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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10368 The life and death of Mahomet the conquest of Spaine together with the rysing and ruine of the Sarazen Empire. Written by Sr. Walter Raleigh Kt. Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618.; Luna, Miguel de, 16th/17th cent. Verdadera historia del rey Don Rodrigo. 1637 (1637) STC 20647; ESTC S115585 31,725 292

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Almedina and tooke it by force This first good fortune wrought the effect he desired for instantly by his Army he was saluted Calipha which interpreted is King and because his creation hapned upon a Friday that day was ordayned by him to be their Sabbaoth His next conquest was the City of Mecca where he triumphed in the blood of his neighbour Citizens which was not spared and proclaimed death to all those that did not embrace his Doctrine The Princes and great men in Arabia opposite unto him assembled all their forces Mahomet being too weake was overthrown wounded and fled to Mecca yet in the end the warre continuing he prevailed and reduced the three Arabies under his subjection Grown great and glorious with his victories and at that time the Emperor of Constantinople and King of Persia being men of weake and tame Spirits he invaded their Dominions and with a conquering sword triumphed over Syria the City of Jerusalem the kingdome of Mesopotamia and Persia the great City of Babylon with other Eastern Provinces of all which as of the Arabies he styled himselfe King being now grown elde● by his inordinate life in the state of his body then in yeeres which exceded not fifty seven full of glory as well in regard of his large Empire as in opinion of sanctity in being esteemed a Prophet and weary with warre with a fained holynesse under which maske he intended to take his ease sequestred himself from publique affaires committing the government of his estates to the Lievetenants within in three yeeres following which was in Anno Domini 631 the sixtith yeere of his Age and the tenth of his Reign he died Upon his death-bed he commended unto his principal Commanders the care and use of his fantasticall Law assuring them that it was agreeable to the will of God and that so long as they and their posterity should hold and maintaine it they should flourish This false Prophet and usurping Prince pretended paternally to discend from the Patriarch Abraham by his eldest Sonne Ismael and to avoyd the infamie of an unlawfull bed his successors affirmed that Ismael was the Sonne of Sara not of the bond-woman Agar whereupon the Arabians which is the undoubted name of that people are by some writers of Ismael called Ismalites by others of Agar Agarens And of Sara Sarazens but in this latter time they are distinguished by the name of Arabians Moores and Mahometans the first is proper only to those which inhabit in Arabia the Mores are the progeny of such Arabians as after their Conquests seated themselves in that part of Affrica the Manometans is the generall name of all nations that professe Mahomet as Turks Tartars Persians c. Of the successors of Mahomet until the yeere of our Lord 673 the writers vary in opinion both in name and number of the Caliphaes and in the yeeres of their reignes the reason that begat their errors proceeded from the dissention that happened about the succession amongst Mahomet's kinsmen evermore anti-Caliphaes starting up with pretended titles in opposition to him that had the Diadem whereof some were murthered and others deposed so as the writers either out of ignorance not able to discerne the truth or wilfully partiall have erred Notwithstanding their civill tumults they kept Mahomet's Dominions and inherited his fortunes for every of them added somwhat to his Monarchie where by they became fearfull to the world and potent in Asia Affrica and Europe The fourth Calipha agreed upon by Historiographers was callded Hozman or Azman husband to Mahomet's daughter who perceiving that in this upstart Religion Schisms and diversities of opinions began to rise by the helpe of his wifes mother recovered Mahomet's papers wherein his law was written which hee caused to be digested into one volume contaning foure books divided into 206 Chapters and called it the Alcoran commanding the same to be published upon paine of death to be observed by his subjects Hee was a great Conqueror and wan much upon the Christians but this discourse treateth not of his particular actions or of his successors untill the reigne of Abilqualet Iacob Myramamolin surnamed Almanzor which interpreted is the defendor of the law of God sonne to Abilqualet Calipha of the Arabians who seeing his sonnes abilitie to govern himselfe by reason of yeres exceeding 70 unable to mannage publique affaires in the yeere of Christ 675. resigned his Scepter unto him Without comparison hee was the greatest Monarch then living upon the earth The seat of his Empire as his predecessors accustomed was at Zarvall in Arabia Foelix from east to west his dominions were bounded with the river Indus in Asia and the Atlantick seas which in length exceeded the Roman Empire The conquests he made were admirable all which in this collection are omitted untill the 37 yeere of his reigne in which he attempted the conquest of Spaine abreviated out of two Arabique writers translated into Spanish in anno 1606. Both the Authors living in his time the one a Captaine in that war and the other for 20 yeeres together of Almanzors chamber and after his death a Provinciall Governor in Arabia Foelix In the yeere of our redemption 712. Don Roderigo in the right of Don Sancho his elder brothers Soone then in minoritie swayed the Spanish Monarchie having so faire a Jewell in his possession and unwilling to loose kingly power after so long use of it his impostumed heart swolne with Ambition poysned in the center restles and care full he only held and approved such Counsel without respect of conscience or honor as might worke his end The way to fixe the Crown to his head which while his Nephew lived sat loose was to deprive him of his life Anagilda mother to Don Sancho fearing what shee suspected and suspecting no lesse then there was cause had a watchfull eye over her sonne as much afflicted how to avoyd harme as Don Roderigo was perplexed how to contrive it The first project was to poyson him at a banquet but the mothers care prevented the innocents danger that failing hee corrupted one Ataulpho his Favorite to kill him Ataulpho not prodigall of his life which he knew to be in danger both in hot and cold blood after a murther perswaded Don Roderigo to frame some coulourable accusations against him and once in prison hee might at leasure without any perill act what he listed Ataulpho was presently sent with commission to apprehend Don Sancho then resident in Cordova promise of reward gave him wings in his post at midnight the Prince was taken in his bed carried out of the towne and committed to guard Anagilda though greived beyond expression with the accident yet being a Ladie of great spirit armed such servants and friends as shee had pursued Ataulpho besiedged the Castle where hee and her sonne were tooke it by force him prisoner slewe the rest and recovered the Prince which done trussing up her treasure and jewels with a small trayne
dominions in Affrica that such subjects of his as would passe thither with the families should have ●ands apportioned unto them at easie rents priviledged with liberties and exemptions upon knowledge whereof five thousand families of Moores and Jewes were planted in Spaine where by in a small time the Kingdome was so well replenish't as that little signe of war appeared The plague being ceased in Sivill Habdilbar the Governor with an armie of 12000 foote and 1000 horse sate downe before it But the defendants vallor made him weary of the enterprise and with the losse of much time two thousand foot and two hundred horse he returned to Cordova After some rest and new provisions made Habdilbar ashamed of the late soome hee had received and fearing Almanzor's displeasure matched the second time from Cordova to Sivill his armie cōsisting of fifteen thousand foote and fifteen hundred horse But the Christians not failing in courage bravely resisted daily falling upon the enimies quarters After fortie five daies siege news was brought to Habdilbar that Elhardaly a Moore governor of the Province and Cittie of Valentia was revolted from his obedience with a purpose to usurpe to himselfe the title of the King of Spaine as hee was sorie for this news so was he glad of so good an excuse to rise from before Sivill having received more losse then formerly he had done Towards this Rebell Habdilbar with ten thousand foot and eight hundred horse marched from Cordova strengthening his armie with certaine troops raised by the Governor of Murcia The rebell in the first encounter was defeated taken and beheaded the Cittie of Valencia for the Cittizens offences sacked and Mahomet Abenbucar made Governor of that province Althongh Tarif by the spoiles he had gotten in Spaine was esteemed the richest subject in Almanzor's Dominions and there with in Common opinion hee might rest satisfied yet he like a gratefull Prince to a well deserving servant held himselfe bound in honor to lay upon him some visible marke of favor where upon hee made him Governor and Leivetenant Generall of all his Kingdoms The time now drew on for the Consummating of the intended marriage between the yong Prince Abilqualit and the King of Tunis daughter Tarif with a fleet of fortie saile was sent to fetch her The King of Tunis as he had reason to think himselfe much honored to matched his daughter with the great Almanzor's Heir so he forgot not to demonstrate his affection by the rich Presents hee sent to the Calipha and by the rewards hee gave Tarif The Princes being arived at the Court and the marriage Solemnized Almanzor broken with age and infirmities having lived Sixtie three yeeres and reigned fortie two hee resigned his Scepter to his sonne Abilqualit the third day of October in in the yeere after our Redemption 716 95 and when all the ceremonies incident to the Resignation and Assumption of a Crowne were past hee retyred to asumptuous Monasterie built by himselfe in the Mountaines for fortie eight Monasticall men Governed by a Morabits which signifies an Hermit where with an infirme bodie Languishing for the space of seaven yeeres in continuall devotions hee died Hee that should write at large the storie of this Prince discourse his glorious actions as they merrit set downe his virtues and anatomize al that was good in him should undertake a taske of great labor for had he been a Christian his equal could hardly been found but his better impossible wherefore not to bury so great worth in oblivion it is not impertinent briefely to say somwhat of him In his tender yeeres the hearts of all men began to admire and affect him aswel for his person which in beautie and form excelled the children of his age as for the goodnesse of his disposition and sharpnes of wit which was admirable as his yeeres increased so did his perfections all virtues striving which should be predominant in him which produced feare and love in his subjects hearts evenly ballanced towards him His stature was tall and seemly his gesture grave and pleasant the thoughts of his heart were not discovered in his brow his limbs strōg and active valiant liberall devot wise and learned being reproved by the king his father for giving a way to the poore in one day by handfulls of Gold the some of 20260. pounds 22 Arrobas and 13 pounds of Gold for an instruction told him that a poore King was as a dead man among the living hee replyed that Avarice in a prince was base and contemptible that Kings in imitation of the Creator by whose power they rule and reigne ought to give to the well deserving needie heaps of treasure could not adde one day to his life and being dead nothing but a poore winding sheet remained which was not snfficient to arme him against the wrath of God unto whom at the latter day hee must render an accompt of his Actions To the King his father a rich Semitary of great price being presented the handle whereof was a rich Emrald the Pommell a ballast or a stone called a Balis Rubie the guard and scabberd of beaten gold set with pretious stone and the blade a Damaskin the blade most excellent damsked of excellent temper for the rarenesse of so pretious a Jewell shewed it to divers of his great men who admired the perfections they saw but found fault that the weapon was somewhat too short whereat the yong Prince smiled saying they were deceived for the shortnes of a good sword in the hands of a valiant man that dares come up close to his enimie was so far from defect as it brought advantage with it the king pleased to see in so tender yeeres so bold a spirit in his son fastned the sword to his side saying that he only did merrit to weare it that found no fault with it Before he was 21 yeeres old he wrote divers bookes of the Mathematiques Astrologie art of War Philosophie pollicie of state and a large comment upon Aristotles works three books of Philosophy upon the tents of Arist in forme of a Cōment he could perfectly write and speake eleaven severall Languages expressing his minde and answering Ambassadors in them with out the help of a Truchman his father being old joying in his sons perfections upon the tenth of January 654 resigned his Scepter to him which addition of greatnes bred no other Alteration in him then a greater desire to increase in goodnes his Ambition striving no lesse to be reputed virtuous then to keepe and enlarge his Dominions his aparell ordinarily was plaine but on festivall daies no prince more sumptuous At his meat which for the most part was privat he seldome had above two dishes and that but once a day two servants to attend him and never dranke in gold or silver cup though of them his officers were royally stored Surfetters and Cormorants he compared to beasts voyd of reason Towards the Evening his Major Domo had accesse to his
were victor and concludes that it were much better for them to die then over live their honors the third day of November in the yeere aforesaid the two brethren with drawne swords disputed their right the rivers were dyed with blood of the dead that fell on either part the battell continued from morning till Sun-set Abrahen slaine his Armie broken and every man sought the best he could for safetie wherunto the favor of the night gave good advantage As Abilqualit had reason to joy in so great a victorie so did he grieve at his brothers death whom he coveted in the love he bare to him rather to have been his prisoner then to have seene him dead In mourning garments with teares he followed his Corps to the Funerall his Cōmanders and Captaines did the like and was in pompe interred with his Ancestors in the Cittie of Zarvall In this battaill also Tarif received a sleight wound in the arme wherof he died to do him honor Abilqualit in black attended him to the grave wept over him and laid him by his brother these funeralls ended with a wrathfull heart in another forme he performed others causing execution to be done upon the cheifest that ranne his brothers fortunes the rest were pardoned and having ordered his affairs lately distempered lived in peace In Spaine the Governor Habdilbar by Cōmandement of his King prosecuted Don Pelago to be enformed of his strength he hyred a Renegado Spaniard to view his forces order and abyding places but taken by Pelago's guards was brought to him and tortured yet his wit and constancy quit him of suspition and being freed he returned to Cordova recounting to Habdilbar his perils and discovery assuring him that Don Pelago was weake in men and Arms and victuals that is strongest places were not dificil to winne and that the Christians were full of feare upon trust of these relations the governor selecting out of his garrisons twelve thousand choice foot for of horse there was no use marched towards the Mountaines All the force that Don Pelago did make exceeded not obove two thousand with these he resolved to make the best defence he might and reposing more confidence in his wit than in his sword he divided them into many parts placing them upon straits and advantage of ground yet so as they might upon all occasions second one another in the very first encounter which was in a boggie wood full of rocks formerly possest by the Christians and where an armie could not march informe Habdilbar was beaten put to a running retreit and lost two thousand besides hurt men and prisoners wherwith enraged to ease his Choller he hanged the Renegado Spie and in dispaire to prevaile against men that were inhabitants in such inaccessible grounds fortified by nature he lost the enterprise till a further time and returned to Cordova Abilqualit living in peace by an unlooked for accident was drawn into a new war which arose by the death of his father in law the King of Tunis who deceasing without any other heire than his daughter Abilqualit's wife that kingdome in right did appertaine to her Upon the report of his death the Arabian Monarch sent one of his great Commāders Abenmarchan in his name to take possession of the Realme which without contradiction was effected and the principall subjects sware their allegeance to him in the name of Abilqualit proclaming him King for a few monthes no disturbance appeared untill one called Haaken next heire male in blood to the deceased king repyning that the kingdome should fall to a distaffe and therby in subjection to a stranger valuing himself worthie therof by promise of reward and under-hand meanes alured many of the best qualitie to approve and favor his clayme his first enterprise was acted upon the person of Abenmarchan the governor in assaulting his house and killing him and his servants and that done proclamed himselfe King unto whom obedience was sworn Abilqualit having advertisment of his rebellion dispatched a Post the second of Aprill 719 98 to Mura his governor in Moroccoes with such forces as he could make presently to repaire unto him who with extream expedition imbarked twentie thousand horse and foot armed and victualled and shortly after arived in the port of Vaffa in Syria where Abilqualit had drawn to a head twentie five thousand foot and eight hundred horse with these troops over whom Mura was ordained Leivetenant general the king in person put himself to Sea and with favorable weather landed in the kingdome of Tunis To withstand the Assailant Hacen the usurping King leavied forces consisting of fortie thousand foot and eight thousand horse In the first encounter Abilqualit's losse was more than Hacens Among others of note Ismael the son of Mura was wounded to the death for which disaster Abilqualit being pensive Sir said the noble Mura his father my sonne came not hither for spoile to win honor and to do you service were his ends if he die it imports not much for being borne to dye his dayes are crowned with glory in finishing them where your eyes are witnes of his valor The day following being the ninth day of October 121 100 the Armies joyned Hacen was overthrown and Abilqualit in triumph made his entrie into the Cittie of Tunis but not accompting his victorie compleat except Hacen's sonne were in his possession he proclamed large rewards to him or them that could bring him alive or dead Miserable Hacen driven to extremities was glad to cover himself in a desolate Cave where being bayed by Shepheards dogs he was discovered taken and brought bound to Abilqualit Instead of humilitie the inherent qualitie to unfortunate men hee used unreverent speech which breeding passion in the Conqueror produced Tyrannicall effects in impaling him upon a stake wheron after five dayes torment he dyed the men of qualitie that assisted Hacen being executed the Countrie setled and Abrahen Hacen left governor Abilqualit sailed to the Levant and tryumphantly returned to his Cittie of Zarvall where resting himselfe but a while he went in devotion to Mecca to adore the Sepulcher of Mahomet In his journy homewords through the desarts the sands moved by winde buried three thousand of his traine himselfe and the rest escaped with great danger The yeere following Almanzor consumed with languishing diseases the third day of the Moone Rageb in the hundred and second yeere of the Hixera in anno domini 723 102 died being the seventith yere of his age the fortie one of his reigne before the resignation of his Crown and the seaventh of his Monasticall life of whose death as soone as Abilqualit had knowledge he dispatched messengers to all the great officers throughout his dominions to give them notice of it that according to the accustomed manner in the like occasions they should command blacks to be worne by the better sort of people in all Citties pray for his Soule and give almes He was buried in the Mountain of Nue in a sumptuous
particular governments Though the traitorly Protector liked not the reply nothing squaring to his end yet he gave him not over hoping at last to win him to his bent but he like an honest loyall Patriot stifly persevered in his disswasions after many assaults seeing no end of the Protectors tentations afflicted in his Soule to ease himselfe and give remedy to the danger which necessarily must ensue if he smothered it unto himselfe he resolved to breath it out unto Mura the Governor of the Moroccoes then being at the Court and highly esteemed for his valour wisdom wealth and dignitie unto him he discovered the treason to prevent it they found no other meanes so good as to know what course the protector would take in the execution therof wherfore it was agreed that Abenzulayman should seeme to like of the motion he repaired to the protector approved the designe who told him that he had resolved upon poyson as the safest from danger and least subject to hurt which was not by the other contradicted Abenzulayman with a heavie heart returned to Mura and in detestation of the intended plot they resolved to take the Protectors life but if they failed in the enterprise lest perill might ensue to the yong king and his mother Mura by consent went to the Monastery to give her a foreknowledg of it who at the first stood fearefully amazed but by Mura's stronger spirit received comfort and he poasted back to the Protectors Court In this meane while the Protector attended his treasons and sent the king for a present a rich garment imbroidered with pearle and stone artificially and substantially poysoned The carefull Queene fearing what she found true would not suffer the King who was glad of his new Coat to put it on but the same night fastned it about a Greyhound who in the morning was found dead swolth and readie to burst The Queene like a wise Ladie dissembled her just displeasures returned letters and messengers of thanks both in the kings name and her own and earnestly desired him to make his present repaire to the King about businesse of importance which could neither admit delay nor his absence Against his comming guards were set upon the gates by whom he was taken bound and brought to the Queene where being charged of manifest treason which could not be denyed he was suffocated in a vessell of water his dead bodie laid upon an Asse and carried through the streets a cryer published the cause of his deserved death Mura and Abenzulayman had their severall hopes to succeed in the Protector-ship but the Queene foreseeing the troubles that might ensue either in joyning them in commission or to preferre the one before the other assumed the government of the King and his estate into her own hands which displeased neither Mura highly rewarded returned to the government of his Provinces and Abenzulaman had the kingdom of Tunis committed to his charge but died upon the Sea in his passage thither All things being in peace and orderly setled the Queene in her government feared and loved The yong king in perfect health suddanly when no cause of feare appeared sorrow and discomfort tryumphed the instrument of their victorie was a Spyder which accidentally falling from the roofe of the Chamber lighted upon the Kings face where he slept and bit his eyelid the venom wherof infecting the blood inflamed his face and from thence dispersed it selfe into the other parts where getting the masterie within seaven daies he died and the Queene the fifteenth day following with overmuch abstinence from meat ended her life in sorrow The death of this yong King was the ruine and utter subversion of the Sarazen Monarchy himselfe being the last of the great Almanzor's issue yet he wanted not kinsmen but their titles were intricate and ambiguous which stirred up pretenders amongst whom Abenhachech prevailing by his friends was Crowned King at Zarvall wherof Mura in the Moroccoes having notice and antient malice depending between him and the new king sensible of his own power assembled his Leivetenants and Captains and by their unanim Consent was proclamed king of the Provinces under his charge which greatnes of his was determined by his death in anno 727 106 he left two sonnes tender infants the elder not past seaven yeere old Their Fathers Kingdom was torn from them and divided by foure of his Leivetenant Governors styling themselves Kings of their Provinces namly of Morocco Fez Suz and Ducdo The Governors of Tunis and Sarsall now Argier set Crowns upon their heads and assumed the name of Kings Abentirix governor of Damasco erected his province into a Kingdom afterwards killing in a battell the new king Abenhachech was proclamed king of the Arabians and Monarch of the Moores divers other Provinces in the East revolted and became Kingdomes Habdilbar who had governed Spaine many yeeres following the example ●f Mura devored in his conceit that Monarchy but the inferiour governors tickled with particular ambitions taking hold of occasion refused his obedience yet of Cordova he made himselfe King And the Provinciall Governors of Granado Valentia Murcia Castilia Tolledo Arragon and Biscay erected their governments into kingdomes and in after tymes by their dissentions many other pettie places in Spaine were so intituled which gave advantage to the Spaniards to recover their lost Patrimony detained by the Moores from the conquest made by Tarif in anno 924 93 and not fully no gained untill in anno one thousand foure hundred nintie two Granado was Conquered by Don Ornando Catolico and Donna Isabella Kings of all Spaine Portugall excepted of seaven hundred seaventie eight yeeres This great Empire of the Arabians Sarazens or Moores begun by Mahomet increased for the space of one hundred and foure yeeres from East to West It contain'd more leagues then the Roman Empire and that excepted without all doubt it was the greatest that ever obeyed one Monarch In Europe they had Spaine the most part of France the Islands Majorca Minorca Scicillia Malca Sardinia Corfica Candia Cypres Rhodes and all most all the rest in the Mediterranean sea In Italie Puglia and Calabria and all the best maretine townes in Greece In Affrica they possest a great part of AEthiopia the Kingdoms of AEgipt Tunis Argier Tremeson Ducdo Fez Suz Morocco and others In Asia the three Arabies Persia Mesopotamia Syria the two Armenias most part of the lesser Asia and all the kingdoms to the Eastward of Persia even to the river Indus which ample Monarchy so largly extended after the yong Kings death brake as Alexanders did And as the Ambition and dissention of his Leivetenants rent his Conquest into severall kingdoms so did twentie seaven Governors of the Sarazens Empire divided and share those Dominions among them And as time reduced them to nothing so were these kingdoms in so much as at this present there is not one powerfull King upon the earth that can vaunt himselfe to be derived from the Arabian blood but the King of Morocco the rest of that Empire is now possest by Christians Turkes Persians other Mahometans and Gentiles Hee never chose rich Tyrant to his Councell nor abhorred the poore just man Hee never denyed Justice to a poore man for his povertie nor pardoned the rich man for his goods Hee never left ilnesse unpunished nor goodnesse without reward Hee never Committed to another Justice that was cleere nor darke judgment he never determined by himselfe alone Hee never denyed Justice to them that demanded it nor mercy to those that deserved it He never did correct any in anger nor promised reward in his mirth Hee never was charged with thoughts in prosperitie nor dispaired in adversitie Hee never opened his gates to Flatterers nor laid his eares to Murmurers He never Committed ill for malice nor any villany for averice He ever labored to be beloved of them that were good and to be dreaded of those that were ill He ever favored the poore man observed the just law of the godly THIS Writing of the life of Jacob Almanzor was finished in the Castle of the City of Cufa on the 4th day of the Moone of Rabek the first in the 110th yere Praised be God Amen
loves towards him he intreated them to be at his funeral Then calling every one by his name they kissed his hands and departed his next care was to dispose his goods Jewells and plate which he cōmanded to be sold and given to the poore his books excepted which he gave to Abilqualit with Condition that he should marry one thousand Orphants giving to every of them in dowry one thousand miticules Hee likewise freed all his slaves and never after that was known to cast his thoughts upon worldly busines the rest of his daies he spent in contemplation and prayer Abilqualit presently after the possession of the Crown like a wise Prince Abilqualit followed his Father in governmnt to admiratiō Save only in his Liberalytie and Charitie was carefull to settle his estate his greatest feare was the stirring spirit of his brother Abrahen To give him som contentment without peril to himselfe he gave him the government of Arabia Petraea a small Province poore weake and steril But contrary to his expectation before he was warme in his Seate Abenbucar Governor of Damasko rebelled in hope to win the Garland Against this Rebell Abilqualit with a huge Armie put himselfe into the field Abrahen taking hold of occasion under colour to assist his brother levied forces and marched directly to his Court where according to his qualitie he was received and served by the Kings officers being in possession of the house he set guards upon it seized the moveables committed the persons of the Queen and yong Prince to safe keeping and som principall men towards whom he stood ill affected were executed which done by feare flattery and reward he was proclamed and crowned King To second and assure his fortunes leaving sufficient Garrisons in his Palace he marched after his brother wherof when relation was made to Abilqualit he left the pursuit he followed and retreited within a few daies the Armies lodged neer together the King unwilling to hazard his undoubted right in the chance of battell and moved as he pretended with Compassion to save the lives of his naturall subjects he sent to his brother Abrahen to intreat him to cōmiserate the publique estate of the Monarchy which by their dissentions was in perill of ruine to pittie the lives of so many men and good subjects which were like to perish and if he would dissolve his Army he promised not only to pardon all past offences but impart to him such a proportion of his kingdomes as might give him satisfaction Whereunto Abrahen returned answere that he came not thither to treat but to fight and that nothing but the sword should arbitrate between them admonishing the messengers to return no more for whosoever brought him proffers of composiotion should die The next morning the twelfth of November in anno 717 90 the Armies joyned Abilqualit was beaten and fled never looking behind him untill hee came to the sea coast where in a small Pinnace he passed to the kingdome of Tunis putting himselfe into the protection of the King his father in law when notice was brought to Abrahen that his brother was escaped by easie journies he retyred the way he came to Zarvall in Arabia where the second time for a confirmation of his election he was crowned After some rest his domestick and publick affaires being ordered with a small Armie of fifteen thousand foot and fifteen hundred horse he marched towards Abenbuchar the Rebell who put into the field twentie thousand foot and two thousand horse plentifully furnished with war-like provisions When the armies approached in view of one another Abrahen sent messengers to Abenbuchar to perswade him not having any pretence to the Crowne to desist from his treason and yeeld him obedience and he would both pardon him and advance his fortunes Answer was returned that he which had borne Arms against his naturall brother and soveraigne and out of his proud Ambition had wrongfully torne the Crowne from his head was an infamous traytor for his particular he was moved in conscience being Governor of Damasco to defend the people committed to his charge from insolencies and oppressions wherewith they were daily vexed by the evill government of Abilqualit Hee understood not how men by naturall right should challenge succession in Kingdomes That Scepters appertained only to such as God blessed with valor and wisdome to those only power and dominion was due and to none other and therfore he would not desist from his enterprize Abrahen transported with choller although he was disswaded by his Captains not to try the fortune of a battell obeyed passion and paid the price of his follie for his armie was routed his men for the most part slaine his baggage made a prey to the Mountaniers and thence disguised by by-waies with many perils and sad thoughts he recovered his Pallace in Arabia where within fiftie daies he listed under cōmanders and Captaines fortie thousand foot and five thousand horse and with admirable expedition marched towards Abenbucar who nothing dismaid drew to the field with an armie of thirtie thousand foot and three hundred horse with equall courages their forces joyned Abenbucar defeated and taken was presented to Abrahen who in furie without speech seized upon him and in the presence of all his troopes with his own hands cut his throat and smoat off his head which he caused to be set upon the chiefe Port in Damasco his skin pulled off and stuffed with straw was placed by it and his bodie left to be devoured by birds and beasts all the cheif commanders that followed Abenbucar were likewise executed and Abentirix one of his favorits was left to govern Damasco which done in tryumph he returned to Arabia Whilest these combustions continued in the East Abilqualit at Tunis prepared for the war Mura Governor of the Moroccoes was sent for who leaving an Arab of Arabia Petraea for his Leivetenant with thirtie thousand foot well armed store of Munition and treasure repaired unto him the second day of march in anno 718 97. Unto the which the King of Tunis added his forces in number little inferiour to the other The office of the Leivetenant Generall was conferred upon Tarif in whose wisdom valour dexteritie experience and fortune Abilqualit did repose much confidence In imbarking his troops he lost no time and favored with a westerly wind and faire weather they arived in Syria The rumor of Abilqualit with a powerfull armie being noysed throughout the Countrie from all parts multitudes resorted unto him his forces by the booke of Checque appeared to be sixtie five thousand foot and five thousand horse Abrahen fearing his brothers forces was not in provident to defend his wrongfull posseffion and to that end with incredible celeritie he armed to the field sixtie thousand foot and horse In the constancie of his people he was somewhat diffident wherfore to confirme their hearts unto him he spared not to promise large rewards to lay before them their perils if his brother
Mosquita built by himselfe in a vault of Jasper able to containe fortie persons sustained with pillars of guilt Alablaster garnished with pretious stone The King his son his kinsmen his officers and Councellors the chiefe Priests fifteene thousand other priests his houshold servants Courtiers his guards and an infinite multitude of common people with tearie eyes and mournfull hearts attended his funeral upon his Tomb this Epitaph ensuing was enscribed Here lies the terror of Christians Moores and Gentiles who furrowed the Seas levelled the Earth subdued the nations of the world the Pattern of Courtesie the Tree of Mercy and to the wicked the edge of Iustice. Here he lies that had a bountifull hand the defendor of the poore the father of Orphanes the protector of widdowes the mirror of Charity honesty shame facednes and modesty the modell of government the Treasurie of Nobilitie the maintainer of truth the enemie of Lies the lover of wisdome whose fame shall eternally live for a worthy Monument to future age in despight of Conquering time that burnes in oblivion the great actions of Princes Kings and Emperors Let us pray to the Creator that his glory may be endles that in imitation of him Monarchs may govern their states in peace and that he would be pleased to direct our waies in his service and fill us with his divine grace Abilqualit being for two yeeres together free from rebellion and living in blissefull peace after the example of his father and Grandfather resolved in his life time to settle the Crown upon his sonne Iacob Almanzor a child of tender age and to that end the first day of March in anno 725 104 he assembled all his great men to his Court at Zarvall who approving his intent sware there obedience to the Prince as to the rightfull snccessor of that ample Monarchy The forme used in the Ceremony ensueth Abilqualit Cloathed in royall Roabes with Crown and Scepter his Kingly ensignes majestically sitting in chiar of estate his sonne upon his right hand and the high priest upon the left his Princes and guards being assembled the high Priest with a loud and audible voyce declared the cause of summoning that royall Court demanded whether they were contented to sweare their future obedience unto the Prince they answered yea Then said the high priest in testimony that you have assented all of you must doe as I and the king will shew you thereupon the King rose set his son in his Charriot the Prince in token of his filial obedience kissed his Fathers right hand the father blessed his child and after in humble reverence kissed his hand and sate in his sonnes seate the high priest and after him all the great men falling at his feet did the like then a priest apparelled in a Ceremoniall habit upon a board in the middest of that assembly laid the Alcaron the high priest rising from his seat demanded whether they were all content to sweare by the living God and the holy contents of that book to maintaine and defend Iacob Almanzor to be lawfull heire and successor to his father King Abilqualit in all his kingdoms and dominions wherunto they answered content the high Priest replyed whosoever doth not constantly fulfill and maintain his assent here given let him be held a person infamous a traytor to the royall Crowne and let the vengeance and malediction of the Soveraigne God fall upon him and his the assemblie answared Amen Then the King rose from his seat kissed the booke and laid it upon his head and returned to his place the same was done by the high Priest and the rest the high priest then turning to the Prince said Your Highnesse must sweare by the most high and Soveraigne God and by the contents of this holy booke as King and Lord of these kingdoms that you will administer and maintaine Justice indifferently between your subjects that you will fulfill and preserve unto them al the priviledges and franchises justly ●●●●●ted by the Kings your predecessors where by they may live in peace without grievances the Prince said he would be sworn unto it if you do not said the high Priest accomplish your promise and oath let that Vengeance and Malediction of the high and Soveraigne God fall upon you as upon him that is perjured the Prince replyed Amen Then the Prince rose from his Regall seat kissed the booke laid it upon his head and returned to his place where pausing a little while attended with all the guards in pompe trumpets and musicall instruments sounding he rode to the principall Mosquita prayed and returned to his Palace where King Abilqualit attended his comming The next day was spent in feasting triumphs and other Martiall exercises the day following they repaired againe to the Chamber of assemblie where the high priest demanded whether they were content to ratifie and affirme the oath they had taken they answered yea Then the King Abilqualit the high priest and the rest according to their degrees one after another with humble reverence kissed the Princes hand who giving them thanks the Ceremony ended Not long after the king sickned his disease grew strong and the Phisitians skill too weake to remedie it the tender yeeres of his son required a Governor to which office by his testament he made election of one of his neere men in whose faith he reposed trust called Mahomet Amzarij Then laying aside all wordly busines he conferred only with religious men prayed incessantly died The Queene Dowager pleased with the ayre and seat of the Monastery where Almanzor died removed the yong King thither and in her motherly love staid with him The Kingly power was established in Mahomet Amzarij who finding himselfe obeyed as king despised the estate of a subject and resolved to set the Crown upon his own head the way unto it he conceived to be liberality towards all but especially to the great officers governors of Provinces and Captains The men of war being his Creatures the rest were easily to be wrought Unto them he was bountifull and courteous denying nothing sued for and often giving before it was asked With this carriage he so inchanted their hearts as his partie seemed strong but yet actions of great weight cannot be effected without advice and ayde The first man to whom he discovered his pretence was Abenzulayman his creature advanced by him to be one of the foure Councellors at war but his heart detesting the horrible treason used perswasions to him to give over the enterprize laying before his judgment the generall love borne to the yong king their naturall soveraigne the little hope of prevailing the intestine war and the hazard which the Empire should runne into by it and that the murther of the King for murthred he must be would make him odious unto all men and not only divert the principall Governors hearts from him but raise the like ambition by his example in others to revolt and establish themselves kings in their