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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08832 The benefit that Christians receiue by Iesus Christ crucified translated out of French into English, by A.G. Paleario, Aonio, 1503-1570.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1580 (1580) STC 19116; ESTC S926 54,090 122

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through the merites of Iesus Christe and let vs liue merily and assured that the righteousnes of Iesus Christ hath vtterly done away all our vnrighteousnes made vs good righteous holy before God who beholding vs ingrafted into his sonne by fayth estéemeth vs not nowe any more as the children of Adam but as his own children and hath made vs heyres of all his riches with his owne begotten sonne The fourth Chapter Of the effectes of liuely faith and of the vnion of mans soule with Iesus Christ. THis holy faith woorketh after suche a sorte in vs that hée which beléeueth that Iesus Christ hath taken all his sinnes vppon him becommeth like vnto Christ and ouercommeth sinne the diuel death hell And the reason thereof is this namely that the Churche that is to witte euery faithfull soule is Christes wyfe Christ is her husbād For we know how the law of marriage is that of two they become one selfsame thing being two in one flesh that the goods and substance of eyther of them become common too them both by meanes wherof the husband saith that th● dowry of the wife is his and likewise the wife sayeth that her husbands house and al his riches are hers of a truth so they are for other wise they should not be one flesh as the Scripture saith After the same maner hath God married his onely begotten déere beloued sonne to the faithfull soule which hath not any other thing peculiar of her owne saue onely sinne yet the sonne of God hath not disdayned to take her for his wel beloued spouse together with her peculiar dowry which is sinne And nowe by reason of the vnion which is in this holy mariage look what the one hath is also the others Iesus Christ therfore saith thus y ● dowry of mans soule my déere wife that is to wit her sinnes trāsgressings of the law Gods wrath agaynst her the boldnes of the diuel ouer her the prison of hell and al other her euils are become mine are in my power to do what I list with them Wherfore it is at my choyce to deale with them at my pleasure therfore I will put out the hand writing which is agaynst the soule my wife I wil take it out of y ● way I will fasten it to my crosse in mine owne body in the same will I spoyle principalities and powers make a shew of them openly triumph ouer them and consum● them vtterly vnto nothing Now when God sawe his sonne who knew no sinne neither had any sinne in him thus willingly taking on him the foulenesse of our iniquity he made him to be sinne for vs euē the very sacrifice for our sinne did sharply punish our sinne in him putting him to death euen the death of the Crosse. Howebeit for asmuche as hee was his welbeloued obedient Sonne he woulde not leaue him in death nor suffer his holy one to sée corruptiō but raised him vp from death to life geuing him all power in heauen and earth and set him at his right hande in glory Nowe then the wise likewise with excéeding great ioy doth say the Realmes and Kingdomes of my most déere husband sauiour are mine by him I am an heyre of heauē my husbāds riches that is to wit his holines his innocencie his righteousnes and his godhead together with al his vertue might are mine and for me therfore in him I am holy innocent righteous godly and there is not any spotte in me I am wel●auoured faire inasmuch as my lawful husband hath not any blemish in him but is altogether goodly fayre And sith that he is wholy mine so consequently al that he hath is mine all that he hath is pure and holy it follow●th that I also am pure and holy Therfore to begin at his most innocēt birth he hath thereby sanctified the birth of his spouse cō●●●ued in sin The godly childhood youth of the bridegrom hath iustified the childish and youthfull life of his déerely beloued bride For the loue vniō that is betwixt the soule of a true Christiā and the Bridesgrome Iesus Christ maketh all the works of either of them to be cōmō to them both By reason wherof when a man saith Iesus Christ hath fasted Iesus Christ hath prayed Iesus Christ was heard of the father raised y ● dead draue diuels out of men healed the sicke dyed rose again and ascended into heauen Like wise a man may say that a christen mā hath done all y ● selfsame works forsomuch as y ● works of Christ are the works of the Christiā bicause he hath done them for him Uerily a man may say that the Christian hath béene nailed to the crosse buried raised again is gone vp into heauen become the childe of God mad● partaker of the godhead On the other side all the works that a Christian man doeth are Christes works because it is his will to take thē for his And forasmuch as they be vnperfect he throughly perfect and canot away with any vnperfect thing he hath made them perfect with his vertues to the end that his wife should be alwayes ioyfull well contented and not be afraide of any thing assuring herself that although there be yet still some defalte in her works yet notwithstāding they be acceptable to God in respect of his sonne vpō whō he hath his eyes alwayes fastened O that vnmeasurable goodnes of God● how greately is the christiā bound vnto God there is no loue of mā be it neuer so great that may be cōpared w t the loue that God beareth too the soule of euery faithfull Christian whereof Christ is the bridegrome Where vpon S. Paul saith that Iesus Christ hath so loued his wife the church which is builded of liuing stones that is of the soules of the beléeuing Christians that for to sanctifie her he hath offered himselfe to the death of the crosse cleansing her with the washing of water by his word to ioyne her to himself a glorious church without spot or wrincle or other like thing but that the shoulde be holy and vnblameable that is to wit like vnto him in holinesse and innocency and also be the true lawful daughter of God who hath loued the world so well that as Iesus Christ himselfe saith he hath geuen his onely begotten sonne to the ende that euery one which beléeued in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting For God sent not his sonne into the worlde too condemne the world but too the ende that the world might be saued by him insomuche that he which beléeueth in him shal not be damned Some man might demand after what maner the vniō of this holy mariage is made how the soule which is y ● bride and her bridegrome Iesus Christ are knit together What assurance can I haue that my Soule is vnited
vntoo Iesus Christ and become his spouse Howe can I assuredly glory that I am Quéene and Mistres of his great riches as a wife may I can easily beléeue that other folkes shall receiue this honour and glory but I cannot perswade my selfe that I am one of those same too whome God hath geuen so greate grace For I knowe mine owne wretchednesse imperfection My déerebe loued brother I answeare thée that thyne assurāce consisteth in true and liuely faith wherewith as S. Peter saith God cleanseth mens hearts and this faith is grounded in the beléeuing of the gospel that is to say in the beléeuing of the gladde tidinges which haue béene published on Gods béehalfe through the whole world which conteineth in effect y ● God hath vsed the rigorousnes of his iustice agaynst Iesus Christ chastizing and punishing all our sinnes in him And whosoeuer receiueth this good tidings and beléeues it stedfastly hath the true faith and doth enioy the forgiuenes of his sinnes and is also recōciled vnto God and of the child of wrath is becom the child of grace and recouering the image of God entreth into the kingdome of God and is made the tēple of God who marieth mans soule to his onely Sonne by the meane of this sayth which faith is a worke of God and the gift of God as S. Paule saieth oftentimes And God geueth it vntoo those whom he calleth to him of purpose to iustifie thē and to glorify thē and to geue thē euerlasting life according as our Lord Iesus Christ witnesseth saying This is the will of him that sent mée euen that euery one which séeth the sonne and beléeueth in him should haue euerlasting life and I will rayse him vp agayne at the latter day And like as Moyses lifted vp the serpent in the wildernesse so must the sonne of man bée lifted vp to the ende that euery one which beleueth in him might not perish but haue life euerlasting Also he saith too Martha He that beleueth in me shal liue although he were dead euery one that liueth bele ueth in me shall not die for euer And to a company of the Iewes he saith I am come a light into the world to the end that euery man which beléeueth in me shoulde not abide in darknesse And S. Iohn in his Epistle saith Heere in appeared the loue of God towards vs for that God is loue and sent his onely begotten Sonne intoo this worlde that we might liue through him And herein is loue known not in that wée loued God but in that he loued vs and sent his Sonne too make attonement for our sins And moreouer he sent him to destroy our enimies For the bringing whereof too passe he made him partaker of our fleshe of our bloode as sayeth Sainte Paule too the end that by his death he might destroy him that had the dominion of death that is to wit the diuel and set all such at liberty as were subiect to bōdage all their-lyfe long for feare of death Seeing then that we haue recordes of the holy scripture concerning the promises wherof we haue spoken héertofore and concerning many other promises that are dispersed in diuers places of the same we cannot doubt of it And forsomuch as the holy scripture speaketh to al ingeneral none of vs ought to distrust in himselfe that the selfsame thing which the scripture saith should not belong particularly to himselfe And too the end that this poynt wherin lieth and cōsisteth the whole mystery of our holy fayth may bee vnderstood the better let vs put the cace that som good and holy King cause the proclamation to be made through his whole Realm● by the sounde of a Trumpet that al rebels and banished men shal safely return home to their houses because that at the suite deserte of some déere friende of theirs it hath pleased him to pardon them certeinly none of those rebels ought too doubt of the obtayning of true pardon of his rebellion but rather ought assuredly too returne home too his house to liue vnder the shadowe of that holie King And if he wyll not returne by shal beare the pen●lty of it because that through his owne vnbelief he dieth in exile and in the displeasure of his Prince But this good king is the Lorde of heauen and earth who for the obedience desert of our good brother Iesus Christe hath pardoned as all our sinnes and as wee haue sayd a●ore hath made open proclamation through the whole world that al of vs may safely returne into his kingdom Wherefore hee that beléeueth this proclamation doth straight wayes returne into Gods kingdome whereout we were driuen by the offence of our first Parentes and blessedly gouerned by gods holy spirit And he that geueth no credite to the sayde proclamation shal neuer enioy the said generall pardon but for his vnbeleefes sake shal abide in banishment vnder the tyranny of the diuel and liue and die in extréeme misery liuing and dying in the displeasure of the King of heauen and earth and that iustly For me cannot commit a greater offence against this good God then to accompte him as a lyer and deceiuer which verily we doe in not giuing credite too his promises O howe passing heauy is this deadly sinne of vnbeleefe which so farre foorth as is possible ●ereueth God of his glory perfection besides the great harme that it doeth to a mans selfe which is his owne damnation the endlesse torment of his soule which the miserable 〈◊〉 féeleth euen in this life But on the contrary he that commeth vnto God with assurednesse of this faith beléeuing him without any mistrust or doubt of his promises and warranting himselfe for a certaintie that God will performe all that euer hee hath promised him geueth all the glory vnto God and liueth continually in rest endlesse ioy euermore praysing and thanking the Lord God for choozing him to the glory of the eternall life And héere of they haue an assured earnest penny and gage that is to wit the sonne of God whom they take for their most louing Bridegrome y ● blood of whom hath made their heartes so drunken that through this passing holy beliefe there is in the christian heart engendred so liuely a hope so certaine a trust of Gods mercy towardes vs and such an operatiō is wrought in vs as wée reste our selues wholy vpon God leauing the whole care of vs vnto him in suche wise that béeing throughly assured of Gods good will wée are not afraid neither of the Deuil nor of his ministers nor of death Which holy stedfast trust of Gods mercy inlargeth our hearte chéereth it vp with certaine merueilous swéete affections directeth it vntoo GOD filling it and setting it on Fyre with an excéeding feruent loue And therefore Paul incourageth vs too goe with all boldnesse to the throne of Grace and hée counselleth vs that