who came from Thebes in Egypt into Syria to fortifie Tyre and Sidon But Iosephus assures us that it was not built till about the year of the World 2733. It is likewise to be observed that the most ancient King of the Tyrians which we can meet with in History was Abibal the Father of Hiram the Friend of David and Solomon 'T is certain that the Tyrians were very Powerful by Sea but whether they were the first Inventers of Letters as some assert is not so certain To give you some Idea of such a confused History as is that of Tyre we shall consider this Kingdom under Four distinct States Sect. I. The First State of Tyre under XII Kings which lasted 213 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2886. 1. A Bibalus reigned 35 years 1064 2921. 2. Hiram succeeded his Father and reigned 34 years This was that King of Tyre who sent King David Cedar-Trees Carpenters and Masons to build his Royal Palace 1029 2955. 3. Baltazar or Baleastartus reigned 7 years 995 2962. 4. Abdastratus succeeded and reigned 9 years 988 2971. 5. ..... the Son of the Nurse of Abdastratus reigned 12 years 979 2983. 6. Astartus reigned 12 years 967 2995. 7. Aserim or Astarimus his Brother succeeded and reigned 9 years 955 8. Pholes or Pheletes reigned 8 months 3006. 9. Ithobaal the Priest of Astartus reigned 31 years 944 3037. 10. Badesorus reigned 6 years 913 3043. 11. Matgon or Mettinus reigned 9 years 907 3052. 12. Pygmalion reigned 47 years After him we have no Account of the Affairs of the Tyrians for 250 years together 898 Sect. II. Years of the World Years before Christ. 3099. The Second State of Tyre which is very obscure and unknown lasted 250 Years For in History we meet with no mention of any of their Kings except Eluleus of whom very little is said 8●1 ELuleus reduced the Gitteans who had revolted In his time God humbled the Tyrians who were grown very Insolent by the Greatness of their Riches and that long Prosperity which they had enjoyed Isaiah in the 23d Chapter of his Prophecy foretells the Miseries which were to fall upon Tyre as a Punishment of its Pride and Cruelty especially towards their Neighbours the Israelites It seems as if Isaiah in his Chapter acted the part of an Historian rather than that of a Prophet every thing being there so naturally described The Riches Vanity and Luxurious Way of these Wealthy Merchants living who were the principal Inhabitants of Tyre are therein so lively represented Sect. III. The Third State of Tyre under X. Kings which lasted only 64 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 3349. 1. IThobaal reigned 24 years In his time Nebuchadnezzar laid Siege to Tyre which after 13 years he took and instead of Ithobaal set up Baal for King 601 3373. 2. Baal reigned 10 years After his Death the King of Babylon set up Judges to govern Tyre 577 3383. 3. Eeni-Baal the I. Judge governed 2 months 567 4. Chelbes the Son of Abdeus governed 10 months 3384. 5. Abbarus governed Tyre the space of 3 months 566 6. Mitgon and the two Sons of Abdelin governed the space of 4 years 7. Gerestrapus the two Sons of Abdelin governed the space of 4 years 3388. 8. Balatorus governed the space of one year 562 3389. 9. Merbaal was sent from Babylon to Tyre to preside there in the room of his Brother Balatorus deceased He governed 4 years 561 3393. 10. Hiromus came from Babylon to Tyre to reign instead of his Brother Merbaal deceased He governed 20 years Here we meet with another Chasm in the History of Tyre which lasted about 205 years whereof we have no Account 557 Sect. IV. Years of the World Years before Christ. 3413. The Fourth State of Tyre which is very dark for 205 Years for History is silent about it till such time as it was besieged by Alexander the Great which happened in the Year of the World 3618 before Christ 332. 537 3618. THis year the Inhabitants of Tyre sent a large Crown of Gold to Alexander as a Compliment to him for his Conquests He told their Ambassadors That he would come himself to Tyre to pay the Vows which he had made to Hercules The Ambassadors replied That he needed not to come so far as Tyre to do that since the Temple of Iupiter stood without the City in the Place where old Tyre stood Alexander took this as an Affront and as if they seemed to deny him Entrance into their City whereupon he threatned to lay it in Ashes Accordingly he besieged it and after 7 months with the loss of a great many Men took it by Storm put all the Tyrians to the Sword and burnt their City In this general Calamity Strato and his Son were spared to whom and their Posterity Alexander gave the Kingdom of Tyre 332 Quintus Curtius tells us That Tyre rose out of its Ashes was rebuilt in a short time and so strongly fortified that it held out 15 months against Antigonus King of Asia Thus have we given you a summary Account of the Empire of China the Kingdoms of Egypt Sicyon Athens and the other States of Greece of Lydia Tyre c. We are sensible there were other Petty Kingdoms such as Cyprus Sicily Crete c. but forasmuch as they did not then make any great Figure in the World and since History does not say much about them