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A07010 A pleasaunt newe nosegaye full of many godly and swete floures, lately gathered by Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1543 (1543) STC 1743; ESTC S109680 67,337 205

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hauīge experience prayeth on this māner open myne eyes I shall consyder y e meruelous thynges of thy lawe To walke in this lyght Christe exhorteth vs sayeng walke whyle ye haue lyght vnles y e darkenes come on you He that walkethe in darkenes wotteth not whither he gothe Whyle ye haue lyght beleue on the lyghte that ye maye be the chyldrē of lyghte So many as be of God loue this lyght of y ● LORDES word and desyre with all theyr herte to walke ī it But they that be of Satan hate it refuse to walke in it Why so Uerely for they are beast lyke mynded styffe necked in all thynges resist the holy Ghost The lyght they hate be it neuer so pleasaunt wholesome but the darkenes they enhalse loue kysse kull be it neuer so tedious and horrible Therfore shall they receaue y ● greater dānacion as Christ wytnesseth sayeng● thys is the condemnacion that lyght came into the worlde men loued darkenes rather then lyght For theyr workes were euel Euery one that doth euell hate the the lyght neyther commeth he to y e lyght vnles his workes shoulde be reproued O howe blessed are they to whome it is gyuen to walke in thys lyght Agayne howe miserable wretched vnhappy are they y ● speare theyr eyes at the commynge of this confortable light wyl not only not walke in it thē selues but also laboure to the vttermooste of theyr power to obscure quenche it that it maye appeare shyne to none at all These are those people whiche as the Prophet saythe prouoke God to anger Theise are the lyenge and vnfaythefull chyldren Theyse are the chyldren that wyll not heare the lawe of the LORDE These are they which say to them that se se not to them that looke looke not for vs those thinges that are right Speke vnto vs pleasaūt thīges preach vnto vs tales of Robyn hood take awaye from vs the right way go out of the pathe and away with that holy one of Israel frō our face Theise are they which hate hym that reproueth thē openly and abhore hym that telleth the truethe playnely Theise are they which call euell good good euell darkenes lyght lyght darkenes bytter swete swete bitter These are they whiche are wyse in theyr owne eyes and stonde wel in theyr owne cōceate But agaynst all such as contemne the holy scriptures cast awaye the law of theyr LORDE God wyllynge neither to enter thē selues nor yet suffryng other christ intonateth and thōderethe on this māner wo be to you lawers for ye haue taken awaye the key of knowledge ye haue not onlye not entred in but ye haue also forbidden them that entend to enter But without doubte they shal no lēger preuayle For y e daye of the LORDE is at hand whan he shall breake Satans head destroye bothe him all his ministers with the breath of his mouth For he wyll no lenger sufferre thys great wickednes hygh abhominacion He wyll be knowne for y e God Sauiour alone He is that LORD which alone wyll be exalted and all Idolles shall be vtterlye broken on peces He is that God whiche wyll no lenger suffer his glorye to be attributed gyuen to other He is y e lawer which wyl expulse the darkenesses of mennes tradicions that fyghte with his infallible verite brynge in the glorious lyght of his moost holye worde To be shorte he wyll detecte and ouerthrowe all the Idols that obscure his glory and set vp his blyssed name to be praysed and magnyefyed for euer and euer So be it Of this thynge haue we experience euen at this tyme in y e whiche that LORDE of puissāce hath moost puissantly by his derely beloued seruant Henry our moost vertuous godlye Kynge subuerted topledde downe and ouerthrowne a great parte of Antechristes kyngedome so that by his diuine polecy godlye enterpryse that great whore of Babylon the mother of all whore dome abhominacions of the erth hath loste her chefe glory renome is nowe become so vile that she is euen made the habitacion of diuelles the holde of all fowle spirites a cage of all vncleane hatefull byrdes So that no man nowe wyl once by ony of her m●rchaundyse And wythoute doubte the tyme is at hande that Babylon shall haue such a faull that it shall not be able after this at onye tyme to be repared For the mouthe of the LORDE hath spoken it whiche is faythfull in all his wordes whose trueth abydeth for euer euer Neyther cā this prophecy of Christ be made frustrate by ony humayne polecy Euery plante that my heauenly father hath not planted shall be plucked vp by y e rootes Who reioysethe not to heare these thinges yea who triumpheth not to se thē Blyssed are we to whome it hath chaunsed not only to heare these thinges ioyefully but also to se them pleasauntly which hereafter shall vndoubtedly se such thynges mo as shall may be able to prouoke onye faythefull herte seriouslye to reioyse Uerelye althoughe we be occasioned dyuers wayes to gyue God immortal thākes for dyuers gyftes yet me thīke we are most highly boūd to be thākefull for y e re●●●●uciō of his moste holy worde in these our dayes And wo worth them that be vnthanckefull in this behalfe excepte they repent and amende The Scriptures shewe howe y t in y e tyme of kyng Salomon there was so great plēte of syluer at Ierusalem as there was of stones in the stretes What carnall manne would not haue delyghted to inhabite hymselfe there Yet verely in my iudgement we do farre excell y e glorious abundans of Salomon all hys in mundane treasures to whome it is gyuen not only to florysh with worldely goodes but also wyth the incomparable treasures of the spirite So that our condicion at this present doth not a lytle excede passe the state of those Israelites which lyued so gloriously vnder the empyre and dominion of Salomon Certes as concernynge my selfe let God be but a lytle mercifull vnto me yf I had not rather chose to lyue vnder this our moost Christen kynge withe that lytle nothinge that I haue to enioye the benefyte of Goddes worde than to li●e vnder Salomō if he were now alyue there to abunde with all affluence plente of all worldly rytches I am sufficiētly rytch so lōge as I haue y e rytches of Gods word w t me And I doubte not but that of this opinion are so many as tender the glory of God the helthe of theyr owne soules Nowe seynge y e this incōparable treasure inestimable benefite of Gods word is so bounteously gyuen vnto vs let vs all togyther consent w t one mynde to cōserue mayntayne this moste precious Iewel that we lose it not hereafter thorowe our
of diuine litterature godly knowlege wherby the faythfull are inserted planted engraffed in our LORDE Sauioure Christ Iesus but they also vituperate discōmend y e serious payneful endeuours of other which w t al mayne labour to dilate enlarge y e kingedome of God the glory ther of yea and that not without great daunger of theyr helthe as I maye adde nothynge hereto With what spirite such personnes be inflated puffed vp I wyll not here define But certes they very much aberre dissent are estraunged from my sētence iudgement perswasiō For I desyre wysh wyth all my herte that all menne lyuinge were in the bowelles of Christ that the word of Christ myght opulently rytchly abundantly dwell in them withe all wisdome knoweledge be they Turkes Iewes Saracēnes or onye other seynge that there is one LORDE of all sufficiently rytche for so many as call on him in spiryte verite We rede that Moses desired ●o greatly the health saluaciō euē of the grosse Idolaters the Iewes that he estemed his owne wealth fauoure of no price withoute theyr health prosperite yea he wysshed to be blotted out of the boke of lyfe if the people of Israel were not also saued with hym O feruent charite burnynge loue Howe many wayes sought our moost gētle sauiour● Christe also to brynge his enemies to repētaunce Would not he haue gathered them togither as a henne doth her chyckēs yet they would not Dyd not he deplore lamente euē with profuse moost large teares theyr obstinate blynd●nes and blynd obstinacy whā he tofore saw the perelles imminent that were redy to faule vpon them Dyd not he praye for them euen whan they had hanged hym on the crosse Dyd not he suffer his moost blyssed body to be brokē and his moost precious bloud to be shed for theyr redēpciō If they would conuerte amende yea at the last gyue his owne lyfe for theyr saluacion O loue incōparable O charite without measure What nede I rehearse S. Paule which so intierly thyrsted the helth of his kynnesmen the Israelites that for theyr saluacion he wysshed not only to be secluded banysshed but also vtterly accursed frō christ He rather desyred hīselfe to be depriued of eternal saluaciō thā that so many should be cōiect cast into euerlasting dānaciō O true Apostle O spectacle moost worthy to be looked on of all Prelates Bisshoppes Curates Here se we howe feruēt our desyre shoulde be towarde y e sauyng helth of our christē brothers Uerely we oughte not to seake all meanes possible for to brynge them vnto consummate absolute perfecte knoweledge of Christes moost wholesome doctryne but also euen to gyue oure lyues to brynge them vnto Christ as S. Iohn sayth By this we haue knowne loue bycause he hath gyuen his lyfe for vs we are bounde agen to gyue our lyues for the brothers Therfore neyghbours accordynge to the commaundement of that moost noble māne which sayd laboure vntyll I come for the right herty zele that I bare towarde your soules I thyncke it my bounden dutye so longe as we dwell togither to talke with you of the worde of lyfe whiche is able to saue your soules Ye know that at Christmasse last paste I made you a Bancket wher in I proponed set before you four dysshes The fyrste contayned into what great misery we were cast by Adam The seconde howe we ware freely saued by the mercy of God y e Father thorowe Iesus Christe In your thyrde dysh I declared howe we mighte obtayne come by this vnmeasurable boūtie great goodnes of god In the fourth I shewed you what is your duety after we haue receyued these inestimable benefites of God the father thorowe Christ Iesus verely to put of oure conuersacion to become new mē to be plenteous in good workes to dye vnto synne to lyue vnto ryghteousnes dayly more and more to waxe grande auncient in Christ that at the laste we maye attayne come vnto the very perfeccion of christianite These thinges ye haue not forgotten I am sure neyghebours Euse. God forbid brother Philemon y t we shouldebe negligent in theyse thynges that pertayne vnto the helthe of our soules So might we worthely seme to be moost ennemies of oure owne saluacion Phile. I reioyse very muche at it Moreouer syns that tyme ye knowe that not many wekes paste I made you a Potacion for Lent wherin I set before you manye godlye thynges moost worthy to be knowne concerning that tyme of lent Of the holy Sacrament of Penance the partes therof I talked much with you I taught you also howe ye shoulde ●aste accordyng to the wyll of God I also openned vnto you the misteries significicacions of certayne Ceremonies vsed in the Tēples for the tyme of Lent Last of all I de-declared vnto you howe ye shoulde prepare your selues worthely to receue at y e time of Easter y e most blyssed sacramēt of the Altare Al these thynges haue I taught you yea that not in vayne as your quotid●ane fruytes do manifestlye shewe For ye seme vnto me dayely more more to expresse manners worthye your profession so that I perceaue the word of God is not sent to you in vayne but that it brīgeth for the much fruyte in you vnto the glory of God the conforte of the faythful the saluaciō of your owne soules If all men vnto theyr vttermooste possibilite wold likewyse endeuour them selues to bryng forth fruytes accordynge to theyr knowledge verely it should be an occasion that y e Gospell of Christ should excite and store vp meruaylous loues so that it should haue in short space mo frēdes fewer enemies yea and they y t studye to haue Christes doctryne both truely knowne earnestly followed shoulde also no more be blasphemed detracted rayled vpō and yll spoken of but rather animated encouraged to proceade in theyr mooste godly and vertuous enterprises Nowe neyghbours seynge that hyther to ye haue ben no forgetful hearers but obsequious followers and diligente doers of the thynges taught you I thought it not vnfyttyng to caull you once agen vnto me and accordynge to the tyme of the yere to gyue you a Nosegay full of moost redolēt odoriferous floures which maye both expell all pernicious hurtefull sauours also conserue kepe your incolum●te valeaūce both of body mynd Theo. Nothynge can be gyuen to vs more grate acceptable pleasaūt than this your gyfte nowe promised neyther can any thyng at this present beatify vs on suche sorte Chri. No verely this is wtout dout Phil. I shall be the gladder to īpart● it to you But neyghbours knowe this one thyng that euen as your Banket Potaciō were not made of corruptible meate but of suche as permayneth
enemyes that we can be contented not only to do them good but also euē to gyue our lyues to wynne them vnto Christ. It is a poynte of mercy● to helpe my poore neyghbour with my superfluous goodes but it is a poynte of perfeccion to sel all that euer I haue to gyue it to y e poore as Christe sayde to the rytche man If thou wylte be perfecte go and sell all that thou haste and gyue it to the poore thou shalte haue treasure in Heauen and come on thy waye followe me It is a poynt of godlynes to beare an honeste herte towarde the worde of God yet it is much more openly to cōfesse it boldly before men but the very perfecte poynte of godlynes is not only to loue confesse it but also manly to abyde by it euē vnto y e very death if nede so requireth Nowe therfore euē vnto y e moost greatest perfeccion in all thynges ought we to contend labour that we maye walke before God and be perfecte Euse. I thyncke there be but fewe that attayne come vnto this perfeccion Phil. This youre floure is in dede to the carnall man of a bytter and vnpleasaunt sauour but to the spirituall truly regenerate it smelleth sweter thā ony rose Theo. God graunt that we maye once be auncient in Christ. Phile. Labour God wyl helpe Enter in at the streyght gate For wyde is the gate broad is the waye that leadethe vnto destrucion and many there be which go in therat But streyghte is the gate narowe is the waye whiche leadethe vnto lyfe fewe there be that fynde it If ye wyll lyue and reygne in glory with christ ye must suffer with Christe ye muste take y ● Crosse of Christ followe hym Ye must cast awaye all the vayne pleasures and pompes of the world the concupiscences lustes of the fleshe ye must mortifye Satan all hys subtile suggestiōs ye must māfully resist Ye must dye vnto synne and lyue vnto ryghteousnes For christ dyd not enter into glory before he had suffered thyncke ye the gates of heauen to be opēned for you if ye lyue in this world in ioy pleasure after y e flesh Na verely ye maye be sure For y e Apostle sayth yf ye lyue after the flesh ye shal dy But if ye mortify the dedes of y e body in y e spirite ye shal liue And this is it that remayneth of your flour And I vvyll make my couenaunte betvvene me and the and vvyll multiplye the beyonde all measure God commaundynge Abraham to walke before hym and to be perfect addeth this promyse aforefayde hath vndoutedly accōplyshed it Let vs also work before God be perfecte and y e promyse also shal be fulfylled in vs. God wyll multiply vs beyond all measure both in this worlde and in y e worlde to come as Christ sayth ther is no man y ● hath forsaken house or father mother or brothers or wyfe or children for the kyngdome of heauē but y ● shall receaue moche more in thys tyme and in y e world to come euerlastyng lyfe Chri. GOD graunte vs so to walke that we maye be founde worthy this eternal lyfe Phil. wel neighbours seynge that God is almyghty plenteous in power abundant omnisufficient ful of all good nedy of nothynge liberall gentle mercifull redy to helpe at euery houre wholly bente to beatifye and make welthye so many as call on hym in spirite and verite whome would it not delyght to do seruyse vnto such a LORDE to walke before him and to be perfecte seynge that for oure seruyse doynge he wyl encrease and multiplye vs that is to saye gyue vs in thys worlde abundans of all thynges necessary for this our lyfe in the worlde to come euerlastyng glorye Euse. This is a swete floure that ye haue nowe gyuen vs. Theo. I beseche God that we maye smell well of it Chri. Yea and that the sauour maye longe continue in vs. Phil. To that I say Amē For if this cōe to passe ye maye be sure to haue the fauour bothe of God and man whiche of all treasures is the greatest And of this shall ye not fayle if ye labour to walke before God and be perfect which I cal Pure Innocēcy He that is pure from synne and innocent or harmeles in his conuersaciō he muste nedes fynde grace and fauour in the eyes both of god and of all men Therfore dere brothers cleaue stedfastlye to this one verye God almyghty by true faythe as y e onlye Author of all good thynges feare him reuerently as a beneficiall LORDE loue hym tenderlye as a gentle Father and so walke accordynge to his moost diuine pleasure in clennes of lyfe and pure innocēcy without ony faynynge dissimulacion or Hypocrisye that ye maye in this worlde be gouerned of hym in al your Actes thorow his moost holy spirite in the worlde to come enioye the glory eternall Euse. Amē good LORDE Phil. Your duties learned towarde youre selues god I wil now declare how ye ought to be haue your selues toward our moost Christen excelente Kynge and all other rulers that are sent of hym And this shall be the thyrde floure of your Nosegay Theo. Neuer in better tyme. It commeth wel in place Let vs se it I praye you ¶ The thyrde floure called Faythfull Obedience Philemon YE remēber I am sure y ● name of your thyrde floure Theo. Ye named it Faythfull Obedience Phil. Wel remembred Hold here it is Let euery soule be obediēt to the pouers that beare rule For ther is no povver but of God The povvers that be are ordened of GOD. Therfore vvho so euer resistethe the povver resistethe the ordinaunce of God And they that resist shall gette to them selues damnacion c. Howe doth the aspecte of this flour please your eies Chri. It is not only pleasaunte to the eye but it also gyueth a goodly odoriferous confortable sauour to so many as smel on it with purged noses For it sheweth howe we ought to behaue our selues bothe towarde our moost redoubted Kynge all other rulers which are sēt of hym vnto y e prayse of them that do well but vnto the punishement of them that do euell They therfore y t are faythful subiectes must nedes reioyse ī this flour vnfaynedly Phil. Wel sayd Althogh neighbours I do not doubte but that in your conscience ye are assuredly perswaded that the christen magistrates and hyghe powers do reygne rule haue dominion euery one in theyr kyngedome not of theyr owne tyrannye cruell violence and extorte power butte of the authorite of Gods worde the iust appoyntment of the hygh celestiall kyng for the great consolacion and cōforte of his people and for the innumerable cōmodities of the Christen publique weale which of theyr no lesse vertuous than ryghteous regiment
celestiall father ▪ yet not endewedde withe Humilite GOD myghte haue suffered them to haue perysshedde or elles taken vengeaunce on them streyghtwayes accordyng to theyr desertes but he woulde not but rather gentylly and lowly sought them vp apparelled them by this meanes preserued them O example worthy to be followed of all the faythfull Moreouer what Humilite and lowlynes was ther also ī his derely beloued sōne our lord sauiour Iesus Christ Who is able to expresse his humilite lowlynes mekenes It is not without a cause sayde of hym learne of me for I am meke lowly in herte For what doth hys whole lyfe shew but humilite Was he not borne of a poore mayde euen that blyssed virgyne Marye Dyd he not suffer his moost precious body to be wrapped ī vyle and simple cloutes Dydde he disdayne to be borne in a stable to lye in a maūger among brute bestes Was not he subiecte obedient to Ioseph Mary his mother Was not he circūcysed and baptized for our sake Was not he so poore that he hadde not where to reste his heade Dyd not he kepe company wyth Publicans synners and harlottes that he myghte brynge them to grace whome other so greatly dyd abhorre Dyd not he touche the Lepers whome other would scasely vouchsafe once to looke vpō Dyd not he frequent and vse the companye of al diseased that he might heale thē Dyd not he go whyther so euer he was desyred Dyd not he graunt y e peticions of the faythful Dyd not he come rydynge mekely into Ierusalem vpon an Asse withoute onye pompe or pryde Dyd not he washe his Disciples feete Dyd not he beyng in the shape of God and equall with God make hym selfe of no reputacion toke vpon hym y e shape of a seruaunt became lyke another man was founde in his apparell as a manne Dyd not he so humble hymselfe that he became obediente vnto the deathe euen the deathe of the Crosse Dyd not he suffer hys moost spytefull enemies to renne teare his moost blyssed body so cruelly so vnmercyfully so without al pytie that they also dyd shedde the moost precious bloud of his herte O vnspeakable humilite O lowlynes rather to be wondred at than able of ony man to be followed Neither wanteth this humilite in hym at this present Is he not euē nowe also content althoughe glorified receaued īto y e moost blyssed throne of hys celestiall father to becomme our intercessoure mediatour aduocate At the daye of iudgemente also is not he contente to come and featche vnto glory both the bodyes soules of so many as ī this world haue vnfaynedly beleued in hym studiously wroght his diuine wyl Chri ▪ Al these thinges are true that ye haue spokē Phil. Were it not thā a thynge of much absurdite very vnsyttynge for vs whiche professe this our LORDE Christ to be moost alienated estraunged from that vertue which he in his quotidiane conuersacion moost principally exercised Theo. Yies verelye For S. Iohn̄ saythe he that sayth that he abydeth in Christ ought to walke euē as he hath walked Euse. Trueth it is and Christ hymselfe saythe I haue gyuē you an example that as I haue done to you so ye lykewyse shoulde do Phil. Ryght well neyghbours Looke ye do nowe therfore accordynge to your knoweledge Furthermore what Humilite was this in y ● holy Ghoste to come downe so manifestly vpon the Apostles of Christ at the feast of Pentechoste to replenyshe them with all gyftes of grace to enspire īto thē the knowledge of so many tonges was not this a wonderful token of Humilite Doth not that moost holy spirite euen at this daye vouchesafe also to dwell in the hertes of y e faythfull as S. Paule witnesseth Do not ye knowe sayth he that ye are the Tēple of God the spiryte of God dwelleth in you Agayne do ye not knowe that youre members are the Temple of the holy Ghoste whiche is in you whome ye haue of god and ye are not of your selues Seynge than that this vertue Humilite was fyrst vsed practised of God so styl remayneth howe can it otherwise thā be a thīge of great excellency Euse it is trueth GOD graunt vs to remember these thinges that we maye not only professe God by mouthe but also lyuely expresse hym in our actes dayly conuersacion Phil. Well as concernyng the vertue strength of this youre floure called Vnfayned humilite it shal appeare euidently vnto you by declaring what great profyt ensueth therof Chri. This thyng is very necessary to be knowne Let vs therfore heare it I praye you Phil. Humilite maketh vs to be humble and lowly both ī herte body It expellethe the fowle vice of pryde causeth that Philantia that is to say the loue of our selues or the stōding in our owne conceate reygneth not in vs. It maketh vs to abstaine frō dissolute laughing It causeth that we speke nothyng vnaduisedly It prouoketh vs to graūt that we are more vile than ony other vnworthy or vnprofitable vnto ony good thynge It makethe vs lytyll to esteme our selues all our enterprises hyghly to auaunce set forth other It makethe vs not to haue ony delectacion to fulfyll our owne wyll It gyuethe vs an occasion to feare God and to endeuour our selues to do that which he requirethe of vs. It causeth vs to be obedient to our superiours to gyue them all reuerence honour It maketh vs paciently to sustayne all iniuries wronges that are done vnto vs. It engraffeth in vs all kynde of vertues So that it maye ryghte well be named the mother nurse of al goodnes honeste Moreouer Humilite bringethe the grace fauour of God to vs as ye hearde before of S. Peter which sayth God resistethe the proude but to the hūble he gyuethe grace It causethe y e God hath a respecte vnto vs as he sayth by the Prophet vnto whome shall I looke but to the hūble broken in spirite vnto hym that feareth my wordes It makethe that GOD heareth our prayers as the Psalmograph sayth God doth beholde the supplicacions of the humble and he hathe not despised theyr prayers Also the wise mā the prayer of hym that humbleth himselfe shall pearse the cloudes It causeth vs to be exalted as the moost blyssed virgin syngeth He hathe putte downe the mighty frō theyr seate exalted the humble And Christe sayth euery one that exalteth himselfe shall be made low And he that humbleth hymselfe shall be exalted S ▪ Peter also sayth humble youre selues before God that he maye exalte you To be shorte it bryngethe vs vnto the kyngedome of heauen For Christ sayth Excepte ye turne become
as litle chyldrē ye shal not enter into the kyngedom of heauē Who so euer therfore shall humble hymselfe as this lytyl chylde he is greatest in the kyngdome of heauē Chri. This vndoubtedly is an excellent vertue and a floure of muche strength bryngethe to them that haue it manye goodly pleasures godly cōmodities Phil. Agen marke I praye you what made the oblacion of Abel to be so acceptable in the syght of God but Humilite Agen what was the cause that y e Sacrifice of Caim was abhorred of God but his arrogante proude herte stuffed full of rancour malice towarde his brother What was the occasiō that Nohe wyth fewe other were saued from drowenynge but that they were humble in herte and feared god Agayne what was the cause that all the whole worlde besydes thē were drowned but theyr pryde volupteous manner of lyuynge what prouoked God so ofte to walke with Abrahā but his Humilite lowlynes of mynde What moued God to saue Lothe and certayne other for hys sake from that most greuous terrible plage that fell on Sodome Gomorre but y e Humilite of him conioyned with a reuerent feare toward god Agen what caused God to take vengeāce on the Sodomites and to consume them with fyre brymstone frō heauen but only theyr pryde coupled wyth all kynd of volupteous beast lyke yea vnnaturall pleasure What preserued Abraham fromme sleaynge his Sonne Isaac but his humble obedient herte redy to accomplysh the wyll of God in al thinges What made Abraham Isaac Iacob Ioseph with al the holy Patriarches to be so gētylly dealte w t al fauoured both of god mā but theyr Humilite What was y e cause that Dauid was made of a Sheppard a kynge ▪ but Humilite Agen what abiected Saul frō his kingedome empire dominiō but his arrogant proude herte cōioyned w t disobedience towarde the commaūdement of God What caused kinge Asa Iosaphat Ezechias Iosias to worke that which was good in the sight of God but theyr humilite bicause they preferred y e wyll of God before theyr owne carnall iudgemētes Agayne what was the cause y t many kynges as Roboam Ieroboam Abia Nadab Achab Ochozias Achas Manasses Amō Ioiachim Sedechias Nabuchodonosor c. dyd y t which was euell before God but theyr puffed vp hertes proud myndes castyng awaye all feare of God from theyr eyes What exalted the moost glorious virgin Mary so hygh that she became the mother of Christe was alone founde worthy to beare the sonne of God but her humilite as she herselfe witnesseth My soule magnifiethe the LORDE sayth she And my spirite hath reioysed in GOD my Sauiour For he hath looked vpon y e Humilite of his hande mayd beholde bycause of this all generations shal call me blessed Agayne what dyd caste downe Lucifer from Heauen into hell from ioye into payne but pryde What prouoked Christe to chose poore fyssher mē the vile people of this world to set forth the glory of his father but theyr humilite How came it to passe that those simple men yea euen the fooles of the worlde were replete with godly knowlege the proud Pharises the galant Bysshops the huffe nosed prestes the lusty lawers y e sawsy Scribes with all the glisteryng sorte of Hypocrites whiche lyued at that tyme coulde not attayne vnto this science of the diuine misteries whan not withestandynge they chalēged to them selues alone the knowlege of Gods lawe and y e true vnderstandynge of the same Was not theyr pryde arrogancy the cause of this theyr blyndenes What is the cause in these our dayes that the proude papisticall Romanistes can not perceyue y e verite of Gods worde here in Englond suche other lyke places euen y e verye poore base sorte of people are godly learned espy the truethe of Gods wyl Is not pryde cause of y e one Humilite occasiō of y e other As I maye returne vnto the holye Scriptures make an ende what was the cause that the Publicane went home more iustified than the Pharise but that the one was hūble the other proud Ifwe marke diligently we shall easely perceaue y t all good thynges haue euer come to passe thorowe Humilite that pryde hath alway ben y e original begynnynge of all wickednes myschefe Euse. Uerelye this is easye to perceaue Phil. The excellency and vertue of this flour is so great that it causethe S. Austen to crye oute on this manner O holye and worshypfull Humilite thou madest the sonne of God to come downe into the wombe of holy Marye the virgine Thou madest hym to be inuolued wrapped in vile cloutes that he myght clothe vs wyth the ornamentes of vertues Thou dyddest circumcyse hym in the flesh that he shoulde circūcyse vs in the mynde Thou dydest scourge hym corporally that he myghte delyuer vs from the scourge of synne Thou dyddest crowne hym with thornes that he should crowne vs with his eternal Roses Thou madest hī to be sycke which was the Phisicion of all mē healyng all thynges with his word alone that he myght heale thē that are sycke Humilite sayth Saynte Bernarde is the stedfast foundaciō of vertues whiche if it be omitted let passe the cōgregacion gatherynge togither of vertues is none other thynge than a very ruine or decay of them For it debelleth and valeauntly ouercōmeth the enemy of all grace I meane pryde whiche is the begynninge of all synne S. Gregory sayth also that Humilite is the beginnyng of vertues in vs that they which know not Humilite that is the mother of vertues loose y e vse profyt of theyr labour Agayne he sayth he that gathereth togyther vertues without Humilite maye well be compared to hym that bringeth dust into the wynde Thus haue I declared vnto you y ● excellency great vertue of youre fyrst floure what cōmodities ensue of it Chri. If these thynges hers taught were knowne vnto al men it woulde vndoubtedly encourage them to reiecte P●ide enbrase Humilite Phil. Alas dere neyghbours wherfore or wherof shoulde we be proude Of oure wisdome or rytches Who amonge mortall menne was euer able to cōpare with Salomō eyther in wisdome or rytches Yet for all that vnto what poynte came he Dyd not he faull vnto all kynde of dissolute volupteous lyuynge Dyd he not forsake y ● God of Israell fell vnto Idolatry It is not withoute a cause sayde Let not the rytche mā glory in his ritches nor the wyse man in his wysdome For what are rytches wysdome yf they be not godly iustely vsed but only instrumentes of tyrāny vnrighteousnes The wyse man is indued wythe wyt for thys purpose that with his wisdome he shoulde healpe the simple playne people which want