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kingdom_n dominion_n great_a king_n 4,637 5 3.7407 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00261 A bryefe and plaine declaracion of certayne sente[n]ces in this litle boke folowing to satisfie the consciences of them that haue iudged me therby to be a fauourer of the Anabaptistes.; Brife and faythfull declaration of the true fayth of Christ I. B., fl. 1547.; Bale, John, 1495-1563, attributed author.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, attributed author. 1547 (1547) STC 1035; ESTC S103779 21,747 42

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Syon that is to say ouer the faythfull congregacyon Psalm ii whiche faythful congregacion is the kyngdome of Chryst. Col. i. And the domynyon of thys kyngdome standeth not in a carnall dominion or powre But lykewise as the lorde is a spirite ii Corhinthians iii. euen so is hys kyngdome spirituall inwardly within vs. Luke xvii and not of this worlde Iohn xviii wherefore the prophete zacharie promysed vs a kynge thorough the holy ghoste the which shold not come with vi●…iable dominion nor great worldly tryumphe but w t an humble and a meke spyrite And shoulde not ●…ule as a worldly kynge ouer the carnal Syon or Israel but shoulde rayngne a spirytuall kynge and rule the spirituall Israelytes with the scepter of his godly worde And these are the wordes of the prophet Reioyse thou great lye O doughter Syon be glad O doughter Ierusalem beholde thy kynge cometh vnto the ●…owly and symple is he he rideth vpon an Asse and vpon the foele of an Asse euen thy rightwyse and sauyour and he hym selfe is poore 〈◊〉 ix These wordes of the prophete wytnesse clearely that Christes kyngdome is spirituall and standeth not in any outward dominion Iohn xviii And lykewyse all these prophetes do witnesse in these chapyters folowing Esa. iiii ix Ierem. xxiii xxxii Esechi xxxiiii xxxvii Myth iiii Therfore do we holde the doctryne of the carnal kingdome of Christ to be a dredfull errowr and a great heresye yea we holde it to be an heresye of the Chilcastes the which now agayne is raysed amongest thē of Mynster hath breyded her out in other places to the great slaunder and hinderaunce of the true gospel of god Forthermore yf any man take vpon him and presume to be the promysed Da uyd or a kynge of Syon as Iohn Layden at Mynster hath done hym do we holde for an antechriste aboue all antichristes yea boue the Romysh Antechryste How dredful so euer he hath slaundered god and exalted hym selfe against the almighty god and yet it is not com to suche an abhominacion as to put hym selfe a kynge of Sion or to take vpon hym to be a promysed dauyd But in these dayes ryse so many abhominable and presumptuous spirite fulfylled with all maner of wyckednes and sathans pride that take vpon them to rebbe Iesu Christe of his kingli sc●…pter and to take it vnto them selfes wo be vnto all suche dred ful slaunderers of the godly maiesty or powre wo be also vnto the seduceres which go about with witchecrafte wherwith they haue begyled many men Wooe be also vnto all them whyche do not seperate them selues frō those antechrystes and seducers but yet do seke help or comforte of them yea that leaue the verye Moy●…en Iesu Christ and desire other goddes to go afore them vpon thē shal fal that which is spoken of by the prophete Ieremye Lorde they that do forsake the shalbe destroyed and they that turne from the shall be ashamed and theyr names shall be wrytten in the earthe for they haue leaft the the lyuynge fountayne of water Beholde therfore wyll we by the grace of God abyde by oure spirituall Kynge Iesu Christe and pray hym that his kyngdome may encrease in vs yea that he wyll defende vs from all euyll and reserue vs to his euerlastyng heauenly kyngdome to his glory and honoure for euer Amen ¶ The weapons wherwyth a very christian ought to fyght SEynge that the whole Gospell of our●… Sauiour wytnesseth that the christian must suffer in no wyse may reuenge the euil So that we thynke by the helpe of god not to turne from the holsome doctrine of our Lorde Iesu Christ. For it is righte conuenient that a seruaunt wyth his lordes cōmaundement and a disciple wyth his maysters doctrine to be cōtented Mat x. And here now may no sophistical cauillacions nor fonde ymaginacions be alowed as though the wordes of Iesu Christe shoulde nowe be at an ende And seynge that Christ sayth vnto his apostles what I say vn to you that do I saye vnto al watche ye heauen and earth shal perishe but my wordes shal neuer peryshe Therfore do we holde them for dreadful seducers and abominable heretykes that w●…ll pre●…ume to saye that the doctrine of Iesu Christ as cōcernyng suffering should be ●…t an ende that the christen shoulde no more nede to suffer but that they shoulde cast away the weapons wher w t the apostles haue fought as theyr epistles rchearse put vpon them the harneys of Dauid yea that they shoulde destroy the whole worlde w t the material sworde and also take the worlde vnto them selues O what a blinde dreame is this which is spronge out of Sathā is cōtrary to the whole gospel of our lorde Iesu Christ. O what an iniquitie is this of thē that wyl with the chyldrē of Israel leaue the lorde the foūtayne of lyuing waters dygge them selues pyttes the whyche do seme fay●…e but they cā giue no water O what a blindnes yea what a folyshnes is it of them that for the sayinges of the prophetes whyche they vnderstande not wyll refuse leaue the moste highest prophet the onely begottē sonne of god the euerlastynge veritie Iesu Christe and do not dreade to exalte the olde testamente aboue the new to set Moyses aboue Christ O god shal now the new testament auoyed for the olde shal the preciouse bloud of the innocent lambe Iesu Christ be coūted lesse then the bloud of calues O lorde how are these mē so blynded that they with the styffenecked Israelites do abhorre the lyuing breade of heauen and do desyre ●…he flesh of Egypt that is to say they do refuse Iesu Christe the very breade of heauen do huger after mennes doctrine and inuēted dr●…es after ●…isceyuable prophetes But we wyl by the grace of god abyde by our lorde maister Iesu Christ holde it vnd●…niable that no vncleane doctrine whiche myghte be agaynst the gospel of our lorde Iesu Christ maye be broughte in or suffered but he alone muste be allowed for he is lorde maister Sauiour besydes him is none other In summa we know of none other veritie nor of none other waye of none other lyfe but onely of Iesu Christe Iohn xiiii For thys cause yf there come any prophecies or visions that wil draw vs from this holsome doctrine of Iesu Christ they muste be accursed Furthermore how and wyth what weapons that the christian shall fyghte doth Paule clearelye teache vs to the Ephesians in the syxte Chapter wyth these wordes Stande therfore and your loynes gyr ded about wyth the truth hauyng on the brest plate of rightuousenes and shodde vpon your fete wyth the gospell of peace that you maye be prepared a●…oue all thynges take holde of the shelde of fayth wher wyth ye may quentch the fyry dartes of the wycked take the helme of saluacion and the sworde of he spirite whyche is the worde of God And Iohn sayth