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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A36108 A discourse of women, shewing their imperfections alphabetically newly translated out of the French into English.; Alphabet de l'imperfection et malice des femmes. English Olivier, Jacques. 1662 (1662) Wing D1611; ESTC R22566 72,101 210

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of that sex there being not so many perils dangers and shipwracks in the Ocean than there are Charybdes Gulfs Rocks and Falls in the company of women The holy Ghost speaking of such saith that she is a deep ditch and a narrow well words very remarkable for they import the difference that is betwixt whoredom and other vices in that though they are those ditches wherein so strangely men fall by hundreds and thousands yet they may happily recover themselves but those that are taken in the pit of fornication and the sin of lechery with lewd women do very hardly get out again This beastliness is a well so strait that they who throw themselves therein difficultly find the way out again unless helped by the cord of special and and particular grace There needs no History to confirm but tears to deplore the truth hereof And to conclude this Letter a Philosopher meditating on the nature of women saith That they are the confusion of man the enslaving of mankind the shipwrack of the incontinent the destruction of the imprudent the adversary of the innocent to which I add out of St. Chrysostom upon the 4th of St. John That amongst all the salvage beasts there is not a more malicious and cruel than Woman and therefore she shall further carry this Epithet on her forehead O Odii Opifex Contrivers of Malice AMong all the unruly passions of the soul none more feelingly torments afflicts pierceth and penetrates the heart of him who will be a slave thereunto than hatred and revenge for these two agree not onely as mother and daughter to vex tyrannize and mattyrize the hated but secretly to rack and tear the hater and revengeful himself and which is observable such endure a thousand times more pain and torment than the other being the Patient rather than the Agent and do often undergo the evil which he intends another The revengeful sleeps neither day nor night but suffers the quick pricks of a thousand inquietudes in the searching of means occasions and opportunities to bring about his designs and it often happens that he fails therein and thinking to put out the eyes of them he hates by misadventure wounds himself unwarily and so coming under the reach of justice and fearing punishment he chuseth banishment making flight the Sanctuary of his life and better fortune But to return to these two passions I say That they are not onely injustices in that they afflict more the offender then offended and more the revengeful than he that occasioned that hatred for while one goes about contriving ways and means to draw reason for the injury received the other laughs is merry and jocund but that the manner of exercising the said passion is very wicked and unjust as by poisons witchcrafts treasons and other pernicious and deadly artifices against the life and honor both of his neighbour and himself These two passions are so smarting and stinging that we may compare them to a worm which uncessantly gnaws the inwards and heart of an infant who languisheth and dies with the pain thereof As the least entertainment of these two Tyger-like imperfections is a base cowardly feeble and wicked mind fallen below all magnanimity As hail● thunder and lightning tempests trouble not nor molest the heavenbodies that beautiful diversly-coloured cieling and vault of heaven enamell'd with the Sun Moon and Stars which are the ornament of this great Universe but onely shake and trouble the things below and the corruptible parts of the sea and earth so the insolencies the impertinencies the disdain of the ignorant and the unwise of buffons of dolts and the like do never trouble the constancy the prudence and discretion of generous minds high and sublimed in valour and courage I can produce examples of the greatest Saints which have appeared in the world and who now rejoyce in the reward of their heroical faith and noble actions which they did on the earth but at present it shall suffice to say that even among the Heathen many have raised themselves to glory by not harbouring revenge but pardoning their enemies a greater victory than if they were conquerors of all the Kingdoms and Nations of the world and had taken by force all the Cittadels and Fortresses thereof The holy Ghost learns us this in the 16th Chapter of the Proverbs Fortior est qui dominatur animae suae expugnatore urbium he saith He is more valiant who conquers his anger and bridles his passions and represses his hate than he that storms and subdues Cities Latius regnes avidum domando Spiritum quam si Lybiam remotis Gadibus jmgas uterque Paenus Serviat uni The Prince of Philosophes irradiated onely with the light of nature saw this very clearly affirming That the courage valour and worth of a generous mind consists in mastering and commanding our anger hatred and revenge Moderari iram est vera generositas which is verified by the testimony both of antient and modern Examples In Plutarch you shall find Alexander the Cesars Scipio's and Epaminidas who made it their glory to pardon and forgive Julius Cesar that great Monarch having vanquished Pompey in the Pharsalian fields and understanding that Cato one of his partakers had killed himself through fear of falling into his hands said thus to his Captains Invidit Cato gloriae meae quam illi parcendo mihi paravissem Cato hath done me more displeasure by killing himself than by siding against me for I should have had more honor in saving than in destroying him Alexander the great duely weighing Pardon and Vengeance confessed that there was more need of strength and greatness of mind to be clement and indulgent than to be revengeful Demosthenes that brave Orator to shew his courage replyed to one that braved and defied him to fight My friend saith he I will use the rigor of that combat against you where the vanquished is a better man than the vanquisher intimating that it is more glory honor and valour to conquer one's self and his passions than to trample upon his enemies Neither were the Pagans onely of this opinion for see a reason as cogent for Christians to be like-minded which no body dares contradict or will doubt of that the Law of Grace doth conduct us in the true path of justice and directs us in the right way of vertue Now the Philosophers have avowed that Magnanimity is a vertue and Cowardise vice so that forgiveness coming under the chief Commandement in the Gospel is a manifest proof of the greatness of mind and contrarily that hate and revenge are the issues of a cowardly base and abject mind And we experimentally see that the most infirm feeble and weak creatures do more easily suffer themselves to be transported by these unruly inordinate passions as infants sick people and women as we have seen in deciphering of anger And to come to my subject the hate of a woman riseth to such a degree that it equals
cunning more attractive and more fit and proper to charm the eyes and heart of man than woman he gained her first the more easily by her to entrap him whom in his own person he durst not attaque which he with such fineness accomplished If the first Citizen of the world rendred himself to her discretion as not daring to displease her from whence came the heap of all our miseries For this reason the learned Origen hath painted her out in this manner Woman is the head of sin the weapons of the devil the banishment out of Paradise the corruption of the first and antient Law which God gave to men To which purpose Josephus saith in his Jewish Antiquities That the unfortunate Samson seeing himself at the mercy of his enemies the Philistines by the treachery of his Concubine said in a kind of astonishment I know now to my danger that nothing in the world is more deceitful and cunning than a woman Euripedes also saith That women are the most exact workers and artizans of all wickednesses inventable which we see also in the History of the Prophet Elisah who not dreading the cruelty and tyranny of Ahab in the midst of his Kingdom bravely asserted his cause by bringing to death four hundred of his false Prophets but seeing himself pursued by his Queen Jezabel and knowing that those attempts on his lise were the effects of the splene and malice of that woman he presently abandoned the Cities withdrew himself into the desarts and hid himself under Rocks and was so apprehensive of his danger that he desired nothing more then death and prayed God importunately to take him out of the world Obsecro Domine tolle animam meam A sufficient proof that nothing is more terrible or more malicious than a woman St. John in his 9th of the Revelations speaks of his having seen Locusts whose bodies were like to Horses of war their tails like to those of Scorpions their teeth like to the Lions their mains like Womens hair and that power was given them to hurt men Behold a strange vision but this the most remarkable the holy Ghost to exagerate the malice of these beasts chusing out that which signified the greatest cruelty as the fury of War-horses the poison of venemous Scorpions the teeth and defences of enraged Lions as the accumulation and sum of all inhumanity adds to it the hairs of a Woman importing that nothing is more dangerous or more malicious St. Gregory Nazianzen saith that she hath the venome of an Asp and the malice of a Dragon Malefica res est aspides mala res est Dracores duplex malitia mulieris inter feras And the wise-man saith in the 25th of Ecclesiasticus That all the malice in the world is short in compa ison to that of the Woman Brevis malitia super malitiam mulieris But that which is worst she hath a relentless and merciless heart of this there needs no other proof than that in the first Chapter of the Prophet Hosea where it is said that God to give his people to understand the severity of his justice in the punishments of their faults commanded the Prophet to marry himself presently and to name his first daughter Merciless as a certain Augury that he would show no more kindness to the house of Israel Vocabis nomen ejus sine misericordia quia non addultria misereri domus Israel By which we see God judged equitably when for an embleme of cruelty and an hieroglyphick of malice he used no other but woman But yet see a more strange passage the Prophet Zachary relating his visions saith That he saw among other things a monstrous woman sitting in the middle of a funnel with a weight of lead in her hand and as he was troubled to know what this prodigy meant an Angel serving him for an interpreter presently informed him That it was the image of impiety dixit Hae est impietas wherein we see that Heaven to paint out malice and wickedness would not represent them under any other symbol or resemblance than in the person of a woman the funnel serving her for a seat signifies that woman cannot keep secrets no more then that which hath two vents and therefore I suppose for this reason the Prophet saw in the mouth a lump of lead to shut up her lips and stop her babling To conclude these Emblemes of holy Writ St. John in the 7th of his Revelations saw a woman mounted on a beast armed with seven heads and ten horns having names and titles full of blasphemies being not onely all over most gorgeously attired being clothed with Purple and set with Jewels but moreover infinitely cruel and drunk with the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus Christ We have in part interpreted this Vision in the Epistle Dedicatory but I must again speak of it here being the true pourtraict of the malice of woman for in figuring her mounted upon a beast with seven heads it seem to intimate that she will speak more than seven there being as many tongues as heads the Horns fignifie her thousand tricks and artifices her names and titles full of blasphemy her propensity to evil her purple and jewels her arrogance and pride and the innocent blood wherewith she is drunk is the embleme of the cruelty and malice of her mind which hath made her rejected of God and deprived her of his graces St. Cyril in his Third and Fourth Book of the Spirit and the Letter discoursing of God's allotment of the Land of Promise to the children of Israel would not have the women put into the List and also upon the account of that Passage where Pharaoh commanded the Midwives of Egypt to preserve the daughters and destroy the male-issue assumes that God and the devil shewed themselves contrarily in this for the devil would have the males put to death which were the better sort reserving the females and God rejected the females not willing that they should be enrolled amongst the men to share the promised Land as being imperfect and unworthy of that honor See his own words rejicitur quod est reprobare molle imperfectum solis maribus dividitur terra promissa And Origen in his second Homily upon Exodus deriding Pharaoh saith He was ill advised to put the better sort to death that is the males and preserve the worst the females who were sooner able to destroy his Kingdom than the men Pythagoras being asked Why he gave his daughter in marriage to one of his greatest enemies presently answered Nihil illi poteram dare deterius I could not give him a worse thing or better revenge my self of him woman being the most wicked thing in the world The Scripture declares this in the 25th of Ecclesiasticus omnis plaga tristitia cordis est omnis malitia nequitia mulieris as much as to say That as the sickness of the heart which is the principal of life surpasseth the grief