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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19513 Two fruitfull and godly treatises, to comfort the afflicted viz. 1. Of the heauenly mansions. 2. The praise of patience. The first contayning the description of the house of glory: the second the loue of patience, to endure all tribulations and affliction to obtaine that heauenly kindome full of sweet consolation for the godly. By Mr. William Covvper, Bp. of Galloway. Cowper, William, 1588-1619. 1616 (1616) STC 5943; ESTC S118545 71,081 312

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thou art still●… same man thou we●… there is no change of t●… manners and art still 〈◊〉 eased vnto the death 〈◊〉 all those that came Christ in the Gospel no●… went away as they came ●…me came blinde and ●…ent away seeing some ●…me lepers and went a●…ay cleansed some para●…ique and went away ●…nfirmed some posses●…d with euill spirits and ●…ent away deliuered ●…ou art not as one of ●…em thou hast not ●…ught him thou hast not ●…uched him thou hast ●…awne no vertue out of ●…m the Physitian hath ●…t cured thee how then ●…st thou I beleeue in Ie●…s thou art not planted him for all that are in ●…m get vertue from him which workes in the●… the similitude of his ow●… life Here is the miser●… of this age that a cou●…terfeit Faith is currant ●…mong many who co●…tent themselues with it 〈◊〉 if it were a true faith Verse 2. In my Fathers house are many dwelling places If it were not so I would haue told you I goe to prepare a place for you HItherto haue we been comforted against the feare of ●…ne followes now com●…t against Death Wher●… the Lord confirmes vs ●…ainst the offence wee ●…ght conceiue of his ●…ath and against the ter●…rs might arise of our ●…ne death and that which may follow it This comfort proceedes by three degrees In the first is proposed meditation of the man●… Mansions which are i●… our Fathers house Th●… comfort meetes our fea●… this way if death afra●… you if the graue see●… horrible to you if it yerksome to rememb●… that which Iob hath E●… it be long I must make 〈◊〉 bed in the darke I will 〈◊〉 to corruption thou art 〈◊〉 father and to the wor●…yee are my brethren and ●…sters lift vp your minde looke ouer this stream at seemes to carry all ●…ay with it cast your ●…es vpward to my Fa●…ers House where many ●…ansions are Death ●…all not be able to de●…ure you the graue shall ●…t detaine you from ●…ese euerlasting Taberna●… where the place of ●…ur rest and Mansion This is the first degree the Comfort and is ●…ntained in these words As Death is the way of flesh so is it the com●…nd of all crosses in it ●…e soule naturally is ●…ubled with feares the ●…dy with paines It is the last enemie which g●… thereth all forces mi●…tant vnder it to the la●… battle It is with vs as was with Israel when th●… came out of Egypt o●… nation of the Egyptia●… pursued them but wh●… they entred into Cana●… seauen nations of Can●…nites ioyned their forc●… to hold them out In o●… life euery man hath h●… seuerall crosses and tenttions one hath health 〈◊〉 body but wrestleth wi●… pouertie not hauing 〈◊〉 feede his body anoth●… hath abundance but hat●… not his health to vse i●… some want sight of their eyes but heare well e●…ough others see but ●…eare not at all one is ●…ained in his outward ●…lesh another with some ●…ntestine disease in one ●…here is a whole body but 〈◊〉 wounded Spirit If in ●…ur life wee gather not ●…trength against one crosse or two how shall ●…ee endure in death to ●…ight with them all Wert ●…hou neuer so rich poore ●…nd naked thou must goe to the graue arme ●…hee against pouertie ●…earne to want those things which thou hast before they be taken from thee were thy sight as quicke as the Eagles it shall waxe dimme They shall waxe darke that looke out at the window the strong men shall bowe themselues and the grinders shall cease c. Thy senses shall faile thee yea thy heart also thy beautifull flesh must putrifie rot thou must goe to the house of thine age and all that are thine shall for sake thee In a word armtes of sorrowes feares and terrours as in a solemne day shall be gathered round about thee And therefore great need haue wee to arme our selues a●…ainst that day of battel ●…nd specially to lay vp in ●…ur hearts these consola●…ons of God which our ●…auiour here leaues vs in ●…is Legacie In this first degree of ●…he Comfort foure cir●…umstances are to be con●…idered first who is this ●…e cals his Father second●… what is his Fathers ●…ouse thirdly what are ●…hese mansions fourth●…y what is meant here by ●…any mansions As for the first the ●…ame of a Father is either ●…ttribute to God indefinitely and so is common to all the three person●… of the blessed Trinitie in which sense among the rest of the stiles giuen vnto Iesus hee is called a●… euerlasting Father an●… then the relation respect eth all his creatures o●… else particularly it is ascribed to the first person and then the relatio●… doth principally respec●… Christ and that in bot●… his natures Secondly al●… the children of his good wi●… to whom by grace i●… Christ he is become a father Most comfortable i●… this for vs that he who i●… ●…he Father of our Lord ●…esus Christ by an vn●…eakable generation for ●…ho can declare it is also ●…ecome our Father in ●…im I ascend to my God ●…nd your God to my father ●…nd to your father And ●…hen wee pray hee hath ●…ommanded vs to call ●…pon God as vpon our ●…ther yea he hath sent owne his Spirit into our arts by whose secret in●…rmation we are taught ●…ith filiall confidence to ●…y vnto him Abba Fa●…er Happy time for vs ●…at so wee may call him The second Circumstance leades vs to a consideration of his Fathe●… house The heauen sait●… the Lord is my throne an●… the earth is my foot-stool●… where then is his house yea as Salomon saith T●… heauens and the heauens ●… heauens are not able to co●…taine him the Lord is uery where exclud●… from no place includ●… in none to them in h●… hee shewes his terrour t●… them on earth he shew●… his goodnesse to them i●… heauen hee sheweth h●… glory what then is th●… hee calleth his Fathe●… house This speech ●… borrowed from the manner of Kings who albeit the whole Kingdome bee theirs yet haue they some place of residence which more properly is called the Kings house euen so by this house which our ●…auiour calleth his Fathers house is vnderstood that place of glory wher●…n he shewes his secret most familiar presence to his Saints this is the house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens this is the Citie hauing a foundation whose builder and maker is God this is the Citie which needeth not Sun nor Moone This is the Paradise of God the inner Court of the palace of God the heauen of heauens the holy of holiest S. Pau●… calls it the third Heauens hee saw it but could not reueale the glory of it he contents him to tell what it was not but takes not in hand to tell what it was ●… he describes it negatiue wee shall know it when wee shall see it till then no heart of
in pectore Christiano Luporum feritas Canum rabies Should the fiercenesse of Wolues and fury of Dogges be in the breasts of Christians Were not such Wolues and Dogges actors of that Tragicall Murder of Paris and plotters of the Powder-Treason Thus euen their workes doe bewray them It is a shame to shrowd such beastly crueltie vnder a Christian name It is a double sinne to couer the iniury vnder the garment of God This may well proue them successors to Romane Persecuters but not to the patient sufferers of the Church Primitiue Non enim conuenit vt hoc argumento nos Christianos declaremus si quam plurimos occiderimus sed si quam plurimos seruauerimus For it is not an argument to proue our selues to bee good Christians if wee slay many but rather if we saue many If wee be otherwise minded Fieri potest vt citius in Turcas degeneremus quam Turcas in partet nostras pertrahamus It may come to passe that wee degenerate into Turkes then draw Turkes to bee of our Religion For by the shedding of bloud Fiet vt latius fortasse regnet Pontifex aut huius Cardinales non vt latius regnet Christus It may be perhaps that the Popes Kingdome and of his Cardinals may be encreased but the Kingdome of Christ by such meanes cannot be aduanced but leauing them wee returne to our selues Our Sauiour here forewarneth his Disciples of great troubles they were to sustaine for his names sake the armour hee recommends vnto vs is not the Sword the Pope may vse it because Peter did it without a warrant but the watch-word giuen by our Lord vnto vs all is Possesse your Soule by your Patience This is the weapon whereby I ouer-came and this same doe I recommend to you As the Thunder saies Plinie ouerthrowes any tree but the Lawrell so persecution and tentation ouercomes any man but not a patient man Impatience makes a man a prey to euery one that pursues him but hee who hath Patience is inuincible Euery iniury offered to a patient man returneth backe to him that did it Eodem exitu quo telum aliquod in pe●…ram constantissimae duritiae libratum obtusum No otherway then a dart shot at a hard Rocke eyther falleth downe blunted or is beaten backe vpon him who shot it Impatientia exhedra est omnium delictorum Impatience is the receptacle and right lodging place of all sinnes Malum enim est impatientia boni For euill is but the impatience of good who would commit adultrie if hee were patient of Chastitie Patientia vero Charitatis est firmamentum Ira Discordia Simultas locum in pectore non habent in quo dominatur Charitas But Patience is the sure keeper and stablishment of Charitie Anger Discord Hatred haue no place in that heart in the which Charitie ouer-rules Though all the world were against such a man hee resteth quiet in his owne minde and possesseth his soule in Patience Where by the contrary the impatient man at euery light offence is carryed out of his owne wits and put beside himselfe and becomes like one who teareth his owne soule as Bildad spake of Iob. Hee that would see the right Image and liuely portraiture of an impatient man let him consider this Historie set downe by Saint Marke There met him a man who had an vncleane Spirit who had his abiding among the graues and no man might binde him no not with chaynes because that when hee was often bound with fetters and chaynes hee plucked the chaynes a sunder and brake the fetters in pieces neyther could any man tame him Both night and day hee cryed in the mountaines and in the graues and strucke himselfe with stones But here is the great inconsideration of men A man this way bodily possessed is pityed of all that behold him but though hee be spiritually possessed and oppressed by the enemies of his soule to raging railing blaspheming whoring and all sort of impietie who doth regard it Alwayes to returne great is the praise of Patience that it makes a man possesser and master of himselfe The reason of this is because Patience is neuer alone all the remanent Graces of the Spirit frequent the Palace of Patience there are they preserued and entertayned As vices are linked together so are Vertues they march in battle against the spirituall enemie in comely order after this manner Truth goeth before and leadeth them bearing in her badge the Lanterne of the Word to shew them the way wherein they should walke against the Prince of darknesse At the one hand of Truth stands Fore-sight as in a Watch-tower euer looking out to discouer the approaching of the enemie at the other hand stands Feare with this watch-word in her Banner Walke circumspectly In the second rancke after Truth followes Faith foot for foot for Faith followes No de●…eiuable Fables and Faith hath in the right hand the Sword of the Spirit and in the left A Buckler able to quench the firie darts of the Diuell Vpon the right hand of Faith standeth Charitie or Loue for Faith worketh by Loue and Loue carries in her Banner The complement of the Law on the other hand stands Holinesse for The Heart is purified by Faith and Holinesse bea●…eth in her Banner The Image of God In the third rancke at the backe of Holinesse stands Humilitie hauing in her badge the similitude of a man mortified and dead with Christ. Beside Humilitie at the backe of Loue standeth her sister Meeknesse bearing in her badge the similitude of a Lamb. In the fourth rancke standeth Patience Domina regina virtutum the Lady and Queene of Vertues bearing a high Standard not vnlike that of of Constantine the Great hauing in it this name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with this Dictum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for in Christ and through him Patience ouercomes at the length In the fift rancke at the backe of Patience stands Experience for Patience brings forth Experience and Experience beareth in her badge an open written Booke contayning a Register of the Lords manifold former deliuerances Experience hath vpon the one hand Hope whose badge is a brazen Piller and on the other hand Fortitude in the similitude of an armed man hauing on his head the Helmet of saluation and on his body the Brest-plate of righteousnesse When Patience is sore put at and somewhat moued out of her place by vehement trouble shee leanes backe vpon the piller of Hope and Hope succours her with this Dictum Spera meliora From Hope shee lookes ouer and reades the Booke of Experience whose first Dictum is Remember the dayes of old betweene these two Patience begets Fortitude by whom the battle is againe renewed In the last roome followeth Perseuerance hauing in her Badge a Crowne holden vp on high with both her hands with this Dictum He