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A36281 Domestick devotions for the use of families and of particular persons whereunto are prefixed some earnest perswasives to prayer and devotion. 1683 (1683) Wing D1842; ESTC R3307 94,764 289

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Courts of the Lord my heart and my flesh cryeth for the living God One day in thy Courts is better than a thousand I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the Tents of wickedness For the Lord God is a Sun and a shield the Lord will give grace and glory and no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly O come let us worship and bow down before the Lord our Maker For he is our God and we are the People of his Pasture and the sheep of his hand To day if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts ALmighty God who art great and glorious infinite in all perfections and of incomprehensible Majesty in comparison of whom the Princes of the earth are but vile Worms and all the Nations of the World less than nothing and vanity Thou deservest to be feared and magnified to be adored and praised and 't is our greatest honour to wait upon thee thy service is the most perfect freedom and we cannot but think it very meet and reasonable that a good part of our time should be devoted to thee and thine honour yea our whole life is too little to celebrate as we ought the excellence of thy divine Nature and of thy great Works O Lord this admirable Fabrick of the World is of thy making for in six days were all things Created by thee and the Seventh day in which thou didst cease from thy Work thou didst set apart for an holy Sabbath in which the Sons of men might remember thy Creation and honour thee for it Wherefore on this day of our religious rest we desire to meditate and admire that wonderful workmanship which doth appear in thy Creatures By the Word of the Lord were the Heavens made with all that glorious Host of Sun Moon and Stars thou hast founded the earth beneath and given life and breath to all things living We acknowledge thy signal kindness to our selves above the rest of thy Creatures in that thou didst Create man after thine own Image making him little lower than the Angels that thou hast given him dominion over the works of thine hands and made him capable of eternal happiness in the service and enjoyment of thy self O Lord how manifold are thy works in wisdom hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy riches and what is man that thou shouldest magnifie him That thou shouldest set thine heart upon him We do likewise extol thy love to mankind which hath been further shewn in the great work of our Redemption That after we had broken the Laws of our Creation by sinning against thee had faln short of the glory of God and were become liable to Death and Hell thou wert pleas'd to send thine only begotten Son out of thine own bosom to save us from destruction and restore us again to thy love and favour who took on him the form of a Servant liv'd a persecuted life dy'd a painful and ignominious death for us men and for our Salvation he did alone thy justice by the Sacrifice of himself overcame Death and the Grave and finished our Redemption by rising to life the third day when he was declar'd to be the Son of God with power by his wonderful Resurrection which we and all thy Church do this day commemorate O God thine acts of favour have been thus great and admirable to us-ward we do therefore offer up our hearty praise and thanksgiving for the discoveries of thy Wisdom Power and Goodness in the Creation of us and the whole World for thy compassion and rich grace in and through our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ And we do here with deep Repentance humble our selves for that our lives have not better answered such obligations of thine to duty and obedience for we have sinn'd against thee as thou art our Creatour by not loving and fearing thee as thou hast deserv'd by neglecting thy service and employing our souls and bodies which thou hast made in actions displeasing to thee and which thou hast forbidden We have offended thee as the Author of our Redemption by not receiving the Gospel with a due love and esteem thereof nor conforming our lives to its holy precepts nor walking suitably to that abundant grace which hath therein appeared teaching us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts But O thou Father of Mercies who delightest not in the death of sinners be thou pleas'd to pardon and justifie to do away our iniquities and receive us graciously bless unto us all the means of grace and the opportunities of receiving instruction from thine holy Word When we appear before thee in the Congregation of thy people help us to be serious and devout as in thy presence to join in Prayer with an intent and fervent mind and to hear thy Word with reverence and submission that by an attendance on thine holy Ordinances we may encrease in Piety and all the Graces of Christian Holiness for the righteousness and merits of that holy One who died for our sins and rose again for our Justification And we do also humbly beg for his sake that thou wouldest grant unto us thine holy Spirit and Heavenly Grace whereby thine Image may be renewed in us that we may from henceforth honour and serve thee from whom we have received our being and help us more and more to conform our selves to the death of Christ by dying to sin and to his Resurrection by rising to holiness and newness of life To this good end we pray thee to grant that on this thine holy Day we may sanctifie thine holy Name that our thoughts may be heavenly and our affections set on things above that we may take delight in the exercises of religion and may be in thy fear all the day long Bless thy Church and be thou graciously present in all Christian Assemblies throughout the World to hear the Prayers they shall this day put up and to prosper thy Word which shall be Preached that it may become effectual for pulling down the Kingdom of Satan and for edifying the body of Christ in sound Faith and real Godliness Let the light of thy glorious Gospel be spread abroad and the borders of thy Sons kingdom daily enlarg'd Call home thine ancient people the Jews and bring in the fulness of the Gentiles that all the Nations of the earth may be one sheepfold under the one great shepherd of Souls We implore thy particular kindness for this Church and Kingdom and more especially for the Kings Majesty that he may have Wisdom Justice Piety and all princely vertues to govern according to thy Will for thy glory and the good of thy people And let thy true religion be continued to us for all generations We present unto thee our hearty thanks for thy many and great benefits vouchsafed to us for our excellent being our preservation hitherto and all temporal enjoyments for our birth and education in a
place where the truth and purity of thy Gospel is profess'd and taught where we have the freedom of worshipping thee according to thy Will and do enjoy the precious means of Grace and Salvation Good Lord help us to make a wise and Christian use of all thy blessings to improve all spiritual advantages for the good and happiness of our souls that having well employed the Talents committed to us we may at length be approved by thee as good and faithful servants and may enter into the joy of our Lord to which blessedness do thou in thy good time bring us all through thy mercy in Jesus Christ in whose name and mediation we beg thy gracious acceptance of our Persons and Prayers which we further recommend unto thee in his words Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Thy grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with us all evermore FAMILY DEVOTIONS FOR THE EVENING A short Prayer before Reading the Scripture ALmighty Creator and Evening most wise Governour of all the World thou art God and there is none beside thee and thou only art to be worshipp'd 't is of thy mercy and happy forbearance that we are yet alive and 't is the greatest happiness of our life that we can thus attend upon thee to hear thee speaking to us in thy written Word and to speak unto thee our selves by our Prayers and Supplications O Lord draw near to us with thy favourable mercies while we approach to thee in our humble duty have a gracious regard to this our evening Sacrifice and let thy good Spirit help our Infirmities since thou hast appointed the holy Scripture for a Rule of our Faith and a Law to all our actions grant that we may attend thereunto with godly reverence let thy word dwell richly in us and have a powerful influence on our hearts and lives that having obeyed thy Will here on earth we may receive the promise of eternal life in thine heavenly Kingdom through our Lord Jesus Christ to whom with thy self and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory world without end Amen A Psalm and Prayer for the Evening O Give thanks unto the Lord for he is good for his mercy endureth for ever To him that made great lights for his mercy endureth for ever The Sun to rule by day the Moon and Stars to rule by night for his mercy endureth for ever O Lord thou hast searched me and known me Thou compassest my path and my lying down and art acquainted with all my ways If I say surely the darkness shall cover me even the night shineth as the day the darkness and the light are both alike to thee I will say of the Lord he is my refuge my God in him will I trust He shall cover thee with his Feathers and under his Wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler Thou shalt not be afraid for the terrour by night and the arrow that flyeth by day Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor the destruction that walketh at noon day Return unto thy rest O my soul for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee O Almighty and most glorious God Creator of Heaven and Earth we acknowledge our dependance on thee for we are the work of thine hands and in thee we live move and have our being wherefore our souls and bodies which thou hast made and hitherto preserv'd we do humbly prostrate at thy Footstool ascribing unto thee honour and worship adoration and praise and with lowly subjection submitting our selves to thy most great and excellent Majesty 'T is thy wonderful condescension that thou doest permit vile dust and ashes to have freedome of access to thy Throne of grace that thou art pleased to invite and command us to present our supplications We are altogether unworthy to speak unto thee and by reason of our manifold sins do justly deserve thou shouldest reject both our persons and prayers for the thoughts and imaginations of our hearts the course and practice of our life have been exceeding evil and that continually We have obeyed the lusts of our depraved nature more than the precepts of thy sacred Word and have compli'd with the temptations of Satan rather then the motions of thy blessed Spirit thy Law which is holy just and good we have broken from day to day and also slighted and abus'd the riches of thy grace discover'd in the Gospel wherefore to us belongs nothing but shame and punishment but with thee there is mercy and with thy Son plenteous redemption we beseech thee therefore for thy mercies sake and for thy Sons sake whom thou hast made a Sacrifice for sin that thou wouldest blot out all our transgressions and remember our iniquities no more deal not with us after the strictness of thy Law but according to the gracious terms of the new Covenant in which thou doest promise pardon and reconciliation to all repenting Sinners We do here profess our deep sorrow and humiliation for all our sins past and our serious resolution to lead the future part of our life in holy obedience to thy Will and Commands But for as much as our sufficiency is of thee and of our selves alone we can do nothing that shall be good and acceptable in thy sight be thou pleas'd to supply our defects and strengthen our weakness let thine holy Spirit lead us into truth and assist us in every good Duty Write thy Law in our inward parts and put thy fear into our hearts that we may never depart from thee Prepare us O Lord for all events of thy providence that in every condition we may be therewith content and grant whatever things shall befal us in this World they may work together for good and be a furtherance to us in our service of thee and in our passage to eternal happiness And because thou hast commanded that Prayers and Intercessions be made for all men we beg thy mercy for the whole race of Mankind that the light of thy Gospel may shine upon all the Earth and every Nation thereof may partake of Christ and the benefits of his Redemption Bless thy Church Universal that it may flourish more and more in purity of truth and holiness and that the Gates of Hell may never prevail against it Vouchsafe thy special care and kindness to this Church and Kingdom to which we belong preserve the religion profess'd among us from errour and corruption let piety justice and sobriety encrease and abound that thou mayest delight in us to do us good for
Refuge in the day of Trouble Vnto thee have I cry'd O Lord in the Morning shall my Prayer prevent thee The Lord is thy Keeper the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand The Sun shall not smile by day nor the Moon by night The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and for ever Blessed is the man whose Delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law doth Meditate day and night And he shall be like a Tree planted by the Rivers of Waters that bringeth forth his fruit in his Season his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doth shall prosper Lead me O Lord in thy righteousness because of mine Enemies make thy way straight before me O hold thou up my goings in thy paths that my footsteps slip not O Almighty God who art infinitely great and glorious the Creatour and Governour of the whole World thou deservest to be feared and Worshipp'd we desire therefore with humble Reverence to Adore thy Divine Majesty presenting our Souls and Bodies as a Morning Sacrifice and earnestly imploring thy favour and blessing without which we cannot be in safety for one day or moment of our Life O lift thou up the light of thy Countenance upon us which is much more desireable than that of the Sun and of greater value than all the Riches this World can afford We confess O Lord that we are guilty Sinners and so justly obnoxious to the frowns of thy displeasure and the severity of thy Justice In Sin we were conceived and brought forth in iniquity there are corrupt inclinations within us to Rebellion and Disobedience against thee and thy holy Commands and these have very much prevailed in the whole course of our Lives for from our Nativity to this present hour we have been still offending the pure Eyes of thy holiness by evil thoughts and inordinate desires by vain Words and irregular Actions We have neglected the Duties by thee enjoined and committed the sins which thou hast strictly forbidden But thou art a God gracious and merciful who delighteth not in the death of a sinner and thy Son is a Mediatour of Atonement and Reconciliation for all who come unto thee through him we do beseech thee therefore for his sake in whom thou art well pleased to pardon all our offences and justifie our persons and to receive us into thy love and favour as thine adopted Children That we may be capable of these great benefits be thou pleased to work in us an unfeigned repentance of all our sins past a lively Faith in the merits of thy Son and serious resolutions of leading a sober righteous and godly life let the power of thy Grace subdue and mortifie all corrupt lusts and the Principles of sin and do thou endue us with all the Vertues of Christian holiness that being sanctified throughout all the Faculties of our Souls and Members of our Bodies may become instruments of righteousness unto holiness in thy Service and for thy Honour Accept O Lord our humble thanks for all thy manifold Mercies both spiritual and temporal for thy care and protection of us the Night past that thou hast refreshed us with sleep and preserved us to the beginning of another day as thou dost lengthen out our life so continue to us thy loving kindness which is better than life it self let thy kind providence Watch over us this day to secure us from those many dangers and evil accidents to which we are always expos'd and grant us thy blessing and furtherance in our lawful Imployments But above all we beg the presence and assistance of thy special Grace to preserve us from sin and all the temptations to it that neither inbred corruption nor the snares of the World nor the suggestions of Satan may draw us aside from the way of righteousness but let a pious fear of thy great and holy name always possess our Souls And that we may be the more careful and circumspect in all our doings help us to bear in mind that we are still under thine all-seeing Eye to which all things are naked and open and that we must one day appear before thy just Tribunal to receive according to the things done in the Body whether good or evil let the consideration of the future punishments which thou hast threatned deter us from sin and the prospect of that glorious happiness which the Gospel doth promise encourage our obedience that having a fixed eye on the eternal recompence of reward we may despise the pleasures of sin which are but for a season O Lord bless thy Church purge it from all corruptions and cause thy Gosple to be known and embraced by all the Nations of the Earth more especially be favourable to thy Church and People of this Kingdome pardon our many and great provocations withold the Judgments we have deserved guide and protect our Soveraign Lord the King and prosper his Government that it may be happy both to himself and his Subjects Comfort and relieve all that labour under any affliction of body and mind give them patient submission to thy good pleasure and an happy deliverance out of all their troubles We implore thy special love and kindness to all who are our friends or more nearly related to us bless them in all their concernments both of body and soul make them good and prosperous here and eternally happy hereafter O Lord pardon the infirmities of this our devotion and grant thy favourable acceptance through the Merits and Intercession of thy blessed Son our alone Saviour Jesus Christ who hath taught us thus further to pray unto thee Our Father c. Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O Heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Comunion O holy and blessed Spirit be with us and remain with us this day thenceforth and for ever Another Psalm and Prayer for the Morning MY heart is fixed O God my heart is fix'd I will sing and give praise Awake up my glory awake Psaltery and Harp I my self will awake right early I will praise thee O Lord among the people I will sing unto thee among the Nations For thy Mercy is great unto the Heavens and thy truth unto the Clouds The Lord is good unto all and his tender Mercies are over all his Works He holdeth our soul in life and suffereth not our foot to be moved I will extol thee my God O my King I will bless thy name for ever and ever Every day will I bless thee and I will praise thy name for ever and ever The day is thine the night also is thine thou hast prepared the light and the Sun Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice O Lord thou art my God early will I seek thee There be many that say who will shew us any good Lord Lift thou up the light of thy Countenance upon us And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us
dangerous folly to live in neglect of the Duty on the presumption it will so be Be persuaded therefore O Christian to seek the Lord while he may be found to honour him with thy constant devotion that thou mayst have comfortable assurance of his ready help when in any case of extremity thou shalt call upon him he is thy best friend whom alone thou canst relie upon and if thou wouldst maintain that friendship with him which thou art to prize above all things in the World it must be by converse and intimacy in this heavenly Duty And consider with thy self what an honour and priviledg it is that thou who art but a clod of earth art allowed the freedom of access to the great God of heaven and to present thy Petitions to him as often as thou shalt please If thou hadst the like liberty with thy Prince on earth thou wouldst certainly value it very highly and think it a great weakness not to make use of it for thine own advantage how then canst thou excuse thy self if notwithstanding the leave and encouragement given thee thou neglect thine approaches to him who is the great Lord of the whole Universe and having all things at command is able to do for thee whatever thou canst request of him If thou desirest the good things of this World the God whom thou art to wait upon is he who giveth Riches and Wealth Å¿ Eccles 5. 19. and his blessing maketh men to thrive t Prov. 10. 22. wouldst thou ascend to honour he is the highest fountain of it for promotion cometh not from the East nor from the West but God setteth up one and pulleth down another u Psal 75. 6. and them that honour him he will honour w 1 Sam 2. 30. dost thou wish to enjoy health of body consider that he to whom thy Prayers should be presented and he alone doth keep off diseases x Deut. 7. 15. and to confide in other Physitians is to hazard thy life y 2 Cbron. 16. 12 13. if thou hast a mind to be wise and knowing thou art directed to ask wisdom of him who giveth liberally z Jam. 1. 5. and take for a great truth that saying of the famous Luther Bene orasse est bene studuisse to pray devoutly t is the same as to study hard For confirmation whereof hear the experience of Aquinas the Angelical Doctor of the Schools who himself profess'd That his knowledg and learning he had acquir'd more by praying then by study a Corn. a Lap. in Zach. c. 12. If thou art real in Religion thou believest a divine providence that thy self and all thy concerns are in Gods power and at his dispose and how canst thou rest satisfy'd if thou seek not his favour by doing him service and without imploring to thy self his particular care and kindness thou knowest that in him thou doest live and move that without him thou canst not be prosperous in any undertaking nor avoid the many evil occurrences to which thou art still expos'd every hour of the day and how then wilt thou presume to set forth in the morning without begging his gracious presence his blessing and safe-guard thou canst not be ignorant what unhappy Casualties may attend the night what Dangers there are from the Prince of darkness and the violence of ill men And wilt thou venture to lie down without committing thy self and what is thine by earnest Prayer to that Keeper of Israel who never sleepeth b Psa 121. 4. and who saveth them that trust in him e Psal 37. 40. thou art convinc'd that thy being and the continual preservation of it together with all the good things thou doest partake of whether pertaining to this life or the next are from God as the sole Author of them and canst thou find in thine heart to be so base and unworthy as to deny him thy poor homage and the cheap returns of Thanksgiving and Praise thy nature is frail thy life uncertain and there are many ways by which death may at unawares break in upon thee so that in the morning it is doubtful to thee whether thou shalt out-live the day and in the Evening whether thou mayst survive the night and therefore of what mighty consequence is it that each Morning and Evening thou make thy peace with God by a Penitent Confession of thy Sins and an humble supplication for the Pardon of them through the Merits of thy Redeemer In short thy unspeakable obligations to Almighty God the constant dependance and necessities of thy being the notices and convictions of thine own mind do all inforce upon thee this great Duty and by it thou art wisely to consult both the security and prosperous state of thy present life and also thine eternal happiness in that to come And remember the day is coming in which God will Judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ d Rom. 2. 16. in which he will discern between those who served him in private and those who served him not then shall our Saviours promise be faithfully perform'd who hath said that if thou make it thy Religious practice to enter into thy closet and there pray to thy Father which is in secret thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly e Mat. 6. 6. and at the general retribution for thy private Acts of Piety thou shalt be publickly own'd before the great assembly of Men and Angels and be advanc'd to a Kingdom of everlasting Glory DEVOTIONS FOR THE USE OF Particular Persons PRAYERS FOR Particular Persons IN THE MORNING A Prayer before Reading the Scripture Oeternal God thy goodness Morning is exceeding great and thy Mercies are renewed to me every Morning I come now to acknowledge my dependance on thee presenting my religious service and imploring thy blessing although I am altogether unworthy to draw near unto thee and unable to perform any Duty that shall deserve thine acceptance yet be thou pleas'd to receive me with thy wonted Mercy and let thy Spirit help mine infirmities grant me rightly to understand and readily to embrace thy blessed Word that it may be for direction and comfort to me through the whole course of my life cause it to abide in me that I may be throughly furnish'd unto all good Works through Jesus Christ to whom with thy self and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory world without end A Prayer for the Morning HEarken unto the voice of my cry my King and my God for unto thee will I pray My voice shalt thou hear in the Morning O Lord in the Morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up ALmighty God the Maker and Preserver of all things from whom I have my life and subsistance I do with humble prostration admire and adore thine infinite Majesty for thou art God and there is none beside thee thy Nature is most Excellent and Glorious in Wisdome Power Goodness
will I seek thee my soul thirsteth for thee To see thy Power and thy Glory so as I have seen thee in thy Sanctuary Blessed is the man whom thou chusest and causest to approach unto thee that he may dwell in thy Courts we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house even of thy holy Temple The Heavens are thine the Earth also is thine as for the World and the fulness thereof thou hast founded them I will praise thee for I am fearfully and and wonderfully made marvellous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well My substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth Thy Eyes did see my substance yet being imperfect and in thy book all my Members were written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them Let Israel hope in the Lord for with the Lord there is mercy and with him is plenteous redemption And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities I will praise the Lord with my whole heart in the Assembly of the upright and in the Congregation The works of the Lord are great sought out of all them that have pleasure therein His Work is honourable and glorious and his righteousness endureth for ever He hath made his wonderful Works to be remembred the Lord is gracious and full of compassion I praise the Lord for thou art become my Salvation The Stone which the builders refused is become the head Stone of the Corner This is the Lords doing it is marvellous in our Eyes This is the day which the Lord hath made I will rejoice and be glad in it MOst gracious God blessed be thy name that thou hast brought me to a new day and to another Christian Sabbath That thou doest not only lengthen out my natural life but also the means and opportunities of Grace for obtaining the life eternal Thou alone art worthy to receive adoration and Praise from Men and Angels and 't is the greatest honour I am capable of to be employed in thy Service But I do acknowledge my self very unworthy to approach thy presence or to receive any token of thy favour for I am a polluted Sinner and my whole life hath been a continued disobedience against thee and thy righteous Laws I have neglected the good Duties by thee requir'd but have been very forward to do those evil things which thy Law hath forbidden And my sins are much the more hainous and provoking because committed against the light of thy Gospel the great obligations of thy Mercies and after Vows and Promises of better Obedience Wherefore I do here humble my self at thy Footstool lamenting all the Offences of my former life and earnestly begging thy gracious pardone O Lord I do condemn my self but be thou pleas'd to acquit me for the Merits and Mediation of thine own Son who hath fulfill'd all righteousness and made a perfect Atonement by the Sacrifice of himself And as I pray to be freed from the guilt of sin by Justification so I desire to be deliver'd from the Power and Dominion of it by thy sanctifying Grace Be thou pleas'd to mortifie in me all corrupt lusts and sinful affections and to renew me after thine own Image in righteousness and true holiness To this end bless unto me thine holy Ordinances make them effectual for my spiritual benefit and grant that in the religious Duties of this holy day I may sanctifie thee in my heart and make thee my fear and dread O Lord this is a day set apart for thine honour in remembrance of the Worlds Creation which thou didst complete in six days and of our redemption by Christ which was finished by his Resurrection I do therefore ascribe unto thee Praise Thanksgiving and Worship for this glorious Fabrick of Heaven and Earth and the whole variety of Creatures contain'd in them more especially for that excellent being thou hast given to man whom thou didst make after thine own likeness and advance to an eminence and dominion over the Works of thine hands I do with all humble reverence own and adore thee as the Author of mine own life and being yielding thee due thanks that thou hast placed me in the highest rank of thy Creatures that thou hast endow'd me with a reasonable soul and such noble faculties as do fit me for the Knowledge and Service of thy self and the happy enjoyment of thee for ever And prais'd be thy Name for thy great Mercy and rich Grace in sending thine only begotten Son from thine own bosom to redeem Mankind from Sin and Misery and to direct the World in the right way of Life and Salvation I bless thee for the manifestation of the Gospel by him Preached and for the great confirmation of it by his Resurrection from the dead let the light of this Heavenly Doctrine shine over all the Earth that so all the Kingdoms thereof may become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ Be propitious to that part of the World where thy Gospel is already planted let thy Church be reformed more and more from all corruptions both of Doctrine and Practice remove all the unhappy causes of discord and division that all who profess thy Name may agree in thy Truth and live in Unity and Godly Love More especially be thou gracious to this Church and Kingdom whereof I am a Member pardon our abuse of thy great Mercies and all other our provocations grant that the Inhabitants of the Land may turn from the evil of their ways unto the Lord their God that thou mayest rejoice over us to do us good give us outward peace and prosperity and continue thy Gospel and true Religion to us and the Posterities that shall come after us I beg thy kindness for all who are my particular friends or more nearly related to me that thou wouldest bless them in their persons and in all their concernments both of this life and of that which is to come And ô thou who art the Father of Mercy and God of all consolation shew thy tender pity to all who are under pain sickness want sorrow or any other calamity and wherever there be any that suffer persecution for the sake of righteousness or in defence of thy Truth and Gospel be thou near to them for their comfort and happy deliverance Have respect O God to the Prayers and Supplications of thy people which shall this day be offer'd up in the Christian Assemblies throughout the World assist and bless thy holy Word which shall be preached that men may be edified by it in sound Faith and real Godliness Be merciful O Lord to me thy Servant lift thou upon me the light of thy Countenance and let thy Grace be alwaies present with me grant that on this thy day I may not only abstain from worldly employments but also from all the works of Sin give me a spiritual temper of mind that my
especially that of an eternal and glorious 〈◊〉 in the 〈◊〉 life 〈…〉 Childhood know 〈…〉 Scriptures shall however neglect the worship of God it will be an impiety void of all excuse and for such it will be more intollerable at the last day than for rude Scythians and Americans It might in reason indeed be thought unnecessary that Persons bred up in the Church of Christ especially in such a part of it as ours where the Bible is vulgarly known and practical Religion so clearly taught should be call'd upon to pay their tribute of service to the Almighty But however we may unhappily observe how innate depravity and the immorality of mens lives do alienate them from God and his Worship there are too many every where who live by Sense more than by Faith or Reason And because God is not present to their outward sight as were the Idols of the Heathen he is also absent from their thoughts and they are not apprehensive 't is of any great concern to them that they attend upon him in the Duties of his Service But the more easie and common impiety in this kind is the neglect of those Devotions which should be in private Families and in the retirements of particular persons apart For securing the publick Worship of God the National Government hath been very Zealous there being penal Laws for bringing men to it and they find themselves oblig'd to frequent the Ordinances of our Religion not only by the fear of God but also by that of the Magistrate who beareth not the sword in vain And for the solemn service of God in Parochial Assemblies 't is abundantly provided in our Liturgy wherein are pious forms for all publick occasions compos'd at first by the renown'd Reformers of this Church and Kingdom Men who hazarded their lives and some of them lost them too for the Name of the Lord Jesus and in defence of his Truth and Gospel To these great Worthies the Souls of this Nation are more endebted under God than words can express and their Memories as well as their Reformation should be for ever precious to us But though the publick exercise of Religion be so well cared for yet there are not the like furtherances of private Devotion by the commands of God indeed and by all the reasons of Divine Worship Domestick Piety is no less requir'd than that of the Temple But yet it is not inforc'd by any humane Laws nor hath the Church thought fit to recommend any Forms of Devotion either for Closet or Family that the Prayers in our Liturgy are not prescribed with respect to private Houses so as to be obliging there is declar'd by Dr. Hammond and he doth not only approve of other Forms to be us'd in Families but also that it may be in Visitation of the sick though there be an Office in the book of Common Prayer for that occasion And it hath been thought by some having as high an esteem for the Liturgy as others that considering the general temper of men it would much abate their veneration of the publick service and make them more slack and regardless in their attendance at the Church if the Devotions there were no other than what they have every day in their own Houses But whether so 〈…〉 no doubt that 〈…〉 which injoyn religious Duties together with the Sanction of Penalties annex'd to them do only respect the publick places of Worship So that elsewhere men are left to the alone obligations of Religion and their own Conscience And 't is the less to be wonder'd that this so considerable a part of Christian Piety is no more practic'd The neglects of holy Duties in Families may be too well known and those others more private may be also presum'd without any breach of charity But 't is much to be lamented that any instructed in the Discipline of the Gospel should think it enough to Worship the glorious God their Creator one day in the Week and content themselves with so much only of Religion as the Laws of their Country do force from them Now if we enquire how this may come to pass beside the sinful corruption of men and their aversation thereupon from the exercises of Piety it may be thought generally to proceed either from this that they do not sufficiently know or at least are so stupid as not to consider their Obligation in Conscience to the Duties they thus omit and how much their own interest is concern'd in the due performance of them or else in some it may doubtless be from a want of assistance to their Devotion while destitute of suitable compos'd Prayers in which they should address themselves to God Both which probable causes of so great irreligion the Author was willing to remove The former of them by his following Perswasives and the atter by some composures for Domestick Devotion thereunto subjoin'd In the Perswasives he hath not undertaken any exact discourse concerning Devotion as to the nature of it it 's several parts and the manner of due performance much less to entertain the Reader with an elaborate flourish of words but his design is only to inforce the Practise of this great Duty by a Summary of Arguments which seem'd most material and to do it with such plainess as might render them more apt to convince and affect those of meanest capacity And the Prayers here offer'd by him to the use of well dispos'd Christians are but a few being only for ordinary occasions excepting those in case of Sickness In all of them he he hath chosen still to take in what he thought pertinent and necessary rather than boast his own invention in an affected variety Hoping his good intention herein will attone for any lesser failings that may occur to the Critical he doth send them abroad with this one short Prayer more that by the Divine blessing they may prove really useful to the furtherance and help of Christian Devotion and for promoting the service and honour of the Great God of whom and to whom are all things Amen ERRATA PAge 7. l. 16. read Subsisteret P. 11. Marg. r. Just Mart. P. 34. l. 27. put VI. for 6. P. 40. l. 9. r. by God P. 43. l. 25. r. effected P. 47. l. 3. r. doth P. 73. l. 26. r. there the. P. 85. l. 16. r. much the. P. 88. marg r Ascet P. 93. l. 7. r. do thou P. 94. l. 24. r. and hasty P. 104. l. 17. dele thy P. 107. l. 15. r. thee my P. 108. l. 6. r. imploying P. 133 l. 14. r. attone P. 139. l. 12. dele happy P. 136. l. 6. r. pity P. 198. l. 3. r. or any l. 23. r. adapt P. 169. l. 9. dele all l. 25 r. intention P. 205. l. 28 29. r. supposed P. 206. l. 26. dele not P. 208. l. 7. r. corners P. 229. l. 28. r hath P. 251. l. 10. r. in my A PERSUASIVE TO PRAYER A PERSUASIVE TO PRAYER PRayer is a Duty of
remain safe without the supplications of good men he gave charge to those of his Clergy that they should intercede for him in their devotions p Euseb de vit Const lib. 4. cap. 14. likewise that his military forces might be still victorious he injoyn'd his Souldiers to be exercis'd in Prayer and prescrib'd a suitable Form wherein they were thus to invoke the Giver of all Victory We acknowledge thee the only God we confess thee to be the King we call upon thee as our helper by thee we have obtained Victories and have overcome our enemies we do acknowledge that from thee we have our present happiness and from thee we hope for that which is future we are therefore thy supplyants and do beg of thee that thou wouldest long preserve Constantine our Emperour in health and victory together with his religious off-spring q Ibid. cap. 20. 'T is related of the Athenians that having been worsted by the Lacedemonians in several Battles and much wondring at their repeated Misfortune especially for that they knew they exceeded all the other Grecians in the Veneration of their Temples and Images in the number of their Sacrifices and the many Pompous Solemnities of their Religion whereas the Lacedemonians did appear more sparing in the Sacrifices and in all the Ceremonies of their Worship they did therefore resolve to send and consult Jupiter Ammon what the cause might be and to their enquiry receiv'd this answer from the Oracle that the Prayers of the Lacedemonians were more pleasing to the Gods than the sacred Rites of all Greece beside r Plat. Alceb 2. Which doth serve to let us know that those of the Gentile Religion would have it believ'd that devout Prayer was of much greater success in procuring the favours of Heaven then any other part of Worship and surely to any that doth consult our own Oracles of holy Scripture it doth well appear that the People of God have affected far more and greater things by their Prayers then ever by Sacrifices or Oblations how many and sumptuous soever 5. Although of our selves we know not how to pray as we ought nor are we able to serve God in any acceptable manner yet we have this encouragement that he who requires the duty is ready to enable us for it for according to his ancient promise he doth pour out his spirit of prayer and supplication ſ Zech. 12. 10. to dispose the minds of his servants for praying to him as he will approve and accept and by him we have access unto the Father t Eph. 2. 18. This holy Spirit as he doth by his preventing influence excite men to pray begetting in them pious thoughts and devout affections so he doth also direct and assist them as to the matter of their Petitions For herein is the great difficulty of Prayer that men are so apt to err in the things they pray for as when their requests are in themselves displeasing to God such was the uncharitable one of James and John when they would have fire from Heaven to consume the Samaritans u Luc. 9. 54. and that other of so great ambition presented by the Mother of Zebedee's Children for her two Sons that one of them might sit on the right hand the other on the left of Christ in his Kingdom w Mat. 20 21. or when the things ask'd though they seem desireable yet are such as would prove really hurtful if granted as if a man should wish for such a Promotion or so great an Estate not thinking what mischief they may occasion to him this the Satyrist could understand Nos animi impulsu caecâque cupi dine ducti conjugium petimus partumque Vxoris at illis notum qui pueri qualisque futura sit Vxor A man in the heat of blind love prayes that he may obtain such a Woman to be his Wife but God only knows what a shrew she will be or else he begs to have Children but knows not how untoward they will prove We may also err while deprecating evils which yet have a tendency to our greater good as did St. Paul who be sought the Lord thrice that the Messenger of Satan by which he was buffetted might depart from him but was not granted because it was for preserving his humility after the abundance of Revelation y 2 Cor. 12. 7 8 9. That we pray aright 't is requisite that our Petitions be no other than what may have their due subordination to God's glory and our own Salvation to this there is need of great Holiness as well as Skill and it was the reason of that saying of St. Austine Verè novit rectè vivere qui rectè novit orare Whosoever knows how to pray as he ought doth know indeed how to live so z August in Psal 3. Now the Holy Ghost whereof all are partakers that really belong to Christ a Rom. 8. 9. doth guide the minds and affections of pious Christians and help them to avoid in great measure such errours in Prayer though very incident to the best of men of this the holy Apostle is very plain Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our Infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit it self maketh intercession for us b Rom. 8. 26. and in the next Verse He maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God his interceding according to the Will of God is in that he doth assist them in preferring such Petitions as are pleasing to him in this sense he is our Paraclete or Advocate and do plead our Cause within us while enabling us to do it as Christ is our Advocate without us by his Mediatory Intercession in Heaven And on this doth depend the good success of our Prayers for God cannot but be ready to grant such requests as himself hath suggested to us according to that of the Psalmist Thou wilt prepare their heart and cause thine ear to hear c Psal 10. 17. Praevenis eos ut petant quae tibi grata sunt precibus eorum aurem tuam facilem praebes so Vatablus doth explain the Text and hitherto doth belong that of St. John This is the confidence we have in him that if we ask any thing according to his will he heareth us d 1 Joh. 5. 14. Moreover this blessed Spirit is ready to assist us as to the manner of performance that it may be with humility faith fervency and that we beg not temporal good things with more earnestness than spiritual nor desire the benefits of Heaven for ill purposes as did those whom St. James doth thus rebuke Ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss that ye may consume it upon your lusts e Jam. 4. 3. Likewise 't is through the same Spirit that we come to God as our loving Father for he beareth witness with our Spirit that we are the Children of God f Rom. 8.
and establish thou the work of our hands upon us yea the work of our hands establish thou it Forsake me not O Lord O my God be not far from me Teach me to do thy Will for thou art my God thy Spirit is good lead me into the Land of uprightness O Most great and glorious God the whole World is the work of thine hands and thou governest all things both in Heaven and Earth We do here admire and adore thy Wisdom Power and Goodness which are so visible and illustrious in all the great Works of Creation and Providence and we do humbly acknowledge our dependence upon thee who art the Author of our Life and the support of our Being by thee we have have been preserved and nourished ever since we were born and 't is of thy care and kindness that we are still sustained from morning to evening and from evening to morning When we consider the frailty of our nature and the many provocations of our life we see great reason to confess that 't is of thy mercy we are not consumed Grant O Lord that thy long suffering and goodness may lead us to repentance and as thy mercies are new to us every morning so we may renew our serious purposes of walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our dayes Remember not against us the errours of our former life neither punish us as we have deserved but through the redemption of thy beloved Son grant us pardon and reconciliation and make us partakers of all those rich benefits which he hath purchased And let the grace of God which hath brought Salvation teach us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts to live in the pious fear of thee and in faithful obedience to thy holy Laws But because of our selves we cannot stand upright let thy Grace be always sufficient for us strengthen us with all Spiritual Might in the inner man that neither our own corrupt affections nor yet the snares and temptations of the World may ever cause us to depart from thee but grant that the Principles of faith and holiness being firmly rooted in us we may be always stedfast and immoveable in our Christian Practice suffer us not to be too much in love with the things of this World nor to lay up our treasure here on Earth but grant that our affections may be chiefly set on things above and our treasure laid up in Heaven where it will never perish nor be taken from us while we are busie about many things that concern this present life help us still to remember the one thing necessary making it our greatest care to provide for our eternal State in the life hereafter As long as thou shalt continue our abode in this World let thy good Providence watch over our persons and supply all our wants help us to be thankful in prosperity patient in affliction and in every condition to be therewith content and do thou so order and govern the several events and passages of our life that they may all help us forward in our way to Heaven O Lord defend and preserve thy Church Universal enlarge its borders and purge it more and more from all Errour and Corruption bless this Land of our Nativity with Peace and Unity with the continuance of thy Truth and Gospel the encrease of righteousness and all Christian vertues Bless the King's Majesty with sound wisdom and all princely endowments that his Reign may be prosperous and the People happy under him be favourable to all our Friends and Relations bestowing upon them all those good things that may be for their comfort in this life and their eternal happiness in that to come Extend thy pity to such as labour under any trouble or distress give them strength to bear their affliction and in thy due time an happy deliverance We do also present unto thee our sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving for thy care over us the night past that our bodies have been refreshed with sleep and our life continued to another day as thou doest afford us a longer time in the land of the living so lengthen out thy favour and loving kindness by which alone our life can be safe and comfortable to us and teach us so to number our daies that we may apply our hearts to heavenly wisdom to make a right use of our time by doing good works while it is day because the night is coming in which none can work O Lord let thy good Providence and heavenly Grace be present with us and watching over us throughout this day to secure us from dangers and every unhappy accident to preserve us from evil actions and to assist us in those that be good make our way prosperous in every business and undertaking and guide us always by thy Counsels till we shall come to thine everlasting Kingdom Through thy rich mercy in our blessed Sunday Morning Saviour Jesus Christ in whose name and merits we offer up these our Petitions and conclude them in his own words Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Thy grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy love O heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with us all this day and for ever A Psalm and Prayer for the Morning on the Lords day BY the Word of the Lord were the Heavens made and all the Host of them by the breath of his mouth He gathereth all the waters of the Sea together as a heap he layeth up the deep in Storehouses Let all the earth fear the Lord and all the Inhabitants of the World stand in awe of him For he spoke and it was done he commanded and it stood fast Know ye that the Lord he is good it is he that hath made us and not we our selves we are his People and the Sheep of his Pasture Enter into his Gates with Thanksgiving and into his Courts with Praise be thankful unto him and bless his Name They that trust in their Wealth and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches None of them can by any means redeem his brother nor give to God a ransom for him But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave for he shall receive me I have set the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoiceth my flesh also shall rest in hope For thou wilt not leave my soul in Hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption O how amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Hosts My soul longeth even fainteth for the
those happy ends bless him whom thou hast anointed King over us fill him with sound wisdom and all princely vertues that so he may rule for thee here and be rewarded by thee in thy Kingdom of Glory We crave thy choicest blessings for all to whom we have any particular obligation be thou a friend to our friends to all who have done us good or do wish us well Extend thy fatherly compassion to such as be in any affliction or distress whether of body or mind comfort the sorrowful relieve those that are in want send ease to all that are under any sickness or pain relieve the oppressed give thy consolation and support to all who are persecuted for righteousness sake and in thy due time redeem thine Israel out of all his troubles We do likewise present unto thee our humble thanks for all thy mercies and benefits so plentifully conferr'd upon us for our being and the preservation thereof for all the good things appertaining to the present life But above all we bless thee for giving thy Son to be our Redeemer for revealing to us the way of Life and Salvation by the holy Scriptures for thine Ordinances and all the means of Grace and for any measure of Faith and Holiness thou hast wrought in us We thank thee for thy good providence over us the day past that thou hast suppli'd our necessities preserv'd us from dangers and prolong'd our life hitherto And prais'd be thy wisdom and goodness for appointing the constant successions of day and night that man may go forth to his work until the Evening and then return to his place of rest and sleep O thou Keeper of Israel who doest neither slumber nor sleep watch over us in our lying down and let thine Angels guard our Habitations grant us to be refreshed with quiet and comfortable repose and that we may awake in health and safety the next morning let thy goodness O Lord continually follow us through all the parts and passages of our life till thou shalt bring us to thine everlasting Kingdom through Jesus Christ our blessed Saviour in whose Words we continue to pray unto thee Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Thy grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with us and abide with us henceforth and for evermore Another Psalm and Prayer for the Evening BLess the Lord ô my soul O Lord thou art become exceeding glorious thou art cloathed with Honor and Majesty Thou hast appointed the Moon for seasons and the Sun knoweth his going down Thou makest darkness and it is night wherein all the beasts of the Forest do creep forth Man goeth forth to his work and to his labour until the evening O Lord how manifold are thy works in wisdom hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy riches The Lord will command his loving kindness in the day time and in the night his Song shall be with me and my Prayer unto the God of my life My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and my mouth shall praise him with joyful lips When I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches Except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it except the Lord keep the City the watchman waketh but in vain It is vain to rise early and sit up late to eat the bread of carefulness for so he giveth his beloved sleep Consider and hear me O Lord my God lighten mine eyes lest I sleep the sleep of death ALmighty God our heavenly Father who hast commanded us by Prayers and Supplication to make known our requests unto thee and doest promise thy gracious presence where two or three are gathered together in thy Name we vile Creatures do here present our selves and our Prayers to thy divine Majesty humbly confessing that we are unworthy to lift up our eyes to Heaven the place of thine holy Habitation because we have sinned against Heaven and before thee and do not deserve to be owned for thy Children the inward thoughts and affections of our heart the words and actions of our outward life have been very evil and that continually We have been exceeding careless and defective in our Devotion and Piety towards God in the acts of charity and brotherly kindness we owe to men and in that mortification and self-denial which thy Gospel doth require the inclinations of our own corrupt nature we have more readily obeyed than the righteous commands of thine excellent Laws and our care hath been much greater about the things of this present life which are earthly and perishing then about things heavenly and spiritual belonging to the life immortal We do therefore with shame and repentance humble our selves beseeching thee for the Merits and Mediation of thy blessed Son to pardon all our offences and to receive us into thy love and favour as perfectly reconcil'd let not our former unthankfulness or abuse of mercies withhold from us the gifts of thy bounty but be thou pleas'd to bestow and continue to us all the good things that may be requisite and convenient for our comfortable subsistence in this World and for our eternal happiness in the life to come O Lord our Governour who orderest all things both in Heaven and earth guide and dispose all the affairs and occurrences of our present condition as may be most for thy glory and our real benefit preserve to us the health of our bodies the use of our reason of our senses and other necessary faculties and let thy good providence still watch over us to defend us from evil and to do us good More especially we beg the blessings of thy divine Grace for the sanctification of our hearts and lives enlighten our minds with the saving knowledg of thy self and of Jesus Christ whom to know is life eternal regulate our wills and affections that we may chuse what thou doest approve and refuse whatever thou hast forbidden that our love may be to thy Law and our chief delight in doing thy Commandements and that we may hate every evil work Enrich our souls with all Christian Vertues whereby we may be qualified to honour and serve thee to lead a sober righteous and godly life with a Conscience void of offence both towards thee and towards all men Amidst all the dangers and temptations of this mortal state let thine Almighty power be our shield and support give us minds suitable and prepar'd for every dispensation of thy providence that no events whether prosperous or afflicting may do us any
harm but that we may be constant and steddy in our Faith and Duty and by a continuance of well doing may attain that life Eternal and Crown of Glory which thou hast promis'd Bless thy Church throughout the World that it may flourish in truth and holiness and remain safe from all persecuting Powers Be thou favourable to this Church and Kingdom to which we belong continue thy Gospel to us and grant that Piety Justice and whatever is is requisite to make us a good and happy people may encrease and abound We implore thy pity for all in any trouble or calamity whether of Soul or Body that thou wouldst please to afford them thy comfort and seasonable relief And we likewise beg thy favour and special kindness for all our friends that thou wouldst bestow thy blessings upon them both for life and godliness Accept O Lord our return of thanks for thy goodness continued to us the day past that thou doest still supply us with accommodations for the support and comfort of our lives that thou hast preserved us from many evils which if left to our selves we should have fallen into and that we are still alive whereas so many others have been this day cut off from the land of the living we bless thee for sparing us so long and granting us so large a time for making our calling and election sure help us to improve thy long-suffering and the day of Grace by working out our own salvation That when ever thou shalt call us hence we may be ready and prepar'd to enter into the joy of our Lord. We commend our persons and all belonging to us to thy care and protection this night defend us from our ghostly enemies and let no evil come nigh our dwelling grant us a quiet and comfortable repose and that we may awake in safety the next morning dispos'd both in body and mind for thy service Hear us O merciful Father and fulfil our desires for the sake of our blessed Saviour who sitteth at thy right hand in whose words we continue to pray unto thee Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with us and abide with us henceforth and for ever A Psalm and Prayer for the Evening Sunday Evening on the Lords day O Lord how manifold are thy works in wisdom hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy riches When I consider thy Heavens the work of thy fingers the Moon and the Stars which thou hast ordained What is man that thou art mindful of him and the Son of man that thou visitest him For thou hast made him little lower than the Angels and hast crowned him with glory and honor Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thine hands thou hast put all things under his feet Why do the heathen rage and the people imagin a vain thing The Kings of the earth set themselves and the Princes take Counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed Let us break his bands asunder and cast away their cords from us He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure Yea I have set my King upon my holy hill of Sion I will declare the decree the Lord hath said unto me thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee Ask of me and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost part of the earth for thy possession The Lord hath sent redemption unto his people he hath commanded his covenant for ever holy and reverend is his name He hath shewed his word unto Jacob his Statutes and his judgments unto Israel He hath not dealt so with any nation and for his judgments they have not known them praise ye the Lord. ALmighty and most glorious God we acknowledge thy great grace and favour in permitting us to wait upon thee from time to time with our devotion and supplications thou art most perfect and happy in thy self not needing any service of ours and yet thou art pleased to invite and command us to come unto thee thou art the high and lofty one the Maker and Governour of all the World and yet doest condescend to receive the addresses of us thy Creatures who are vile dust and ashes We must confess O Lord that our righteousness doth not extend to thee nor can our religious performances deserve thine acceptance for there is iniquity in our most holy things we do not attend upon thee with that humility and reverence with that faith and servency which thou mayest justly require When we draw near unto thee with our lips our hearts are often far from thee we present our bodies before thee when the thoughts and affections of our souls are running after vanity And since our best Duties are so liable to thy displeasure how much more the ordinary and common actions of our life and how can we stand before thy justice if thou shouldst call us to a strict account for all our careless omissions of Duties by thee required and our many commissions of what thy Law hath expresly forbidden If thou shouldst be extreme to mark what is done amiss O Lord who could abide it but thou art a God full of compassion and plenteous in mercy and thou hast given thine own Son to be our Mediator though we have no righteousness or oblation of our own that can procure thy favour yet be thou gracious to us for the sake of him who is the Lord our righteousness and for the merit of his most perfect Sacrifice which he made for us when he offered up himself a Lamb without spot or blemish let the blood of Christ cleanse us from all unrighteousness and purge our conscience from dead works to serve the living God And that we may from henceforth walk as the redeemed of the Lord unto all well-pleasing give unto us thy grace and holy Spirit for the mortification of sin and the sanctifying of us throughout in Soul Spirit and in Body grant that our hearts and lives may be conform'd to thy heavenly Will and the Precepts of thine holy Gospel that we may fear thee at all times and love thee above all things and serve thee with our chiefest care and endeavour let not the love of any worldly good or the fear of any temporal evil cause us to turn aside from thee into any sinful practice but grant that we may still account it our
highest interest to please thee and enjoy thy favour and that we may be more careful and diligent in securing our eternal happiness hereafter then for the momentary things of this present life help us often to consider the vanity of this World the approach of death and the certainty of a future judgment and to fix our thoughts on the recompence of reward that so we may be stedfast and immoveable in the Duties of our Christian profession as well knowing that our labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. And because our life is but a vapour which doth quickly vanish and we know not how soon thou wilt bring us to the dust of death give us daily to prepare for our great change and to be doing good while we have time and opportunity because there is no work nor understanding in the Grave whither we are going We render our due thanks for thy great mercy and long suffering in the continuance of our life hitherto and lengthening out unto us the day of Grace and Salvation whereas so many others who might have lived to this time as well as we have been removed from the land of the living And we bless thy great name both in behalf of our selves and this whole Nation for the free use of the holy Scriptures the truth of thy heavenly Doctrine and the purity of thy Worship That thou hast so long preserved the religion profess'd among us notwithstanding the many attempts that have been made against it help us all to value and improve these inestimable blessings and be thou pleas'd still to continue them to us for all generations We thank thee in particular for the opportunities of waiting upon thee this day in the Duties of thy solemn Worship pardon all the defects and infirmities of our religious service accept our Devotions at the hands of our great high Priest and let the Prayers of us and thy whole Church obtain thy gracious acceptance as presented to thee with the incense of his Merits Let thy word abide in us taking root in our hearts and bringing forth good fruit in our life and actions and grant that all the pious instructions we at any time receive may prove effectual for building us up in our holy Faith and helping us forward in the way of holiness which leadeth to eternal life We beg thy mercy for all those Nations which yet sit in darkness and in the shadow of death that the Sun of Righteousness may arise upon them to guide their feet into the way of peace And be thou pleas'd to extend thy fatherly piety to all the distressed Members of thy Church giving them seasonable relief in all their afflictions and necessities more especially be thou near at hand to the comfort and deliverance of all those who are any where oppressed or persecuted for the sake of thy Truth and Gospel and grant that the rage of thine and thy peoples enemies may be at length restrained cause the wickedness of the wicked to come to a perpetual end but let the just be established We recommend to thy special care our own particular friends and all more nearly related to us that thou wouldest bless them in their souls and bodies and give them all the good things that may be for their prosperity here and their eternal happiness hereafter Finally we desire for our selves thy favourable kindness this ensuing night grant us to lie down in peace with thee and under thy protection let thy watchful providence secure us from all the perils of darkness and command thine holy Angels to be our defence against that evil one who like a roaring Lion seeketh day and night whom he may devour give us a sweet repose and bring us in safety to another day And grant that all the days of our life we may honour and serve thee and at length receive the glorious reward of everlasting life through Jesus Christ in whose blessed Name and Words we further pray unto thee Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trepasses as we forgive them that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O Heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with us this Night and for evermore DEVOTIONS When any Person is sick A short Prayer with which to begin ALmighty God who hearest In sickness Prayer and art near unto all that call upon thee thou art our only refuge in trouble and hast commanded us in the time of sickness to Pray one for another that we may be healed O let our cry come unto thee and be thou intreated for thy Servant who is afflicted in body We do confess we are altogether unworthy to intercede with thee by reason of our manifold sins for which we do here humble our selves with hearty repentance most earnestly begging thy gracious pardon for the sake of our blessed Redeemer who is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the World through him be thou reconcil'd unto us and with Fatherly compassion receive our Prayers which we do not presume to offer up but in his Name and Mediation who suffered for us and is ready to pity the sufferings of others To him with thy self and the holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory world without end Amen These Portions of Scripture may be suitable to the condition of the Sick Psalms 6. 25. 27. 31. 32. 34. 38. 42. 73. 88. 103. Job 1. 2. 5. 7. Isa 38. Lament 3. Mat. 8. Rom. 8. 2 Cor. 4. and 5. Heb. 12. A Psalm LIke as a Father pitieth his Children so the Lord pitieth them that fear him For he knoweth our frame he remembreth that we are dust As for man his days are as Grass as a Flower of the Field so he flourisheth For the wind passeth over it and it is gone and the place thereof shall know it no more But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him and his righteousness unto Childrens Children Blessed is he that considereth the poor the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive and he shall be blessed upon earth The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all I looked on my right hand and beheld but there was no man that would know me refuge failed me and no man cared for my soul I cried unto the Lord I said thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living Attend unto my cry for I am brought very
low Mine eyes are ever towards the Lord for he shall pluck my feet out of the Net Hear me speedily O Lord my spirit faileth me hide not thy face from me lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit And enter not into judgment with thy Servant for in thy sight shall no man living be justified For thy name sake O Lord pardon mine iniquity for it is great Turn thee unto me and have mercy upon me for I am desolate and afflicted The troubles of mine heart are enlarged ô bring thou me out of my distresses Look upon mine affliction and my pain and forgive all my sins Forsake me not O Lord O my God be not far from me Make hast to help me O Lord my Salvation The Prayer O Lord our heavenly Father who art a God full of compassion and hast promised that if we call upon thee in trouble thou wilt deliver us bow down thine ear to our supplications and let us find mercy to help in this time of need Our life is in thine hand for in thee we live and move and have our being from day to day and when thou hidest thy face we are troubled at the breath of thy displeasure we wither as Grass and fade away as the flower of the Field but thy Mercy is over all thy Works thou doest not willingly afflict nor grieve the Children of men thine anger endureth but for a moment but in thy favour is life O Lord be favourable at this time and extend thy wonted pity to thy Servant now labouring under thy visitation who is there in heaven but thee and there is none upon earth on whom we can relie for succour but thy self alone Thou canst send ease and recovery when humane skill and natural means do quite fail and thou hast declared in thy Word that the Prayer of Faith shall save the sick O Lord strengthen our faith and fulfil thy gracious promise our trust is only in thee for on thee do we depend for life and health and all things 'T is thy property that thou doest kill and make alive thou doest wound and also heal that thou turnest man to destruction and sayest return ye Children of men We do therefore most heartily beseech thee O merciful Father that as thou hast laid thine affliction on the person of thy Servant so thou wouldest of thy tender compassion remove it from him her bless the means that may be used for his her recovery rebuke the distemper and if it be thy blessed Will restore him her again to perfect health O blessed Jesus who when thou wast on earth hadst compassion on the sick and didst go about healing all manner of diseases shew now thy pity speak but the word and thy Servant shall be whole Thou Lord our Redeemer who hast taken our frail nature and didst become like unto us in all things Sin only excepted have a fellow feeling we pray thee of our infirmities Thou who art the mystical head of all the Faithful afford thy present kindness to this afflicted member of thine own body which is the Church Grant O merciful Father that while his her bodily weakness or pain shall continue he she may have inward strength and comfort in the soul Vouchsafe unto him her the constant use of his her reason and understanding and a pious exercise of all Christian graces Enable him her with unfeigned repentance to lament the errours of his her whole life and by a lively Faith to lay hold on the Merits of Christ for Pardon and Salvation help him her with submission and godly patience to bear thy chastisement resigning himself herself to thy good pleasure and let his her whole trust and considence be in thee and thy gracious promises Grant him her a full remission of all his her sins and a comfortable assurance of thy love and favour which is more desireable than life it self O most wise and powerful God who canst make all things work together for good sanctifie this thy fatherly correction that it may turn to his her spiritual benefit and let the issue thereof be comfortable and happy grant that the affliction which at present doth seem grievous may afterward yield the peaceable fruits of righteousness and that it may make him her more fit and prepar'd for that happy state in which there shall be no more sickness nor ●orrow but all fulness of joy and pleasure for evermore And help us all seriously to consider our own frailty and the great uncertainty of our present life to live in expectation of death and by a constant practice of holiness to lay up for our selves a good foundation against the time to come that when this earthly Tabernacle shall be dissolv'd we may be received into an eternal habitation in the highest Heavens Good Lord hear our prayer and let our supplications find a gracious acceptance through the worthiness of him who is our Intercessour at thy right hand In whose holy words we further call upon thee Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with us and abide with us henceforth and for ever Amen A PERSUASIVE TO Private Devotion A PERSUASIVE TO Private Devotion ALTHOUGH it be the more eminent part of our Christian Devotion when we join with others in the Service of God who is thereby openly own'd and honour'd by us and we do by our concurrence both encourage and assist the Piety of others whether it be in the greater Assemblies of the Church or the lesser of Families at home yet however it must be said that this alone doth by no means fulfil our duty to God nor yet sufficiently answer the needs and exigencies of our own State and therefore private and single Devotion ought also to be minded by all who would please the Almighty and enjoy his favour by all who would consult their safety amidst the many particular circumstances and emergencies of their life and every Christian should think of religious Worship as one of the Ancients doth teach him That it must not only be perform'd in the Church but also in the Family and in his private Chamber that he have God always hallowed in his heart for that he himself is the Temple of God a Lact. l. 6. de ver Cult cap. 25. And by another before him it is given for a note of a good Christian that he will pray in every place but so as not to appear openly to others to do it b Clem. Alex Strom. 7. Thou must have saith a third
prefer a solitary life and of Plato it is observ'd that avoiding the City he fixed his Academy at some distance in the Country But retirement hath been most of all approved as a good help to Piety and the duties of it by some Christian Writers much hath been spoken in the praise thereof on this account q Basil in Epist ad Chilonem Hieron ad Heliodor l. 2. cont Jovin August ad frat in Eremo especially by St. Basil and Hierom who were themselves addicted to that course of life in the constitutions of Justinian it is said A solitary life with the contemplation that doth accompany it is a sacred thing which of its own nature doth lead the soul to God nor is it only advantageous to those who practise it but is also of known benefit to others by reason of its holiness and devotion toward God r Novel Const 133. By Eusebius out of Philo's book de vitâ contemplativâ it is reported of certain Asceticks so have they been call'd who professed a more strict and sedulous exercise of Piety living in several parts of Aegypt that forsaking worldly employments and the ordinary places of habitation they abode solitary practising abstinence divine contemplation and devotion ſ Euseb Eccle. Hist l. 2. c. 17. these he would have to be Christians but is therein corrected by Scaliger who thinks they were of that Sect among the Jews called Essenes and for that he is himself reprov'd by Valesius who doth suppose them of the Jewish religion though some passages in the account given of them will not allow them to be Essenes But however it is sufficiently known that Christians too have us'd retirement to the same religious purpose in the times of Persecution under the Heathen Emperours great multitudes of them being forc'd to quit their Dwellings made the Desarts their refuge where they improv'd Necessity into a Vertue by employing their solitudes in Fasting Prayer Meditation and Reading the Scriptures so that in some time this way of living became a matter of choice and was advanc'd into an holy institution Paul of Thebais was the first example of note that recommended the same of whom 't is related that he lived solitary for near an hundred years likewise one Anthony an Aegyptian did set it up in his own Country and Hilarion did the like in Syria and Palestine It must be granted that this at length corrupted into Superstition Idleness and an empty name and we cannot think it any real service to religion to persuade men as some have done wholly to abandon humane Society since they cannot do it without laying aside many important duties both for the service of God and the good of Mankind yet for some time and on some special occasion of a mans life it may be of necessary use to retire from the World and the affairs of it it was so thought by a great and wise Prince in the last Age. I mean Charles the fifth who having taken up an apprehension of his own death approaching from the appearance of a Comet soon after resign'd his Empire and Kingdoms and retir'd into a small Village that he might without interruption attend the great business of Religion in order to another World t Hen. Spondan Anno 1556. But by some it is said that this serious temper of mind in the Emperour was occasion'd partly by the unfortunate turn and ill success of his affairs after so much of Victory and Glory formerly enjoy'd by him and partly by the prevalence and growth of the Protestant interest after all his endeavours to suppress it from the former he had a deep conviction concerning the vanity of sublunary things and therefore resolv'd to take off his affections and himself from the World and to provide for his lasting security elsewhere and the latter suggested to him that the Religion he had hitherto so much oppos'd was own'd and assisted from Heaven and therefore it was not safe to be any longer concern'd against it and it is suppos'd that in his latter days * See Dr. Burnet Hist Refor r. 21. part p. 214. of retirement when he had leasure throughly to consider and no worldly interest to be a wrong biass he fell into a good liking of the Reformation and dy'd a real Convert to it Now whatever there is in privacy by which it doth contribute to Piety and our better service of God may alwaies be found in the close retirement of secret devotion a man is then separate from the World from all company and business may freely converse with God and his own Soul may for his spiritual benefit contemplate the Word of God and all his wondrous Works the things that have been that are and which shall be hereafter and while thus taken up it may be truly said of him That he is never less alone then when alone 'T is almost peculiar to single devotion that it doth admit the useful Duty of holy Meditation which cannot so well be exercis'd when we join in publick and whatever the Duty be wherein we are privately engag'd we can more easily be serious and intent in it then amidst the usual occasions of diverting the mind which are in places where many assemble And as privacy is thus helpful to our being more heavenly and devout so in the single exercise of Piety there is this other advantage that whereas in publick devotion we are confin'd to such Prayers as are intended for general use and therefore cannot reach every particular case the Christian when praying alone can with freedom lay open his wants and desires he is not then bound up to words nor things but may chuse the matter of Prayer and speak for himself as his own heart shall suggest and his present condition require for though Forms of private devotion are very expedient and indeed necessary for the greatest part of Christians yet as a late reverend Divine of our Church hath said u Dr. Tully in Precat Domin Expos None is so oblig d to them but that if able to do it he may supplicate to God from his own present conceptions And before him the learned Hammond to the same purpose In the Closet saith he it is not suggested by our Church but that every one may ask his own wants in what form of words he shall think fit w Dr. Ham. Pract. Cat. and truly all who know how to express their minds to men may be suppos'd capable of doing the like in private to God too wherever there shall be need so as to be accepted by him for he doth not so much regard the Artifice of our words as the disposition of our hearts when we speak to him We have before observ'd that holy men in Scripture did use to pray pro re natâ according to their present occasion and to the instances already given we may add that of St. Paul 2 Cor. 12. 8. and also that of our Saviour himself
Meditations and Desires may be heavenly and that I may serve thee in holy Sunday Morning Duties with sincere Devotion grant that by a pious Celebration of this religious Rest on Earth I may be the better prepar'd for keeping an eternal Sabbath in thine heavenly Kingdom These things I humbly beg in the name of thy beloved Son my blessed Saviour concluding as he hath taught me Our Father c. Thy grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with me this day and for evermore Amen PRAYERS FOR Particular Persons IN THE EVENING A Prayer before Reading the Scripture O Lord my God blessed be Evening thy Name for this great priviledge of waiting upon thee and that thou hast given me a willing heart to make use of the same 't is of thy Mercy that I am alive this Evening and not numbred among those many who have the day past perished from the Land of the Living I do acknowledge thy long-suffering and goodness and I will not give sleep to mine Eys nor slumber to mine Eyelids till I have render'd unto thee my bounden Duty of Worship and Praise be thou pleas'd to assist and accept my present Devotions teach me by thy holy Word to live according to thy Will and lead me by it in the way to everlasting Life through Jesus Christ my blessed Redeemer Amen A Prayer for the Evening LOrd I cry unto thee make hast unto me give ear unto my Voyce when I cry unto thee Let my Prayer be set before thee as incense and the lifting up of my hands as the Evening Sacrifice O Eternal God thy property it is that thou hearest Prayer and though thou art the high and lofty One yet art thou nigh unto all that call upon thee be thou pleas'd to bow down thine ear at this time to the Supplications of me thine unworthy Servant and let me find Grace and acceptance with thee while I Worship at thy Footstool I do here offer up my self a living Sacrifice and do humbly adore thy divine Majesty as the great Creatour and Governour of the whole World as the Authour of all that I am and of all that I do enjoy unto thee O Lord belong Honour and Service and Praise but unto me nothing but shame and punishment for I have offended the pure Eyes of thy holiness from day to day by repeated transgressions and as thou hast not ceased to do me good so have I been constant in the unhappy returns of unthankfulness and disobedience I have neither lov'd nor fear'd nor serv'd thee as I ought to have done and my sins are more then I am able to number I do therefore humble my self before thee with hearty repentance imploring thy gracious pardon through the Son of thy Love whom thou hast set forth to be a Propitiation for sin Be thou reconcil'd unto me for his sake and make me partaker of all those benefits which are the purchase of his redemption Impute not unto me the iniquities of the day past but forgive whatever I have therein thought or said or done amiss either against God or against man O Lord grant me thy favour speak peace to my Conscience and that I may no more return to folly be thou pleas'd to work in me both to will and to do the things by thee requir'd give me an hatred of sin and a love of holiness that I may abhor what is evil and cleave to that which is good incline mine heart unto thy Statutes and let not any iniquity have dominion over me O thou who knowest my sinful frailty and to how many Temptations my life is expos'd assist me by thine own Grace and strengthen me with all might in the inward man help me to crucisie the Flesh with the affections and lusts thereof to reject all the allurements of Sin and so to resist the Devil that he may flee from me Whatever temporal blessings I receive at thine hands grant me to use them aright with all thankfulness and sobriety and also to undergo with Christian patience any chastisement or affliction thou shalt please to lay upon me let every dispensation of thy Providence be sanctify'd to my spiritual good that nothing may ever separate me from thy love and favour for as much as this World passeth away and all the enjoyments of it are of short continuance suffer me not to set my heart or affections on any thing here below but raise them up to the things above to that glorious inheritance reserv'd in heaven which fadeth not away and since my days come to an end and I am still hastening on toward my great change help me to be alwaies preparing for it by doing good and working out my Salvation with fear and trembling that so death may not be terrible but a welcom passage to a life of glory Bless the Land of my Nativity grant us peace and plenty and let the truth and purity of Religion still continue and prevail among us Be thou a Friend and Patron to all my Friends and near Relations make them holy and prosperous in this World and for ever happy in the next Send thy consolation and succour to all who are in sorrow want sickness or any other affliction but especially to such as do suffer for the sake of righteousness and a good conscience Accept I pray thee my humble thanks for all thy Mercies for thy holy Scriptures and the means of Grace for all the good things pertaining to this life I bless thee for thy great kindness toward me the day past that I have escaped dangers that my life is continued to me together with thy wonted benefits both for the necessities and comfort of my present condition And since thou who hast made the Day for action and business hast also ordain'd the Night for a time of rest and repose be thou pleas'd to watch over me in lying down and to grant me the comfortable refreshment of a quiet sleep O Lord let thy Grace and Goodness never forsake me till I shall enter into thine everlasting rest in the highest Heavens through thy rich Mercy in Jesus Christ To whom with thy self and the holy Ghost be ascrib'd all Honour and Glory Worship and Praise World without End Amen Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O heavenly Father thy comfortable Communion O holy Spirit of Grace be with me and thy whole Church henceforth and for ever Another Prayer for the Evening THe Lord will command his loving-kindness in the day time and in the night his Song shall be with me and my prayer unto the God of my life I will both lay me down in peace and sleep for thou Lord only makest me dwell in safety MOst gracious God the Maker of all things and the Giver of every good and perfect Gift thou deservest to be worshipp'd and serv'd to receive Thanksgiving and Praise from thee I have derived my life
and being and 't is of thy great Mercy I am not consumed thy goodness hath been my support and comfort ever since I was born I do therefore prostrate my self with humble adoration submitting my soul and body to thy divine Majesty and offering up my thankful acknowledgments of all thy Mercies and Benefits conferr'd upon me I bless thee for my redemption by Christ and all the means of Grace and Salvation for the comforts of this present life and all my temporal enjoyments I thank thee for that kind Providence which hath watched over me this day that thou hast continued my life and preserv'd my person from those many evils to which I am alwaies expos'd O Lord I am less than the least of all the Mercies I have received at thine hands for my sins have been very many and exceeding great I have broken thy righteous Laws both by neglecting what thou hast commanded and by doing what thou hast strictly forbidden and my practice hath been very unsuitable to the rich Grace and holy Precepts of thy excellent Gospel so that I have justly deserv'd thy wrathful displeasure and the severities of thy justice But thou art a God plenteous in Mercy ready to forgive and thou hast given thine own Son to be a propitiation for Sin O Lord I come unto thee in his Name most humbly beseeching thee that through his Merits the Transgressions of my life may be all blotted out and my person freely justifi'd from all unrighteousness More particularly I beg the pardon of whatever Sins I have fallen into the day past whether in thought word or deed O merciful Father be thou perfectly reconcil'd unto me this Evening And be thou pleas'd to deliver me more and more from the power and dominion of sin that I may be the servant of righteousness and live in constant obedience to thee and thy commands strengthen me by thy Grace against the corruptions within me and all temptations from without and keep me by thy mighty power through Faith unto Salvation Bless thy Church and People throughout the World and let the Kingdom of thy Son be daily enlarg'd Be propitious to this Church and Nation pardon our great sins and avert the judgments we have deserv'd keep us in peace and safety and let truth and holiness still flourish among us Shew thy favour to all my friends to such as have done me any good or do wish me well bestowing on them all the blessings that pertain both to life and godliness Have pity on all who are in any distress or tribulation giving to them thy speedy comfort and relief and be thou a present help in the needful time of trouble to all who cry unto thee finally I commend my self to thy Fatherly care this Night humbly praying that thy watchful Providence may be my guard and defence grant unto me a quiet and comfortable rest that my frail nature being refresh'd thereby I may awake the next Morning the better fitted for the Duties of another day Hear me O Father of Mercies and do for me above what I can ask or think through the Merits of my blessed Redeemer To whom with thy self and the holy Ghost be all Glory Dominion and Praise World without End Amen Sunday Evening Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with me all thine and mine henceforth for evermore Amen A Psalm and Prayer for the Evening of the Lords day IT is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord to sing praises unto thy name O most high To shew forth thy loving kindness in the morning and thy faithfulness every night The earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof the World and they that dwell therein Thy hands have made me and fashion'd me give me understanding that I may learn thy commandements All thy works shall praise thee O Lord and thy Saints shall bless thee They shall speak of the glory of thy Kingdom and talk of thy Power My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee and my soul which thou hast redeemed I was glad when they said unto me Let us go into the house of the Lord. One day in thy Courts is better than a thousand How sweet is thy Word unto my tast yea sweeter then hony to my mouth Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee I will delight my self in thy Statutes and I will not forget thy Word I will bless the Lord who hath given me Counsel my Reins also shall instruct me in the night season Into thine hands I commit my spirit for thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of truth O Most glorious God the mighty Creatour and wise Governour of all things the heaven is thine the earth also is thine with all that in them is and thou canst do whatsoever thou pleasest in all places of thy dominion wherefore unto thee alone it doth appertain to receive honour and worship and service from the Sons of men I do thankfully acknowledge it is a very great favour and priviledge that I am so often admitted into thy presence and have this liberty granted of presenting my supplications unto thee who art a God hearing Prayer for what am I vile Dust and Ashes that I should take upon me to speak unto the Lord or how can I expect to find any acceptance with thee who have so greatly offended thine holy Majesty by my repeated transgressions O Lord my very righteousness is as filthy rags and my best performances are sinful and poluted I have waited upon thee this day in the duties of thy Worship but it hath been with much weakness and distraction my thoughts and affections have not been heavenly and devout nor have I honour'd thee as I ought on the day consecrated to thee and thy service But O God who art gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness be thou pleas'd to overlook whatever hath been amiss in my life and actions from my Nativity to this moment grant me an interest in the Merits and Redemption of the Lord Christ and let his precious blood cleanse me from all unrighteousness pardon the defects of my obedience and of all my religious duties through his most perfect Sacrifice who hath taken away Sin by the Oblation of himself once for all Add thy blessing to all the opportunities and means of Grace vouchsaf'd to me and cause thy Word to abide in me that it may be as good seed taking deep root and bringing forth abundantly the fruits of righteousness Grant O Lord that as I have been created by thee so I may make it my chief business to honor and serve thee both in soul and body and as Christ died for my Sins and rose again for my Justification so I may crucifie the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof and rise daily from the death of sin to a life of holiness Enable me
to walk as becomes the Gospel having a Conscience void of offence both towards God and towards Men that as he who hath called me is holy so I may be holy in all manner of conversation Take off my affections from earthly things which are vain and perishing and set them on the things above in which alone my true happiness doth consist fit me by suitable grace for every dispensation of thy Providence that I may know how to want and how to abound how to mourn or rejoyce how to be in sickness or in health and in every condition to be therewith content let thy Fatherly wisdom cause all things to work together for good unto me and that the several occurrences of the present life may help me forward in my Christian course towards the attainment of eternal Salvation And because my nature is frail my life uncertain and I know not how soon I shall be taken from the land of the living help me seriously to consider my latter end to be still preparing for death and by numbring my dayes to apply mine heart to sound wisdom that when I shall put off this earthly Tabernacle I may be admitted into an house not made with hands eternal in the heavens O God who art the Creatour of mankind and didst send thine own Son that the World through him might be saved extend thy goodness to all the kindreds of the earth causing the light of thy glorious Gospel to shine upon them that their feet may be guided into the way of peace and everlasting happiness let all Nations become subject to the Kingdom of thy Christ and the number of thine Elect be filled up that the glory of thy Salvation may be revealed Accept O Lord my evening oblation of Praise and Thanksgiving for all thy rich Mercies vouchsafed to me I bless thee for my being since by thee I have been fearfully and wonderfully made for thy preservation of me to this moment and for all the accommodations and comforts of the present life But above all I magnifie and adore thine inestimable goodness in making known unto me the way of salvation and happiness by Jesus Christ in continuing to me the seasons of Grace and of waiting upon thee in thine holy Ordinances help me to make such a good and pious use of all thy benefits as may be for thy glory and for mine own eternal welfare And since thy wise Providence hath ordain'd that the Night should succeed the Day as a time of rest and refreshment I pray thee that this Night may be so to me thy Servant grant me to be safe and secure under thy protection from all the terrours and perils of darkness and to awake the next morning in health and safety O Lord hear my Prayer and let thy presence and loving-kindness alwaies be with me to the end of my life for the sake of thine only begotten Son my alone Saviour to whom with thy divine Majesty and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory World without End Amen Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O Heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with me henceforth and for evermore Amen A Psalm and Prayer to be us'd by a Person who is under Sickness O Lord rebuke me not in thy In sickness wrath neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure Have mercy upon me O Lord for I am weak O Lord heal me for my bones are vexed My soul is also sore vexed but thou Lord how long Return O Lord deliver my soul O save me for thy mercies sake For in death there is no remembrance of thee in the grave who shall give thee thanks Have mercy upon me O God according to thy loving kindness according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions Wash me throughly from mine inquity and cleanse me from my sin Why art thou cast down ô my soul and why art thou disquieted within me hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God Yea though I walk thorow the Valley of the shadow of death yet will I fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff comfort me O Lord my times are in thy hand deliver me from the hand of mine enemies Let my soul live and it shall praise thee and let thy judgments help me Whom have I in heaven but thee and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee My flesh and my heart faileth me but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever ALmighty God and most merciful Father thou art the Author of my being and as my life my health and strength are from thee so they are and ought to be at thy dispose and I do humbly confess that because of my sinfulness and disobedience 't is just with thee to afflict me with sickness and pain yea and to cut me off from the Land of the Living O Lord I bear about me a body of Sin and Death and am liable to the penalties of that first transgression for by one man Sin entered into the World and Death by Sin Likewise the practice of my life hath been very evil and my sins still repeated from day to day I have not made it my chief business to serve and glorifie thee which is the end of my Creation nor hath the time of my life and health been employ'd as it ought in doing and receiving good The faculties of my Soul and Members of my Body have been made the instruments of Sin I have not been duly thankful for thy manifold Mercies nor made a right use of them and I have too much despis'd thy goodness and forbearance which should have lead me to repentance I do therefore acknowledg the justice of thy dealings for why should a man complain of the punishment of his sins But O thou Father of Mercies who delightest not in the death of a sinner be favourable unto me Enter not into judgment with thy servant neither let thine anger wax hot against me but forgive my Sin and deliver me for in thee do I trust I know O Lord that afflictions rise not from the Dust but are of thy sending and I do desire to hear the voice of thy Rod and to turn to him that smiteth I do with hearty repentance humble my self at thy footstool lamenting all the errours of my former life and I do give up my Soul and Body to thy Will and Governance resolving and promising by thy Grace to live and act hereafter in all holy obedience to thee and thy righteous commands O deal not with me after mine iniquities nor punish me as I have deserved but remember the sufferings of thy Son who himself bore our sicknesses and the punishment due to us in his own death I believe in him as my alone Saviour my trust is in his Merits and I do humbly beg for his sake that thou wouldst be reconcil'd unto me that thou wouldest heal my Body and comfort my Soul O God who art the preserver of men who hast declared in thy word that thou art nigh unto such as pray unto thee and hast promised to deliver when call'd upon in the day of trouble be thou pleas'd to bow down thine ear and extend thy compassion in removing the distemper under which I now labour do thou who art the great Physitian prescribe and bless the means that may be for my recovery and restore me again if it be thy blessed Will to a state of health and strength then will I praise thee with a thankful heart and will serve thee faithfully all my daies But I do humbly submit my self to thy good pleasure and not my will but thine be done Though thou visit with thy Rod yet take not thy loving kindness from me and while my body shall be afflicted be thou pleas'd to strengthen and support my Soul with thy Grace and inward consolation help me with chearfulness and Christian patience to bear thy chastisement with a firm and constant faith to trust in thee and thy pretious promises Grant that this present visitation may be sanctifi'd to my spiritual benefit and through thy wise ordering in the issue turn to my real advantage and that I may by experience know that in very faithfulness thou hast afflicted me Let this thy fatherly correction teach me to be more dutiful and obedient and grant that by considering the vanity and uncertainty of health of life and worldly enjoyments I may be the more careful to set my affections on things above and to breath after that immortal life of perfect bliss which thy Gospel hath promis'd And grant O Lord that whether in health or sickness in prosperity or affliction I may still honour and serve thee that whether I live I may live unto thee and whether I die I may die unto thee that whether I live or die I may be thine And so an entrance may be ministred to me into the everlasting Kingdom of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ In whose Name and Merits I do earnestly recommend unto thee my present condition and all my Concern both of Soul and Body praying further in his Words Our Father c. Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ my Redeemer thy Love O Heavenly Father thy Consolation O blessed Spirit of Grace be with me and all thy People henceforth and for evermore Amen FINIS