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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11051 The mirrour of vertue in worldly greatnes. Or The life of Syr Thomas More Knight, sometime Lo. Chancellour of England Roper, William, 1496-1578. 1626 (1626) STC 21316; ESTC S116166 42,917 178

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deuised to allure his Maiesty who was al●… ready contrary to the Cardina●… mynd and knowledge fallen i●… loue with the Lady Anne Bullen to affect the French Kings Sister Which thing because of th●… wars and hatred that was the●… ●…etweene the French King and ●…e Emperour whome the Car●…inall now mortally hated he ery●… earnestly indeauoured to ●…rocure And for the better fur●…ering this his purpose he re●…uested one Langland Bishop of ●…incolne and Ghostly Father to 〈◊〉 Hen●…y to put a scruple into ●…he K. head that it was not law●… for him to mary his Brothers ●…ife which thing the King not ●…ry to heare of related first to 〈◊〉 Thomas More required his ●…ounsell therein and with all ●…ewed himsome places of Scriture which seemed somewhat 〈◊〉 serue his purpose Syr Thoma●…●…ore perusing the said places ●…ereupon as one that had ne●…r professed Diuinity excused ●…mselfe vnto his Maiesty and said he was farre vnfit to meddle with such affaires The King not satisfied with this answere pressed and vrged him the more which he perceauing said vnto his Maiesty that for asmuch as such a busines required good aduise and deliberation he besought his Highnes to giue him sufficient respit to cōsider aduisedly of the same Wherwith the King well contented replyed That Tonstall Clark Bishops of Durham Bath with others learned of his priuy Coūsell should also be dealers therin So Syr Thomas More departed and conferred those places of Scripture with the Expositions of diuers of the ancient Fathers and Doctours of the Church and at his comming to Court talking with the King of the aforesaid matter he said To be playne with your Grace neither my Lord of Durham nor my Lord of Bath though I hold ●…hem to be both learned ver●…uous holy Prelates nor my ●…elfe with any other of your Counsell being all your Maie●…ties owne seruants so great●…y bound vnto you for your ma●…ifold benefits dayly bestowed vpon vs be in my iudgment fit Counsellors for your Grace he●…ein But if your Maiesty desyre ●…o vnderstand the Truth such Counsellors may be found as ●…either for respect of world●… commodity nor for feare of ●…our Princely authority will ●…ny way be drawne to deceiu●…●…ou And then he named vnto the King S. Hierome S. Augustine and diuers others auncient Fathers Doctors of the Church both Greeke an Latin and further shewed his Maiesty what authority he had gathered forth of them of which although the King as not fitting to his purpose did not very well like yet were they by Syr Thomas More●… so wisely alleaged and so tempred with discretion that the King at that tyme tooke it in good part and had oftentimes conference with him againe about the same matter After this there were certayne questions propounded to th●… Kings Counsell whether in this case the King needed to haue any scruple at all and if he had what was the best way to fre●… him of it The greater part of the Counsell were of opinion that there was good cause of scruple and that for his Maiesties discharge therin it was fit suite should be made vnto the Sea of Rome where the King thought that by his liberality he might with ease obtayne his purpose Thē was there procured from Rome a commission for the try all of this Mariage wherein Cardinall Campegius and Cardinall Wolsey were ioyned commissioners who for the determination therof sate at the Blacke-Fryers in London where a Libell was put in for the anulling of the said M●…triomony affirming the Mariage betweene the King and Q●…eene to be vnlawfull Then againe for proofe therof to be lawfull there was produced 〈◊〉 dispensation in which after diuers disputations thereupō holden there appeared an imperfection which notwithstanding by an other instrument or Breu●… found out vpon search in th●… Treasury of Spayne sent oue●… to the commissioners in Englād●… was supplyed so should iudgmēt haue ben giuen by the Pop●… accordingly had not the King vpon intelligence therof befor●… the same Iudgment appealed to a Generall Coūcell After whose Appellation the Cardinalls sat●… no more vpon that businesse It happened before the sa●… matter of Mariage brought in Question that M. Roper being one day in discourse with Sy●… Tho. More did with a kind of ●…oy congratulate with his said Father for the happy Estate of the Realme that had so Catho●…ique a Prince as no Heretique durst shew his face so vertuous and learned a Clergy so graue and sound a Nobility and so lo●…ing and obedient Subiects all ●…n one fayth agreeing togeather Troth it is so indeed Sonne Ro●…er quoth he and then commended all degrees and estates of the same far beyond M. Roper And yet Sonne Roper quoth he I pray God that some of vs as high as we seeme to sit vpon the Mountaynes treading Hereti●…ques vnder our feete like Ants ●…ue not to see the day when we gladly would wish to be in league and composition with those whome you call Heretiques to let them haue their Church●… quietly to themselues vpon cō●… dition that they would be content to let vs haue ours quie●… to our selues Then M. Roper produce●… many reasons to the contrary saw no cause why any shoul●… say so Well well Sonne Rop●… quoth he I pray God some 〈◊〉 vs liue not till that day and 〈◊〉 no more To whome M. 〈◊〉 replyed By my troth Syr th●…s 〈◊〉 desperatly spoken seeming 〈◊〉 be halfe angry with Syr 〈◊〉 More who perceiuing the 〈◊〉 said merily vnto him Well 〈◊〉 Sōne Rop●…r It shall not be then since you will not haue it so●… Thus was he of so excellent 〈◊〉 temper that those who liued were cōtinually cōuersant with him in his house for the space 〈◊〉 twenty yeares and vpwardes ●…ould neuer perceiue him to be ●…nce moued or to make the ●…ast shew of anger But to returne agayne where ●…eft After the supplying of the ●…spensation sent vnto the com●…ioners into England as is ●…efore rehearsed the King ta●…ng the businesse to himselfe as ●…t then mynding to proceed ●…y further in the matter assi●…ed the Bishop of Durham and 〈◊〉 Thomas More to go Embassa●…urs to Cambray a place nei●…er Imperiall nor French to ●…eat a Peace betweene the Em●…rour the Frēch King him●…fe in the concluding wherof ●…r Tho. More so worthily man●…ged the busines that he procured therby much more benefit for the Kingdome then was at that tyme by the King and his Coūsell thought possible could be cōpassed For whose good seruice in that Embassy the King when he after made him Lord Chauncellour caused the Duke of Norfolke to declare openly to the people how much all ●…ngland was bounden vnto him as you shall see hee●…after more 〈◊〉 large Now vpon the cōming home of the Bishop of Durham and Sy●… Thomas More from Cambray aforsayd the King began to rene●… agayne his old suite and wa●… very earnest in persuading Sy●… Thomas More to agree vnto th●…
being personally present vpon the Earth only vnto S. Peter the Apostle and his lawfull Successors Bishops of the same Sea by special prerogatiue It is not therefore 〈◊〉 inough for one Christian Catholike man to charge and conuince another Christian Catholike man say that this Realme of England being but a member a small part only of the Church of Christ hath power and authority to make a particular law disagreable to the generall law of Christs Vniuersall Catholique Church no more then the Citty of London being but one poore member in respect of the whole Kingdome might make a law agay●…st an Act of Parlament to b●…nd the whole Realme And further he shewed that it was cōtrary both to the ancient Lawes Statutes of our owne Realme not thē repealled as they might well see in Magna Carta Quod 〈◊〉 libera sit habeat omnia iura inteḡra libertates suas 〈◊〉 and contrary likewise to that sacred Oath which the Kings Highnes himselfe and en●…ry other Christian Prince of this realme with great Solemnity hath euer taken at their Coronation Alleaging moreouer that no more might this Realme of England refuse obedience to the Sea of R●…me then the child might refuse Obedience to his naturall Father for as S. Paul sayth of the 〈◊〉 I haue regenerated you my Children in Christ so might holy S. Gregory Pope of Rome of whome by S. Augustine his messenger we Englishmen first receiued the Christian fayth truly say You are my Children be●…caus●… I haue giuen you euerlasting saluation a farre and better more noble Inheritance then any carnall Father can leaue to his Children by regeneration made you my Children in Christ. To this speach of Syr Thomas More the Lord Chancellor answered That seeing all the Bishops Vniuersities best learned of the Realme had to this Act of Parlament agreed it was very greatly to be admired that he alone agaynst them all would so stifly sticke and argue so vehemently against it To this Syr Thomas More a gaine replyed saying If the nūber of Bishops and Vniuersities be so materiall as your Lordship seemeth to take it then I see little cause my Lord why that thing should make any change at all in my Cōscience For I nothing doubt though not in this Realme yet in Ch●…istendome round about the nūber of learned men and Bishops to be farre greater who will defend and maintayne the contrary and therefore am I not boūden to conforme my cōscience to the Councell of one Kingdome against the generall Coūcell of Christendome Now when Syr Thomas More for the auoyding of the Inditement had taken as many exceptions as he thought fit the Lord Chancellour loath to haue the burden of that Iudgment wholy to depend vpon ●…fe there openly asked the aduise of the Lord Fitz-Iames then Lord chiefe Iustice of the Kings B●…nch and ioyned in commission with him whether this In●… were 〈◊〉 or no. Who like a 〈◊〉 man answered My Lordes quoth he by S. 〈◊〉 that was euer his oath I must needs cōfesse that if the Act of Parlament be not vnlawfull then is not the Inditement in my conscience insufficient Whereupon the Lord Chancellour said to the rest of the Commissioners Loe my Lordes you all heare what my Lord chiefe Iustice sayth so immediatly he gaue Iudgment Which being done the commissoners yet further offered him curteously all fauourable audience if he would speake who answered I haue no more to say my Lords but that like as the Blessed Apostle S. Paul as we read in the Acts of the Apostles was present and consente●… to the death of S. Stephen kept their clothes that stoned him to death and are now both ho●…y Saintes in heauen so I verily trust and shall right hartily pray that though your Lordships haue now heere in earth byn Iudges to my Condemnation yet may we hereafter meete all togeather in euerlasting glory After his condemnation he departed from the Barre towardes the Tower agayne led by Sir William Kingston a tall strong and comely knight Constable of the Tower his very deere fri●…d who whē he had brought him a part of the way towardes the Tower with a heauy heart the teares running downe his cheekes bad him farwell The which Syr Thomas More seeing comforted him with as good words as he could saying Good M Kingston trouble not your selfe but be of good cheere for I will pray for you and my good Lady your wife that we may meete togeather in Heauē where we shal be merry for euer and euer And a little after Syr William Kingstone meeting with M. Roper said In good fayth M. Roper I was ashamed of my selfe that at my departure from your Father I found my selfe so feeble and he so strong that he was fayne to cōfort me who should rather haue comforted him As Syr Th●… More came neere vnto the Tower his Daughter Roper desirous to see her Father once more before his death and to receaue his last blessing gaue attendance about the Tower-wharfe where he was to passe so soone as she saw him hastning vnto him without respect or care of herselfe pressed in among the throng of the Guard that with halbards went round about him and there openly in the sight of all asking him blessing on her knees imbrac't him tooke him about the necke and kissed him Who with a merry countenance nothing at all deiected gaue her his Fatherly blessing with many Godly wordes of comfort thē departed So remayned he in the Tower more then eight dayes after his condemnation from whence the day before he suffered he sent his shirt of hayre not willing to haue it seene to his said Daughter Roper and a Letter written with a cole printed in the aforesaid booke of his workes expressing playnly the feruent desyre he had to suffer on the Morrow in these wordes following I comber you good Margaret very much but I wold be sorry if it should be any longe then to Morrow for to Morrow is S. Thomas of Canterbury his Eue the Octaue of S. Peter therfore to Morrow long I to go to God it were a day very meete and conuenient for me I neuer liked you manner better towardes me then when you last imbraced me and when daughterly loue and deare charity haue no leasure to looke towards worldly courtesy Vpon the next Morrow according as he wished earely in the morning there came vnto him Syr Thomas Pope his singular good friend with a message from the King and Counsell that he must before nine of the clocke the same morning suffer death and that he should forth with prepare himself therto M. Pope quoth he for your good tydings I most hartily thanke you I haue alwayes ben much bound to the Kings highnes for the many benefits and honours that he hath still from tyme to tyme most bountifully heaped vpon me especially that it hath pleased his Maiesty to put me here in this