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A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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sincere preaching vnder such vain titels after the mind of Zacharye but very shamful Idols in déede Their decres decretals cōstitucions canons rules statutes prouinciall sinodall traditions lawes fatherly customes vsages not groūded vpon gods cōmaūdemēts are very diuelishnes hipocris● blasphemīg the name of god For why to haue the name of blasphemy vpō their heads is none other thā vnder a glorious title to maītain that thing which is blasphemous glorifying themselues in the same The vngodly saith Dauid with mocks hath disdained the Lord with open mouth hathe vttered wickednesse against God 5 And the strange fashioned beaste saith S. Iohn whome I saw in this vision was like in similitude to a cat of the mountaine full of many coulored spots in token of inconstancy varietie and ficklenesse 6 His féete wer as the féete of a bear fierce rough and ill fauored in signification of crueltie stubburnnesse vncleannesse 7 And his mouth séemed as the mouth of a Lion declaring him to be full of pryde rauin excesse To such beasts as here are mencioned cōparith Daniell vnder hidden mistery certaine mightie kingdomes of the world As to the Lions which here is caleld a Lion for the more crueltie now vsed thā was in those daies the proud kingdomes of the Assirians Caldeans To the beare the cruell kingedomes of the Medes and Parthianes And vnto the Cat of the mountaine the vnstedfast kingedome of the Grekes Of pryde spoile and rgbbery are the Assirians Caldeans condemned by Esaye Nahum and Abacuck the prophets The Medes Parthians held captiue the people of god as witnesseth Hester Paralipomenō Esay The Grekes most spightfully were bent against them vnder the cruell king Antiochus as in the Machabes is euident No abhomination nor mistery of iniquitie as Paule calleth it was euer founde in these kingdomes but now reigneth manifould in the detestable papacie or monstruous kingedome of Antichrist as all the worlde may sée No where was euer more pryde vanitie and cruelnesse Idolatry horedome and filthinesse hipocrisie falsehoode and ficklenesse extorcion vaineglory couetousnesse sorcery supersticion and vnfaithfulnesse More than all the vnfaythfull kingdomes vnder heauen haue this sodomiticall spiritualtie defyled with theyr witchery the holy temple of God which is the Christen church They haue most shamefully abused gods chosen people which are the vessels ordeyned to his glory They haue holden his frée seruants most miserable captiue vnder their wycked decrées and tradicions The crueltie of Pharao Antiochus and Caiphas compared to theyr tyranny is but as it were a play dalliance or shadow In them is all lechery and vncleannesse all raginge lustes and wantonnesse all fleshly abuses and beastlinesse no naturall order obserued Nothing in a maner are the cruell constitutions made against the Iewes by the suggestions of Aman and by Antiochus to their wicked lawes and ordinances For they were onely againste the body theirs are against mens soules So that the papistical kingedome of antichrist are to be séene both the Lyon the Beare and the cat of the mountayne they not onely participatinge with all vnfaythful regions but also doubling with thē in al abhominatiōs vnder the Sky The mouth they haue of a Lion roaring out euermore blasphemies curses bytternesse The féete of a bear signifieth their rauenous affections rūning vnto all pernicious euills very swift also to the sheddīg of bloud As Cats of the moūtain they are spottid with diuers fickle fātasies in sects obseruations ceremonies ryts lawes customes no wher stedfast vniforme but euery wher variant foolish And worthy they are to be forsakē of god to be left to the spirit of errours lies to their damnation that so contēneth the veritie of god 8 More ouer the dragon saith s. Iohn which is sathan the diuel gaue ouer vnto this beast or curssed generation of antichrist beīg his bestial body al his whole power his blasphemous seate his mighty authoritie To geue thē his power is no more but to fyl thē with crafts subtilties wiles malice fraud and deceit and to make them apt to seduce the simple or to able them to all falsehood wittie gile To admit thē his seat is to leaue them here a kingdom of vaine glory hipocrisie abhominable Idolatry To graunt thē his ful authority is to worke in thē all lying singes wonders throughe deceiuable doctrine strōgly to delud the vnbeluers to their greater damnacion 9 To this power of the dragon is no power comperable vpō earih No power is able to suppresse it onlesse it cōmith frō aboue is geuen vnto vs from the father of light as is the strong gyfte of faith Thus is this great antichrist a king with sathan ouer all the children of pryde With Lucifer he vsurpeth the seat of God sitting in the consciēces of men euermore boasting himselfe to be in gods stede seducing the people of the worlde finally ouercomming them by bringing them into all kindes of errour 10 And as concerning the seat lyke as Christ our lord sitteth in the throne of God reigninge with his eternall father in méekenesse so sitteth he in the throne of sathan with his father the diuel in al pride and blasphemie As touching the power lyke as Christ had his power of God so hath he his power of the diuel Like as Christ is full of grace and verity and of his fulnes all they haue receiued that truly haue beleued in him so is this antichrist full of hate falsehed and all other iniquite of whose errours and lies the vnbeleuers haue tasted Like as the holy spirit of Christ hath wrought in his louers the misterie of truth goodnesse so hath the erronius vnclen spirit of this antichrist wrought the mistery of his wickednes in chrstes enimies since his deathe and asscencion 11 And finally as conserning authoritie like as Christ beinge man toke power of God to doo such mirakles as none els could do so dyd he of the deuil being his wretched body to work prodigiuos maruels wonders in hipocrisy among the vnfaithfull multitude by the secret fufferance of god So that in all peruerting power supremite and authoryty he foloweth his father sathā yea in euery point For like as he depriued simple Iob a man that feared god of his substāce cattell chilldren and seruauntes and vexed him in his flesh with most greuouse botches so doth this gredy Leuiathan this malicious murtherer the man of sinne body of the diuel with his deuourig locoustes robbe the poore people of their sweat labours trauaile and nessary liuing sparing neither sicke nor succourlesse poore widow nor fatherles no goods gottē by theft mans slaughter extorcion bribery pollage idolatry bandry al other vngodlines comming to thē amisse in their priuat confessions And that is most to be lamented they defile their soules with al supersticions fals beleue and deuilishnesse leauing their conciences all doutfull desperat comfortles Finanally to
ascend in soule by the spirite and power of God and I will shewe vnto thée thinges wonderfull and such as must without fayle be fulfilled in euerie poynte hereafter by the vnuariable ordinaunce of God 4 And as it had bene in a thought I was sodenly by the Lordes power taken vp I was in the spirit in déed secluded frō all carnal imaginatiōs 5 And anon I was ware of a beautifull seat prepared in heauen which moued mee to consider that before the constitution of the world almightie God had appoynted by his spirite to raygne in his faithful church For I sawe that one sate vpon that seate as vpon the beautifull throne of his glorie No where els raigneth God but among his chosen people Hée dwelleth not in Temples made by hand he resteth not in houses of mās preparation Is the kingdom of God any where els thē within man Hath God any Temple that hee more fauoureth then mans faithfull harte 6 And he that gloriously sate vpon that comely seate was lyke by all similitude to a Iasper stone and resembled also a precious stone called a Sardine Betokening that his raign is durable strong his power firme and invariable his glorie cléere and precious and that he him selfe is as the red Iasper beautifull and orient and as the gréene Sardine freshe fayre and neuer fading that man shuld euer be desirous of him Whose will to consider is our felicitie and whose pleasure to folow is our perfectnesse 7 And there was a fayre raynbow about that glorious seate in sighte like a smaragde or an Amarald stone Which signifieth his perpetuall couenaunt of peace loue to all them that haue fayth which are so deare vnto him as is the apple of hys owne eye or as that thing which hee desyreth most And no lesse precious the sayde couenaunt is then the fresh Ameralde with his amorous hew and beautifull shewe of loue that wée should the rather couette it For nothing is more auydyously to be desyred then is the swéete peace of God 8 And about that excéedyng fayre seate or empyre of the Lorde were xxiiij other meane seates appointed which put me anon in remembraūce of charitie pacience stedfastnesse loue ioy peace temperance iustice knowledge of god méeknesse other fruites of fayth with innumerable giftes of the holie ghost wherein the seruauntes of God hath afore tyme and still doeth continually rest elders or notable auncient men sitting Which séemeth vnto me to be Abell and Noe Abraham Dauid Moyses and Helyas Ioseph Iohn Baptist the Prophets and Apostles the Preachers Martyrs with such other lyke To whom Christ promised in the regeneration to sitte with him vpon xij seates iudging the xij tribes of Israel These set numbers in the scripturs of xxiiij or of .xij. such lyke noteth certaintie in the promisse of God towards them which are in themselues without number 10 And the foresayd elders or men of rype discretion were cloathed in white rayment or apparell of innocencie according to the commaundement of the holye Ghost For their works were pure and cleane before God rysing only of fayth and were neuer defyled with the filthie traditions of men 11 They had also vpon their heads as myghtie rulers and gouernours crownes of fyne golde in token that they had héere the gouernance in his worde and shall hereafter be partakers with Christ in his heauēly kingdome and glorie 12 Great is the maiestie of the trone of God and the power muche For from his heauenly seate into the vniuersall world procéeded lightnings and thunderings and voyces which are the manyfolde and dyuers respectes of his worde For a fearfull lightenyng it is when it rebuketh throweth downe and condempneth the sinner It is a terrible thundering when it feareth threateneth and commaundeth thynges contrarie to the fleshe And it is a solacious voyce agayne when it rayseth reléeueth and quickeneth the desolace conscience with comfortable promises And full is all the scripture of these which commeth from Syon and the swéete worde of God whyche commeth from Hierusalem 13 And there were seuen lampes of flamyng fyre burnynge before the sayde trone of God which are the seuen spirites of God or the vniuersall giftes of the holie ghost prefigured in the scriptures by the seuen lightes of one Candelsticke the vij eyes of one stone and by vij hornes and eyes also of the lambe These shewe light euermore before Gods sight The church without them in no wyse can be the trone of God 14 And before the sayd seate there was as it had béene a sea of glasse a plentifull vnderstanding of the veritie fyrst giuen vnto Christ by the father and then vnto the church or cōgregation by the spirite of Christ. And this sea was lyke vnto a Christall cléere beautifull and pure without any corruption of humaine fantasies 15 In the middest of that heauenly seate in the circuite of the same were iiij beastes séene of diuers nature and shape not signifying the iiij greater Prophetes nor yet the iiij Euangelistes as no small number of doctors hath fantasied but rather the vniuersall number of all faithful beleeuers earnest setters foorth of the veritie in the foure quarters of the whole world And this may be gathered by the noyse of their wings in Ezechiel by their crying of sanctus sanctus sanctus by their shewing of mysteries of the opened seales of the booke as héereafter foloweth By whom are to be vnderstande the sincere openings of Gods word and the continuall praysing of his glorious name These beastes are in the middest of the seate or congregation of God when they teach them and exhorte them to persist in the trueth They are also in the circuite of the same when they diligently labour to defende them from the doctryne of diuils and errours of hypocrites 16 These beastes were full of faire eyes before and behinde Which is a cléere knowledge in the mysteryes of Gods word The sincere fauorers of Gods heauenly truth doth sée many wonderful things and know many secrete maruels not only concerning matters past but also of iudgements to come So many eyes haue they as they haue perceyued veryties For they once made spirituall by fayth discerne all things They are taught of God And the holy ghost doeth lead them into all trueth THE TEXT 1. And the first beast vvas lyke a Lyon 2. The second beast lyke a Calfe 3. and the third beast had a face lyke a man 4. and the fourth beast vvas lyke a flying Egle. 5. And the foure beasts had eche one of them sixe vvings 6. And round about vvithout and vvithin they vvere full of eyes 7. And they had no rest neyther day nor night saying Holy holy holy is the Lorde God almightie vvhich vvas and is is to come 8. And vvhen those beastes gaue glorye and honour and thankes to him that sate on
hath their hartes in his hand and iudgeth their thoughts Both may he giue them his spirite and also take it from them and of his enimyes hée shall make his footestoole He is the same ●●one after Daniell that without any handes was cutte out of the mounte which breaketh the Iron the copper the earth the siluer and the Golde in péeces By whom are ment the vniuersall kingdomes of this world 12 Of this his victory are all they parteners with him which are vpon hys syde by fayth Most specially those true seruaunts of his which after they are called by grace and chosen by fayth perseuer still constant feruent faythfull and sure in hys veritie to the latter ende of theyr liues 13 Not only the Lambe therfore shal ●uercome the beast but they also after the doctrine of Paule that are called and chosen in him not falling from his truth for any temptation or grief but standing fast by it vnto the very death For those that the Lorde hath prefixed afore he hath called iustified and allowed These auanceth not them selues with the proude but méekly they submit theyr crownes referring all victory to the Lambe as men that could haue done nothing in y● behalf without him THE TEXT 1 And he said vnto me 2. The vvaters vvhich thou savvest vvhere the vvhore sitteth 3. are people and folke and nations and tongues 4. And the ten hornes vvhich thou savvest vpon the beast 5. are they vvhich shall hate the vvhore 6. and shall make hir desolate naked 7. and shall eate hyr flesh 8. and burn hyr vvith fyre 9. For God hath put in their harts to fulfill his vvill 10. and to doe vvith one cōsent 11. for to giue hir kingdome vnto the beast 12. vntil the words of God be fulfilled 13. And the vvomā vvhich thou savvest is the great citie 14. vvhich reigneth ouer the king● of the earth The Paraphrase 1 And after thys long communicatiō sayth Sainct Iohn the afore sayd Angell sayde thus vnto me to make vp his tale with 2 The wauering waters which thou sawest héere now of late in misterye where as the Babilonish whore sitteth vpon the rose coloured beast are in signification all maner of peoples of the carnall nations and the supersticious folke of many sundry tongues 3 Not onely in one place of the worlde ruleth this wanton religion of Antychrist but in euery lande in euery dominion in euery company among all occupacions languages The foolysh multitude euery where being blynded by their subtile sorceryes and neyther hauing fayth nor yet the feare of God before theyr eyes as a raging flood the banckes broken downe runneth headlings into all blasphemy and diuillishnesse 4 Moreouer the a fore named ten hornes sayeth the Angell which thou by the wil of God beholdest here in spirite vpon the sayd beast of distructiō are those very persōs which also shal hate the whore Hir abhominations once knowne by the Gospel preaching they shall abhorre hir lawes dispise hyr authoritie cōtempne hir customs They shal defeat hir of those lands possessions which now shée vniustly holdeth 5 They that afore were hir friends shal than be hir mortall enymies denying hir both tribute obedience seruice so leauing hir without all comfort Not only are these the temporal gouernours as the King of England the Kyng of Denmarke the Duke of Saxon the Lādgraue of Hesse and other Princes of Germany with such other as wil here after followe the same principles but also the Metropolitanes and bishops the Doctors and Prelates As are already Thomas Cranmere the Archebishop of Caunterbury Hermanus de Weda the Archbishop of Coleyn Godrick the Bishop of Hely Barlow the bishop of Sainct Dauids Byrde the Bishop of Chester Thurleby bishop of Westminster Hugh Latimer Nicolas Shaxton of late yeares Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury with such other lyke as will here after followe theyr trade Though they were afore the horns of the beast for defence of the whore yet are they now fallen from him more shall euery day to make hir desolate of honour and naked of rentes and possessyons 6 So shal they chase that Babilonish harlot Rome with their prechers that neyther shal they leaue hir couler nor yet bewty Consider what Iohn Reuclin Martin Luther Erasmus Ocolampadious Zwinglius Pomeran Bucer Capito Melanthon Grineus Caluinous Brencius Frances Lamberte Bullinger and such other hath don against hir alredy Likewise here in Einglād Bilnee Tindale Frith Barnes Cromwel Couerdale Turner Gorge Ioy Rose Ridley Ward Becon and other els leauing her neither Reliques nor Robes sectes nor Shrynes Abbeyes nor Priores many more comming after them of the same sort These shal make her so desolat that no man shall in proses of tyme regard hir They shall leue hir so naked that all the worlde shall abhorre hyr that shal loke vpon hir Yea in the conclusion they shal eat hyr fleshe 7 Besides the taking away of hir carnall prophites and plesuers they shal confound hir fleshly vnderstanding of the scriptuers utterly consume the superfluous obseruacions of hir whorishe cerimonies 8 Finally with fyre shal they burne hir in bringing vnto nought al hir abhomynable rules customes and kindes of idolatry All these once plucked away by the euident worde of God no lenger shall this harlot appere For no lenger continueth the whore then the whoredom is in price Take away the rites and cerimonies the Iewels and ornaments the Images and lightes the Lordeshippes and fatherhodes the aulters and masses with the Bishops and Priestes and what is their holye whorishe church any more Not onely is this flesh eating and bur̄ing declared now a daies in outwarde experimentes as in the rebellious Monkes and Priestes of Englande and in thē that arose there in the North specially in fryer Forest and Margarete Cheny which were for their church cōsumed like as were Baales chaplayns at the broke of Cison by Helyas but also mistically in that is spoken of hir afore 9 For God hath saith the Angel al blindenesse secluded put it into the hartes of those and such other godlye mē by the infusiō of his spirit to fulfil his decréed wil pleasure in this behalf as vtterly to distroy the popish religiō or filthy abhominations of Antichrist 10 He hath giuē it thē moreouer to doe these thīgs to his glory throgh the agréement of faith that they haue in the vnitie of his godly truth to the abolishment of all sects false prophets cōiurers of egipt 11 Finally by his grace he hath moued them through knowledge of his word to rēder vp hir blasphemous kingdom whom sometime of ignorance they vsurped vnto the malignaunt beast again as the horns of his pestilent heads After this sorte did good Latimer Shaxton giue ouer their bishoppricks so haue diuers other godly men their promocions liuings as many more yet here after will doe 12 For as they haue begonne so shall they cōtinue in diminishyng the
glory In the strong faith of his name and word stande these worthie witnesses agaynst the whole swarme of Antichristes not once remouyng their fote from the rock which is Christ also for no persecution nor death 3 These hath cryed and yet shall crye still to the worldes ende with a mightie loude voyce or a sure constant spyrite Earnestly shall they protest and publish vnto the fethered foules of the ayre that flye by the middest of heauen by whome are vnderstanded the méeke sprited multitude made spirituall by fayth and by knowledge of heauenly misteries 4 These as flying byrdes are taken vp from vnpure delightes leauing at their tayles all corruptible thinges They lift vp them selues aboue them selues haue their cōuersatiō in heauē vnfainedly Yea these are those gentil soules whom the heauenly father aboūdantly féedeth without theyr deseruings Such a soule was faithfull Abraham in Mesopotamia Moyses in Synai Helias in Carme Danyell among the Lyons the children of Israel in the wildernesse Paul in Damascus Iohn in Pathmos and many other more which afterward became Angels also in the sunne or teachers in Christ. And this not onely hath ben but shall be also stil to the worlds end the tenour of their crye 5 Come you that haue receyued the veritie from the heauy and carefull cures of this worlde and gather your selues togither into the vnitie of one faith and spirite Knit your selues togither in christian loue whiche is the cheayne of perfection let the peace of God which passeth all wit kéepe your hartes and vnderstandyngs in Christ Iesu that ye may be counted worthye your christien vocation 6. And so prepare your selues as hys louinge frindes vnto the bounteous supper of the almightye God whiche is the eternall refection of soule that ye may be fed with his most precious delicates Learne of the word of God what is his heauenly wyll and folow it in your works Flée therby from all worldly lusts liue soberly iustly godly here abyding his glorious aperāce 7 So order your selues in liuing doctrine that ye may eate the flesh of kings or take frō the worldly gouernors by your godly preaching al that is filthy carnall 8 Consume the fierce flesh of the captayns in plucking thē frō crueltie mallice 9 Denowre the froward flesh of mē that be mighty in power possessiōs cause thē to leaue their superfluous vanities 10 Spare neither horses nor yet those that sit vpō them but byte both theyr fleshes harde Rebuke both the beastly Antichrist the prince that is ruled by him 11 Plucke from those belly Gods byshops and priestes their pompes lecherous pleasures from those that follow them in superstitions the cruell persecuting of innocents 12 See that no flesh be left vntouched neither of frée men nor bonde men rulers nor subiects maisters nor seruāts Neyther of small nor great poore nor riche low nor high but be doing with thē all Play as doth the Egles other rauening fouls Wher as ye sée a dead carkasse or body without faith spirit thither resort ye apace Tell euery man his right offyce Exhort the kyng to be learned and to liue in the fear of the Lord. The prince to be wise and the Iudge to be godly Bid the graunde captaynes be faythfull to theyr commons and the great rich men more mercyfull to the poore Commaūde the carnall hypocrites no longer to dissemble their vndiscréets clients no longer to folow thē in darknesse Require them no longer to ney after their neyghbours wyues lyke ●ancke stoned horses the other no lōger to pamper them vp to all beastlye vices Charge the gouernours to rule faithfully the commō people to obey louyngly Sée that the woman obeye theyr husbandes the chyldren theyr fathers the seruants theyr maysters And agayne that the men be louing to theyr wyues gentyle to theyr chyldren fauourable to their seruants Open the foure cornerde shéete as did Peter Sley all maner of foure footed beastes of the earth vermin wormes and foules of the ayre eat them Rebuke them with pacience whatsoeuer they be tyrāts persecutors murtherers glottons Antichristes extortioners ribalds Idolatours théeues and pluck from them their filthye and carnall customes Ye shall eate the flesh saith Ezechiell of the worthyes and drink the bloud of the princes of the land of the wethers of the lambs of the gotes and of the oxen that be al slayne at Basan THE TEXT 1 And I savv the beast 2. And the kings of the earth and their warryers 3. Gathered together 4 To make battayle 5. Against hym that sate vpon the horse 6. And against hys souldiours 7. And the beast was taken 8. And with him that fals prophet 9. That tought miracles before him 10. With vvhich he deceiued them that receiued the beasts mark 11. And thē that worshipped his Image 12. These both werre caste quick into a ponde 13. Of fyre burning vvith brimston 14. And the remnaunt were slaine vvith the svvord of him that sate vpō the horse 15. Which svvord proceedeth out of his mouth 16. And all the soules vvere stuffed vvith their flesh The commentary 1 Anone after this I behelde saith S. Iohn the great horible beast that rose out of the sea that battailed with the Saintes and that beare the greate whore of Babilon which is the generall Antichrist 2 I saw also following him the cruell kinges of the earth and their host of bloudy warriours the mitered bysshops of his beastly kingdome with their great bellied monks and priestes the malicious tirants of the world with their mad moodye magistrates and slaues 3 These gather them selues togeather in one minde of mischiefe hath done since Christes assencion They muster in aray as dyd Pharaoes host they buskle together as dyd Cayphas hyered knights in the dark with fyre brands and weapons 4 To make fierce war or very sharp battaile against the most valiant capitayne Iesus Christe which sate vpon the aforesayde whit horse and against mighty stomaked soldiours of his faithful army of true christiās Neuer was the holy gospell yet sincerely taught the glory of God proponed and the inordinate liuings of men reprehended but such vprore of hipocrits and suche tumulte of tyrantes hath followed 5 The word of the Lord is alwayes of one nature to be the marke of contradiction and rocke of reproch Horsemen for the more parte are these malicious warriours against Christ his word sturred prouoked and set foreward by the beastly bishops None other caused Herode Pylate to put Christ vnto death but Annas Caiphas Non other moued Felix the president of Iury to emprison Paule but the puffed vp prelate Ananias Traianus the Emperour would neuer so extremely haue persecuted the Christian church nor yet other cruell tyrauntes euer since had they not béene propped forewarde by such pampred palfraies of the diuil 6 Not onely agaynst Christ doe they moue this bold battail but also against those that faithfully
of God mans wickednesse deseruing none other A full libertie shall he haue to do all myschiefe vpon earth and strongely to delude the vnbeleuers for their vnbeleues sake 3 He shall go fourth with all deceytefull power wherof he is full transforming himselfe into a resemblaunce of the Angell of lyght to deceyue the vniuersall people of the world 4 Through the operation of erroure he shall cause them to giue credence vnto lies and false myracles that they myght be dampned for refusing the truth and consentinge to such wyckednesse Uery crafty shall he compasse thē with gynnes of hypocrisye too blinde theyr vnfaythfull myndes leaste the lyghte of the gospell shoulde be open vnto thē The abhomination of desolacion shall he set vp in the holy place to the vtter destruction of theyr fayth 5 Yea he shall séeke out this people from each iiii quarters of the vniuersall earth to corrupt their consciences with all maner of supersticions 6 Which people of him thus peruerted is called here in misteri Gog Magog which is as much to say as couered of reuered For both the graūd capitains and multitudes of thē depending doth these two words cōprehend the one couering the diuel with many false religiōs the other in his sorte folowing the same wicked cōsent S. Augustine in his .xx. ●ooke de ciuitate dei willeth by Gog to be signified the glorious hipocrites of the world by Magog the opē enimies of rightuousnesse pretēding the contrary as testifieth Berrosus the Caldeane in the first booke of his histories fyft chap. Gog was a mighty gouernour in the landes of Sabea and Arabia the ryche vnder Nemroth the great Kinge of Babilon and their ruled wyth Sabus his father in the .xviii yere of hys reigne In the .xxxviii. chapter of Ezechiels Prophecy is he called the chiefe prynce of Mosoche Turball whom some expositours take for Capadoce Spayne But after the opinion of saint Hierom and Isidorus whych was a Spanayrde the Hebreues doth take this Thurball for Italye whyche is muche more agreable to this purpose Magog was the second sonne of Iaphet whyche was the third sonne vnto Noe. Thys Magoge as wytnesseth Iosephus in the first booke of his antiquities the xj Chapter was the first beginner of the Magogytes whome the Grekes called the Scitheanes wée now the Tartareanes And al the chiefe wryters specyfieth the Turkes of thē to haue takē their first originall Now marke thys wonderfull misterye consider therein both the tyme story So shall ye well perceiue the holy ghost to meane none other hereby this Gog and Magoge but the Romish Pope Mahomete with their blasphemous and wicked generations Serche the Cronicles and ye shall finde that their beginninges were base and their estate simple before the thousand yeares were finished But after that they grewe vp so high by theyr fayned simplicitie and simulate holynesse that they became the .ii. chefe Monarkes of the earth and so in processe ruled the vniuersall world These are the .ij. horns or beastly kingdomes of the great Antichrist or whole bodye of the Diuell rysyng vp by the earthly studyes and diuelysh deuises of wicked men By the doctrine of Aristotle Plato Porphirie Auicenne Auerois Auenzoar and such other became the Romish Pope Christes vycar and head of the vniuersall churche Petrus Lombardus created him a newe diuinitye so dyd Gracianus monachus a newe Cannō law of decrées to establyshe the same besydes that was done thā by Petrus Conmestor the thirde brother For all they thrée were the chyldrē of one aduoutrous mother as witnesseth Antoninus Hermannus Schedel Ioannes Textor and diuerse other Chronographers By the crafti cōueyaunce of Sergius a false Monke of Constantinople and of one Mathew the Archdeacon of Antioche was Mahomete taken for the Apostle of both testamētes for the great Prophet of God and for Messias among the Tartareanes and Arabies wtth other peoples of the East To establish this by a pretensed religyon and to bring it to a myghty monarchy by the aduisement of Phinées Abdias Cabalchabar Balteira Merban and Elgug with other Iewes Iacobynes Nestorianes and Arlyanes they made the blasphemous lawe of their Alchorane as testifyeth Iohn Cuspiniane in his boke de Turcarum origine and other auctors else Thus for the wickednesse and sinnes of the people suffered the Lorde abhominable hypocrites to haue the domynion ouer them The two hornes are lyke the Lambes hornes at a blushe For boeth they pretende holynesse in fastinges in praiers in almesse dedes in washings in other holy rytes and ceremonies That a mā seing thē not hauing knoweledge of the truth of god which trieth all wolde thinke nothing to be more pure honest godly innocēt cleane holy angleycke than are their tradicions Both they confesse one God Both they commende christ Both they allowe the scriptures of both lawes Mahomete callerh Christ the worde of God the spirite of God and the soule of God the most excellēt Prophet and the worthiest among creaturs But in no case wyll hée haue hym taken for the sonne of GOD no more than the Pope wyll haue hym taken for a full sauyour wythout hys masses and suffrages And lyke as the Pope hath rysen vp by the wilye practyses of Phylosophers Sophysters Sentencioners and Canonystes so hath Mahomete commen vp by the Sobellianes Manyches Eunomyanes Macedonianes Nestoreanes and Arryanes with other heretiques Out of whose opinyons was contriued hys Alchorane as a meane lawe betwyxt Moyses and Christ bicause the one saye they was too ful of hardnesse the other too full of libertie And to call vpon him both Iewes Christianes he admytteth after a sort both Circumcision and Baptyme graunting them lybertie to haue many wiues with other voluptuous pleasures 7 Thus vnder simulate religion or pretence of Gods lawe seruyce these two tyrauntes Gog and Magog the Romysh Pope Mahomete with their whole generatiōs of like spirite wyth thē haue gathered thē selues together into one wicked consent against god his christ For vnder Gog Magog are al they cōprehēded whō sathā deceiued after that he was set at larg though these two haue not accorded in other things yet haue they boeth agréed in this one poynt by the Diuels entycement to battayle agaynst the lambe To withstande the veritie and impugne the truth of the Gospel they haue bene readye euery where in euery lande in euery cytie and in euerye towne Of one cruel purpose and study to do mischyefe haue these two enymies bene in all places of the world to persecute Christes poore congregation This thing doth the daily practises of them both so manifestly declare that all the worlde se it well inough These doeth Esay call that strong multitude whose spoyle Christ shall deuyde the smith that bloweth the colles in the hote fyre and the waster that destroyeth Ezechiel doeth compare them to a raging tempest Daniell to the King of the Northe and Zachary to
from the vntowarde and wicked generation for their vnbeleuers sake yet will it be playn ynough to the faithfull beleuers instauntlye calling vpon him which hath the key of Dauid to open vnto them the dore of his infallible verities They shall be sure to finde there that shall richly delyght them and that will greatly replenishe the most wholesome desire of their ●oules concerning their necessary saluation in Christ. The more the figuratiue speech aboundeth heere the more let them conferre it with the other scriptures without all honyed colours of retoricke or of crafted philosophy specially with those which of their owne nature iointly agreeth to the same Nothing ought heere to be sought of curiositie but of loue towards God for defence of his most pure doctryne and for auoydance of the craftie snares of the viuel A perfect preparation is it to a cōstant soule when the battayle is seene afore the ende thereof knowne and the remedies learned Heere are we admonished afore hande of two most daungerous euils neyther to agree to those tyrantes which battayleth with the Lambe in his elect members nor yet to obey those deceiptful bishops that in hipocrisie vsurpeth the churches tytles Of suche tirryble plagues of vengeaunce as were comming towardes the Israelites the Lorde euer warned them afore by his Prophets And none was there that escaped them so cleerely as they dyd whiche regarded those warninges watching euermore the conclusions of them Much lesse harme felte they of Antiochus Epiphanes that had redde Daniels prophecy afore and marked it then they which knewe it not when the Tyraunte came vpon them Through dyligent expecration in the fayth of Gods promises receyued iust Symeon and Anna the sauiour of the world in hys tender infancie Mencion maketh the holy Ghost heere of Gog and of Magog two tirryble fierce enymies to Christes congregation and sheweth afore hande their purposed mischieues Let vs not suppose it to be a fable that he so earnestly telleth vs. Neyther let vs thinke but this warning is of loue if we liste so to take it and accept it for a trueth Immedyately after the Apostles preaching was this prophecie giuen to the Christian church which hath bene alwayes a smal congregation least they shoulde vnbewares at the subtile suggestions of these two enimyes throwe asyde the sinceritie of Christes Gospell So gloryous are the pretenses of the Romysh Pope and Mahomete that they seeme vnto them whyche regarde not these warnings the verye Angelles of lyghte and theyr churches most holy congregations being very diuels with their filthy dregges of darkenesse The Pope in his church hath ceremonyes without number None ende is there of their babling prayers their portases beads temples aulters songes houres belles Images Organes ornamēts Iewels lights oylings shauings religions disguisings dyuersitie of feasts cōstrained vowes fastings processions and pratlings that a man would think they wer proctours of Paradise On the other side Mahomet in his church is plentuous also in holy obseruations They washe them selues oft they frequent their temples they pray fiue tymes in the day they reuerently inclyne they lye prostrate vpon the grounde they feruently call to God they are temperate in feedyng not curious in theyr buyldynges they abstayne from wyne they abhorre Idolles they hate them that are proude and commende all sobernesse And these vertuys haue they to appeare most innocent liuers But vnto what ende thys holynesse leadeth the sequele heereof declareth Daniell ●aketh these two but one bycause they are both of one wicked spirite and reporteth his blasphemous mouthe to vtter presumptuous things Sainct Iohn sayeth also that the Dragon speaketh blasphemyes against God in them both Marke both their voyces and ye shall fynde these sayings most true The Pope maketh hys boast hee is the highe priest hee is of equall power with Peter he can not erre he is heade and spouse of the church and he is Christes immedyate vicar By this braulyng boaste hee maketh men to beleue he may constitute lawes kepe vnder the Gospell distribute kyngdoms sell promocions and benifices set vp a Purgatorie prouyde satisfactions make new bodyes to Christ redeme dead mens soules and remit sinne for money Mahomete braggeth also that he is the great prophet the promises Messias the Apostle of both testamēts abled both by the law the gospel that he hath his name frō the eternall throne of God He is well contented that Christ be an holy Prophet and a most worthie creature yea the word of God the soule of God and the spirit of God conceiued of the holy ghost and borne of Mary the virgin but he will in no case graunt hym to be the sonne of God nor that he dyed here for mans redemp●ion Both these two mayntayners of mischief alloweth Moyses lawe the Psalter the Prophets and the Gospell yea they commende them auaunce them sing them reade them honour them and reuerently vse them in all their doyngs Yet will they haue their owne filthy lawes preferred aboue them the Pope his execrable decrees Mahomete his wicked Alchorane els will they murther men without measure Thus though they outwardly appeare very vertuous yet are they the malignaunt ministers of Sathan denying the Lord which hath redenied them By these may wee measure their inferiour marchandies hauing their lyuery and marke Of these hath our louing Lord premonyshed vs in this heauenly worke of his and graciously called vs away from their abhominations least we shoulde bee partakers of theyr sinnes and so receyue of their plagues If we vnthankfully neglect it the more daūger is ours Let no man take the corrections of this booke to mallice But if hee chaunce in it as in a cleare glasse to perceiue him selfe spotted let him washe away the deformities for Gods worde spareth no mans iniquytie Read my whole Commentary els iudge me not In no wyse rebell I heere agaynst any princely power or aucthoritie giuen of God but agaynst Antichristes filthy tytles The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ bee euer more with thee good faythfull Reader and with all those good men that intierly hunger for his rightuousnesse Amen Thus endeth the Preface of the Image of both Churches out of Sainct Iohns Apocalips ¶ A briefe Paraphrase or compendious Elucidacion vpon the Apocalips or Reuelation of Sainct Iohn the Euangelist gathered out of the pure scriptures and sincere worde of God by Iohn Ba●e an e●yle also in this lyfe for the testimonye of Iesu. The first Chapter The Texte 1 The Reuelation of Iesus Christ 2 vvhich God gaue vnto him 3. for to shevve vnto his seruauntes the thinges vvhich must shortlye come to passe 4. And heuen● and shevved by his Angell vnto his seruaunt Iohn 5. vvhich bare recorde of the vvorde of God and of the testimony of Iesus Christ and of all thynges that he savve 6. Happy is he that
readeth they that hear the vvords of the prophecie keepe those things vvhich are vvritten therein 7. for the tyme is at hande The Paraphrase OF Iesus Christ the sonne of the liuing God this is the wonderfull reuelation concerning the diuers and doubtfull estate of the Christian church from the Apostles tyme to the latter ende of the world 2 Which reuelation with all iudgement and power God the euerlasting father hath wholly giuen vnto hym now takē vp from the earth glorified and set aboue all the workes of hys handes 3 Euidently to declare yea to make manifest and knowne vnto hys true faythfull seruauntes beleuing in hys words and walking in his wayes the tokens signes marueils which must by hys vnchaungeable ordinaunce shortly in this latter tyme folow in effect without premonishment or warning taken of the wicked sort 4 And the sayd Iesus Christ sittyng on the right hande of the maiestie of God and being muche more excellent then the angels hath according to his former promise sent forth his spirit of truth most specially vnto his déerely beloued Apostle and peculyar dyscyple sainct Iohn the Euangelist not only to deduce him into all knowledge and veritie but also to manifest vnto him the secrete misteries of thinges to come 5 Which Iohn hath already as an earnest doer in his masters cause most constantly wytnessed his eternall godhead in the euerlasting worde against the Hebionites which denied him to com in the fleshe and hath faithfully affirmed his naturall manhode in all that he sawe being conuersaunt with him agaynste Carpocras and Cerinthus which blasphemed the same in the vtter confusion of all such Antichristes 6 Blessed is he saith Saint Ihon which after méeke prayer and godly meditacyon hauinge the gyfte of vnderstanding and grace of interpreting the scripturs doth sincerly faithfully without crafte or coloure publyshe declare the mistycall wordes of thys heauenly prophecye Blessed are they also which in a feruent faith hongerīg thristinge for the rightuousnes and with Simeon and Anna desirous of the glorye of God doth louingly heare and earnestly marke the wholsome words of the same sayd godly prophecye and that will deligently applye thē selues to obserue the rules and take the premonishementes of Godly doctrine ther in written 7 For the perelous dayes are come that the disceytfull swarme of Antichrist peruertinge the trueth shal bring the world into pernicious and dampnable errours And the Ieopardous time is at hande that the wrath of god shal be declared from Heauen vpon all vngodlynesse of these seducers that with hold his trueth in vnrightuousensse set hi● cōmaundementes at nought for their owne vile traditions The texte 1 Ihon vnto the seuen congregacions which are in Asia 2. Grace be vvith you 3. And peace from him wich is and which vvas and which is to come 4. from the seuen spirites which are present before his throne 5. and from Iesus Christe vvhich is a faythfull vvytnesse 6. and fyrst begotten of the dead 7. and prince ouer the kinges of the earthe 8. Vnto him that loued vs and vvashed vs from our sinnes in his ovvne bloud 9. and made vs kinges and Priestes vnto God his father 10. euen vnto him be glorye and dominion for euermore Amen The Paraphrase 1 Iohn the electe Apostle of Iesus Christ sendeth these greatinges to the vii churches or christian congregations which are in the land of Asia the lesse 2 Grace which is the mercy fauour and acceptacion of God be with you 3 And also peace which is the trauquilitie of conscience in them that beleue in Christ dwel euer among you from god the father euerlasting which is essencially in and of himselfe and which was before the constitucion of the world and which shall be after the worlde be finished for euer and euer without ende 4 The same grace and peace agayne be vnto you from God the holy Ghost here mencioned vnder the tytle of .vij. spirites for that he is manifolde and plentuous in gyftes 5 The thyrd tyme also the same said grace and peace be vnto you from the Lorde Iesus Christ the onely sonne of God which being the eternall veritie it selfe was in preaching his Gospell a wytnesse therof both faythful true and perfect and in no wyse could lye that ye should the rather beleue him 6 He was the fyrst of all men that euer were in this mortall nature or body of death recouering againe the fauour of God lost in Adam and that with victory ouer sinne hell deathe and the diuell ascended into Heauen and became in that fleshe glorifyed the sonne of God that ye should bée the bolder of him and the rather take him for your onely aduocate 7 He is also a m●ste mighty Lorde ouer the kinges rulers and magistrates of this worlde hauing now all power geuen him in heauen in earth with a wryting vpon his vesture that he is Kinge of Kinges and Lorde of Lords and that of his kingdome ther shall be no ende that the wicked tyrauntes should the rather feare least they féele him a terryble iudge at the latter day 8 For so much as he hath so intyrely loued vs as to be smytten and woūded for our offencest and as to geue his lyfe for our wycked wretchednes yea for so much as he of most natural kyndenesse would be cruelly slayne to washe vs purifie vs and clense vs in his owne most innocent bloud from the moste cankred vylenesse of our sinnes to prouoke vs to loue him agayne 9 For so much also as he hath made vs a liuing kingedome to god through fayth in him and consecrate vs priestes to offer vp our bodies by a newe Christian life as a sacrifyce holy and acceptable vnto God his euerlastinge father 10 Unto him wyth the said father with the holy ghost be perpetual praise glorye power and dominyon for euermore Amen The text 1 Beholde he commeth with cloudes 2. and all eyes shall see him 3. and they also which pearsed him 4. And all kynredes of the earth shall vvayle 5. Euen so Amen 6. I am Alpha and Omega the beginninge and the ending sayth the Lorde almightie 7. vvhich is vvhich vvas and vvhich is to come The Paraphrase 1 Take hede for moste certayne it is though Christe in his fyrste comminge as a merciful sauiour apered here vpon earth poore simple ignominious yet shal he in his latter comminge appere in the cloudes of heauen with maiestie power and glorye accōpanyed with the infinite hoste of angels as a rigorous iudge 2 And vpon him shall all eyes looke both man and angell shal behold him and stande before hys terrible iudgemente seate no creature good nor bad exempt 3 Yea th●se cruell tyrauntes also shal at that houre appeare befere him which did not only flée his moste innocente body but also
that hath euer since spightfully persecuted his faithful members vnto death for the truths sake 4 And all kinredes of the earth that is to saye whoremongers glouttons extorcioners ydolatours murtherers and tyrauntes shall bewayle them selues for the sight of him 5 Whose ryghtfull iudgemente is not so heatefull vnto them but it is as greatly desired of the faithful multitude saying in their hartes continually Euen so be it Amen For they at that houre shall be wholly delyuered gloryfyed and sealled vp wyth Christe for the euerlasting children of God 6 I am he sayth the Lord God almighty which hath begun all thinges and finished the same being signifyed by Alpha which is the first letter of the Greke Alphabete and Omega which is the last because this present reuelacion was written in Greke and vnto thē which only knewe the Greke tonge 7 I am the same saith the sayde Lord God euerlastinge the father the sonne and the holy ghoste .iii. distincte persones in one essenciall Godhede which is essencially in and of him selfe only which was without beginning and begunne all thynges and which shall be whithout endinge and finyshe all thinges alone able to exhibyte all vertue power and strength and alone vnable to execute errours lyes and sinne which is of fragilite weaknes and vnperfectnesse The Texte 1 I Ihon your brother companion in tribulacion 2 and in the kingdom of pacience which is in Iesu Christ. 3. was in the yle of Pathmos for the word of God and for the witnessing of Iesu Christ. 4. I was in the spirit on a Sonday 5. and heard behynde me a great voyce as it had bene of a trōpe saying 6. I am Alpha and Omega the first the last 7. That thou seist write in a booke 8. sende it vnto the congregaciōs which are in Asia 9. vnto Ephesus vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamos vnto Thiatyra 10. and vnto Sardis vnto Philadelphia and vnto Laodicia The Paraphrase 1 I the faythful wryter of this present reuelacion called Iohn the Apostle your naturall louing brother so inferly caueting your soules helth as 〈…〉 companion of yours also in aduersitie trouble and persecucion for the truthes sake 2 And a partaker with you in the afflicted kingedome and in the pacient crosse of s●fferēce in Christ Iesu. 3 Was now of late in a certaine yle of Licia called Pathmos exiled for the Gospel preaching made a vile abiect for testifying the name word of the sayd Iesus Christ the onely 〈◊〉 of the world 4 I being thus carefully afflicted and driuen from all solase and bodily comfort on a certayne sunday or day dedicate to the Lordes remembraunce was in the spirit rapte and clearly takē vp from all worldly affects so swéetly did the Lord releue his poore persecuted seruaunt 5 And I heard certainly with mine eares a loude shirle voyce behynde mée as I was in this swéete heauēly traunse which was so vehement and stoute to my iudgement as it had bene the noyse of a great trompe vttering these wordes vnto mée 6 I am the first and the last the originall beginner and the 〈◊〉 finisher of all thinges vnder A●pha and Omega the first and last Gréeke letters as vnder an allegorie to bée vnderstand 7 With all dilygence therefore write that thou shalte sée here and make a perfect registre of the same 8 And that done sende it louingly vnto the vij Christen congregatiōs which are in the land of Asia cōmitted of the Lorde vnto thy administration in his word 9 Send it vnto Ephesus sende it vnto Smyrna directe it vnto Pergamos commit it vnto Thyatyra 10 And vnto Sardis vnto Phyladelphia and vnto Laodicia and finally by them to the .vij. Climates of the vniuersall worlde For though it be heere to them only lymitted yet is it to all people vnyuersally ment THE TEXT 1 And I turned backe to see the voyce that spake to me 2. And vvhen I vvas turned I savve seuen golden Candelstickes 3. And in the middest of the Cādelsticks one lyke vnto the sonne of man 4. Clothed vvith a lynnen garment dovvne to the grounde 5. And gyrded about the brest vvith a golden gyrdle 6. His head and his heyres vvere vvhyte as vahite vvoll and as Snow 7. And hys eyes vvere as a flame of fyre 8. And hys feete lyke vnto brasse as thoughe they brent in a fornace 9. And hys voyce as the noyse of many vvaters 10. And he had in his right hand vii starres 11. And out of his mouth vvent a sharpe two edged svvorde 12 And his face shone euen as the sonne in his strength The Paraphrase 1 And sodenly I turned back saith sainct Iohn ernestly to behold from whence this voyce should come or who it should be that should speake these wordes vnto me 2 And as I had turned my selfe anon I beheld .vij. goldē Candelsticks betokening not only the sayd vij congregatiōs in Asia but also the vniversall Christianitie of the whole world For vij in the scripture most cōmonly signifieth all or the whole of that it comprehendeth 3 And in the midst of the saide .vij. Candelstickes I sawe one like vnto Christ which when he was conuersaunt here among vs not onely called him selfe the sonne of man but also appeared in shape and apparel as the same And this betokeneth Christ alwayes to be present and assistēt to his cōgregations as a shepehard and aduocate a teacher and a redéemer to kepe them helpe them informe them and saue them 4 I sawe him clothed with a syde linnen garmēt downe to the groūde signifying his aboundant rightuousnesse wherwith all his faithfull beleuers are in this world largely replenished 5 Hee was gyrded also about the pappes with a golden gyrdle Hys pappes are his most swéete wordes and promises replenishing our souls with most suffrane consolation and gladnesse And they are speared vp togither fast vnto him with the shynyng cheane of charitie or loue Which in the whole betokeneth that he is of rightuousnesse loue fast sure vnto vs in his word promise 6 His heade which is his eternall Godhead and his heares which are his infallible verities therof procéeding are both so purely whyte as snowe in the incomprehensible mysteries of his diuyne maiestie and so perfectly white as wooll which is of a meaner sorte in the lower mysteryes of our redemption 7 Hys eyes which are hys Godlye wisdome and knowledge were as a burning flame of fyre most effectual pure and quicke in working 8 And his féete which are hys humane affections most swéet desires of our health were lyke vnto brasse most beutiful clean precious to beholde and as though they had bene proued tryed and depured in a whot burnyng fornace For in them was his frayle tender and mortall flesh by manifolde troubles sore vexed persecuted and slayne 9 Hys voice which is his holy Testament or
word 8. and hast not denyed my name 9. Beholde I shall giue some of the congregation of Sathan which call them selues Iewes and are not but doe lye 10. Beholde I will make them that they shall come and worship before thy feete 11. and shall knowe that I haue loued thee 12. Bicause thou hast kept the wordes of my pacyence therefore will I keepe thee from the houre of temptacion 13. which will come vpon all the world to tempte them that dwell vpon the earth 14. Beholde I come shortlye 15. Holde that vvhich thou hast that no man take away thy crovvne 16. Hym that ouercommeth vvill I make a pyller in the temple of my God 17. and he shall go no more out 18. And I vvill vvryte vpō him the name of my God and the name of the citie of my God nevve Hierusalem 19. vvhich commeth dovvne oute of heauen fro my God 20. And I vvill vvrite vpon him my nevv name 21. Let him that hath eares heare vvhat the spirite sayth vnto the congregacions THE PARAPHRASE 1 Moreouer differ in no wyse my trustie discyple Iohn sayth the Lord Iesus by wryting to signifye or make mencion to the tydings brynger bishop or ouerséer of the déerely beloued Churche of Phyladelphya which as beséemeth a Christian congregation in this life is neuer without brotherly charitie and loue but alwayes hath a swéete compassion vpon the poore the néedie the symple the desolate the forsakē the disdayned and myserable people of this world Shée hath also in hir harte a wofull pittie and a lamentable dolour when shée séeth men wicked vayne blasphéemous hatefull beastly ydle couetous supersticious and full of other vngodlinesse 2 Let this be knowne to hir first of all that these are the fauorable sayings of him which is holy of himself and alone maketh other holy which is only true and the veritie it selfe without whō no truth can be had 3 Which hath also in his hand and power the keye of the house of Dauid which is the faithfull kingdom or congregation of God 4 Where as hée openeth to the faithful beleuers by the gospel preaching no man can speare them out of the kingdom of God by no excommunicatiō nor cursse Where as he doeth losen from the bandes of sinne by the holy Ghost no man can bynde to dampnation by no interdictiō nor sentence haue he neuer so great power giuen hym And agayne if hée shutteth vp the kingdome from the vnfaithfull hypocrites no man can admit them to it by blessings remissions nor a thousand yeares of their pardon If he seclude them from it no man can able them to it agayne by no auctoritie nor power 5 I know sayth that Lord thy dooings from the verie roote and from whence thy workes doeth spring euen from a sincere faith in my word wherefore they are to my mynd and pleasure 6 For so much therefore as I finde thée thus grounded in fayth be thou certayne and sure of it I haue sette before thée an open dore I haue illumyned thy sences and cleared thy vnderstandyng to knowe the holye scriptures and perceyue the hyghe mysteries therin written so admittyng thée to my kingdome And this dore can no man shut vp again Neither shall the power of this world nor yet the gates of hell bée able to preuayle against this opening 7 And this hast thou of mée partly for thy méekenesse For where as the wicked doth séeme to them selues beautifull strong learned rich righteous religious and holie spirituall fathers thou estéemest thy selfe but an abiecte of the worlde wretched weake blynde poore sinfull a myserable dooer as concernynge the fleshe 8 But thou arte she that hath kept my sayings and by such strength as I haue giuen thée obserued also my lawes and commaundements It is thou that haue stande by my trueth stedfastly and not denyed my name in the time of troublous persecution Wherefore thou canst in no wyse perish before mée 9 And as concernyng the wicked behold howe I shall order them I shal not only set thée cléere from the filthie traditions of that false congregatiō or sinagoge of Sathan but I will also take a certen from thēce of the best learned conuerting them from their errours and giuing them vnto thée Which afore tyme called them selues Iewes or the chosen children of Abraham and were not so in déed They boasted them selues very much to be the anoynted Israelytes the consecrate sonnes of promisse and the holy spirituall people of God lyke as the residue doth yet still to this houre but they lyed full falslie They were for that time false dissembling hypocrites and cruell aduersaries to the trueth as theyr companions are still 10 Be sure that these will I so inwardly moue and effectuallye prouoke that they shall come vnto thée to be of thy congregacion They shal gladly submitte them selues to thy doctryne they shall worship God not in outward shadows with bondage but in spirite and truth with lybertie At thy féete after thy holsome instructions and godly admonicions 11 And where as they haue thought thée afore tyme of me to bée hated when thou hast béene in persecutiō they shall nowe well perceyue and know my spirite speaking in thée and such heauenly secrets comming from thée that thou standest much in my loue art greatly in my fauour 12 And for so muche as thou haste cōstantly holden and manfully stand by that word for the which I haue suffred much not only in mine own fleshe but also in thée and in other my seruauntes for no aduersitie falling from it I will preserue thée in the houre of temptation Thou shalt for no violence decline from the truth thou shalt for no tormēt forsake the veritie So mightie a stomake and so strong an hearte shall I giue thée for the time of thy temptations that thou shalt not be once moued 13 For no doubte of it thys fierce temptation and cruell handeling of the boystuous Antichrists Mahomet standing in the way of sinners and the Romish Pope sitting in the most pestilent seate of errours will come vpon all the world by execrable sects of false Prophets lyars hypocrytes blasphemers and teachers of diuilish doctryne to tempt and allure them which dwell here vpon earth sometyme by flattering promotiōs sometyme by threatnings and penalties to renounce that veritie and denye that word to the vtter dampnation of their soules 14 But in any wise take héede and watche in prayer for I come shortly as a righteous iudge giuing to euerie one according to their hartes inuencions Consider the life but short in this world the rewarde great if thou perseuere in thy Christen profession Holde faste that godly fayth which thou hast taken with hir holsome fruites 15 Sticke sure to that heauenlye word which thou hast receyued least thou falling from it loose the crowne prepared for thée I haue done my parte
as one mynding thée good to bye of me golde tryed in the fyre Come vnto me with faith and aske in the feruentnesse of soule If thou be féeble harted say Lorde increase my fayth Desire my heauenly word to thy comforte with vnderstanding to perceiue it and know it It is treasure much more precious then golde it is sweetenesse more dulcet thē honie And tryed it is moste pure and cleane by the holy Ghost Thou shalt haue it without payment Thy good harte shall only suffyse mée 11 Diligently procure it that thou mayest be riche in fayth and righteousnesse in the merits of Iesus Christ and in the fauour of God by them and that thou mayest be cloathed in white rayment of innocencie cleannesse not only before men but also before God 12 Be neuer without veritie fayth righteousnesse and charitie with other giftes of the holy Ghost least the filthie nakednesse of hypocrisie and sin for all thy paynted colours appeare to thy confusion Let thyne owne dyrtie merites alone decke thée with the precious deseruings of the sonne of God that thou mayest haue thy sinnes wyped away cléerely forgiuen couered and neuer more imputed vnto thée by him 13 And to auoyde the blyndenesse sée thou anoynt thine eyes thy mind or affection thy iudgement or knowledge with the eye salue of clerenes which is Iesus Christ the swéete smelling oyntment of health 14 Consider that he alone was borne for thée and dyed for thée And take him for thy only wisdome satisfaction holinesse and redemption that thou mayst hereafter sée Let this precious lycour take from thine eyes all filthie corruptiō and whatsoeuer thou shalt hereafter do in word or in déed doe all in the name of that Lorde gyuyng thankes vnto God the father by him For he is the salue that shall heale thée and the lighte that shall cléere thée THE TEXT 1 As many as I loue I rebuke and chasten 2. Bee feruent therefore and repent 3. Behold I stand at the doore and knock 4. If any man heare my voice and open the doore I vvill come in vnto him 5. and vvil suppe vvith him and he vvith mee 6. To him that ouercommeth vvill I graunt to sit on my seate 7. euen as I ouercame and haue sitten vvith my father on his seate 8. Let hym that hath eares heare vvhat the spirite sayeth vnto the congregations THE PARAPHRASE 1 So many as I loue I rebuke earnestly least they shoulde perish with the wicked And those that I fauour I chastē in this life least they should be dampned for euer Woe is the man that hath of me here neither chastisement nor rebuke but is left without restraynte wallowyng in the concupiscence and desires of his fleshe A great signe it is of the indignation of God where as the other is an euident token of loue 2 From henceforth therfore be feruent in the trueth Earnestly embrace it kéepe it and follow it Abhorre thy olde superstitions and repent from the harte that thou haste béene so longe neyther whotte nor colde 3 Beholde I stande at the doore of thy harte as one ready to helpe thy weakenesse And I knocke at the portall of thy conscience as one that would gladly comfort thée I send forth my heauenlye worde to succoure thée lighten thée raise thée vp saue thée 4 If any man with a glad harte wil heare my voyce or the true preaching of my word and opē the doore of his fayth thankefully to receyue it I wil come in vnto him enduing with all spirituall delights as rightuousnesse peace loue and ioy in the holy Ghost 5 Yea to hym shall I make manyfest as to my friend the hidden misteryes of the scripture and secret coūsels of my father And he shall finallie suppe with me and with him in the eternall habitacle of God where no harte can estéeme what hee hath prepared for them that loue him 6 That man which through the earnest zeale of Gods trueth distroyeth hypocrisie and ouercommeth sin wil I admit to reigne with mée in the kingdome of my father and graunt him to sitte with me in the seate of euerlasting peace as a déere member of myne owne body declaring him a tryumphaunt conquerour in mée ouer dampnation hell death and the diuill in a glorified nature 7 Euen as my selfe was before sitting with my celestiall father in the seate of his eternitie And to haue with mée that health that blessyng that ioye that victorie that honour power and glorie that I haue 8 Let him that God hath giuē eare● vnto apply them to his mynde and marke what the spirite hath héere spoken to the Christen cōgregatiōs for therevpon resteth his lyfe or his death his saluacion or his dampnation The fourth Chapiter THE TEXT 1 After this I looked and behold a dore vvas open in heauen 2. and the first voice vvhich I hearde vvas as it vvere of a Trumpet talking vvith me vvhich sayd 3. Come vp hither and I vvill shevv thee thynges vvhich must be fulfilled hereafter 4. And immediatly I vvas in the spirite 5. and behold a seate vvas set in heauen and one sat on the seate 6. And hee that sate vvas to looke vpon lyke vnto a Iasper stone and a Sardine stone 7. And there vvas a reyne bovve about the seate in sighte lyke a Smaragde 8. And about the seate vvere .xxiiij. seates 9. And vpon the seates .xxiiij. elders sitting 10. clothed in vvhyte rayment 11. and had on their heads crovvnes of golde 12. And out of the seate proceeded lyghtnings and thundrings and voyces 13. And there vvere seuen lampes of fyre burnyng before the seate vvhich are the seuen spirits of God 14. And before the seate there vvas a sea of glasse lyke vnto Christall 15. And in the middest of the seate and rounde about the seate vvere foure beastes 16. full of eyes before and behynde THE PARAPHRASE 1 After thys speciall iniunction of my Lorde and maister Iesus Christ sayth saint Iohn I did cast vp mine eyes towards the skye lifting vp my hart to giue thankes vnto God And anon as I seriously beheld the face of the fyrmament or maiestie of Gods works I saw a doore open in heauē Which was a significatiō to me that God mynded to opē certain high misteries of the scripture hidden secretes concerning his kingdome or church vnto me his simple seruaunt 2 And the first thyng that ascertained me of the same from thēce was a mightie great voyce as it had bene the stoute noyse of a Trompe or the vehement blaste of an horne The which voyce though it were fearfull vnto my fleshe as commonly the commaundement of God is yet was it solatious vnto my spirite for so much as it familiarly talked with mée and sayde these wordes 3 Come thou vp hyther Suspende thyne owne wil wit studie practise and iudgement Condempne that thou hast of nature Lift vp thy self aboue thy self
the seate vvhich lyueth for euer and euer 9. The xxiiij elders fell dovvne before him that sate on the trone vvorshipped him that lyueth for euer 10. and cast their crovvnes before the trone saying 11. Thou art vvorthie Lord to receyue glorie and honour and povver 12. For thou hast created all things and for thy vvilles sake they are and vvere created THE PARAPHRASE 1 These iiij beastes hath iiij diuers exteriour similitudes which are not els but the outward tokens testimonyes and signes of faith or the fruitfull workes thereof only procéeding For fayth is neuer without hir holesome fruites The first beast was in similitude lyke vnto a Lyon strong and mightie in power And that are they which hath layde asyde the olde man of sinne with his féeble faynte workes and conuerted them selues into the ghostly image of Christ which is the mightie stronge Lyon of the Trybe of Iuda for that they myght haue the victorie ouer sinne 2 The seconde beast was fashyoned lyke vnto a Calfe much vsed in the olde lawe to bée offered vp in sacryfice And suche are they which forsaking them selues and mortifying the corrupte lustes of theyr fleshe doeth walke in a newe Christian lyfe and offer vp them selues vnto God as a lyuing sacrifice readie to suffer all kyndes of persecution and death for his names sake 3 The third beast had a face in fauour lyke a man hauing reason wit and discrecion And those are they which through pollicie of fayth and prudencie in the spirit so wysely and discretely order them selues in that they goe aboute that nothyng is against the glorie of God but al things worketh for the best in them 4 The fourth beast was lyke vnto a flying Egle which buyldeth hir neast very highe in the harde rocke stone Which are those godly persōs that liuing héere in this mortall bodie by the counsell of the holy Ghost haue their conuersation in heauen They séeke for those thinges which are aboue where as Christ is sitting on the right hand of God In whom only as in the sure rocke they buylde all their whole hope and trust By these foure similitudes is the true congregation of God knowne from the painted sinagoge and coūterfaict church of Sathan glorifiyng hir selfe in vaine glorie pompe crueltie rape simonie lyes hatred sectes murther Idolatrie sedition and tirannie with other fruites of the flesh whose God is their bellie and theyr ende dampnation And though these iiij simylitudes be diuers yet doe they respect one congregation after Ezech. which euer more applyeth all .iiij. vnto one beast And euerie one of the sayd iiij beastes had .vj. winges about him 5 The winges whereby Gods people are raysed vp vnto him is fayth hope charitie iustice mercie veritie with such other vertues as euer more accompanyeth them By these are they lifted vp vnto heauenlye thinges By these auoyde they the common mischieues of the world By these obtayne they a plentuous quyetnesse in God abyding their sauiour and redéemer Iesus Christ. And wher as in Ezechiell the sayd winges appearing but iiij are here founde sixe we may gather this That the gospel now published the giftes of the holy ghost are more high plentifull and open vnder christ then afore time vnder Moyses 6 Round aboute them without and within the sayde beastes were ful of eyes The seruants of the Lord hath Godly wisdome and knowledge euery where inwardly to consider heauenly things durable sure and perfite and neuer to perish Outwardly agayne to iudge earthly things corruptible wretched and vaine and shortly to be ended 7 Neither day nor night could the sayde beastes cease from the praise of their Lord God saying Holy holy holy Or blessed art thou almightye father blessed art thou almightie sonne blessed art thou almighty holy ghost distinct thrée persons in trinity and in substaunce one Lorde God almighty which was withoute beginning and is of him selfe onely and shall be for euer euer euerlasting And what is this els but that the righteous feruently eprayinge geueth continnuall thankes vnto GOD reioysinge amonge them selues in psalmes in hymnes and in spiritusonges praysinge hym euermore in their harts 8 And when those .iiij. beastes or faithfull feruent sincere and pure beleuers héere beléeuing in the flesh gaue glory honour and thanks from the iiij quartes of the earth in professing the verity in teaching it vnto other and in liuinge accordinge to the same And that vnto hym which sate on the seat which is god almighty reigning ouer that congregation which lyueth for euer and euer and hath of his kyngdome none end 9 Anone stepped forth the .xxiiij. elders or the whole perfit and vniuersall number of them which hath rested in the Lorde and they with all méekenes fel down before him which sate on the throne They submitted themselues vnto him ackowleginge him for theyr onely Lorde They worshipped him also with dew reuerance gaue high thankes vnto him as vnto their eternal liuīg god 10 Yea finally they threwe downe their crowns before the throne of his eternal maiestie They cōfessed their owne good workes merites and deseruinges to be nothyng at all But their whole health wisdome knowledge vertue holines rightuousnes and redemption to be onely of his lyberall gift and vndeserued goodnesse 11 And as men most highly reioysing they cryed vnto him saying thus It is thou O Lord God most mightie creator that is alone worthie to receyue all glory all honour and all thankes for that hath bene wrought in heauen in earth and none other els but thou 12 For thou hast alone by thy vnsercheable wisedome created all things and brought them foorth out of nothing And for the onely pleasure of thy will they are now at this present tyme in substance and fashyon and were created of thée at the beginning not onely to be at thy commaūdemēt but also to be euermore thākefull vnto thée and to laude thée and prayse thée for euer The fift Chapter THE TEXT 1 And I sawe in the right hande of him that sate on the throne a booke 2 written with in and on the back syde 3. sealed with seuen seales 4. and I sawe a strong Angell preaching with a loude voyce 5. Who is worthie to open the booke and loose the seales thereof 6. And no man in heauen nor in earth neyther vnder the earth vvas able to open the booke neyther to looke thereon 7. And I wept much bycause no man was found worthie to open to read the booke neither to looke thereon 8. And one of the elders sayd vnto me Weepe not 9. Beholde the Lyon which is of the trybe of Iuda 10 the roote of Dauid hath obtayned to open the booke and to loose the seuen seales thereof 11. And I beheld and lo in the middest of the seat and of the iiij beastes and in the middest of the elders 12. stoode a Lambe as
for newe promotions Euermore they compassed to augment their dignyties Continuall was their study to get preheminēce to win honour and to obtayne superiorytie not withoute the destruction of kingdomes the vtter decay of communalties and vnspeakeable murther of peoples Iohn the Archebyshoppe of Constantinople contended to be the vniue●sal Patriarke Boniface the thirde of that name Byshoppe of Rome tooke vpon hym to be the head Byshoppe of all the worlde and Gods onely Uicar in earth Mahomet boasted hym selfe to be the great Prophete and messenger of GOD. Thus was Christes coate withoute seame among them deuided and his church most rufully dispersed Thus out of the corrupted depraued scriptures tooke the Iewes their Talmud the Saracens their Alchorane and the Byshops their popish lawes and decrées Then folowed innumerable sectes of perdicion vnder the romishe pope in Europa vnder Mahomet the false Prophet in Afryca and vnder prester Iohn in Asia whiche with their execrable tradicions and rules banished Christ and his pure doctrin for euer Than set they vp songe in the church with Latine seruice bell ringing and Organ playinge Than builded they monasteries auaunced Images inuented purgatorye not without many strange reuelacions Than came in that ceremony that as sensing of Images Procession and holy water with candles ashes and palmes Than were shauen crownes commaunded holy ornaments deuised mariage and meates inhibited and hallowing of churches practised At the last crepte in the worshipping of reliques and shrines with holy oyle and creame with the paschall and paxe with feastes and dedications with latines masses dirges for the dead and many great miracles followed Thā were kings deposed and made Moonkes Emperours put downe and parrish priests set vp No gospell might then be taught but to maintaine this ware for aduantage Uniuersities were then builded and generall studies founded the worlde ouer with all kindes of crafty learning to vpholde this new Christen relygyon or prestish supersticion The Antichristes thus spred and theyr kyngdome well set forwarde the light was cléerely extincted and darknesse ouer wente the whole worlde 1 Much meruayled alwayes the poore chosen flock of christ and were greatlye troubled in their mindes to beholde this great confusion tyll the Lorde opened vnto them the fourth seale of his booke in the which all was written from the begining In that Seale openinge the Lorde shewed what the head rulers of his Church were euen very hypocrites rightly compared vnto a pale Horse For after their dissembling manner they shewed sad countinaunces outwardlye to appeare fastinge and babled very much to séeme deuonte men 2 And as the Lambe had opened the fowrth Seale sayeth Saincte Iohn I hard the voyce of the fowrth beast which séemed vnto me an Egle representing those godly beléeuers that are most highly desirous of the glorye of GOD. 3 Come hyther sayde that voice Note what thou shalt sée here enprent it well in thy minde 4 And sa I looked foorth I behelde a pale Horse whome I tooke for the vniuersall Synagoge of hypocrites or dissembling church of Antichriste pale as men without health bleyk as men without that freshe lyfe which is in Christ Iesu. 5 The name of hym which sate vpon this pale Horse was death for their doctrine is death and dampnation What bringeth hypocrisye with hym but destruction of health What carrieth dissimulation but the vtter decay of lyfe Are their last fruites any other then confusion and dyspayre 6 For why hell commeth after them to swallowe in those that are taught by them Eternall dampnation doth folow them to eate them vp for euer whome they shall deceiue Such is the finall rewarde of those cursed hypocrits that treadeth down Gods truth and destroyeth his word vnder a fayned pretence of the contrarye God graunt them therefore once to open their eyes and to consider it that they are the Horses of death least Hell héere after deuoure them 7 Unto these gaudish hypocrites and beastly Antichristes whith are the horse of death and carieth all to darknesse and dampnation power is geuen whiche is the sufferaunce of God vpon the fourth parte of the earth A great part of the world shall they destroy much people by thē shal perish and be lost 8 After diuers sortes shall they depriue them of the lyfe euerlastyng Some shal they slay with the sword of their false doctrine hauing a glorious shine of wisdome in supersticion and deuilishnesse Some shall they famishe for wante of GODS true worde whiche is the bread of Chyldren and the lyuinge foode of the soule 9 Some will they also poyson with the contagious leauen of their pestilent lawes and tradicions which are dayly ministred taught by the vile vermine of the earth their suffraganes Archedecons officials doctors ministers false preachers curates persons parrish priests and religions verye beastly both of lyfe and studye Lorde ones delyuer from these deceiptfull and rauenous wolues whiche are neuer satisfied thy poore seruants that confesse thy holy name Amen THE TEXT 1 And when he opened the fift seale 2 I saw vnder the aulter 3. The soules of them that were killed for the word of God and for the testimony which they had 4. And they cried with a loude voyce saying 5. How long taryest thou 6 Lord holy and true to iudge 7. And to auenge our bloude on them that dwell on the earth 8. And lōg white garments were geuen vnto euery one of thē 9. And it vvas saide vnto thē 10. That they shoulde rest for a litle season 11. vntill the number of their felowes and brethren 12. And of them that shoulde be killed as they were were fulfilled The Paraphrase 1 Euident it is by that hath ben séene and sayde afore in these fowre horses what the estate of the christen church was is now in these latter dayes Such horrible confusion hath the Antichristes made with their wicked lawes and decrées and with their deceiptfull doctrine of errours and lies to vpholde their filthy kingdome of pryde slouth hypocrisie and beastlynes that scarcely is any thing cleane pure and godly Now do they nothing but slea None other studye haue they in these dayes but to persecut emprison and famish to burn head and hang. Now haue they obtayned to enter the iudgement hall and to syt vpon lyfe death without defiling of thēselues Now may they both a accuse and iudge both indite and condempne yet not soyle their consecrate handes If any controle their customes or say against their witchcraftes they are ready to run ouer hym with death whom they carye to slea both soule and bodye 1 This hath the Lord shewed in mistery vnto Iohn in the fift seale openinge by whom are ment the true Christen beléeuers at this time so well as at al other times sence Christes assension 2 And when the Lambe opened the fift seale or declared in
shall vtterly distroye them So that nothing shall be séene of that they were afore Neyther cut shooe nor corde coule nor gray cote boote nor blacke hood rochet nor scapler myter nor crosier sandale nor frocke shauen crown nor anointing For all these are their enimies 3 Consumed are they to their saluation that with Mathewe become of Publicans true Apostles and with Paule of fierce persecutors charitable teachers Contrariwise are they consumed to their dampnatiō which being ouercome by the manifest veritie wilfully persist in their diuilish errours with Antiochus Pharao with the Scribes and Pharisies 4 For it foloweth And if any man will hurte them this wyse must hée be killed Eyther must he be mortifyed from the olde Adam and changed into a new man in Christ or els by the sayd worde must he both be iudged and condempned for the vtter aduersarie of God with Sathan hys auncient captayn So must he be killed And no death will be founde lyke vnto that death come they once to the féeling of it though they accompt it now verie light 5 For these witnesses haue power as had Helias to shut vp heauen that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophecying but yet none other wyse then by the aforesayd word For the word of God is the verie key of Dauid which openeth the kingdome of god to them that faithfully beléeueth and that speareth it vp also from thē which dwellith in vnfaithfulnes For it is said in the dayes of their prophecying This power therefore is of the word and not of the men The word speareth and openeth losoneth bindeth saueth and dampneth He that beléeueth sayth Christ shal be saued he that beleueth not is iudged alreadie No moysture of grace nor godly wisedō can light where sturdie frowardnesse is rooted The dayes of their prophesying in figure is non other thē the aforesaid tyme times and halfe tyme or the thrée yéeres and vj. monethes of Helias 6 In those dayes shall it not rayne vpon the wicked they shall haue no grace to receyue the veritie In parables and figures shal that be hidden from them that shall bée euydent inough vnto the faithful With eares shall they heare and not vnderstand with eyes shall they sée and not deserne So blynde will their harts be For such speake the Prophets in fygures Christ in parables and the Apostles in mysteries The open truth of this reuelation shall not the wicked perceyue till they tast the plages thereof Such is the nature of Gods wisedom that though it be not in glorious wordes fyne paynted termes nor in perswasible reasons of mans witte but in playne simple speaking yet can it not be knowē of the worldly wise The swéete dewe therof wil not be receiued of them in the aforesayde dayes of prophecie but hée that is blynde shall be blynde still 7 These witnesses haue also power ouer waters to turne thē into bloud When they interprete and sincerely declare the pure verities of God which are those holesome waters that restraineth the dampnable drynesse of the soule that refresheth the conscyence and clenseth the harte of the sinner they can not choose but earnestly condempne the peruerse iudgemēts the couetous lawes and hipocrityshe workes of the vngodly And then is all vncleane vnto them then is all bloudie The Gospell which was a stumbling stone to the Iewes made foolishnesse vnto the Gentiles is also now vnto them naughtie newe learning seditious doctrine and abhomynable heresie Yea they iudge them worthie to be burned that doth teach it Thus is it abhorred of them that shall perishe neuerthelesse to them that beléeue it is the power of God vnto saluation 8 Fynallie they haue power to smite the earthe with all maner of plagues as ofte as they will Uery earth are they that regard not Gods trueth as the Lord saide vnto Adam after his offence Earth thou art and vnto earth shalte thou returne Nothing they estéeme but that which is earthly Nothing they desire but that is carnal The froward creature will in no case knowe that is of the spirit The light is hatefull vnto sore eyes Uery painfull is bread to the mouth that is not whole A great mote was Christ to the Iewes as his true preachers are vnto the blynd world yet to this day For they smite the earth 9 They touch their liuing they rebuke their falshoode they condempne their wickednesse They reprooue thē of sinne of rightuousnesse of iudgement They force not to tell to him of theyr vnfaithfulnesse fraud and hipocrisiie of their Philosophers prelats religious No greater plague is it vnto the vngodly thē to hear of their euill dooings No greater paine nor yet greater punishment then to haue theyr faultes opened and theyr clonyng colours condempned That fretteth them at the verie heart Death must be sought out for such preachers No wōder is it though this be here written for this age of the churche For neuer were more earnest witnesses then are now more are lyke héereafter to follow till the man of sinne be fully knowne and his kingdome clearely ouerthrowen THE TEXT 1 And whan they haue fynished theyr testimonie 2. the beast that came out of the bottomlesse pitte 3. shal make war against them 4. and shall ouer come them 5. And theyr bodyes shall lye in the streetes of the great citie 6. which spiritually is called Sodome and Egypte 7. where our Lorde is crucified The Paraphrase 1 And when they haue once finished their testimonie sayeth the Lord the beast that came out of the bottomlesse pit shall make warre against them No sooner shall the witnesses of gods veritie in all ages be taken from the worlde then he hath prefixed After none other sorte shall they bée sent hence then he hath appoynted by hys eternall decrée Iohn Baptist was not imprisoned nor beheaded tyll hée had done his office Christ was not taken condempned and crucified tyll his houre was come Paule was not put vnto death til he had fulfilled his course 2 The beast of the bottomlesse pitte is the cruel craftie and curssed generation of Antichriste the Pope wyth his Bishoppes prelates priestes and religious in Europa Mahomite with his dotyng doucipers in Affrica and so foorth in Asia Iudia all beastly carnall and wicked in their dooings 3 These maketh war against Gods witnesses when they hate them cursse them blaspheme them persecute them When they withstande them with theyr craftes impugne them with their lyes and vexe them with their diuilishnesse as necessary it is they should doe For if they haue troubled the head they must vexe also the members If the housholder be called Belzebub the hosholde muste suffer the same No better is the seruaunt then his Lord nor the messenger then he that sent him 4 They shall also ouercome them not with the scriptures but with their beggerly customs cōstitutiōs lawes decrées and traditions They shall shall scourge them or disgarde them in their
then ryse disprophet then profite 9 For the tenth parte of the city fell to the grounde Their buildinge vpon sand will in no case endure That God hath not planted must vp by the rootes Their holy whoryshe church which is heere called Sodom and Egipt is ruinously decaied their monasteries of monkes their houses of friers their coleges of idle priests with theyr Nuns Chanons chantryes in many places are downe Tythes are not as they haue bene nor Trentals nor other deuocions Images are not sought nor pardons in confession The people inclineth to new learning and goeth from their olde beléeue of holy church They y● were mōks priests friers are now become gospell teachers Such as afore were dead standeth vp now against them boldely This fallen part is heare the tenth for it is the Lords by the law It is the same shéepe that afore was loste and nowe is brought to Christes folde These were called away from thence by the witnesses the other stande yet styll and are euery daye worse and worse 10 In the earthquake were slaine names of men to the number of seuē thousād An innumerable multitude hath ben sent out of the way by these Antichristes in their fury but yet nothinge haue they slayne but their names Onely haue they hurt their bodyes vpon their soules haue they had no power no more than had Sathan vpon the soule of Iob. Yet haue their not names perished befor god for of him are they writen in the booke of lyfe In no case are the wicked of the godly héere put to death though some do so vnderstand it but rather of the wicked the godlie For they neuer retaile their wronges but rather pray for their enimies 11 And the remnaunt or residue were feared saith saint Iohn and gaue glory to God of heauen Of such as were left in their earthquakes or terrible persecutions some remayned in pryson Some were beggered some were exiled some fled some lost their estimacion and friends and yet gaue prayse vnto God 12 In all their aduersities they gloryfied the name of their heauenly father and Lorde Thus haue we héere what is done already and what is it to come vnder this sixt trompet blowyng where vnder we are now which al belongeth to the second wo. 13 And these thinges once accomplished the second woe wyll be past And then looke by and by for the third woe for it wyll folow anone after without faile yea so soone as this second woe is done 14 In the later age of all shall this third woe raigne such time as Gog and Magog most extremly shall rage And the vninuersall iudgement shall finishe that woe as héere after more euidently wyll appeare But consider that these woes are to the infideles The faithfull feareth them not but receiuinge the worde in a pure hart they bringe forth fruite in pacient sufferaunce The xij Chapter NNw foloweth in order the seuēth trumpet blowinge or the pure declaration of Christes ioyfull tydynges for the laste age of the Church vnder the seuenth seale openynge with the wounders and maruayles that there after ensueth THE TEXT 1 And the seuenth Aungell blew 2. And there were made great voyces in heauen 3. Saying The kindomes of this worlde are our Lordes and his Christes 4. And he shall rayne for euermore 5. And the xxiiii elders vvhich sate before God on their seates 6. Fell vpon their faces and worshipped God saying 7. We geue thee thankes Lorde God almighty whiche art and waste and art to come 8. For thou hast receiued thy greate might and hast raigned 9. And the nation● were angry 10. And thy wrath is to come 11. And the time of the dead that they should be iudged 12. And that thou shouldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruantes the Prophets and sayntes 13. And to them that feare thy name small and great 14. And shouldest distroy them which destroye the earth The Paraphrase 1 And the seauenth Angel blewe sayeth Sainct Iohn The seuenth sort of sincere prechers shall vtter their message accordinge to the will of God they shall declare his pleasure as he hath appointed them For though it be spoken heare as past and done for the certentie of the thing yet is it not fulfilled in effecte The word of God was without beginning and his promyse euerlasting yet is it not all perfourmed in his creatures but many things are yet to come 2 After this blaste of the Angell were made great voyces in heauen Many the congregation or kingdom of God his Gospell once purely publyshed by the preachers shall speake godly thinges to the edification of other The simple poore weaklings idotes and infants shall vtter the hydden wisdome of god to the confusion of the great wise men and sage seniours of this world Yea the stones in the streat the outcastes of the world the forsaken people shall wonderfully prayse the Lord. 3 And these shal be their sayings when they shall sée the Antichristes cōfused and not able to speake again The kingdomes of this worlde that were somtime wicked cruel and vnfaithfull are now become the Lords and his Christes of his onely grace and goodnesse Now fall they to the worde that afore thought it foolishnesse Now cleaue they to the trueth that somtime did abhorre it Now haue they in hand the Gospel that afore dyd persecute it as sedicious learning and heresy 4 And in this congregation shal he raigne euermore Continually is he with them that in faith retaineth hys verytie All this shall they vtter with no small reioyce For doubtles after the seauenth seale opening and the gospell preaching then a peaceable time shall be and figured it is by the halfe houre spoken of afore For it shal not continue to the ende Long may not the church of Christ be vnpersecuted But yet this peace for the time shall ●ot onely be an inward peace in the conscience as is alwayes among the faithful but an outward quiet also or a season wtou● persecution abroade 5 And the xxiiij elders saith S. Iohn or the great number of saincts departed whiche sitteth before God on their seats or resteth in his swéet peace in such graces of the spirit as he gaue them by their lyfe time as charite stedfastnesse loue ioy peace méekenesse rightuousnesse and such other lyke fell downe flat vpon their faces 6 Most humblye haue they euer submitted themselues referryng vnto god the father the benfite of their creation and vnto Iesus Christ hys sonne the frée gyft of their redemption Yea sepcialli at this time being vnder the Antler of God knowyng by hys méere goodnesse the number of their brethē shortly to be fulfilled and them selues with thē to be at a gloryous liberty after their gostly sorte they laud hym saying 7 From the verye depth of our spirituall hartes we render vnto thée most hygh thankes Lorde god almighty eternall Father sonne and holy ghost which art one essenciall God and wast without beginninge and shalt be
but all other godly ministers of the word also which haue don the same euer since Onely reygneth the true Christian churche by the worde of God by the sincere scriptures by the doctrine of the Apostles and neyther supersticions nor ceremonies neither by councelles or customes by doctours nor fathers by miters nor rochetes by tippets nor hoods by shauē crownes nor side gowns by crosses nor copes by belles nor torches by shrines nor gilte Images nor yet by xij couples in a liuerie with golden chaines and garded coates Hir bewtie consisteth onely in faith and in the obseruation of Gods holy commaundements Hir true ministers or preachers as very chosen stars sheweth foorth his glorie to the edification of other and not their owne Pompe and magnificence 5 And shée was as is the woman with chylde Shée cryed traueyling in byrth and was payned as one readie to be deliuered With Christ is the church bigge whē hir members are in full faith In the harte is he euermore conceiued deliuered foorth suche time as he is declared vnto other For this cause Christ called them his mother which ha● faith and therevpon did the will of his father Of faith in the first promise that Christ should distroy the serpent was hée first conceiued in Adam and Eua and so grewe foorth in rightuous Abell in Seth Enos Enoche Noe Sem Thare Melchisedech Abraham and Loth. And as the promises waxed strōger as in Abraham Moyses Dauid and the Prophets and the people of God more in number so waxed the woman bigger bigger til the fulnesse of hir time was come that she shuld be deliuered Which was suche tyme as Christ appeared to the world taught and was cōuersaunt here among mē And this course hath shée kept euer since shall doe to the latter day in thē 〈◊〉 beléeue Thus hath shée had Christ in hir wombe since the beginning 6 And being full of hys heauenly spirit shée hath cryed in the Patriarks and Prophetes in the Apostles and faithfull ministers as one traueiling in byr●h Hyr crye was the mightie and stronge declaration of Christes doctrine the feruent zeale desire of the glorie of God of all mens health in Christ. Shée traueileth euer more a new lyke as did Paule tyll Christ be fashioned in hir christian mēbers With all hyr strength shée laboureth that the promised séede may encrease in the faith of all men 7 Fynally shée is payned with labours dolors blasphemies troubles and terrible persecutions and neuer is deliuered without them Neuer is Christ earnestly receyued til some of hir members doeth suffer The cōstant spirite inuincible standyng by the trueth in them hath conuerted many And lyke as the payned woman in all hir agonies is muche comforted by the hope of a childe so are Gods faithfull witnesses trustyng that by their pacient and glad sufferaunce Christ should bée receyued rightly fashioned in many Yea this causeth them to reioyce in all aduersitie and litle to estéeme their paines THE TEXT 1 And there appeared an other vvonder in heauen 2. for behold a greater red Dragon 3. hauyng seuen heades 4. and ten horns 5. and seuen crovvns vpon his head 6. and his tayle drue the third parte of the starres 7. and cast them to the earth The Paraphrase 1 After this sayeth Saint Iohn appeared in heauen an other token or meruaile all dyuers from the fyrst The true church which is gods kingdome was neuer yet without contradiction nor without the craftie assaultes of enimies Adam was not so soone created but he was immediately assaulted of Sathan Christ entered not so soone the worlde but hée was by and by persecuted The diuill goeth about lyke a roaring Lyon séeking whom he may deuoure 2 For behold there was séene a great red Dragon betokening the saide diuill with his whole retinue full of deceite crafte mallice poyson pryde and fiercenesse to enforce the poore weaklings to consent vnto his falsehood All red his bodie séemed in tokē that they which are of hym are all full of crueltie spight bloude sheading afflicting the constant beléeuers for withstanding hys assaultes Seldom is he out of the earth as winesseth Iob but commonly in the company of men impugnyng the faythfull And no power is able to matche him vnlesse it commeth from aboue 3 The sayd Dragon had vij heads signifying all the craftie wyles and subtile suggestions that he hath practised and vsed against Christ and hys word vnder all the vij seales opening and the vij trumpettes blowing Uerie easie it is to coniecture what maner of heades they were marking other places of the scripture A serpēts head should séeme to be the first considering that in the Serpent he deceyued our first parents with hys venymed craftes This head so maliciously poysoned man that God repented him of his creation and distroied hys whole kinde in the floud .viij. persōs only reserued After the floud had hée the head of a calfe for the seconde in signification of the shamefull Idolatrie and wicked worshippyng that then begon in Nemroth and so continued in the Heathen The third was the head of a Lyon full of pryde and oppression expressed first in the cruell reigne of the Assirians Caldeanes and after in the proude Bishoppes and priestes The fourth was a Beares head full of rauine and cruelnesse betokenig the fierce kingdom of Meades and Persianes Cōsequētly his fift head was lyke a Leopards head of many colours full of ficklenesse and chaungeablenesse And that was the vncōstant raign of the Greeks His sixt was the head of a beast farre vnlyke all other beastes which signifieth the kingdome of the Romans with their monstrous lawes more then néedeth The seuenth is not vnlyke to a mans heade including all carnall wisedome with all diuilyshe polices craftes this is the very papacie here in Europa which is the general Antichrist of all the whole world almost which hath alreadie subdued and distroyed the Empyre of Rome For he is called the Apostata man of sinne By this only head is the Dragon named the enuious mā The whole bodie foloweth the heads As the diuill is malicious wicked fierce cruel tyrannicall false execrable and deceitfull so are all his mēbers In the prudēce of the flesh after him they walk in Idolatrie hipocrisie all other filthinesse And like as afore Christes comming these heads were in the serpēt in the golden calues in the kingdome of Babilon in Nemroth in Pharao in Antiochus in the Pharisies scribes bishops Lawyers priestes so haue they bene since his time vnder the vij seales opening and the vij trumpets blowing after the same sort Under the first he had a serpēts head in the Iewes most maliciously and subtilly withstanding Christ his Apostles pretēding the zeale of God his lawes Under the second he had a calues head in the Idolators which slew the constant witnesses of Christes veritie Under the third the head of a proude Lyon in
trusting vpon longer continuance whan they sée his heade restored agayne in their rulers the godly teachers burned and the preachers put to silence 5 They worship also the beaste so many as worshipped the Dragō For as they which worship Christ worship his father also so they the worship Antichrist agréeing to his lawes and decrées doth also worship the diuil of whom he receiued his pryde They wonder with the Iewes that séeketh cauilations to cōtēpne Christes doctrine as doth the filthie family of the dotyng dodipolles priestes vnlerned lawyers They worship with the Heathē that admitteth their power and alloweth their faces as doeth the foolysh multitude that neuer will be godly wyse None other iudgement remayneth in these dayes to these wonderers and worshippers of the newlye restored head of the beast then did vnto them that with double deuotiō agréed to the abhominatiōs of Mahomet the pope 6 And this will be their saying as foloweth in the text spoken in the time past for the certaintie of the thing as the maner of the scripture is 7 Who is lyke vnto the beaste in outward glittering workes or in the externo obseruations of counterfayt religion 8 Who is able to war with hir the worldly powers now so déeply maintainīg hir quarel All seketh the papists that they can in the world imagine to vpholde the glory magnificence and beautie of their holy whorish church or malignaūt muster No cautels nor craftes leaue they vnsought nor vnsearched out to cause the people to estéeme hyr of incōparable power No small labour tooke standyshe in hand in Whittington College when he made his more thē foolish booke of reproch against Barnes being dead Nor no lessē diligēce the wise poet Iohn Hūtīgtō whē he registred in his genealogy of heritikes with out grace wit learning the names onely of such godly men as were the Popes enimyes no heretike agaynst God once mentioned No more dyd Thomas Smith Richard Dallison Williā Stawne Steuē Prowet Fryer Adriā Quarrie the Pardoner with suche other blynde Popish Poetes and dyrtye metristes when they vttered theyr shitton rymes and poesies And sure I am that many moe be yet abroade of the same wicked zeale and spirite to the great blasphemie both of God and his trueth now that the beastes wounde is made whole agayne by so many new actes so many new titled Bishops so fresh sale of benifices maisterships and dignities spiritual offices degrées and aucthorities as plētuous as euer was in Rome And least we should be depryued of our new pleasaunt Euphrates and so bée compelled by the word of God to follow the Monks Chanons Nunnes and Fryers in theyr banyshments We haue procured certaine actes to be made for our commoditie and those only to be published among the people once in a quarter or so oft as shall please vs to blemishe all Godly preachings of the scriptures Thus séeke we our selues and not God our owne strength and not his our owne glorie and not Iesus Christs But let vs not thynke that he sléepeth with Baall the false God knowyng the most hydden thoughtes of the harte but that he will within shorte space sende foorth his lightnyngs and scater vs brynging our heathenishe deuises to nought For the kyngdome of one faith in vs and the Pope thus manifestly in certayne points deuyded must surely decay THE TEXT 1 And there vvas giuē vnto him a mouth 2. to speake great things and blasphemies 3. And povver vvas giuen vnto him to doe xlij moneths 4. And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his Tabernacle and them that dvvell in heauen 5. And it vvas gyuen vnto him to make vvarre vvith the Sainctes 6. and to ouercom them 7. And povver vvas giuen him ouer all kinreds tongue nacion 8. And all that dvvelt vpon the earth vvorshipped him 9. vvhose names are not vvrittē in the booke of life 10. of the lambe 11. vvhich vvas killed from the beginning of the vvorld 18. If any man haue an eare let him heare 13. he that leadeth into captiuitie shall goe into captiuitie 14. Hee that killeth vvith a svvearde must be killed vvith a svvearde 15. Heere is the patience and the faith of the sainctes The Paraphrase 1 To this beast saith sainct Iohn was giuen a mouth not of God but of Sathan to speake great mightie things and blasphemies So well is this spoken of the one as the other so many as hath done vpon the Antichrst●s liuery title power aucthoritie or name When the veritie of the Lord was opened before them they gaue no thankes for it but became vaine in their thoughts wherfore god gaue them ouer into a leude mynde darkening their hartes So that now thinking them selues wise they appeare more foolish then afore 2 Now speake they great thyngs in their conuocations seanes sermons and all are sore blasphemyes against God his Christ. Now must they serue God by most straite commaundement with olde Romish beggerry though he most highly abhorreth it no scriptures may be reade in the time thereof For the scriptures must onely passe as we wil haue thē How shuld the beasts hed els be healed again or howe should our church be known els to be his own Image Oh beastly abhominatiō most hellish decree Now must Christ be takē for no sauior at all wtout our deseruīgs The supper of the lord that was somtime a mutual perticipatiō of Christes body and bloud must now be a new crucifying of him one traitour playing al parts Iudas Annas Caiphas Herode Pylate the Iews Matrimony must be iudged vncleanes though it be the earnest institutiō of god No popish vow may be dissolued though it be well knowen a matter so diuilish as hath made an hūdreth thousād Sodmites The Eucharisti may not be receiued in both kindes though it be the expresse commaundement of Christ so to bée vsed Without the blynde bussings of a Papist may no sinne be soluted for that is the vpholdyng of their kyngdome with many other lyke blasphemies Certayne other great thyngs are vttered by thys mouth whiche now I passe ouer least I shoulde bée tedious to the reader How be it thys one great blasphemy that is spokē I can not leaue vntouched Where as they boast them selues yet still alone to be the holy church by the onely vertue of theyr vnctions and shauings receiued first of the Pope the laitie secluded And vnder thys most falsely vsurped title they will still be taken for the redéemers of mens soules For they say that their masses are satisfactorie sacrifices for the quicke and the deade iustifying reléeuing and sauing them both from dampnation ex opere operato And ouer that abhominable swarme of Antichristes filthie ministers make they nowe their Kyngs the heades most blasphemouslye onely to be by them vpholden now in all their mischiues Truth it is that a king is the politique head supreme gouernour great stay vnder God of the people
faithful beléeuers knowne The vnfaithful reprobats beholdeth the smoke but neither perceiue thei in it the glory of god nor the maiestie of his presēce They neither con●eiue his wonderfull workes nor yet his Godly iudgements Their folish harts are so darkned that though they know God yet glorifye they him not They sée the smoke perceyue the world troubled as it is alwaies when the verity appeareth but neuer the more faith nor godly knowlege haue they But the whiche is vnto the faithfull a rayse is vnto thē a ruine That is vnto the other the power of God vnto health is vnto them slander and folishnesse And that is vnto the other a sauoure of life vnto life is vnto them a sauour of death vnto death They remember not that the Lord came down in fyre vnto Moises vpon Mount Synay when it smoked altogyther like a burnyng furnace therfore beare they away no glorified faces or conciences depured by a true perfecte fayth 14 And no man was able saith the text to enter into the temple til the vii deadly plages of the .vii. Angels were wholy fulfilled For though the true beléeuers perceiue in the misteries of the scriptures the present maiestie mightie power of GOD yet enter they not into full knowledge of him being as yet subiect vnto vanitie For héere is there knowledge vnperfect and their prophecying also And therfore acknowledging their imbesilitie and also wayting for the reuelation of the children of God they say with Saincte Paule O the wonderfull déepenesse of the wisdome and knowledge of God How incomprehēsible are his iudgements and how vnsearcheable his wayes 15 And at this point shal they stil be tyl the last iudgement day finish all For the ful entring into the temple is none other then a whole perfect or consummate knowledge of God and hys mysteries Which can not fully be had till that which is vnperfect be done away the creature deliuered from bondage of corruption And til death be swalowed vp the vessell of corruption becommyng incorruptible the mortall body becōming spiritual The rightuous shal thā shine as doeth the sunne in the kingdom of their father glister as doth the bright stars world without end What the vij plagues are what is their fulfilling wil in this Chapter folowing appeare The xvj Chapter THE TEXT 1 And I harde a great voice out of the temple 2. saying to the seauen Angels 3. Go your wayes 4. povvre out your vials of vvrath vpon the earth 5. And the first vvent and povvred out his viall vpon the earth 6. and there fell a noysome and a sore botch vpō the mē vvhich had the marke of the beast 7. and vpon them that vvorshipped his Image The Paraphrase AN other great voyce hard Iohn out of the temple A perfect strōg and earnest assurance had hée of the Lord by a spirituall premonishment that the vnuariable decrees of his set iudgements should be fulfilled at their tymes of him appoynted Yea ascertained he was infallibly that they should in their due seasons come to passe For vnto his friendes openeth he his secret counsailes alwayes as he did in olde tyme vnto his well beloued Israell vnto Moyses Zachary Ezechiell and Daniel with such other 2 And the voice was vnto the seauen Angels vnder the vij seals opening and the vij trumpettes blowyng after this sorte Goe your wayes foorth fulfilling the purpose ye be ordeyned vnto Powre out your vyalles of wrath vpon the earth 3 Declare them first of all to the world to be the reprobate vesselles of dishonour which of wilfulnesse cōtemneth my eternal veritie Consequently send them into most déepe errour that they may waxe worse and worse and not onely to erre in them selues but also to bring other into errour that they may receyue the double reward therof abyding my most fearfull iudgemēt 4 And in such tyme as the Lord appointed the first Angel went foorth vnder the first seale opening and poured out his viall vpon the earth For in the first age of the church to trye hyr as golde in the furnace permitted the Lord by his eternall decrée the malicious Sinagoge of the Iewes to rage and to doe their vngodly feats In the which their furious madnesse not onely dyd they persecute the Apostles and fyrst preachers of Christ from cittie to citie but also peruerted the earthly mynded multitude by many and diuers vngodly kindes of false doctrine in hipocrisie Of this sorte was Himineus Philetus becommyng of Saduces false Christians and denying the latter resurrection whom Paul did excommunicate So were also Phigellus Hermogenes bringing in agayne circumcision with certaine ceremoniall obseruacions to bleamishe the Gospell of Christ. These with suche lyke subuerted whole houses sayeth Paule teaching things that they ought not to haue taught for filthie lukers sake 6 And whan they were thus by the dec●●ed purpose of God shead vpon the earth or ●e●te vnto their owne earthly ●●astlin●sse all destitute of hys grace for cōtempning his word so graciously 〈◊〉 there lighted a noysome and 〈◊〉 botch vpon those men whych 〈◊〉 marke of the beast or an 〈…〉 through their perswasiōs 7 〈◊〉 vpon them also that worshipped his Image or accepted them for godly that made lawes repugnaunt to his lawes For the great headed Rabines of the Iewes did not onely spot the consciēces of the Israelites their own natiue cōtrie men but also of the Grekes and Latines the Asians Romaines compelling them for their own tradytions to make Gods commaundemēts of none effect These hauing a pretence of godly liuing denied the power therof Of this sort were they which entered into houses brought into bōdage supersticious women loaden with sin For a more déepe vnderstāding hereof cōfer this with the first seale opening and the first trumpet blowing and lykewise the other vj. folowing THE TEXT 1 And the second Angell shead out his vyall 2. vpon the sea 3. and it turned as it vvere into the bloud 4. of a dead man 5. And euery liuing thing dyed in the sea The Pharaphrase 1 After this went foorth the seconde Angel of the second seale opening effunding hys vyall vpon the sea According to the decrée of God almightie for the second age of the Christian church reigned among the Christians deceytfull brethren peruerse teachers betraying the tru ministers deliuerīg thē vnto deth for Iesus Christs sake that his life might be sene in their mortal flesh For in this life he proueth his electes with Abraham and Iob to saue them to make thē iust folowers of Christ whom it behoo●ed to suffer ere he entred into h●s glory 2 Upon the sea or wauering multitude was this ●●al●shed Only are the false Prophets receiued taken of the folishe fantastic●ll ●●ipper witted sort as a réed shakē of euery wind Non regardeth them which hath set sure footing vpon the harde rocke Christ. Such a vial or vessel of Gods Ire was Mair the Idon●●t which
daies was in auhoritie ouer al the world yea sitting aboue God in the consiences of men and nowe is become of no reputacion amonge men God openinge his mischiefes is euen the eyghte in number And yet neuertheles is one of the vii heades For both is he the beastly body it selfe comprehending in him the vniuersall abhominations of all the earthlye kyngdomes And in that poynt diuers from the seuen heades and so the .viii. in number 10 And also he is one of the .vii. heades and the seauenth in numbre in vsurpyng this proude worldly kyngdome thus after a vayne temporall sorte Ouer and besids all thys maye he also be called the eyght in the curssed remnant which after the peaceable silence of christen libertie sathan loosoned shall most cruelly persecute Christes congregation a freshe as in the xx chapter here following wil appeare 11 This beast with hys carriage the Antichrist with hys church or sathan wish his sinagog shal not onely go into destructiō here by the mighty breth of Gods mouth or the true preaching of hys Gospell but also into dampnation euerlastinge in the ende of the worlde with the deuill and hys Angelles THE TEXTE 1 And the ten hornes vvhich thou savvest are ten Kinges 2. VVhich haue not yet receiued the kingdome 3. But shall receiue povver 4. As Kings 5. At one houre vvith the Beast 6. These haue one minde 7. And shall geue their povver and strength vnto the beast 8. These shall fight vvith the lambe 9. And the Lambe shall ouercome them 10. For he is Lorde of all Lordes 11. And Kinge of all Kinges 12. And they that are on his side 13. Are called the chosen and faithfull The Paraphrase 1 And the ten hornes saith the Angell vnto Iohn which thou sawest here vp on the heades of this rose coloured beast are in signification x. Kinges Some hath taken these ten Kings for al those Emperours of the Latins since Charlemayn which haue sworn them selues obediente to the Byshoppe of Rome Some haue thought them to be those Princes which here in Europa haue aforetime bene subiecte to the Empyre of Rome As the Kinges of England Fraunce Spaine Portingale Castele Denmarke Scotlande Ungary Boheme and Naples But these consider not that they be yet more in number as Aragone Nauerre Cicile Cypres Sardine Swethē Pole and such other and are all included in the seauen heades as members of the afore rehersed Empires Neither marke they that they are aboue the heades as hornes and more in number then the heades betokening a rygorus authorytie and fierce power whiche they proudlye vsurpe ouer them euery where Afore they were but suggestions but héere are they earnest doers For in euerye region hath the beastly Antichriste of Rome his Metropolitanes Primats As in England are Caunterbury an● York in Fraunce Thuronensis and Remensis in Spaine Tholetanus Terraconensis in Portingale Hispalensis Bracarensis in Irelande Armachanus Dubliniensis in Denmarke Lundensis and Upsalensis in Germany Coloniensis Maguntinus in Hungary Strigoniensis and Colocensis in Italye Pisanus Rauennas in Sicyle Panormitanus Messanences with an infinite number of bishops prelates pristes religions besides the fighting orders of the Rhodes the Prussianes the Redemers of captiues the Aragondes the Georgianes caled de Alga the Monteseanes the Castilianes the Lusitaneanes the Calatraneanes S. Iames warriours 2 These had not yet at y● tyme receiued the diuillish kingdom of pestilnce vsurpacion ouer the soules of men For though in Iohns daies arose certaine Antichristes as Hebion Cerinthius Diotrephes Carpocras and such like yet were they nothinge to these 3 But now in déede they haue receyued the selfe same aucthoritie power with the beast that hée tooke afore of the Dragon in maner of kings to rule in the heartes and consciences of men to his behoue 4 For so much as theyr authoritie is not of God lyke as is the authoritie of Kings it is sayd here as kings or as men counterfeyting them in vsurping a gouernaunce not fréely giuen them of God but of the Diuill 5 All at one houre receyued they this aucthoritie with the beast And that I suppose was in the great general coūsayle of Laterane at Rome gathered vnder the title to recouer Hierusalem agayne Where as confession in the eare was cruelly extorted of christian people vnder the payne of death dampnation by the whole consent both of the princes bishops at the former suggestiō of Innocēt the third besides other wicked things As to heare latine seruice to go on processiō on sundayes to pray vnto dead saints to ●orship Images to buy masses for the dead to ●ast the fridays with purgatory pardōs merits friers orders In the sayd coūsail became the metropolitanes as kinges and by the authority threof apointed they their Stuards Baliues other officers as bishopes curates parish pristes to haue euer charge of soules and in the sayd eare cōfession to receiue their accountes 6 These counterfet kinges are al of on diuelish mind practise purpose against God and his veritye 7 And fully they are fixed to geue their whole power their study their strength vnto the behoofe of the beast Not acording to Gods mind wil they rule but al after his wil pleasur agreing alwaies vnto him as mēbers to their head to serue wickednesse after wickednes in Babilon His Popish decres wil they seke his diuelish decretales will they folow his ceremonials wil they obserue and nothing of the sacred scriptures What learnyng so euer they haue what giftes of nature fortune or grace al must be to the maintenāce of his fātastical fopperis To him ar they sworn to do him homage to obey his laws to kisse his féete for his glorious sake to persecute his gospell 8 And in so doing they shal fight with the lamb which is Iesus Christ. They shal impunge his truth whē they think to doe him seruice For that mischiefe they doe to one of his they doe to hys owne person 9 But be they neuer so dogged yet ●hal the Lambe ouercome them in his faithful members yea by pacient sufferaunce onely The victory saith S. Iohn which ouercōmeth the worlde is a sure christian fayth Upon theyr ●ide fighteth he which is most myghtie and strong yea the Lord that is valyaunt in battail And he shall first ouercome them in this lyfe with the mightie breath of his mouth scattering thē away as dust from the earth And after this shall hys tirrible iudgement for euer condempne them 10 For he is by the aucthoritie giuen him of his father the Lord of all Lords and by his own eternall Godhead the King of all Kings hauyng all power in heauen and in earth He is cōstitute Iudge of the quicke and the dead hauing alone the euerlastyng Em●yre with his father and the holye Ghost and of his kyngdome shall neuer bée an ende 11 By his permission doeth all kinges reigne he
abhominations of this whorish church till the words and promises of God by his Apostles and Prophets which can neuer fayle be wholly fulfilled in effecte and till his last iudgemēt doe finish all But thus doe not all they which haue done of the yoke of the Popes obedyence or blotted out his name For the greater number of them retaineth still the blasphemous obseruacions cerimonies of hys Romish relygyon some making new lawes of deth for the establishmēt of the same as is in England the acte of the .vj. Articles with diuers other more And for this remayneth here stil the beast as receiuing the rendred kingdome of the whore In whom is also comprehended the wicked remnant that shal worke the last mischiefe whom the Lorde shall ende with his saide iudgement This beast is not without his liuely Image still working the same féetes that him selfe wrought afore though his head be greuouslye wounded in diuers quarters of the world Neyther is he without craftye phisitions to minister life to the same Who euer forswore the Pope more ernestly than did Stokislye and Samson Gardyner and Tunstall Wylson and fryer Wattes with such other holy prelats yet labour they toth and nayle to haue Babilō stil Babilō Sodome Sodom and Egipt Egipt But maruail not of the ordinance of the Lord which all at on time prouyded Moyses to guide his people yet hardened Pharao against thē which sent his sonne Iesus Christ to saue them and yet suffered the pristes to murther him considering he is the potter which maketh both the vessels of honouer and dishonour 31 Brifly to conclud the whole of thys matter saith the angel the gorious aparreled woman or glittering church of Antichrist which thou sawest here of late in mistery is also in recēblance the great citty Babilō the mother of al the spiritual abhominacions Idolatries don vpon the earth For like as frō Sion hath the laue cōmen forth the word of god from Hieruselē so hath issw●d forth frō this Babilonish Rome such a false religiō into Emperours princes peoples as with filthy superstitions hath poysoned all the world 14 For a kingdō she hath ouer the kings or noble gouernours of the earth a false power a vsurped authority a seat of very pestelence Alas for pitty that so worthy potentates shoulde bée in subiection to so stinking an whore to so vyle an harlot being so the seruaunts of sinne and captiue slaues to all wickednesse from the whiche the Lorde once deliuer them Amen Thus endeth the second part The Contentes of the seconde parte THe xj Chap. beginneth wherin Iohn measureth the Temple the Aulter and them that worship therein The .ij. witnesses doe their appointed offices the beast making warre against them and sleying them A great Earthquake followeth and the second woe is past The xij Chapter beginneth wherin the seuenth Angell bloweth his trompet In heauē appeareth a woman all cloathed with the sun whom the Dragon diuersly vexeth Mychaell fighteth with the Dragon and ouercommeth him The woman flyeth into the wildernesse and there is preserued The xiij Chapter beginneth wherin a beast ryseth out of the sea with seuen heades and ten hornes receyuing authority of the Dragon One of his heades is wounded and healed agayne An other beast commeth out of the earth with .ii. hornes which deceiueth the earthly dwellers and raiseth vp an Image like vnto the beast In the ende is counted the number of the beast The .xiiij. Chapter beginneth wherin the Lambe standeth vpō the mount Sion and the vndefiled congregacion with him An Angell sheweth the euerlasting Gospel an other declareth the fal of the great whore An other is commaūded with his sikle to cut down the grapes of the vineyard The .xv. Chap. beginneth wherein Iohn séeth the seuen Angels hauing the seuen last plages of the wrath of God On the glassy sea standeth men hauing the harpes of God they sing the song of Moyses and the songe of the lambe The tabernacle of testymony is séene in heauen The .xvi. Chapter beginneth where in the seuen Angels power out theyr vials of gods wrath The first vpon the earth The secōd vpō the sea The third vpon the riuers The fourth vpon the sūn The fift vpon the seat of the beast The vj. vpon the great floud Euphrates And the seuenth into the ayre The xvij Chapter beginneth wherin an Angell sheweth vnto Iohn the iudgement of the great whore which sitteth vpon the beast Hée discrybeth both hir and the beast at large Finally he sheweth the meaning both of hys heades and hornes with other great mysteries more The poore persecuted church of christ or immaculate spouse of the Lambe Apoca. 12. The Dragō was wroth with the woman which fled into the wildernesse and went and made warre with the remnaunt of hir séede which kept the commaundement of god and haue the testimone of Iesus Christ. The proude painted Church of the Pope or sinfull Sinagoge of Sathan Apoca. 17. I sawe woman sitte vpon a Rose coloured beast full of names of blasphemye decked with golde precious stone and pearles with whom the Kinges of the earth committed whordome and the inhabiters of the earth are dronken with the wyne of hir fornication ¶ THE THIRDE parte of the Image of both churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly reuelation of saint Iehn the Euangelist c. Compiled by Iohn Bale Apoca 1. ¶ I Ihon your brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdome of pacience which is in Christe Iesu was in the I le of Pathmos for the worde of God A small Preface vnto the Christen Reader FOr so muche as this Image of both churchs or exposition vpon S. Iohns Apocalipsis seemed vnto me as it came vnto the printing to be farre to much for one volume I thought to deuide it by equall porcions into three smal bookes as I haue now done in deede Of whom the firste contayneth x. Chapter the second vii the third v. onely which maketh out the whole number of the xxii Some peraduenture wil maruel that the smaller nūber of the chapters should comprehend so much of that commētarie as the greater number But if they marke in the text the aboundinge of misteries euermore as the matter thereof aboundeth they will soone leaue their marueiling The nature of this reuelation is the further it goeth the more wonders it sheweth openeth vnto hym that after praier shal in faith reade it and deserne it Neuer therin are the principles well perceiued till the conclusion thervpon folowinge doth playnely with the other scriptures conferred declare them In these v. last chapters are the two churches wherevpon resteth the whole argumēt of this booke fully by all dew circumstaunces described thē turned ouer into a moste fearefull and terrible destruction vnder title of the olde whorish Babilon the other obtayning a moste glorious rayse vnder the name of the holy new Hierusalem In the xvij● Chapter is that execrable churche of
antichrist with hyr filthye wares and occupings painted out hereof the holye Ghost with hir most horrible fal in the end hir worldly fauours shewing gret heanies and the seruants of God an excedyng reyse In the .xix. Chapter is that reyoice of elect number ouer the tirryble iudgments of that whore much more highly discribed the deth of Christes holy witnesses most plentyously reuenged and how the Angel in no case will of Iohn be worshiped In the .xx. Chapter is the dragon tied vp for a thousand years the chosen sort reigning with Christ. Gog and Magog gather thē to battayle and are ouercōmen The dead after that ariseth and receiueth iudgement In the xxi Chapter is the church of the chosen or the new Hierusalem prepared to to hir spouse That citie commeth downe from heauen and is of the holy ghoste here after most wonderfull circumstaunces in hir right proportion described In the xxii Chapter the riuer of lyuinge waters proceedeth from the throne of God Iohn sealeth vp the sayinges of this prophecy Christ concludeth what his kingdome is and who shall be therevnto receyued admonishyng that vnto his worde nothing be added of men in payne of dampnation Some hatefull and vngodly blasphemers there are and euer hath bene whiche wyll in no wise this Booke to be of equall authorytie with the other scriptures of christes testament But damnably wretched 〈◊〉 are they in the vaine imaginations of their sinful h●rts The most high Theologye and secret wisdome of God the eternall father is the blessed doctrine there of geuen vnto hys onely sonne in our humanytie and after that of him so cōmited vnto Iohn by the holy ghost to be distributed taught by hym to the vniuersal christen cōgregation which is a most sufficient argument of the authoritie therof what so euer mad Momus shall quarrell to the contrary Iames Faber Stapulensis in his preface prefixed to the woorkes of Dionise the Ariopagyt doubted neuer a deale to prefer this heauenly prophesie to all the other writings of the other Apostles confessing that in worthines it farre passed them all the due circumstances there of considered The more nigher saith he the light be to the sun the more strength it hath and the more clernesse it ministreth vnto men But Momus hath not yet done away the madde mistes of his monkery nor yet the darke dregges of his sophistry which both are great blemyshing vneo his eye sight The wisdom of Plato Homerus Cicero auaileth nothing in this Aristotle Uirgil if thei were aliue could herein do little or nothing In estimably more maketh the poore fishers learning to the vnderstanding of these misteryes thē the prowd painted eloquence or far set resōs of the philosophers The Lord geue vs grace from the barne of his most plentuous scriptures to fetche the fat feedyng of our feble hungry soules that we may by thē obtayne his strength into the lyfe euerlasting The third part of the Image of both chruches after the most wonderfull heauenly reuelacion of saint Iohn the Euangeliste Compiled by Ihhn Bale The xviij Chapter VNder the title of Babilon is here in this chapter folowing described the feareful iudgment of the malignant church with the ruinous fal of Antichrist and his kingdom prefigured afore in Esay and Hiremye THE TEXT 1 And after that I savve an other angell 2 Com dovvne frō heauen 3. hauing great povver 4. And the earth vvas lightned vvith his brightnes 5 And he cried mightely vvith a strong voyce saying 6. She is falen she is fallen 7 Euen greate Babilon 8. And is become the habitacion of Deuils 9. And the holde of al foule spirites 10. And a cage of all vnclene and hatefull birdes 11. For all nacions haue dronk of the vvine 12. of the vvrath of hyr vvhordom 13. And the kinges of the earthe haue commited fornicaciō vvith hyr 14. And hyr marchauntes are vvaxen ryche 15. of the abundance of hir pleasurs The Commentarie 1 After these manifolde visions sayeth S. Iohn was I yet ware of an other aungel or heauenly messenger of the Lord cōmyng downe from heauen whnch is the habitacle of God For from aboue al goodenesse cōmeth This Aungell betokeneth the faythfull preachers of our age and is all one wiih the Angel that had the seale of the liuing God in the vii Chapter wyth him that was clothed with a cloude in the x Chapter and with him thai procllamed the fal of Babylon in the .xiiii. chapter 2 In that he is sayd here to come downe from heauen is signified that they are sente 〈◊〉 God hauing great power with constaunt feruentnesse of spyrit strongelye to declare hys wil to the vtter destruction of the whore For like as the father hath lyf in hym selfe so hath his sonne Iesus and ●o hath in hym his Godlye ministers 3 His power is an euerlasting power retayninge both lyfe and death 4 With the brightnes not of this angell which was but a messēger but of the power that was geuen vnto him was the vniuersal earth abundantlye lightned Full is all the world of the glory of God where as his word 〈…〉 his verity is once spred by y● true Godly prechers 5 In this strong power cr●ed he might●ly in this clere light was his earnest voice herd vttering this sentence to the world 6 She is falen clean down that was so proud she is turned ouer that was so glorious an whore yea euen the great Babilō hyr self or blasphemous church of the Hipocrites 7 By the iudgement of God is ●he brought to vtter confusion Firste ha● she a ●al by the death of Christ when the prince of this world was throwē forth Mark the distruction of Hierusalem wher the church of the Iews dyd cease the material temple of Salamō and clearelye ouerthrowen not one stone vpon an other remayning Now shall she haue an other much worse by the playne ●●nifestation of hys word to the comfort of all his elects And both are of one certenty though the one he pa●te and the other yet to come Confer with this place the ouerthrowe of the monasteries in England Denmarke the free cities of Germany certaine other regions thinke that more sorowes are yet comming 8 These are the causes of hyr fall and occasions of hyr ruyne before the Lord. She is become the filthy habitacion of deuils much more than before hir first fa●l for now they enter in by heaps yea seuen for ●n afore 9 Now is she the stinking hold of all vnclene spirites For ther haue al the kinds of Idolatry their earnest maintenance by hir spiritual occupiers the bishops priestes and religious There regneth Simony Sacrilege Usury fraud ambition mallice glotony auaryce pryde filthynes all mischiefes beysde 10 Now is she the corrupt cage of all vnclene fowles and ●atefull byrdes For in hyr dwelleth the aduouterous Cardinals the buggery bishops the prostibulous prelates and pristes the Gomorreane monks chanons friers and nonnes an
They fashioned thē selues to the example that was shewed thē in the mount 3 None other are these horses then their corruptible bodyes prepared to battail They which are of Christ doth mortifie the vices and lustes of theyr flesh they tame their carnall affectiōs Like perfect men they brydle their bodies to the obedience of the spirite So to become the true seruantes of rightuousnesse and no more to do seruice vnto sin White are these horses for the pure word of the Lord which gouerneth thē No meruaile though these myghtie souldyers foloweth the Lord cōsidering he is so oft in the scriptures called the lord of hosts A like similitude dyd the seruant of Helizens the Prophet behold in a vision throug Gods permission in Dotham 4 This army of the Lord here were appareled preciously with pure white silk or fine raynes betokening the pure innocensy which they haue in Christe theyr general captain Not carnal is this armour but euermore spirituall after the doctrine of S. Paule Though we walke in the flesh saith he yet do we not fight after a fleshly maner For the weapons of our warre are not carnal things but things mighty in God Bewtifull fayre is my welbeloued saith the eternall Salomon for hys soule pleaseth his Lord and is loued agayn of him His fauour his mercy is vpon his holy ones he hath a louing respect vnto his chosen number A notable singe of victory in the faithfull are also these white horses vestures for afore they ar called iustificacions of the saintes 5 And out of his Godly mouth sayth the Text proceded forth a two edged swerd which is the fearce iudgement of his mighty word By this effectual swerd are the faithfull beleuers woūded vnto life and the vnbeleuers to the death of dampnacion For vnto some it is the sauour of life and vnto some againe the sauour of death vnto death By this swerd also shal the dead braūches be cut from the vine and the corrupted members from the whole body The gotes shal be deuided from the lambes and the euil from the rightuous Oh how sharp fierce and tirrible wil this sentence of the lords indignaciō be at that day Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fyre Yet shall it be vnto the faithful a perpetuall power victory triumphe ouer their enymies 6 Ouer besides all this goeth that swerd frō his eternal mouth to the intēt he should therw t correct their Heathē or reform● thē of their heathinish life So that if they wil not at the wholsome admonishmēts of his word repent and amend their olde conuersacion that than they should be condemned by the same for their wilful contempt If men wil not turne saith Dauid he shall whet his swerde against them He wil sharpen it as the lightening and aquite his enymies their wickedmes 7 This mighty Lord shal rule them with a strong rodde of yron which is the inuincible veritie This is the rod of right order the septure of the kingdome and the wand of power whom the Lord sent frō Sion to haue sway among our enymies So strong is this septure that it wil not bowe No place wil it geue to the contrary parte If they will not therewith be ordred he shall breke them in peces as the potter doth his pot in such maner as they neuer shal recouer agayne 8 The winefat of the great fiercenesse and sore displeasur of almighty God shal he tred downe with power More greuously shal they be opressed at this latter comming by his set sētence thā they wer afore at Hierusalē by Uespasianus and Titus The vineyarde of the Lord of hostes was the house of Israell This brought he out of Egipt by strong hande Thereof looked hée to haue had grapes and it brought hym foorth bryers and thistles Their vines were as the wilde vines of Sodome Bitter were their grapes as the poyson of Dragons and as the cruel gaul of Adders Therfore will he break the hedge and throw downe the wal that it may be troden vnder foote 9 Great anguishe shall bée vpon the earth in his fury and wrath vpō that people in his anger They shall fall on the edge of the swerd and be dispersed Both here shall they haue griefe and also in the world to come 10 This victorious horse man hath vpon his white vesture besprinckeled with bloud which is his innocent māhood crucified 11 And vpō his tender thigh whom some call his churche some his scriptures as flesh of his fleshe or spirite of his spirite this name of magnificence written 12 In both of them is it manifestlye expressed that he is both king of kinges and also Lorde of Lordes the great guide of right gouernours and that monarke of godly magistrates By kings is his generation discribed of Mathew in the posteritie of Dauid and of Luke by faithfull fathers vnto Adam which had the first promise of health Both doth the godly actes of his natural māhood and also the holy spirite whom he left here to the comfort of all true beléeuers declare that he is the eternall attourney of God his Apostles true seruaunts affyrming the same And these are his garmente and thigh By hys death is our nakednesse couered which are his misticall members Of his spirite is our strength which are the generation séeking the Lord of Iacob 13 Both hath he giuen hym of God the high seat of Dauid his father and also the vniuersall power in heauen and in earth as he by whom all things were first created For his power is an euerlasting power and his kingdome such as shall neuer perishe And all this is comprehended in that he is called the sonne of the highest and in that he alone hath immortalitie inhabyting the light that no man can attayne to whom be honour and euerlasting empire Amen In this vesture and thigh are his titles written as to hys onely behou e that no man shuld of presumption vsurpe them neither by supremite nor vycarage his church and posteritie acknowledging the same euermore THE TEXT 1 And I savve an Angell 2. stande in the sunne 3. and he cryed vvith a loude voyce 4. saying to all soules that flye by the middest vnder the heauen 5. Come and gather your selues togither 6. vnto the supper of the great God 7. that ye may eate the fleshe of kynges 8. of high captaine 9. the flesh of mightie men 10. and the flesh of horses 11. and of them that sit on them 12. and the flesh of all free men bondmen 13. both of small and great The Commentary 1 After this reuelation I sawe saith sainct Iohn a beautifull Angell betokening not onely the Apostles but all other faithfull ministers in the word els hauing the Apostles spirite 2 In the sunne stedfastly stoode thys Angell which signifieth Christ that cleare sunne of rightuousnesse the bright morning star in the middest of the cloude the expresse Image of God substance of his
the afore named Necromanser Siluester which was both a blacke Mouncke and also a Frenchman borne This beastly Antichriste boasting himselfe not onely to bée Christes vicar in earth but also to be equal with him in maiesty and power set f●rst the Diuell at large by his Necromancy which toke frō the heartes of mem the liuing worde of the Lord leste they shoulde be saued Frō thēce forth were not the holy scriptures regarded but olde wyues tales Iewish fabels most highly reputed Them came in Cannōs Decrées Sentences Sinodals Decretals Clemētines Exextrauagauntes with other Popysh ●awes the gospell claene set apart About this time ollo as master Iohn Carion wryteth in hys cronicle floryshed the Lordly order of cardinals and grewe into a wonderful estimacion in the worlde The vniuersites were thē furnished with learned mē mightely to proue the Pope Christes vicar in earth and the onely husbande and ouerséer of hys churche General counsels were oft gathered to dyspute with all Christendome that none might dispence in matters of conscience but he and they whom he should appoynte and that he could in no wyse erre No though when the candle were out he went to bed with an other mans wife besydes that I wil not spaeke at this time By this meanes got he an imperial seate and might make both Emperours kinges at his pleasure And lykwyse depose them when he lusted He myght distribute the kingdomes and geue the great possessions of this worlde to whom he lust●d yea to hys owne bastardes and chamberlynes as he dyd manye tymes For of the Diuell he hath receyued them where as Christ did vntterly forsake them And for so much as he was the high Priest after the order of Sathā be myght kepe a generall marte all hys lyfe tyme sell all the Bishoprickes benefices degrées and offices of hys church He might subiect the gospel to his owne interpretation make new constitutions release synne for mony make euery day new Gods and doe many other thinges els No end was then of their gaudyshe ceremonyes brawlynges in the temple Singings bels orgayns Images ornamentes lampes candels holy dayes shauings surplesses pater nosters cōmaunded 〈◊〉 such like that a man woulde haue thought them Angels when they were very Diuels in dede For the tyme that Sathan was thus sette at large by Christes onely vicar was ther not one martyr alowed vnlesse it were for deposinge of Princes and defending the liberties of holy churrh agaynst them lest theyr murtherers théeues beynge wythin sacred orders shoulde be hanged with the secule●● Marke the condition of the tyme. Afore that Sathan was thus at libertie he remained secret in the harts of euill men Now is he abrode in theyr outward ceremonies and rites ready to be séene of all the worlde if pryde pompe hawtinesse vaine glory may shew him or if hipocrisie errour supersticion and all other diuellishnesse can tell wher he is When Christ shut him vp he toke Idolatrie from the people the Pope hath restored it vnto thē againe in thus settinge him at large In this is he not denied to haue bene afore this time abrode among the wicked For little lesse then foure hundred yeares afore the end of this thousand began the two Monarks of Antichristes kingedome the Pope in the West vnder Phocas the Emperour and great Mahomet in the East vnder Heraclius marke it in the cronicles who so list For afore that time was not the Pope taken for the vniuersall head of the church nor yet for Christes vicar And this could not haue béen vnlesse he had after some sort béen at libertie Euermore hath he reigned wtout restraint among the vngodly But neuer so manifestly as then hys abhominacions accouonted for holynesse in the churche At this losinge of Sathan or very defection as Paul calleth it openlye appeared the man of sinne the sonne of perdicion and the aduersarye which exaleth him selfe aboue al that beareth the name of God Faith wared so fainte and charitie so colde the scarce appeared one spark of the truth The church becāe a peruerse generation hir children were very vnfaithful Afore regned be enermore in the world but neuer in Christes congregation till that time Neuer was the vniuersall church of Christ defiled with so many abhominable kindes of Idolatrye before 13 But it so continued not longe For the text saieth he was losed but for a litle season Immediately after perceued Berengarius the Archedecon of Angoy in Fraunce that all was well and with Bruno the bishop impugned their realitie Idēptitie naturalitie in the sacrament to bringe it againe to Christes cleare institution After him followed Waleranus the bishop of Medeburge and did the same in Germany with many other prelates and doctours Consequently ensued the Waldeanes and Albigeanes pretending the Apostles life doctrine men doubtlesse of a godly zeale and spirit and of them the Antichrists slew more then a hundreth thousande besides an hundreth and foure score whome they brent bycause they would neuer abiure What Guid● Bonatus Ioannes Semeca Guilhelmus de sancto amore Marsilius Paduanus Arnoldus de villa noua Frāciscus Petrarcha other learned men dyd against them after that it were very long to write Iohn Wicleaue in Englād Iohn Husse in Boheme men of excelent life learning with diuers other more replyed earnestly against their transubstanciaciōs and other sorceries Laurēcius Ualla denyed the donation of Constantyne Ihō Wassalus of Groning in Friesland called the light of the world cōdempned vtterly their purgatory and pardōs Now last of all commeth Martyne Luther Ioannes Oecolāpadius Huldricus Zwinglyus Pomeranus Brencius Melācthon Bucer Bullinger with other sincere and godly deuynes and they turne ouer their vniuersall kingdome So merciful is the Lord to hys people in this latter ende of the world that by these and such other the Antichrist is clearly vttered and all his Hypocrisy disclosed I doubt not but within fewe dayes the mightie breath of his mouth which is hys liuing Gospell shall vtterly distroye hym with hys whole generation of shauelings by their faythfull administration in the worde THE TEXT 1 And I sawe seates 2. and they satte vpon them 3. and the iudgement was giuen vnto them 4. And I sawe the soules of them 5. that were beheaded for the vvitnesse of Iesus 6. and for the vvorde of God 7. vvhich had not vvorshiped the beast 8. neither his Image 9. neyther had taken his marke vpon their foreheads 10. or on their handes 11. And they lyued 12. and raigned vvith Christ 13. a thousand yeares 14. But the other of the dead men lyued not againe 15. till the thousande yeares vvere finished The Commentary 1 Whiles the Dragon was thus tyed vp and throwne into the bottomles pit for a ●housand yeares space a certayne continuance of beinge the elect had Whose peaceable estate and condition for that time the text here following declareth by maner of recapitulation After the afore rehearsed
vnderstande the Godly misteries that they comprehend 9 The greatnesse of a cytie is to bée considered to the multitude of the dwellers therein Than who can thynk● Christes congregation small measuringe it by the scriptures from the first begynning of the worlde to the latter ending A furlonge is the eyghte parte of a myle and contayneth a hundreth and twenty fiue paces whych is in lēgth vi hundreth xxv foote here it betokēoth the cōtinuall course of labour and paynefull sufferaunce in the kyngdome of Christ after saynt Paul They that ronne for the wager in this course laboureth not for a thynge vncertaine But for an incorruptible crowne they holde their bodyes in subieccion to the spirite Such are the inhabitours of this citie whose number is greate whole and perfect vniuersally taken O Israell sayth Baruch howe greate is the house of God and how large is the compasse of hys possession Exceding great is it hath none end highout of measure can not be ouer reached 10 The heyght of thys Cytie from the foundatyon was all one in measure wyth the length and breadth For euerye way was it equall and square in compasse Rounde about was it stronge mighty and sure the gates of hell in no wyse able to preuayle agaynst it Upon euery parte faythfull perfect and godly séekynge those thinges onelye whych are aboue where Christ is sittyng at the rygyt hande of God Yea all spirituall hygh and heauenly are they hauynge their daily conuersacion not here but in heauen frō whēce they wayte for their sauioure Iesus Christ. So hygh also is the spirit that gouerneth thys congregation in rewardynge as it is eyther large in geuinge or longe in continuall working Neuer had Iohn séene the heyghte bredth and length of thys wonderfull cytie for our vniuersall comfort had he not ben raysed vp by the secret purpose of God into the mountayne of thys spirite inestimable hyght and great 11 After thys measured the Angell the wall of the cytie and it came fully to an hundred and .xliiii. cubites whych is .xii. tymes .xii. in number as we had afore here in the vii and xiiii Chapiters And it cōprehendeth the whole number of the elect multitude only for the vniuersall perfectnesse thereof A cubytte after the common sorte is in length but a foote an half but after the course of Geometry it is six times so much which commeth too .ix. foote iustly Nowe an hundreth and .xliiii. cubites wanteth after the first rekening CC. and .ix foote of a furlonge And after the rules of Geometrye it passeth not .xlvi. foote more than ii furlonges which stretcheth nothing towardes .xii. thousande furlonges Therefore we may not here reken the cubytes wyth the furlonges after a worldly sorte but we must spiritually measure them accordinge to the scriptures So that they maye agrée togither after the meaning of the mystery the course with the gifte and the workinge wyth the power The cubyte of a man is the fore parte of hys arme wyth the hande and it betokeneth here in mistery Iesus christ whych is the strong arme of the father To whome is the arme of the Lord knowen sayth Esaye and Iohn or who perceyueth the power of hys worde Such might saieth Mary sheweth he in hys arme as will scatter abrod his obstinate enimies That hande is he wher with god created al things in the beginning In this arme hath he redemed hys people the posteritie of Iacob and Ioseph With thys hande preserueth he them in the life that can not fayle whome the enymies hath marked out vnto cruell death Through the myghty power of this arme shall most terrible feare and dred lighte vpon the wycked at the latter daye After thys cubyte must they be measured whych are of this spiritual building specially they that are the wall therof as the Godly preachers princes maiestrates and other lawefull ministers Agréeable to his doctrine ought theyr conuersatyon to be in all poyntes As hys true minysters should they shewe them selues in méekenesse konwledge longe sufferaunce in loue vnfayned in the worde of truth in the power of GOD by the armoure of rightuousnesse and so forth Necessary is it for thē to do on Iesus Christ to walke worthely in theyr vocaciō obseruing the vnytie of the spirite in the yoke of peace As the chosē holy and welbeloued of God to take vpon them a tender pyttie kyndnesse lowlynesse softnesse swifte forgiuing wyth other fruites of the spirite acknowledging alwaye Christs for theyr onely wysdom rightuousnesse and redemption for theyr kéeper sauer and stronge bulwarke of defēce Thus in this spirituall rekeninge is it to be considered that by the furlonges is the cytie measured and by the cubytes the wall the furlonges comprehendyng them that haue runne in the true course of a christiā lyfe and the cubites them that haue iustly ministred the power of Christes worde and doctrine Some writers haue taken the one sort here for martiers for valiauntlye performinge their moste sharp course and the other for them that haue peaceably rested in Christ. But I am contented here wyth my coniecture consideringe there haue bene martiers in both the afore named degrées And as for the vnequalnesse of length in the furlonges cubits it onely respecteth the persons or peoples among whom the people taught haue excéeded the teachers in number y● cōmunalty the gouernours and the flocke the shepardes or els the gentyls the Iewes Yet are they both twelue both great whole perfect vniuersal numbers one Hierusalem or one perfect kingdōe of Christ. Thus doth also the xii twelues corresponde to the xii thousandes as the Iewes to the gētyles in one faith though their limites were much larger extēding to the endes of the world and are made one shepefolde or flocke Christ being one shepeherde of saluatiō to thē both 12 Consequently the golden measure which the Angell had was much after the measure that man customably vseth And this signifieth that the word of god which measureth all thinges perteyninge to hys churche is geuen vnto vs vnder such worldly similitudes likilihodes as we are beste acquainted with for our weaknesse sake Not onely in thys reuelation but also in all other bookes of the scriptures doth the holy ghost at his appoyctment alure vs to hys kingdōe by the example and parables of such thinges as we haue in dayly custome As of mountaynes gardens welspringes vyneyardes fygge trées tabernacles temples buyldynges maryages stewards vyrgyns merchādise tyllynge haruest talentes pearles nettes suppers shéepe lambes lyghte wheate salte gootes doues serpentes menne keyes lanternes swerdes roddes trauelinge women mustarde séede beastes and here of furlonges and cubytes wyth such other lyke and all to make vs to perceyue them Nowe sée we onely by such darke simylitudes But in the regeneratyon whan all thynges is cleare shall we haue néede of no such nyght shaddowes wythout vayle or coueryng shall we then sée and béeholde our Lorde God as he