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A15357 Three miseries of Barbary: plague. famine. ciuill warre With a relation of the death of Mahamet the late Emperour: and a briefe report of the now present wars betweene the three brothers. Wilkins, George, fl. 1607. 1607 (1607) STC 25639; ESTC S101854 13,457 29

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spend an houre til the rest met in renewing the emperors pallace where his Concubins liued because he was told it was a rare and rich place and that it was not lawfull without great meanes to enter That report more inflamed his desire insomuch that in the end watching his time by stealth he got in Where being and staring vp and downe it chanced that one of the Women saw him who presently screeked out and ranne crying A man a man for you must note that if any one of them spy a Man except the Eunuches that attend them and doe not call for helpe it is death to her and what Man soeuer rudely presume to haue a fight of thē it is death to him It was knowne by inquiry vpon her noyse that it was Enhamet the Customers Sonne who had thus offended the lawes the Emperor being giuen to vnderstand so much made an oath he should dye for it Immediately vpon this by occasion of some busines comes the olde Man Enhamets Father to the King who supposing it hadde beene about his Sonnes pardon and his indignation being now a little cooler suddainely demaunded of him what that Man deserued that durst breake into the place where his Emperours Concubins were Cidde Abdela not suspecting the offender answered that hee deserued the sharpest sentence of death for so the Law would adiudge him Be thou then quoth the Emperor thine owne Sonnes condemnation As thou hast iudged him so let it be But the King beholding death sitting in the olde Mans face at that doome grew pittifull and for loue he bare the Father forgaue the Sonne which mercy notwithstanding Abdela Creme not truely laying holde of but mistaking the Noble spirit of a Prince and imagining that this fauor so strangely extended was but a snare to intrap his owne life because offences of that nature were neuer before pardoned in any home hee comes with sorrow in his afflicted looks and his heart euen murdered within him by the cruelty of his owne thoughtes his Sonne demaunded the cause of this so strange and suddaine distemperature but his Father giuing no answer sends for cordes shewes them onely insteade of speech and to make this dumb Tragedy fall in the end he causeth him before his owne eyes to bee strangled great were the lamentations of the Sonne and aboundant were the teares he let fall to soften his Fathers heart a mighty conflict was there in the poore old mans bosome betweene naturall piety to a Child and naturall feare of a Soueraigne but the last of the two preuailed and hauing bestowed vpon the dead body the ceremonies of the graue according to the custome of the Countrey hee caused the Act to bee registred downe for his owne safety alledging that howsoeuer the Emperor when he heard this blacke and vnnaturall deed reported would happily bee moued vnto wrath yet inwardly he would be highly contented with it Mahamet being thus feared and loued of his subiects wanted nothing that according to humane Iudgement could make a Prince happy pleasure was his slaue and waighted on him whensoeuer he lusted for her company Riches flowed into his houses of treasure in large Goldē streams his Court was ful of counsellors his Cittyes full Merchants his Castles full of souldiers he was a mightie King himselfe had sonnes that were as mightie as hee their Dominions were ample they were full of men and full of all thinges that maintaine men It seemed that the Father lost much of his imperiall state and dignitie when hee placed his three sonnes like three great lights to shine equally in his kingdome considering that all the beames of maiestie that came from them might if he had pleased haue beene sent foorth from the centred glory of his owne head but euen this borrowed reflexions of theirs made his brightnes the greater and his sonnes yeelding acknowledgement of all their royaltie to flow from him did like Riuers paying tribute to the Sea seeme not a whit the lesse for such homage and fealtie Fortune hauing turnd the wheele of this Emperours fate along time with steddie hand had now brought it about to the vppermost point highest on which she meant he should sitte he should be no more her darling and therefore shee tooke her fauours from him Or to speake of a power that cōtrolls Fortune and whose very finger throwes downe kingdoms to vtter confusion or holdes thē vp in their greatnesse whether the generall sinnes of the whole Nation deserued it or whether the people were punisht for the particular faults of the king and his Courtiers as many times it falls out and as it hapned to the Grecians for Quicquid delirant Reges plestantur Achini or for what other faultes soeuer the rodde of vengeance was made readie it is in man to thinke vppon and feare but not to examine yet sure it is that as a fire catching hold at first but of some meane cottage in some one end or corner of a Cittie hath oftentimes ere the furie of it could bee put out swallowed vp in his flames the goodliest and most beautifull buildings that stoode euen fardest out of reach so did the clowdes of infection burst open their vaines and let fall the poyson of them on this kingdom of Barbary If euer the Plague in any place got his true name there he had it At the beginning it strooke like an Arrowe on the head but of one Citty but in a short time after it fleme from Cittie to Citty and in the end stucke in the very hart of the whole kingdome Insomuch that Death came like a tyrannous Usurper to the Court gates threatned to depose the Emperour himselfe Hee that before sate in his throne of maiestie greatly feared of other Nations round about him and strongly garded by his owne is on the suddaine daunted and beeing accounted one of the mightiest amongst the Kings of the earth is ready to submit to him with whom euen Infants doe euery howre fight hand to hand See the authoritie fame and terror of that Inuader Death hee strooke but vp an Allarum in this Emperous Pallace and the Emperour himselfe trembled through feare thereof his conceites that stood before like so many aged Oakes bowed presently to the earth like so many ranks of young Willowes yet his Cittie 's shooke at the voyce no lesse then if it had beene at an Earth-quake And so hardly did the pestilence pursue Mahamet that he durst not sleep for it in one place twice together euery night was he compelled for safety to flye vnto a contrary lodging As his Court remoued so did the plague whersoeuer the one kept his standing house there the other pitched vp his Pauilion as a proud and daring Challenger to all commers Insomuch that sicknesse in the end though weake of himselfe wrastled with so many that were neere and about the Princes person and still got the better of thē that Mahomet had not men to remoue those tents which hee was
THREE Miseries of Barbary Plague Famine Ciuill warre With a relation of the death of Mahamet the late Emperour and a briefe report of the now present Wars betweene the three Brothers POST TENEBRAS LUX Printed by W. I. for Henry Gosson and are to be sold in Pater noster rowe at the signe of the Sunne To the Right Worshipfull the whole Company of the Barbary Merchants HAuing drawn certaine Collections together of some the best and maine occurrents which haue now lately and not many yeares past hapned in Barbary they being digested into a Volume although little for quantity yet delightfull to be perused for the raritye I thought they could not better be bestowed than vpon such as holde commerce with that Countrey and know the state and condition of the people Amongest which number I make bolde to present these my labors to you onely because you are all Brothers and men that most worthily can iudge of the Relation and the truth thereof The chiefe and farthest point that my intention seeks to arriue at in this is to describe the horrour and vn-heard-of misery that hath falne vpon that Kingdome by a Plague to the intent that by comparing our sins with theirs being altogether as greet if not greater and the hand of mercy which Heauen hath stretcht forth ouer our Nation aboue theirs we may be allured to looke into our soules betimes least the like Viols of Wrath bee powred downe vppon vs. It is my loue that bestowes this vppon you which I pray receiue with such good acceptation as with my best affection it comes vnto you And thus referring my selfe to your censure I take my leaue Deuoted yours Geo. Wilkins Barbary THis is a story like a briefe Chronicle conteining various and much matter in few lines It is but a little bottom of Tyme which you may holde and hide in your hand yet being vnrolled to the length it reacheth to the beginning of many yeares past A word now must stand heare as in a Map for a Citty and a few sheetes for the Chart of a spacious Kingdome Understand therefore that Abdela the Emperor being dead Muly Mahamet his Brother succeeded and was crowned King of Barbary No sooner was this dignity conferred vppon him but he reuenged himselfe on those that in Abdelaes raign loued him not and therefore by their counsels did what in them lay to draw his Brothers the Emperors affection from him yea so far that they perswaded either to haue his eyes put out or bee sent to death of these counsellours these three were chiefe Alcade Azus Alcade Mussa and Alcade Bardu from two of which he commaunded their liues but because his state needed the heads of Wise-men to hold it vp and for that he was not generally beloued of the Nobility and some of the bloud Royal he gaue Alcade Azus his life and of a prisoner and a Man in disgrace aduanced him vp to higher honours then before receiuing him euery daie into his bosome for his counsell which he did the rather because he knew that Azus would bee prouident and carefull to increase the Emperors Bittelmell that is to say his treasury Much and often was his mind perplexed with thoughts about settling his Empire his cogitations fought within thēselues when sometimes hee would in his owne pryuate Iudgment make such a man fit to be of his secret and chiefest counsels and sometimes another this he would like to day and to morrow vtterly distast him At length he resolued to trust none of his owne Country-men but lay his hart in the brest of one of his Elkes that is to say a Christian turned Moore yet vpon sounder contemplation him hee reiected too he would put the health of so great a Kingdome into no such dangerous Physitiaus hands for he deliuered that Mahamet his GOD would take all fauor from him if he should doe so besides he that had forsaken his owne Law and religion could not haue the temper of constancy to serue one of a contrary religion nay how euer in out-ward shew these Elkes or Regadoes quoth hee seeme Saints and holy ones to me they may proue Diuels and hold it no conscience to betray my bloud and Kingdome Azus therefore was the man culled out from the rest by the Emperor This Prince flourished in as great glory as the greatest of his predecessors the blessed fruites of sweete peace tooke away the sourenesse of any warre either forren or domesticke that was serued in against him his subiects were infinite his Cittie 's filled with Nations He had more Wiues then any of his fore-fathers his Concubins were fairer and more in number he was as happy as euer was any King in Barbary in the flourishing multitudes of his people and as infortunate as euer any before him in beholding their misery Fortune twice had her pleasure vpon him first in lifting him vppe hygh in her loue lastly in pursuing him and his subiectes with her tyrrany Many noble and notable occurrentes presented themselues to the eye and eare of the world during his Raigne of which to write as they deserue were to adde a large Uolume to the Chronicles of that Countrey I will therefore as one hauing been at a royall banquet reserue some of it to my selfe and bestow some vppon others such as I thinke will be sweetest in going downe of which take this as part It was in his time when that great Armada that brought terror in her Wombe from Spaine was deliuered of it in the narrowe Seas of England At the birth but indeed the buriall of which inuincible Nauy the Spaniards that lay then in Barbary and attended on the Spanish Embassadour beguiling themselues with a false rumor that this land was conquered prepared for triumphs as if their ioy had bin tamely begot they had reason But one Maister Arnold Tomson an english Marchant certifying to the Emperour the truth and certaine defeature of the Spanish Fleete the English men that were there hadde likewise leaue of Mahamet to expresse their ioy in Bone-fires and other triumphes for the King did euer loue the Nation of our Countrey and did many fauors to our Marchantes The English Embassadour lying in the same streete where the Spanish Embassador lay and our Marchants gathering togither determining to ride into the fielde and there hauing put themselues into some gallant order to come backe into the Citty in a triumphant and ciuill manner to doe honour to their Country for so happy and vn-heard-of a victory behold before the Spanish Embassadors gate by which our Country-men determined on horsebacke to passe stood a company of Spaniardes with some Moores whom they had hired armed with pike and shot to stoppe their passage betweene whom what happened those english Marchantes the then were hurt of which maister Arnold Tomson was one can if they be yet liuing testifie and for those that were then slaine out-right the Emperour in indignation swore not onely that they who did
as if the whole kingdome had beene sacked and the enemie had had all the people in execution A rich and abundant haruest couered the face of the earth but the Husbandmen in steade of filling their Barnes were busied in filling vp graues the fruites which the ground brought forth shee herselfe did againe denoure A strange haruest was it for Corne was had in without Reapers it was gathered sowed againe all at one time for the Earth did now play the good Huswife shee saued all to herselfe and yet euen in sauing it did she spill all there were not handes enough to gather the foode which she out of her plenteous lappe bestowed amongst her children nor mouthes enough to eate it The Country-Lasse sate not nowe singing by her Milking-payle for the poore beastes ran bellowing vp and downe with swolnevdders mourning before their Maisters doores because they could not be eased of their burdens The Pestilence hauing thus like a mercilesse Inuader destroyed both Citties Uillages and hauing oftentimes made the greatest Lords in the kingdome stoope to his commaund and determining to conclude his conquest with taking the Generall ouer so great a Nation prisoner did at the last set vpon the Emperour Mahamet himselfe and with her venemous breath kild him Which glorious victorie beeing gotten Death and his Liefetenant Sicknes beganne to sound a retra●te to march from their walls and to let them liue in quiet No sooner were their backes turnd but againe in multitudes came the people downe from the Mountaines and as all Riuers when Land-waters haue opprest thē flie to the bosome of the Sea for safety so did the Nation of this great Empire frō all parts thereof come marching ioyfully and yet fearefully to fill vp make good againe theyr disinhabited houses What stories are now tolde of lamentable Funeralls what friends and kinsfolkes are missing what sorrowe there is for so much Acquaintance lost what gladnes to meete with any whom they heard or doubted were in their graues Their Citties doe now looke with cheerefull countenaunces streetes are filled with men houses with families euery one applies himselfe to his former labour euery Merchant to his trafficke But behold in the heate of all this Sun-shine when no wrinkle could be seene in the browe of Heauen when all was calme and that men lay safely snorting on their secure pillowes a seconde storme burst out of the clowdes a second a more fearefull God poured another vengeance on the heads of this people he sent Famine to breath vpon them and to suck the life-blood out of theyr bosoms so that they that before durst not come neere one another for feare of beeing infected with the Pestilence are now ready to lay hold each of other and to turne their owne bodies into nourishment The Plague was mercifull to them in dispatching them quickly out of the world but this tyrant put thē to lingering deaths They had once more meate then mouthes now they had many mouthes and no meate O Hunger how pittilesse art thou a monster thou art of a most strange condition for how small a thing will appease thee and yet what wilt thou not destroy to satisfie thy rauenous appetite thou art most cruell to them that most seeke to relieue thee and when thou hast nothing to feede vpon thou plaiest the murderer and eatest vp thy selfe How tirannous hast thou shewed thy selfe to this great Nation thou hast heard children crying for bread to their Parents yet wouldest not relieue them whilst the Parents went mourning and pyning vp and downe that they wanted foode themselues Men that were strong of body didst thou by thy sorcerie bring so lowe that they could scarce stand on their legs Weomen that had fresh blood in theyr cheekes and were louely to be lookt vppon didst thou make leaue and turnedst them into Anatomies O Famine thou cruellest executioner of Gods wrath thou dishonest guest for into what house soeuer thou commest thou destroiest all that is set before thee thou traytor to Plentie enuious hag malicious Witch that with thy vnsauorie breath blasteth whole fieldes of Corne away gette thee gone the hand of Heauen keepe thee from landing vpon the English share hide thy head for shame in the graues of those whom most vnmercifullie thou hast slaughtered bee buried there for euer for if thou shouldest set footing vpon this little Ile thou wouldest quickly turne it into a great Land of miserie But was the terrible Iudge of the world satisfied with punishing this people twice in this manner had their offences towardes him deserued no more blowes It seemes they had run into a most proude rebellion and that hee had sworne in his indignation to be reuenged vppon them for it for loe the spirit of his rage comes nowe in a consuming fire it is wrapt vp in clowdes of lightning and the thunder of it breakes into Ciuill warre The three sonnes of so great an Emperour shine now like three Meteors in the firmament all in steele their Courts now are Campes and none are Courtiers but Souldiers Three Brothers beeing all three Kings are vp in Armes only to make of three but one miserie vpon miserie They that escaped the stripes of the Pestilence were eaten to death by Famine they that saued themselues out of the Iawes of Famine are now in danger to perish on the Sword O noble France if I should bid thee onely to tell the horror the terrors the vnbounded mischiefe and calamity that come marching in with intestiue Broyles thou needest to say nothing but to open thy bosome and shew those deepe scars which thine owne sons haue set there There are teares yet in thine eyes for those sad funeralls which the Ciuill sworde prepared The Low-Countries haue beene in labour a long time and are not yet deliuered of that Monster if they could not expresse the paynes and pangs that followe this inward disease of a kingdome this griefe about the heart of a Land this very Earth-quake that hath power to ouer-turne Townes and Towers wee haue too many leaues in our own Chronicles spotted with the inuenomed Inck of Ciuill discord Too many of our Kings haue beene too famous by that miserie too many of our noblest Families haue shaken their ancient Houses by that thunder This fire of Discention hath now taken holde of Barbarie a kingdome full of people abundant in riches flowing with Arts and trafficke with all Nations how happy therefore are we that haue peace in our Citties and plentie in our fieldes yet doubtlesse our sinnes are in number infinite in nature abhominable wee deserue as little pardoning as they yet is our wickednes as blacke and detestable as theirs Let vs therfore stray aside awhile and by comparing the heauy afflictions which the Diuine Iusticer hath layd vpon other Countries in times past acknowledge an incommensurable loue and mercy of his to this Iland of ours nowe in these present dayes For in the yere of Christ 81. and in the yeere 188 the breath of the Pestilence was so strong and so contagious that in Rome there died daily two thousand people In the yeere 254 fifteene Prouinces of the Romaine Empyre were almost cōsumed with the like calamitie Nay in Constantinople the rage of the disease was so great that in the yeere 530 there fell euery day for many dayes together fiue thousand sometimes tenne thousand Within tenne yeeres after that which was in Anno 540 there began an vniuersall plague ouer the whole world which continued 50 yeeres with hot violence In the yeere 1359 so mortall a blow did Death giue to Italy by infection that there was scarce left tenne of a thousand And to Rome in the yere 1521 that shee made graues for a hundred thousand Millan likewise Padua and Venice in the yeres 1576 and 77 opened the Earth to receiue into her womb a hundred thousand dead carkasses that were left breathlesse in each of those Citties by the tyrannie of this pestiferous disease And in Bohemia beeing but a small kingdome there died three hundred thousand the same time In the yeere 1596 fel such a plague in Constantinople that it strooke downe in sixe moneths space seauen hundred thousand persons And this misery was seconded by so terrible a Famine that a penny loafe of breade of English mony was worth a crowne in golde by reason of which the people were worse consumed thē before by the Pestilence We will now set forth some of our owne home-borne tragedies wrought by the Plague of which take this as Prologue to the rest In the raigne of K. Edward the third the Infection spred it selfe in the East Indies amongst the Tartars Saracens and Turks which had a hand ouer them by the space of 7 yeeres and this vengeance which was poured downe from heauen vpon this people strooke their soules into such amazement and terror that many of the Heathen with the very feare thereof offred to be conuerted and turne Christians Shorthe after by reason of Passengers from one Prouince to another the same mortall plague was dispersed in many Christian kingdoms amongst others brought into England where it was so forcible all ouer the Land that not onely men but also beasts birdes and fishes were smitten there-with and found dead with botches vpō them Yea such a massacre did it make amongst the liuing that they were scarceable to burie the dead At which time with the rest that then died of the Plague Henry Duke of Lancaster Blanch Dutchesse of Lancaster and the Earle of Warwick ended their liues So that in one yeere in a little plot of ground of 13 Acres compasse then called Spittle-croft and nowe the Charter-house were buried 50000. persons besides all them that were then buried in the Church yards diuers other places Our late calamities infliced vpon vs for our sinnes are fresh in memory the eyes of many people are yet wet with mourning at burials the rod is stil held ouer vs the stripes of it are euen nowe to bee seene sticking in our flesh Yet you see howe the Great Father of Nations keepes vs vnder his wing he is loth to chide more loath to strike vs let vs not therefore like foolish haire-braind children prouoke him too often and too much to anger least he take vp his triple Mace of hote vengeance and with it bruze our people as hee hath already stretcht out his Arme to smite those of Barbarie FINIS