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A35240 The natural history of the principality of Wales in three parts ... together with the natural and artificial rarities and wonders in the several counties of that principality / by R.B. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1695 (1695) Wing C7339; ESTC R23794 124,814 195

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together The Prince having refreshed his Men the May following set sail for England with his Prisoners and safely arrived at Plimouth and was with great joy and acclamations received every where At his coming to London where at that time a magnificent Citizen Henry Picard he who afterwards at one time so Nobly Feasted the four King 's of England France Scotland and Cyprus was Lord Major he received him with all imaginable Honour And the multitude of People that came to see the Victorious Prince with the King of France his Son Philip and the other Prisoners was so great that they could hardly get to Westminster between three a Clock in the Morning and twelve at Noon Great Edward saving that he forgat not the Majesty of a Conqueror and ●f a King of England omitted no kind of civility towards the Prisoners King John and his Son were lodged under a Guard at the Savoy which was then a goodly Palace belonging to Henry Duke of Lancaster and the other Prisoners in other places Some time after Prince Edward by dispensation married the Countess of Kent Daughter to Edmund Brother to King Edward the second and his Father invested him with the Dutchy of Aquitain So that he was now Prince of Wales Duke of Aquitain Duke of Cornwal and Earl of Chester and Kent And not long after he with his Beloved Wife passed over into France and kept his Court at Bourdeaux The Prince of Wales was now grown famous over all the Christian World and the man to whom all wronged Princes seemed to Appeal and to fly for relief For which end there came at this time to his Court James King of Majorca and Richard King of Navarr just when his Lady brought him a Son for whom these two Kings undertook at his Baptism giving him the Name of Richard The Soldiers most of whose Captains were English either by Birth or Obedience wanting employment because the Wars of Britain were quieted for the Present ranged tumultuously up and down France But about this time Sir Bertram de Glequin having paid his Ransom found employment for them drawing the greatest part of that Military Pestilence into another Coast For by the assistance of Peter King of Arragon and the Power of Glequin with his floating Bands called The Companions or Adventurers Peter King of Castile and Leon a cruel Tyrant was driven out of his Kingdom his Bastard Brother Henry being chosen in his room and Crowned King of Spain at Burgos This Peter was Son to Alphonsus the eleventh King of Castile and had to Wife a French Lady called Blanch Daughter to Peter Duke of Bourbon who was Father also of Joan the French King's Wife His Tyrannical cruelties were so many and so foul that the Spanish Stories scarce allow Nero or Caligula to go beyond him For which by his Subjects he was deposed Peter thus driven out of his Kingdom by the aid of the French applied himself to Prince Edward craving his assistance for his restoration making many and large Promises to him upon the accomplishment thereof The Prince out of Charity to succour a distressed Prince and out of Policy to imploy his Souldiers having got leave of his Father marched with a gallant Army of thirty thousand men upon confidence of good pay for his men and other benefits when Peter should be re-established in his Throne He made his way through the famous straits of Rouncevallux in Navarre by permission of that King who yet suffered himself to be carried Prisoner into Castile that he might not seem to cross the French King's designs who favoured Henry the Usurper Our Prince had ●n his Company besides most of all the principal Captain of the English two King 's Peter of Castile whos 's the quarrel was and the King of Majorca As also John Duke of Lancaster who after Don Pedro's death having married his eldest daughter wrote himself King of Castile and Leon. On the other side King Henry for the defence of his new Kingdom had raised a very great Army consisting partly of French under Glequin their famous Captains and of Castilians and others both Christians and Saracens to the number of about an hundred thousand And upon the Borders of Castile it came to a bloody battel wherein the valaint Prince of Wales obtained a very great victory having slain many thousands of his enemies Henry himself fighting valiantly was wounded in the Groin but yet escaped There were taken Prisoners the Earl of Dene Bertram de Glequin who yet shortly after by paying a great Ransom was set at liberty The Marshal Dandrehen and many others Neither was this Victory less worth to Peter than a Kingdom For our most Noble Prince left him not till at Burgos he had set him upon his Throne again But this unworthy King's falshood and ingratitude were odious and monstrous For the Prince notwithstanding this great success was enforced to return to Burdeaux without money to pay his Army which caused great mischiefs to himself and the English Dominions beyond the Seas as if God had been displeased with his succouring such a Tyrant The Prince himself though he returned with Victory yet he brought back with him such a craziness and indisposition of Body that he was never throughly well after And no marvel considering the Country the Season and the action it self and it may be more wondred at that his Souldiers came home so well then that he returned so ill Being come home discontent of Mind was added to his indisposition of Body For not having Money to pay his Soldiers he was forced to wink at their preying upon the Country for which the Country to stop whose murmuring his Chancellor the Bishop of Rhodes devised a new Imposition of levying a Frank for every Chimney to continue for five years to pay the Prince's debts But this Imposition though granted in Parliament made their murmurs encrease For though some part of his Dominions as the Poictorians the Xantoigns and the Limosins seemed to consent to it yet the Counts of Armigniac and Cominges the Vicount of Carmain and divers others so much distasted it that they complained thereof to the King of France as unto their Supreme Lord Pretending that the Prince was to answer before King Charles as before his Superior Lord of whom they said he held by homage and fealty whereas King Edward and his Heirs by the Treaty at Bretagny were absolutely freed from all manner of Service for any of their Dominions in France King Charles openly entertained this Complaint and hoping to regain by surprize and policy what the English had won by dint of Sword and true Manhood he summoned the Prince of Wales to Paris to answer such Complaints as his subjects made against him Our valiant Prince returned answer That if he must needs appear he would bring threescore thousand men in Arms to appear with him And now began the Peace between England and France to be unsetled and wavering For while King
Edward called the Confessor succeeded next in 1042. who was an absolute Englishman and the youngest Son of Etheldred and Queen Emma being invited from Normandy by all the English Nobility who disdained the Danish Subjection and was entertained with great Joy He first remitted that heavy Danish Tax of Forty thousand pound a year called Dane gilt imposed by his Father and paid forty years by all but the Clergy who are exempted Because the Kings reposed more confidence in the Prayers of the Holy Church than in the Power of Armies It is reported Edward forgave that Tax upon this occasion A great Sum of that Treasure being brought into his Chamber and laid in a heap he being called to see it was at first sight much affrighted protesting he saw the Devil dancing with great Joy upon the same and therefore commanded it should be again restored to his Subjects and released them from it for ever after He married Editha Earl Godwin's Daughter but never had any Conjugal Society with her though she was a Lady accomplished with all excellent Endowments both of Mind and Body so that this old Ve●●●●● written on her Sicut Spina Rosam Genuit Goduinus Editham From prickled Stalk as sweetest Rose So Editha fair from Godwin grows Edward himself confessed upon his Death-bed That openly she was his Wife but in secret Embracings as his own Sister But whether it were Infirmity or Chastity it seems he was willing to have her accused of Incontinency whereof if she were guilty he could not be innocent it being a great injury to put his Wives vertue to so Tyrannical a trial After this some differences arose between him and Earl Godwin and Forces were raised on both sides but by the Intercession of the Nobility an Agreement was made Yet Godwin escaped not Divine Vengeance for being charged by the King for the Munder of Alfred he wished if he were guilty he might never swallow down a bit of Bread again which happened accordingly for the first bit of Bread he put into his Mouth choaked him as he sate with the King at Table A dreadful Instance of God's Severity against Perjury This King is blamed for his Cruelty to his Mother in forcing her to pass over nine burning Plow shares bare-foot and blind-fold for a Trial of her Continency which yet she performed without the least damage He is said to be the first King that cured the Disease called the King's-Evil It is related that this King lying on his Bed one Afternoon with the Curtains drawn a pilfering Courtier coming into his Chamber and finding the King's Casket open which Hugoline his Chamberlain had forgot to shut he took out as 〈◊〉 Money as he could well carry and went away But finding success he came a second and a third time still carrying off more At which the King who had observed all called to him to be gone with all speed since he had enough if he could be contented For said he if Hugoline should come and catch thee thou wilt go nigh to lose all thou hast got and may'st get a Halter into the Bargain The Fellow was no sooner gone but Hugoline came in and finding the Casket open and a great deal of Money taken out he was much incensed But the King bid him not be moved For said he he that hath it hath more need of it than we When this King Edward was hastning out of Normandy with a great Army to recover England from the Danes being ready to give Battel his Captains assured him of Victory and that they would not leave one Dane alive God forbid said Edward that the Kingdom should be recovered for me who am but one Man by the death of so many thousands better it is that I should live a private and unbloody Life than to be a King by such a Slaughter and Butchery This King having no lisue of his own sent for Edward the Son of Edmund Ironside out of Hungary who for his long absence was called the Outlaw but he dying soon after he declared Edgar the Outlaw's Son to be Heir and sirnamed him Atheling or Adeling a Term appropriated to the presumptive Heirs of the Crown He had also a Daughter named Matilda who was married to the King of Scots and was Mother to David King of Scotland and Maud Queen of England When King Edward was on his Death-bed he observed all present weeping and lamenting for him to whom he said If you loved me you would forbear weeping and rejoyce because I go to my Father with whom I shall receive the Joys promised to the Faithful not through my Merits but by the free mercy of my Saviour who sheweth mercy on who he pleaseth After the Death of Earl Godwin Harold his Son grew into great Favour with King Edward and was by him made Lieutenant of his Army against the Welch who with his Brother Tosto or Toston utterly subdued that Rebellion After which Harold still increasing more in favour with the King there grew such hatred between the two Brethren that Tosto coming to Hereford slew all his Brother's Servants and cutting them in pieces salted them and put them into powdering-tubs It hapned afterward that Harold going beyond Sea was by Tempest ●●●ven into Normandy and being seised and carr●●d before Duke Wiliam he made him promise That after the death of King Edward he would secure the Kingdom for him according to King Edward's Will Which Oath having taken Harold came back and told King Edward what he had done who seemed well content therewith saith the Historian which if it were true he had surely forgot his former Declaration concerning Edgar Atheling However after the death of King Edward Harold neither regarding his Oath to Duke William nor Edgar's Right whom he dispised for his tender Age caused himself to be Proclaimed King without any great Ceremony or Celebration none much approving or disapproving thereof and to ingratiate himself with the People he eased them of several severe Taxes laid upon them by his Predecessor and was affable and kind to all But this was a short calm before a great storm for soon after Duke William sent his Ambassadors to him to mind him of his Oath but he returned answer That it was extorted from him in his Imprisonment and therefore was no way obliging At this Answerthe Duke was much inraged and prepared Forces for gaining the Kingdom by force Neither was Harold idle but made provision to withstand him At which time a dreadful Comet appeared in the Heavens which was then judged and after proved to be a fatal Omen During these Preparations Tosto Brother to Harold and Harfager King of Denmark with three hundred Ships invaded the Country landing in Yorkshire Harfager claiming the Crown as Son of Canutus but the Nobility of those parts opposing them were routed which Harold hearing march'd against them and at Stamford-Bridge he encountred them where his whole Army was withstood by one single Dane who slew forty of
his men and made good the Bridge till a Soldier in a Boat rowing under the Bridge thrust his Spear through a crevice and so slew this valiant Champion After which the King fell upon the Danes and got an intire Victory over them killing King Harfager and Tosto his own Brother Olave the Son of Harfager and Paul Earl of Orkney were taken Prisoners with abundance more who begging their Lives the King ordered 20 of their 300 Ships to carry them to Denmark with the sad news of the loss of their King and his whole Army No sooner was this Storm over but a worse began for Duke William having prepared a great Army and Navy resolved for England having the free consent of his Nobility for his Voyage many of them assisting him therein But first he sent to Pope Alexander to confirm his Title to the Crown who did it readily and withal sent him a Consecrated banner an Agnus Dei and a Hair of St. Peter with a curse to all opposers to carry in the Ship wherein he himself failed Being thorowly furnished he and his Men embarqued at St. Vallery where they staid a long time for a Wind at length setting Sail Sep. 28. 1066. he arrived with his Fleet at Pevensey in Sussex where as soon as he landed it hapned one of his Feet stuck so fast in the Sand that he fell to the ground whereupon one of his Attendants catching him by the Arm and helping him up said Stand up my Lord and be of good Courage for now you have taken fast footing in England and observing that he had taken up Sand and Earth in his Hand he added You have now taken Livery and Seisin of the Country it being the custom that when Possession is taken of Land a piece of Earth is given to the Possessor A Wizard or Necromancer had told Duke William That he should safely arrive in England with his whole Army without any hindrance from Harold which after it came to pass King William sent for this Conjurer to confer further with him but it was told him That he was drowned in that Ship which alone of the whole Navy miscarried whereupon the Conqueror said He would never put confidence in that Science which was of more benefit to the Ignorant than the Skilful therein for it seems he could foresee my good fortune but not his own misfortune After his Landing the Duke set all his Ships a fire to assure his men that they must either conquer or die He then marched towards Hastings declaring the cause of his coming to be to inherit the Kingdom which was given him by King Edward and strictly charging his Soldiers not to wrong any of the People in the least since they were so soon to become his Natural Subjects He then sent Messengers to Harold either to deliver him up the Country and be subject to him or to fight it out in the sight of both Armies in single combat or lastly to stand to the Pope's Determination But he returned answer That unless he did suddenly depart he would give him cause to repent this his rash Invasion and that the next day it should he tryed by more Swords than One. Accordingly Harold marcheth couragiously against Duke Widiam who put himself into a posture to receive him It happned that the Morning before the Battel William's Armourer by mistake put on his Back-piece before and his Breast-plate behind which being observed by some of his Attendants was judged an ill Omen and therefore they advised him not to fight that day To whom the Duke replied I value not such Fooleries but if I have any skill in Soothsaying as in truth I have none I am of the opinion if doth foretel that I shall change my Condition and of a D. shall this day become a K. The Armies being Marshalled Harold placing the Kentish-men with their heavy Axes or Halberts in the Van the Battel began both Parties fighting bravely one for the Liberty of their Country and the other for a Kingdom The Normans perceiving they could not break the united strength of the English pretended to fly which the English believing pursued them in disorder whereupon the Normans taking the advantage rallied and charging them furiously in that disjoynted Posture made a very great slaughter among the English and among the rest King Harold his Brother and most of the English Nobility fell that day and of the Common Souldiers Sixty seven thousand nine hundred seventy four Others report an hundred thousand were slain Duke William had three Horses killed under him yet received not the least wound his Loss being only as is said Six thousand Men. Thus died King Harold after only nine Months Reign and was buried at Waltham Abby in Essex And it is very remarkable That whereas Harold with his Father Godwin had cruelly murdered Alfred the true Heir to the Crown and his Normans he was now by a Norman Wounded in the left Eye with an Arrow whereof he immediately died This great Battel was fought at Hastings in Sussex on Saturday October 14. 1066. The English after this vast loss had designed to make Edgar Atheling King but it was prevented by their private Animosities And thus ended the Saxon Monarchy in England which from Hengist in 475 to this Year had continued save only some short interruptions by the Danes Five hundred ninety one years During these stupendious Revolutions in the State and Government of England we do not read of much action between the Welsh and the Saxons Danes and Normans It is recorded they had still a Succession of Kings and Princes and among them Leoline ap Sytsill who lived about the year 900 in the Reign of Edward Sirnamed the Elder a Valiant Saxon King and yet free from Pride or Ambition saith the Historian as appears by the intercourse betwixt him and this Leoline who after several Skirmishes thought fit to Treat of Peace The King lay at a place called Austeline and the Prince at Bethesly not far distant Leoline thought it below him to cross the Severn to wait upon Edward whereupon the King went into a Boat to come over to him Leoline observing it and surprized at this great condiscention upon the King's approach to the opposite shoar threw off this rich Robe he had on prepared on purpose for that Royal Assembly and entred the Water Breast high where imbracing the Boat he submissively said Most Prudent and Worthy King your Humility hath overcome my Insolence and your Wisdom hath Triumphed over my Folly Come tread upon my Neck which I have foolishly lifted up against you and enter into my Country this Day with all freedom since your generosity hath made it all your own Having said this he took the King upon his Shoulders and carrying him ashoar caused him to sit down upon his Royal Robe and so putting his hands jointly into his acknowledged Homage and Allegiance to him Ethelstane his Successor had Wars with the Welsh whose Princes and
He replied The Fortune of France By his Voice he was Known and thereupon received into the Town with the Tears and lamentations of his People The rest of his Army strove to save themselves by flight whom the English did not pursue but stood still upon their Guard according to the true Rules of Martial Discipline being unwilling to hazard so glorious a Victory by following them in the Night knowing there were so many of the Enemy escaped as might yet overwhelm their tired Army with multitude King Edward seeing the Field clear of the French came down from the Hill with his Troops entire toward his Victorious Son whom most affectionately imbracing and kissing he said Fair Son God send you good perseverance to such prosperous beginnings you have acquitted your self right Nobly and are well worthy to have a Kingdom intrusted to your Government for your Valour To which the most Noble and Magnanimous Prince replied with silence humbly falling on his Knees at the Feet of his Triumphant Father After this Victory King Edward marched with his Army through France and Besieged Calice In 1355. King Edward was informed that Philip of France being dead King John his Son and Successor had given the Dutchy of Aquitain to Charles the Dauphin his Eldest Son whereupon the King being much incensed conferr'd the same upon his own Son the Prince of Wales commanding him to defend his Right therein with his Sword against his Adversaries He was likewise appointed by Parliament to go into Gascoin with a thousand men at Arms Two Thousand Archers and a great number of Welshmen who accompanied their Prince and soon after with Three Hundred Sail of Ships attended by many of the English Nobility he landed in France and with his Victorious Arms Marched into Aquitain recovering a great number of Cities and Towns and releasing a multitude of Prisoners He then entred Guienne passing over Languedock to Tholouse Narbone and Bruges without opposition and loaden with Plunder return'd to Bourdeux Afterward he made a second Course through Perigort and Limosin into the Bowels of France even to the very Gates of Bruges in Berry the terror of his name preparing his way and then wheeled about designing to return by Remorantine in Blasois which Town he took and so through the Countrey of Tourain Poictou and Xantoign to his Chief City of Bourdeux But King John having raised a very Potent Army followed him in the Rear and about the City of Poictiers he overtook our Invincible Prince where the Armies approached each other the French exceeding the English six to one Two Cardinals sent from Pope Clement as before the former Battel mediated to take up the Quarrel but the French King supposing he had his Enemy now at his mercy would hear of no conditions but that the Prince should deliver him four Hostages and as Vanquished render up himself and his Army to his discretion The Prince was content to restore to him all the places he had taken but without prejudice to his Honour wherein he said he stood accountable to his Father and his Country But King John would not abate any thing of his first demands as judging himself secure of Victory and thereupon was ready to attack the Prince who in this exigency politickly got the advantage of the ground by obtaining the benefit of certain Vines Shrubs and Bushes upon that part where he was like to be assaulted whereby to imbarass and disturb the French Horse whom he saw ready to fall furiously upon him The success answered his expectation for the Enemies Cavalry in their full Career were so intangled and incumbered among their Vines that the Prince's Archers galled and annoyed them at pleasure For the French King to give the Honour of the day to his Horse made use of them only without the aid of his Infantry And they being thus disordered the whole Army was thereby utterly defeated Here if ever the Prince of Wales and his Englishmen gave full proof of their undaunted Courage and Valour never giving over till they had wholly routed all the three French Battalions the least of which exceeded the number of the Prince's Forces King John himself Fighting valiantly and Philip his youngest Son who by his undaunted Prowess so defended his distressed Father that he gained the Sirname of Hardy were both taken Prisoners The most remarkable of the Prince's Commanders for Courage and Conduct were the Earls of Warwick Suffolk Salisbury Oxford and Stafford The Lords Chandois Cobham Spencer Berkley Basset c. and particularly James Lord Audley signaliz'd himself receiving many wounds and was rewarded by the Noble Prince of Wales with the gift of Five Hundred Marks Land a year in England which he instantly divided among his four Esquires who had stood by him in all the fury and brunt of this bloody Battel Whereupon the Prince asked him if he did not accept of his gift He answered That these men had deserved it as well as himself and needed it more With which reply the Prince was so well pleased that he gave him Five Hundred Marks a Year more A rare example where desert in the Subject and reward in the Prince strove to exceed each other He vowed to be foremost in the Fight and made good his word It was the misfortune or rather glory of the French Nobility in these disastrous times that the loss commonly fell very heavy upon them for in this fatal overthrow the French confess that Fifty Two Lords and about One Thousand Seven Hundred Knights Esquires and Gentlemen were slain The chief were the Duke of Athens the High Constable Great Marshal and High Chamberlain of France the Bishop of Chalons th● Lords of Landas Pons and Chambly Sir Reginald Charney who that day carried the Consecrated Standard Auriflamb was slain also and of the Common Souldiers about Six Thousand So wonderfully did the great God of Battels fight for the English in those days There escaped from this bloody fight Three of the French King's Sons for he brought them all into the Field Charles the Dauphin Lewis Duke of Anjou and John Duke of Barry The French Prisoners taken were John King of France and Philip his Son the Archbishop of Sens the Earls of Ponthieu Eu Longuevil Vendosme Tankervile Salbruch Nassaw Dampmartin La Roch Vaudemont Estampes c. With many other Lords and Two Thousand Knights Esquires and Gentlemen that bore Coats of Arms. After the Battel a Contention arose who was the Man that took King John Prisoner At length the King himself decided the Controversie by declaring that one Sir Dennis Morbeck of St. Omers had made him Prisoner For which service the Prince of Wales rewarded him with a Thousand Marks This great Battel was fought Sept. 19. 1357. and is thus described by Mr. Thomas May in his Poem on the Life of King Edward III. The first hot charge The valiant Lord renowned Audley gave Who to perform a noble Vow in Deeds Almost the Prowess of a Man
THE HISTORY Of the Principality of WALES In Three Parts Containing I. A brief Account of the Antient Kings and Princes of Brittain and Wales till the final Extinguishing of the Royal Brittish Line II. Remarks upon the Lives of all the Princes of Wales of the Royal Families of England from K. Edward the First to this Time III. Remarkable Observations on the most Memorable Persons Places in Wales of many considerable Transactions Passages that have happen'd therein for many hundred years past Together with the Natural and Artificial Rarities and Wonders in the several Counties of that Principality By R. B. LONDON Printed for Nath. Crouch at the Bell in the Poultrey near Cheapside 1695. Iohn the French King taken Prisoner by Edward the Black Prince of Wales at the Battel of Poictiers in France F.H. van Hove Sculp To the READER IN a small Tract formerly published Intituled Admirable Curiosities Rarities and Wonders in every County in England I added at the end some brief Observations upon the Counties in Wales but they being defective for want of room and finding that the Subject would afford sufficient matter for a Book of the same value I have now been more large and copious in giving an account of this Principality having omitted nothing material that I could meet with concerning it as well before the reducing and annexing thereof to the Crown of England as since I have likewise added some short Remarks upon the Princes of Wales of the Royal Families of England and several other Observables in the several Shires thereof which I doubt not will be Novelties to many Readers and diverting to all and thereby answer the design in the Collecting and Publishing of them from Historians of the best Authority which is the hearty wish of R. B. The History of the Antient Kings and Princes of Brittain and Wales PART I. IT is recorded in History that after the Universal Flood the Isles of the Gentiles were divided by the Posterity of Japhet the Son of Noah and it is probable that this Island among the rest was then peopled by his Progeny the History of whom may be easier wisht for than recovered And therefore it may seem unnecessary to relate what some Antient Authors have recorded with much uncertainty of the Successors of Japhet whom they have named Samothes Magus Sarron Druis and Bardus But rather to follow the Authority of Geoffery Arch-Deacon of Monmouth in his History written in the Brittish Tongue and translated into English about five hundred years since and begins his Chronology with Brute who after the Posterity of Japhet seems to be the first Discoverer Ruler and Namer of this Island Yet by the way we may observe That Pomponius Mela a Roman Historian writes that one Hercules killed Albion a Giant about the mouth of the River R●●s●e in France from whence some have concluded that Albion Reigned King here the Greek Monuments likewise always calling this Isle Albion and that after his death Hercules came hither And Solinus another Roman Historian reports that by an Inscription upon an Altar found in the Northern part of Brittain about 1600 years since it plainly appeared that Vlysses in his ten years Travels after the Destruction of Troy arrived in Brittain before the coming of Brute We shall now give a brief Account of what is commonly received concerning Brute and the Race of the Kings of Brittain that proceeded from him though with my Author I shall not impose upon the belief of any in these Narrations Brute the Son of Sylvius the Son of Ascanius the Son of Aeneas after the Ruine of Troy and the Death of his Father being banisht into Greece he there by his Valour rescued and delivered the remainder of the Trojans his Countreymen from the Captivity which they had been for many years sufferers under the Grecians with whom he departed to seek some new habitation and associating to himself Corineus whom with another Band of exiled Trojans he found in the way after a long and tiresome Journey and many notable encounters and atchievements he arrived in this Island then called Albion and landed at Totnes in Devonshire in the year from the Creation of the World 2855. which was about the time that Jeptah and Samson Judged Israel and before the Birth of Christ 1116 years and being made King or Governour of the Land he called it by his own name Brittain according to the opinion of many antient Authors He also built the City of London which he named Troynovant or New Troy At his Death Brute divided the Country among his three Sons unto Locrine his Eldest he gave the middle part between Humber and Severn which from him was called Loegria To Camber his second he bequeathed all the Region beyond the River Severn which from him was called Cambria now Wales To Allanact the youngest he left all the Land beyond Humber Northward which was after called Albania now Scotland After which partition he deceased having reigned 24 years and was Buried at London Locrinus succeeded his Father and Humber King of the Hums or Scythians Invading his Brother Albanacts Countrey he and his Brother Camber assisted Albanact so successfully that they utterly defeated his Army himself and abundance of his Souldiers being Drowned in the River from thence called Humber Madan his Son reigned in his stead then Mempricus Ebrauh Brute Greensheeld Leil who is said to have built Carleil Bladud a great Necromancer who is reported to have made those hot Baths at Bath and to magnifie his skill undertook to fly in the Air but his Art failing he fall upon the Temple of Apollo in London and broke his Neck Lear his Son was King after him who was very unfortunate in two unnatural Daughters whose Husbands strove to deprive him of his Kingdom but their designs being defeated his youngest Daughter whom he had slighted was admitted Queen after him to whom succeeded her two Nephews Morgan and Cunegad between whom differences arising Morgan was slain and Cunegad reigned singly 30 years Many other Kings of Brittain are reckoned up after him as Dunwallo D. of Cornwal Belinus and Breanus who are said to have Conquered France Italy Germany and at last to have taken the City of Rome it self King Lud who much beautified Troynovant fortifying it with Walls and Gates particularly Ludgate called after his name and founded a Temple where it is thought St. Paul's now stands and changed the name of the City from Troynovant to Luds Town now London He left two Sons Androgeus and Theomantius under Age whereupen Cassibilane their Uncle was admitted Governour in whose Reign Julius Caesar first Invaded this Island in the year from the Worlds Creation 3913. and 54 years before the Birth of Christ the Land being then not under one sole Monarch or King but divided into 28 petty Kingdoms or Provinces Caesar being landed at Deal in Kent the news thereof was so welcome to the Senate of Rome that they Decreed a
than as a Captive to be gazed upon Neither would you have disdained to have accepted the terms of Peace that I should have offered being a man of royal descent and a Commander of many Warlike Nations But though the Clouds have darkened my present Fortune yet have the Heavens and Nature bestowed that upon me in Birth and Mind which none can vanquish or deprive me of I plainly perceive that you make other mens miseries the subject and matter of your Triumphs and in this my Calamity as in a Mirror you now contemplate your own Glory Yet remember that I was a Prince furnisht with strength of men and habiliments of War and that it is no such wonder I am now deprived of them all since daily experience shews that the events of War are uncertain and the success of the best Policies are guided by uncertain Fates And thus it was with me who presumed that the deep Ocean like a Wall inclosing our Land which is so scituated by Divine Providence as if it were a World by it self might have been a sufficient security and defence to us against any Foreign Invasion but I now observe that the desire of Dominion admits of no Limitation neither hath the Roman Ambition any bounds for being desirous to Command all it seems all must obey them For my own part while I was able I made resistance being unwilling to submit my Neck to a servile Yoak since the Law of Nature allows every man to defend himself being assaulted and to withstand force by force Had I yielded at first neither your Glory nor my Ruine would have been so remarkable Fortune hath now done her worst we have nothing left us but our lives which if you take from us our miseries will have an end and if you spare us we shall live the objects of your Clemency Caesar admiring at the Courage and Resolution of so free a mind in a Captive condition he pardoned him and the rest who being unchained from the Triumphal Fetters they then did reverence to Agrippina the Empress who sate aloft on a Throne Royal And afterwards continued at Rome to their Deaths for any thing we read to the contrary After Ostorius was recalled Paulus Suetonius was sent hither by the bloody Nero during whose Government the Brittains made several attempts to regain their Countrey and free themselves from the insupportable slavery and misery wherein they lived for Arvivagus having made Nero the Emperor and his two Daughters his Heirs hoping thereby to secure the Kingdom to his Family it happened otherwise For the Land was ruined by the Roman Souldiers Voadicia his Queen beaten and abused her Daughters Ravished the Nobles deprived of their Estates and the People in a most deplorable servitude Voadicia made such sensible Remonstrances of these unsufferable wrongs to the People that she raised an Army of an hundred thousand men who willingly submitted to her Conduct and with whom being confident in her numbers she ingaged against the Romans at some disadvantage and was vanquished by them with the loss of fourscore thousand Brittains And after she had shewed all the courage of a gallant Commander and had made so notable an attempt for redeeming her Countrey from bondage doubting to fall one time or other into her Enemies hands she like another Lucretia fell upon her own Sword and Died. In the 73 year from our Saviours Birth If the Reader desire to know more of the former Kings of Brittain the Invasion of the Romans and the Life of this renowned Queen Voadicia I have published a Book called Female Excellency or the Ladies Glory wherein there is a full account of all these particulars being of the same value with this About this time Historians report that Christianity was first planted in this Island certain Disciples being sent by Philip the Apostle out of France into Brittain whereof Joseph of Arimathea that Buried the Body of Christ was chief who first laid the Foundation of the true Faith at a place called Avalon now Glastenbury in Somersetshire where with his twelve Assistants he Preached the Gospel of Salvation to the Islanders and left there Bodies Buried in that place Galgacus a valiant Commander of the Caledonians was the last Prince that resisted the Roman Dominion and was made General of the Brittains against the Invasions of Agricola in the Reign of the Emperor Domitian he with the chief of the Brittish Nobility made a very valiant defence for several years but the Romans seeming to be decreed by Heaven to reduce the World under their obedience vanquished all that opposed them and in a bloody Battel defeated him and his Forces and laid all in ruins before them whereby the whole Island was subjected to the Roman Emperors 136 years after the entrance of Julius Caesar Jeffery of Monmouth the Welsh Historian doth here bring in a succession of Brittish Kings and amongst them Marius who Conquered Roderic King of the Picts and Scots whose Monument crected near Carleile wherein his Victory was inscribed remained a long time After him Corlus his Son is said to succeed who being carried to Rome and Educated there in his Youth upon his return to his own Countrey he gratefully paid the Romans their Tribute without constraint but we must leave these relations as doubtful as we find them The Picts and Northern Inhabitants of Brittain continuing to Invade and Destroy the Brittains who were now become Tributary to the Romans the Emperor Adrian in 124. came hither in Person for their relief and drove the Picts out of the plain Countrey into the Woods and Mountains where the Roman Horsemen could not attack them but finding the Air too severe for his Souldiers and the Countrey barren instead of leaving the Brittains a Roman Garrison he built a strong Wall or Fortification of Earth for their defence against their Enemies It was composed of Stakes driven deep into the Ground and bound together like a hedge which being filled up with Turf and Earth became a strong Rampant against sudden Incursions It began at the River Eden in Cumberland near Carleile and ended at the River Tyne near Newcastle being eighty miles in length After which the Brittains continued for many years in peace without opposition time and castom causing them to bear the Yoak of subjection patiently especially considering they were obliged to the Romans for assistance against their own Barbarous Countreymen After the Romans had Conquered the greatest part of the World the succeeding Emperors politickly permitted Kingdoms and Provinces to be governed by Kings and Governours of their own Nation thereby the better to keep them in obedience to their Empire Among others Antoninus Pius constituted Lucius to be King of Brittain who disliking the Idolatry and Paganism of his People and being much affected with the holy lives of the Christians and with the Miracles wrought among them and incouraged by the Emperors Edicts in their favour he allowed the publick Profession thereof being the first
reprove him for it and coming into his presence the King in Courtesie rose from his Royal Throne to take him by the Hand and seat him by him But Dunstan refusing the King's Hand with a stern Countenance and contracted Brow spake thus to him You that have not been afraid to corrupt a Virgin dedicated to Christ how can you presume to touch the Consecrated Hands of a Bishop You have defiled the Spouse of your Maker and do you now think by your flattering service to pacifie the Friend of the Bridegroom No Sir do not mistake your self for I will be no friend to him who hath Christ for his Enemy The King thunder-struck with these dreadful Words and touch'd with remorse of Conscience fell down at the Feet of Dunstan who raising him up began to aggravate his Crime and finding the King pliable to his Instruction he enjoyned him the following Penance for satisfaction That he should wear no Crown for the space of feven years That he should fast twice a week That he should distribute his Treasure left him by his Ancestors liberally to the poor That he should build a Monastery for Nuns at Shaftsbury that since he had robbed God of one Virgin by his Transgression so he should restore to him many again for the time to come Likewise That he should expel Clerks or Priests of evil life meaning those who were married out of the Churches and place Monks in their room All this Edgar performed and the seven years being past Dunstan saith the Historian calling the Nobility with the Bishops Abbots and Clergy together he before all the People set the Crown upon the King's Head at Bath in the thirteenth year of his Reign Dunstan who it seems rul'd all having hitherto hindred it The Nun here mentioned was Wilfrid a Duke's Da●ghter by whom he had a Daughter called Editha He had a Son likewise by Elfrida the Earl of Devonshire's Daughter which Dunstan being now grown goood natured Christned The words of the Historian are these The Child also which was gotten of the Harlot he Baptized in the Holy Fountain of Regeneration and giving him the name of Edward adopted him to be the King's Son There are abundance of ridiculous miracles related of this Dunstan One among many others was That a Vision appearing to him required him to take up the Body of Editha the Bastard and Canonize her for a Saint her Tomb being accordingly opened in the Church of Wil●on where she was buried her whole Body saith the Monkish Historian was consumed to Dust save only her Thumb her Belly c. whereof she her self shewed the meaning declaring That her Thumb remained entire because she so often used to cross her self therewith and the other Parts did signifie the extraordinary Abstinence and Chastity With such stuff were the People then abused and persuaded to worship for Saints the dead Carcases of those that were many times of very profligate Lives while on Earth In King Edgar's Reign there was a great Famine wherein Ethel wald Bishop of Winchester sold away all the Church-Plate and Vessels of Gold and Silver to relieve the Poor saying There was no reason that the senseless Temples of God should abound in Riches and the lively Temples of the Holy Ghost to be in want of them After the Death of Edgar there was great Diviston many of the Nobility being for Etheldred the true and only legitimate Heir of Edgar but the other Nobles and the Clergy especially Dunstan fearing the Married Clergy should again prevail he with several other Bishops meeting together and carrying the Cross before Edward brought him to the Lords and by many Persuasions prevailed with them to accept him for their King He was accounted a just meek Prince and very charitable to the Poor Yet enjoyed he the Crown but a short space for in the fourth Year of his Reign as he was Hunting near Corf-Castle where his Brother Etheldred and Queen Elfrida his Mother resided while he was discoursing and drinking on Horseback as the Cup was at his Mouth a Servant of the Queens by her contrivance struck him into the Back with a Knife or Dagger at which setting Spurs to his Horse to get away and fainting with loss of Blood he fell from his Horse with one Foot in the Stirrop and was dragged up and down the Woods till at last his Body was left dead at the Gate of Corf-Castle When this Fact was committed the Queen was so struck with remorse that to expiate her Guilt she built two Monasteries Almsbury and Wormwell For as Mr. Fox observes most of these Religious Houses were founded either upon the account of some Publick or Private Murther Edward the Martyr as he was called being thus slain Etheldred his younger Brother the Son of Edgar and Queen Elfrida succeeded He reigned thirty eight years but was very unfortunate and full of Troubles all his time It is related That when Archbishop Dunston Christened Etheldred as he held him over the Font the Child was not very cleanly whereupon the Bishop swore By the Mother of God this Boy will prove an unhappy and slothful Prince which happened accordingly At his Coronation a Cloud appeared half like Blood and the other half like Fire In his third Year the Danes Invaded the Kingdom in several places and the King paid them forty thousand pound yearly for his Quiet which much disobliged his Subjects yea the English were so low that the Danes commanded their Houses Wives Daughters and all they had Whereupon Etheldred contrived that all the Danes were massacred in one day But this did more enrage them so that first Swain and then Canutus came with two hundred Sail of Ships and landed in Cornwal burning and destroying all before him and killing Nine hundred Monks and Nuns at one time the King's Counsels being all betrayed by the Traytor Edrick Whereupon he fled with his Queen Emma and her two Sons into Normandy to Richard Duke thereof who was her Brother But Swain being soon after killed by his own men they made his Son Canutus King After which Etheldred returns again to England and perceiving the several Treasons against him and being unable to withstand their Fury he soon after died Edmund the eldest Son alive of Etheldred succeeded sirnamed Ironside from his great Strength and Courage He was Crowned at Kingston But the Danes were then so powerful in England that Canutus was accepted King at Southampton many of the Clergy and Laity swearing Allegiance to him but the City of London stood firm for Edmund who fought several Battles against the Danes and routed Canutus four times in the plain Field and would in likelihood have freed the Nation from the Danes had not the ever-false Edrick and other perfidious persons of the Clergy and Laity prevented it At length to avoid further Bloodshed they made an Agreement to divide the Kingdom betwixt them but Edmund enjoyed the benefit of this Accord a very short time being soon
after murdered as he was easing Nature by Edrick and his Head presented to Canutus who though he loved the Treason yet commanded the Traytor to be beheaded By the Death of Edmund the Saxon Monarchy came to a Period for Canutus after his Death seised upon the other half of England none being able to withstand whereby the Danes made themselves sole Masters of this Island after it had been in possession of the Saxons about 566 Years The English Nobles owning Canutus for their lawful King and swearing Fealty to him at his Coronation at London in the year of Christ 1017. Though Canutus had never the better Opinion of them considering that most of them had sworn Allegiance to Edmund their Natural Sovereign and likewise that they were English Natives He therefore judged them treacherous Persons and used them accordingly for some he banished others he beheaded and many by the Just Judgment of Heaven died sudden Deaths Canutus to establish his Government called a Parlaiment of Bishops Lords and Barons in London wherein many laws were ordained and among others this following We admonish diligently all Christian Men that they do always love God with an inward heart and be diligently obedient to Divine Teachers and do subtilly search God's Learning and Laws often and daily to the profit of themselves And we warn that all Christian men do learn to know at least-wise the right Belief and a right to understand the Lord's Prayer and the Creed for that with the one every Christian man should pray unto God and with the other shew forth right Belief He also ordained in another Parliament at Oxford That both English and Danes should observe the laws made by King Edgar as judging them to be above all others most just and reasonable He married Emma the Widow of King Etheldred and Sister to Richard Duke of Normandy with this Condition That the Issue of her Body by him should inherit the Kingdom of England He went to Rome to complain of the excessive Extortions of the Pope from the English Archbishops upon receiving their Palls And having reigned twenty Years over England he died Notwithstanding the former Agreement yet Harold the Son of Canutus by Elgina his first Wife in the absence of Hardiknute the Son of Queen Emma succeeded his Father and the better to secure himself he by the assistance of the treacherous Earl Goodwin who had married Canutus's Daughter endeavours to get into his Power Edward and Alfred the two Sons of Queen Emma by King Etheldred whom he knew had more Right than himself and to that purpose they counterfeit a Letter in Emma's name whom Harold had abused and robbed of her Jewels the Contents whereof were to this purpose EMMA in Name only Queen to Edward and Alfred her Sons sends Motherly Greetings Whilst we severally bewail the death of our Sovereign my Lord and your Father and your selves Dear Sons are still more and more dispossessed from the Kingdoms of your lawful Inheritance I much wonder what you intend to do since you know that delays in Attempts give the Usurper more leisure to lay his Foundation and more safely to fix thereon his intended Building never ceasing to post from Town to City to make the Lords and Rulers thereof his Friends by Threats Prayers or Rewards But notwithstanding his Policy yet they privately signifie that they had rather have one of you their Native Countrey-men to reign over them than this Danish Usurper Therefore my advice is That either of you do with all speed repair to me that we may advise together what is to be done in this so great an Enterprise Fail not therefore but send me word by this Messenger what you intend to do herein And so fare ye well Your Affectionate Mother Emma Messengers being sent to Normandy with this Letter they met only with Alfred Edward being gone into Hungaria to whom delivering their Message he was very joyful and made all possible hast to England accompanied with divers Norman Gentlemen and arriving at Southampton was received by the villanous Earl Goodwin with much pretended Kindness and Friendship who made as if he would bring him to London but being come to Gilford in Surrey Goodwin commanded his men to kill all Alfred's Company and then carrying him to the Isle of Ely ordered his Eyes to be put out Then opening his Body they took out his Bowels and fastning one end of his Guts to a Stake they drove him round it with Iron Darts and Needles till all his Bowels came clear away Thus died innocent Alured or Alfred the true Heir to the Crown by the Treachery of Godwin to the great disgust of the English Nobility who vowed Revenge This Harold called Harefoot for his great swiftness did not long enjoy his usurped Dominion for after four years he died After which Hardiknute the Son of Canutus and Queen Emma who was by his Father made King or Denmark is now by the States of the Land both Danes and English invited over hither to take upon him the Government He was a great Oppressor of the English by heavy Taxes which so enraged them that two of his Collectors were slain at Worcester for which their City was burnt and their Bishop Alfred expelled his Office till with Money he had purchased his peace Though this King was very vicious yet it is said he was more kind to Edward his Half-brother and made Earl Godwin purge himself for the death of Prince Alfred though it is thought his bountiful Gifts to the King prevailed much more for clearing him than his Innocence One present especially is very remarkable that is A Ship whose Stern was of Gold and fourscore Soldiers all richly habited within her on their Heads they all wore guilt Burgonets and on their Bodies a triple gilt Harbergeon about their Wasts Swords girt richly guilt a Danish Battle-ax on their left Shoulders a Target with gilt Bosses on their left Hand a Dart in their right and upon their Arms Bracelets of Gold of great Value After two years Reign Hardiknute died in the midst of his drunken Debaucheries and in him ended the Danish Race in England three Kings only of that Nation Reigning here This third Conquest was but of a short continuance yet were the Danes very insolent toward the English during that time for if an Englishman and a Dane met at a Bridge or at a Door the Englishman must stand still till the Dane past by and if he did not then bow down very low to the Dane he was certainly beaten and abused Yea it is related That while the English were drinking the Danes would stab them or cut their Throats to prevent which when the Englishman drank he desired his next Companion to be his Surety or Pledge from whence it is said the Custom of Pledging one another did first arise For these and abundant greater Insolencies after the Death of Hardiknute the Danes were utterly driven out of England and never again returned
whereby many of the English were slain and one Arrow aimed at the King shot him on the Breast but by his Armour was hindred from doing farther mischief whereat he was little concerned only swore By our Lord's Death his usual Oath that he was sure that Arrow was shot by own of his Followers and not by a Welshman At length finding he should gain little and might lose much of the honour he had gained in this barren Country he concluded a Peace with the Welsh Princes giving them a thousand head of Cattel and so returned to London In 1138. Owen and Cadwallader the Sons of Griffith ap Conan Prince of Wales made an Irruption into the Pale and did much damage carrying away much spoil of Goods Horses Arms and other Habiliments of War which King Stephen was not able to revenge being sufficiently incumbered in defending his Crown which Maud the Empress upon pretence of a better Title endeavoured to deprive him of under the Conduct of her Brother in Law Robert Earl of Glocester King Stephen Besieged Ramilph Earl of Chester and Earl Robert in Lincoln who issued out of the City resolving to give the King Battel being assisted with a great number of Welsh as well as Englishmen Before the fight the Earl of Chester animated his Souldiers by telling them That he gave them unfeigned thanks for hazarding their lives in so just a cause against a faithless King and that he himself would lead them amidst the strongest Troups of the Enemy and seemed already in his own thoughts to be breaking through them and trampling on the necks of their Chief Captains yea piercing with his Sword the very Heart of King Stephen himself not doubting but they would follow their Leader and by his example quickly put their persidious adversaries to flight On the other side Baldwin King Stephen's General told his men That the Justice of their Cause obliged them to defend their valiant King to whom they had sworn Allegiance and whose Presence Courage and Conduct ought more to encourage them than thousands of men What is Robert the Bastard their General says he but a boasting Coward who can speak big but perform little hath a Lion's Voice but the Heart of an Hare and what is Chester's Earl but an hair-brain'd audacious man without Judgment or Courage and what are the Welshmen which he has with him are they not fitter for our contempt than fear who being naked unarmed and without any military Discipline run headlong like wild Beasts upon the Javelins and Spears of the Hunter and the rest are only straglers and runagates who will never endure the force of your puissant Arms. After this a bloody Battel was fought but at length King Stephen's Horse giving way and the Foot being thereby exposed they allfled together leaving the King almost alone in the Field A strange sight it was saith the Historian to see King Stephen left almost alone and yet none durst approach him who grinding his Teeth and foaming like a furious wild Boar with his Battel Ax drove whole Troops before him cutting down great numbers of them to the eternal Renown of his Courage so that if but an hundred like himself had stood by him a whole Army had not been able to surprize his Person yet he still defended himself till first his Battle-ax and then his Sword flew in peices by his irresistible blows so that being left Weaponless he was struck down with a great Stone and taken Prisoner Yet he afterward regained his Liberty and his Crown and Died a King after having Reigned near 19 years In 1170. The Welsh surprized the Town of Cardigan under Rice ap Griffith Prince of South-Wales and took therein the Governour Robert Fitz Stephens a valiant Norman who could not procure his Liberty upon any other terms than by forever renouncing all Right and Title to his Estate and Possessions in the Principality of Wales which hard condition he was obliged to accept and joining with Dermot one of the five Kings of Ireland who at that time came over to crave aid from King Henry II. was instrumental in conquering that Kingdom and annexing it to the Crown of England In 1199. King Richard I. resolving to make a Voyage for the recovery of the Holy Land or Jerusalem he resolved to leave all quiet at home and Rice ap Griffith Prince of South-Wales being then in amity came as far as Oxford to wait upon him but because the King who was there went not out of the City in Person to meet him as his Father Henry had done though Earl John the King's Brother had conducted him from the Marshes with all the marks of honour and esteem this haughty Welsh Prince took it in such great scorn and indignation that he presently returned back into his Countrey without once seeing or saluting King Richard who by this disrespect lost Rice's love and favour As upon the like omission and superorlousness the stately Monk Austin formerly lost the affections of the Monks of Bangor Rice's own Countrymen in another part of Wales In 1211. Leolin ap Jorwith Prince of Wales though he had a while before made his submission to King John plundred several English Towns in the Marshes which caused the King to raise a great Army to reduce him to obedience whereupon Leoline ordered all his People to convey their Cattel and Goods of Value to the almost inaccessible places upon Snowdon Hills however the English pursued them with so much speed vigor and revenge for their continual losses that their Prince and Chief Lords were compelled to accept of what terms the King would allow them whereby they were obliged both by Oath Homage and Hostages and likewise by granting all their Lands to the King to be held of him forever to buy their peace and save themselves from being utterly extirpated out of their Country In 1230. King Henry III. having given the Castle of Montgomery to his great Favorite Aubert de Burgh the English Garrison issued out with intent to root up all the Trees near a Wood about five Mile long where Travellers used to ●erobbed and murdered which the Welsh would by no means permit falling upon the Souldiers and driving them into the Castle Upon which the King Marches thither and not only suppresseth these Mutineers but sets the whole Forrest in a Flame From hence he pierceth farther into Wales and burns a place called Cridia and then begins to raise a new Fort for bridling the Natives which whilst he was doing David Prince of Wales marched toward him with his Forces being encouraged by many great men in King Henry's Army who were confederates with him and a great Battel was fought where many were slain on both sides and afterward by the treachery of these English Barons Provisions grew so very scare that the King was compelled to yield to a dishonourable Peace namely To raze to the ground the new Fort now almost finisht That William Bruce a valiant Commander
Grandfather Griffith whom he intimated was murdered in the Tower of London and not kill'd by accident yet he sent a message to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York That if the King pleased to appoint Commissioners to receive his Oath and Homage he was very ready to give it or if he would name some indifferent place and give Prince Edward the Earl of Glocester and the Lord Chancellor as Hostages for his safe return he would wait upon him in Person The King dissembled his anger at these arrogant demands but a while after coming to the Castle of Chester on the Border of Wales he again sent for him and Leoline again denied to come At which the King resolved for preventing all future disturbances on that side to make an absolute Conquest of the Countrey And on the contrary the Welsh having always a custom at every change of Princes in England to try conclusions expecting one time or other to change their Yoke of Bondage into Liberty were in great hopes of doing it at this time having now a valiant Prince to command them But an accident happened which somewhat took off their edge for the Lady Eleanor Daughter of Simon Earl of Montfort whom Prince Leoline extreamly loved Sailing out of France into Wales was by the way taken by some English Ships and brought to King Edward and for the Love of her Prince Leoline was willing to submit to any conditions so that besides his Promise of submission to the Government he agreed to pay down Fifty thousand pounds Sterling and a thousand pound a year during life Upon these Terms he Married his beloved Lady and the Wedding was solemniz'd in England the King and Queen being present thereat Three years Leoline continued faithful and obedient in which time David one of his Brothers staying in England and being found by the King to be of a stirring Spirit was much honoured by him Knighted and Match to a Rich Widow Daughter of the Earl of Derby to which the King added the gift of the Castle of Denbigh with a thousand pound a year though it was at length discovered that he lived here only as a Spy For Prince Leoline's Lady dying soon after and he contrary to his engagements taking up Arms his Brother David notwithstanding these favours from the King went and joined with him and they together enter into England seizing the Castles of Flint and Ruthland with the Person of the Lord Chief Justice Clifford who was sent thither as a Judge and in a great Battel the Welsh overthrew the Earls of Northumberland and Surrey with the Slaughter of many English King Edward was at the Vizes in Wiltshire when news coming of this revolt and overthrow he raises an Army to revenge it In his way he goes to visit his Mother Queen Eleanor who lay at the Nunnery of Almesbury with whom while he was discoursing a Person was brought into the Chamber who pretended that being formerly blind he had received his Sight at the Tomb of King Henry III. When the King saw him he knew him and that he was a most notorious lying Villain and intreated his Mother not to give the least credit to him but the Queen who was glad to hear of this Miracle for the glory of her Husband finding her Son unwilling that his Father should be a Saint fell suddenly into such a rage that she commanded him out of her sight which the King obeys and going forth meets with a Clergyman to whom he tells the story of this Impostor adding merrily That he knew the Justice of his Father to be such that he would rather pluck out the Eyes being whole of such a wicked wretch than restore him to his sight In the mean time the Archbishop of Canterbury went of himself to Prince Leoline and his Brother David endeavouring to persuade them to submission but in vain for Leoline was so animated with an old British Prophecy of Merlin's That he should shortly be Crowned with the Diadem of Brute that he had no Ear for Peace and shortly after no head for the Earl of Pembroke first took Bere Castle which was his usual residence from him he then gave him Battel and his Party being defeated his Head was cut off by a Common Souldier and sent to King Edward who caused it to be Crowned with Ivy thereby in some part unluckily fulfilling his Welsh Prediction And this was the end of Leoline the last of the Welsh Princes betrayed as some write by the men of Buelth Soon after his Brother David flying into Wales and being destitute of help or relief he was at length taken with two of his Sons and seven Daughters as some Authors write all which were brought before the King David was committed to Chester Castle and afterward in a Parliament at Shrewsbury was convicted of Treason and sentenced to an ignominious death namely to be first drawn at a Horse Tail about the City of Shrewsbury then to be beheaded and quartered his Heart and Bowels burnt His Head to accompany his Brothers was put upon the Tower of London and his four Quarters were set up in four Cities Bristol Northampton York and Winchester A manifold Execution and the first shewed in this kind in this Kingdom in the Person of the Son of a Prince or any other Nobleman that we read of in our History Some have observed that upon King Edward's thus totally subjecting Wales he lost his Eldest Son Alphonsus a Prince of great hopes about twelve years of Age and had only left to succeed him his Son Edward lately born at Carnarvan and the first of the English Royal Families that was Intituled Prince of Wales but no Prince worthy either of Wales or England After this the rest of the Welshmen as well Nobles as others submitted themselves to King Edward and all the Countrey and Castles therein were surrendred to him who then annexed that Country to the Crown of England and built two strong Castles at Aberconway and Carnarvan to secure their obedience He also gave several Lands and Castels to Englishmen as the Lordship of Denhigh to Henry Lacy Earl of Lincoln Of Ruthen to Reginald Lord Grey and divided Wales into Counties and Hundreds establishing the Government thereof agreeable to the Laws of England This happened in the twelfth year of his Reign 1284. Remarks upon the Lives of the Princes of Wales of the Royal Families of England PART II. THough King Edward I. had subjected the Principality of Wales and afterward annexed it to the Crown of England yet he could never induce that People freely to own him as their King but upon condition that he would come and reside among them or at least appoint them a Prince of their own Nation to Govern them for the Welchmen having experienced the rigorous and severe Treatment of the English Governours and being sensible that the King would rule them by an English Deputy they could not with patience bear the thoughts of it so that
Invading England his Army is routed and himself taken Prisoner King Edward III. was of Stature indifferent tall with sparkling Eyes and of a comely and manly countenance no man was more mild when there was submission nor none more fierce if opposed He had a command over his Passions as well as People being never so loving as to be fond nor so angry as to be irreconcileable But this must be understood of him when he was a man for in his old age he became a Child again and was Master of neither He was Fortunate and Valiant both which were heightened in the estimation of the World as reigning between two unfortunate Princes his Father to whom he was Successor and his Grandson Richard II. to whom he was Predecessor His disposition was so martial that his very Recreations were Warllke for he delighted in none more than in Justs and Turnaments and among the rest in the fourth year of his Reign a solemn Turnament was held in Cheapside between the great Cross and the great Conduit which lasted three days where his Queen Philippa with many Ladies fell from a Stage erected for them to behold the Justing and though they were not hurt at all yet the King threatned to punish the Carpenters for their negligence till the Queen intreated pardon for them upon her Knees as she was always ready to do all good Offices of mercy to all People To discover his Devotion one example may be sufficient for when neither Cardinals nor Counsellors could move him to make Peace with France a Tempest from Heaven did it To which may be added That he never won a great Battel but he presently gave the Glory of it to God by publick Thanksgiving He outlived the best Wife and the best Son that ever King had and to say the truth he out-lived the best of himself leaving all Action and bidding adieu to the World Ten Years before he went out of it declining so fast from the Fortieth year of his Government that it may rather be said his Son the Prince Reigned than he and happy 't was for him that when his own Understanding failed him he had so good a supporter And the grief for the loss of him besides the Fatigues of War was thought to hasten his Death together with the trouble for the loss of the benefit of his Conquests in France of all which he had at last little left but the Town of Callice Being oppressed thus in Body and Mind he was drawing his last breath when his Concubine Alice Pierce who was so confident sometime before as to sit in Courts of Justice and overawe the Judges packing away what she could catch even to the Rings of his Fingers left him and by her example others of his Attendants seize on what they could meet with and march away yea all his Counsellors and Courtiers forsook him when he had most occasion for them leaving his Bed-Chamber quite empty Which a poor Priest in his Palace observing approached to his Bed-side and finding him yet Breathing called upon him to remember his Saviour and to beg Mercy for his Offences which none about him before would do But now moved by the Voice of this Priest he shews all signs of Contrition and at his last Breath he pronounceth the Name of Jesus Thus died this Victorious King at his Manour of Sheen now Richmond June 21. 1377. in the 64 year of his Age having reigned above 50 years His Body was conveyed from Sheene by his four Sons having had seven in all and five Daughters and the Nobility and solemnly interred in Westminster Abbey where his Monument is to be seen and likewise his Sword which it is said he used in Battel being eight pound in weight and seven foot in length III. The Third Prince of Wales of the Blood Royal of England was Edward commonly called the Black Prince but why so named is uncertain for to think it was because of his dreadful actions as Speed saith has little probability neither do the Historians of that Age ever give him that name nor mention that he was so called He was eldest Son to King Edward III. by the fair Philippa Daughter to William Earl of Henault and Holland and born at Woodstock July 15. 1329. in the third year of his Father's Reign He was afterwards created Prince of Wales Duke of Aquitain and Cornwall and Earl of Chester He was likewise Earl of Kent in the right of his Wife Joan Daughter of the Earl of that Name and Brother by the Father's side to King Edward II. the most admired beauty of that Age. King Edward was very careful of his Education providing him the most able Tutors to educate him both in Arts and Arms. When he was but fifteen years old his Father passing over into France with a gallant Army took his Son along with him making him a Souldier before he was a Man being willing to try his Metal and loth to omit any thing that might give reputation to that Battel wherein two Kingdoms were laid at Stake In 1345. King Edward with a Fleet of about a Thousand Sail landed an Army of Two Thousand Five Hundred Horse and Thirty Thousand Foot most of them Archers in Normandy making devastation of all before him even to the very Walls of Paris In the mean time Philip the French King was not idle having raised as brave an Army as France had ever seen consisting in near an Hundred and Twenty Thousand Fighting Men K. Edward's Army being loaden with the rich Spoils of the ruined Countrey he was unwilling to retreat neither indeed was he able being got into the Heart of the Enemies Countrey between the two fine Rivers of Scin and Soan so that he began to inquire how he might find a passage out of these straits which the French having notice of looked upon as an intended flight and King Edward was willing they should nourish that opinton The River Soan between Abbeville and the Sea was fordable when the Tyde was out of which the French were aware and therefore guarded the passage with a Thousand Horse and Six Thousand Foot commanded by Gundamar de Foy a Valiant Norman Lord. King Edward coming to this place plunges into the River crying out He that loves me will follow me as resolving either to pass or dye This so animated his Souldiers that the Passage was won and Du Foy defeated by the undaunted courage of the English almost before he was fought with carrying back to King Philip. Two Thousand less than he brought beside the terror of the English Arms the Souldiers resolving to live and dye with such a gallant Soveraign King Edward was now near Crescy in the Province of Pontheiu between the Rivers Soam and Anthy a place unquestionably belonging to him in right of his Mother where he provided all necessaries for a Battel King Philip inraged at the late defeat and by his numerous Forces growing confident of success marches furiously to fall upon
Edward rejoyced in the excellent Vertues and Actions of his Son and People Charles the French King warned by so many calamities as his Dominions had sustained by the English War and earnestly coveting to recover the Honour of his Nation betook himself to secret practices Never adventuring his own Person in the Field but executing all by his Deputies and Lieutenants especially by the valour and service of Bertram de Glequin Constable of France who from a low estate was raised to this height for his prudent and magnanimous Conduct in War And our truly Noble King without suspicion of craft reposing himself upon the Rules of Vertue and Magnanimity did not reap the stable effects of so great and important victories nor of the Peace so Ceremoniously made that in the World's opinion it could not be broken without the manifest violation upon one side of all Bonds both divine and humane The Prince of Wales by Letters advised his Father not to trust to any fair words or overtures of further Amity made by the French because as he said they entertained Practices underhand in every place against him But his counsel was not hearkned to because he was judged to write out of a restless humour delighting in War though the event shewed that his words were true For now King Charles having by quick payments and other means got home all the Hostages which had been delivered for performance of the Articles of Peace set all his wits on work to abuse the King of England's credulity He courted him with loving Letters and Presents and in the mean time surprized the County of Ponthieu our King 's undeniable inheritance before King Edward heard thereof Who hereupon calls a Parliament declares the breach craves aid and hath it granted And then again claims the Crown of France and sent over his Son John Duke of Lancaster and Humfrey de Bohun Earl of Hereford with a great Army to Calice to invade France Among the States and Towns made over to the English at the Treaty of Bretigni which had revolted to the French was the City of Limosin Thither did the Prince march and sat down with his Army before it And not long after came unto him out of England his two Brethren the Duke of Lancaster and the Earl of Cambridge with a fresh supply of Valiant Captains and Souldiers The City held out to the utmost and was at last taken by storm where no mercy was shewed by the inraged Soldiers but Sword and Fire laid all desolate After this Service the Prince's health failing him more and more he left his Brethren in Aquitain to prosecute the Wars and himself taking Ship came over to his Father in England his eldest Son Edward being dead a little before at Bourdeaux and brought over with him his Wife and his other Son Richard The Prince having left France his Dominions were either taken or fell away faster than they were gotten Gueschlin entred Poictou took Montmorillon Chauvigny Lussack and Moncontour Soon after followed the Country of Aulnis of Xantoyn and the rest of Poictou Then St. Maxent Neel Aulnay Benaon Marant Surgers Fontency and at last they came to Thouras where the most part of the Lords of Poictou that held with the Prince were assembled At this time the King Prince Edward the Duke of Lancaster and all the Great Lords of England set forward for their relief But being driven back by a Tempest and succour not coming Thouras was yielded upon composition In fine all Poictou was lost and then Aquitain all but only Burdeaux and Bayon And not long after Prince Edward died and with him the Fortune of England He was a Prince so full of Virtues as were scarce to be matcht by others He died at Canterbury upon Trinity Sunday June 8. in the forty sixth year of his Age and the forty ninth of his Father's Reign and was buried in Christ's-Church there 1376. Among all the Gallant men of that Age this our Prince was so worthily the first He had a sumptuous Monument erected for him upon which this Epitaph was engraven in Brass in French thus Englished Here lyeth the Noble Prince Monsieur Edward the Eldest Son of the thrice Noble King Edward the third in former time Prince of Aquitain and of Wales Duke of Cornwal and Earl of Chester who died on the Feast of the Trinity which was the eighth of June in the year of Grace 1376. To the Soul of whom God grant mercy Amen After which were added these verses in French thus Translated according to the homely Poetry of those times Who so thou art that passest by Where these Corps entombed lye Understand what I shall say As at this time speak I may Such as thou art sometime was I Such as I am such shalt thou be I little thought on the hour of Death So long as I enjoyed Breath Great Riches here I did possess Whereof I made great Nobleness I had Gold Silver Wardrobes and Great Treasures Horses Houses Land But now a Caitiff Poor am I Deep in the Ground lo here Ilye My beauty great is all quite gone My Flesh is wasted to the Bone My House is narrow now and throng Nothing but Truth comes from my Tongue And if you should see me this Day I do not think but ye would say That I had never been a Man So much altered now I am For God's sake pray to th' Heavenly King That he my Soul to Heaven would bring All they that Pray and make Accord For me unto my God and Lord God place them in his Paradise Wherein no wretched Caitiff lies The Death of this Prince saith an ingenious Historian was a heavy loss to the State being a Prince of whom we never heard ill never received any other note but of goodness and the Noblest performance that Magnanimity and Wisdom could ever shew insomuch as what Praise could be given to Virtue is due to him I shall only add this short Remark That the Captivity of two Kings at the same time namely John King of France and David Bruce King of Scotland demonstrated at once the Glory and Power of King Edward and his magnanimous Son The French King continued Prisoner in England five years enough to have determined the fortune of that great Kingdom and dissolved their Cantoned Government into Parts had it not been a body consisting of so many strong Limbs and so abounding with Spirits that it never fainted notwithstanding all its loss of blood but scorned to yield though King Edward came very near the Heart having wounded them in their most mortal part the Head At length he recovered his liberty by paying three millions of Crowns of Gold whereof six hundred thousand were laid down presently four hundred thousand more the year after and the remainder the next two years following The Scots King could not gain his Freedom in twice the time being the less able to redeem himself for that he was upon the matter half a King the
other half being in the possession of Edward Baliol but at length he was ransomed for ten thousand Marks and restored to his Kingdom IV. The forth Prince of Wales of the English Royal Line was Richard of Bourdeaux so called from the place of his Birth The Black Prince his renowned Father whose Wisdom doubtless was no way short of his Courage knowing how apt they who stand near the Throne are to step into it was so intent to prevent any disorder of that kind that might be feared from the well known ambition of his aspiring Brothers the Eldest of whom Henry Duke of Lancaster afterward King Henry IV. having the Title of King of Castile in the Right of his Wife but without any Kingdom might reasonably be suspected to affect one so much the more his own Right and to take advantage of his Nephew Richard's weakness He therefore made it his dying request to his declining Father to inaugurate his Son whilst he was yet alive that by being committed to the Parliaments care he might have publick security against all private supplantations and without further dispute enjoy all those Prerogatives which either his own Right or his Father's Merit intituled him to Whereupon he was set upon the Throne at Eleven years of Age and in the life time of his Grandfather Edward III. began to Reign by the name of Richard II. with this happiness that at the same time he took upon him to Govern them the Parliament entred into Consultation about the Persons fittest to Govern him And because the safety of the King as well as of the Kingdom consisted in the multitude of Counsellors they designed to add to his Uncle the Duke of Lancaster who was ambitious of being Protector the two other Brothers Edmund Earl of Cambridge and Thomas of Woodstock Duke of Glocester with whom they conjoined several Spiritual and Temporal Lords of known Wisdom and Integrity This so offended the Duke as seeming a reflection on his Ambition not to be trusted solely that he refused the charge and retiring into the Country so play'd the King at his own House that a poor well meaning Fryar thought himself obliged in point of Allegiance to accuse him of an Intention to Usurp the Crown and consequently to destroy the King Neither wanted he matter enough 't is thought to make out that charge but his Innocence being overmatcht by Power and having none to second his accusation the Crime w●● cast upon the Accuser who being friendless wa● 〈◊〉 into Prison and inhumanely murdered by his Keepers who tying one end of a Cord about his Neck and the other to his Privy Members hung him up on a Pin and with the weight of a Stone laid upon his Belly burst his back and so all further proof deceased with him This being known among the People and no punishment inflicted upon the Murtherers derogated very much from the young King's Justice and Honour among his Subjects who not being able to distinguish betwixt the want of Skill and want of Power to punish began thenceforth to Worship the Duke of Lancaster as the Indians do the Devil for fear And as the King's Father Prince Edward never recovered the health which he lost in the last expedition into Spain so his Son never recovered this and other disadvantages put upon him by his ambitious Uncle and particularly that the very first day he took his Grandfather's Seat in Parliament as Heir Apparent to the Crown he taught him to demand a Subsidy purposely to alienate the Peoples Affections from him who were before sufficiently disgusted with the heavy Taxes they had already paid And likewise his ommitting no occasion of propagating Tumults and Factions whereby he at length deprived his Nephew first of his Crown and then of his Life Richard II. was the comeliest Person of all the Kings since the Conquest being Tall well Limb'd and Strong and of so amiable a Countenance that he might well be the Son of such a beautiful Mother As to his Temper of Mind it proceeded more from his Education than his natural Humour for he seemed to have many good Inclinations which might have grown into Habits had they not been perverted by corrupted Flatterers in his Youth He was of a credulous disposition apt to believe and therefore easie to be abused and it was his great weakness that he could not distinguish between a Parasite and and a Friend He seemed to partake both of a French and English Nature being violent at the first apprehension of a thing and calm upon deliberation He never shewed himself so worthy of the Government as when he was Deposed as unworthy to Govern For it appeared that the Royal Dignity was not so pleasing to him as a quiet retired Life which if he might have enjoyed he would never have complained that Fortune had done him wrong He lived thirty three years and reigned twenty and two months and was Murdered at Pomfreh Castle in the place of his Birth V. Henry of Monmouth the Son and Successor of King Henry IV. was the Fifth Prince of Wales of the Royal Blood of England He was bred a Student in Queens College in Oxford and from thence being called to Court the Lord Piercy Earl of Worcester was made his Governour But coming afterward to be at his own disposing whether being by nature valorous and yet not well staid by time and experience or whether incited by ill Companions and imboldened by the opinion of his own Greatness he ran into many Courses so unworthy of a Prince that it was much doubted what he might prove if he should come to be King For it is recorded that he with some other young Lords and Gentlemen lay in wait in disguise for the Receivers of his Father's Revenue whom they robbed of their Money to maintain their riotous Living though sometimes they missed their Prize and were soundly beaten in prosecuting such attempts and when upon his return to Court he had heard the Receivers complain of their great losses he would give them Money to make them part of amends but rewarded those best that had made the stoutest defence and from whom he had received the most blows It happened that one of his Companions was arraigned at the King's Bench Bar in Westminster Hall for Felony of which the Prince being informed he by the advice of the rest came in a great rage to the Bar and attempted to take away the Prisoner by force commanding that his Fetters should be taken off and he set at Liberty All present were much amazed but Sir William Gascoign then Lord Chief Justice mildly desired him to forbear and suffer the Felon to be Tryed by the Laws of the Land and that he might afterward get his Pardon of his Father if there were occasion The Prince grew more inflamed at these words and endeavoured to take him away himself But the Judge charging him upon his Allegiance to withdraw out of the Court the Prince furiously stept up
to him and struck him over the Face Whereat the Judge not at all disturbed rose up and told him That the affront he had offered was not done to him but to the King his Father whom he did there represent And therefore I charge you saith he to desist from proceeding any further in your Lawless designs and I commit you to the King's Bench there to remain during your Father's pleasure for the abuse you have committed and the ill example you have given to those that may hereafter be your own Subjects It was wonderful to see how calm the Prince was in his own cause who had been so violent in that of his Companion for laying aside his Dagger which he had in his hand and with which the People feared he would have killed the Judg he quietly submitted to his Order and went to the King's Bench. At which his Attendants being in a great fury ran instantly with mighty complaints to the King giving him an account of the whole matter King Henry appeared at first a little surprized but recollecting himself he seemed ravished with joy and holding up his hands to Heaven cry'd out O merciful God how much am I bound to thy Infinite goodness that thou hast given me a Judge who is of such Courage as not to be afraid to administer Justice and a Son of such humility that he will submit thereunto However for these and some other Pranks he removed him from being President of the Council and put his younger Brother Lord John in his place This made the Prince so sensible of his Father's anger which some of his Enemies endeavoured to heighten that he thought it necessary to use all means to recover his good opinion which he endeavoured to do by a way as strange as that by which he lost it Of which I shall give an account in the words of the Larl of Ormond who was an Eye and Ear witness of the same During the sickness of the King faith he some ill disposed people endeavoured to raise dissention between him and his Son reproaching the Prince both with the Frolicks of his Youth and for the great concourse of People that continually attended his Court far exceeding those of his Father whereby they insinuated that he designed to usurp the Crown during his Life which raised much jealousie in the King's Mind and greatly alienated his affections from him The Prince had notice thereof by some of his Friends in Court Whereupon he attired himself in a Garment of blew Sattin wrought all with Oylet holes of black Silk at every hole a Needle hanging by which it was sowed and about his Arm he wore a Hound's Collar studded with S S. of Gold Thus strangely apparrell'd with a large Retinue of Young Noblemen he came to his Father at Westminster and his Attendants staying in the Hall by his Order to prevent suspicion he himself with the King's Officers went to wait upon his Father Being admitted into the Presence after due obeysance the Prince desired that he might have Audience of his Majesty in the Privy Chamber Upon which the King caused himself to be carried thither in a Chair where in the Presence of only three or four of his Privy-Council he demanded of the Prince the Cause of his unwonted Habit and Coming The Prince kneeling replied Most honoured Lord and Father I am come to throw my self at your Majestie 's Feet as your most Loyal Subject and Obedient Son to whom nothing is more afflicting than that your Majesty should entertain the least jealousie of my designing any thing against your Royal Dignity or to imagine me so horridly undutiful and ingrateful to a Father who hath always shewed such tender love and affection to me as your Highness hath always done so that I should deserve a thousand deaths if I durst imagine the least harm or damage against your Sacred Person And if it be my bounden duty to hazard my life in your defence against any even the greatest Traytor whatsoever then much more ought I to Sacrifice my self to free your Grace from the fear of any peril or danger from me and upon that account I have this day by confessing my Sins and receiving the Sacrament prepared my self for another World Therefore most Honoured Father I beseech you for God's sake to put an end to my life now lying at your Feet with this Dagger delivering his Dagger to the K. for I had rather be out of the World than continue a day longer in it to give any disturbance to your mind And dear Father in the doing hereof I freely forgive you as I shall do the same before God at the Day of Judgment The King was so moved at these words tha● throwing the Dagger away he fell upon his Neck and imbracing him said My dear and truly be loved Son I must confess I had entertained some suspicions but I now find they were altogether causless on your part and since I am now sensible of your fidelity and obedience I do assure you upon my honour I will never hereafter harbour any ill opinion of you whatsoever may be suggested against you And hereupon he was fully restored to the King 's former Grace and Favour The King's weakness of Body increasing daily he oft-times took occasion to give some useful instructions to his Son for the future Governing of his Kingdom to this effect Dear Son I am much concerned for fear that after my decease some difference may arise betwixt you and your Brother Thomas Duke of Clarence whereby great mischiefs may happen to the Kingdom you being both of great Spirits and he of an Usurping Temper which I am sure you will never endure And as often as I think of it I heartily repent me that ever I charged my self with the troubles of a Crown The Prince replied Gracious Soveraign and Father I pray God continue long your Life and Reign to Govern us both but if it please the Almighty that I shall succeed you in the Kingdom I shall honour and love my Brethren above all others so long as they be true and faithful to me their Soveraign Lord. But if any of them shall conspire or rebel against me I do assure you I shall as soon execute justice on them as upon the meanest and most inconsiderable Person in the Nation The King was extreamly pleased with this answer and then proceeded My well beloved Son Thou hast much eased my troubled Mind and I charge thee to do as thou hast said To administer Justice impartially but to be always ready and speedy in relieving the Oppressed And let not Flatterers whose hands are full of Bribes withdraw thy Mind therefrom Delay not to do Justice to day if thou be able lest God should execute Justice upon thee and deprive thee of thine authority Remember that the happiness of thy Soul thy Body and thy Kingdom depends thereupon Yet in some Cases let Justice be tempered with Mercy lest thou be accounted
a Tyrant but be sure that thou take great care to redress the Grievances of thy Subjects and severely punish those that wrong them Hereby shalt thou gain the Englishmen's Hearts and reign prosperously for so long as they freely enjoy their Liberties and Estates thou may'st be sure of their Loyalty and Obedience but if thou strive to slave or impoverish them they will certainly rebel against thee for such is their nature that they will rather chuse to dye Freemen than to live Slaves and Beggars Therefore if thou Govern thein with a mixture of love and fear thou wilt be King over the most Pleasant and Fruitful Countrey and the most Loving Faithful and Valiant People in the World whereby thou wilt be a terror to all thine Enemies My Son when it shall please God to take me out of the World which is the Common Lot of all men I must leave my Crown and Kingdom to thee and I would earnestly advise thee that of all things thou wilt avoid Pride neither be thou bewitcht with worldly honour so as to be exalted in thine own imagination but always remember that the higher thy Dignity is so much greater is the burden that lyes upon thee for the security of thy Kingdom and of every particular Subject therein as being like the Head and Heart in the Body from whence all the Members receive Life and Nourishment Whereby thy People finding they receive so many benefits from thee will be always ready to assist and defend thee for their own preservation as the Members do the Head and Heart But above all things be careful to serve God sincerely and ascribe to him the Glory of all thy Successes against thine Enemies as coming from his goodness and not any merit of thine These and many other good Instructions the King gave to his Son And soon after being at his Prayers at St. Edward's Shrine in Westminster-Abbey he was suddenly taken with an Apoplexy and thereupon removed to the Abbot of Westminster's House where recovering himself and finding he was in a strange place he asked where he was and being told in the Abbot's House in a Chamber called Jerusalem where an Astrologer had formerly told him he should dye He said Nay then I am sure I shall dye though he before thought it would have been in Palestine and was therefore preparing to make a Voyage thither And here he died indeed March 20. 1413. It is observable that during his sickness he always required to have his Crown set upon his Bolster by him and one of his Fits being so strong upon him that all thought him absolutely dead the Prince coming in took away the Crown when suddenly the King recovering his senses and missing it was told the Prince had taken it who being called came back with the Crown and kneeling down said Sir to all our Judgments and to all our griefs you seemed directly dead and therefore I took the Crown as my Right but seeing to all our comforts you live I here deliver it more joyfully than I took it and pray God you may long live to wear it your self Well said the King sighing what Right I had to it God knows But says the Prince If you dye King my Sword shall maintain it to be my Right against all Opposers Well replied the King I leave all to God and then turning about said God bless thee and have mercy upon me And with these words he gave up the Ghost After his Father's Death the Prince was Proclaimed King by the name of Henry V. and proved a better Man of a King than a Subject for till then he was not in his right Orb and therefore no marvel he was exorbitant Those that have taken the height of him parallell'd him with Alexander for Magnanimity and Caesar for his being Invincible and Affectation of Glory but he had something of Caesar that Alexander the Great had not That he would not be Drunk nor Intemperate and something of Alexander that Caesar had not That he would not be flattered and both were short of him in this that Conquering others they could not Conquer themselves but even when they were Lords of the World became Slaves to their own Passions He advanced the former Title of the Right of the Kings of England to the Kingdom of France and sent Ambassadors to King Charles VI. to demand a peaceable surrender of that Crown to him offering to accept his fair Daughter Katherine with the Kingdom and to expect no other Pledge for his Possession till after Charles's Death But the French King being sick his Son the Dauphin who managed the Government instead of another answer scornfully sent the King a Present of Tennis Balls as an intimation that his Youth was better acquainted with the use of them than of Bullets The King whose Wit was as Keen as his Sword returned him this answer That in requital of his fine Present of Tennis Balls it should not be long e're he would toss such Iron Balls amongst them that the best Arm in France should not be able to hold a Racket against them Neither was he worse than his word though his Army seemed very disproportionate for so great a work being only as some Write nine thousand Horse and Foot with which small number he met with the French Army at a place called Agencourt where though the Enemy were above five to one he fought them with such resolution that he took more Prisoners than his own Forces consisted of and kill'd ten thousand of them the Dauphin himself dying soon after of grief with the loss only of six hundred English nay one Author says of not above twenty six in all which made the Victory almost miraculous And which the Religious young King was so sensible of that he caused the Clergy in his Army to sing that Psalm of David When Israel went out of Egypt c and the Souldiers in their Arms responded at every Verse Not unto us O Lord not unto us but unto thy Name be all the Glory And upon his return to England with his Prisoners he commanded that no Ballad or Song should be sung but those of Thank sgiving to God for his happy Victory and Safe return without any reflections upon the French or extolling the English Valour Soon after he returned back to France where many great Cities and Towns were Surrendred to him and the French being unable to make any resistance at length a Treaty of Peace is concluded and he married his beloved Lady Katherine Daughter to the French King Charles being Proclaimed Regent of France during that King's Life and Heir Apparent to that Crown after King Charles his Death He was tall of Stature lean of Body and his Bones small but strongly made somewhat long Neckt black Hair'd and of a very comely Countenance So swift in running that he with two of his Lords would run down a Wild Buck or Doe in a Park He delighted in Songs and Musical Instruments
eight and lived fifty nine years and was murthered in the Tower of London in 1472. VII Edward the only Son of King Henry VI. by Queen Margaret Daughter to the King of Sicily was the seventh Prince of Wales of the Royal Blood of England He Married Anne the Daughter of Richard Nevil called the Great Earl of Warwick After his Father's Army was defeated by King Edward IV. at Tauton Field in Yorkshire he with his Mother were sent into France to pray aid from that King This Battel was the bloodiest that ever England saw King Henry's Army consisting in threescore thousand and King Edward's in about forty thousand men of which there fell that day thirty seven thousand seven hundred seventy six Persons no Prisoners being taken but the Earl of Devonshire Afterward the Queen returns from France with some Forces but before her coming King Edward had defeated the Earl of Warwick who with some other Lords had raised a Party for her assistance at Barnet wherein near ten thousand were slain So that when it was too late she landed at Weymouth and from thence went to Bewly Abbey in Hampshire where the Duke of Somerset the Earl of Devonshire and divers other Lords came to her resolving once more to try their Fortune in the Field The Queen was very desirous that her Son Edward Prince of Wales should have returned to France there to have been secure till the success of the next Battel had been tried but the Lords especially the Duke of Somerset would not consent to it so that she was obliged to comply with them though she quickly repented it From Bewly she with the Prince and the Duke of Somerset goes to Bristol designing to mise what men they could in Glocestershire and to march into Wales and join Jasper Earl of Pembroke who was there assembling more Forces K. Edward having intelligence of their Proceedings resolves to prevent their conjunction and follows Queen Margaret so diligently with a great Army that near Tewksbury in Glocestershire he overtakes her Forces who resolutely turn to ingage him The Duke of Somerset led the Van and performed the part of a Valiant Commander but finding his Soldiers through weariness begin to faint and that the Lord Wenlock who commanded the main Battel moved not he rode up to him and upbraiding his treachery with his Pole-ax instantly knockt out his Brains but before he could bring this Party to relieve the Van they were wholly defeated the Earl of Devonshire with above three thousand of the Queens Men being slain the Queen her self John Beufort the Duke of Somerset's Brother the Prior of St. John's Sir Jervas Clifton and divers others were taken Prisoners All whom except the Queen were the next day Beheaded At which time Sir Rich. Crofts presented to King Edward King Henry's Son Edward Prince of Wales To whom King Edward at first seemed indifferent kind but demanding of him how he durst so presumptuously enter into his Realm with Arms The Prince replied though truly yet unseasonably To recover my Father's Kingdom and my Inheritance Thereupon King Edward with his hand thrust him from him or as some say struck him on the Face with his Gauntlet and then presently George Duke of Clarence Thomas Grey Marquess Dorset and the Lord Hastings standing by fell upon him in the place and murthered him Others write that Crook-back'd Richard ran him into the Heart with his Dagger His Body was Buried with other ordinary Corps that were slain in the Church of the Monastery of the Black Friars in Tewksberry VIII Edward eldest Son of King Edward IV. was the eighth Prince of Wales of the English Royal Blood Of whose short Reign and miserable Death there is an account in a Book called England's Monarchs IX Richard only Son of King Richard III. was the ninth Prince of Wales His Mother was Ann the second Daughter of Richard Nevil the Great Earl of Warwick and Widow of Prince Edward Son of King Henry VI. aforementioned who was Married to King Richard though she could not but be sensible that he had been the Author both of her Husband's and Father's Death but womens Affections are Diametrically opposite to common apprehensions and generally governed by Passion and Inconstancy This Prince was born of her at Midleham near Richmond in the County of York At four years old he was created Earl of Salisbury by his Uncle King Edward IV. At ten years old he was created Prince of Wales by his Father King Richard III. but died soon after X. Arthur eldest Son to King Henry VII was the tenth Prince of Wales of the Royal English Families He was born at Winchester in the second year of his Father's Reign When he was about fifteen years old his Father proposed a Marriage for him with the Princess Katherine Daughter to Ferdinando King of Spain which being concluded the Lady was sent by her Father with a gallant Fleet of Ships to England and arrived at Plymouth Soon after the Princess was openly espoused to Prince Arthur they were both clad in white he being fifteen and she eighteen years of age At night they were put together in one Bed where they lay as Man and Wife all that Night When morning appeared the Prince as his Servants about him reported called for Drink which was not usual with him Whereof one of his Bed-Chamber asking him the cause he merrily replied I have been this Night in the midst of Spain which is a hot Country and that makes me so dry Though some write that a grave Matron was laid in Bed between them to hinder actual Consummation The Ladie 's Dowry was two hundred thousand Duckets and her Jointure the third part of the Principality of Wales Cornwal and Chester At this Marriage was great Solemnity and Roval Justings Prince Arthur after his Marriage was sent into Wales to keep his Country in good Order having several prudent and able Counsellors to advise with but within five Months after he died at his Castle at Ludlow and with great solemnity was Buried in the Cathedral of Worcester He was a very ingenious and learned Prince for though he lived not to be sixteen years old yet he was said to have read over all or most of the Latin Fathers besides many others Some attribute the shortness of his Life to his Nativity being born in the eighth month after Conception XI Henry the second Son to King Henry VII was the eleventh Prince of Wales of the Royal English Line He was born at Greenwich in Kent After the Death of his eldest Brother Prince Arthur the Title of Prince of Wales was by his Father's Order not given to him but his own only of Duke of York till the Women could certainly discover whether the Lady Katherine were with Child or not But after six months when nothing appeared he had his Title bestowed upon him and King Henry being loth to part with her great Portion prevailed with his Son Henry though not without some
As to his birth Humfry Lloyd a Welsh Writer affirms that his Mother before Marriage was a Noble Virgin and that his Father for his great knowledge in the Mathematicks and other abstruse Learning was in those ignorant times reputed by the Common People to be a Conjurer and his Son Merlin to be begotten by an Evil Spirit or Male Devil who in the likeness of Men are said to have the Carnal use of Women Many wonderful things are attributed to Merlin as that by his assistance Aurelius Ambrosius erected that stupendous Monument near Salisbury called Stonehenge those vast Stones being brought by Magick Art from Africk into Ireland and from thence to this Plain through the Air. That Vter Pendragon the Brother and Successor of Ambrosius falling in love with the Duke of Cornwall's Wife Merlin by his Necromantick skill made Vter appear to her in the exact form and shape of her Husband Duke Gorlois by which means he enjoyed this fair Lady on whom he begot the renowned King Arthur At the birth of this Vter it is reported a Comet appeared somewhat like the Head of a Dragon whereupon Merlin declared that it presignified the Birth of Vter then new born and from thence he was called Vter Pendragon Others to his honour relate that many of his Predictions were fulfilled as that which runs thus Since Virgin gifts to Maids he gave ' Mongst blessed Saints God will him save This is interpreted to be meant of King John who built several Monasteries for Nuns in divers parts of the Kingdom Another says The sixth shall overthrow the Walls of Ireland and reduce their Countrys into a Kingdom This was thought to be accomplished under King James VI. of Scotland and I. of England who dismantled their Fortresses and Castles which were the Irish Walls and Courts of Justice were set up through all the Land Though the Welsh Proverb contradicts this foreknowledge which says Namyn Dduw nid oes Dewin that is Besides God there is no Diviner Robert Ferrar Bishop of St. David's was made a Martyr in this County He was prefer'd by the Duke of Somerset Lord Protector in the Reign of King Edward VI. a man not unlearned but somewhat indiscreet or rather uncomplying so that he may be said with St. Lawrence to be broyled on both sides being persecuted both by Protestants and Papists Some conceived that his Patron 's fall was his greatest guilt and incouraged his Enemies against him In the Reign of Q. Mary he was sent for and examined about his Faith by Gardiner Bishop of Winchester who told him that the Queen and Parliament had altered Religion and therefore required him to imbrace the same To which he answered That he had taken an Oath never to consent or agree that the Bishop of Rome should have any Jurisdiction in this Realm At which the Bishop of Winchester called him Knave and Forward Fellow and so returned him to Prison again He was afterward examined before Henry Morgan pretended Bishop of St. David's who requiring him to subscribe to several Articles he absolutely refused it or to recent any thing whereupon the sentence of degradation was read against him and he was delivered to the Secular Power by whom he was carried to Carmarthen to be burnt A while before his Execution there came one to visit him who much lamented the painfulness of his death to whom Bishop Ferrar answered If you see me once stir or move in the pains of my burning then never give any credit to the truth of the doctrine which I have formerly taught And he was as good as his word standing so patiently in the midst of the Flames that he never moved holding up the stumps of his Arms till one with a Halbert dasht him on the head whereby he fell down and quietly resigned up his Spirit to God Sir Rice ap Thomas little less than a Prince and called the Flower of the Britains was born in this Shire When the Earl of Richmond afterward King Henry VII landed at Milford Haven with contemptible Forces this Sir Rice with a considerable accession of choice Souldiers joined and marched with him to Bosworth Field where he behaved himself with much Courage and in reward of his good service was made Knight of the Garter He rebuilt Emeline in this County and called it New-castle being one of his Principal Seats and one of the latest Castles in Wales In the fourth of King Henry VIII he conducted 500 Horse to the Siege of Theroene in France Walter Devereux created Earl of Essex by Q. Elizabeth was born in the Town of Carmarthen Being a Martial Man he Articled with the Q. to maintain such a number of Souldiers at his own cost in Ireland and to have the fair Territory of Clandebuy in the Province of Vlster for the Conquering thereof To maintain this Army he sold his fine Inheritance in Essex Over he goes into Ireland with a noble Company of Kindred Friends and Supernumerary Volunteers above the proportion of Souldiers agreed on Sir William Fitz William's Lord Deputy of Ireland doubting he should be Eclipsed by this great Earl solicites the Q. to maintain him in the full power of his Place Hereupon it was ordered that the Earl should have his Commission from this Lord Deputy which with much importunity and long attendance he hardly obtained and that with no higher Title than Governour of Vlster After many attempts not very successfully made in Vlster he was ordered to march to the South of Ireland where he spent much time to little purpose From Munster he was sent back to Vlster where he was forbidden to make use of the Victory he had gotten and soon after his Commission was Vacated and he reduced to be Governour of 300 men He received all these affronts with undaunted constancy Pay days in Ireland came very quick Money out of England very slow his noble Associates began to withdraw common men to mutiny and himself was soon after recalled home He was afterward sent back with the Title of Earl Marshal of Ireland where he fell into a strange Flux not without suspicion of Poyson and died 1576. of his Age 36. His Estate much impaired descended to his Son Robert his body was brought over and buried in Carmarthen His Father and Grandfather died about the same age to which his Son Robert never attained being beheaded by Q. Elizabeth on the Tower Green on Ashwednesday Feb. 25. 1600. Carmarthen-shire hath 28 Rivers and Rivulets is divided into six Hundreds hath six Market Towns 87 Parish Churches and had formerly nine Castles and gives the Title of Marquess to the Lord Osborn eldest Son to the D. of Leeds CARNARVAN-SHIRE hath Merioneth on the South Anglesey divided by the River Menai on the North Denbigh-shire on the East and the Irish Sea on the West from North to South 40 from East to West 20 and in compass 110 miles The Air is sharp and piercing by reason of the high Mountains which may be properly
Kings c. Health This Earl died at Dublin 1177. Henry Plantaginet Duke of Lancaster was born in Monmouth Castle the chief Seat of his Barony He is commonly Sirnamed The Wryneck and by others more rightfully The good Duke of Lancaster He founded Corpus Christi College in Cambridg and was buried at Leicester 1361. Henry V. the victorious Conqueror of France was likewise born in this Castle of whom I have already given an account Sir Roger VVilliams born of an antient Family at Penress was first a Souldier of Fortune in the Netherlands ander the Duke of Alv●● and afterward served Queen Elizabeth He was a man extreamly forward to fight VVhen a Spanish Captain challenged Sir John Norris to fight a single combate which he could not accept as being below him who was a General this Sir Roger undertook the ●on And after they had fought for some time in the view of both Armies without any hurt they pledged each other a deep draught of VVine and so friendly departed Another time at midnight he assaulted the Camp of the Prince of Parma nigh Venloe slew some of the Enemies Souldiers and pierced to the very Tent of the General Byron Marshal of France once saying That he did not like the March of the English Drum because it was so slow Sir Reger hearing him sharply replied As slow as it is yet it hath gone through all France He bravely defended the Town and Fort of Sluce in Flanders whilst there was any hope of relief but as length being forced to surrender it he returned to the Court whom some of Queen Elizabeth's Ladies of Honour reproached and pointed at crying That 's the Valiant man that delivered up Sluce Ay Ladies said he and if you had been so hard put to it as I was you would have delivered up your Sluces too William Herbert Earl of Pembroke with Sir Richard his Brother were both vassant men and as fast friends to King Edward IV. as professed Foes to Richard Nevil the Great Earl of Warwick Leading the Army of the Welsh in the Battel of Banbury these two Brothers with their Pole-axes twice made way through the Battel of the Northern men which sided with King Henry VI. without any mortal wound There passeth a Tradition in the Noble Family of the Herbert's of Cherbury that this Sir Richard their Ancestor slew that day 140 men with his own hands in passing and repassing through the Army Guns not being then in fashion the Poll axe was the next mortal Weapon especially in such a dead doing hard as this Knight had He is likewise reported to be of a Giant 's Stature the Peg or Pin being yet to be seen in Montgomery Castle whereon he used to hang his Hat at Dinner which no man of an ordinary height can reach with his hand at this day It is recorded that by the courage of these two Brothers the Battel of Banbury had certainly been won had not John Clapham Esquire and Servant to the Earl of Warwick 〈◊〉 played his Lord's Colours and from an high Hill cryed out a Warwick a Warwick whereat the Welshmen were so terrified supposing VVarwick with the whole Army to be there that they turned their backs and fled knowing how unable they were to withstand VVarwick's Forces since upon a quarrel the Night before between the Earl of Pembroke and the Lord Stafford the last had withdrawn his Party from them so that the General and his Brother were left alone in the Field who valiantly fighting were incompassed and taken with the Neath of 5000 of their Men. The Earl with his Brother Sir Richard Herbert were brought to Banbury where with ten other Gentlemen they lost their Heads the Earl was buried at Tinterne and Sir Richard at Abergavenny in this County VVilliam Jones born at Monmouth was forced to fly his Country for not being able to pay ten Groats Coming to London he became first a Porter and then a Factor and going over to Hamburg had such a vent for VVelsh Cottons that he gained a very considerable Estate in a short time He founded a fair School in Monmouth allowing 50 pound yearly to the Master and 100 pound Salary to a Lecturer besides a stately Alms house for 20 poor People each of them having two Rooms and a Garden and half a Crown a week All which he left to the oversight of the Company of Haberdashers in London who discharge their trust therein to this day VVilliam Evan's of this Shire was two yards and an half in height being Porter to King Charles I. He was somewhat lame knocking his knees together and going out squalling with his seet yet he made a shift to Dance in an Antimask at Court where he drew little Jeffery the Dwarf out of his Pocket The Moor or Marish near Chepstow suffered great loss in 1606. by the River Severn overflowing its banks drowning many Cattel some People and overthrowing divers Houses Monmouthshire may be called an English VVelsh County For whereas formerly all VVelsh Counties sent but one Knight to Parliament this has the privilege of two and is not subject to the VVelsh Jurisdiction but to the governance of the Itenerant Judges who ride Oxford Circuit It was subdued by King Henry II. who passed the Nant Pen-carne a small Brook and of no danger yet held fatal by the VVelsh who were over credulous of a Prophecy of Merlin's that predicted That when a stout King with a freckled face should pass over a Ford called Ryd-pencarn in a River called Nant pen-carn the VVelsh should be conquered and therefore when King Henry who was freckle faced passed over it the Welshmen remembring this Prophecy submitted themselves and became an easie Conquest to the English and it may be the King being sensible of their credulity thinking their Hearts might fail them chose to go over this Ford to facilitate his Conquests Monmouth was made a Shire in the reign of King Henry VIII It hath six Market Towns 127 Parish Churches is divided into six Hundreds and had formerly 14 Castle It gives the Title of Earl to Charles Lord Mordant MONTGOMERY-SHIRE hath Denbigh-shire on the North Radnor and Cardigan on the South Merioneth on the West and Shrop-shire on the East In this County are many high Hills and divers Vales Springs and Rivers of which the Soverne is the Chief being the second River in the Kingdom whose head rising from the vast high Mountain Plymlimon and being joined with other smaller streams runs through the East part of this Shire It is said to have taken its name from Abren the beautiful natural Daughter of King Loerinus begotten out of VVedlock upon Estrildis the Daughter of Humber the Seythian King who invaded this Land both of them being drowned by Gwendolena the surviving VVidow of Locrinus the Daughter in this River and the Father in the other bearing his name Of this Jeffery of Monmouth writes Fair Abren headlong thrown into this stream As a Memorial left to them
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THE History of the Kingdom of Ireland being an Account of the Ancient Inhabitants and of all the Battles Sieges and other considerable Transactions both Civil and Military in that Countrey from the first Conquest thereof under King Henry II. till its entire Reduction by His Majesty's Arms. Together with the most remarkable Passages that have since happened there to this time By R. B. Pr. 1s 9. THE English Empire in America or a prospect of His Majesty's Dominions in the West-Indies namely New-found-land New-England New-York New-Jersey Pensylvania Mary-land Virginia Carolina Bermudas Barbadus Auguila Monserrat Dominica St. Vincent Antego Mevis or Nevis St. Christophers Barbadoes and Jamaica With an account of their Discovery Situation and Product The Religion and Manners of the Indians and other excellencies of these Countries To which is prefixed a relation of the discovery of this New World and of the remarkable Voyages and Adventures of Sebastin Cabot Sir Martin Frobisher Capt. Davis Capt. Weymouth Capt. Hall Capt. Hudson Sir Tho. Cavendish the E. of Cumberland Sir Walter Rawleigh and other English Worthies to divers places therein Illustrated with Maps and Pictures of the strange Fruits Birds Beasts Fishes Insects Serpents and Monsters found in those parts of the World Price one shilling 10. A View of the English Acquisitions in Guinea and the East-Indies With an Account of the Religion Government Wars strange Customs Beasts Serpents Monsters and other Observables in those Countries And among others the Life and Death of Mahomet the Grand Impostor with the Principal Doctrines of the Turkish Religion as they are displayed in the Alcoran Two Letters one written by the Great Mogul and the other by the King of Sumatra in the East-Indies to our K. 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His last Voyage into those Countries in 1595. with the manner of his Death and Burial Revised Corrected and very much inlarged reduced into Chapters with Contents and beautified with Pictures By R. B. Price One Shilling 12. TWo Journeys to Jerusalem Containing first An account of the Travels of two English Pilgrims some years since and what Admirable Accidents besel them in their Journey to Jerusalem Grand Cairo Alexandria c. 2. The Travels of 14 English-Merchants in 1669. from Scanderoon to Tripoly Joppa Ramah Jerusalem Bethlehem Jericho the River of Jordan the Lake of Sodom and Gomorrah and back again to Aleppo To which is added a Relation of the great Council of the Jews assembled in the plains of Ajayday in Hungary 1650. to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ By S. B. an English-man there present With the notorious delusion of the Jews by a counterfeit Messiah or false Christ at Symrna in 1666 and the event thereof Lastly The Extirpation of the Jews throughout Persia in 1666. Epistle of Agbarus to our Saviour with our Saviour's Answer Beautified with Pictures Pr. 1s 13. EXtraordinary Adventures of several Famous Men With the strange Events and signal mutations and changes in the Fortunes of divers Illustrious places and persons in all Ages being an acount of a multitude of stupendons Revolutions accidents and observable matters in divers States and Provinces throughout the World With Pictures Pr. 1 s. 14. THE History of the Nine Worthies of the World Three whereof were Gentiles 1. Hector Son of Priamus King of Troy 2. Alexander the great King of Macedon and Conquerour of the World 3. Julius Caesar first Emperor of Rome Three Jews 4. Joshua Captain General and Leader of Israel into Canaan 5. David King of Israel 6. Judas Maccabeus a valiant Jewish commander against the Tyranny of Antiochus Three Christians 7. Arthur King of Britain who couragiously defended his Countrey from the Saxons 8. Charles the Great K. of France and Emperor of Germany 9 Godfrey of Bullen King of Jerusalem Being an account of their glorious lives worthy actions renowned Victories and Deaths Illustrated with Poems and the Pictures of each Worthy By R. B. Price One shilling 15. FEmale Excellency or the Ladies Glory Illustrated in the Worthy Lives and Memorable Actions of nine Famous Women renowned either for Virtue or Valour in several Ages As 1. Deborah the Prophetess 2. The valiant Judith 3. Q. Esther 4. The virtuous Susannah 5. The Chast Lucretia 6. Boadicia Q. of Britain in the Reign of Nero with the Original Inhabitants of Britain Of Danus and his fifty Daughters who murdered their Husbands in one Night Of the valour of Boadicia under whose conduct the Britains slew 70 thousand Romans with many other remarkable particulars 7. Mariamne Wife of K. Herod 8. Clotilda Queen of France 9. Andegona Princess of Spain The whole adorned with poems and pictures to each History By R. B. Price One Shilling 16. WOnderful Prodigies of Judgment and mercy discovered in above 300. memorable Histories containing 1. Dreadful Judgments upon Atheists Blasphemers and Perjured Villains 2. The miserable ends of many Magicians c. 3. Remarkable predictions and presages of approaching Death and how the event has been answerable 4. Fearful Judgments upon bloody Tyrants Murderers c. 5. Admirable Deliverances from imminent dangers deplorable distresses at Sea and Land Lastly Divine goodness to penitents with the dying thoughts of several famous Men concerning a future state Pr. 1 s. 17. UNparallell'd Rarities or the Mathchless Actions and
Thanksgiving should be kept for 20 days together Cassibilane was only King of the Trinobantes who inhabited Middlesex Essex and Hartfordshire but in this common danger the other Princes mutually agreed that he should command in Chief to withstand the Roman Invasion which he did with very great courage beating them twice off from the Brittish shoar his chief City was Verulane near St. Albans Theomantius the Son of Lud succeeded Cassibilane who paid the three thousand pound a year Tribute to the Romans which his Uncle had agreed to when notwithstanding the utmost Efforts for their Liberty the Brittains were obliged to submit to the Conquering Romans Yet did not Caesar wholly subdue Brittain for he never came towards the North which several of his Successors afterwards endeavoured to bring under but subjected only those parts of the Island lying next to France which our Countreyman Roger Bacon relates that Caesar discovered by setting up Prospective Glasses on the Coast of France from whence he saw all the Havens and Creeks in England So that he may rather seem to have discovered than reduced to the Roman Power Kymbeline or Cunobeline the Son of Theomantius reigned next whose principal seat was at Carnolodunum now Malden in Essex He is said to have refused to pay the former Tribute upon which Augustus who fucceeded Julius Caesar designed thrice to make an Expedition hither to recover his Right but was as oft diverted by Insurrections in divers parts of his mighty Empire Guiderus was King after his Father and being very valiant refused Tribute to Caligula the Roman Emperor who therefore resolved as his Predecessors Augustus and Tiberius had done to reduce Brittain as being the utmost bounds of the Roman Monarchy making great provision for this Noble Enterprize being incouraged therein by Adminius the Son of Cunoboline who being banisht by his Father fled with some few followers to Caligula for protection Guiderus expected and provided for his Arrival who bringing down his Forces into Flanders put them in Battel Array upon the Sea shore planting his Engines of War as if ready for an Engagement after which the Emperor himself in a Galley lanched into the Sea about two Bow-shots from the Land and then presently returned and getting into a Pulpit provided for him he by found of Trumpet caused his Souldiers to prepare for Battel and then charged every Man to fill his Helmet with Cockle and Muscle Shells which he called The Spoils of the Conquered Ocean and gave as great Rewards to them for these trifles as if they had performed some notable Service in War and against the place he built a Tower as a Trophey of his Victory the Ruines whereof saith my Author remain to this day and is called The Brittains House He carried many of these Shells to Rome boasting of this honourable Voyage and requiring a Triumph which the Senate seeming unwilling to allow he threatned to murther them all Claudius succeeded him in the Empire and having leisure resolved to make War upon the Brittains who had long neglected to pay their Tribute being invited thereto by certain Brittish Fugitives ordering Aulus Plautius a Roman Senator to transport the Veterane Souldiers out of France thither to which they were very unwilling complaining That they must be forced to make War out of the World for so they accounted this Island to be but at length being Embarqued they Landed unexpectedly upon the Brittains who were incamped in the Isle of Sheppey in Kent and defeating them took the City of Camolodunum in Essex and subdued the East-part of the Island Jeffery of Monmouth writes That Claudius Landed at Rochester near Portsmouth which he Besieged and Guiderus coming to relieve it fought and prevailed against the Romans till one Hanno Armed like a Brittain pressing through the midst of the Troops till he came where Guiderus was he instantly slew him which Arviragus the King's Brother perceiving to prevent the Brittains from being discouraged putting on the Royal Robes fought so couragiously that the Romans were routed Claudius flying to his Ships and Hanno to an adjoyning Forrest whom Arviragus pursued and kill'd ere he could get to the Haven from whence it is said to have the name of Hanno's Haven then Hampton now Southampton After his Death the Land was many years under Roman Governours and Lieutenants but the Silures or Inhabitants of South-Wales would not endure the Romish Yoke relying much upon the Courage of their Prince Corvactacus who incamping his Army on the top of an Hill and stopping all the passages thereto with heaps of Stones he expected the approach of his Enemies striving in the mean time to animate his Souldiers with incouraging Speeches telling them That day and that Battel would either restore them to their former Liberties or else reduce them to perpetual slavery and that they should remember the valour of their Ancestors who formerly had driven Caesar the Dictator out of their Countrey and thereby delivered themselves from Roman Taxes and Axes and freed their Wives and Daughters from being debauched by their implacable Adversaries The Souldiers were much incouraged and eccho'd out their hopes of Victory with so great a shout as much disturbed the Romans who thought the Fortifications the Brittains had raised to be impregnable but Ostorius marching forward though opposed by a shower of Arrows he at length broke down that rude ill compacted Fence and coming to handy strokes with the Brittains who had more courage than Armor having neither Head-peice nor Coat of Mail they were so fore galled with the Javelins and two-handed Swords of the Romans that they soon fled This Victory was unexpected by the Romans and more considerable by the taking the Wife Daughter and Brethren of Cataractus Prisoners he himself flying to the Brigantes or those that Inhabited Lancashire Cheshire c. for succour but was by Cartismunda the Queen treacherously delivered into the hands of the Conquerors after nine years generous resistance and his fame having reached even to Rome it self Cataractus was carried thither and led in Triumph through the Roman Legions with his Brethren Wife and Daughter whose great Courage and strange Attire filled the People with admiration and delight His Body was almost naked Painted over with Figures of divers Beasts he wore a Chain of Iron about his Neck and another about his middle his Hair hanging down in Curls covered his Back and Shoulders and the Hair of his upper Lip or Whiskers parting in the middle reacht down to his Breast he neither hung down his head as daunted with fear nor asked mercy as the rest but with an undaunted Countenance coming before the Imperial Seat he made the following Speech to the Emperor on the Throne Great Caesar If my moderation in prosperity had been answerable to the greatness of my Birth and Estate or the success of my late attempts agreeable to the resolution of my mind I might have come to this City rather as a Friend to have been entertained