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kingdom_n duke_n king_n lord_n 3,773 5 3.7457 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02807 An expostulation or complaynte agaynste the blasphemyes of a franticke papyst of Hamshyre. Co[m]piled by Iohan Bale Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1552 (1552) STC 1294; ESTC S114384 18,692 48

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An Expostulation or complaynte agaynste the blasphemyes of a franticke papyst of Hamshyre Cōpiled by Iohan Bale Mathew .xxiii Wvo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises Hypocrites that shut vp the kingdom of heauē before men For neyther go ye in youre selues neyther suffer you anye other to enter Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Per septēnium ¶ To the ryght hygh and myghtie Prynce Iohā Duke of Northumberlande Lorde greate Maistre of the Kinges most honourable housholde and Lorde presydent of his Maiestyes most honourable preuye Counsell hys most humble and faythfull seruaunt Iohan Bale wysheth the fauour of god encrease of honour longe lyfe and prosperouse helthe both of soule and bodye COnsyderyng in your noble grace moste Honourable Duke the same mightie feruent religiouse zele in Gods cause whych I afore tyme by readynge the scriptures haue dylygently marked in Moyses the seruaunt of God I haue vrgently bene moued vndre God and our kynge to seke your earnest ayde for the same The rage at thys presēt is horryble and fearce whych the stought sturdy satellytes of Antichrist in dyuerse partes of y e realme chefely within Hamshire do blustre abroade in their mad furyes to blemyshe the Euāgelycal veryte of the Lorde now reuelated An intollerable grefe it is to their vncircumcysed hartes to beholde the glytterynge toyes of superstycyouse ydolatry and hipocritycall papystrye remoued frō thys earthe of Englande by the kynges wurthie maiestie and hys most honourable counsell and Gods true relygyon again restored That oure sayde seconde most valeaūt Iosias hath thus pourged hys Iuda hys Englande I meane frō the abhomynable buggeryes and ydolatries of the great Baal Peor of Rome earnestly sekynge for the true God of Dauid hys forefather to the most lyuely example of all other prynces their vngratyouse and noughtie eyes are not a lyttle offended That hys ymages rellyckes roodes torches candels copes ashes palmes waxe water oyle creame and holy bread that hys bulles bedes belles bablinges masses purgatory processions confessyons exorcysmes hallowynges shauynges gresynges sensyngs slauerynges slumberynges and a great sort of Popysh toyes more are bānyshed hens in conscyence they are dysquyeted Not all vnlyke to the grosse wytted Gergesytes they wolde gladly y e Christ were sumwhat further of Yea they earnestly wyshe that he wolde peaceably departe from their coastes least he went about it to drowne their swyne for euer whome they all contrarye to gods ordynaunce haue so frankely in al beastlynesse maynteyned They can not awaye with the precyouse lyght of Christes holi Gospell their eyes are so sore Neyther maye they broke it to knowe their saluatyon alone to be reposed in Christ Iesu so blynde are their folyshe hartes Neyther maye they abyde it that God is only to be worshypped in sprete and veryte so superstycyously minded are they But darkenesse they iudge lyght the lyght very darkenesse That is swete they thynke sower that is good they deme euyll Suche are now a dayes y e peruerse and frowarde iudgementes of men vngodly The most christen reformacyon of thys churche of Englande whych is to other natyons a most wurthie spectacle so they very turkyshely deryde mocke At the dayly suppressyons of their blasphemouse and beastly papystryes they create they frowne they grynde their tethe and for anger wexe wode With y e carnall Israelytes they hate abhorre the celestyall Manna of Christes Gospell because it neyther nurrysheth the lust of the fleshe neyther fedeth the concupyscence of the eyes nor yet mainteyneth the pryde of thys lyfe To the greasy fatt pottes of Egipte wold they gladly returne agayne and become subiectes vnder the great Romish Pharao so that they myght be fedde with his olde stynkynge cucumbers melons lekes onyons and garlyke whych are hys vnprofytable tradycyons Malycyously and rebellyously do thei now resyst the manyfest truthe of Gods wurde and wyll by no maner of meanes consent therunto although their owne conscyences both accuseth and condemneth them for it And all is bicause they wyll heare of no repentaunce neyther yet agre to amendemēt of their most wicked liues They bragge they boast they dreme thei dote thei fume they face thei grunte they grudge they iangle they iest they mocke they mowe they scoffe they scorne they ruffle they rage wyth daggerand with fyste and all to stoppe the swete blastes of the scriptures least they shulde clearly blowe awaye their old Romysh sorceryes as duste from the face of thys earthe Neyther is it any great wōdre vnto vs to beholde these terryble turmoylynges of the deuils furyouse members for those Romysh Pharisees leuen ▪ consyderynge he is that roarynge Lyon whych busyly seketh whome he maye deuoure He fraudolētly deceiued our first mother Eue Greuously he afflycted the pacyent mā Iob. He made Pharaos sorcerers to withstande both Moyses Aaron Dauid ryght sore complayneth of vexatyons by wicked angels Who was a more cruell aduersary to Iesus Iosedech in reparynge the temple than was Sathan And though he preuayled not in hys .iii. temptatyons agaynst Christ our redemer yet procured he hys owne dysciple Iudas trayterouslye to betraye hym the clergye of the Iewes malycyously to accuse hym and the Romish magistrates most wrongefully to condēpne hym Saynt Paule geueth vs good warnynge that Sathan to deceyue vs can transforme hym selfe into the Angel of lyght and telleth vs also that we must alwayes haue sumwhat a do with y e minysters of darkenesse In the prymatyue churche when the wurshyppynge of Idolles ones ceased at the prechynges of the Apostles and other vertuouse fathers The prestes whiche had lyued by those Idolatryes prouoked both the prynces and commō people to persecute them to deathe making them to beleue that it was neuer a mery worlde sens they were suffered to preach This hath both Eusebins in Ecclesiastica historia and also Tertulianus in Apologetico Thus haue the wholsō wyndes of heauenly doctryne bene alwayes disturbed letted and stopped theyr lyuely vapours oppressed First by Sathan y e deuyll then by the Iewysh and Popysh clergye then by superstycyouse monkes and sophystycall scole doctours nowe last of all by vnlearned loyterers and desperate ruffyanes as he of whom I haue written thys treatise folowynge is one Of thys latter sort are some become farmers of benefyces some blynde brokers in y e lawe some scribes some pharysees some flatterers for fauer some lyngerers for lucre some cloynars for aduauntage menpleasers and make shyftes These gyue the preachers most vncōly reportes to deface their godly preachynges and most odyble names to brynge them in cōtempte of the people Their croked counsels persuasyons illusyons prouocacyons and promyses of ayde in wythstandynge the mynysters are suche for a welthie lyuynge in ydelnesse that the truth of the Lorde can take no place ▪ These are as were