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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08106 A true coppie of the admonitions sent by the subdued provinces to the states of Hollande and the Hollanders answere to the same. Together vvith the articles of peace concluded betweene the high and mightie princes, Phillip by the grace of God King of Spaine, &c. and Henry the Fourth by the same grace, the most Christian King of France, in the yeare 1598. First translated out of French into Dutch, and nowe into English by H.VV. Netherlands.; H. W., fl. 1598.; United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal. aut; Spain. Treaties, etc. France, 1598 May 2. English.; France. Treaties, etc. Spain, 1598 May 2. English. 1598 (1598) STC 18466; ESTC S107297 21,066 26

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other that from this day forwarde shal be sure peace betwéene the aforesaid kings and duke their children present to come heires successors inheritors their kingdomes countries and subiects without they may make any enterprise vpon the countries or subiects the one of the other for what cause or pretence soeuer 27 The subiects and seruants of either side aswel ecclesiasticall as secular notwithstanding that they haue serued in contrary party shal returne wholy in the possession enioying of all and each their goods offices and benefices as haue bene said aboue of the subiects and seruants of the saide kinges but not to bée vnderstood of the gouernements 28 As for the prisoners of warre they shall bee vsed as is aboue written and by the aforesaid Princes is agréede 29 And ar confirmed in all poynts articles the treatise hertofore made with the late most christian K. Henry the 2. Charles the 2. Henry the 3. the said deceased duke of Sauoy in the year 1559. in the castel of Cambresis except such things as are by this or other treatises annulled accordingly the said Duke of Sauoy his countries citties subiects shal continue a good newtral Prince and common friend vnto both the said kings from the day of the publication of these presents the traffike betwéene this countries subiects shal be frée and assured as is said in the said treatise and as in times past haue bene vsed the poyntes therein comprehended shal be obserued in regard of the officiares who haue serued the said kings so far forth it be not annulled by other accordes 30 Are yet notwithstanding reserued vnto the saide most Christian king of France and his successors all their rights actions and pretentions which they know to appertaine vnto them by reason of the said kingdoms countries lordships or others for what cause or pretence soeuer vnto the which shall not be neither by him or his predecessors expresely renounced thereof to make pursute by friendly meanes of iustice and not by armes 31 In this peace and amity shal be comprehended by common accord and consent of the aforesaide most christian king catholike king if so be they will bee comprehended in the same chiefely on the side of the catholike king our holie father the Pope the Apostolike seate the Emperor of the Romanies the Lords the Arch Dukes his brethren cousins their kingdomes countries the Electors princes of the Citties estate of the holy Empire vnder whose obeysance the duke of Bauaria the Duke of Cleue the bishoprike county of Liege the sea-bordering citties counties of east Freeseland the said Princes shal renounce vnto alpractises promises neuer hereafter to make an●eneither with christendom nether wtout whensoeuer which may any wise be preiudicial vnto the said L. Emperor elector or estates of the said holy Empire but to the contrary shal procure with all their power industry the good quietnes thereof so far forth that the saide Lords Emperors and the saide estates shal be haue themselues amiably vnto them the said kings catholike and most christian and commit nothing in preiudice of them and in like sort shal be comprehended in this Peace the Lords the conferats of the great citties of Germane the lagues Grises which their allies the K. of Polland Sweed the K. of Scotlād the K. of Denmark the Duke Signorie of Venice the duke of Lorain the great duk of Thuscane the Republiques of Genoa and Luca the Duke of Parma Plaisance the Cardinall Farnese his brother the Duke of Mantua the Duke of Vrbin the chiefe of the houses of Columna and Vrsine the Duke of Salamoneta the Lord of Monaco the Marquesse of Finall the Marquis of Masla the Lord of Plombin the Earle of Sala the Earle of Colorino For to vse and continue this present peace with exprsse declaration that the aforenamed most Christian Kinge may neither directely nor indirectely labour through himselfe or others to preiudice and it the same most Christian Prince pretende any thing against them may onely prosecut the same before cōpetent iudges not els in any manner whatsoeuer 32 And on the behalfe of the most christian king shal be comprehended in this present treatie if in case they therein will be comprehended our Holie Father the Pope the seae apostolique the Emperour Elector and Princes ecclesiasticall and secular cities comminalties and estates of the holy Empire and especially the country Pallatine Elector the Marquis of Brandenburge the Duke of Wittenbergh thee Landgraue of Hessen thee Marquis of Hamsbach thee Earles of east Freesland the Seabordering citties according to the ancient alliances the king and kingdom of Scotland according to the aneient alliances confederations made betweene the kingdomes of France Scotland the kings of Poland Denmark and Sweede the Duke and gouernors of Venice the three Cantons of the leagues of Switsers the Lordes of the 3 leagues Grises the Bishop and Lorde of the land of Vallay the Abbote and Citie of S. Gall Cloutem bergh Milhouse the country Neufcastle and other allies and confederates of the saide League my Lord the Duke of Loraine my Lorde the greate Duke of Thuscane my Lord the Duke of Mantua the Repuhlique of Luca the Bishops Chapters of Metz Tibold and Verden the Abbote of Gozze the SS of Sedan the Earle of Admirande is to be vnderstood notwithstanding that the consent which thee catholique king giueth in the comprehension of East Freesland bee without preiudice vnto the right which his Catholique Maiestie hath ouer the countries thereof like as contrariwise are reserued the differances rightes and exemptions of the saide counties al which declaration that the saide king catholique may neither directly nor inderectly labour through himselfe or any other to their preiudice but if the aforesaid catholike king pretend any thing against thē may onely prosecute the same before competent iudges not by force in what manner so euer 33 Also shal be comprehended in this present treatie all others who by common consent of the saide kinges may be chosen so farre foorth that within 6. monethes after the declaration of these presentes they shall deliuer their obligatorie letters and declarations as in such cases is required 34 And for more securitie of this peace and Articles theirin comprehended shall the saide treatie be verefied published and registred in the courte of Parliamentes in the Realme of France Chamber of accountes of the saide cittie of Paris as likewise verified published registred in the great counsaile chamber of accounts of the catholike king in the Low countries all according to the te●or of the treatie of anno 1559. which shal be dispatched by the one the other si●e within 3. moneths after the publication of this present treatie 35 In which poynts and articles aboue named is fully comprehend the treat●e and articles which haue bene agréed and passed betwéene the said deputies and in
religion to be sworne against him traffiking with other Potentates Do you call this but some what estranged what mercie can we expect of him who esteemeth the resignement of a small request of state a great disgrace to his highnesse He whome with vnmercifull tyrannie hath not vsed the vnknowne West Indian Amercians together with the wronged countries of Granada and Arragon as subiects but more like a rauening Wolfe and all because they had but desired their wonted libertie their teares could not mooue his stony wretched heart but other hardened the same what can assure vs not to be vsed in like sort Wherfore we trust in our God h● without doubt will strengthen vs vpon him as vpon a firme rock is our warre grounded Against God neyther money counsell nor friends can p. euaile Vpon the fourth NEuer Letter or messenger hath bene sent to vs but they haue ben read and euery word vnderstood and answered insomuch that they might well perceiue that wee sought nothing better then a good peace Hartius with his can witnes the same your idolatrous fortune where withall in your admonishment you there twice threatned vs we esteeme her not a figge Let Heathens and their like adore her we acknowledge the stedfast prouidence of God who altereth the kingdomes Them that haue taken their dwelling places in the heanens and made their nestes in the clowdes To his will and not to fortune do we giue the honour where vnder onelie do we sub● our selues This is séene by the Spanish king your Lord w● if he had taken this for a warning should neuer haue come to this his diulish pride whereby he hath greately begi● to descend God strikes downe the proud and rayseth the humble More vpon the fourth THe chiefest things which do ruine a kingdome are idolatrie which of God is hated tyranny to their subiects wrong to their neighbours for these offences doth God punish kingdomes but Holland shall yet reioyce and as a lambe standing vpon Gods towre laughes at the Wolfes threates being assured that nothing can hurt him What token what fruite of marcie whereof you boast canst thou shew vs of his mercifull déedes yet lately you would haue murthered our Prince these be your dissembling admonishments away away with them The vnquenchable blood thirst of those diuilish grashoppers your Iesuites ye cuffians who gouerne your King do teach vs not to trust your dissembling words The kingdome grounded vpon murther cannot stand More vpon the fift WE haue bin often cruelly awakened when we did not sleepe that those which were awakened neuer rose againe insomuch that they that heard the knocks were astonished yet neuer had we any warning thereof by those that could haue sent it vs. But of you who acknowledge to haue no strength because you are bent vnder the Spanish yoke and the Gouernour whose force is enclosed by the Spanish Counsaile and shewe their commissions to pleasure their maysters therfore it is good to admonish where one may haue thankes for it but our eare is so surely stopt that we can hardly heare for wee haue Batauam aurem an eare which is thicke which will not be tempted but as the Snake goeth subtilly stopping her eares to the deceiuers note so will we not harken to your Syren-like words The birders whistle is sweete when the birds he will intrapt More vpon the fift GOd for a while hath fatherly chastised vs both to punish vs to rueine vs and not alone perceauing our sins but also our miseries which alwaies haue cryed vengance vnto heauen vpon the Spaniards heads who as it seemeth of his mercy hath heard our clamors If God did prophesie any thing by the whale which appeared vpon our shore what that may betoken we know not for it may well be such things may come to passe without any signification much lesse know wee what God doth hereby meane yet your exposition as full selfe wise secréetes wee esteeme too foolish and rash but we doe not wonder for the text of the matter is either falsly reported vnto you or by you falsly contriued for the fish was not headlesse as in your seuenth verse you say but contraryly he had more head then was proportionable to his bodie the same being measured but what may this signifie For Gods tokens commonly threaten Gods enemies More vpon the fifth Nowe this is our exposition which you cannot comprehende This Whale is the greate Spanish Leuiathan for he and the fish in nature are like for as that fish of other fishes is the deuourer so he also of other kingdomes is the deuourer and destroyer The fishes head was aboue his proportion and so is the Spaniarde vnsatiably gréedie to ouer-gape all though it cost him his life It is manifest in England France and the Netherlandes By the Whales bursting is meant that the Spaniard directing his force towardes England for to subdue that with his neighbors is there also runne aground burst and spoyled to the ioy of all and especially of vs who hope that God will cause him to runne himselfe dead if he will not cease to persecute the innocent He that persecutes another doth often fall himselfe in trouble Vpon the sixt IF euer there was any people threatned and crossed by their enemies it is we and by you watched wherefore we reiect your sugred wordes which you began with vs euen against God as by your vnaduise exposition of the fish which was driuen vpon our shore without hurt or daunger to anie yea which is more was profite for the country wherefore we esteeme that Gods tokens and threats are more stronger then many Wolues and Beares who both hurt men and cattell the swarming multitudes of dying beastes who vexe destroy the fruits of trees growth of the earth they are most Gods plagues So that this fish passeth without prophesying any punishmēt to vs. But Gods wrath ouer them that seeke to hurt vs. More vpon the sixt WE acknowledge and confesse that wee haue deserued Gods iust punishment but we hope that his wrath will persecute the Spaniardes vntill such time as they leaue persecuting the iust The example wee shall sée vpon thée O King who wert raysed to the top of the cloudes shalt fall downe without stay vntill thou acknowledge God in his force We haue long ynough to the losse of our bloud helde him for our Prince till at length we haue reiected him and forsworne his allyance which pure néede hath caused the verdite whereof we remit vnto our Lord God Vpon England France we will not boast the humaine arme is weake to no effect but God is our fortresse and that we conioyne with our neighbours wh● are coparteners with vs in like woes is no shame and their reuolt with your threats doth not make vs shrinke The feare of common ruine bindes friendship faster Vpon the seuenth IDolatry doth warre against Gods learning and that you reproch vs. God and nature doth ordaine Princes