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A13472 A memorial of all the English monarchs being in number 151, from Brute to King Charles. In heroicall verse by Io. Taylor. Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1630 (1630) STC 23774; ESTC S118225 26,126 113

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warres His youngest brother troubled him with iarres At London such a furious winde did blow Which did sixe hundred houses ouerthrow The City Gloster was by Welshmen sack'd Northumberland was by King William wrack'd William de Oue and William de Aluery In cruell torments dyed at Salisbury Duke Robert laid all Normandy to gage Vnto the King warres with the Turkes to wage Westminster Hall was built the Danes came in And th' Orchades and the I le of Man did win But as the King was hunting in Hampshire Sir Walter Tirr●…ll shooting at a Deere The Arrow glauncing'gainst a Tree by chance Th' vnhappy King kild by the haplesse Glaunce A Colliers Cart to Winchester did bring The Corps where vnbemoand they laid the King Rufus In the 8. yeere of his reigne the Christian Army went to Ierusalem vnder the conduct of Godfry Duke of Bulleine in which warres serued Robert Duke of Normandy the Kings eldest brother who pawned his Dukedome for 16666 pounds weight of siluer In the 11. yeere the Lands of the late Earle Godwine sunk in the sea and are to this day called Godwine sands This King died the 2. of August 1100. he reigned 12. yeeres 11. moneths and was buried at Winchester Henry the first An. Dom. 1100. THis Henry for his wisedome Beuclarke nam'd Th'vnlawfull Lawes and measures he reclaim'd The Norman Duke eld'st Brother to the King To claime the Crowne a mighty Hoast did bring Saint Bartholomewes was founded and Saint Gyles And Henry stop'd Duke Roberts mouth with wiles Then peace was made but after warres did rise The King tooke's brother and put out his eyes Here Windsor Church and Castle were erected And Wales rebeld most sharpely was corrected All the King's Sonnes and eight score persons more Were drown'd by tempest neere the Norman shore Thus all his Ioy in Childrens losse bereft Saue onely Maud the Widdow Empresse left Whom Geffrey Anioy's Earle to wife did get From whom did spring the name Plant●…genet The King proclaim'd his Daughter or her seede After his death should in the Realme succeede And after thirty fiue yeeres time was past King Henry by a surfet breath'd his last Much trouble in his dayes this Kingdome wearied He dyed and dead at Redding he lies buried Thus God that lifts the low casts downe the high Caus'd all the Conquerors sonnes vntimely dye Henry the 1. He held the Crowne wrongfully from his elder brother Robert Duke of Normandy and ouercomming him in battell most vnnaturally put out his eies he reigned 35. y●…res his braines eyes and bowels were buried at Roane in France and the rest of his body at Redding his Phisician that opened his head was killed suddainely with the stench of his braines King Stephen An. Dom. 1135. STephen Earle of B●…loign th' Earle of Bloys his son From th' Empresse Maud this famous Kingdome won Domestike forraigne dangerous discords 'Twixt factions f●…ctions of the King and 's Lords Wars 'twixt the King and th' Empresse for the crown Both tasted Fortunes fauours and her frowne Now vp now downe like balles at Tennis tost Till Stephen gain'd the goale and th' Empresse lost And after eighteene yeeres were come and gone The King not hauing any lawfull Sonne He dyed and chang'd his Kingdome his strength For a small Sepulcher of sixe foote length King Stephen He was noble valiant liberall and politique and almost in continuall trouble In the 1. yeere of his reigne a fire burnt all the streete from London-stone East to Pauls and West to Algate and within 2. yeeres after the ci●…ties of York Rochester and Bathe were burnt Hee reigned 18. yeeres 10. moneths and was buried at Feuersham Henry the second An Dom. 1154. THis King vnto the Empresse Maud was Heyre And lawfully obtain'd the Regall Chayre He was couragious and yet most vnchaste Which Vice his other Vertues all defac'd He lou'd faire Rosamond the worlds faire Rose For which his wife and children turn'd his foes He made his sonne Copartner in his Crowne Who rais'd strong warres to put his Father downe Faire Rosamond at Woodstock by the Queene Was poyson'd in reuengefull-iealous spleene In toyle and trouble with his Sonnes and Peeres The King raign'd almost fiue and thirty yeeres Hee neere his death did curse his day of birth Hee curst his Sonnes and sadly left the earth Hee at Founteuerard in his Tombe was laid And his Son Richard next the Scepter swaid Henry the 2. In the 12. yeer of this King an earthquake in Norfolk Suffolk and Elye that made bels ring with shaking the steeples and ouerthrew men that stood on their feete Nicholas Breakespeare an Englishman was Pope of Rome and was named Adrian the fourth hee gaue the Lord-shippe of Ireland to King Henry Richard Cordelion An. Dom. 1189. THis braue victorious Lyon-hearted Prince The foes of Christ in Iury did conuince Whilst at Ierusalem he wan Renowne His Brother Iohn at home vsurp'd his Crowne And as he home return'd his owne to gaine By Austria's Duke the King was Prisoner tane His ransome was an hundred thousand pound Which paid in England he againe was crown'd Yet after nine full yeeres and 9. months raigne Hee with a Shot was kild in Aquitane His buriall at 〈◊〉 was ●…hought meet At his dead Fathers second Henries feet Richard the 1. he conquered the kingdome of Cypresse and he tooke from the Infidels the Cities of Acon Ioppa and deliuered them to Christians In his 2. yeere the bones of the renowned King Arthur were found at Glastenbury King Richards bowels were buried at Chalne Castle in Aquitane his heart at Roane and his body at Founteuerard King Iohn An. Dom. 1199. John Earle of Morton tooke the regall Seate His state his toyle his pompe his cares all great The French the Welsh the Scotsh all prou'd his foes The Pope King Iohn did from his Crowne depose His Lords rebel'd from France the Dolphin came And wasted England much with sword and flame And after seuenteene yeeres were full expir'd King Iohn being poysoned to his graue retir'd King Iohn In the 8. yeere many men Women and cattell were slaine with thunder and many houses burnt and the corne was beaten downe with haile as bigge as goose egges Some say the King was po●…son'd by a monke and others write that he died of a surfeit at Newark but his life was full of troubles and after his death he was by base villaines rob'd and left naked without any thing to couer the corpes hee was buried at Worcester Henry the third An. Dom. 1216. WArs bloody wars the French in Englād made Strong holds Towns Towres Castles they inuade But afterwards it was K. Henries chance By force perforce to force them backe to France Great discord 'twixt the King and Barons were And factions did the Realme in pieces teare A world of mischiefes did this Land abide And fifty sixe yeeres raign'd the King and dy'd Henry the 3. This King was born at Winchester crowned at Glocester buried
he dignifi'd Raign'd thirty two yeeres and by poyson dy'd This King was a Rom●…ne and brother to Vter Pendragon that succeeded him 94. Vter Pendragon raigned 18 yeeres 498. THis King by Merlins meanes a skilfull man Igrene the Duke of Cornewals Dutchesse wan On her he got though illegittimate The Christian Worthy Arthur stilde the Great Vter Pendragon poysoned by the Saxons after he had reigned 18. yeeres 95. Arthur 516. OF the nine Worthies was this Worthy one Denmarke and Norway did ●…y his Throne In twelue set Battels he the Saxons beat Great and to make his Victories more great The Faithlesse Sarazons he ouercame And made them honour high Iehonah's Name The Noble order of the Table round At Winchester his first inuention found Whilst he beyond Sea fought to win Renowne His Nephew Mordred did vsurpe his Crowne But he return'd and Mordred did confound And in the fight great Arthur got a wound That prou'd lo mortall that immortally It made him liue although it made him dye Full sixteene yeeres the Diadem he wore And euery day gaind Honour more and more Arthur the great was buried at Glastenbury 96 Constantine the fourth 542. 97 Aurelius Conanus 545. COnstantine was by King 〈◊〉 kil'd Aurelius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yeeres held Seuen Kingdomes heere at once the Saxons held And slaughter launc'd when proud ambition sweld This Constantine was kinsman to King Arthur and was slaine by Conanus Constantine was a wicked Prince and slaine in battell by his kinsman Conanus when he had reigned neere 3. yeeres Of the tyme of this Aurelius Conanus his reigne there is much variation in Histories Heere beganne the Heptarchy or 7 Kingdomes in this Land namely Kent South-Saxons West-Saxons East-Saxons Northumberland Mercia and East-Angles which diuision continued more then 600. yeeres before it was all vnited into one Monarchy the names of the Kings times of their reignes and limits of their Kingdomes are hereunder expressed 1 KEnt was only a kingdome which had 17 Kings namely 1 Hengist 2 Eske 3 Octa 4 Ymerick 5 Ethelbert who was the first Christian King of Kent hee was an ayde and helper of Sebert King of the East-Saxons in the famous and memorable buildings of S t. Pauls Church in London and Saint Peters at Westminster 6 Eabald 7 Ercombert 8 Egbert 9 Lother 10 Edrick 11 Withred 12 Edbert 13 Edelbert 14 Alick 15 Ethilbert 16 Cuthred 17 Baldred These Kings reigned in Kent 372. yeeres from the yeere of Grace 455. till the yeere 827. 2 The kingdome of the South-Saxons contained the Counties of Sussex and Surrie it continued from the yeere 488. vntill the yeere 601. being 113 yeeres they had three Kings namely 1 Ella 2 Cissa 3 Ethelwolfe a Christian King 4 Berthrum 5 Authum 3 The West-Saxons kingdome whose beginning was in the yeer 519. and ended Anno. 166. lasted 561 yeeres hauing 17 Kings namely 1 Cherdick 2 Kenrick 3 Chequilin 4 Cealick 5 Chelwold 6 Kingils a Christian 7 Kenwald 8 Eskwin 9 Kentwin 10 Ceadwald 11 Inas 12 〈◊〉 13 Cuthred 14 Sigebert 15 Kenwolfe 16 Brightrik 17 Egbert These Kings had vnder their gouernments the Counties of Cornewall Deuonshire Somersetshire Wiltshire Hampshire and Barkshire 4 The East-Saxons reigned 281 yeeres beginning Anno. 527 and ending in the yeere 827. Their bounds were Essex and Middle-Sex and their Kings were in number 14 namely 1 Erchenwin 2 Sledda 3 Sebert a Christian King that assisted Ethelbert King of Kent in the building of the Churches of Saint Paul and Saint Peter aforesaid 4 Seward 5 Sigebert 6 Sigibext 7 Switheline 8 Sighere 9 Sebba 10 Sigherd 11 Seofrid 12 Offa 13 Selred 14 Suthred 5 Northumberland was sometimes diuided into two kingdomes It contained the Coūties of Yorkshire Durham Lancashire Westmerland Cumberland and Northumberland this Kingdome beganne in the yeere of our Lord 547. and expired in 926. continuing 379. yeeres vnder 23 Kings whose names were 1 Ella 2 Adda 3 Theodwald 4 Frethulse 5 Theodrick 6 Ethelrick 7 Ethelfrid 8 Edwin 9 Oswald 10 Oswy 11 Egfrid 12 Alkfrid 13 Ofred 14 Kenred 15 Oswicke 16 Ceolnuph 17 Egbert 18 Oswolfe 19 Edilwald 20 Alured 21 Ethelred 22 Alswald 23 Osr●…d Amongst these Edwin was their first Christian King 6 The East Angles vnder 15 seuerall Kings continued 353 yeeres beginning in Anno 575. and 〈◊〉 III 914. their Territories were Su●… Nor●…olk Cambridgeshire and the I le 〈◊〉 Ely th●…ir Kings names were 1 Vffa 2 Ti●…us 〈◊〉 Red●…ald their first Christian King 4 〈◊〉 5 Sigebert 6 Egrik 7 Anna 8 Ethelbert 9 Ethwald 10 Aldwol●…e 11 Aswald 12 Beorn 13 Ethelred 14 Ethelbert 15 Edmund 7 The seuenth Kingdome were the Mercians who had 20 Kings and 17 shires vnder their command their Kings were 1 Creda 2 Wibba 3 Cheorle 4 Penda 5 Peada their first Christian King 6 Wolfere 7 Ethelred 8 Kenred 9 Chelred 10 Ethebald 11 Offa 12 Egfrid 13 Kenwolfe 14 Kenelme 15 Chelwolse 16 Bernulfe 17 Ludecan 18 Whitlafe 19 Bertwolfe 20 Burdred Their bounds and dominions were 17 Counties as of Northampton Leister Darby Lincolne Huntington Rutland Notingham Chesshire Oxfordshire Staffordshire Worcestershire Glostershire Shropshire Warwickeshire Bedfordshire Buckinghamshire and Hartfordshire 98 Vortiporus 578. 99 Malgo. 581. THis Vortipore from good Kings did decline Kept his wiues Daughter as his Conc●…ine And Malgo put his Wife to bloudy slaughter To liue in ●…ncest with his brothers Daughter About this time Augustine the Monke Mellitus Iustus and Iohn all learned men came from Rome and preached the Gospell to the English men Vortipore reigned 4. yeeres Malgo his raigne was short and wicked 100. Careticus 586. GVrmundus hither out of Ireland came And with the Saxons ioyn'd with sword and flame The King to Wales did flye his life to saue Whereas he chang'd his Kingdome for a Graue He reigned 3. yeeres and now the Saxons had all England the Brittaines and their Kings being expulsed and chased to the West sides of the Riuers Seauerne and d ee Cadwane 613. THis Cadwane did the Saxon force withstand Of Ethelfridus of Northumberland And made him to intreate and sue for peace Raign'd two and twenty yeeres then did decease 102. Cadwallin 635. CAdwallin slew King Edwin Egfrids Sonne He Penda Mercias King did ouer-runne He neuer fought but Conquest home did bring And eight and forty yeeres did raigne a King Cadwallin was buried at London in Saint Martins Church neere Ludgate 103. Cadwallader 685. THis King renowned was both neere and farre The last of Brittaines Kings Cadwallader The name of Brittaine was quite alterd then The Kings of England subiects Englishmen Then in this Land of Kings there raign'd so many That Subiects knew not to obey all or any Their names and times of raigne I meane to tell Should I write more my Book too big would swell Here the inhabitants lost the name of Brittaines the land being called Anglia or England and the people Englishmen 687. Cadwallader left his Crowne went to Rome and dyed there These
Richard wonne the royall state Vnnatnrally the children of his brothe The King and Duke of Yorke he caus'd to smother For Sir Iames Tirrell Dighton and Blacke Will Did in the Tower these harmlesse Princes kill Buckinghams Duke did raise King Richard high And for reward he lost his head thereby A fellow to this King I scarce can finde His shape deform'd and crooked like his minde Most cruell tyrannous inconstant stout Couragious hardy t' abide all dangers out Yet when his sinnes were mellow ripe and full Th' Almighties Iustice then his plum●…s did pull By bloudy meanes he did the kingdome gaine And lost it so at Bosworth being slaine This Richard was neuer a good subiect but wh●… he had got the Crowne he striued by all meanes to be a good King for in his short reigne of two yeeres two mo●…s he made very profitable Lawes which are yet in force by which it may be perceiued how willing he was to 〈◊〉 his mis-spent time Henry the seuenth An. Dom. 1485. VVHen Ciuill wars full fourescore yeers more Had made this kingdome welter in her Gore When eightie of the royall blood were kild That Yorke and Lancasters crosse faction held Then God in mercy looking on this Land Brought in this Prince with a triumphant band The onely Heire of the Lancastrian line Who grac●…ously consented to combine To ease poore England of a world of anone And make the red Rose and the white but one By Marriage with Elizabeth the faire Fourth Edwards daughter and Yorks onely heire But Margret Burgunds Lancaster storm'd frown'd That th' heire of Lancaster in state was crown'd A counterfeit one Lambert she suborn'd Beign with Princely ornaments adorn'd To claime the State in name of Cla●…ce sonne Who in the Tower before to death was done Wars ' gainst the French King Henry did maintaine And Edward braue Lord Wooduil●… there was slaine Northumberlands great Earle for the Kings right Was slaine by Northerne rebels in sharpe fight The King besiedged Boloigne but a Peace The French king sought and so the siedge did cease Still Burgunds Dutchesse with inueterate hate Did seeke to ruine Henries Royall state She caus'd one Perkin Warbecke to put on The name of Richard Edwards murdred sonne Which Richard was the youngest of the twaine Of Edwards sonnes that in the Tower was slaine The King at last these traitors did confound And Perkin for a counterfeit was found Sir William Stanley once the Kings best friend At Tower hill on a Scaffold had his end On Blacke Heath Cornish rebels were o'rthrowne A Shoomaker did claine King Henries Crowne The Earle of Warwicke lost his haplesse head And Lady Katherine did Prince Arthur wed But ere sixe moneths were fully gone and past In Ludlow Castle Arthur breath'd his last King Henry built his Chappell from the ground At Westminster whose like can scarce be found Faire Margret eldest daughter to our King King Iames the fourth of 〈◊〉 home did bring Where those two Princes with great pompe and cheare In State at Edenborough married were But as all Mortall ●…hings are tra●…ory So to an end came H●…nrie ●…arthly glory Twenty three yeeres and 8. months here he swaid And then at Westminster i●…s Tombe was laid He all his Life had variable share Of Peace Warre Ioy Griefe Royaltie and Care In his 1. yeere in 7. weekes space there dyed in London 2. Masors and 6. Aldermen besides many hundred others of a strange sweating sicknesse 1485. Anno Reg. 12. at Saint Needs in Bedfordshire there fell bail-stones 18. inches about King Iames the 4. of Scotland married Margret eldest daughter to Henry the 7. from whom our gracious Soueraigne is lineally descended Henry the eight An. Dom. 1509. FRom both the Lines and both the loynes did spring Of York Lancaster this mighty King Katherine that was his brothers wife of late He tooke to wife and crown'd her Queene in state Empson and Dudley lost their heads at Tower For racking the poore Commons by their power Warres dreadfull wars arose 'twixt vs and France Lord Edward Howard drowned by mis-chance At Brest he was high Admirall in fight Cast ouerboord dy'd like a valiant Knight In England Suffolks Duke did lose his head The King to Tur●…in d●…d an army lead Turney he wonne with his victorious blade King Iames of Scotland England did inuade But Surries Earle the Sco●…sh King ouercame Who lost life there but wonne immortall fame Now Cardinall Wol●…ey in the Kings high Grace Was rais'd to honours from great place to place Lordship on Lordship laid vpon his backe Vntill the burthen was the bearers wracke The Duke of Buckingham his head did lose And Luther stoutly did the Pope oppose Blinde ignorance that long had look'd awry Began to see Truth with a clearer eye And then the King inspir'd with feruent Zeale Reformed both the Church and Common weale Iehouah with his power Omnipotent Did make this King his gracious instrument T' vnmaske his Truth from Antichristian fables And purge this wofull Land from Babel●… bables This King at Boloigne was victorious In peace and warre Magnifique Glorious In his rage bounty he did oft expresse His Liberality to bee excesse In Reuels Iusts and Turnies he spent more Then fiue of his Fore-fathers did before His Auarice was all for Noble fame Amongst the Worthies to inrole his Name A valiant Champion for the Faiths defence Was the great Title of this mightie Prince Sixe wiues he had 3. Kates 2. Annes one Iane Two were diuorc'd two at the blocke were slaine One sonne and two faire daughters he did leaue Who each from other did the Crowne receiue The first was Edward Mary next whose death Left State and Realme to Queene Elizabeth He thirty eight yeeres kept this Royall Roome At Windsor hee 's enter'd without a Tombe Leeth Edenbourgh and diuers other parts of Scotland were spoyled by Sir Iohn Dudley Lord Viscount Lisle Lord high Admirall of England with a Nauy of 200. tall Ships Anno 1544. King Henry went to Boloigne hee entred France the 13. of Iuly and into Boloigne the 25. of September in which yeere were taken 300. French Ships for prizes Edward the sixt An. Dom. 1546. HAd this Kings reigne bin long as it was good Religion in a peaceable state had stood What might haue his age bin when his blest youth So valiantly aduanc'd Gods sacred truth At nine yeeres age the Crowne on him hee tooke And ere sixteene he Crowne and life forsooke Too good for earth th' Almighty tooke his spirit And Westminster his Carkas doth inherit In his 5. yeere a strange Earth-quake did much harme in diuers places of Surry and a sweating sicknesse generally ouer England that dispatched those that were in good health in 12. houres or 24. at the most In one weeke there dyed of it in London 806. the most of them being men of best strength Queene Mary An. Dam. D●… AFter a while this Queene had worne the Crown Idolatry was rais'd
a King Thus Fortunes fauours vp and downe did fling In these often changes of Princes estates this Land was miserably vexed Heere because Hystories make little or no mention of any the doings of the Kings from the reigne of Elidurus to King Lud I thinke it fit onely to insert their names and the times of their reignes with their yeeres before Christ. 258. Gorbonian reigned ten yeeres 248. Morgan foureteene yeeres 234. Emerianus seuen yeeres This King was deposed from all Regall gouernment for h●… tyranny 227. Iuall twenty yeeres This King was a iust and prudent Prince 207. Rimo sixteen yeeres His reigne was blest with abundance of Peace and Plenty 191. Geruncius twenty yeeres 171. Catillus ten yeeres Catillus caused all the oppressors of the poore to be hanged vp but since his time they are doubly increased 161. Coylus twenty yeeres A peaceable King and a quiet reigne 141. Porrex fiue yeeres A good Prince 136. Chirimus one yeere Chirimus through excessiue drinking gat his death 135. Fulgon two yeeres 133. Eldred one yeere 132. Androgius one yeere 131. Varianus o●…●…re Varianus giuen ●…to lust purchsed himselfe a short reigne●… and it may bee perceiued that all these Prince either by treason or their ow●… bad liues were soon brought to their ends for 25 of them did not reign●… aboue 62 yeeres 129. Fliud fiue yeeres 120. Dedamius fiue yeeres 118. Gurginius three yeeres 115. Mercianus two yeeres 113. Bladunus two yeeres 110. Cupenus three yeeres 108. Quinus two yeeres 106. S●…ius two yeeres 94. Bledgabredus ten yeeres A great louer of Musicke and a good Patron to Musician●… 92. Archemalus two yeeres 90. Eldolus two yeeres 88. Rodianus two yeeres 86. Redargius three yeeres 84. Samullius two yeeres 81. Penisellus three yeeres 78. Pirrhus two yeeres 76. Caporus two yeeres 74. Dinellus foure yeeres A Noble and vertuous Prince 70. Hellius one yeere The I le of Ely tooke the nomination from this Prince There hee built a Palace and there he dying was buried Lud reigned 11. yeeres 66. A Long time after Troynouant was fram'd It was by Lud Kair-Lud or Lud-stone nam'd He made 〈◊〉 strong with Battlemen●…s and Towres Defensiue against foes inuasiue pow'rs Of free Stone for Free-men Ludgate hee founded Where freemen wanting freedom are confounded He dy'd and left two Sonnes too young for reigne Wherefore his brother did the Crowne obtaine Some Writers doe affirme that this King b●…ilded ●…ondon from Ludgate to London-stone and that the stone in memory thereof was called Luds stone Cassibelan 17. yeeres 58. LVd deed the Nobles crown'd Cassibelan In whose reigne her●… the Romane conquest ●…an Great Iulius Caesar sailed out of France And in this Land his Eagle did aduance But Brittaines bold scorn'd base at first to stoope Twice Caesar f●…ed before their warlike troope The ●…iuill warres this Kingdome ouer 〈◊〉 Betwixt Cassibelan and Luds two Sonnes Whilst they vnnaturall sought each others fall The Romanes tooke aduantage conquer'd all Where Caesar by his high Imperiall doome Made Brittaine Tributary vnto Rome Nennius a valiant Duke of this Kingdome receiued his de●…ths ●…und of Caesar Yet after that he tooke Caesars Sword from him and with the same kil●…d La●…ianus a Romane Tribune and lastly ma●… the fi●…ld and 〈◊〉 Caesar built the Castles of Dou●… Canterbury and the Tower of London Theomantius 37. THen Theomantius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all blood The 〈◊〉 Sonne 〈◊〉 o●… his Father 〈◊〉 Reign'd three and twenty yeeres a King in 〈◊〉 Whose Picture stands on Luds 〈◊〉 gate Cimbelinus IN this Kings reigne the glorious King of Kings In person came and mans saluation brings When through the world all bloody wars did cease For our soules peace then came the Prince of peace Our Sauiour Iesus Christ was borne in his reigne in the 42. yeere of Augustus Caesar then being Emperour of Rome Cimbelinus was the Sonne of Iheomantius Yeeres after Christ. Guiderius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 21. THis King and Sub●…cts brauely nobly ioyne To hold from Rome the tributary Coyne But Claudius Caesar with an Army came The B●…t bold rebellious hearts to tame One Hamon there a Romane di●… 〈◊〉 Himselfe like to a Britaine to 〈◊〉 Guiderius brauely cha●…de his fo●…s amaine Was by disg●…ifed Hamon falfely slaine When Guiderius was King of Britaine our Redeemer suffered vnder Claudius Tiberius Caesar being the Romane Emperour Guiderius was a valiant Prince Aruiragus 44. STout Aruiragus being in the fight The Kings death added fury to his might Perceiu'd the Britaine Host almost dismaide In 's brothers Armour hee himselfe array'd The Souldiers thought the King againe suruiu'd With co●…rage new through euery veine deriu'd Braue Aruiragus like a Tempest goes And pell mell topsieturuy throwes his foes Grear Caesar with his Romane army fled The King tooke Hamon and cut off his head And more with sharp reuenge his wrath t' appease Hew'd him piece-meale and cast him in the Seas The place long time this name did then allow Of Hamons hauen or Southampton now The Emperour would quite the tribute free If Brittaines King his Sonne in law would be Then Aruarigue did faire Genisse marry And Claudius Caesar heere a while did tarry He builded Gloster whil'st he heere remain'd The King dyed hauing twenty eight yeeres reign'd Marius 73. IN this Kings reigne the lawlesse proling Pict A Nation strange did the North part afflict But Marius in a battell slew their King And all their power did to subiection bring The Picts from Scythia into Scotland came Rude barbarous ingratefull hard to tame For by the Scotsh Kings fauour hauing got Possession they oft warr'd vpon the Scot. And more and more that Kingdome they annoy'd Till Kennith Scotlands King them all destroy'd Yeeres fifty three reign'd Marius iust and wise Dyed and at Carleile his Corps royall lies Much about this time Ioseph of Arimathea after he had buried Christ being hated for it of the mis-beleeuing Iewes came into this Land and first planted Christianity heere built a Chappell at Glastenburgh Some writers say that he repaired Chester and was buried there Coylus 124. IN Rome this King was fostred all his youth He lou'd Peace Iustice Fortitude and Truth He builded Colchester and did suruiue Till he had reign'd a Kings yeeres fifty fiue Coylus was the Sonne of Marius hee was buried at Yorke Lucius 179. THe first of Kings that was a Christian nam'd Was Lucius with the spirit of God inflam'd The Bread of life he did receiue with ioy The Pagan Idols hee did all destroy The Flamines and Archflamines he downe cast And Bishops and Archbishops here he plac'd He lou'd and fear'd th' eternall Three in one And dyed when he had 12 yeeres kept the Throne This was the first Christian King of Brittaine he caused twentie eight Idolatrous Temples of the ●…agan gods to be made Cathedrall Churches for the seruice of the 〈◊〉 God Elutherius was then Bishop of Rome King Lucius was buried at Glocester hee dyed leauing no 〈◊〉 so that this Land
soule and Fame immortally prefer'd God did wonderfully preserue him vpon two seuerall Tuesdaies from 2 most dangerous treas●… the one at the Towne of Saint Iohnston in Scotland on Tuesday the 5. of August 1600. where the Earle of Gowry attempted to kill his Maiesty The ●…her was in England in that fearfull treason and deliuerance from the Powder-plot on Tuesday the 5. of Nouember 1606. King CHARLES TWo Williams Henries 8. 1. Steuen 1. Iohn Sixe Edwards Richards 3. and 1. Queene Mary Elizabeth and Iames all dead and gone Our gracious Charles doth now the Scepter carry And may they liue and dye of God accurst Who wish the pre●…dice of Charles the first Iust 25. Kings and Queenes of England since the Norman Conquest FINIS THIS AVTHOR HATH newly caused all his works being aboue 60. to bee printed into one Volume the Names of all which Works are set downe in this following Catalogue TAylors Vrania The life and death of the Virgin Mary The whip of Pride Against cursing and swearing The fearefull Summer Christian Admonitions The trauell of tweluepence The Armado The Begger Taylors Goose. Iacke a Lent Taylors peninlesse Pilgrimage The Sculler The Dolphins danger The Cormorant A sea-fight by Captaine Wedall The praise of Hempseed Taylors Pastorall Prince Charles his welcome from Spaine An English mans loue to Bohemia Three weeks and three daies trauels Taylors farewell ●…o Bohemia Sir Gregory Nonsence A very merry Whir●…y voyage The great O Tnole A voyage to the West The scourge of basenesse Taylors Motto Odcombs complaint Coriats resurrection Laugh and be fat Coriats newes A Bawd A Whore A Thiefe A Hangman The vnnaturall Father Taylors reuenge Fenners defence A cast ouer the water The praise of cleane Linnen The Water-mans suit Wit and mirth A Dogge of Warre The world runs on Wheeles The nipping or snipping of abuses A Chronicle from Brute A Briefe from the conquest A Farewell to the Towre bottles The marriage of the Princesse Elizabeth An Elegie for King Iames. An Elegy for the Earle of Nottingham An Elegy for the Earle of Holdernesse An Elegy for the Bishop of Winchester An Elegy for the Duke of Richmond An Elegy for Iohn Moray Esquire The summe of the Bible in verse The sum of the Booke of Martyrs in verse The Churches deliuerances Archies making peace with France The Acts and exployts of Wood the great Eater in Kent FINIS a The 7 Kingdomes were 1. Kent 2 South-Saxons Sussex and Surry 3 East-Angles Norfolke and Cambridge-shire 4 West Saxon Barkshire Deuonshire Somersetshire and Cornewell 5 Mertia Glostershire Herefordshire Worcester Shropsh●…re Scaffor●…shire Cheshire Warwike Leycester Noreb Oxford ●…ingham Bedford and halfe Hartfordshire 6 East-Saxon Essex Middlesex and halfe Hartfordshire 7 Northumberland diuided to two Kingdomes 〈◊〉 ●…nd Bernicia all brought to one Monarchy by Egler●… 〈◊〉 West-Saxons and called England 196●… yee●…s after 〈◊〉 * Brute being of the age of 15 yeeres as he shot at a wild beast the arrow glanced vnfortunately and slew his Father Siluius Aeneas for the which he was exilde and came into this Land then called Albyon I follow the common opinion for many Writers doe neither write or allow of Brutes being here accounting it a dishonor for our Nation to haue originall from a Par●…ide and one that deriued his descent from the Goddesse alias strumper Venus Howsoeuer Histories are obscured and clouded with ambiguities some burnt lost defaced by antiquity and some abused by the malice ignorance or partialitie of Writers so that truth is hard to be found Amongst all which variations of Times and Writers I must conclude there was a BRVTE a The Riuer of Humber tooke the name from the drow●…d King of the Huns now Hungarians b Guendoline was daughter vnto Corineus Duke Cornewall Estrild was a beautious Lady of King ●…umbers whom Locrinus tooke prisoner a On the Plaine of Salisbury at Stonehing where the Stones are to be seene at this day * The King Queene burnt to death Vortiger married his owne daughter 〈◊〉 his third wife