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A51736 To His Highnesse the Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland the humble addresses of Menasseh ben Israel, a divine, and doctor of physick, in behalfe of the Jewish nation. Manasseh ben Israel, 1604-1657. 1641 (1641) Wing M379; ESTC R224573 20,093 36

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the III. who confirmed the same Priviledges Afterwards in the year 1550. Paul the III. died and Iulius the III. succeeded who ratified the fore-mentioned Priviledges given by his Praedecessours and the whole Apostolike Seat inviolably In those times there were many Doctors that wrote on this matter amongst whom the chiefest were Alciat and the Cardinal Parisius in 2 3 parte Consiliorum pro Christianis noviter conversis shewing by reason and law that considering they were forced and not converted willingly that they had not fallen nor do fall under any Censure These reasons being considered of by the Princes of Italy they graunted likewise the same Priviledges viz. Cosmo the Great Duke of Florence and Hercules Duke of Ferrare and within few yeares Emanuël Felibert Duke of Savoye and were by all his successours confirmed In the yeare 1492 when they were banished from Castile we read in the Chronicles of that Kingdome that the Lords of that place did complain that their Cities and Townes were destroyed and dis-inhabitated and had they beleeved any such thing that they would have opposed the Kings decree and would never have given their consent to it That was the cause that Don Emanuël of Portugal seeing on the one side apparent dommage should he let them depart his Kingdome and on the other side not being able to breake his promise made to the King of Castile he caused them to be compelled to the Faith upon paine of Death that they should not depart out of his Dominions The Catholiq King was blamed of all Christian Princes and especially by the Senate of Venice as Marcus Antonius Sabellicus doth write for having banished a Nation so profitable to the Publicq and Particular good without any kinde of pretence And so the Parlement of Paris likewise did extreamly wonder at such a determination And truely good reason there was to wonder for we see since what the Senat of Venice hath done who never deliberats or puts into execution any thing without great judgement having the advantage of all Republicqs in their gouvernment and leaving behinde them the Romans Carthagenians Athenians and most learned Lacedemonians and that Parlement of Paris which in the gouvernment of affaires was alwayes most prudent Most of those that were banished passed to the Levant who were embraced by the Ottoman-familly al the succeeding Kings wondring at it that the Spanjards who make profession to be a politiq Nation should drive out of their Kingdoms such a people Moreover Sultan Bajazet and Sultan Soliman received them exceeding well the coming of the Iewes to them being very acceptable and so did likewise all their successours considering of how great a profit and benefit their residing in their dominions was And in the yeare 1555. Paul the IV. being chosen Pope of Rome who before was called Cardinal de Chiesi an intimate to the Cardinal of Portugal caused the Iewes to be held in Ancona and other places of the Church according to the Priviledges graunted to them by the Popes his Predecesseurs in the name of the Apostolical Roman seat Licurgus Solon and Draco and all Founders of Common-wealths gave counsell that strangers ought to be loved and much made of as in the Discourses of Se. in 7 de Legibus de Rep. is amply to be seen And by the Divine Law as Moses commandeth us we ought not to trouble a stranger but he sayes Remember you were strangers in the Land of Egypt In summa to the same purpose might be brought many other and more powerfull reasons but because they are out of our consideration we passe them over And here to declare some particulars worthy to be known for advise and exemple that befell our Nation in those bitter banishments part whereof Hieronymus Osorius recites more at large in the first of his elegant two Bookes de Rebus Emanuëlis The first title he giveth to those miserable successes is this which he puts for a Postil in the margent of his booke Iudaeorum Liberi per vim ad Christianismum pertracti and than rehearses how that in the yeare 1496 the King decreed that all the Iewes and Mores that dwelt in his Kingdome and would not become Christians should depart his Dominions in a short time which being past all that should be found in his Kingdome should loose their liberty and become slaves to the King The time being now at hand as Osorius proceeds in which the Iewes that would not turne Christians were to depart the Kingdome and all of them as many as they were had with all their power provided and taken a firme resolution to be gone which the King seeing and not able to endure it thought upon a busines as he saith facto quidem iniquam injustam which to do was realy wicked and unjust and that was to command that all the children of the Israëlites that were not above 14 yeares old should be taken out of the power of their owne Parents and when they had them they should force them to become Christians a new thing that could not be done without a wonderfull alteration of their minds for it was as Osorius speakes a horrid and miserable spectacle to see the tender Infants wrestled out of the arms and brests of their lamenting mothers to dragge along their poore fathers that held them fast and to give them many wounds and blows to draw them out of their handes to hear their cryes that ascend to heaven their groanes lamentations and complaints every-where so that this cruelty was the cause that many of those distressed Fathers threw their children into wells and others killed themselves with their owne hands that they might not see so bitter a thing with their eyes The cruelty of Emanuël ended not here but going on with compulsion and revilings gave cause to his owne Chronographer to make the second title or postil with these words Vis Dolus Iudaeis illata That is The force and deceit used towards the Iewes And so he goes on declaring how he had promised in the condition they had made that he would assigne them three Ports in his Kingdome to embarque at viz. Lisbon Setuval and Puerto and neverthelesse he forbad them afterwards to embarque themselves in any place but Lisbon for which cause all the Iewes of the Kingdome came to that City from whence besides a thousand molestations and extortions he drove them as Vasquo saith as sheep in the stalls and there forced their afflicted bodies to counterfeit that which their soules and thoughts never meant nor approoved of Works of which his owne Chronologer saith Fuit hoc quidem neque ex Lege neque ex Religione factum That is This was done neither according to Law nor Religion Let men of clear minde and free from passion consider for Gods sake if such violences can worke any good impression or character in men or what Law either Humain or Divine National or Moderne can beare that the soules of men which the Most
in token of his loyalty and the brasen Tables of our Ancestours amongst the Romans are evident witnesses enough of their fidelity shewed unto them In Spaine the Iewes of Burgos as the Cronicles do declare most generously shewed the very same fidelity in the times of Don Henrique who having killed his Brother the King Don Pedro de Cruël made himself Lord of all his Kingdoms and brought under his obedience all the Grandos and people of Spaine Onely the Iewes of Burgos denyed to obey him and fortified themselves within the City saying That God would never have it that they should deny obedience to their Naturall Lord Don Pedro or to his rightfull successours A constancy that the prudent King Don Henriques very much esteemed of saying that such Vassals as those were by Kings and great men worthy of much account seeing they held greater respect to the fidelity they ought to their King although conquered and dead than to the present fortune of the Conquerour And a while after receiving very honourable conditions they gave themselves over In Spaine also as you may see in Mariana many Iewes for the same fidelity were appointed Gouvernours of the Kingdome and Tutors of Noble-mens children jointly to others of the Nobility upon the death of their Parents The Chronicles of the Xarifes dedicated to King Philip the second King of Spaine alleagues for an exemple of great fidelity and vertue how the rising of the Xarifes against the Morines their killing and spoyling them of the Kingdome was such a great grief unto Samuel Alvalensi one of those banished out of Spaine and much favoured by the king of Fez descended from the house of the Morines that joyning himself with other Magistrats and subjects of the Morines arming some ships and going himself Captain over all he came suddenly with 400 men and fell by night upon the Army of the Xarifes that were more then 3000 men besieging Copta and without losing one man killed of them above 500 and caused them to raise the siege Many the like Exemples may be brought of times past but for our present and moderne times there is no Exemple so evident as in the besieging of Mantua for the Emperour in the year 1630 where the Iewes fought most valiantly and rescued it from the Natives As likewise in the Seignory of Brasil where the same thing was done for one of the same Nation a Dutchman having delivered the Cape unto the Portugals there was found in our Nation there not onely loyalty but also such discretion that had they taken their advise the busines had not so proceeded This may be seen more clearly yet in their being banished out of Castilla in the dayes of Ferdinand and Isabella Their number at that time was supposed to have bene half a million of men amongst whom were many of great valour and courage as Don Isaac Abarbanel a Counsellor of State doth relate and yet amongst so great a number there was not found any one man that undertooke to raise a party to free themselves from that most miserable banishment An evident signe of the proper and naturall resolution of this Nation and of their constant obedience to their Princes The same affection is confirmed by the inviolable custome of all the Iewes wheresoever they live for on every Sabbath or festivall Day they everywhere are used to pray for the safety of all Kings Princes and Common-wealths under whose jurisdiction they live of what profession-soever unto which duety they are bound by the Prophets and the Talmudists from the Law as by Ieremy chap. 29. vers 7. Seek the peace of the Citie unto which I have made you to wander and pray for her unto the Lord for in her Peace you shall enjoy peace He speaks of Babylon where the Jewes at that time were captives From the Talmud ord 4. tract 4. Abodazara pereq 1. Pray for the peace of the Kingdome for unles there were feare of the Kingdome men would swallow one the other alive c. From the continuall and never broken Custome of the Iewes wheresoever they are on the Sabbath-Day or other solemne Feasts at which time all the Iewes from all places come together to the Synagogue after the benediction of the Holy Law before the Minister of the Synagogue blesseth the people of the Iewes with a loud voice he blesseth the Prince of the Country under whom they live that all the Iewes may heare it and say Amen The words he useth are these as in the printed booke of the Iewes may be seen He that giveth salvation unto Kings and dominion unto Lords he that delivered his servant David from the sword of the Enemy he that made a way in the Sea and a path in the strang waters blesse and keep preserve and rescue exalt and magnify and lift up higher and higher our Lord. And then he names the Pope the Emperour King Duke or any other Prince under whom the Iewes live and add's The King of kings defend him in his mercy making him joyfull and free him from all dangers and distresse The King of kings for his goodnesse sake raise up and exalt his planetary starre and multiply his dayes over his Kingdom The King of kings for his mercies sake put into his heart and into the heart of his Counsellers and those that attend and administer to him that he may show mercy unto us and unto all the people of Israël In his dayes and in our dayes let Iudah be safe and Iraë dwell securely and let the Redeemer come to Iraë and so may it please God Amen These are the very formalities set downe word for word which the Iewes by the command of God received from the Talmud do use in their prayers for Princes under whose gouvernment they reside And therefore wise Princes are wont to banish from their Courts false rapports And most wise R. Simon Ben-Iochai in his excellent book called Zoar in Sarasa Pecudi relates that it is a Tradition receaved from Heaven that the Kings of the Nations of the world Princes Gouvernours that protect the Iewes in this world or do them any good that the same shall enjoy certain degrees of glory or eternall reward as on the other side they that do to the Nation of the Iewes any harme that they shall be punished with some particular eternall punishment As appeareth also out of Esa the last chapter Thus you see the Fidelity of the Iewes towards their Gouvernours clearly prooved Now that no man may thinke that their banishment out of Spaigne and Portugal proceeded from any suspition or faults of theirs I shall clearly rehearse the reason of so sudden a determination and what the thoughts of many Christian Princes have bene there-upon The busines was thus Ferdinand and Isabella Gouvernours of Castile having gained the Kingdome of Granada of which they tooke possession on the 5 of Ianuary they resolved to thrust out all the Iewes that lived in their Kingdomes and so on the