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A54323 The history of Henry IV. surnamed the Great, King of France and Navarre Written originally in French, by the Bishop of Rodez, once tutor to his now most Christian Majesty; and made English by J. D.; Histoire du roy Henry le Grand. English. Péréfixe de Beaumont, Hardouin de, b. 1605.; Davies, John, 1625-1693, attributed name.; Dauncey, John, fl. 1663, attributed name. 1663 (1663) Wing P1465BA; ESTC R203134 231,946 417

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Justice is denied them they may do it themselves and have recourse to force when their prayers cannot prevail This is the cause of almost all seditions and this is it which made all those beyond the Loire incensed at this imposition drive away the Factors and which is more kill some of them The Farmers on the other side sharpned the mischief by their furious threats that they would dismantle the rebellious Cities that they would build Citadels to keep them in awe And I believe that these Gentlemen did desire it should be so not out of love to the Kings Authority which they had still in their mouths but for their proper revenge and particular advantage The King having advice of these Commotions fearing left they were raised by the Emissaries of the faction of the Duke of Byron which he had then newly discovered a little after Easter departed from Fontainblean came from Blois and from thence to Poictiers There he favourably hearkned to the complaints of his people and remonstrated to the Deputies of the Cities of Guyenne That the Imposts raised were not to enrich his Ministers and Favourites as his Predecessour had done but to support the necessary charges of his Estate That if his demeans had been sufficient for it be would not have taken any thing out of his Subjects purses but since he had first employed all his own it was just they should contribute some of theirs That he passionately desired the ease of his Subjects and that none of his Predecessours had so much desired their prayers to God as he to bless the increase of his Realm That those Alarms given them that he had a designe to build Castles in the Cities were false and seditious for he desired to have no other Forts then in the hearts of his Subjects By these sweet Remonstrances he calmed all the seditions without having need of chastising them save onely that the Consuls of Limoges were deposed and the Pancarte for so it was they called the Sol pour livre established But this was onely for the honour of the Royal Authority for soon after this Prince the most just and best that ever was knowing the extream Vexations it caused revoked and utterly abolished it The second thing which gave him yet more trouble and which was capable to overthrow his Kingdome if it were not remedied was The Conspiracy of Marshal Byron It is to be understood that Laffin had been the principal Instrument of intelligence between the Marshal and the Duke of Savoy he had carried and re-carried Letters and had had some Conferences with the Duke and with the Count of Fuentes so that he understood the whole intrigue But seeing that there was no assurance in the words of the Savoyard and that Byron began to shake he resolved to discover the whole plot to the King were it that he feared lest if he should too long delay it it might be discovered other ways or that he hoped by this service to gain a great recompence and restore himself to the Kings favour with whom he stood on very ill terms Having laid this designe he employed the Vidame of Chartres his Nephew to obtain from the King his Grace and Oblivion of all passed on condition that he discovered to him the Complices of the Conspiracy and furnished him with proofs He had preserved several Letters committed to his keeping but they said not enough nor spoke so clearly as to make a Conviction But to pass an absolute one see what he did Byron had some Notes written with his own hand wherein the Conspiracy was laid down in Articles Laffin remonstrated to him that it was an imprudence to keep them and to communicate them because his writing was too well known that it would be more secure to make a Copy and burn the Original Byron approving his counsel gives them him to transcribe He indeed transcribes them whilst Byron lay on his Bed afterwards giving him the Copy and ruffling up the Original he makes shew of casting it into the fire but by a premeditated cunning he casts in some other Papers and keeps them A thing of this importance deserved well the care of Byron himself in its burning but he not taking it because God so permitted that negligence cost him his life as we shall see After this Laffin continuing still his devices to endeavour yet to gather some more particular secrets he went disguised to Milan and conferred with the Count Fuentes but this close and able Spaniard finding well that he would betray them shewed himself more reserved It hath been reported that Laffin having knowledge of this distrust was fearful lest he should make him away and therefore returned by the unusual and unfrequented ways of which the Duke of Savoy being advertized by Fuentes kept prisoner the Secretary of Laffin named Renaze for fear lest he should go serve as a witness against Byron In their Conferences they had proposed to dismember the Kingdom of France That the Duke of Savoy should have Provence and the Daulphinate Byron Bourgongne and la Bresse with the third Daughter of the Duke in marriage and fifty thousand Crowns for Dower some others should be Lords of other Provinces with the quality of Peers That all these little Soveraigns should hold their right from the King of Spain That to compass this designe the Spaniards should with a puissant Army enter the Kingdom and the Savoyard with another That they should cause the Hugonots to stir and at the same time revive many discontents in several places and animate the people already much incensed by the Pancarte or Tax of a Sol pour livre All these propositions say some were made in the time of the war against Savoy and the Marshal of Byron grown outragious at the Kings refusal to give him the Citadel of Bourg had not only lent his eare but had engaged himself very far in these damnable designs However he seemed to have repented himself for he had confessed them to the King walking with him in the Cloister of the Cordiliers at Lions and had demanded pardon of him but he had neglected to take an abolition or script of indempnity contrary to the advice of the Duke d' Espernon who was more wise and considerate then he But a little after repenting himself for having repented he was returned to his first fault and yet entertained correspondence with strangers Moreover he spoke of the King with little respect abasing the splendor of his worthy actions glorifying his own and boasting that he had put the Crown on his head and preserved France In fine all his discourses were onely Bravadoes Rhodomontadoes and Threats All this was reported to the King It was told him that he undervalued his great acts extolled the power of the King of Spain praysed the wisdome of that Princes Council his liberality in recompencing all good services and his zeal to defend
caused likewise the Registers of Parliament and of the Notaries to be taken off the File with all informations which might conserve the memory of his Crime By this see an example how time causes a mutability in all things and how it changeth the greatest hatreds into the greatest affections and on the contrary transmutes the strongest affections into mortal hatreds By searching into the plot of the Marchioness her Father to deliver her with her Children to the Spaniards the designes of the Duke of Bouillon were likewise discovered who at present was the onely person could give the King any trouble in his own Kingdom It is most certain that this Prince had conferred on him very considerable Favours having given him the Staff of Marshal of France and procured him the marriage of the Heiress of Sedan and this Lord had likewise very well served him in his greatest necessities But after he saw him converted to the Catholick Faith he diminished much of his affection and moved partly by Zeal for his false Religion and partly by Ambition he conceived vast designes of making himself Chief and Protector of the Hugonot party and under that pretext make himself Master of the Provinces beneath the Loire It was believed that for this effect he had much assisted to exasperate the spirit of the Marshal of Byron and that he had made a Treaty with the Spaniard who was to furnish him with what money he desired but not with forces for fear of rendring himself odious to the Protestants It was but too visible that after the conversion of the King he had instantly laboured to beget distrusts and discontents in the spirits of the Hugonots and to unite and Rally them together that they might make a body perswading himself that that body must necessarily have a head and that they could chuse no other but himself And for these Reasons so many Assemblies were made and so many particular and general Synods of those of this Religion held wherein nothing was heard but complaints and murmurs against the King whom they continually wearied with new Requests and Demands Moreover it was found that this Duke had Emissaries and Servants in Guyenne and particularly in Limosin and Quercy who held private Councils among the Nobility distributed money and took oath of those who promised him service and had formed designes against ten or twelve Catholick Cities The King judging that he ought to dig up the root of this mischief before it extended farther and not knowing indeed to what it might extend resolved himself to go and remedy it He departed from Fontainbleau in the month of December having sent before Jean-Jacques de Mesmes Lord of Rossy to make process against those that were culpable Immediately all this conspiracy flew into smoak The best advised came to the King to cast themselves at his feet The chief Agent of the Duke of Bouillon being advertized that there was order given to arrest him brought his head to the King and told him both all he knew before and all that he did not know The others either fled out of the Kingdom or else hid themselves Five or six unfortunate persons being taken were beheaded at Limoges and their heads planted on the tops of the Gates their bodies burnt and the ashes thrown into the Air. Three or four others suffered the same punishment at Perigord There were ten or twelve condemned for Contumacy and their Effigies hanged up amongst others Chappelle-Byron and Giversac of the house of Cugnac But in all these procedures there were found no proofs by writing nor yet by any formal deposition against the Duke of Bouillon so cautiously and subtilly had he carried his business Before these executions the King having made his entrance into Limoges returned to Paris He passionately wished that after this the Duke of Bouillon would acknowledge and humble himself For if he remained impenitent he was obliged to prosecute him to the utmost and if he did prosecute him he offended all that great body of Protestants which were his faithful Allies He employed therefore underhand all means which he could devise to induce him to have recourse to his Clemency rather then to the intercession of strangers which a Soveraign could not agree to in the case of his Officer and Subject The Duke desired as much as he to draw himself out of this trouble but he believed he could not finde security at Court because Rosny who was not his friend and who had conceived some jealousie to see him more authorized then himself in the Hugonot party had so great credit with the King So that after many Treaties and Negotiations the King resolved to go seek him at Sedan with an Army Rosny laboured with great Zeal to make preparation for this Expedition The King confided much in him and by honouring him desired to testifie to the Hugonots that if he assaulted the Duke of Bouillon it was not against their Religion but the Rebellion he made War For this purpose he erected the Land of Sully into a Dutchy and Peerage wherefore we shall henceforward call him Duke of Sully His thoughts were that the King should pursue the Duke of Bouillon to the utmost Villeroy and the rest of the Council were of a contrary judgement they would not have the Siege of Sedan hazarded because the length of that Enterprize might possibly revive divers factions in the other corners of the Kingdom give time to the Spaniard to assault the Frontiers of Picaray to the discontented Savoyard to cast himself with the Forces of the Milanois on disarmed Provence and to the Hugonots and Protestants of Germany to come to the assistance of their friends The King well foresaw all these inconveniences and therefore having advanced to Donchery during the absence of Sully who was gone to provide Artillery he treated with the Duke of Bouillon and received him into grace on condition that he humbled himself before his Majesty and received him into the City of Sedan and delivered up the Castle to him to keep it with what Garison he should think fit for fo●h years These were the publick Conditions but by the secret Articles the King promised the Duke to stay but five days in Sedan nor to put but fifty men in the Castle which should immediately depart upon humble supplication made by the Duke All these things were faithfully executed and without the least distrust either on the one side or the other The Duke came to meet the King at Donchery where he besought his pardon The King received him as if he had never been faulty and five or six days after entred into Sedan where he stayed onely three days and then returned to Paris The Duke accompanied him as far as Mouson passing then no further but some days after when he understood that the Parliament had confirmed his pardon in which were likewise comprehended his
all Europe by the esteem of his Vertue In effect since the first foundation of the French Monarchy the History furnisheth us not with any Reign more memorable by reason of the great Events more repleat with the wonders of Divine Assistance more glorious for the Prince and more happy for the People then his and it is without Flattery or Envy that all the Universe hath given him the surname of Great not so much for the greatness of his Victories however comparable to those of Alexander or Pompey as for the greatness of his Soul and of his Courage for he never bow'd either under the Insults of Fortune or under the Traverses of his Enemies or under the Resentments of Revenge or under the Artifices of Favorites or Ministers he remained always in the same temper always Master of himself In a word he remained always King and Soveraign without acknowledging other Superiour then God Justice and Reason Let us then proceed to write the History of his Life which we shall divide into three principal Parts The first shall contain what happened from his Birth till his coming to the Crown of France The second shall speak what he did after he came to it until the Peace of Vervin And the third shall recount his Actions after the Peace of Vervin until the unhappy day of his death But before all it is necessary we speak something briefly of his Genealogie He was Son to Anthony de Bourbon Duke of Vendosme and King of Navarre and of Jane of Albret Heiress of that Kingdome Anthony descended in a direct and Masculine Line from Robert Count of Clermont fifth Son to King St. Lewis This Robert espoused Beatrix Daughter and Heiress to John of Burgoyne Baron of Bourbon by his Wife Agnes for which cause Robert took the Name of Bourbon but not the Arms still keeping those of France This sage Pre-caution served well to his Descendants to maintain themselves in the Degree of Princes of the Blood which those of Courtnay lost for not having acted in the same manner And besides the Vertue which gave a splendour to their Actions the good management and oeconomy which they exercised to conserve and augment their Revenues the great Alliances in which they were very diligent to match themselves ever refusing to mingle their Noble among Vulgar Blood and above all their rare Piety towards God and that singular goodness wherewith they acted towards their Inferiors conserved them and elevated them above Princes of elder Branches for the People seeing them always rich puissant wise and in a word worthy to command had imprinted in their spirits as it were a prophetick perswasion that this House would one day come to the Crown and they on their side seemed to have conceived this hope though it were at great distance having taken for their Word or Device Espoir or Hope Among the younger Branches which issued from this Branch of Bourbon the most considerable and most illustrious was that of Vendosm It carried this Name because they possessed that great Country which came to them in the year 1364. by the marriage of Katharine Vendosme Sister and Heiress to Bouchard last Count of Vendosme with John of Bourbon Count of the Marches At present it was but a County but was after made a Dutchy by King Francis the first in the year 1514. in favou● of Charles who was great grand-childe to John and father of Anthony This Charles had seven Male-Children Lewis Anthony Francis another Lewis Charles John and a third Lewis the first Lewis and the second died in their infancy Anthony remained the eldest Francis who was Count of Anguien and gained the Battel of Cerisoles died without being married Charles was a Cardinal of the title of Chrysogone and Archbishop of Rouen this is he who was named The old Cardinal of Bourbon John lost his life at the Battel of St. Quintin The third Lewis was called The Prince of Condé and by two Marriages had several Male-Children from the first descended Henry Prince of Condé Francis Prince of Conty and Charles who was Cardinal and Archbishop of Rouen after the Death of the old Cardinal of Bourbon There were eight Generations from Male in Male from St. Lewis to Anthony who was Duke of Vendosme King of Navarre and father to our Henry As for Jane d' Albret his Wife she was Daughter and Heiress to Henry of Albret King of Navarre and of Margaret du Valois Sister to King Francis the first and Widow to the Duke of Alenzon Henry d' Albret was son to John d' Albret who became King of Navarre by his Wife Katherine du Foix Sister to King Phoebus deceased without Children for that Realm had entred into the House of Foix by marriage as it 〈…〉 afterwards into that of Albret and since into that of Bourbon Ferdinand King of Arragon had invaded and taken the Higher Navarre that is that part which is beyond the Pyraenean Hills and the most considerable of that Realm from King John d' Albret so that by consequence there rested to him onely the Lower that is that beneath the Mountains towards France but with it he had the Countries of Bearn of Albrett of Foix of Armagnac of Bigorra and many other great Signories coming as well by the House of Foix as that of Albret Henry his Son had onely one Daughter Jane who was called The Minion of Kings for King Henry her Father and the great King Francis the first her Uncle with Envy to each other strove most to cherish her The Emperour Charles the fifth had cast his Eyes on her and caused her to be demanded of her Father for his Son Philip the second proposing this as a means to pacifie their Differences touching the Kingdome of Navarre but King Francis the first not thinking it fit to introduce so puissant an Enemy into France causing her to come to Chastellerault affianced her to the Duke of Cleves and after releasing her of that Contract married her to Anthony of Bourbon Duke of Vendosme and the Marriage was solemnized at Moulins in the year 1547. the same year that Francis the first died The two young Spouses had in their first three or four years two Sons both which died at Berceau by accidents very extraordinary the first because its Governess being her self cold of nature kept it so hot that she stifled it with heat and the second by the carelessness of the Nurse who playing with a Gentleman as they danced the Childe from one to another let it fall to the ground so that it died in torment Thus Heaven deprived them of these two little Princes to make way for our Henry who merited well both the Birth-right and to be an onely Son Let us now come to the History of his Life The First PART OF THE LIFE OF HENRY the Great Containing his History from his Birth until he came to the Crown of FRANCE
pretext for raising his Siege from before Paris To put his body in a place where the resentment of the Duke of Guises creatures might not outrage it he carried it to Compeigne and laid it in the Abbey of S. Cornille where he celebrated all the funebrous Ceremonies as honourably as the confusion of the time would permit Not able to assist himself because of his Religion he committed the care to Bellegarde and Espernon the last of which accompanied him thither and then retired into Angoumois There were three advices given concerning the place to which he ought to retire when he raised his siege from Paris The first was to repass the Loire and abandon to the League all the Provinces on this side it because he could difficultly maintain them The second to re-advance along the Marne and seizing those Bridges and Cities expect an assistance from the Protestant Suisses and Germans promised to come to him And the third to march down into Normandy to assure himself of some Cities whose Governours were not yet engaged in the League to gather the mony received for Taxes and to joyne with the Assistance of England which Queen Elizabeth had promised him and which could not be long absent He concluded on the last of these advices and so many of the Nobles who accompanied him desiring some time to go and refresh themselves he gave them leave He sent a part of his Troops into Picardie under the Conduct of the Duke of Longueville another into Campaine under that of Marshal d' Aumont and with three thousand French foot two Regiments of Suisses and twelve hundred horse only which he kept with him he descended into Normandy The Duke of Montpensier who was Governour there came to joyne him with two hundred Gentlemen and fifteen hundred Foot Rolet Governour of Pont d' Arche a man of Courage and Spirit brought him the Keys of that place demanding no other recompence but the honour to serve him Emer de Chattes a Commandado●e of Malta did the same with those of Diepe After which the King approached Rouen where he believed to have some intelligence This Enterprize put him in extream danger but in revenge gave him a fair occasion to acquist Glory in retiring himself from so great a peril See how it passed The Duke of Mayenne came to the succour of Rouen with all his forces and passed the Rivers at Vernon The King much astonished retires to Diepe and sends to the Duke of Longueville and d' Aumont to return to him with diligence with their forces The Duke in the mean time takes all the little places about Diepe to inviron and invest himself within In effect he shuts him up so close that if he had not amused himself by an untimely motion to go to Bins in Hainault to confer with the Duke of Parma he had in that disorder dissipated the greatest part of his little Army He had already caused a report to be spread through France and had writ with assurance to all strange Princes That he held the King of Navarre so he called him shut up in a little corner from whence he could not get but either by yeilding himself to him or leaping into the Sea The danger appeared so eminent even to his most faithful servants that the Parliament at Tours sent expresly to him a Master of Requests proposing as the onely expedient they saw to save the Estate the associating him and the Cardinal of Bourbon his Uncle in the Royalty giving to One the conduct of Civil Affairs and the Other of Martial There were likewise the greatest part of the Captains of his Army of opinion that leaving his Forces on shore well intrenched in their posts he should as soon as possible embarque for England or for Rochel for fear lest if he should longer delay it he might be shut up by Sea as well as by Land To the Proposition of the Parliament he made answer That he had taken such good order that the intrigues of the Duke of Mayenne could not deliver the Cardinal of Bourbon as they apprehended and the Marshal of Byron so stoutly opposed those who counselled him to embarque that they desisted It appeared soon after by the proof that the Forces of the League which were thrice as great as his were not to be feared in proportion to their number and that the more Commanders they had the less their power was to be doubted The King was lodged at the Castle d'Arques which is seated on a little Hill to stop the passage of the Valley which goes to Diepe The Duke had formed a Designe to take this Post by Sea by four or five Reprises and on divers days he essayed to assault the Suburbs of Polet and four or five times was driven back Our Henry dayly doing wonders and exposing himself so much that once he thought he should have been surprized and encompassed by his Enemies In fine the Duke having lost eleven days time and a thousand or twelve hundred men raised the Siege and retired into Picardy It was believed that he passed into this Province upon a fear lest the Picards a free and honest people but very simple should permit themselves to be surprized by the Artifices of the Agents of Spain who would engage them to cast themselves under the protection of the King their Master It was observed likewise that that which hindred the success of his enterprize at Diepe and which kept him two or three days without enterprizing any thing at the time he ought to have done it was the jealousie and contentions between the Chiefs that accompanied him particularly of the Marquess d● P●nt●-Mousson Son to the Duke of Lorrain of the Duke of Nemours and of Cavalier d'Aumale for they believing the taking of the King infallible or at least his flight assured and disposing already of the Kingdome as of their Conquest regarded one another with an Eye of jealousie and each formed designes in his head to have the better part of it It was observed likewise that in one of these Combats of Diepe the Duke of Mayenne having at present some advantage had gained an entire Victory if he had advanced but a quarter of an hour quicker but marching too slowly he let slip that opportunity he could never redeem which made the King who well observed his faul● say If he act not in another manner I shall be assured always to gain the Field I have recounted these Particularities because they make known the defaults of that great Body of the League and the true causes which hindred its progress and reduced it to nothing I finde three principal ones The first was the distrust which the Duke of Mayenne had of the Spaniards for though he could not be without them yet he could not but regard them as his secret Enemies and they assisted him not for love of himself but out of the
sends forth enlivenings and joy into the eyes of all that behold it To continue the Metamorphosis I will yet say that so many wise Laws which he made for Justice for Policy and for his Revenues so many good and useful Establishments of all sorts of Manufactures which produced to France the yearly profit of many Millions so many proud buildings as the Galleries of the Louvre the Pont-neuf the Place Royal the Colledge Royal the Keys for Merchants of the River Seine Fontain-bleau Monceaux St. Germain so many publick works Bridges Causwaies Highwaies repaired so many Churches rebuilded in many places of the Realm should be as the Ingravements and Imbellishments Let us Crown then with a thousand prayses the immortal memory of that great King the love of the French and the terror of the Spaniards the Honour of his age and the Admiration of Posterity Let us make him live in our hearts and in our affections in despite of the rage of those wicked persons deprived him of life Let us shout forth as many Acclamations to his glory as he hath done benefits to France He was a Hereules who cut off the Head of the Hydra by overturning the League He was greater then Alexander and greater then Pompey because he was as Valiant but he was more Just he gained as many victories but he gained more hearts He conquered the Gaules as well as Julius Caesar but he conquered them to give them liberty and Caesar subjugated them to enslave them Let his Name then be raised above that of the Hercules the Alexanders the Pompeys and the Gaesars Let his Reign be the Model of good Kings and his Examples the clear Lights to illuminate the eyes of other Princes Let his Posterity be Eternally Crowned with the Flowers de Lis Let them be alwaies happy alwaies Triumphant And to compleat our wishes let Lewis the Victorious his Grand-child Resemble or if it be possible Surpass him FINIS The Life of Hen. the Great divided into three parts The first The second The third His Genealogie Who Antho. de Bourbon his father was a Peter sixth Son to Lewis le gross espoused Isabella Heiress of Courtnay and took both Name and Arms a fault very prejudicial to his posterity b The branch of Bourbon produced many among others that of Vendosme Charles Duke of Vendosme had Anthony and six other sons Who Jane d' Albret his Mother was 〈◊〉 of Bourbon Duke of Vendosme and Jane d' Albret married at Moulins 1547. 1552. Henry the Great conceived at la Fleche 1553. His mother sings at her delivery of him He cries not at his birth So soon as born his grandfather carries him into his chamber he rubs his lips with Garlick makes him taste wine The Spaniards Raillery concerning the birth of his mother Her fathers Reply to it 1554. Baptism of Hen. 4. His godfathers and godmother He was hard to bring up He had for Governess Madam de Miossens His grandfather permits him not to be nourished delicately * It hath been said that he was ordinarily nourished with coarse bread beef cheese and garlick and that oftentimes he was made to march with naked feet and brre headed The death of Henry d' Albret 1555. His daughter son-in-law succeed him and retire from the Court. 1557. 1558. 1559. Death of King Henry the second Francis 2. succee●s Divisions at Court 1560. Death of Francis 2. Charles 9. succeeds Queen Katherine declared Regent and the King of Navarre Lieutenant-General of the Realm 1562. He is killed before Rouen 1562. The Queen his wife returns to Bearn and embraces Calvinism 1566. She ta● her son from the Court and gives him a Master instructs him in ill Doctrine 1567. Henry Prince of Navarre declared chief of the Religion 1569. Louys Prince of Condé his Uncle his Lieutenant with Admiral Coligny A judicious action when yet an infant b This Duke of Anjou was King after Hen. 3 Another action very judicious at the battle of Jarnac Lewis Prince of Condé slain After his death the Admiral commands all He hazards the battle of Montcontour Our Prince impat●ent to engage but hindred Gives marks of his judgement 1570. He with the Admiral continues the War The peace of Arnay-le-Duc 1571. A Resolution to entrap the Hugonots and exterminate them Death of Jane d' Albret Her son takes the quality of King of Navarre He marries the King of France his sister Massacre of St. Bartholomew The grief and fear of our young King He is constrained to turn Catholick 1572. His great dangers troubles at Court His wise prudent conduct He contracts friendship with the Duke of Guise He shuns contention with Duke d' Alenzon but lets himself be overcome by the beauty of Ladies which was his greatest weakness 1572. He fell not into any other of the horrible Vices of the Court. 1573. The Duke of Anjou besieges Rochel and carries the King with him The siege raised by the election of Duke d' Anjou to the Kingdome of Poland 1574. Charles 9. falls mortally sick at Bois de Vincennes A league made at Court into which Henry enters The Queen-mother discovering it causes him the Duke Alenson c to be arrested and la Mole Coconas Tourtray to be put to death The Chancellour would examine the King of Navarre Charles 9. near his death sends for him 1574. Queen Katherine alarm'd would affright him After the death of Charles 9. she seizeth on the Regency The two Princes set at liberty The Prince of Condé was in Germany The King of Navarre cannot escape as he desires He falls in love with a Lady The Queen-mother alluminates all the factions and civil wars 1575. Conspiracy against Henry 3. who confides in our Henry Henry 3. anointed and espoused to Louis de Lorrain Familiarity between our Henry and the Duke of Guise The Queen-mother breaks this union Henry 3. falls very sick a Francis 2 died of an Aposthume in his ear which was believed to come of poyson A noble and generous action of our Henry 1575. 1576. Monsieur departs from Court and joyns with the Hugonots Our Henry could not soon follow him but at length saves himself at Alenzon Peace made with Monsieur and the Hugonots 1576. Our Henry again turns Hugonot He is received into Rochel and after goes into Guyenne The gates of Bourdeaux shut against him The birth of the League These Leagues a fair path for the ambitious to rise by The Duke of Guise makes himself chief of the League The War of Monsieur his joyning with the Hugonots the cause of the League The Cities of Picardy begin it and why Christopher de Thou hinders its procedure at Paris The Leaguers oblige the King to call the Estates They assemble at Blois War resolved against the Hugonots Henry 3. declares himself chief of the League 1577. He raises three or four Armies against the Hugonots The Queen-mother obliges him to grant them peace 1578. She makes a voyage to Guyenne
retires to Pont de l' Arche The Duke of Parma takes Caudebec and is wounded and the Duke of Mayenne falls sick The Army of the King increases and the pursues the two Dukes Byron beats up one quarter but will not quite defeat them He would continue the War * A French Proverb a● if he should say Wouldst thou have me ruine my own Fortune Wonderful retreat of the Duke of Parma which the King cannot hinder The King admires the action A noble and dangerous action of the King at Aumale where he saved his Rereguard Grave answer of the Duke of Parma's concerning the Kings action Byron killed at Espernay Conferences renewed The Duke of Mayenne calls the Estates to Paris to elect a King The election of a King would have been the ruine of Henry 4. and France Expedient which the King finds to hinder this election Confeence of Surene 1593. Estates of the League assemble at Paris Mansfield comes with a Spanish Army takes Noyon afterwards his Army dissipates Byron raises the siege of Selles to relieve Noyon but dares not a●tempt it which puffs up the Kings enemies Conspiracy to surp●ize his person The Duke of Feria brings a Letter to the States-General from the King of Spain It was time for the King to convert In fine God touches him and he is converted The Spaniards and Legat press the Estates to chuse a King Grand arrest of the Parliament at Paris for the Salique Law Advantagious testimony of Villeroy in favour of the Parliament The King takes Dreux The Spaniards propose to the Estates to elect the Duke of Guise and their Infanta The Duke of Mayenne enraged his Wife more He makes truce with the King His subtile Argument against the Minister He abjures his Errour and becomes a Catholick The Duke of Mayenne dismisses the Estates The King sends the Duke of Nevers to Rome to have absolution of the Pope The Pope shews him self very difficult 1594. The League fals in less then a year Meaux Aix Lyons Orleans Bourges surrender to the King Reduction of Paris The King anointed at Chartres It was almost a wonder how he became master of Paris He sees the Spanish Garison depart and what he saies to them Parliament at Tours recalled to Paris The City rejoyce and are peaceable Two worthy actions of the King The one of Justice The other of Policy Reduction of Rouen Abbeville Troyes Sens c. La Capelle taken by Mansfield and Laon by the King Balagny turns to the Kings party with his City of Cambray Reduction of Amiens Beauvais Peronne The Duke of Guise compounds with the King And likewise the Duke of Lorrain The Duke of Mayenne remains alone and retires into Bourgongne 1595. The King declares war against the Spaniards Two artempts on his person Of Peter Barriere and of John Castel Jesuites exiled the kingdom Reduct on of Beaune Auxerre and Dijon c. The King goes into Bourgongne against the Spanish Army Battail of Fountain-Franzoise where the King shews his valour but is in danger of his life The Spanish Army retire The Duke of Mayenne despairing would retire into Savoy The King hath pity of him and offers him an accommodation and place of retreat He grants him a truce La Fere Ham delivered to the Spaniards who are cut in pieces at Ham. Humieres killed Many Leaguers despairing cast themselves into the Spaniards arms Amongst others Rosny who causeth the taking of Dourlens Battel of Dourlens Villars slain Cambray taken by the Spaniards The Pope absolves the King The Duke of Mayenne in the end makes his Treaty with King Hath advantagious Conditions He comes to Monceaux to salute the King The Duke of Nemours reconciled likewise His elder Brother died of a strange disease 1596. The Duke of Joyeuse makes his Treaty with the King And the Lord of Boisdaufia Reduction of Marseilles The King grants a truce to the Duke of Merceur Arch-duke Albert takes Calais Taking of la Fere by the King The Archduke takes likewise Guines and Ardres The King to have mony calls an assembly of the Chiefs to Rouen The manner of their sitting His Speech The Assembly grant money for the War King of Spain desires the peace Surprizal of Amiens by the Spaniards retards the peace 1597. The King resolves to besiege Amiens Many conspiracies discovered The people contribute willingly and the Leaguers serve him well The Arch-Duke comes to relieve Amiens His arrival assaults put the Kings Army in disorder The King re-assures them Words worthy a good and Christian King The Arch-Duke retires to Flanders The King retakes Amiens The King marches to the gates of Arras and dares the Spaniards The Duke of Merceur daily delays concluding his Treaty The King goes into Brittany resolved to chastise him He gives his daughter to the Kings natural son and by this means makes his agreement By reason of this marriage the King gives his son the Dukedom of Vendosme 1598. He goes to Nantes and Rennes He puts good order in the Province Endeavours for a general peace and the two Kings wish it The Deputies met at Vervin Substance of the Treaty of Vervin The peace published 1598. The third part of the Life of Henry the great more calm and more peaceable then the others He was a Souldier by constraint but a Polititian by inclinaon It is necessary a King should know War but besides that there are other functions of Royalty What those functions are The Peace sworn by the King and Arch-Duke Albertus Byron made Duke and Peer goes to swear the peace in the Netherlands The Spaniards possess him with pride and presumption VVhat the French and what the Spaniards said of the peace VVhy the King desired peace Excellent words Strange sickness death of Philip 2. of Spain Before his death he takes care to marry his son and daughter His sickness hinders his swearing to the peace His son Philip the 2. doth it after his death The King forbids the carrying of arms He dismisses his Troops He remits the arrears of Taxes He commands the false Nobles to be sought out and taxes re-imposed on them He retrenches theluxury of the Nobility and sends them all to their houses in the Country He shews them by his example the modesty of his habits He falls dangerously sick Words of a good King He gives the Estates an account of his expences Cuts off the superfluous expences of his Tables Who were his Counsellours Ministers Chiverny Bellievre Sillery Sancy Janin Villeroy The King confers often with his Counsellours how Rosny after Duke of Sully After the death of Francis d' O he commits his Revenues to five or six who acquit themselves ill Seeing that he makes Sancy alone Superintendent And very little time after Rosny who knows perfectly the Revenues Which the King knows also so well that he could not be cheated He desires Rosny to take no Presents without advertising him He begins to establish a constant
sends likewise to complement him and he answers it by Byron To whom she shews the Earl of Essex head The King Queen enjoy the Jubilee at Orleans The Queen brought to bed of a Daulphine who is named Lewis after surnamed The Just. The King gives him his blessing and puts his sword in his hand Birth of the Infanta of Spain named Anne who after espoused King Lewis xiii The King makes divers Orders for the good of the Estate He suppresses the Triennial Officers for Revenues He establisheth a Chamber of Justice to call Treasurers and Collectors to account The onely remedy against their thefts The King prohibites the transport of gold or silver out of his Kingdome and wearing gold and silver lace or gildings Introduces the manufacture of silk into France The usury excessive in France which caused the ruine of the best families and the Merchants to abandon all traffick The King reduces interests to six in the hundred His great care to enrich his Kingdom He favours the establishment of manufactures After his example all labour for their benefit Idleness punished 1602. The King remedies two things capable to overthrow France The tax of a Sol pour livre burthensome It causes commotions in the Provinces The King to appease them goes to Poictiers His wise and just remonstance to the Deputies of Guyenne * He had sold the Lands of his Patrimony He calms the seditions and revokes the Sol pour livre Conspiracy of the Marshal Byron Laffin discovers it to the King * Vidame is a Lord who holds his Lordship in Fief of a Bishop How he got the Notes written with Byron's own hand The Duke of Savoy keeps Renaze Laffins Secretary Propositions betwixt Byron the Duke of Savoy and the Count Fuentes Byron had demanded pardon of the King but after fell again He speaks ill of the King and boasts excessively of himself Two things compleat his loss Laffin comes to Court and reveals all to the King The King sends for Byron to Court who at first excuses himself In the end Byron comes The King conjures ●im the first time to confess the truth He insolently vindicates himself The King prayes the Count of Soissons to exhort him to confess his crime But he is more obstinate The King speaks to him the second time but in vain He is troubled what to resolve on He resolves to leave him to Justice Yet tries the third time to draw truth from him He finds it in vain leaves him By on and the Count of Auvergne Arrested prisoners His kindred intercede for him The Parliament make his Process He defends himself weakly Letters of the King revoking the pardon granted him at Lyons He reproacheth not Laffin Renaze appears before him at which he is much astonished He is conducted to the Parliament and heard Sentence of death voted against him The King removes the execution to the Bastille Sentence pronounced His head cut off He was very ignorant but a great lover of predictions A reflection very necessary for great men Laffin and Renaze pardoned * That is the Rack So is the Baron of Lux and confirmed in his Charges Montbarot imprisoned and soon released Fontanelles broke on the wheel Duke of Bouillon had a hand in the conspiracy The King sends for him to Court but he presents himself to the Chamber of Castres After he retires to Geneva thence to Heidelberg to the Prince Palatine his Kinsman The favour of Rosny a pretext to the discontents of the great ones Yet the King gave him not too much power but keeps it to himself An important truth A memorable example that a King ought not to yeild too much to his Ministers Enterprizes of the Duke of Savoy on Geneva Thirteen of the Enterprizers ●anged The Duke of Savoy excuses himself to the Suisses From whom the City of Geneva was held It was an Allie of the Suisses and under protection of France The Genevans make War on Savoy But the King obliges them to peace The inhabitants of Mets rise against Sobole their Governour The Duke d' Espernon kindles the fire more The King goes in person The Jesuites present their request to the King for their reestablishment He re-establisheth them gloriously 1602 1603. He visits his sister at Nancy Renews his alliance with the Suisses and Grisons Hears of the death of Queen Elizabeth of England She beheaded Mary Queen of Scots James 6. King of Scotland and Son of Mary succeeded to the Kindom of England He was James the first of that name among the Kings of England Ambassadors go from France and Spain to desire his friendship Piety yeilds to Interest The King labours to conserve peace Excellent speeches of a good King His divertisements Employs of the Nobility Duels too frequent The King makes an Edict against this madness He makes Acts for working the Gold Silver and Copper Mines An enterprize to joyn the Seine and Loire Another design to joyn the two Seas Navigation to Canada Establishment of Religious Orders at Paris The King gives Verneuil to Madamoiselle d' Entragues She despises and offends the Queen * Alluding I suppose to the Dukes of Florence who are all Merchants The Queen on her part troublesome to the King Leonora Conchini her husband foster the Queen in ill humors 1604. The Kings debaucheries cause the Gout The Queen threatens the Marchioness Who prays the King to see her no more And her Father demands leave to retire with her out of France They treat with the Ambassador of Spain The King resolves to hinder them To this end he sends for Auvergne who is at Clermont and refuses to come He is Arrested prisoner and carried to the Bastille D' Entragues and the Marchioness likewise Arrested * The Common Goal of Paris Sentence of Parliament against them The King pardons them and justifies the Marchioness But the Count of Auvergne remained at the Bastille and is despoiled of his County Which is adjudged to Queen Margaret who gives her Estates to the Daulphin The designes of the Duke of Bouillon discovered The King had done him many favours and he had as well served the King But after the Kings conversion he excites the Hugonots against him and would make himself chief of their party His Emissaries endeavour to form a party in Guyenne The King goes to prevent them All the Conspiracy dissipated The King returns to Paris He in vain endeavours to make the Duke of Bouillon humble himself He resolves to besiege Sedan Rosny makes all necessary preparations The King makes him Duke of Sully Inconveniences in the siege of Sedan The King chuses rather to receive the Duke into favour On what conditions The Duke demands pardon of of the King who enters Sedan and thence goes to Paris A great example of generosity in our Prince Notwithstanding which there are many conspiracies Treason of l' Oste. 1605. Treason of Merargues He is surprized talking with the Spanish Ambassadours
and attended onely by one Page passing the Bridge went to give a visit to the King They entertained one another a long time in two or three Conferences in which our Henry gave great marks of his Capacity and Judgement Their Resolution in sum was to raise a puissant Army to assault Paris which was the principal head of the Hydra and gave motion to all the rest a thing easie for them to do because the King expected great Levies from towards the Switzers whither he had sent Sancy for that purpose adding that the designe of the siege being published it would infallibly draw a great number of Souldiers and Adventurers out of hopes of so rich a pillage The two Kings having passed two days together he of Navarre went to Chinon to cause the rest of his Troops to advance who hitherto had refused to mingle themselves among the Catholicks During his absence the Duke of Mayenne who had taken the Field fell upon the Suburbs of Tours thinking to surprize the City and the King within it by means of some intelligence The Combat was very bloody and the Dukes designe wanted little of taking effect but after the first endeavours having lost the hopes to compass it he easily retired Afterwards the Kings Troops being wonderfully increased they marched conjoyntly he and the King of Navarre towards Orleans took all the little places thereabouts and from thence descended into Beauce and drew together all of a suddain towards Paris All the Posts round about it as Poissy Estampes and Meulan were either forced or obtained Capitulation in which they desired no other security then the word of the King of Navarre to which they trusted more then to all the Writings of Hen. 3. So great a profession made he of keeping his word even to the prejudice of his interests Let us consider a little the different Estate to which these two Kings were reduced by their different conduct The One for having often broken his Faith was abandoned by his Subjects and his greatest Oaths found no belief amongst them and the Other for having always exactly kept it was followed even by his greatest Enemies in all occasions he gave marks of his Valour and Experience in point of War but above all of his Prudence and of those Noble Inclinations he had to good and to oblige all the world He was always seen in the most dangerous places to accelerate Labours animate his Souldiers sustain them in Sallies comfort the wounded and cause Money to be distributed amongst them He observed all inquired into all and would himself with the Marshal of the Camp order the Lodgings of his Souldiers He observed strictly what was done in the Army of Henry 3. where though he often found faults he concealed them out of fear to offend those who had committed them by discovering their ignorance and when he believed himself oblito take notice of them he did it with so much Circumspection that they could not finde any reason to take it in ill part He was never niggardly of giving praises due to Noble Actions nor of Caresses and generous Deport to those came near him he entertained himself with them when he had time to do it or at least so obliged them with some good word that they still went away satisfied He feared not at all to make himself familiar because he was assured that the more men knew him the more they would esteem him In fine the conduct of this Prince was such that there was no heart he gained not nor no friend he had who would not willingly have become his Martyr Paris was already besieged the King lodged at St. Clou and our Henry at Meudon keeping with his Troops all that is between Vanvres to the Bridge of Charenton Sancy was already arrived with his Levies of Suisses and they laboured with Orders to give a general Assault to the end they might gain the Suburbs beneath the River The Duke of Mayenne who was in the City with his Troops expecting those Supplies the Duke of Nemours was to bring was in great apprehensions that he should not be able to sustain the furious shock was preparing when a young Jacobin of the Convent of Paris named James Clement spurred on by a Resolution as devilish and detestable as it was determinate smote King Henry the third with a blow of a knife in the Belly of which he died the morrow after If the frantick Monk had not been slain upon the place by the Kings Guards many things might have been known which are now concealed Our Henry being advertized late in the Evening of this mournful Accident and of the danger in which the King was came to his Lodging accompanied onely by five and twenty or thirty Gentlemen and being arrived a little before he expired he fell on his knees to kiss his hands and received his last Embraces The King named him many times his Good Brother and Legitimate Successour recommended the Kingdome to him exhorted the Lords there present to acknowledge him and not to disunite In fine after having conjured him to embrace the Catholick Religion he gave up the Ghost leaving all his Army in an astonishment and confusion which cannot be expressed and all the Chiefs and Captains in Irresolutions and different Agitations according to their Humours Fancies or Interests The Second PART OF THE LIFE OF Henry the Great Containing what he did from the day he came to the Crown of France until the Peace which was made in the year 1598. by the Treaty at Vervin THE Death of Henry the third caused an entire change in the face of affairs Paris the League and the Duke of Mayenne were transported from a profound Sadness to a furious Joy and the Servants of the Defunct King from a Pregnant Hope to see him Revenged to an extreme Desolation This Prince who had been the object of the peoples hatred being now no more it seemed that that hatred should cease and by consequence the heat of the League relent but on the contrary not only all those who composed that faction but likewise many others who had held it for a Crime to League themselves against Henry the third their Catholick and Legitimate King believed themselves in Conscience Obliged to oppose themselves against our Henry at least till such time as he should return into the bosome of the true Church a qualification they believed absolutely necessary for that him should succeed Charlemagne of S. Lewis So that if the League lost that heat which hatred gave it it gained one much more specious from a zeal to Religion and had likewise a most plausible pretext not to lay down Arms till Henry should Profess the Religion of his Ancestors It was very difficult to judge whether the point of time wherein this unhappy Parricide arrived were good or ill for him for on one side it seemed that Providence had not drawn him from the
to Mass whether he would or not He was so much affrighted at it or feigned to be so that he took the Field gathered together his surest friends and caused the English Forces to come and lodge in the Suburbs of Limay At the same time the Duke de Feria Ambassador from the King of Spain to the States-General arrived at Paris he presented to them a very civil Letter on the part of his Master and made them a large Speech by which he exhorted them to expedite the naming of a King offering them all assistance both of men and monies In effect the King of Spain passionately desired the chusing of one because as we have said he would give him in marriage his Daughter Isabella whom he singula●ly loved It was therefore now time that our Henry should either publish to the world that he would persevere in his Religion without wavering in which case he must resolve on a War of which possibly he might never see the end or return into the bosome of the Catholick Church The Spaniolized Leaguers feared above all things this change which would take from them all pretext the good Catholicks ardently wished it they onely feared lest his Conversion should be feigned the rigid Hugonots endeavoured to divert him threatning him with the Judgements of God if he abandoned said they the Evangelical Truth But all Polititians both of the one and the other Religion counselled him not to delay it They told him that of all Canons the Canon of the Mass would prove best to reduce the Cities of his Kingdome they besought him that he would serve himself of it and to their Prayers they added Threats to abandon him and to retire themselves being wearied with consuming themselves in his service for the Capricio of some obstinate Preaching-Ministers who hindred him from embracing the Religion of his Predecessors Besides these humane Motives God who is never wanting to those who seek him with submission cleared his understanding with his holy Lights and rendred him capable to receive the saving instructions of the Catholick Prelates This resolution taken he immediately gives advice of it to the Deputies of the League in the Conference of Surene It cannot be imagined how great was their astonishment nor how the Duke of Mayenne was surprized for they least of all expected to hear this News The Spaniards and the Legat having advice that he was about to convert pressed the Estates more vehemently to elect a King and seeing that the French would not accept of any but one of their own Nation they proposed that their King should name a French Prince who should reign wholly and individually with the Infanta Isabella When the Parliament understood this and that the Estates were not averse to this Proposition that great Body though captive and dismembred remembring its ancient Vigour ordained That Remonstrances should be made to the Duke of Mayenne that he should maintain the Fundamental Laws of the Estate and that he should hinder the Crown the Lieutenancy of which was committed to him from being transferred to Strangers moreover declaring null all Treaties made or that should be made which should be contrary to that Law of the Estate It was suspected that this Arrest was made by Collusion with the Duke of Mayenne but Villeroy the greatest States-man of the Kingdom gave this Testimony for the Parliament that it took the counsel from himself Having no other Motives then those of Honour and Duty as persons who would chuse rather to loose their lives then be wanting either of the one or the other by conniving at the renversement of the Laws of the Realm of which by their institution they are Protectors and obliged to maintain them by the Oath given them at their Reception These words are all very memorable The Vigour of this Arrest made all those good French-men which were in Paris and in the Estates take heart and at the same time the taking of Dreux which the Kings Army forced caused a great astonishment among the most passionate Leaguers Nevertheless the Spaniards ceased not to pursue their designe The Duke of Mayenne thinking to stop their course made excessive Demands before any proceed should be made to the election of a King but that they might come to their point they granted him all and in the end they declared that their King would name to the Estates the Duke of Guise to whom he would give his Daughter in marriage and all forces necessary to assure him the Crown if they found it convenient to give him their Suffrages and elect him Never was man more astonished then the Duke of Mayenne when he saw that he should be constrained to obey his Nephew and that his Authority must end His Wife yet more impatient then he could not refrain from making appear her despite and jealousie and rather then suffer that they should confer the Crown on this young Prince she counselled her Husband to make peace with the King at any price whatsoever He was in effect resolved to do all things rather then raise his Nephew above himself and therefore he employed all sorts of means to hinder him and to this purpose he concluded a Truce with the King notwithstanding the oppositions of the Legat and Spaniards In pursuance of this Truce the King came to St. Denis where there met many Prelates and Doctors by whose care he caused himself to be instructed An Historian reports that the King causing a Conference to be held before him between the Doctors of the one and the other Church and hearing a Minister grant that one might be saved in the Religion of the Catholicks his Majesty breaking silence and speaking to the Minister How said he do you agree that one may be saved in the Religion of these Gentlemen The Minister answering that he doubted it not so that they lived well the King very judiciously replyed Prudence will that I should be of their Religion and not of yours because being of theirs I may be saved both according to their opinion and yours but being of yours I can be saved onely according to your opinion but not according to theirs Prudence therefore teaches me to follow the most assured And thus after long instructions in which he would amply be cleared in all his Doubts he abjured his Errour made profession of the Catholick Faith and received Absolution in the Abby-Church of St. Denis in the moneth of July by the Ministery of Renaud de Beaune Archbishop of Bourges That Evening the whole Champaign between Paris and Pointoise was made shine with fires of Joy and great number of Parisians who had flocked to St. Denis to see this Ceremony brought back an entire satisfaction and fill'd the whole City with esteem and affection for the King insomuch that they called him no longer Bearnois but absolutely King The Estates of Paris sate no long time after The Duke
in the year 1607. by which appeared Acquittances for eighty seven Millions which established the reputation and credit of France among strangers by whom it was before much cried out upon That done he continually laboured to joyn in his great design all Christian Princes offering to give them all the fruit of his Enterprizes against the Infidels without reserving any thing for himself for he would not said he have other Estates then France He likewise proposed to himself the seeking of all occasions to extinguish disorders and to pacifie differences among the Christian Princes so soon as they should see them conceived and that without any other interest then that of the Reputation of a Prince Generous disinterested wise and just He began to make his Friends and Associates the Princes and Estates which seemed best disposed towards France and the least indisposed to its interests as the Estates of Holland or the United Provinces the Venetians the Swisses and the Grisons After having bound them to him by very strong ties he endeavoured to negotiate with the three puissant Kingdoms of the North England Denmark and Swedeland to discuss and decide their differences and likewise to endeavour to reconcile them to the Pope or at least to obtain a cessation of that hatred and enmity by some formulary in such manner as they might live together so that it had been advantagious to the Pope in that they had acknowledged him for the first Prince of Christendome as to Temporals and in that case rendred him all respect He endeavoured in fine to do the same thing among the Electors the Estates and Cities Imperial being obliged particularly said he to take care of an Empire had been founded by his Predecessours Afterwards he sounded the Lords of Bohemia Hungary Transylvania and Poland to know if they would concur with him in the designe of taking away and rooting up for ever all causes of trouble and division in Christendom He treated after that with the Pope who approved and praised his Enterprize and desired to contribute on his part all that should be possible These were the dispositions of his great designe of which I shall now shew you the platform and model He desired perfectly to unite all Christendom so that it should be one body which had been and should be called the Christian Common-wealth for which effect he had determined to part it into fifteen Dominions or Estates which was the most he could do to make them of equal power and strength and whose limits should be so well specified by the universal consent of the whole fifteen that none could pass beyond them These fifteen Dominations were the Pontificate or Papacy the Empire of Germany France Spain Great Britain Hungary Bohemia Poland Danemark Swedeland Savoy or the Kingdom of Lombardy the Signory of Venice the Italian Commonwealth or of the little Princes and Cities of Italy the Belgians or Low-Countries and the Swisses Of these Estates there had been five successive France Spain Great Britain Swedeland and Lumbardy six elective the Papacy the Empire Hungary Bohemia Poland and Danemark four Republicks two of which had been Democratical to wit the Belgians and the Swisses and two Aristocratical or Signories that of Venice and that of the little Princes and Cities of Italy The Pope had had besides those Lands he possesses the whole Kingdome of Naples and Homages as well of the Italian Common-wealth as for the Island of Sicily The Signory of Venice had had Sicily in faith and homage of the holy Seat without other rights then a simple kissing of feet and a Crucifix of gold from twenty years to twenty years The Italian Commonwealth had been composed of the Estates of Florence Genoua Lucca Mantoua Parma Modena Monacho and other little Princes and Lords and had likewise held of the holy Seat paying onely for all by advance of a Crucifix of gold worth ten thousand Franks The Duke of Savoy besides those Lands he possessed should likewise have Milain and all should be erected into a Kingdom by the Pope under the title of the Kingdom of Lombardy from which should have been taken Cremona in exchange of Mo●tferrat which should be joyned There should have been incorporated with the Helvetian or Republick of the Swisses the French County Alsatia Tirol the Country of Trent and their dependences and it had done a simple homage to the Emperour of Germany from five and twenty to five and twenty years All the seventeen Provinces of the Low-Countries as well Protestants as Catholicks should have been established into a free and soveraign Republick save onely a like homage to the Empire and this Dominion should have been encreased by the Dutchy of Cleves of Juliers of Berghe de la Mark and Ravenstein and other little neighbouring Signories To the Kingdome of Hungary had been joyned the Estates of Transylvania Moldavia and Valachia The Emperour had for ever renounced aggrandizing himself or his by any confiscation disinheritance or reversion of Fiefs Masculine but had disposed vacant Fiefs in favour of persons out of his Kindred by the consent of the Electors and Princes of the Empire It should likewise have been held of accord that the Empire should never upon any occasion whatsoever be held successively by two Princes of one house for fear of its perpetuating as it hath for a long time in that of Austria The Kingdome of Hungary and of Bohemia had been likewise elective by the voice of seven Electors to wit 1. that of the Nobles Clergy and Cities of that Country 2. of the Pope 3. of the Emperour 4. of the King of France 5. of the King of Spain 6. of the King of England 7. of the Kings of Swedeland Denmark and Poland who all three had made but one voice Besides to regulate the differences which might arise between the Confederates and to decide them without sight of Fact there should have been established an Order and Form of Procedure by a general Council composed of sixty persons four on the part of every Dominion which should have been placed in some City in the midst of Europe as Mets Nancy Collen or others There should likewise have been established three others in three several places every one of twenty men which should all three make report to the grand Council Moreover by the consent of the general Council which should be called the Senate of the Christian Commonwealth there should be established an Order and Regulation between Soveraigns and Subjects to hinder on one side the Oppression and Tyranny of Princes and on the other side the Tumults and Rebellions of Subjects There should likewise be raised and assured a stock of money and men to which every Dominion should contribute according to the Assessment of the great Council for the assistance of the Dominions bordering upon Infidels from their
Secretary His punishment The Ambassadours Secretary arrested Several discourses concerning Ambassadours priviledges The King forbids any process against the Secretary The Ambassadour makes a great noise and threatens his Kings resentment Treason of the Luquisses A fool makes an attempt on the Kings person Those who desire war whet the Kings spirit upon these Conspiracies Character of Philip 3. of Spair A good profitable reflection In what the courage of a Soveraign principally consists The goodness of Henry the Great But the King hastens not the War He makes himself Arbitrator of the differences of Christendom 1606. After the death of Clement 8. he causes to be chosen Leo xi who soon dies and Paul 5. succeeds A great difference between Paul 5. and the Venetians The Venetians had made a law to bound the Acquisitions of the Clergy They make other Decrees Paul 5. offended at these Decrees He sends Briefs to revoke them He Excommunicates the Senate They declare his sentence of Excommunication null and abusive 1607. Henry the great undertakes to accommodate the difference He sends to this purpose Cardinal Joyeuse who concludes an accommodation The Pope absolves the Signory There was nothing but the reestablishment of the Jesuites not obtained 1608. The King endeavours an accommodation between the Hollander and Spaniard He underhand assists the Hollander with men and money Janin sent for this accommodation They come presently to an eight months truce The King makes an offensive and defensive League with the Hollander The Spaniards Alarm'd at this League Don Pedro de Toledo makes great complaints to the King Things very curious which passed betwixt the King and Don Pedro. Their entertainments Lively and quick replies Don Pedro kisses the Kings Sword Two obstacles in the Treaty of the Hollanders surmounted by the King The Treaty ends in a twelve years Truce Great praise given by the republick of Venice to our Henry All desire his friendship and protection He will not protect Subjects against their Soveraign What the Maurisques were The Spaniards treat them ill * An avanie is when by a false accusation money is forced from any person They demand assistance of Henry the Great He refuses it The King of Spain banisheth them all They are horribly ill Treated by the Spaniards and by the French They are carried into Affrica but some stay in France The great designe of Henry 4. for the extent of the Christian Religion in the Levant He sends some to spy the Country He seeks means to raise mony without burthening his people He would disengage his demain * The Greffes is a due to the King of 63 ● 9 d. Tours upon the sale of wood in several places and take off the Impost by buying the Salt-Marishes He is constrained to acquit himself of old scores to make some new imposts creations He makes not always use of innocent means Inquisition of the rents of the City-house cause disturbance * Hostel de Ville is the same at Paris as Guild-hall at London Miron Provost of the Merchants sustains the interest of the people Some would incense the King against him The people rise to defend him The King counselled to take him by force The Kings wise answer worthy a great Polititian He will not pursue this business of the Rents Establishment of the Paulete Justice formerly administred in France by Gentlemen How it fell into the hands of the Plebeians who made profit of it The Parliament of France meddle with particular affairs and is made sedentary at Paris They make all other Judges subalternate to them The number of the Officers of Parliament small How Offices became vendible under Francis 1. * He had often said that fat Boy would spoile all and Henry 2. How this might be remedied But on the contrary is made incurable by the Paulete Which causes great abuses 1609. Marriage of the Prince of Conde And of the Duke of Vendosme What were the Kings divertisements He loved Play too much He was extremely given to women This passion made him do shameful things Three or four of his Mistresses This causes often contentions with his wife And hinders his great design What that was The means with which he served himself to put it in Execution To this purpose he grants an Edict to the Hugonots and pays his debts Which regains the reputation and credit of France He joyns to him all Christian Princes by promising his conquests He reunites them by accommodating their differences The Princes he made his friends How he would have accommodated the Protestant Princes with the Pope He treats with the Electors With the Lords of Bohemia Hungary Poland With the Pope Model of the designe of Hen. 4. He would part Christendome into fifteen equal Dominions To wit eleven Kingdoms and four Republicks What the Pope had had The Signory of Venice The Italian Common-wealth Duke of Savoy Republick of the Swisses The Low-Countries Kingdome of Hungary The Empire with free election Bohemia Hungary elective A general Council of sixty persons Three others of each twenty Order to hinder tyranny and rebellion and to assist the Provinces adjoyning to Infidels Three general Captains two by Land and one by Sea to war against the Turks What forces what train None but the house of Austria had suffered by this establishment In Italy the Pope Venetians and Savoyard would consent In Germany many Electors and had chosen the Duke of Bavaria Emperour In Bohemia and Hungary the Lords and Nobility The business of Cleves happens to give a beginning to the great designe The Cities of Flanders should revolt The King● Army should have lived in great order The King would have reserved nothing of his Conquests He had with other Princes prayed the Emperour to rerestore the Cities of the Empire to liberty Bohemia Hungary Austria had made the same request The Duke of Savoy had demanded the Dower of his wife from the Spaniard The Pope and Venetians to become mediators of the difference of Navarre Naples Savoy c. And the King had yeilded his right They had perswaded the King of Spain or else forced him The great Prudence and moderation intended by the King in the pursuit of his design The preparations he made The forces he had The Prince of Oranges Army That of the Electors German Princes That of the Venetians and Savoyard His Exchequer for defraying this great designe He would make the War powerfully that it might be short Great appearance it might have succeeded having no Princes to oppose it but the Dukes of Saxony and Florence What was the business of Cleves and Juliers Death of John Duke of Juliers without issue His succession disputed by many particularly by Brandenbourg and Newbourg The Emperour said it was devolved to the Empire He invests Leopold of Austria who whilst Brandenbourg and Newbourg dispute seizes Juliers They implore the Kings assistance who promises to march in person But tells him he intended to conserve the Catholick Religion in that Country Answer made to the Ambassador of the Empire He establishes good order in the Kingdom before his departure Leaves the Regency to the Queen but gives her a good Council He establishes little Councils in the Provinces who refer to the great one 1610. Some put it into the spirit of the Queen that she should be installed before the Kings departure He though unwillingly consents The instalment of the Queen Many Prognosticks which seemed to presage the death of Henry 4. Advice from several places that his life should be attempted He seems to believe them and fear Who Ravaillac was He is induced to kill the King but it is not known by whom The King departs the Louvre to go to the Arsenal What persons were with him His Coach stopt in the street of the Ferronnerie Ravaillac killeth him He is torn with burning pincers and drawn in pieces by four horses The Kings body opened and found that he might yet live 30 years He is buried at St. Denis The Queen made Regent The great desolation in Paris when they knew of the Kings death His age and the time of of his reign His two wives Margaret and Mary He had three Sons by Mary and three Daughters He had eight Natural children of divers Mistresses Two Sons and a Daughter of Gabriella A Son and a Daughter of the Marchioness of Verneuil Of the Countess of Moret one Son Of Madam d' Essards two daughters He loved all his children and would have them call him Papa Summary recital of the Life of Henry the Great Parallel of his adversities and prosperities * There are more then fifty conspiracies against his person His adversities whet his spirit and courage Why Princes who come young to the Crown seldome learn to govern well Those who come to a Crown at greater distance and a more ripe age are more capable and better The reasons of it A mystick Crown to the glory of Henry the Great