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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A27535 An account of the French usurpation upon the trade of England and what great damage the English do yearly sustain by their commerce, and how the same may be retrenched, and England improved in riches and interest. Bethel, Slingsby, 1617-1697. 1679 (1679) Wing B2062; ESTC R19600 16,883 28

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against all Invasions and would be a great enrichment to the whole Countrey because they might sell and put off their Commodities so near and to best advantage The French Kings which formerly never fished upon the British Seas but by special leave from the Kings of England and not otherwise and that with a set and limited number of Boats and that for their own Family and likewise to observe the Laws and Orders of his own Fishermen for breach whereof divers of their Subjects have forfeited their Vessels and their persons have been seized and imprisoned in Dover-Castle But of late the French are become so vexatious to us that they have given a disturbance to us not only upon the British Seas but at New-found-Land it 's the interest of this Nation to give an interruption to their fishing there and to prohibit them for the future for the fishing there is the Seminary and Nursery of their Sea-men which may for the future prove fatal to us By the fishing of the French and of other Foreigners upon the British Sea the Customs and Tolls which are undoubtedly due to his Majesty together with the increase of Trade and consequently of Customs thereby are unjustly usurped by them whereby this Kingdom loseth that which they gain which is increase of Trade of Ships and Mariners and thereby their Navigation is wonderfully strengthned their Mariners multiplied and their Trade increased The Fishery being set up Trade will flourish the King's Revenue augmented Lands and Rents improved Navigation increased and it will imploy some hundred thousands of men by Sea and Land it will ease the Publick of great charges in giving imployment to their poor Henry the Great of France caused all vagrants and idle persons to be sent to serve in his Gallies to oblige them per force to work for idle persons who take not care to imploy themselves seriously in some thing are unprofitable to themselves and pernicious to the Publick Therefore that State must necessarily be rich and prosperous which hath Argus eyes to foresee advantages and Briareus hands and those imployed But Sir because great Trades cannot be managed or things effected without multitude of people it would be prudence to invite Foreigners into this Nation and to live here under such qualifications as the Wisdom of the Nation shall think fit A small Countrey well peopled will be able to effect things of more advantage and grandeur than a great Dominion ill stocked The ancient Romans finding nothing was more necessary for great and important Enterprizes than multitude of men imployed their care and study to increase their numbers by Marriages Colonies and such like helps making their conquered Armies free Denizens of their Common-wealth by which means the number of the Roman Citizens became so great that Rome could not be ruined in Hannibal's judgement by any force but her own and this did so much contribute to the agrandizing of her that that City only could arm six hundred and forty thousand men when Sparta could never exceed twenty thousand for that Lycurgus had inhibited the access of Strangers Theseus to engreaten and enrich the City of Athens invited as many as would come and dwell there assuring them to enjoy the self-same Liberties and Priviledges which the very Citizens themselves had And we see the Vnited Provinces of the Netherlands which are not bigger than Yorkeshire one County in England by their denizations and fair usage to Strangers have so enriched and be-peopled that Countrey that they have put to Sea more Ships and driven a greater merchantile Trade to all parts of the World than most of the Kings or Princes in Europe England cometh so short in number of people from Holland that whereas they are calculated to have six persons for one Acre of ground England I fear hath hardly one for ten Howsoever I cannot observe that it doth any ways comport with the interest of State to suffer such multitudes of people to pass out of his Majesties Kingdoms into other Princes Dominions or the Western Plantations thereby to disfurnish our selves of people the sad consequences and effects whereof are too visible in the misfortunes of Spain For since those Plantations by that King made in the East and West-Indies and all along the Coast of Africk and those great Garrisons maintained in Milan Naples Sicily the Low-Countreys consisting for the most part of natural Spaniards they have so exhausted them of men that John the first of Portugal who reigned before the several Plantations of that people was able to raise 40000 men for the War of Africk whereas Emanuel who lived after those undertakings had much ado to raise 20000 Foot and 3000 Horse on the same occasions and Sebastian after that found as great difficulty to raise an Army of 12000 men And whether this may not be our sad fate if not timely prevented it 's well becoming your great Judgement to consider And I can easily believe that 1000 years since this Nation had much a greater stock of people than now it hath for the Rome-scot or Peter-pence which was but one penny a Chimney granted by Offa and Ina Saxon Kings to the Pope did amount unto 50000 l. yearly and the Hearth money which is two shillings the Hearth and one Chimney may have many Hearths doth not amount unto 300000 l. yearly whereas if the number of Chimneys charged with the Rome-scot had been two shillings a Chimney it would have amounted unto 1200000 l. yearly So that we may conclude there were then more Buildings and Chimneys and so by consequence more People But where a Kingdom hath a great stock of People in it it will be the test of Prudence in that State not to suffer any City or Town in it too much to agrandize it self or to attain to that magnitude thereby to impoverish the other parts of the Kingdom for certainly the over-growth of any one great City is of dangerous consequence not only in regard of Famine such multitudes of mouths being not easily to be fed but in respect of the great danger of Insurrections if once those multitudes sensible of their own strength oppressed with want or otherwise distempered with Famine faction or Discontent should gather to a head and break out into Action And therefore Augustus Caesar like a wise Prince made it his work to hinder the growth of Rome abrogating all Laws by which the Allies and Confederates of that State were made free Denizens of that City for that he conceived to be a way to draw the whole Empire into one City and by the prodigious increase of that to make poor the rest Naples by reason of its situation had advanced it self to an immense grandeur by Buildings if the King by his Edict had not forbidden it and this he did partly at the perswasion of his Nobles who feared if such a restraint was not had their Vassals would forsake the Countrey to inhabit there but principally upon jealousie and point
for these receive esteem dignity and value from their age and antiquity and contribute much to health if moderately taken whereas the French Wines procure nothing but sharp and tartarous humours and as now adulterated in France they are pernicious unto us The Wines of France if compared with the other are insipid and of no value all the Wines of France from their nativity will scarce bear the age of one year and some of them before the Month of August in the same year in which they grew are corrupted from whence it followeth that they must be drunk corrupted or new in both cases dangerous to our health Brandy is a Liquor very fatal to us and it had been well for England if we never had heard of it yet if we do so much admire it though we have no Grapes here yet it may be drawn off from Corn and there is no better than that which is so drawn in Sarmatia and drunk by the Poles As for Salt if the making of it were encouraged there might be made much better here in England than we have from France That worthy and publick-spirited Person Richard Alcorn Esq by his Salt-works near Portsmouth is an excellent president for the whole Nation The Salt of France is gross foul black corrosive and by no means to be compared with that of England If you take two Vessels of equal magnitude and fill the one with English and the other with French Salt and decoct them the English decreaseth less by one third part than the French if the English Salt be recocted and a requisite quantity of Sea-water added the English Salt doth increase one third more than the French what great loss by one and advantage by the other doth accrew is worthy of due consideration The English Salt by reason of its purity and extraordinary efficacy cures Fish or Flesh better goes further in use preserves longer than any unrefined Salt the Fish or Flesh saved with it is much more wholesom to the body pleasant and grateful to the taste which is the reason that the Dutch have better prices for their Fish than the English and a greater Trade because they are cured with refined Salt It will be of singular use in hot Climates because it pierceth so much quicker than Salt unrefined and corned by the Sun and will by consequence preserve either Fish or Flesh better and longer whereas the unrefined Salt in hot Climates by reason of its corroding quality doth decay very suddenly either Fish or Flesh and in any Climate robs the Flesh of its gravy and moisture makes it dry and hard and so prejudicial to the body The great benefit of the English Salt in curing Fish the Company of the Royal Fishery can give a very great account thereof To give encouragement to the making of Salt here in England which they may do not only to serve England with Salt but in the Baltick West-Indies and elsewhere is to impose some great Duty upon foreign Salt which will increase his Majesties Revenue if they shall continue to bring it into this Kingdom and to impose half so much upon the English Salt as shall be imposed upon the foreign which the makers of Salt are willing to pay because English Salt by reason of the great quantities of foreign Salt imported in some parts of this Kingdom is sold at six pence per Bushel whereas formerly it hath been sold at four shillings per Bushel It will much increase home-Trade by causing great sums of money to circulate it will give imployment to many persons which now beg steal or otherwise live in a miserable and poor condition It will very much increase Navigation by imploying great numbers of Vessels to bring Coals to the Salt-works and to carry Salt to Markets whereas foreign Salt is imported by return of freight or foreign Vessels The Vnited Provinces of the Netherlands did for some time by publick Edict prohibit all Wines Salt and Brandy and the Manufactures of France as foreign Commodities and not for them needful If the Emperor and other Princes of Germany by their pragmatick Sanctions had done the like France would have lost those prodigious and vast sums of money which to the impoverishing of many parts of Europe it hath drawn into them thereupon their Trade would have decayed their Money failed and by consequence their Power would have abated Their Wines Brandy Salt and other their Manufactures would have layn upon their hands their people for want of imployment must have begged and then if his most Christian Majesty should have continued Taxes upon them it would have hazarded their obedience and certainly nothing hath hitherto kept that people within the circle of their duty but the great encouragement the most Christian King hath given to Trade for thereby they are imployed and their thoughts taken off from breaking out into any Action or Distemper All French wrought figured flowred brassed stitched stripe Silks and Drogets Tamines and Estimens Serges and other Stuffs made of Wooll together with Madam la Mode being proscribed England all due encouragement must be given to the Weavers The English have arrived to a very great perfection in weaving of Silks and other Stuffs made of Wooll but by reason of the Importation of French Commodities they have for want of imployment been burthensom and chargeable to their respective Parishes and many Strangers which have come into England to work here by reason they found so little imployment they returned into their own Countries again It will be prudence in us to encourage Strangers to work here but not to give countenance to foreign Traders The English have paid yearly for the manufacturing of the French Weavers Silks besides Stuffs which might have been better wrought by the English here and which are generally paid for with money not with other Commodities the sum of five hundred four thousand one hundred and ten pounds So that allowing to every person working Silk fifteen pounds per annum it would imploy 33000 persons which number were they well imployed here would be considerably advantagious to this Kingdom and it 's evident that England hath hitherto maintained the French King's Subjects at work whilst the Natives here have been ready to starve for want thereof It 's great prudence in the Parliament that they have absolutely proscribed all these French Commodities and Manufactures and not to impose some great Duty upon them as some designed because much of the French Commodities by small Ships or Shallops are privately conveyed hither without out paying any Custom It 's demonstratively true that not one piece in twenty is entred or paid for to the deceit of his Majestn and the impoverishing of his good Subjects here The Woollen Drapery which formerly was our glory and brought much Riches to us and imployed not fewer than 700000 persons must be encouraged It 's to be feared that of late not one third part of the Wooll which is growing in this Nation
only arise Riches to the Subjects rendring a Nation considerable but also increase of Revenue and therein power and strength to the Soveraign and England having so potent a Neighbour it 's absolutely necessary for its preservation to advance it for every Nation is more or less considerable according to the proportion it hath of Trade and it 's more or less enriched by the ballance of its foreign Trade If France vent more of our Commodities than we consume of theirs in value the overplus returns to us in Treasure but if France consume less of ours than we of their Commodities England will be impoverished for that Treasure which is brought in by the ballance of our foreign Trade doth only enrich us How the balance of Trade stands between England and France it 's worthy of your grave Consideration The French King not long since having a design to prohibit all Trade with England the French Merchants not well resenting it petitioned his Majesty to the contrary and delivered a Certificate unto the most Christian King of all the Commodities by them exported and of all the English Manufactures and Commodities by them imported into France which was as followeth There is transported out of France into England great quantities of Velvets plain and wrought Sattins plain and wrought Cloth of gold and silver Armoysins and other Merchandises of Silk which are made at Lyons and are valued to be yearly worth one hundred and fifty thousand pounds In Silks Stuffs Taffaties Poadesoyes Armoysins Cloths of gold and silver Tabbies plain and wrought Silks Ribbons and other such like Stuffs as are made at Toures valued to be worth above three hundred thousand pounds by the year In silk Ribbonds Gellowns Laces and Buttons of silk which are made at Paris Rouen Chaimont St. Estienes in Forre●●● above a hundred and fifty thousand pounds by the year A great quantity of Serges which are made as Cha●●us Charles Estimines and Rhemes and good quantities of Serges made at Amiens Creveceour Blicourt and other Towns in Picardy above one hundred and fifty thousand pounds a year In Bever Demicasters and Felt-Hats made in the City and Suburbs of Paris besides many other made at Rouen Lyons and other places above one hundred and twenty thousand pounds a year In Feathers Belts Girdles Hat-bands Fans Hoods Masks gilt and wrought looking-Glasses Cabinets Watches Pictures Cases Medals Bracelets and other like mercenary War above one hundred and fifty thousand pounds a year In Pins Needles Box-Combs Tortois-shell-Combs and such like above twenty thousand pounds a year In Papers of all sorts which are made at Auvergane Poictou Limosin Champaigne and Normany about one hundred thousand pounds a year In Perfume and trimmed Gloves which are made at Paris Rouen Vendosm Chremont and other places about ten thousand pounds a year In all sorts of Iron-mongers Wares that are made in Forrests Annergine and other places about forty thousand pounds a year In linnen Cloth that 's made in Britany and Normandy as well course as fine there 's transported into England above four hundred thousand pounds a year In Houshold-stuff consisting of Beds Matresses Coverlets Hangings Fringes of silk and other Furnitures above one hundred thousand pounds a year In Wines from Gaseoigne Nantois and other places on the River of Loyer and also from Bourdeaux Rochel Nants Rouen and other places are transported into England above six hundred thousand pounds a year In Aqua-vitae Sider Vinegar Verjuice and such like above one hundred thousand pounds a year In Saffron Castle-Soap Honey Almonds Olives Capers Prunes and such like above one hundred and fifty thousand pounds a year Besides five or six hundred Vessels of Salt laden at Marone Rochel Borage the Isle of Oloron and Isle of Rhee transported into England and Holland of a very great value So that by this it doth appear that the yearly value of such Commodities as are transported from France into England amount unto above six and twenty hundred thousand pounds And the Commodities exported out of England into France consisting chiefly of woollen Cloaths Serges knit Stockings Lead Pewter Allum Coals and other Commodities which do not amount unto above ten hundred thousand pounds a year By which it appears that our Trade with France is at least sixteen hundred thousand pounds per annum clear loss to this Kingdom The French King hereupon laid aside his Design So that in few years if some timely Expedient be not applied all the money of this Nation will be drawn into France there being not above eight millions if so much of pounds in this Kingdom which will be the impoverishing of England but greatly to the enriching of France and they melting down the Coyn of England by their allay gain near one third France by our sloth flourish by our fo●ly grow wise by our excess wax proud by our money rich by the valour of England made potent and enabled to fight against us As the middle Region of the Air is wont to frame its Thunder-bolts Hail and dreadful Thunder against the Earth out of the Exhalations it draws from the Earth it self so France out of the Riches and Substance which it gathereth from Europe and the Kingdoms and Dominions thereof doth raise formidable Armies and potent Fleets against them New Maxims must be framed and Measures taken for the retrenchment of the Power of France or else I can foretell without the help of an Augur what will be the Fate of England Enfeeble the Trade of France and money will fail and by consequence its potency will become impotent for Trade is the fountain from whence its Riches spring and Money is the basis of its greatness and strength The Parliament with great wisdom and judgement hath prohibited England all Trade or Commerce with France and France cannot take it ill when the most Christian King had the same design upon England but that he observed it would turn to loss It 's no prudence to admit those Manufactures and Commodities into England wherewith we now abound or may have better than from France And no reason of Commerce requireth that we should be injurious to our selves to be serviceable to the advantages of others the Emperor by Edict doth exclude the Hungarian Wines and many other things of the growth of that Kingdom out of Austria that they of Austria may consume and dispose of their own And as for Wines England may have them from Hungary Austria Tirol Franconia Rhene Mosel Portugal and elsewhere at better rates and cheaper than out of France and the Princes of those Countries will take off the Manufactures and native Commodities of England for them and by that means we may settle Trade upon a solid Basis with them How far these generous Wines do exceed those of France Augustus the Emperor if he were alive would tell you who when he possessed Italy Spain Creta Greece Egypt and the richest parts of Africa Asia and Europe he would drink no other Wines