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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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at that seruice but he refused to kisse the dish or pax offered by the Cardinall of Ausbourge who sung the Masse whereat the Cardinall was so despited that he said vnto him If thou wilt haue no blessing receiue a curse euerlasting Other deputies of the Townes and Princes of the confession of Ausbourge entered not into the Church Certaine time after Othon Henry Elector Palatin left his dignitie and estates to Frederick who reformed his Countrey after the pure doctrine whereof he shewed himselfe a constant and faithfull protector with an admirable wisedome and moderation The Diethmarsois yeelded themselues vnto Frederick the 2. of that name king of Denmarke about the end of the moneth of Iune after they had couragiously maintained the war and receiued diuers battailes before they gouerned themselues without yeelding any subiection vnto any person But now they yeelded to gouernment about 35. yeares after the death of Henry de Supphon minister of the word of God whom they had cruelly put to death in the Towne of Meldorf where the truth of the Gospell encreased greatly by the preachings of that man The first day of Ianuary that Christian king of Denmarke of the age of 56. yeares died and about three weekes after died also Christierne his Cosin and predecessor who for his vniust wicked dealings was driuen away of his subiects straying out of his own kingdome the space of 10. yeares thinking to come thither again was taken vpon these and after locked in prison where he reamined 17. years vntil his death being vs the age of 78. Laurence Priarli Duke of Venice Heroides Duke of Ferrare died the same year y e one in●●● the other in Octo. Paul 4. hauing bin Pope 4. yeares 2. moneths 27. daies died the 18 day of August 1559. of the age of 85. yeares Scant had he yeelded vp his spirit but the Romane people which wished death vnto him because of his warres exactions and 〈◊〉 brake the prisons of the Inquisition deliuered the prisoners fired the whole building threw downe the Popes Image cutting off the head and right hand 〈…〉 which were drawne three dayes 〈◊〉 〈…〉 cast 〈…〉 And it was 〈◊〉 that the Armes of the family of ●●r●ffes should be plucked downe from all places of the towne and burst in peeces which was 〈◊〉 the same day His body was in daunger to haue bene handled as his Images and so had bene but that they kept certaine dayes 〈◊〉 a●●●d and strong hand from the people He was also very violent in his Popedome not only toward his enemies many of which were yet in prison but also towards his seruants and friends The 26. day of the said moneth of August Phillip d' Austrich king of Spaine hauing set in order his affaires in Flaunders and the lowe Countries made saile from the Hauen of Flushing into Spaine pretending to set vpō the Turke seeing he was agreed with the king of France Elizabeth the eldest daughter of the dead king Henry being accorded vnto him for wife and committed vnto the king of Nauarre other to conuoy her euen vnto the frontiers of Spaine But being embarked with a great number of ships and all the riches which his father had heaped vp out of Almain Italy with a great quantitie of the rich Tapistry of Flaunders as he approached the port of S. Iames in Galicie so great a tempest arose that of all that magnificall furniture and riches gotten together with so long time and so great trauell nothing arriued in safetie but the sea was made heire of those riches euen in the sight of the Spaniards As for him that tempest spared him so litle that scant could he set foote in any 〈◊〉 but the vessel wherein he was was ready to sinke into the bottome of the sea This losse chafed him so much the more against them of the Religon especially of the lowe countries which were there persecuted with fire and sword before after his depart●●● In England the Churche got vp vnder the pe●c●●ble gouernment of Elizabeth As for Scotland many came vnto the Gospell and they so multiplied that soone after they remained maisters The Papall seate being vacant the space of foure moneths by the aduise of the Cardinalls Iohn Angelus de Medicis Cardinall was chosen Pope about the end of December and was crowned the sixt day of Ianuary 1560. naming himselfe Pius the fourth he liued in the throne of error fiue yeares eleuen moneths and fifteene dayes He confirmed the election of the Emperour Ferdinand which his predecessour would not approue hee also iustified and set at libertie out of prison certiane Cardinalls and Bishops At the beginning of this said moneth Elizabeth of France was brought to the limits of Spaine deliuered into the hands of the Cardinall de Burges of the Duke d'el Infantasque King Phillip his deputies vnto whom they brought her and there was great triumphs in the celebration of the marriage which they called the firme bond to holde vnited the kingdomes of France and Spaine Charles Prince of Spaine receiued the homages of many Townes insomuch that for a time there was nothing but reioycings Iusts Feasts and Bankets through all King Phillips Countries but this mirth endured no long time as shall be seene hereafter For the estate of France the Churches had many troubles this yeare For the violent and illegitimate domination of the house of Guise which ruled the king and the kingdome at their pleasure the recoyling of Princes and great Lords the despising of the states and other cōfusions brought in by these new gouernours stirred a great part of the Nobilitie to ioyne themselues together to get the King out of the hands of such people and to procure by good order that things might return into their auncient estate And because this could not be executed but by armes they assembled certaine troupes vnder the conduct of Godfroy de Barry seur de la Renaudie and other valiant Captains to come vnto Amboise to seaze the Duke of Guise and the Cardinall of Lorraine to make an account of their administration But hauing bene discouered and betrayed long time before they came into the field this enterprise did but ●●uenome make more cruell the Lords of Guise Insomuch that they put to death a great number of Lordes Captaines Gentlemen and souldiers at Amboise And because the most part of them professed the true religion then in France called Lutherisme the Cardinall charged the Churches that they had made this enterprise yea they dealt with y e princes of the blood royall namely with Anthonie de Burbon king of Nauarre and his brother Lewis de Burbon prince of Conde after with the houses of Montmorencie of Chastillon determining to roote vp churches houses all at once to effect which the Lordes of Guise made infinit preparatiues all this yeare both within without the realme they also found meanes to draw the king of Nauarre
were now exposed to the spoiles slaughter of all Sigismond Prince of Transiluania repented him of his change of life and that he had giuen vp his gouernment wherfore he came out of Silesia through Poland into Transiluania and desired of his subiects that their oath of alleageance to him might be renewed and perswaded Maximilian Arch-duke whom the Emperour had made Gouernour of Transiluania that hee would lead his forces against the Turkes towards the recouerie of Agnia then against Transiluania Vpon the fourth of August Syr William Cecill knight of the Order Lord Burghley Maister of the Wards and Liueries high Treasurer of England a famous Counsellor to y e Queenes Maiestie all her raigne and likewise had bene to Edward the sixt who for his singular wisedome was renowned throughout all Europe departed this mortall life at his house by the Strand his body was conueyed to Westminster with solemne Funerall and from thence secretly to Stamford in Lincolnshyre and there buried I. Stowe The second of October George Earle of Comberland returned from the Seas hauing made spoile of the strong Towne and Castle of S. Iohn de Portanoico in Spaine This yeare died Phillip the 2. king of Spaine being of the age of 72. yeares Pope Clement the 8. created 13. Cardinals amongst whom was Robert Bellarmine Iesuite Phillip the 3. the sonne of Phillip the 2. succeeded his father in the kingdome of Spaine Hee tooke to wife Margarite of Austria And Albert Arch-duke of Austria married the Infant of Spaine the kings sister Both these marrriages were celebrated by the Pope Clement the 8. at Ferrara The 7. of February the right honourable Charles Blunt Lord Mountioy hauing taken his leaue at the Court departed towards Ireland as Lieftenant there Souldiers out of diuers Shyres were sent before him and also after him in this moneth of February This yeare Richard Lord Bishow of London with two other Commissioners to wit Doctor Perkins Doctor Swale were sent in Embassage to Emden there to treat with the Commissaries from the King of Denmarke and returned the eight of Iuly following On Tuesday the 5. of August Charles Iames king of Scots in Scotland escaped a straunge and strong conspiracie practised by the Earle Gowrye and his brother About the 8. of August arriued at Doner certaine Embassadors and assistants 16. in number sent from the king of Marocco in Barbaria I. Stowe The 18. of September certaine Embassadors came from Moschouie or Russia and the 14. of October the said Embassadors rode to the Court and had audience before her Maiestie FINIS A briefe Discourse of the Churches estate from the death of Iesus Christ vntill this present ALl which hath bene succinctly said in this booke touching the estate of the Church should remember the Reader of three diuers times in the consideration of the gouernment of the house of God the better to marke things as they came and to haue thereof a certaine abridgement in his memorie We take the first time of the Christian Church from the beginning of the Apostles preaching vntil the Empire of Phocas which is ordinarily distinguished into three periodes 1. The first of about 70. yeares from the Lords Ascention vntill the death of the Apostles and of their first Disciples 2. The second began at the Empire of Traian and stretched by the space of 200. yeares vntill Constantine which time also was honoured with the presence of certain of the Apostles Disciples other excellent Pastors of the Church and faithfull Martyrs of Iesus Christ 3. The third frō Cōstantine vntil Phocas which is the last periode of the first time of the Church about 300. years during which the Church had many great Doctors Greeks Latins As for the first periode of the first time it is very certaine that neuer Christian Church was more happie thē during that time whether we consider the doctrine taught by the Apostles and their first successors or wee contemplate all the parts of the Ministerie and of the Ecclesiasticall discipline Now for the doctrine we haue by a singular grace of God the Apostles Epistles whereby it is easie to gather a body and summary of all that which euery Christiā ought to know touching his saluation And that which is more if they which came after the Apostles had continued to build vpon the foundation which they had laid the Church had remained in his first spirituall splendor and brightnesse the simplicitie then being such and so great in doctrine in the maner of teaching and in ceremonies that the sheepheards and sheepe were altogether eliuated vnto the heauenly Father through Iesus Christ liuing moreouer in such charitie concord as truly this world might be well called the golden world For although that in the Apostles time and their next successors there rose vp certaine mutinous persons to trouble the happie rest of the Church this hurt not much the maiestie of the spirit of God discouering it selfe in such sort in the preaching of the Gospell that all the world was constrained to acknowledge in this infirmitie of the seruants of God an admirable efficacie to biing all wisedome and humane power captiue vnder the obedience of Iesus Christ True it is that alreadie Sathan thought vpō his affaires and brought forth his practises with greater force then euer before building his Sinagogue nigh vnto the Church For euen when the Apostles themselues liued certaine Iewes and Gentiles making the same profession of Christianisme fought against Iesus Christ in diuers maners as S. Paul his Epistles doo witnesse And what diligence soeuer the seruants of God vsed to eradicate and root out the tares which the enemie did sowe yet remained there the seedes thereof in the bosome of the Church during the periodes following God meaning to humble his and to shewe them that truly they had and would alwaies haue cause to fight in this life but that the triumph therof was reserued for the other world For as for the strength of the persecutors since the Apostles time it hath alwaies shewed it true that the bloud of the Martyrs is the seede of the Church But let this be said in a word onely to awake the Reader and to prepare him to a diligent meditation of the Ecclesiasticall historie Now something is to be said of the second periode of the first time The Apostolike men armed with the vertue and power of y e Lord maintained constantly the truth amongst all the tempests and stormes of persecution and in despite of Gentilisme of diuers heresies which boldly began to left vp their heads In so much that great maruel it was that so soone after so great light men should see the East in many places couered with so deep darknes many goodly Churches ruinated and the doctrine of saluatiō transported otherwhere Yet the greatest euil was in the bowels of the Church it selfe many Pastors wherof not being so attentiue as of reason they shuld
deeds remained not long vnpunished and it is profitable we should knowe the issue worthie of such a Tyrant Iosephus in the 8. booke of Antiq. Chap. 17. describeth it thus The kings maladie encreased and God shewed openly that he would punish his impietie For he was burned with a slowe heat yet without none could perceiue it only he felt it within because it grated wasted his entralles He was so hungry that he tooke no leisure to chawe his meate but deuoured all that entred into his mouth and so still some must cast meat into his mouth His entralls were wounded and vlcerated and he was tormented with collicke passions His feete were swelled with flegmaticke humours through which you might see the day His shamefaste parts were rotted and full of wormes his breath was stinking that none durst approach vnto him And in the 21. Chap. of the first booke of the Iewes warres the same Historiographer writeth thus All his bodie was taken with a disease and hee was tormented with diuers dolours He had a burning and intollerable heate in him The Chollick tormented him incessantly his feete were swelled betwixt the skinne and the flesh he sought to aduance his owne death and calling for a knife lifted vp his right hand but Archilaus his cosen-germane perceiuing it ranne to him and held his hand hee died 5. dayes after he made his sonne Antipater die hauing enioyed the kingdome the space of 34. yeares after he had caused Antigonus to die and 37. yeares after hee was declared King by the Romanes In all other things he was happie yea if euer King were for a man of so base condition to acquire that Kingdome and keepe it so long a time and at last leaue it to his children But concerning his domesticke affaires none could be more vnluckie c. Hitherto Iosephus This Historie is worthie of memorie that all that read such a vengeance of God may learne to feare his iudgements After the death of this Herod the Iewes not being able to support the ruling of a straunger sought to raise vp seditions but they were repressed by Archilaus But whilest Archilaus and Herod Antipas pleaded one against an other in Rome againe other troubles arose in Iewrie In so much as Augustus diuided Herods kingdome He constituted Archilaus the Tetrarch of Idumea Iudea and Samaria and the reuenew of those Regions amounted yearely to sixe hundreth Talents He diuided the other part into two Tetrarches He gaue also to Herod Antipas Galilie and Perea out of which Regions he had yearely 200. Talents And to Philippes he gaue Bathania Traconite Aucanite Calcide of which places the reuenew came by yeare to an hundreth Talents This Archilaus was chased from Iudea and finally banished to Vienne which is in Gaul nigh to Lions where he dyed At this time the administration of the Kingdome was againe chaunged in Iudea The Romanes placed Gouernours there one after an other as Coponius Marcus Anius Rufus Valerius Gracchus Poncius Pilate Tiberius succeeded Augustus his father in lawe and raigned 33. yeares He gaue himselfe to Idlenesse and drunkennesse so that in mockerie he was called Claudius Biberius Nero in place of Claudius Tiberius Nero. See Suetonius and Cor. Tacitus Historiograph Iohn Baptist began to preach the presence of the Redeemer shewing with his finger the Lord Iesus he reprehended the false seruices inuented by men so that persecutions began to arise The most enraged persecutors were the Pharisies I meane such as were great in the Church of Ierusalem These crimes they laid against him namely that he vsurped the Ministerie to teach without the will of such as had charge in the Church That he brought a new doctrine diuerse from the vse of the Sinagogues That he shewed a Messias who had no appearance of a King but abiect and poore That hee vsed hard and sharpe words and affirmed that the gouernment of Moses was come to an ende and that they must haue a new Religion That he foretold the reiection and ruine of the Iewes and the vocation of the Gentiles Mat. 3. Luk. 3. Iohn 3. But because the people came euery day in great multitudes to him and was held for an excellent Prophet his enemies were brideled But he endured an other persecution of Herodes Antipas the first king Herods sonne the Tetrark of Galilie who tooke Herodias his brother Philip Herods wife and made him die to please the appetite of that Herodias and her daughter Salome after she had daunced at a banquet As it is Mark. 6. There were amongst the Iewes at this time three Sects namely Pharisies Saduces and Esses as appeareth All the Nation of the Iewes had but that onely Temple which was in Ierusalem called the Temple of God Mat. 21. It was 46. yeares in edifying Ioh. 2. Nabuchodonoser pilled and burned the stately Temple of Salomon and rased it by Nabuzardam Generall of his Armie when the rest of the people were carried into Babilon Cyrus the first of that name King of the Persians at the perswasion of Daniel gaue leaue to reedifie it And the second yeare of Cyrus raigne the Iewes began to build it but they had great hinderances The death of Cyrus followed Cambises followed him a man full of impietie and crueltie hee caused the building to cease Darius Hislaspes succeeded after him who made an end of the Temple And this was the cause it was so long in building This Temple was situated in an imminent and high place therein was great magnificence and great gifts were giuen for ornaments thereof as may be gathered in the 24. of S. Math. Mark 14. Luk. 21. See Ioseph in his last chap. of the 15. booke of Antiquit. The Ecclesiasticall gouernment of the Iewes was this They which held the preheminence in the Church of the Iewes were called principall high Priests It was ordained of God that there should be one high Priest who might remaine in that office vntill the end of his life after his death an other was substituted Exod 29. Nomb. 20. When Christ came all was confused all was solde for money or by deceit and stealth As Iohn 11. It is said that Cayphas was chiefe Priest that yeare After the high Priest there was a great troupe of other Priests which were distinct amongst themselues For Dauid distributed the successors of Aaron into 24. orders Therefore it is said Luk. 1. that Zacharie was a Priest of the Family of Abia which had the eight Lot 1. Chro. 24. There were after Leuites whereof is spoken Iohn 1. and 10. Chap. There were also Scribes which were Doctors of the Lawe Luk. 5. There was the Maister of the Sinagogue who was the principall Doctor Mark 5. Luk. 13. There were they which were called Rabbi or Maister which was an estate or office of teaching Iohn 3. Art thou a Maister in Israel and knowest not these things The Elders of the people were they
And as the light of the Gospell got aboue his mysts and cloudes he came to Rome in the time of Claudius the Emperour leading with him an whore called Selene or Helena which he had drawne out of the common Stewes of Tyre in Phinicia he called her the first conception of his vnderstanding and the mother of all by whom from the beginning hee had conceiued to make Angels and Arch-angels He attributed also vnto her almost all things which the holy Scripture yeeldeth vnto the eternall word of God in the creation Hee said also of himselfe that he was the soueraigne God which descended and was transfigured to correct things which had bene euill administred by the Angels And although he appeared in an humane forme yet was he not man and although men thought he suffered in Iudea yet he suffered not So promised he saluation to all them which would trust in him and in his Selene and full libertie to do whatsoeuer their appetite desired For men should be saued by his grace and not by their owne good workes For such workes were not after his nature but from his Angels which by his permission had made the world and had imposed such workes vpon men to drawe them into bondage Behold heere the doctrine of this Maister who afterward brought out the like fruite as pailliardizes adulteries thefts drunkennesse blasphemies against the true God and other the like fruites Briefly Ireneus calleth him the fountaine and father of all Heretickes in the Preface of his third booke of Heresies Of his manner of death Epiphanius accordeth not with Theodoretus Menander the Disciple of this Simon was also a Magician The yeare fortie foure as many thinke Saint Peter came to Rome and gouerned that Church twentie and fiue yeares but hardly can they shewe that he was at any time there nor at what time nor vnder what Emperour For first if Saint Peter were at Rome he came not to Rome at the time they say namely in the yeare fortie foure after the Natiuitie of our Lord Iesus and that which they say that hee ruled the Church twentie and fiue yeares hath no likelihood For it may easily be gathered from the Epistle to the Galath that hee was in Ierusalem the yeare 51. where the Apostles great Councell was held Let the yeares be numbred The yeare thirtie and fiue S. Paul was cōuerted to which adde seuenteen euen vntill that Councell and it comes to fiftie and two How could he then before seuen yeares bee at Rome If hee were there he returned soone But S. Luke then would not haue concealed it if it had beene so neither is it found in any Historie of credit that after Saint Peter was entred Rome hee left that place to returne into the Towne of Ierusalem Moreouer it is certaine he was not at Rome the yeare fiftie eight and three score And that it is so when Saint Paul was ledde thither prisoner he remained there in an hyred house two yeares Heereof Saint Luke makes no mention of Saint Peter And by the second Epistle to Timothie it may be plainely knowne that Saint Peter was not at Rome at the time that S. Pauls death was so nie For then S. Paul hauing occasion to make mention of all that was with him would not haue forgotten Saint Peter if hee hadde beene there Many wise and good men haue handled this matter at large vnto which I referre you The same yeare Herod the brother of Agrippa was made King of Calcide The yeare 45. S. Marke the Disciple of Saint Peter preached Iesus Christ in Egypt and Euodius was first ordeined Bishop of Antioche And there was Iames the brother of Iohn beheaded and Peter deliuered from prison by the Angell The yeare 46. which was about the ninth and tenth of the Kingdome of Claudius the Emperour there was a great Famine through all Greece at Rome and in other parts of the earth and this Famine was foretolde in Antioche by the Prophet Agabus Who being mooued with that hee heard say of the Churches prosperitie of Antioche departed from Ierusalem to come thither with other faithfull Dion and Eusebius make mention of this Famine At this time Helena Queene of the Adiabenians and the King Isares were accounted to serue God faithfully Iosephus speaketh amply thereof in his Antiquities Lib. 15. Chapter 2.3 and 5. The same yeare Agrippa who was called Herodes died after a straunge maner In an assembly at playes he suffered the people to call him God and therefore the Angell strooke him for that he gaue not glory vnto God and he was consumed with Lice Iosephus reciteth it at large and herevnto agreeth the holy scripture But it is worthy to be noted that when he felt the horrible pangs of death beholding his friends he said Looke vpon your God I am now constrained to chaunge my life And the necessitie imposed vpon me redargueth your lye You called me Immortall but now behold how I am drawne to death Iosephus reciteth these things more at length in his Antiquities His Kingdome was chaunged into a Prouince and Cuspins Fadus was made Gouernour of the Iewes The yeare fortie and seuen Abbarus raigned ouer the Arabians and Cassius Longinus was made Gouernour of Siria The yeare 48. Marie our Lords mother died after the common opinion of the age of fortie nine yeares Nancle See also Epiphanius Lib. 3. of heresies If we will beleeue some dreames shee was in body carried vp to Heauen but that tale is so friuolous as he that cannot see it is more then blinde Vpon such foundations Papists began by litle and litle to build the Articles of their faith namely vpon tales and dreames The Councell of Ierusalem recited in the 15. of the Acts was about this yeare and the 6. of the Kingdome of Claudius and the 14. yeare after the conuersion of S. Paul as appeareth by that which is rehearsed in the Galath 2. The same yeare during the said famine Tiberius Alexander was made Gouernour of the Iewes The yeare 49. which was the seuenth of the Emperour Claudius there was so great a sedition in Ierusalem vpon Easter day that twentie thousand men were stifled betwixt the gates as Iosephus saith but as others thirtie thousand The same yeare Cumanus was Gouernour of Iudea and Quadratus of Siria In the 50. yeare a numbring was made of the people of Rome and there were found three skore and foure hundreth thousand an hundreth three and fortie The same yeare Herod the brother of Agrippa dyed and his Kingdome was giuen to Agrippa the younger This was he that gaue audience to S. Paul Act. 25. The same yeare were seene three Sunnes which by litle and litle ioyned themselues together There was also an horrible Famine in Greece and the Iewes were chased from Rome by Claudius The yeare 52. S. Paul did that which is conteined in the 21.17 and 18. Chap. of the Acts. This yeare he came first to Corinthe where
name borne of the Countrey of Marses in the Citie of Talleric a Phisitians sonne gouerned the Romane Church the space of seuen yeares At the request of this Pope the Emperour Phocas commaunded that the old Temple of Pantheon wherin were all the Goddes and Goddesses of the Painims should be consecrated and dedicated to the honor of the virgin Mary and of al Saints And then was insttiuted the Feast of All-Saints in the Moneth of May which after was brought to the first of Nouember See how those Fathers rather chaunged then chased away superstitions Leontius Bishop of Naples in the I le of Cyprus made a booke of the life of S. Iohn the Almes giuer Bishop of Alexandria Abb. Tris. After the death of Boniface the fourth the seate was vacant 7. moneths and 25. dayes for the great discentions which were at Rome The yeare of Christ 612. Phocas was miserably slaine by the souldiers of his guard Abb. Vrsperg Others say that Heraclius and Priscus slew him cutting off his hands feete Others adde that his priuie member was cut off Finally after his head was cut off his body was burnt See the ende of this wicked Tyrant who caused so many good people to die All his brethren and parents had like ende and his race was vtterly extinct The Romane seate is worthie to haue had such a monster to authorise his primatie aboue all Churches Heraclius the sonne of Heraclien succeeded Phocas When his Father a Captaine in Affrica marched from Affricke into Egipt and Asia with a great Army the Persians being out of feare of him assailed Affricke and brought it into their subiection Corfrees King of the Persians would neuer receiue any conditions of peace vnlesse they renounced Christian Religion The Bishop Didier of Vienna was stoned at the commaund of Theodorus King of Soissons Deus of dedit or Dorothea a Romane Pope ruled three or foure yeares His Father was a Subdeacon after some He ordeined that no Christian should take in mariage his Gossip Item that the sonne of a Gossip or Suertie should not take in marriage the daughter that his Father had held at the Font And ordeined this so straitly that if the Father or Mother carried their childe to Baptisme that they should be seperated notwithstanding that the wise might receiue her dowry and that after a yeare she might marry again in any other place There happened a great Earthquake at this time in the moneth of August and after a great mortalitie The Councell of Auxerre in this time wherein it was decreed that it was a thing vnlawfull that the Estrenes should be giuen the first day of the yeare calling them diuellish ceremonies because of the obseruation of the day In the 12. Chapter there was forbidden to giue vnto dead bodies the Eucharist or the Paxe to kisse In the 21. Chapter it is not lawfull for a Priest to lye with his wife nor for Subdeacon nor Deacon In the 24. and 25. Chapter it is not lawfull for Abbots nor Monkes to goe to marriages nor to haue commothers nor to present children to Baptisme In the 31. Chap. it was forbidden to take his cousin Germaine or the issue of cousin Germaine in marriage In this time were Loup Arch-bishop of Sens Amand and Bauon in Flaunders And Priscian after Abb. Trit and Eloy Bishop of Noyon after the Sea of Histories Cosroes King of the Persians was vanquished by Heraclius And Anastatius a Persian Monke was martyred for the faith with 70. others He was hanged three houres by one hand and after be headed Abb. Vrsp Boniface Pope 5. of that name borne at Naples gouerned the Church fiue yeares This was hee who first ordeined that offenders which saued themselues in Churches should haue Immunities and priuiledges and that from thence they should not be deliuered by force but that such as committed Sacriledge in all places should be excommunicated The waine and decaie of the Romane Empire The Romane Empire began to fall For whilest Christians were at warres one with an other the Sarrasins occupied Egipt and Affrike and do yet holde them And in the space of an 120. yeares all Asia was lost from the Christians Also the best part of Europe was occupied because of the couetousnesse discention and carelesnesse of the Emperours and Popes which mused and studied vpon lesse matters namely to forge naughtie inuentions and ordinances vpon ordinances Cyrus Bishop of Alexandria seeing the Sarrasins came into Egipt and that there was no succours on the part of the Emperour Heraclius a carelesse man yeelded himselfe tributarie to the said Sarrasins at a certaine annuall summe vpon which condition they returned back He was after accused before the Emperour as he who transported the riches of Egipt to straungers Wherefore he was deposed and Manuell of Armenia ordeined in his place who would not pay the said tribute whervpon the Sarrasins came againe into Egipt and occupied it Which the Emperour vnderstanding repented himselfe and sent Cyrus in Embassage towards the Sarrasins to cause them to goe out of Egipt and they should haue their said annuall tribute But one of them answered in these words Canst thou Cyrus saide he plucke downe this piller He answered no. As impossible said he it is that we should leaue Egipt By like pride many Countries haue bene lost Many common-wealths by tributes haue bene maintained in peace Faith promised euen to enemies must be kept The encrease of the kingdome of France From the yeare of saluation 514. hitherto the kingdome of France was diuided into certaine kingdomes because the kings of France had many heires One kingdome was called Austrasia comprehended Lorraine and Brabant and that which is betweene Rhene and Mense from Culloine to the Countrie of Alsasia The other called Neutria which comprehends the Regions which are betwixt Mense and Loire and Paris was the chiefe Towne thereof The third was called the kingdome of the Soisons In this diuision of Gaul the kingdome of Arles tooke also his beginning which had vnder it Sauoy the Countrey of the Switzes Zepingen Haspurge and Dauphine but at this time those particular kingdomes returned into a Monarchie Car. Dagobert the 11. King of France possessed first Austrasia after he ioyned vnto it the kingdome of Burgoine and finally was made Lord almost of all France and the name of France was then vniuersall for all those kingdomes When Dagobert dwelt in Austrasia his Pallace was in Alsatze And he builded a Castle at Rufach called Eisenburge he also builded many Monasteries of S. Benet wherevnto he gaue great reuenewes and chiefly to that of Wittenburge within 8. leagues of Strasbourge on the side of Rhene An other at Surbourge two leagues from Wittenburge Item an other at Haselach hard by Strasburge in the West mountain He also brought the church of Strasburge to a Bishoppricke and enriched it with great reuenewes Heereby note that France was then
of Pope Zacharie and his wife was put into a Monasterie and in his place the said Pippin sonne of Charles Martel and Father of Charlemaigne was made King and consecrated at Soisons by Boniface Arch-bishop of Magunce by the election of all the Barons of France and by the consent and Councell of Pope Zacharie being therevnto required Who not only commanded and confirmed the said election but also absolued Pippin of the oath which he had made to the King and to the Crowne of France Abb. Vrsp This Pope did as much with the King of Lombards called Lachis For he found meanes that he left his kingdome made himselfe a Monke and his children and wife and his brother Astulfe succeeded him In the 2. volume of Councels Carloman Pippins brother was also shauen and made a Monke at Rome by the perswasion of Zacharie and remained in the Abbey of the mount S●rap in Lombardie and after in the mount Cassin Constantine the fift of that name Emperour 74. sonne of Leon raigned 35. yeares This as he was baptized made water in the Font and therfore was he called in Greeke Copronymos What necessitie was there to hold a naked Childe ouer the Font This gaue a forewarning that hee should be an euill Christian Naucler And indeed many crimes were imposed vpon him because hee constantly maintained his Fathers opinion against the Pope touching Images and from thence came also that they say he dyed desperate when he said I am deliuered from the fire eternall Fasc temp Chron. Sigeb and others They which consent not to the Popes Decrees are Iudged damned Vnder Pippin a Sinode was held in Fraunce by Boniface Arch-bishop of Magunce Bucardus Guntarius and other Bishops which had not beene in 80. yeares before In so much that men said that Religion in France was dissipated and laide vnder feete Naucler It was then ordained that eache yeare there should be a Sinode in France That no Church-man should beare Armes That none of them should vse hunting nor keepe Dogges nor Birds of pray That euery Priest and Bishop should hold himselfe in his Parish and do their diligence to roote out auncient heresies that is to say Paganisme and errors of the sacrifices of the dead diuinations enchauntments and other Immolations which are yet done after the manner of Painims nigh Churches vnder the name of Martyrs and Confessors Naucler Paganisme of the Gods was persecuted in France but true Religion was not therefore established In this time the Hunnes called Hungarians occupiped Pannonia They were diuided into seuen bands euery band builded a Castle which yet at this day are called Septem Castra in Latin which is a strong place against the Turkes Edward King of England who otherwise was reputed an vpright man left his wife and entertained Nunnes who was admonished by Letters from Boniface to leaue off that vice Naucler These be the fruites and enticements of that cursed single life Pippin le Court dyed at Paris after hee had raigned 17. or 18. yeares after some leauing his two sonnes Charlemaigne in Soisonnois and Carloman at Noyon Stephen Pope second of that name a Romaine ruled at Rome sixe yeares Hee was carried vpon mens shoulders vnto the Church of S. Lateran and thereof it comes that at this day Popes cause themselues to be carried The Emperour Constantine the 14. yeare of his Empire assembled a Councell at Constantinople of 330. Bishops where it was commaunded that all Images of Saints should be taken and burnt Also he caused all his subiects to sweare no more to honour any Image of God nor of Saintes but condemned to die all such as called to the Virgin Mary for helpe and that had in their houses any Relikes of Saints They commaunded Monkes to Marry and Nunnes to follow the estate of marriage Sigeb After this the Emperor sent the defruition of this Councel to the Pope commaunding him to cast Images out of Churches Sabin King of Bulgaria throughout his Kingdome caused all Images to be taken away after the example of Constantine whereby he came in grace with the Emperour Naucler Stephen went into Fraunce towardes King Pippin demaunding aide and succours against Astulphus King of the Lombardes This King Pippin went and met the Pope and discended from his horse tooke the bridle of the Popes horse in his hand and so ledde him to the Pallace Suppl Chron. Stephen consecrated him and his two sonnes Charlemaigne and Carloman in the Church of S. Denis in France and confirmed them in such manner as hee and his posteritie should holde the kingdome of France in heritage for euer and excommunicated all such which should set themselues against it Fasci temp Also hee transported the Empire of Constantinople into France which afterward Pope Leo approued ratified and put in execution And therefore the Empire was parted into East and West Supp Chron. Fasci temp Naucler From whence came this authoritie to bestowe kingdomes of the world but from the diuel who is called the prince therof Pippin went into Italie to the Popes succours and obteined victory against the Lombards Astulphe was constrained to agree to the Popes will Sigeb The Exarchate which was occupied by the Lombards and appertained to the Emperour is giuen to the Pope by Pippin without any right For the estate of such as held that dignitie and office were assigned the Townes that follow Rauenna Imola Boulonge Mutina Rhegin Parma Placentia c. At this time happened an horrible thing in the Abbey of S. Martin at Tours For all the Monkes which were giuen to pleasures and wickednes dyed suffocated and choaked except one Fasci temp The Parliament Instituted in France Constantine the Emperour sent gifts to Pippin praying him to render vnto him the Exarchate Pippin answered that hee came not the second time into Italie for any temporall profit but in dutie to guard the Church against the Lombards and to take from them Rauenna and the Exarchate and other goods of Italie to giue them vnto the Pope Naucler Abb. Vrsp Thassido Duke of Bauier did homage to the King of France Paul brother of the former Pope 94. gouerned 10. or a 11. yeares In whose election there was great debate For some had chosen one called Theophilactus Buggandus Bishop of Metes at this time was very affectionate towards holie bodies and heaped vp Relikes He transported from Rome into France the bodies of S. Gorgon and Saint Nazare and of many others Rome which before was the butchery of Martyrs now selles bodies and bones Constantine seeing the foolish superstition of Christians at the Sepulchres of Saintes kissing and worshipping their Relikes caused their bones to be taken out of their graues and to be cast into the Sea At this time it was that Sigebert reciteth that in Berithe a Citie of Siria was found an Image of Iesus Christ wherevnto the Iewes did many outrages pearcing his feete hands and
Sarrasins It was hee which enriched the Crosse with precious stones the which the Deacons vsed to carrie before the Popes The yeare of Christ 849. Leo Emperour of Constantinople was slaine in his Pallace hee beeing in his Chappell by a conspiracie of his Nobles and especially of Count Michael who after obtained the Empire nine yeares Naucler Chron Sigeb A Sinode at Rome of 64. or after some 47. Bishops was assembled by Leo wherein a great Cardinall was condemned and deposed because he had left his Parish fiue yeares and for other crimes Notwithstanding after this the same Pope ordained that a Bishop ought not to be condemned vnlesse hee were euicted by 72. witnesses A great mutation hapned in France by the Normanes Frisons Brittaines and others which wasted it Adulphus after the Chronicle of Eusebius or Ethelwolphus or Alidulphus or Adolphus after some the first Christian King of England went to Rome on Pilgrimage with his sonne Alfredus Nauclerus And graunted to the Pope Leo of each house in his Countrey a certaine peece of Siluer for tribute payable to the Popes of Rome euerie yeare in the honour of Saint Peter which custome was long time after kept This Tribute was called S. Peters pence or guilt and so was all England made subiect to the Popes seate Functius The body of S. Helena mother of Constantine the great from Rome was transpoted into France Chron. Sig. and Fasc Temp. In Almaine vpon the coast of Rhene a great famine came and after that a great earth quake whereby S. Albons Church at Magunce fell An Aduertisement As for the Popes on the Romane seate from Phocas the Emperour hitherto they haue still multiplyed newe traditions ceremonies buildings pleasures pompes and warres they haue deuised and practised murthers alterations and chaunges of Kingdomes in such sort as finally the Church vnder their gouernmenment became altogether the whore whereof is spoken in the Apocalips and the better to discouer the thing the Lord hath manifested the truth thereof to all the world in this Pope that followeth Iohn the 8. who being a woman and an whore hath shewed in her body the true portraict of the great spiritual whoredome of the Romane Popes which after still more and more is manifested Iohn 8. of that name tooke the name of an English man because of a certaine English Moonke of the Abbey of Fulden which he loued singularly as for his office hee was a Pope but for his Sexe hee was a woman This woman beeing an Almaine by Nation borne at Magunce and first called Gilberte feigned her selfe to be a man hauing taken on her mans apparell went to Athens with her amorous Louer the Monke In which place she profited excellenty in all kinde of Sciences and after the Monkes death came to Rome still dissembling shee was a woman But because she was of a very sharpe spirit and had a notable grace well and promptly to speake in disputations and publike Lectures so that many maruelled at her knowledge euerie one was so affectioned towards her and so well shee gained the hearts of all that after the death of Leo she was chosen Pope Into which office being brought shee bestowed holy orders as they call them after the maner of other Popes shee made Priests and Deacons she ordained Bishops and Abbots she sung Masses shee consecrated Temples and Aultars shee administred the Sacraments shee presented her feete to kisse and did all other things which the Popes of Rome vsed to do and yet her Actes were then of verie litle or no valew Whilest this woman was thus in the Papall office the Emperour Lotharie now olde tooke the habit of a Monke and Lewis the second of that name beeing come to Rome tooke the Scepter and Imperiall Crowne at her hands with S. Peters blessing In dooing whereof this whore of Babilon shewed her selfe to haue that power that she made Kings subiect vnto her In her time Ethelwolphus king of England gaue cowardly the tenth part of his Kingdome to the Cleargie and Monkes as Horeden saith and his sonne Ethelbaldus espoused Iudith his mother in lawe his fathers widow now dead But whilest this Pope was in his estate she was got with child by a Chaplaine of hers a Cardinal who knew well of what Sexe she was And as she went on Procession solemnly to the Church of Lateran she brought forth this child gotten in whoredome betwixt the Collosse and the Church of S. Clement in the middest of Rome in the publike streete in the presence of all the people of Rome and died in the same place as she deliuered her childe the yeare of our Lord 857. Because of such a fault as to bring forth a childe in a common streete shee was depriued of all honor accustomably done to Popes and buried without any Papall Pompe Heere thou mayest see Reader how the Romane Church cannot erre after they haue caused a Masse of the holy Ghost to bee sung This Act alone certainly doth so euidently shewe that it is the seate of the great whore and the mother of all whoredomes that there is no Apelles whatsoeuer that can better paint her in her colours But to the end that Popes and annointed Fathers may seeme to detest such a sinne they turne from that streete as from a place which they much suspect because of the euil luck Functius makes no doubt so say that this was permitted of God that this woman should be created Pope and withall that she should be an harlot publikely prooued because in these times she made kings subiects vnto her as Ethelwolphus and Alfredus were in England that they might acknowledge Antichrist for their king For God in this Papesse harlot would manifest to the world this whore of Babilon whereof the holy Ghost hath foretold to the ende the faithfull I might take heed of her But to the end those good Fathers should no more fall into such an inconueniency they haue ordained that a Deacon should handle their priuie parts in an holied Chaire to the ende hee may be knowne whether he be a man or no. But now whilest they be Cardinals and before they be chosen Popes they engender so many bastards that none can doubt if they be males neither is there any more need of so holy a ceremonie Lotharie now old hauing diuided his kingdome to his children and made himselfe a Monke as is said died the yeare 855. Lewis second of that name the sonne of Lotharie vnto whom his father had assigned whilest hee liued the Kingdome of Italie and the Empire was a kinde man and one that feared God Hee raigned nineteene yeares and died the yeare 874. Benet Pope third of that name a Romane ruled at Rome about three yeares This man when he was chosen Pope receiued the office weeping taking God to witnesse that he was not meet for such a charge Hee was three dayes in fasting and prayer desiring the Lord to giue him
all madnesse that whilest they of the Cleargie be compelled to relinquish the company of their owne lawfull wiues they become afterward fornicators and adulterers with other women and wicked ministers of other sinfull filthinesse These be they which bring vnto the Church of God this Heresie as blinde guides leading the blinde that it might be fulfilled which the Psalmist speaketh of as foreseeing the errours of such men and accursing them after this manner Let their eyes be blinded that they see not and bowe downe alwaies their back For as much then ô Apostolicall Sir as no man which knoweth you is ignorant that if you through the light of your discretion had vnderstood and seene what poysoned pestilence might haue come vnto the Church through the sentence of your decrees they would neuer haue consented to the suggestions of certaine wicked persons Wherefore we counsell you by the fidelitie of our due subiection that with all diligence you would put away so great slaunder from the Church of God and through your discreet discipline you would remooue the Pharasicall doctrine from the Flocke of God So that this only Sunamite of the Lordes vsing no more adulterous husbands doo not seperate the holie people and the kingly Priesthood from her Spowse Christ Iesus through an irreconciliable diuorcement seeing that no man without chastitie not only in the virgins state but also in the state of Matrimonie shall see our Lorde Iesu who with the Father and the holy Ghost liueth and raigneth for euer Amen This Epistle sheweth vs as it were with a finger that in all times the truth of the Lord hath found a passage through the middest of the Furies of this world raising vp faithfull Ministers to oppose themselues against the horrible discipations of the aduersaries The Sarrasins came from Affricke into Italie vnto the Territorie of Beneuent before whome went the Emperour Lewis the second being ayded by his brother Lotharie who dyed in the way at Plaisans Pal. Floren. The King of Bulgaria receiued the Faith made himselfe a Monke and left the kingdome to his sonne who reiected the Faith In so much as his Father came out of the Monasterie and went against him in battaile and hauing obtained victorie put out his sonnes eyes and held him in prison giuing his kingdome to his younger sonne and after returned to his Monastery Naucler and Sigeb The body of Saint Innocent Pope was transported from Rome into Saxonie by the Duke of Saxe Chron. Sigeb Michael Emperour of Constantinople made a fellowe and companion of his Empire one called Basile a Macedonian a puissant man by whom afterward hee was slaine Nauclerus Lewis sonne of Lewis de Bonaire king of Germanie Vncle of Lewis 2. Emperour obtained a victorie against the Cleuois and caused their Dukes eies called Rastrix to be put out because he had falsified his faith Naucler After the death of Nicholas Pope the seate was emptie eight yeares seuen moneths and nine or ten daies as some say Abb. Vrsp. The Britons were vanquished of the French vnder Charles le Chauue king of France Naucler The Normains being ouercome receiued the faith Naucl. The Countrey of Holland was erected into an Earledome or Countie and Flaunders likewise whereof Baudwin was the first Count. Adrian Pope second of that name the sonne of Talarus Bishop ruled at Rome fiue yeares The Emperour hauing sent his Embassadors for the Popes election the Cleargie and Romane people attended not their comming but vsurping the authoritie of choosing proceeded to the election The Embassadors mal-contented the subtil Romanists laid the fault vpon the common people as hard to represse and appease being stirred They satisfied with this excuse saluted Adrian with the name of Pope Platina R. Barns Soone after came Letters from the Emperour signifying that the election pleased him and because strangers could not know the qualitie of him which should be elected he graunted the election to the Citizens Naucler and Cor. Abb. Adrian then ordained that no Lay-man should thrust himselfe into the election of the Pope Naucler 63. Dict. Cap. Nullus He sent three Legates to the Bulgarians who were newly conuerted namely Siluester Leopard and Dominic to ordaine the affaires of that Church after the Romane fashion but after perswaded of the Grecians they cast off the Latine Priests and receiued the Greekes which afterward engendred great hatred betwixt the Latine and Greeke Church and all the diuision of the aforesaid Churches came onely for the Primacie and for the diuersitie of Ceremonies Robert Barns and Nauclerus Edmond the last King of the East Angles was slaine by the Painims of Denmarke Anno. 871. and was Canonized a Martyr Alfredus or Aluredus the 7. English king was crowned by the Pope Adrian Polydore Lib. 5. The Greciās vsed bels by the benefit of the Venetiās Sabell About this time a Councel was held at Constantinople which was called the eight generall Councell Adrian sent thither his Legates Donatus Bishop of Ostia Stephen Nephesin and Marinus a Deacon of the Romane Church R. Barns Ignatius who vniustly was depriued of his Patriarchall dignitie was restored and Photin some call him Phocas was reiected and excommunicated Sabellicus in his 9. booke 1. cap. It was there ordained that they of Bulgaria should be subiect to the Romane church the Emperour Basilius contradicting it Here it was also ordained that no Lay-man should be admitted to the election of a Pope an Archbishop a Patriarke or Bishop but that the Bishop should be chosen by the Cleargie of the Chapter R. Barns Adrian excommunicated Lotharius King of Lorraine brother vnto the Emperour Lewis for his adulterie but comming to Rome as he returned from the warre against the Sarrasins as some say Nauclerus alleadgeth to excuse himselfe receiued the Communion with his Princes but they all died within the yeare And the King Lotharius himselfe died in the way in the Towne of Plaisance Fascic Temp. Chron. Vrsperg and Sigeb In Lombardie nigh Brize it raigned bloud three dayes and three nights after Nauclerus and the Chron. Sigeb And in Fraunce there was a great multitude of Graffe-hoppers with sixe winges fiue feete and two teeth which destroyed all grasse hearbes and Trees They were driuen into the English Seas by the force of exceeding great windes and againe by an other winde they were returned vpon the Sea sandes vpon the putrifaction wherof came such a pestilence that great multitudes of men dyed saith Sigeb Naucler saith that the third part of men died Iohn Scotus a learned man was called from France into to England by Alfredus King there who founded the Schoole at Oxenford where the said Scotus gouerned but after making himselfe a Monke he was slaine by the Monkes of that couent as he was teaching he was cunning in the Greeke tongue and translated into Latin the Hierarchie of S. Denis Naucler Iohn Pope 9. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome ten yeares Suppl Chron. being a
was inuented by him Hugues raigned in Italie tenne yeares whom Lotharie his sonne succeeded King Charles the Simple was by treason taken of Hubert Earle of Vermandois and poysoned in the Castle of Peronne where he died and was buried in the Church of S. Foursi See the Sea of Histories Rodolphe Bourgongne 31. King of France raigned two yeares Before this time there were not so many degrees amongst Gentlemen and Noblemen nor so great diuersitie as there are at this Dukes Marquesses Counts or Clarkes simple Counts and Knights were rather names of offices then hereditarie Seigniories For Dukes Marquesses Earles or Counts were Gouernours of Countries and Lands wherevpon they were committed by Emperours and Kings Duke was a soueraigne chiefe or head of souldiers as may be seene by auncient Letters Count or Earle was a Iudge and Goueruernour ordained in a certaine Towne or Region and so Germanie was full of Countes amongst which some were called Lantgraues that is to say Countes of Regions or Countries Some Maruegraues or Marquis that is Countes of certaine Marshes or Countries Some Countes de Palatin which were Gouernors of some Kingdome subiugated or conquered This may bee seene in the second booke of the Lawes of the Lombards Some were gouernors of Bourgages and so were named Bourgraues The most auncientest name of dignitie after Kings and Princes is the name of Baron which signifieth Lord whose sonnes were called young Lords And this say some was the estate of the Nobilitie before the Othons raigned After their time all things chaunged For then Counts were made hereditarie and were lifted vp aboue Barons Marquesses Lantgraues and Palatins and that more is Bishops haue bene made Princes yea many Counts Abbots Abbesses haue obtained the title of Prince Lewis 4. of that name surnamed Vltramarin 32. King of France the sonne of Charles le Simple after his fathers imprisonment got with his mother Ogine towards his Vncle King of England but as soone as he retutned he was in strife for the Kingdome with Rodulphe of Burgongne who died about eight yeares after at Auxerre Anno. 937. and so Lewis raigned alone Leo Pope sixt of that name ruled at Rome 7. moneths and 15. dayes The Danes at this time were conuerted to the faith Stephen Pope 7. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 2. yeares and 12. dayes Supp Chron. The Duke of Bohemia Spireneus receiued the Christian faith at the perswasion of the Emperour Henry Suppl Chron. Iohn Pope 12. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 4. yeares 10. moneths and 15. dayes Supp Chron. He did nothing worthy of memorie a coward and is not numbred in the Catalogue of Popes after some Historiographers Lotharie the sonne of Hugues raigned in Italie two yeares The Sarrasins in Italie tooke the towne of Geans and spoiled it Naucler Berenger third the Nephewe of Berenger the first raigned in Italie 11. yeares with his sonne Adelbert In this place Histories are very confused The Emperour Henry the first dyed of the Palsey the yeare of his age 60. and of his Empire seuenteene hauing ordained Otho the great his sonne successor of the Empire by the consent of all the great and Noble men who after was consecrated by the Arch-bishop of Magunce Hildebert Hee had three Competitors which would needs hinder him to bee Emperour that is to say Henry his elder brother Giselbert Duke of Lorraine his brother in lawe and Eberhard Earle of Franconia but he droue them all away and reduced all vnder his obedience Wencelaus Prince of Bohemia was slaine by his brother Boislans vppon ambition to raigne But Otho reuenged the death of the said Wencelaus making warre vpon Boislans which endured fourteene yeares and finally hauing vanquished him he brought the Countrey into his obedience Chron. Sigeb and Supp Chron. Leo Pope 7. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome three yeares 6. monethes and 10. dayes Supp Chron. The heresie of Anthropomorphites which say that God hath a corporall forme was at this time renued Rotherius Bishop of Verone writ against them Stephen Pope eight of that name an Almaine or a Romane after some ruled at Rome three yeares foure moneths and 12. dayes R. Barns Some say he was murthered by certaine Romanes in a sedition In so much as he was neuer publikely seene Chron. Abb. France was afflicted by an horrible pestilence and by inward contentions The faction and puissance of Hugues of Paris troubled King Lewis exceedingly Martin Pope 3. of that name a Romane ruled 3. yeares 6. moneths and 14. dayes He was peaceable and gaue himself to repaire Temples and nourish the poore saith Supp Chron. Agapetus Pope second of that name a Romane a magnanimous man ruled at Rome 9. yeares 7. moneths and 10. daies Supp Chron. He called againe the Emperour Otho to Rome against Berenger Berenger 4. the 7. Emperour of the Lombards raigned 13. yeares The Sea of Histories The Hungarians againe in Italie Chron. Abb. Vrsp Iohn Pope 13. of that name a Romane ruled 9. yeares and three monethes His father called Alberic seeing himselfe one of the greatest power at Rome caused all the noblest and principallest rulers of the Citie of Rome to promise and sweare that after the death of Pope Agapetus they should elect his sonne Octauian Which promise was kept and he was called Iohn This Pope was so excessiuely giuen to lecherie that he maintained a publike stewes for the shame wherof some Cardinals writ to the Emperour Otho that he would remedie the publike scandall and infamie which the Church then suffered and that it was needfull he should in haste come to Rome As soone as the Pope heard of this newes he caused the nose of a Cardinall a Deacon called Iohn to be cut off beeing the principall councellor herein hee commaunded also that the hand of an other Cardinall a Subdeacon called also Iohn to be cut off because hee writ the Letters When the Emperour vnderstood that for no admonition the Pope would amend he caused him to be deposed with note of infamie Otho was crowned by him after he hauing sworne that hee would exalt the Romane Church and the Pope and that in nothing hee would hurt him as more at large is contained Dist 63.100 Tibi domino Otho remained a certain time at Rome after his coronation and admonished this Pope to change and amend his wicked life whereof hee was blamed Otho departing came against Berenger his enemie Albert the sonne of Berenger who with his father retired at Otho his comming seeing Otho departed came to Rome and with the Pope complotted against the Emperour Two Cardinalls aduertised Otho of this conspiracie and of the Popes wickednesse Otho then returned to Rome and the Pope fled after he had reuenged himselfe of the two Cardinalls Otho beeing at Rome caused the Pope to be thrice called commanding him to returne and feare
Ierusalem raigned sixe yeares Chron. Euseb Berthold Duke Zeringen sonne of Conrade the Emperour founded two Freburgs that is to say free Bourgages or Francborgs the one in Brisgoy and the other in little Bourgogne commonly called Vchland against Sauoye And 12. yeares after he founded the Towne of Berne which he surnamed because of a Beare which he encountred in the place where the said Towne was builded For that word in their tongue signifieth Beare Naucl. The scituation thereof is almost an Iland which the Riuer of Arre maketh Phillip dieu done 2. of that name 41. king of France sonne of Lewis le ienne constituted the Escheuins of Paris and enuironed with walles a great part of the towne and walled the wood of Vincennes nigh Paris Naucler At this time was a great multitude of Iewes in France of which there went a report that euerie yeare they stole a Christian childe and ledde him vnto a place vnder the earth and after they had tormented him crucified him and that day they call great or good Friday King Phillip hearing this caused the Iewes to be taken and tormented in diuers sorts Hee burned 80. in one fire and after the yeare 1186. he draue them all out of his kingdome except such as were conuerted to the Faith After the King being scarce of mony through warres demanded of the Iewes a great summe thereof and hauing it graunted he was content they should again come into his kingdome As also his successour Lewis opened them all the kingdome of France Lucius Pope third of that name of Luke ruled at Rome foure yeares two moneths and 18. dayes He was before called Hinebaldus or Vbaldus Cardinall of Ostia This Pope would needs banish the Consuls Patricij at Rome wherefore he was cast out of Rome and withdrew himselfe to Verona Such as tooke his part some had their eyes put out others were set vpon Asses their faces towards the hinder part and were ignominiously handled After some In this time was the fourth expedition made beyond the Sea and there were crossed vnto it the King of France Philip Augustus and Henry King of England And there was a tenth laide vpon all Benefices and reuenews of Church goods to help the charges of the warre And this Subsidie was called Saladins tenth Iohn le Maire Vrbane Pope third of that name borne at Millane of the people of Cribelles ruled a yeare and sixe moneths or as it were eleuen Suppl Chron. Before he was called Imbert Suppl Chron. Sigeb Baudwin King of Ierusalem left the kingdome Guyon of Lusignan his sisters husband and the saide Guyon was the last King of Ierusalem Saladin by auarice ambition and discord of Christians occupied Ierusalem which the Christians had held from Godfrey de Bouillion 88. yeares He tooke also Aca Beritus Biblon and all the rest euen to Ascalon inclusiuely Naucler Gregorie Pope 8. of that name borne in Beneuent ruled at Rome 57. dayes Hee sent messages vnto the Christian Princes and their people to goe against the enemies of the Faith promising Indulgences and pardons vnto all but he dyed vpon that enterprise as he went vnto Pise to sollicite that they of that Towne with the Geneuois together might send into Asia for the defence of Religion Cor. Abb. Lynonia or Lyfland a Northerne Land was conuerted to the Faith Clement Pope third of that name the sonne of a Romane Citizen ruled at Rome 3. yeares and 6. moneths and made a Decretall against such Priests as celebrated Masse in wodden vessels and with common bread The Emperour Frederic Philip King of France Richard King of England and the Pope Clement agreed together to send mony vnto the Christians they sent also many ships and after went themselues in person with many Princes and Prelates of Ierusalem but they could not accord therefore soone after they returned Supp Chron. The yeare of Christ 1190. Frederic being at Nice a Citie of Bithinia it being also very hotte he descended into a floud to wash but the force of the water carried him away so that he was drowned in the presence of his people the 37. yeare of his Empire leauing fiue children which hee had of his wife Beatrix daughter of Regnand Count of Besanson The King of England was taken by a Duke of Austriche called Leopold as he returned passing through Almaigne and was deliuered vnto the Emperour Henry the sixt For his raunsome were solde the treasures of the Church the Chalices of Gold and Siluer c. and so returned into England During this time the King of France but a litle before also returned into France and occupied certaine Townes appertaining vnto the King of England The treasures of England solde for the Kings raunsome came 200000 markes of siluer Celestine 3. of that name a Romane before called Iacinthus very aged his Father was called Bubonis was chosen Pope by the Cardinalls vpon Easter day The next morning he Crowned Henry Emperour 6. of that name sonne of Fredericke and at the exhortation of this Pope he made an expedition to goe vnto Ierusalem William king of Sicile dying without heires it was thought that therefore the kingdome should devolue vnto the Romane seate but the greatest of the kingdome elected Tancredus the bastard sonne of the said William The Pope stirred heereat drew Constance the daughter of Roger and sister of William king of Sicilie out of an Abbey of Nunnes in the Towne of Palerme and dispensed with her marriage Wherefore Henry sonne of the Emperour Fredericke espoused her and so came vnto the kingdome of Sicilie and occupied it And Tancredus was slaine in battaile so Henry abode in place The said Constance of the age of 55. yeares conceaued and brought forth a sonne called Fredericke the second who after was Emperour Supp Chron. The order of the Friars of the Hospitall of the Almaines beganne at this time Also the order of the Trinitie The yeare 1191. the Towne of Aca was taken by the Christians Naucler saith here that Saladine seeing the force of the Christians determined to haue yeelded them the towne of Ierusalem but the discord happening betwixt the King of Fraunce and the King of England was cause of verie great troubles In matter of diuorce Celestine permitted the Catholike partie to remarry if the other partie fell into heresie But contrary the Pope Innocent forbad it Poll. Ver de diuor cap. 5. Arthois was erected into an Earledome the yeare 1195. and the first Count or Earle therof was Lewis sonne of king Philip. The kingdome of Cyprus came into the hands of the Christians and remained there 275. yeares The Archbishop of Magunce with a multitude of Almains the King of Hungarie the Queene went into Palestine against the Sarasins Sigeb They tooke Berinthus and Ioppe Naucl. Innocent Pope third of that name borne in Campania his father was Trasimondus of Anagnia a man of base estate Suppl Chron. ruled at
Rome 18. yeares This Pope a very daungerous pestilence added vnto the Articles of the Faith Transubstantiation as a 13. Article See the Decretalls Tit. 1. De summa Trin. side Catholica ca. Firmiter credimus This Decretall was made the yeare of Christ 1215. promulged in the Councell of Lateran Where were the Patriarkes of Constantinople Ierusalem 70. Archbishops 400. Bishops 12. Abbots 800. conuentuall Priors and many Embassadors of kings princes to stop the Sarasins For there was a Croisado published therfore was there demanded the 4. peny of all rents He commaunded that the Canon of the Masse should be receiued as if it came from and were ordeined of the Apostles See the Decretals Dit 46. De celebratione Missarū ca. 6. cū He commanded confession in the Priests eare that is that he which came to be capable of deceit should confesse himselfe at the least once in the yeare to his owne Pastor See the Decretals Tit. 38. chap. Omnis vtriusque sexus In the said Councell of Lateran it was ordeined that the Canonization of Saints might not be done but by the Pope There also was condemned the booke of Ioachim Abbat against Peter Lombard Now was the error of Almaric Bishop of Chartres of whom we shall hereafter speake and of the Albigeois against which Innocent made preach the Croisado There was also ordeined that if Princes had offended one an other the correctiō therof shuld appertain vnto y e Pope Nauc The yeare of Christ 1199. the Emperour Henry dyed at Palerme Being sore heated in the pursuit of an Hart he drunke so much of a Fountaine that he rankeled his bodie Philip brother of the said Emperour Henry Duke of Souabe obtained the Empire and raigned 8. yeares He was crowned at Magunce Innocent hated Philip and was against his election The Bishop of Colongne and other Princes as well seculars as of the Cleargie seeing themselues despised that they had not bene called to the electiō of the said Philip vpon an assembly at Aix they chose for Emperour Otho the sonne of Henry surnamed Lyon Duke of Saxonie and Bauiere and was crowned by the Archbishop of Boulongne so was there a diuision in the Empire whereof great mischiefes came in Almaine by Rapines pillings fires warres Robberies Benefices Ecclesiasticall became litigious and much siluer did runne to Rome Naucler and Vrsperg Otho then 4. of that name Duke of Bauiere and Saxonie a man proud and hardie raigned three yeares being a fauourite of Pope Innocent who had said that he would either take away Phillips Crowne or he should take away his Vrsperg There happened then great discord in Almaine by the Popes treason who procured Phillips death Otho of Wittilispach Count Pallatin entered into the Emperor Phillips chamber at Bamberge and slew him traiterously with a dagger the ninth yeare of his raigne His Esquire seeing this being greatly troubled began to crie and being wounded in the cheeke fell downe The traytor fled to the Bishop of Bamberge a companion of the conspiration in the Popes fauour who notwithstanding was afterward slaine by the Emperours Marshall nigh Ratisbone being hid in a poore cottage See Naucler After the death of the said Phillip the Pope sent vnto Otho to come to Rome to be crowned and so he was the yeare 1209. Adolphe Bishop of Colongne who sometimes was on Phillips side was deposed by the Pope and died in exile Naucler and likewise the Bishop of Sutry before the said Phillip was Emperor because he had absolued him frō an excommunication The yeare of Christ 1210. Otho whom the Pope so much loued in despite of Phillip the Emperour is now become the Popes mortall enemie yea euen to be excommunicated and in full Councell declared to be deposed from his Empire with commaundement from the said Innocent that none should hold him for Emperor nor obey him acquitting his subiects of the oath they ought him Naucler This done he sent Letters to the Archbishop of Magunce that he should declare the said Otho through all his Cities to be excommunicated and deposed frō his Empire in full Councell held at Rome which he did Wherevpon the Princes of Almaine inuaded his Bishoppricke and put all to fire The cause wherefore the Pope published the said excommunication was because Otho occupied Romandiole the patrimonie of the Romane Church Otho then fearing a new chaunge left Italie and returned into Almaine which hee found all troubled for the said excommunication The Abbey of S. Antoigne by Paris a religion of women was founded about this time The Sea of Hist. The king Phillip gaue to the Church of S. Denis diuers precious reliques which the Emperour Baudwin had sent him frō Constantinople that is to say the true Crosse of a foote long also the haires which Iesus Christ had in his Infancie one of the thornes of the Crowne one side and foure teeth of S. Phillip the cloathes wherein Iesus Christ was wrapped in the maunger and the purple garment which he had on at his passion See the Sea of Hist. Such as were great in this world submitted their greatnesse vnto those toyes and trifles more then childish The yeare of Christ 1212. Otho hauing assembled the Princes at Noremberg shewed the Popes subtil deu●●s against him and that vniustly he persecuted him From thence hee led his Armie into Turinge against his enemies which tooke the Popes part After he came into Saxonie where his marriage was celebrated with the daughter of king Phillip who died foure daies after Iohn King of England King Richard his brother made his kingdome subiect to the Romane Pope For a signe whereof he promised to pay yearely fiue markes of gold Suppl Chron. or 1000. markes of sliuer See the Annales of France After Otho had bene Emperour 4. yeares Frederic 2. of that name sonne of Henry 6. king of both Sicilies and of Ierusalem succeeded and after his election made in Almaine hee was annointed and crowned at Aix and Otho depriued of his Empire died the yeare following of a fluxe of bloud Naucler and the said Frederic raigned 44. yeares or 33. after Suppl Chron. Innocent edified the Hospitall of the holy Ghost and gaue vnto it great reuenewes He repaired the Church of S. Sixtus He gaue vnto all the Churches of Rome the waight of a pound of siluer to make their Challices on vpon condition that none should sell or alien them The foure Sects of begging Friars S. Francis an Italian of a Towne called Assisium was in this time S. Dominike a Spaniard of Caliroga in the Diocesse of Lexonia in this time also The said Dominike went to Rome and prayed the Pope Innocent in the said Councell of Lateran to confirme his order of Iacobins but hee would not consent therevnto Albert Patriarke of Ierusalem made the rule of Carmes the first Author of the said order in Siria The Pope approued the order of the
full of fish Profitable then it is to exercise the Ministerie of the Church in the right part by which misterie the diuell is vanquished and a great number of soules is brought to Iesus Christ but surely it is not so of the labour which is taken on the left hand of the ship for therein faith staggereth and heuinesse ruleth when men finde not that which they seeke For who will beleeue that one man can serue God and Mammon both together and please his will sticke to reuelations of the flesh and of bloud and offer to Christ gifts and presents such as appertaine vnto him And without doubt the sheepheard which watcheth not for the edifying of the Flocke prepareth an other way a roaring Lyon which seeketh euery way whom he may deuour Behold say I the straunge and before vnheard deedes of him which is called thy father who taketh from the sheepfoldes the good sheepheards and in their places setteth his Nephewes and parents and others ignorant of Letters dumbe and deafe which vnderstand not the bleating of the sheepe neither care for the byting of the wolues which like hirelings carrie away the fleeces reape others haruests the hands of whom also serue to the pottes and their backes turne away from burthens Hereby it plainely appeareth the Priests office was left the seruice due vnto God was subtracted and the custome to giue Almes abolished by which things the holy deuotion of Kings Princes Christans are abolished This then is a thing which ought to be found very strange in the iudgement of euery one that whereas Iesus Christ commaunded to pay tribute vnto Kings for himselfe for Peter this man against his will whose Vicar he saith he is who hath cast backe from himsselfe the kingdomes and iudgements of the world seekes to subiect vnder his domination Kings and Princes vnder the title of his stile because all that he hath set downe in writing to be his he attributeth vnto himselfe Nay what doth he more with thee ô daughter Behold he draweth from thee whatsoeuer he thinketh good and yet hee holdeth not himselfe contented to take of thee the tenth part of thy grounds but euen the first fruites of the Benefices of thy Ministers to the end that as well for himselfe as for such as are of his bloud he might constitute a new patrimonie of good and holy wills of the founders Moreouer he alreadie imposeth other execrable things for the wages of his Curriers which he sendeth into England which carrie away not onely the victualls of thee and thine but also rent of their skinnes and their flesh like dogges Meriteth he not to be compared to Nabuchodonozor who destroyed the Temple and spoiled it of the vessells of Gold For that which he did this doth he also He spoiled the Ministers of the house of God and depriued them of that which was necessarie for his seruice And this here doth as much And surely the condition of them which are slaine by the sword is better then the condition of such as be any thing bitten with hunger For the first are straight dead but the other is consumed by the stirrilitie of the earth Let all such as passe by thy way ô daughter haue compassion on thee for no sorrowe is like to thine For alreadie because of thy great dolour and teares which thou hast shead thy face is blacker then coales in so much as thou art no more knowne in the streetes Thy father hath set thee in clowdie and darke places he hath made thee drunke with wormewood and gall Lord see the affliction of thy people harken vnto their sobbings and come downe For the heart of this man is harder then the heart of Phaua● who would not suffer that thy people should goe a● libertie but onely in the force of thy hand But this afflicted and plagueth not onely vpon earth but also after death For after death he deuoureth the goods of all Christians vnder colour that they died without making testaments The Church of England doth sufficienly know that the French men casting the eyes of their concupiscence vpon that kingdome sought in time past to haue reduced it vnder theyr power but it is to be feared that that which they could not hitherto bring to passe is now supplied by the coniuration of that man as of a new enemie For if the treasures of the Kingdome faile and that the Priesthood be ouerthrowne verily it shall he made lesse puissant against the enemies To the end that thou ô daughter and thy Priest should not fall into a miserie of any longer endurance it is expedient for the saluation and safetie of thee and thine that thou ô Christian King and the great Lords of thy kingdome which haue adorned thee with great and excellent Benefices and which in such a case ought to maintaine and defend both thee and those Benefices should resist the coniurations and conspirations of that man who not hauing regard to God but for the aforesaid things and to enrich his parents and for his owne nest lifting himselfe vp as an Eagle by the aforesaid things and other Impostes by him imposed he hath collected all the siluer of England by a new domination Let not then thy dissembling simplicitie in this case cause the ruine of thy kingdome and thy selfe and take heed thy remedie come not too late The Lord God take the vaile frō off the heart of this man and giue him a contrite and humble hart and make him knowe the traces of the true God whereby hee may be drawne frō darknesse and constrained to forsake those wicked labours wherof we haue spoken that the vine which the right hand of God hath planted may be filled with good grapes For take heed vnto the Lords words to the Prophesie of Ieremie to put back such enterprises who saith thus Thou sheepheard which hast dispersed my people put thē out of their habitations behold I will visit vpon thee the malice of thy into prises and no man of thy seed shall sit vpon the seat of Dauid nor haue more power in Iuda Let thy neast be made barran and ruinated as So-Some and Gomorrhe But if it so fall out that being nothing feared by these words he cease not his enterprises nor make restitution of that which he hath taken then let thē sing for him that shall be so wickedly hardned the 108. Psalme As for vs we will each day openly sing praises through Iesus Christ to him vnto whom all things serue Thus the light by litle and litle came forward and ouercame the mightie darknesse Clement 5. ruled in Auignon 8. yeares and 10. monethes This Pope was a Gascoin sonne of Bernand a warrior and a Gentleman borne in Burdeaux before called Bextrand Goth Bishop of Coseran and Archbishop of Burdeaux he being absent in France was chosen at Peruse by the Cardinalls there resident Iohn le Maire saith it
the Pope Clement in fauour of the king noted them of heresie and infamie wrongfully and vpon enuie Paral. Vrsper Some thinke that the kings of France of England and of Spaine conspired against them for the possessions and Castles which they had in their kingdomes The yeare 1309. the Sarabits Monkes which came out of Egipt began in England Their garments were of Oxe and Swines skinnes and they were tyed with cordes Iohn Clyn Hybernus The order of Paulins entred into England and placed thēselues at Glocester the yeare 1310. Chron. Caletense This Pope Clement in a well leaded Bull which is yet at this day kept by Copie at Vienna at Limoge and at Poiters in the Coffers of priuiledges commanded the Angels of Heauen to carrie into the Ioyes of Paradice and draw out of Purgatorie the soule of him whosoeuer should die in the way going in Pilgrimage to Rome Moreouer saith he we will that the paines of hell shal no way be inflicted vpon them Agrip. de vanit sciēt Iean wife of Lewis king of Fraunce after the death of her husband went to Rome and resigned the kingdome of Naples deliuering it into Pope Clements hand who after made a gift of it to Lewis duke of Angiou brother of Charles the fift king of France sauing the profits to the vse of the said Iean for her life But he enioyed it not for he died with fiue thousand men in conquering it against Charles Nephew of the said Lewis King of Hungaria who occupied the kingdome and held it foure yeares and left a sonne called Ladislaus who raigned 29. yeares at Naples by the helpe of Pope Vrbain the 6. This Pope condemned the Beghards or Begnins which would not worship the Bread of the Eucharist He commaunded that the great Maister of the Templers should be burned at Paris with one of his cōpanions in the presence of Cardinals made certain ordinances against the insolencies of the Iewes after hauing confiscated their goods He ordained that oathes deliuered by Princes were not oathes of subiection but of fidelitie and commanded that the goods of the Church should not be alienated Hee ordained that Clarkes which occupied temporall traffiques and wore precious garments should be punished and forbad Monkes all kinde of huntings as well of beastes as birdes He confirmed the Feast instituted in the honour of the bread of the Eucharist which the Papists commonly called La feste dieu God his Feast He gathered in his volume the Constitutions called Clementius and pronounced that the reliques of Saints ought to be greatly honoured He gouerned the affaires of Italie by Neapolion and Pelagura Cardinalls his Legates and added Celestine the fift to the number of Popish Confessors He set in order the constitutions of Monkes and againe declared the rule of Friars Finally this Clement being tormented one while with a flux of the belley and an other with a paine of the stomack sides deceased in a Castle called Rocquemaure vpon Rosue the yeare of the Lord 1314. his body was carried into Gascoin and the Papall seate was emptie euen till the third yeare This yeare it selfe that he died as Henry of Lucembourg Emperor determined to draw to him by force of Armes the kingdome of Sicilie vnto which he was called hee was traiterously brought to death by a wicked Monke called Bernard du Mont Polician of Domcastre who was of the conspiration of the Guelphes and yet made a countenance that he was the Emperours friend He gaue a poysoned host to this good Prince who as soone as he felt the mischiefe aduertised this traitor Monke to flie away saying vnto him Away away for if the Almanes perceiue any thing and such as doo affect mee you shall die So this wicked Iudas withdrawing himselfe to Sienes receiued the siluer that had bene promised him for the reward of his treason but hereby hee deliuered not his bretheren Iacobins For many of them perished by fire and sword with their houses as wel in Tuscane as in Lombardie and many other places The Vniuersitie of Orleance was instituted in this time Chron. of the Kings of France The yeare at Crist 1313. the King of Fraunce Phillip le bel became a Leper and therefore he caused all the Leapers of France and Flaunders as well men as women to bee burnt For he vnderstood that they had infected the waters And the Chroniclers of Almaine say that the said king became a Leper because he made the Templers die Arnold de Villa Noua an excellent Phisitian and Mathematician some say of Chalon others of Narbone was iudged an heretike because he said that Sathan had made all Christian people stray from the truth Item that the faith of Christians of his time was no other then such as diuels haue Item that such as are in Cloisters are out of Charitie and condemne themselues in falsifying the doctrine of Iesus Christ leading Christians into hell Item that the Theologians haue maliciously mingled the Dreames of Philosophers with the holy scripture Item that in the sacrifice of the Aultar the Priest offereth nothing to God and that Masses profiteth neither quick nor dead He prooued by Daniel and by Sibilla Erithra that Antichrist in a full tirannie should persecute the faithfull after the yeare 1300. Besides his Phisicke bookes he writ against the Iacobins that it was lawfull to eate flesh The cutting sword against the Thomistes The admonition of Iesus Christ to Christians Of the subtilties of false Prophets Of the misterie of the Churches Cymballs Of the consummation of the world and other bookes He was iudged an heretike by the Iacobins at Tarraeon Finally being sent to the Pope by Frederic king of Sicilie he died in the way and was buried at Genés a true champion of the Lord. Margarite Queene of Nauarre daughter of the Duke of Burbon Iean daughter of the Count of Bourgongne and wife of the Count of Poiters Blanche second daughter of the said Count of Bourgongne wife of the Count de la Marshe were taken by the kings commaundement and condemned to continuall prison for their fornications and adulteries against them manifestly prooued Yet afterward Iean Countesse of Poiters returned with her husband For it was knowne that she was not culpable of all that which was imposed on her The Adulterers that is Phillip d'Annoy which kept the Queene and his brother Gualter de Annoy which kept the said Blanch knights were scorched there genitories cut off and they drawne and hanged Schisme in the Empire There was a diuision amongst the Electors some did chuse Lois the fourth of that name Duke of Bauiere others Frederic Duke of Austrich and the one had warre against the other eight yeares In the end Lewis obtained alone the Empire and raigned 24 yeares after the Chron. of Euseb which make 32. yeares The Sea of Hist Loys Hutin sonne of Phillip le bel succeeded in the Kingdome and is
Others that they would not pay it and so was there a schisme in the Churches of Almaigne Naucler Petrarke dyed about this time So did Boccace of the age of 62. yeares Abb. Trit Simon de Cassia was in this time and S. Bonauenture whom Gregorie 2. made Cardinall and Bishop of Albe Abb. Trit Amurathes was slaine with the blowe of a Dagger by the seruant of a Christian called Seruianus For that the said Amurathes had slaine his maister Peter de Premonstre hath left by writing that in this Popes time there was a kinde or new Sect of diuellish people as well men as women which without any shame daunced hardely And he said that in the yeare of the Lord 1375. they came frō Aix in Almain into Henaut and from thence into France Some said this signified the returne of Pope Gregorie his Cardinals to Rome These thought they daunced in a flood of blood although such as were present with them saw no such thing The common people iudged that these people were ill baptized by Priests which keep whores and harlots and therefore they determined to haue risen vp against the Cleargy to slay them and pill their goods but that God remedied it by the meanes of certaine coniurations that which followeth in the said author The yeare of Christ 1375. the English men and Brytons with other people to the number of fortie thousand and more fell vpon the Countries of Alsarce and Sangania and tooke Cities and Castles and raced them to the ground violated virgins and wiues burned Churches and Monasteries and after many other tyrannies they attempted also vpon the Bernois but a great multitude of them and their Duke were slaine and discomfited by the said Bernois at Frowenbrun the rest were assailed by other Swisses and were ouerthrowne and so they all perished miserably Fascic temp The Emperour Charles sought to stretch out the limits of his kingdome of Boheme partly by siluer and partly by warres and other meanes which was cause that he gaue to Iohn Henry his brother the Countrey of Morauia to the end he might renounce the right he had in the kingdome of Boheme Long time after he also caused the Princes Electors to elect Wencelaus his sonne King of the Romanes Finally after many requests hee obtained that he demaunded the yeare of grace 1376. and gained the Princes which elected Wencelaus King of Romanes being but 15. yeares of age After his coronation he espoused Ihehanne or Iane daughter of Albert Counte of Holland and Duke of Bauiere But the yeare following Charles dyed which was the yeare of grace 1378. and of his Empire 33. Hee was an Emperour worthie of praise sauing that he regarded more his kingdome of Boheme then the publike weale of his Empire For knowing his Sonne should succeede him in the Empire hee corrupted the Electors by great and faire promises the which being not able to accomplish hee gaged vnto them the publike taxes and tributes and brought the Romane Empire into that calamitie wherein it is at this day For the Electors retaine that vnto themselues which should be the Emperours A great number of the poore of Lyon were burnt at Paris in the place de Greue The Sea of Histories The Colledge of Benuais was founded at Paris the yeare 1372. otherwise called the Colledge des Dormans because it was founded by three brethren called Dormans the one was Bishop of Beauuais the other Archbishop of Angiers and the other Chauncellour of France Wencelaus sonne of Charles fourth of that name was chosen king of the Romans beeing but 15. yeares of age at the pursuite of his Father and crowned at Aix la Chappelle with his wife the daughter of Albert Duke of Bauiere and Counte of Holland But this Wencelaus was euil made of bodie and spirit his bodie crooked and of an effeminate courage He was borne at Nuremberge and his mother dyed at his byrth Assoone as hee was made king of Boheme and of the Romanes incontinently he gaue himselfe to all Idlenes and dissolution following his pleasures caring for nothing but to make good cheare And because he vsed great tyrannie in the end the Barons of the kingdom tooke him kept him in prison the space of 4. moneths til he was brought forth by his brother the Marquesse called Iohn but he became no better His subiects then seeing that all the Country was infected with his orders tyrannies whoredomes dissolutions they complained to his brother Sigismond king of Hungarie and he was againe taken and imprisoned in Austriche but escaping out of prison he returned into his kingdome and returned to his first manners The Electors of the Empire often admonished him but hee cared not therefore he was depriued of his Empire at Bopard Baiazet fourth King or Emperour of the Turks the sonne of Amurathes after the death of his Father slewe his brother Soliman traiterously and so alone enioyed the Empire of the Turkes the yeare of the world 5335. after Christes Natiuitie 1373. To reuenge the death of his father he made war against Marke Lord of Bulgaria ouercame and slewe him and so subiected a great part of his Country A little after he ouerranne Hungarie Albania and Walachie and did great hurt tooke many Christians and led them into Thracia prisoners In his enterprises and affaires he was so hotte and so suddaine that he was called Baiazet Hildrin that is to say thunder from heauen He brought vnder as it were all Greece being aided with the goods and graces of nature both in body and spirit He besieged Constantinople by the space of eight yeares Wherevpon the Emperour sailed into France requiring succours which was graunted him yet got Baiazet victorie of the French Hungarians Almaines Syrians and Misians in one assembly against him after hee returned to Constantinople and there was no other meane to conserue the Empire of Constantinople but that Tamberlan who was Lord of a certaine Countrie of East Scythia towards Parthia hauing as it were an infinit number of people put to the sworde in one onely battaile on the Mount Stella where Pompey fought with Mithridates 2. hundreth thousand Turkes and ouercame Baiazet and bound him with chaines of Gold and put him into a Cage of Iron and so ledde him through all the Countreys of Asia and Syria In the which miserable estate the said Baiazet died He raigned twentie and sixe yeares Edward King of England who had so many victories in France died of the age of 74. yeares the yeare 52. of his raigne Charles the 4. and Wencelaus his sonne came into France to accord the French and the English but they returned without doing any thing because of the death of the Queene and her daughter Isabel The Pope Gregorie after he had done all that belonged to a good Pope as Platina saith being tormented with an intollerable paine of the blather deceased the yeare of the Lord 1378. Some say that
warring delighted in nothing but a dastardly idlenesse ful of sloath which brought with it nothing but diuers concupiscences fraudes pleasures pompes gourmandizes dissolutions pailliardizes and Idolatries He erected a new Colledge of Secretaries for his owne profit augmenting the number of them which were there before He builded a new Pallace and an house of pleasure of a new fashion He was the first of all the Popes which in an invsuall maner aduanced his bastards vnto honour and riches For hee gaue certaine Townes nigh Rome vnto his bastard Francis and greatly inriched his daughter called Theodorine which he married vnto a very rich man of Genoa Charles eight of that name King of France succeeded his father Lewis the 11. being of the age of 14. yeares The three Estates were solemnly assembled at Tours for the Kings person Hee was very conscionable yeelding vnto the King of Spaine the Countes of Roussillon and Parpignant Hee conquered the kingdome of Naples and the Princes and Gentlemen went thither of their owne charge At Rome the Pope declared him Emperour of Constantinople The King Alphonsus and his sonne Ferdinand for feare retired into Sicilie and Charles entred triumphantly into Naples Then the Lords and Townes in Italie banded themselues against the King to enclose him at his returne yet he got through with a great victorie ouer them at Fonnone for he had fewe people against many and as vanquisher returned into France But at the end of the yeare Naples reuolted vnto the said Ferdinand King Lewis the 11. would not that his sonne Charles should learne any part of the Italian tongue but onely this Prouerbe Qui nessit dissimulare nescit regnare that is hee that cannot faigne and dissemble knowes not how to raigne A poore lesson better beseeming a Tyrant then a King M. Iohn an English man a Priest in this time was burnt at Paris in the place called the Swine Market because in the morning of the day then called Corpus Christi in the great Church of our Lady in the Chappel dedicated vnto S. Crispin and Crispinian he tooke from a Priest that sung Masse his Host and cast it on the ground The Pope Innocent absolued the Venetians which had bene excommunicated by Sixtus for acts before recited and solde pardons and Indulgences as well for the liuing as for the dead He inriched with great presents many Temples through Italie He gaue vnto the Augustins of Bergoine a Church of siluer of an exquisite and maruelous worke He by his Bulles permitted to them of Norway that they ought to sing Masse without wine Moreouer seeing that Pardons nor the Iubile nor the warre against the Turkes serued him any thing to gather siluer hee inuented a new maner of gathering siluer For he found inclosed in an old wall the title which was set vpon the Crosse of Iesus Christ written in three languages Iesus of Nazareth c. with the Iron of the Launce wherwith Christ his side was pearsed Being hindred by a long disease he could not accomplish that which he purposed in his courage But the yeare of our Lord 1492. he deceased out of this world There was a Poet called Marcellus who made an Epitaph in Latin Verses whose sence is this What needest thou seeke witnesses to know whether Cibe be male or female Behold onely the great troupe of his children they will yeeld a certaine testimonie thereof He begot eight sonnes and as many daughters It is not without cause that Rome calls him Father c. The Towne of Arras was againe taken by the Flemmings in the nigh time The keyes of one of the Towne gates was counterfeited and giuen to foure of the conspiracie poore Mechanikes the one of which was called Grisard who had an ordinarie garde of the gate and vsed customably vpon the wall to sing with an high voyce What houre is it It is not time What houre is it It is not day This was to aduertise the enemies when they should approach And when they were nigh hee sung an other Song Marchez la duron duraine marchez la duron durean So the Towne of Arras was by him deliuered into the Emperours hand without any effusion of bloud Horrible things of Roderic Borgia To shewe the horrour of that abhominable seat of Rome it shal not be impertinent to declare how and by what meanes a Spaniard came thither In the time of Innocent the 8. after that Borgia was placed in the number of the Cardinalls and Fathers of the Romane Church his affection was incessantly set to mount higher and to that ende hee inuented each day all the meanes hee thought good and meete to enioy the accomplishment of his desires Finally he gaue himselfe to the diuellish Art of Necromancie to the end that by the helpe of diuells and euill spirits he might enter into the way whch he sawe shut to him as well by the riches as the great credit and prerogatiue of his companions After hee had certaine time employed his studie and diligently watched about the cursed and dammable Art of Necromancie he began to inquire of his diuels wherewith he prooued very familiar if they would not sauour him so much as in the pursuite of the Papall dignitie they would giue him support and helpe Wherevnto they readily agreed but yet vnder this especiall rescription and couenant that by certaine words he should deliuer an oath to shewe himselfe in all things a faithfull protector of Sathan To which this Cardinall of a wicked minde consented onely he required that when hee should come to do his homage and take his oath the diuell would not appeare vnto him in any hideous and fearefull forme but rather vnder some humane forme namely vnder the person of a Protonotaire which hauing graunted him at the time assigned and established on a Sommers day the Cardinall beeing retired into a place called Montcauallus being alone in a chamber the saide Protonotaire presented himselfe vnto him like a man of meane age honourably apparelled who after certaine talke helde betwixt them hee assured the Cardinall that hee should bee Pope Then Roderic Borgia beeing very ioyous began to inquire of him how long hee should raigne This Protonotaire deliuered him a very ambiguous answere namely that hee should raigne the space of eleuen and eight the Cardinall foolishly promised himself the time of 19. yeares in his Papall dignitie although Sathans meaning was but 11. yeares and 8. monethes After Pope Innocent was dead by pluralitie of voyces hee was established Pope And because there should be no want at the solemnities he named himselfe Alexander the sixt before named Roderic Borgia borne at Valence in Spaine the Nephewe of Calixtus late Pope third of that name As one that long time had had the handling of the office of Vice-chauncellor hee knew all the estate of the Court of Rome and knew all the councels and enterprises of the Princes and Communalties of Italie Being then placed
Popish kingdome before the time of Iulius Iohn the 24. was maruellously troubled and molested by an Owle as is afore said And as he was in the way to Constance he fell from his Charriot He was there ignominiously deposed and there was it concluded that the generall Councell had power ouer the Pope And therefore from his time and also from Paul the second the affaires of the Papacie haue gone ill and haue alwaies past from worse to worse Vnder the gouernment of Alexander the sixt the Angell which was placed in the dungeon of the Castle S. Angelo was stricken downe by a fearfull thunder and fell into Tiber. There is hardly any person which knoweth not the mischiefes which haue hapned since Iulius the second vntill this present But according to the sentence of S. Paul Iesus Christ shal shortly destroy that wicked Antichrist by the brightnesse of his comming He shall be put aliue saith the Angell speaking to S. Iohn into a poole of burning fire brimstone where he shall be tormented for euer So be it So be it Iulius the second of that name borne at Genes Nephew of Sixtus the fourth who had bene named before Iulian Reuerins of the title of S. Peter ad Vincula was chosen Pope Hee was a man of a quicke spirit and very subtill and as it were chiefly borne for warre Phillip willing againe to passe into Spaine by Sea-tempest was cast vpon England and well receiued of king Henry the seuenth yet he payed for his welcome and redeemed his departure by deliuering to the said King the Duke of Southfolke who was of the house of the white Rose and thought the nighest heiremale of the Crowne of England who by the said Phillip had bene taken in Guelders whither he was fled for feare of king Henry This Iulius plucked away by force and by excommunications many things from certaine Christian Princes And in the space of seuen yeares he was cause of the death of infinite persons yea this tyrant because of the victories which he had obtained wherein hee reioyced that hee had shead so much humane bloud gaue vnto the Swisses the title of defenders of the Ecclesiasticall libertie and with a certaine number of Ensignes of warre and priuiledges cōfirmed by his Bulls a golden sword and an hatte He very straightly besieged Rauenna which the Venetians had occupied and in the end hauing taken it he reduced it into his obedience With a litle brauerie he plucked into his hands from certaine Princes Setina Imola Faience Boulongne and other Townes which was not done without great effusion of bloud Philibert the eight Duke of Sauoy succeeded his father Phillip in the yeare 1495. He was a magnanimous and vertuous Prince and full of great beautie in so much that he was called Philibert the faire He was amiable also and courteous to euery one He espowsed Margarite the Emperor Maximilians daughter But after hee had done many things worthy of memorie he died without leauing any heire issuing of him wherfore Charles his brother succeeded him in the said Duchie Margarite for a witnesse of the loue she bare him would neuer manie againe but alwaies remained a widow Phillip returned into Spaine and died in the yeare 1506. of his age the 28. The king Lewis had sent Phillip de Rauestone as Gouernor of Genes The Towne reuolted the yeare 1507. but incontinently it was taken againe by the French The yeare 1509. there was a great contention betwixt two orders of begging Friars that is to say the Friars and the Iacobins And this was because of the conception of the Virgin Mary The Cordeliers or Friars said that she was preuented of the grace of the holy spirit so that she was nothing spotted with originall sinne and the Iacobins affirmed the contrary that she was conceiued after the manner of the other children of Adam and that priuiledge to be conceiued without sinne was onely reserued to Iesus Christ yet they saide that the holy Virgin which was the mother of the sonne of God was sanctified in his mothers wombe purged from all originall spot as S. Iohn Baptist Ieremie and certaine others were which by especiall priuiledge were sanctified before they came out of their mothers wombes The said Iacobins made themselues strong to prooue that opinion by reasons of the holy scripture as also they had enterprised to make publike disputations at Heidelberge touching the conception of the Virgin Mary but nothing was executed Afterward the said Iacobins began to prooue that opinion euen before the people by certaine false myracles and visions which they themselues had inuented But these bad people were deceiued and their lies turned on their owne heads For there was a Lay Friar simple and an Ideot which they had enterprised to seduce and deceiue by their Inchauntments who in the ende reuealed all their knauery There were foure bretheren of that order taken at Berne vnto whō the torture was deliuered which after they had confessed the matter were disgraded and finally burnt for their fraudulent and diabolicall machinations which they had forged to maintaine their opinion For they had Inchaunted with superstitious charmes a poore Nouice It was at the great instance of the Bernois that Haimo Bishop of Lansanna in which Diocesse Berne is tooke knowledge of their cause and after inquisition made therof brought it to this point that they were disgraded and deliuered vnto the secular arme and burnt the last day of May in the Meade nigh the Riuer side of Ar. There were other culpable of this deed but they escaped from the hands of the Bernois The King Frederic of Naples and the Cardinall de Ambose died In this time happened a great malladie and sicknesse in France which they called the Coqueluehe The Pope Iulius excommunicated the king of France and Iohn d' Alebret king of Nauarre and gaue their kingdomes to whomsoeuer could first occupie them Masseus in the 20. Chapter of his Chronicles reciteth that the king of France perceiuing that the Pope Iulius with the Venetians went about something against him assembled a Councell in the Towne of Tours in the moneth of September where he proposed the questions following namely Whether it were lawfull for the Pope to make warre against any Prince without cause or reason And if such a Prince defending himselfe may not assaile the said Pope and withdraw from his obedience It was answered that it was not lawfull for the Pope so to do but that it was lawfull for the Prince to do that whereof he had enquired Moreouer it was agreed that the pragmatike sanctiō should be kept through the Realme of France and if hee thundred his excommunicatiōs that they should make no account of them because they should be vniust After these things the King sent to Iulius the answere of his Councell requiring him either to agree to peace or in some place to appoint a generall Councell to dispute the said questions more
at large The Councell of Laterance was begunne by Iulius this yeare 1512. Leo his successor continued the said Councell the ende whereof was the 16. of March 1517. This horrible monster died the yeare following after he had begun the said Councell that is the yeare 1513. hauing committed an infinit number of murders and wickednesses vnheard of before he died the yeare 1513. the 21 of Februarie before the Councell which he had assembled at Rome was ended See Functius in his Commentaries There was an Almaine called Conrade Garbelius who made of him Tetrastike in Latine verses whereof the sence was this Hee that hath for his father a Genoua for his mother a Grecian and that is borne in the Sea it is impossible he should be good The Genouaes are deceiuers the Grecians are lyars and there is no securitie nor faithfulnesse in the Sea Thou Iulius hast in thee all these things We read a certaine Commētarie of the Doctors of Paris against the Lutherans being drawne on by a diuellish rage had by force the carnall company of two young children of a noble house which the Queene Anne of France had sent to Roberte Cardinall of Nantes to teach Melancton amongst others hath written certaine Latine Verses how that Iulius meaning to go to warre cast S. Peters keyes into Tiber and tooke the sword of S. Paul saying Seeing the keyes of S. Peter serue vs to no purpose it may be S. Pauls sword will do something Gaston de Fouex the Kings Nephewe was sent into Italie and tooke Bolongne and Bresse by force The Swisses alreadie practised by the Pope passed into Italie On Easter day the yeare 1512. the French got a battaile at Rauenna and tooke the Towne against the Pope the Spaniards and the Venetians Gaston died there aduauncing himselfe with too small a company vpon his enemies Iulius practised with the Emperour and the King of England to assaile the King of Fraunce in diuers places of his Kingdome Ferdinand king of Spaine tooke and occupied against all right vnder colour of excommunication the Arrathame of Iulius the kingdome of Nauarre The King of England beeing assured of succours from Flaunders discended to Calais but the king of Scotland Iames the fourth and the king of France his Allie entered into his Countrey but lost a great battaile and was himselfe slaine They did litle in Guien or Normandie whether they sent two Armies Afterward the French and they fought vpon the Sea Two faire Ships well furnished that is the Regent of England and the Cordelier of France grapled one with the other And the most part of such as were within were either burnt or drowned A peace was published betwixt the King and the Venetians The English men besieged Terwine At the Iourney of Sporrs the French fared ill The Townes of Terwine and Tornay were taken by the English Anne de Britaine the wife of king Lewis the 12. and before the widowe of Charles the eight dyed at this time leauing two daughters Claudia which afterward espowsed Francis de Valois and Renee at this present widowe of the Duke of Ferrara Leo the tenth of that name borne at Florence of the house of Medices before called Iohn de Medices being Cardinall of the title of S. Mary in Dominica beyond all mens expectation was elected Pope and succeeded Iulius Hee had beene very diligently instructed in good Letters in his first youth and had had learned schoolemaisters Amongst others Angelus Politian a man very learned as well in the Greeke as Latin tongue this was the cause he loued so much men of learning and knowledge Being of the age of thirteene yeares hee was chosen Cardinall by Innocent the 8. and in the 30. of his age he was chosen Pope of Rome This Leo of his owne nature was debonaire gentle and peaceable but he was too much gouerned by such as were enemies of rest and cruell after whose wills many things were done very disloyally The King Lewis died the first day Ianuarie 1514. hauing raigned 17. yeares He was called the Father of the people a title which fewe kings had after him The greatest pleasure that Pope Leo had was delicately to nourish himselfe in all things pleasant to the flesh and such delights as would soonest drawe men into all wicked concupiscences He tooke great pleasures in Singers and Musitians to recreate his spirit at Table as hee dranke and made good cheare Hee bare an irreconciliable hatred vnto the Gospell of the kingdome of God which he persecured in the person of Luther and many others For as one day the Cardinall Bembo vttered before him a certaine thing drawne from the Gospell he answered him mocking It hath euer sufficiently bene knowne what profit that Fable of Iesus hath brought vs and our company This marchant gaue hereby sufficiently to be knowne that he was that Antichrist which S. Paul called the man of sinne and the sonne of perdition He spread abroad through the world certaine pardons and Indulgences full of all impietie yea and ridiculous to the end to heape vp siluer to maintaine his pleasures to nourish his whores and enrich his bastards And heerein he serued himselfe with Mendicant beggers which in infinit number traced and ranne ouer all Christian kingdomes One called Sampson of Millaine a Friar heaped vp by that meane so great a summe of siluer in diuers Countries that the world was astonished thereat as a thing contrarie to nature For he one day offered the summe of an hundreth and twentie thousand Ducats for the Papacie This Pope Leo created in one day one and thirtie Cardinalls and by that meanes pursed vp a great sum of siluer And that same day were seene very horrible signes and wonders the yeare 1521. at which time Soliman Emperor of the Turkes tooke Rhodes On the day of Christs Natiuitie as Leo went out of his chamber to goe sing Masse at the breake of the day after their maner a marble couer well couched and laid fell suddenly downe so that many of his company were there slaine and amongst others the Captaine of the Swisses gard By such a presage God shewed that the Popedome should shortly perish because of the enormeous and detestable wickednesse committed therein He greatly inriched at other expences his bastards and erected and lifted them vp to principalities and dignities as well Secular as Ecclesiastice Hee created Duke of Mutine Iulian whom some said was his Nephewe his sisters sonne and Laurence Duke of Vrbin and married the one that is to say Iulian with the Duke of Sauoyes sister and the other with the the daughter of the Countesse of Bolongne But hee had depriued the true Duke of Vrbin of the possession of the Duchy to the ende hee might establish one of them in his place hee sought also to doo the like to the Duke of Ferrara but it was in vaine As for his Nephewe Iulius hee made him a Cardinall The yeare 1421. and
the first of December vnderstanding that the French had bene vanquished at Millaine by the Emperours people and chased out of all Italie which also was not done without his meanes drinking making good cheare hee maruellously reioyced at this newes and herein suddenly died as they say Hee which neuer beleeued there was either hell or heauen after this present life There was a Poet called Sannazarius which made a Distiche that is two Latin Verses of the death of the said Leo which because they seeme to be wel made are set downe Sacra sub extrema si forte requiritis hora. Cur Leo non poterat sumere vendiderat The sence of these Verses is If you aske wherefore Leo could not take the Sacraments beeing so nigh his death the reason is he had sold them before That which is aboue spoken of the taking of Rhodes and of the wonders seene the same day that agreement was made to yeeld the Towne into the Turkes hands cannot accord with that which is spoken of the death of Leo. For it is a certaine that Rhodes was taken by Pope Adrian his successor and was yeelded to the Turkes Anno 1522. An Aduertisement touching a certaine coniecture of the supputation of time It would bee noted in this place that the yeare after the Incarnation of Iesus Christ 161. Paulus Samosatenus beeing Bishop of Antioche began to disgorge his blasphemies against Iesus Christ denying that he was the true and eternall sonne of God Which most daungerous and pernitious heresie of all others was afterward augmented by Arrius and Mahomet and is yet at this day by that Antichrist the Pope Moreouer the Monkes which began as it were the same yeare vnder Paul the first here vnto haue nourished and maintained the same heresie in theyr diuers maners of life and theyr wicked doctrines whilest Antichrist raigned in the Temple of God and dealt with preaching and teaching publikely in the Church namely by the space of 42. moneths or of 1260. dayes which is all one which dayes if wee take them for yeares as they ought adding thervnto the first number of 261. yeares they will come to the yeare 1521. after the Natiuitie of Iesus Christ But that you may vnderstand this secret That yeare was discouered that great aduersarie of God who lifted himselfe aboue all that ws called God or worshipped as God This yeare then that error which so long time had beene mainteined vnder the tyrant of Antichrist began to bee shaken and to fall because the truth and righteousnesse of Faith through the spirit of Iesus Christ were reuealed by the meanes of certaine learned persons For in the said yeare 1521. Martin Luther beeing well fortified by the spirit of God in the presence of all the Estates of the Empire assembled at Wormes confessed and maintained constantly and hardily the true doctrine of our Lord Iesus Christ which the aforesaid heretikes denied And since this confession the true Church of our Lord Iesus Christ hath againe begun to renew it selfe and his kingdome to take and gather more greater forces And the kingdome of Antichrist hath begun to diminish and approacheth his ruine This which followeth is extracted out of the book of Christien Masseus The yeare of the Lord 1515. Frances King of Fraunce receiued of Leo a Iubile that is to say pardons to sell to be published through all France which was also spread through all Christendome This was a bottomelesse depth of all euills for vnder the shadowe of fighting against the Turkes they heaped vp inestimable treasures They which had this charge and commission perswaded the simple people that whosoeuer would giue tenne French soules should deliuer the soule for whom hee gaue them from the paines of Purgatorie For they held this for a certaine rule that God would doo whatsoeuer they would according to that which is said All that you doo on earth c. So that if there had wanted but one farthing lesse then the said tenne soules they said all could profit nothing Such like marchandise displeased many good men and they began to debate this question touching the Popes power whereof the old Bishops neuer heard speake Martin Luther was then in Almaine who then began to cry very sharply against Indulgences against whom one called Iohn Bekins opposed himselfe and they two entered into great disputations and contentions touching this matter Pope Leo the tenth thundred a great processe against Martin Luther and condemned him as an heretike and reiected him from the communion of the faithfull He straight appealed vnto the Councell to come After this Leo commaunded that his bookes should be burnt at Rome and on the other side Luther burnt at Wittemberge his Canons and Popish Decretalls saying As they haue done to me so haue I done to them Thus farre Masseus The rest of this historie you may see in Sleidon Baptista Mantuanus had before exhorted the said Leo to doo his office thus speaking vnto him in the fourth booke de fastis Yet there remaineth many things for thee to doo of great importance holy Father If they be great and waightie thou must enterprise them with great courage But there are there amongst others which are most worthy wherin thou shouldest employ thy selfe and trauell therein The first is warre wherewith Italie alreadie tyred and the fields thereof bedeawed with humane bloud An other is That the Romane Court is infected with a daungerous poison which spreadeth it selfe ouer all Nations Lastly there is a Faith which is oppressed and on all sides offered a pillage vnto all cruell and barbarous Nations All these things cry after thee and demaund succours of thee helpe them for the Commonwealth of Christ staggereth and Faith is sick and alreadie nigh her death Leo hauing gathered a great summe of siluer for pardons which he sold inriched his parents bankers and listed them vp into great dignities Martin Luther a great Theologian began to preach the true and pure doctrine against the hypocrisie of Papists and from thence forward the Popedome ceased not by litle and litle to fall into ruine Francis de Valois Duke de Angoulesme as the nighest and meetest to succeed in the Crowne was King 57. yeares after the death of Lewis the 12. whose eldest daughter called Claudia he married Selim hauing driuen away and after poysoned his olde father because he liued too long was Emperor of the Turkes in the yeare 1510. Vnto this wickednesse he added the murdering of his bretheren and the strangling of his Nephewes He vanquished and droue the Sophie away and in many battailes ouercame the two Souldans Campson Tonombeus with the Mammelus and Arabians hee added to his Empire Egipt and Arabia and tooke the great Caire Afterward returning the into his Countrie an Vlcer engendred in his loynes which still encreasing as a Canker killed him the 7. yeare of his raigne See hereof Munster in his Cosmographie Paulus Iouius and Ritche the first booke Soliman the
they receiued for their Prince Alexander de Medices vnto whom the Emperour promised his bastard daughter Margarite In this time Tiber at Rome ouerflowed his bankes and the winde so beat back the surges and waues therof that the whole Towne was greatly terrified therewith The like and more greeuous tempest came also in Holland the Countries adioyning the sea hauing burst her banks and leuies and tooke away all it met withall the length of the flat Country Ferdinand the Emperours yonger brother the fift of Ianuary at Cullen is proclaimed king of the Romanes And the eleuenth of Aprill following crowned at Aix notwithstanding the Duke of Saxonie protested by his sonne that he would not agree there vnto The Turke returned the second time against the Towne of Vienna in Austrich but the Emperour and Ferdinand went against him in battaile and forced him to retire The eleuenth of October Zuinglius of the age of fortie foure yeares younger then Luther by foure yeares was slaine at a battaile of the petit Cantons against them of Zuric and about the ende of Nouember Oecolampadius of the age of 49. yeares passed also from this life into an other in the Towne of Basil Mary the widowe of Lewis King of Hungarie is appointed by the Emperour her brother in the gouernment of the lowe Country in the place Margarite his Aunte lately deceased A Comete appeared almost through the whole moneth of August Loyse mother of the king of Fraunce and sister to Charles Duke of Sauoy dyed this yeare A warre recommenced betwixt the Swisses namely they of Zuric and fiue Cantons but in the end a peace was concluded The Towne of Munster receiue the Gospell Christierne King of Denmarke now banished from his Countrey by the space of tenne yeares hoping to recouer his kingdome was taken by sea and laid in prison His sonne which the Emperour his vncle entertained dyed of the age able to be imployed in warlike affaires Soliman Emperour of the Turkes came with a great Armie to Belgrade and from thence drawing on the left hand he besieged the Towne and Castle of Giunte but Nicholas Iurixe being then within made him leaue his siege Iohn de Leiden a Cutler an Hollander secretly and Harman Staprede Minister Rotmans companion publikely beganne to dispearse about the Towne of Munster the seede of Anabaptisme Rotman after he had resisted him in the beginning and caused them by the Senate to be driuen out of the Towne declared himselfe to be an Anabaptist in a disputation appointed in the Towne house See the Historie of Anabap. of Munster Who would not tremble at such a iudgement of God to see such as lately professed the Gospell of the Lord to fall into so great wickednes George Prince of Saxonie for the Gospell banished three score and ten Bourgesses of the Towne of Lipsic because they would not communicate in the Sacrament of the Supper vnlesse it were vnder both kindes of bread and wine The Pope Clement signified the Councell vnto the Duke of Saxonie that it should be at Plaisance or else at Boulongne or at Mantua Imperiall Townes The Duke sent his Embassadors towards the Protestants about the last of Iune who answered by writing that they woulde haue a Councell free and wel ordeined in Almaine where the difference in Religiō might be decided by newter and equall Iudges yea and that by the bookes of holy scriptures In fauour also of the French King hee made foure French Cardinalls Odes de Chastillion Phillip de Bologne Claude de Gnyuri and Iohn the hunter In the moneth of March the Emperour of Italie sailed into Spaine There was a marriage at Marceille delt in betwixt Henry the King of France his sonne a Prince of the age of fifteene yeares and Katherine de Mecides Pope Clements Neece by the King of Fraunce his meanes and the saide Clements During the Emperours absence the Lantgraue passed into Fraunce and in the name of Vlrich Prince of Wirtemberge engaged and pawned vnto the King borrowing of him readie Siluer the Earledome of Montbeliard to the ende to restore the saide Prince his cousin into his Seignories and Countries vpon this condition that if within three yeares it were not redeemed it should remaine hereditarie vnto the Kingdome of France Henry King of England hauing put away the daughter of Ferdinand king of Spaine the said Henry his brothers wife tooke Anne Bullen wherevpon the Pope commaunded him to take againe the said Katherine See Sleidan The Pope Clement by the counsell of Curtius his Phisitian hauing chaunged the Regiment and maner of his liuing in his age dyed in the ende of September of a disease of the stomacke Iohn Baptist Folengius in his Commentarie vpon the 105. Psalme speaking of Pope Clement his death saith thus Some say that in our time Clement the seuenth Pope of Rome dyed of so dishonest a death as he was eaten with Lice Others thinke he was but poysoned In the moneth of Nouember at Paris were many Placarts fixed vnto postes in diuers places against the Masse and other Articles of the Popish Religion Wherevpon was exercised great crueltie and horrible butchery against such as they called Lutherans Paul Pope third of that name an auncient man was chosen the 11. of October and created Pope of Rome and crowned the third of Nouember He raigned 15. yeares whereof we will handle hereafter In the moneth of Ianuary the King of France came to Paris ordeined there a generall procession where the Idoll Saint Geneuiefue was carried about in great pompe there also made hee an Oration to the people against the Lutherans as they called them And for a solemne Sacrifice to appease Gods anger hee caused sixe poore Christians to be burned which confessed the name of God in sundrie places of the Towne For this cause was hee ill beloued in Almaine In the moneth of Aprill the Emperour embarking at Barcelonne went into Affricke where he tooke the Towne of Thunis and the Fort of Golete hee after made tributarie the king Muleasse Barbarosse the Turkes Lieutenant who occupied that kingdoms escaped and assembled a certaine number of vessels in Argell And the Emperour retired into Sicilie In the moneth of Iuly the King of England beheaded Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester and Thomas Moore his Chauncellor because they would not agree to the Edict and statute made for the abolishment of the Popes authoritie who challenged to be head of the English Church Fisher whilest he was prisoner was chosen Cardinall which nothing amended his cause with the King About the ende of the moneth of October Francis Sforce Prince of Millaine deceased without any heires The sixt of December the Protestants assembled at Smalcalde Guillaume de Bellay Lord de Langeny Embassador for the king of Fraunce came thither who the 19. of December excused the king for the executions hee had made of the Lutherans saying they were seditious people and held a farre other
I say not Father Take to thy selfe now the treasures the Tapistries and the Prouince of Mustapha and gouerne it at thy pleasure Is it possible I should fall into thy spirit infamous man without all humanitie against all right to put to death so valiant a person as neuer was nor shal be the like in the house of Ottomās Ha ha I will take good order that thou shalt not impudenly vaunt glory that thou hast done the like to me And straight drew his dagger and strooke it so farre into his owne bodie that he fell downe dead vpon the earth Which so soone as his Father knew he made a maruellous mourning and yet left not to seize vpon all his goods which caused a tumult in the Campe of Mustapha but it was nothing in regard of that they did after they knew of his death In such sort that Solyman to the great danger of his life was constrained to chase away Rostan and to dispoile him of all his honours and dignities This death came wel for the Christians whose great enemy Mustapha was who tooke great delight in sheading their blood It brought also such great displeasure vnto the Turkes that therevpon followed amongst them this prouerbe Gietti Soltan Mustaphat That is all we thought on is ended in Musthapha For they thought that he would haue enlarged their Empire which they looked for at no other hand The French tooke Verceil in the Countrey of Turin but seeing they could not keepe it they spoyled pilled it and retyred Edward King of England being in his mortall bed in the moneth of May Northumberland caused one of his sonnes to espowse Iane Suffolke the Kings cousin This King of the age of 16. yeares dyed the 6. of Iuly to the great damage of Christian Religion So soone as Mary was peacibly Queene of Englande at her arriuall at London she caused to be tooke out of prison the Duke of Norfolke and the Bishop of Winchester a pernicious man and made him Chauncellor The Emperours Hoast after it had raced Terouane marched into Artois and there in the moneth of Iuly forced Hesden which the king of France had a litle before taken There was slaine Horace Fernese the husband of the kings bastard daughter and a great number of Gentlemen prisoners A battaile in Saxonie vppon the Riuer of Visurge betwixt the Duke Maurice and the Marquesse Albert wherein Albert was vanquished and Maurice victorious strooken with a bullet whereof he dyed two dayes after A deare victorie bought with death Michael Seruet de Ville-neuisue a Spaniard a pernicious hereticke hauing of long time written execrable things against the Trinitie proudly maintained them at Geneua after long detention the participation of the Councell of the Churches and faithfull Common-wealths of Suecia finally in the ende of October was condemned by the Lordes of the said Towne to be burned aliue The hardnesse of his heart was such that being vpon the wood hee would neuer confesse Iesus Christ the eternall sonne of God but only the sonne of Dauid and the sonne of the eternall God In England by the decree of all the Bishops of the kingdome then assembled the Edicts and statutes of the deceased King Edward concerning Religion were defaced and made voide and the Popish doctrine approued and allowed Albert agreed with Augustus the brother of Maurice by meanes of the King of Denmarke and of the Elector of Brandebourge Iane Suffolke Queene of England as is said by King Edwards testament and the three sonnes of the Duke of Northumberland were declared culpaple and condemned of Treason Iohn Alasco a Polonian Gentleman with a great number of the French and Flemish Churches flying from England did wander and stray a certaine space of time into Denmarke and Saxonie seeking a place to dwel in But they were euery where refused not only of a place of habitation but also they were commaunded to get them out yea in winter time not suffering them to remaine in their hauens The cause of this inhumanitie and inhospitalitie was their difference for the doctrine of the Supper of the Lorde whereof we haue before touched Finally a place was allowed them in East Friseland in the Towne Emden where a Church was open for them and granted by the Countesse of the said Emden a true Christian Princes Ferdinand being at Vienna reiected the supplication of the Estates of his Countrey which demaunded to permit the administration of the Supper of Iesus Christ whole vnder both kindes Iohn Fredericke Duke of Saxonie after his deliuerance from captiuitie agreed with the Duke Augustus and he acquited to him and his heire Males the Electorship the Country of Misne and the Townes where the Mines be yet he held vnto himselfe the name and Armes of the Elector The 20. of February Sibille of Cleues wife of the said Iohn Frederic dyed at Vinaine Eleuen dayes after the said Frederic also deceased happily in his Country amongst his children and other friends and the same day that he dyed was borne vnto the Elector Augustus a sonne named Alexander Thomas Wiat an Englishman conspired and rose vp against the Queene of England because of the straunge marriage she enterprised with Phillip the Emperours sonne On an other part of the kingdome Henry of Suffolke gathered people against her The one and the other were declared enemies of the Commonwealth taken and at diuers times beheaded The 12. of February Iane Suffolke King Edwards cousin germaine instituted heire of the kingdome by his testament was with her husband beheaded After them was made a great butchery of heads at London and Westminster where the Queene then was Elizabeth also her sister was imprisoned vpon her suspition Sienna was besieged by the Pope and the Duke of Florence Peter Stosze which defended it made a sallie vpon them and ouercame a great number of their people Charles Duke of Sauoy spoyled of the greatest best part of his Countrey dyed leauing Emanuell Philebert his sonne heire King Henry about the end of Iune tooke Bouuines Dinan Marienbourge Bius and wasted all the Country besieged Renty vpon the Marches of Artois but the Emperour comming and skirmishing together the king departed in the moneth of August remouing his siege from thence The Kings Armie in Tuscane which Strosze conducted was surprised by the Imperialists and for the most part ouerthrowne Phillip the Emperours sonne arruied the 19. of Iuly in England the 24. following the marriage was made betweene him and the Queene at Winchester The Marquis Albert chased from his Country withdrew into Lorraine and after to the king of France The Emperour caused a Fort to be builded nigh the place where Hesden was Cardinall Poole in a full assembly of all the Estates of the kingdome of England commenced the 12. of Nouember was restored into his dignities goods and honours of which he was depriued by King Henry the eight
Dauid George knew well that by litle and litle hee should be discouered His Secretaries and disciples were maruellously astonished at his death because they were of opinion he should neuer haue died Although their hope was something maintained by that he had said as after was reported he would againe take life by the space of three yeares and bring to passe excellent things Hee held in his house a state almost royall And for the gouernment of his house and Castle it was well ruled euery one had his estate and office in that family and the labours were so distributed that he had no need in any thing to employ others then his owne In the gouernment of their common good they very strictly obserued three things to the end they might more and more conceale their so pernitious a Sect. First that none amongst them should publish the name of Dauid George Secondly that none should reueale of what state and condition hee had bene wherevpon many thought hee came of some great nobilitie others that he was some great Marchant hauing many factors both by sea and land Thirdly that they should not discouer any one article of their doctrine to any of Basill no not to any Switzer neither should they seeke to drawe any to their doctrine The summe of his accursed doctrine was That whatsoeuer had hitherto bene giuen of God by Moyses by the Prophets by Iesus Chirst himselfe by his Apostles and Disciples is imperfect and vnprofitable to make vs obtaine the true and perfect felicitie and was onely giuen to this vse that hitherto their doctrine might represse men and keepe them vnder as young men and children and so containe them in their offices But the Religion of Dauid George is perfect and hath in it sufficient efficacie and strength to make happie him that receiueth it he being the true Christ and Messias the we beloued of the Father in whom the Father taketh great pleasure borne not of the flesh but of the holy spirit of the spirit of Iesus Christ hauing hitherto beene kept in an vnknowne place for all his Saints to restore in spirit the house of Israel not by the Crosse or tribulations or death as the other Christ but for the loue and grace of the holy spirit of Christ O execrable monster or horrible efficacie of error deception or plasphemies drawne out of the deepe pit of hell In the yeare 1557. many good men mooued with affection to amplifie the kingdome of the Lord through many trauels and perills hauing passed the torride Zone and long time soiourned in the way they fell to inhabit in a Region on the South coast vnknowne vnto our fore elders full of Brasill which before in the yeare 1500. had bene discouered by the Portugales and it was called America of the name of their Captaine and cōducter Americ Vespucius The Inhabitants the eare very sauage and wilde without any forme of Religion or ciuilitie There it pleased the Lord in this time to erect a Church of certaine French men which one Villegagnon had sollicited and gathered together He receiued thē also at the beginning with good countenance and outward ioy seeing his enterprise commended by many notable persons But in the yeare 1557. and 1558. the said Villegagnon gaue sufficiently to know that he was neuer touched with any true zeale or feare of God For after he had persecuted both the Ministers and poore flocke of that Church by many tyrannies and impudent writings with seditious practises he hindred as much as in him lay the aduancement of the Lords glory who after raised vp the Portugales to take the Fortresse which he had builded in the I le by him called Collignyen Valois finding no resistance within because the said Villegagnon being retired into France taken with an apprehensiō that the sauage people would eate him had ordained no such company of people as were necessary for the defence of such a place And although in that number there were some valiant and wel experimented in Armes yet for as much as they were accompanied with such as had no knowledge therein and were ill maintained yea pined away with famine and diseases before they would abide the enemies furie they withdrew themselues with the sauage people Therefore was it easie for the enemies to enioy that Castle which had beene builded at the charges of the king of France and with the sweat and trauel of many good people and the Artillery marked with the Armes of France with certaine munitions of warre transported to Lisbone the principall Towne of Portugall in a trophee and triumph of the victorie The French retiring to land receiued the cruel yoake of that sauage people liuing without any forme of Religion a sad and lamentable thing to rehearse By all Histories as well auncient as moderne we my be instructed that Hypocrites and Apostates haue in all times hindred the course of the Gospell Charles the 5. Emperour after he had resigned by expresse Embassage into the hāds of the Princes Electors the Romane Empire hauing held it about 37. yeares died in his Country of Spaine the 21. of Septēber 1558. in a Monastery of S. Iust of the order of the Hieronymies nigh to Plascencia a Towne scituated betwixt the kingdomes of Castile and Andalonsia Ferdinand 1. of that name succeeded him was cōsecrated Emperor in the towne of Francfort vpon Mein by the Electors and Princes of Almiane with the accustomed solemnities After great and continuall warres by the space of 9. yeares at the instigation and by the practises and meanes of Popes Iohn Maria de Monte surnamed Iulius the third and his successors and adherents as well in Italie Piemont Almaine and France as in the lowe Countries of Flaunders Artois and Lorraine by the Spaniards and French Finally there happening great victories and prises one vpon an other to the ouerthrow and totall oppression of people and subects the third of Aprill 1559. after Easter at a Castle in Cambresis there was a peace concluded betwixt Henry the second of that name King of France and Phillip King of Spaine wherein they promised to yeeld one to an other the landes that were lately conquered They also compounded and agreed of all other controuersies and differances in regard of the Kingdomes of Naples and Sicilie and of the Duchie of Millaine vpon condition of the marriage of the said Phillip with the eldest daughter of Henry which lands should appertaine to the children comming of that marriage By the same treatie of peace there was yeelded vnto Emanuel Philibert Duchie of Sauoy and the principalitie of Piemont which the French had held from his father him more then 24. yeares by the meanes of a marriage betwixt him and Dame Margarite daughter of king Francis the first of that name and the alone sister of Henry reseruing certaine strong places in the said Piemont for a certaine time The yeare 1559. the fift of March the sonnes the sonnes in lawe and
of Lewis Requescens great commaunder of Castile a man in appearance of soft condition but no lesse fellonious and cruell then his predecessor in that gouernment Iohn de Austriche made warre in Barbarie about the ende of this yeare and got Tunes builded a strong Citadell betwixt Tunes and the Goulette to resist the Turkes after hee withdrew into Sicilie The great Commander meaning to driue away the Prince of Orange incamped before Middelbourge in Zeland armed a puissant Fleete about 80. vessels and the 24. of Ianuary 1574. made saile towards Zeland but his Army encountred the Princes Army In so much that after a long combat where that Commaunder commaunded not but looking ouer the Dikes to iudge of the blowes with more assurance he sawe the Spaniards ouerthrown with his Wallons wherof some were drowned others carried away prisoners and almost all their vessels lost They of Middelbourg wayed with the siege and all hope which they had of succours turned into dispaire they yeelded themselues a moneth after In the beginning of February the warre waxed hotte in Barbary betwixt the Spaniards Moores and Turkes The 18. of the same moneth Henry Duke of Aniou arriuing from France in Polongne made his entrie into Cracouia and was crowned three dayes after with accustomed solemnities About this time the Venetians beeing tyred with warre entred an accord with Selym whereat the Pope and the King of Spaine were not content Fraunce entred into new troubles They tooke them to Arms in Normandie and Poictou The king in great hast retired himselfe from S. Germaines to Paris From that time followed great chaunges in France there then seeming to be no more any question of Religion but of the estate a thing notwithstanding of longer discourse then I need now set down seeing it i● handled in particular bookes depending vpon the history of this time The warre continued in Holland and the Spaniards encamped before Leyden but they were constrained to leaue their siege the 23. day of March to goe meete the Duke Christopher son of the Elector Palatin the Counties Lodowick and Henry de Nassan brethren which came downe in the strength of winter towards Mastriche with a good number of footmen and horsemen These Lords being aduertised that the Spaniards came to finde them aduanced themselues and encountred in a field of thornes called Morkerheide where the Lansquenets crying after siluer refused the combat insomuch that the Lords were vanquished and slaine all three vpon the fourth day of April Ioachim Camerarius a learned man amongst all the Almaine an inward and familiar friend of Phillip Melancton dyed at Leipsic beeing of the age of 74. yeares the 17. day of Aprill The 21. day died Cosme de Medices Duke of Florence and great Duke of Thuscane leauing a sonne vnto whom the state and tytle of great Duke was confirmed by the Pope The great Commaunder thinking to haue gained all by the ouerthrowe of the Count Lodowick caused a generall pardon to bee published in the Towne of Antwerpe the 23 of Aprill but none came for it so that the war continued Yet three daies after this publication the Spanish souldiers kindling a mutinie for want of their pay entred into the Towne of Antwerpe by the fauour of the Castle constraining the Burgesses to furnish them the summe of foure thousand Florents to bring this to passe they vsed great insolencies They constrained also the Gouernor and the Wallon souldiers to auoyd the towne with intent to gorge themselues the more at their ease They also set farther off the ships which had the guard of the Hauen The Princes Nauie hauing discouered these Ships got quickly hold of them and carried them away in the Commaunders view whilest he and his souldiers tooke their pastime in sacking of Antwerpe The Spaniards prceiuing that during their absence Leiden was not againe victualled returned to besiege it the second day of May and held it closer then before for in diuers places they made Forts to the number of 22. vpon large and deep dikes the most part invnited and strengthned with 2. or 3. Canons The eleuen day of May a great part of S. Markes Pallace at Venice was burned and two daies after a great number of houses at Venice with a notable losse for many Marchants There happened as much at Bruxels in Brabant the 24. of the same month and the fire tooke hold of certaine Gunpowder which was in a Tower which by the ruine thereof greatly endamaged all the Towne and slew 15. persons A great warre was then in France especially in Poictou and in Normandie Gabriel Counte de Montgommeri hauing with a fewe men sustained the siege and diuers assaultes in the Castle of Danfronc yeelded it by composition but he was reserued and carried prisoner vnto Paris where not long after by decree of the Parliament his head was cut off In the meane while the Duke of Alencon the kings yongest brother and the king of Nauarre were as prisoners in the Court and the Churches languished vnder so many confusions The last day of May Charles the ninth King of France dyed of the age of 34. yeares in the wood of Vincennes leauing his kingdome much indebted and maruellously full of broyles Henry of Valois the third sonne of Henry the second born in the yeare 1551. the 21. of September beeing in Pologne when his brother Charles dyed and vnderstanding the newes of his death departed secretly that kingdome and tooke possession of that his mother had kept for him He passed through Venice so into Piedmont where he visited Margarite the Duchesse his Aunt who dyed soone after and arriuing at Lyons in the beginning of September hee caused certaine Edicts to be published against them of the Religion who stood vpon their gard seeing their new Prince threatned them so openly A litle before his comming Henry Montmorency Marshal de Danuile and gouernor of Languedoc entred in cōference with the principals of the Religion least that prouince other nigh therevnto might come to ruine and destruction by ciuill warres and to procure some rest for France The Prince of Conde retired into Almaine The king descended into Languedoc hauing failed to take Liuron a smal Towne of Dauphine About the end of this yeare died Charles Cardinall of Lorraine one of the chiefe instruments of the troubles and confusions of France To come vnto the affaires of the low Countries The siege of Leiden hauing continued all the Sommer with appearance of extreame confusion for the besieged the third day of October following it was refreshed and victualled by the prowesse of a fewe souldiers conducted by Boisot Admirall of Holland beeing helped with the Sea-floud which the Prince by the meanes of pearcing of certaine Dikes and sluces opening had caused it to come farre euen nigh vnto the Towne The Spaniards after they had fought a litle seeing the water began to
with plaine force wonne the Towne and Castle of Calais in spight of all the Kings Forces and the resistance of the besieged There dyed in the taking heereof a great number of the Nobilitie of France The Cardinall following this new wonne victorie besieged the strong Towne of Ardres in the beginning of May and became maister thereof the 23. of the same moneth seuen daies before Fere was yeelded to the King vpon composition Chytraeus The Emperour appointed Alphonsus Duke of Ferrara Generall against the Turkes who thirtie yeares before in the time of Maximilian the second the father of Rodolphus had waged warre against them at his owne charges But hee beeing the last Duke that was of his house and hauing had no issue by his three wiues was very desirous to leaue a certaine successor before hee departed and therefore he desired the Pope that Cardinall Est might be his heire and to that end offered him a great summe of gold but the Pope stifly denying to do it the expedition for Hungary was intermitted by the Duke of Ferrara D. Chytraeus Christian the fourthking of Denmarke the sonne of Fredericke the second of the age of twentie yeares was crowned King In the moneth of Iune the Queene of England sent a Fleete of 16. sailes well appointed with munition and vittaile vnder the conduct of Robert Earle of Essex into Spaine who with a prosperous gale hauing passed the bound of France and Portugall the 20. of Iune arriued neare Gades and lighted vpon the 12. Apostles of the king of Spaine of the which S. Phillip carried 900. souldiers and 62. peeces of Ordinance and 57. Marchants ships bound for the Easterne Indies But when in these straits they had fought with them valiantly and happily and had set S. Phillip on fire the rest conueying themselues into the deepe the Earle came on land with part of his company and when he came neare the Citie the gouernours and knights of the Citie to the number of 400. came out who seeing the English so well appointed drew backe into the Citie but such was the courage of our men that following some of them got into the Citie with them some at the assult got vpon the walles and recouered the Market place although they were much troubled by the Citizens from out of theyr houses and house tops The same euening the greatest part of them got into a Castle the lower part of the Citie was spoiled the vpper part was ransomed for 12000. Ducats And for the Indian fleet they offered great store of gold But the Duke Medine would not let it be redeemed and therefore set it all on fire The losse of which was 12. Millions of crownes The English Nauie in August following returned to England D. Chytraeus The Spaniards greatly incensed with this daring enterprise of the English of their owne free will gaue a great summe of money to their king whereby to make new ships and leuie new forces against them and in the moneth of October the Fleete loosed out of the mouth of Tagus into Corouis a Hauen in Spaine towards the farthest North in the territories of Gallicia which Ptolomey calleth the harbour of the Artabry a people by the Promontory Artabrum which is in Portugall But when the Nauie came neare the coasts of Gallicia by night it ranne vpon the Rockes where 30. of the Spanish ships perished the rest went forward to Corouis and attempted nothing else this winter The Emperour appointed Arnold Baron of Echwartzenberge in Belgia Marshall of the field in Hungarie against the Turke in the place of the D. of Ferrara whom the Pope Clement the 8. would not graunt that his adopted heire should succeed him Anne Q. of Poland the widow of Stephen the sister of Sigismond Augustus died this yeare being 70. yeares of age leauing great store of treasure behind her which shee gaue to her sisters Catherines children Q. of Suetia Sigismond the 3. king and Anne his sister The last of Aprill deceased Syr Iohn Puckering Knight Lord Keeper of the great Seale he died of a dead Palsie and was buried at Westminster In Prussia a Prouince in the kingdome of Poland the chiefest Bishops armed with the kings decrees against the true Churches of the Gospell remooued many Preachers out of their Parishes into the Countrie and vpon S. Iohn Baptists day tooke possession of the chiefe Church in the Citie of Turon the like was done at Meua and Stargardia besides they earnestly desired that the Church of S. Maries which was neare the Market place might be deliuered to them with the Monasteries of S. Briget and that therein their religion might bee freely exercised and all their causes belonging to the Consistorie to be referred to their Officialls in the Citie and to be iudged by them Iacobus Fabritius Gouernor of the Colledge was peremptorily cited to Subcouia for that he allowed preached maintained publikely the doctrine of Caluin and as they inferred against the expresse priuiledges of the Citie the constitutions of the Commissaries and the decrees of the Senate concerning religion But the Senate excusing him said that the Citizens were not bound to appeare out of their Citie the Bishops sent their Commissaries into the Citie who with their Officialls should there proceed against him The King himselfe likewise commanded that the Senate should deliuer vp the Church to the Bishop of Subcouia within certaine daies or should agree with him But Agria a neare neighbour to Poland being newly taken by the Turkes and the Court was busied in counsell how to auoyd new dangers the Dantiscanes were quiet till Easter the yeare following The estate of the vnited Prouinces of Belgia Geldria Zutphen Holland and Westfrizeland Zeland Vtricht Friseland the Groine c. with the Q. of England and the K. of France entered a league of defence for themselues and offence of their enemie the K. of Spaine None of these could make peace with him without the consent of all Which was also agreed betweene the king of France and the vnited States of Belgia that the kings of Scotland and Denmarke should be vnited to the societie of this league The 22. of Iuly the right honourable H. Cary Baron of Hunsdon and Lord Chamberlaine to the Queene deceased at Sommerset house in Strandstreet and was honourably buried at Westminster The second of Iune the Emperour Rodolphe caused all the Princes Electors and others of his dominion with the Embassadors of those that were absent to come before him in the Pallace of the Bishop of Ratisbone who all appeared the next morning and accompanied him to the Church and from thence to the Court where when euery one according to their calling had taken his place Philippus Ludouicus stood vp and made an Oration in the name of the Emperour Rodolphus Caesar wherein he shewed how the Emperour of the Turkes Sultan Amurathes had broken the truce which was made in the yeare 1591. by Haly Bassa in
touching the Eucharist generally receiued 245 Elutherius Bishop of Lyons and his dreames 78 Eugenia daughter of Phillip king of Alexandria martyred 76 Eutalius Priest cause of the 4. Schisme 137 Euaristus B. 30. Martyred Ibid. Elutherius Pope 43 Eutichian K. of Rome 71 Eutychians and Arrians reiected from Constantinople 79 Exarches in Italy 176 Exarches cease in Italy 211. Is giuen to the Pope 218. asked againe by Constantine Excommunication conuerted into abuse 257 Excommunication written with Inke mingled with wine in the Challice 239. For temporall goods 329 Exorcists 91 Eusebius Bish of R. 18 Euerguacenes 143 F FAbian Bishop and his election miraculous 56 Martyred with his wife Darfosa Ibid. Fable of the Stigmates of S. Frances 389 Fausta maintaineth her husband Costantine in superstition 100 Faelix Bishop and his Decretalls and martyrdome 82 Faelix Bishop of Rauenna hath his eyes put out 202 Faelix and Elephandus condemned for heresie which they repent 226 Faelix 5. renounceth the Popedome 480 Ferrara vsurped by the Venetians 110 Feasts denounced to the people 93 Feasts of all Saints instituted 112 Feasts of the Sacrament called Feste Dieu 121. Confirmed 149 Fastings 139 Feast of the speare and nailes Feast of the transingration Feast of dedication 716 Festus gouerneth Iudea 19 Flagellers or whippers 117 Flaunders made a Countie 290 Flower-delyce of France 426 Forbidding to eate flesh annathenized 235 Florentines buy their libertie Florentines interdicted 440 Absolued by Vrban the 6. 446 Florian brother of Tacitus 70 Vsurped the Empire and is slaine Ibid. Florus mooued the Iewes to war 18 Fraunce followeth the fashion of the Romane Masse 207 France diuided into certain kingdomes 197 France agreeth in their Ecclesiasticall singing with the Romanes 256 Frances Dandalus D. of Venice 425 Frances Curiario Vicar of the Empire taken of the Venetians and slaine in prison 452 S. Frances canonized 383 Frances Petrarke 420 Fratricelli condemned and persecuted 384 Fredegunda sleyeth Chrisperic 203 Fredegunda flaine in the Church Ibid. Frederic Barbarossa goeth into Italy 329 Hee is excommunicated of Alexander the third 344 Felix Bishop of Rome 71 Formosus Pope 258 Ferdinand 1. 554 Frederic Barbarossa is surprised by the Souldan and set at libertie 273 Troden vnder foote by Alexander the third 348 Frederick the 2. declared an enemie to the Church 389 He is constrained to lead an Armie into Siria 390 Frederick the 2. excommunicated and depriued of his Empire by Innocent the 4. 393 Frederick 2. being angred at the Pope made many notable persons die 363 Frederick D. of Austrich beheaded at Naples with others 399 Frederick Count of Misne elected Emperour 441 Frederick D. of Brunswic elected Emp. slaine by the Count de Waldec 317 Frisons receiue the faith 266 Frodesque Saluiat Archbishop of Pise hanged 479 Fulco succeeded Baudwin in the Kingdome of Hierusalem 363 Fuscus ouercome by Derpains 300 Fulbert Bishop of Chartres made Stirps Iesse 322 G GAmma inuented 284 Galeaze Duke of Millaine 456 Galerius Max. eaten with wormes 80 Gallien Emperour 72 Gallus Emp. he and Vclutian are slaine Ibid. Ganclon betrayeth the Peeres of France 257 Gantier Diuelot slaine in the Church 78 Gautlier d' Annoy an adulterer scorched and hanged 430 Geneua and Orleance founded by Aurelian Geneua ordaines a Duke 80 Geneuiefue the Parisians Diana 179 Gregorian Calender 642 Refused 647 Gregory 13. Pope dieth 651 Gregory the 14. 677 Gerard Brazut Hildebrands instruments to kill Popes 537 Gibelins set vp 357 Gnostiques 35 Godfrey of Bullen king of Ierulem 353 Gratian perswades 3. Popes 19. to depose themselues 306 Greekes graunt Purgatory and the Pope to be primate of the Church 427 Gregory one of the foure Doctors of the Church 206 Gregory calleth himselfe the seruant of seruants 79. And will not iudge an vniuersall Bishop Ibid. Gregory celebrateth the Supper in the vulgar tongue Ibid. Gregory the 2. Pope opposeth himselfe against the ordinance to burne Images 190 Gregory the fourth accepted not the Popedome vnlesse the Emperour allowed the election 221 Gregory Alias Hildedrand defended Symonie and single life 345 Gregory the seuēth cast the Host into the fire Ibid. Gregory the 7. a liuely picture of Antichrist Gregory the 7. after his death tormented in hell doth great myracles 340 Guelphes the Popes fautors and Gibelins the Emperours 390 Guilbert Archbishop of Rauenna taken vp againe 16. yeares after buriall 256 Guido Aretine the first inuentor of the Gamma the notes 284 Guillaine Pion Duke of Aquitaine founder of the first Monasterie of the order of Augustine Friars 219 Guillian Orseure shewed that the Pope is Antichrist 227 Guillaine Count de Holland chosen Emperour against Frederick the second 257. Is slaine Ibid. Guiniard Bishop of Nantes martyred 294 Guisards audition 300 Guy de Lusingam last king of Ierusalem 357 Gaule began to be called France 188 Gordian Emperour 56 Grashoppers out of the bottomelesse pit 461 Guns inuented 432 H HAalon K. of the Tartarians ouercommeth the Persians 177 Helchesites heretikes 25 Henry the 8. Emperour inuented the combat of tournies 65 H. the 3. vpon his marriage day draue away all Morris-players and such like 284 H. the 4. Emperour sheweth a deiection of heart vnworthy an Emperour 130 H. 4 poysoned by his sonne vnburied by the space of 5. years 315 H. the 5. resigneth the inuestitures to the Pope 334 H. Lātgraue of Thuring elected Emperour dieth 361 H. the 6. will needs bee crowned at Rome 349 H. the 7 poysoned in an Host. 357 H. the 1. K. of England depriued of his right by an Archbishop 223 Henry Carperell Prouost of Paris a false Iudge condemned 422 Heliogabalus Emp. 51 Hilary 1. Pope 157 Herculian Bishop of Peruse hath his head sawne Heresie of Ebion 29. Nicholaits 29. Menander 29. Basilides 35. Saturnine 35. Cerinthus 40. Valentine 35 Marcian and Montanus 35 Carpocrates Gnastici 35. Cerdin 38. Cataphryges 42. Apalles 42. Talianus 142. Fratricelli 420. Seuerians 43 Theodorus 57. Proclus and Berillus 62. Noetus and Sabellius 64. Of the Manichees 71. Arrius 95. Pelagius 82. Acephales 84. A quaternitie 47. Of many Monkes 22. Of Iohn Bishop of Constantinople 302. Athenians and others 89. Prifallian 30.12 Monothelites 214. Of Constantius 363. Of Paul the successor of Pyrrhus 249. Of Peter the successor of Patriarch 223. Constant by him abiured 229. Of Machoris Bishop of Antioche Monothelite 215 Heresie of a Councell 309 Heresie pernitious of Transubstantiation 359 Herman of Saxe elected Emperour 257 Herod stirreth persecutiō 2. And dieth by a horrible iudgement Ibid. Herod Antipas beheaded Iohn 4 Herod Tetrarch banished to Lyons 6 Herodes Agrippa beheaded Iames. 9. His death 15 Herodias wife of Phillip Herodes 4 Houres Canonicall sung by note 357 Hildebrand causeth eight Popes to die 427 Hildericke king of the Vandales restoreth the Catholickes 461 Hirene assembleth a Councell at Nice 222. Causeth her sonnes eyes to be put out 223 Holland erected into a Countie 259 Homousis and Essence 99 Hungarie and Boheme become one kindome 371 Honorius
King of the Vandales persecuteth the Christians and dieth of vermine 472 Hospitalls 164 Hospitall of the holy Ghost builded at Rome 474 Hospitaliers called the knights of S. Iohn of Porsale 321 H. K. of Nauarre 643 Heluetians 658 Huguenots 667 H. the 3. K. of France 669 H. 4. King of France crowned 686 He is absolued of the Pope 691 Hussites do reiect all humane traditions 221. Are assaulted by Sigismond Emperour and the Pope 691 Hypona besieged by the Vandales 346 I IAcobius founded vpon Pope Honorius his dreame 351 Iacobius of Berne 494 Idolatrie finds the Pope a defender thereof 209 Idolatry of them of Gaunt 228 Idolatrie of Chaplets 362 Iohn Baptist preacheth 4 Iohn Apostle and Euangelist dyeth 27 Iohn of Antioche heretike and a Iew compiled the Alicoran 190 Iohn king of England subiected his Crowne to the Pope 227 Ignatius cast to beasts 31 Innocent the first 146 Iohn the 1. Pope 167.2.169 Iohn surnamed Teutonicus opposeth himself against the Popes demaunding of tenthes in Almaine 421 Iohn Duke of Britaine slain with a wall 262 Iohn 22. an heretike 392 Iohn de Roquetaillade martyred 421 Iohn Colunban and Frances Vincent the first Iesuites 417 Iohn Wickliffe 443 Iohn Gerson 443 Iohn Hus commendeth the doctrine of Wickliffe to the people 426 Iohn Hus and Hierome of Prage go to the Councel and are burned 442. Their death Ibid. Iohn 24. saluted of an Owle is much troubled 440. Hee flyeth from the Councell of Constance Iohn Paleoleauge Emp. of Constantinople 400 Iohn Guttenberge inuentor of Printing 455 Iohn Pusters Called Gurman and Peter Sheffert sell their printing Ibid. Iohn Huniades escapes from the battaile 372. Dyeth Ibid. Iohn Iustinian of Geneua beheaded 391 Iohn an English man burnt 479 Iohn Fissers author of the repentants order 364 Iohn Picus Prince of Miradula 297 Iohan of Orleance a maide burnt 448 Ierome died 149 Ierome Sauanaroll burned 229 Iulius Max. Emperor slaine 54 Iust. of faith 147 Iulius Philipp Emperour 57 Ierusalem diuided into 2. Sects 4 Is in sedition 6. Left of the Christians is besieged 22. Horrible famine 23 Ierusalem taken 23 Ierusalem changeth the name 34 Ierusalem taken by Cosroes king of the Persians 121 Ierusalem taken by the Mahometists 282 Ierusalem taken by the Christians 299 Ierusalem raced euē to the foundations 92 Images broken 57. Taken out of Churches 29. Restored Ibid. Taken away and burnt forbidden to honor them vpon paine of death 54. Throwne downe by Sabin K. of Bulgaria Ibid. Images and paintings abolished in Churches 223 Images set vp by Hyren 223. Impugned by Charlemaine Ibid. Imbert Dauphin of Viēna makes himselfe a Iacobin 426 Indians brought to the Romane Church promise to keepe the Sacrament of confirmatiō 439 Indulgences do penetrate euen to such as are in purgatory 498 Inuention to pray for the dead 122 Inuestatures agreed to Henry reuoked 239 Inuestatures resigned to Pope Calixtus 25 Ionathes high Priest slaine by Ioseph 49 Ioseph the Historiographer 26 Iouinian a Christian Emper. 122 Iesuites originall 417 Ireneus is slaine 50 Isaach Exarch ratifieth the election of Stephen 123 Italy and Burgoine subiected to Arnulphe 100 Italy the sea of seditions 224 Italy in great factions 427 Italy gouerned by three Cardinalls hauing the power of Senators 361 Italy afflicted by the Turkes 373 Iubile first 299 Iubile remitted to fiftie yeares 412 Celebrated at Rome Ibid. Iubile of 25. yeares to 25 yeares Iubile celebrated by Alexander the 6. 371 Iohn de Austria 623 Iohannes Basilides 649 Iames king of Scots besieged and taken 660 Innocent 9. 678 His death Ibid. Irish rebellion 630 Iewes and Leonards punished for poysoning waters 406 Iewes crucifie a Christian chude 466 Iulian Medices slaine in hearing Masse 396 Iustin Emperour 166 Iustin the Pelagian dieth out of his wits 225 Iustinian seduced by Antsenius to depart from his error Ibid. Iustinian compileth the Romane lawes 171 Dieth of phrenzie Iustinian Emperor breaketh his faith giuen to the Sarasins 222 Sent inta exile Ibid. Kisseth the Popes feet 230. His head is cut off Iul. an Emp. 100. His death 122 K KIngdome of Cyprus 473. Of Aragon made a pray by the Pope King of Bulgaria dooth receiue the faith 251 King of the Romans Emp. diuers names but of one substance 460 King Phillip 2. 635 King of Nauarre excommunicated 657 King Phillip displeased with the Pope 670 He dieth 708 King of Er● excōmunicated 668 King of France conuerted 683 L LAntgraues 366 Lambert Bishop of Liege rebuketh Pepin for adultery 274 Lewis 184 Laudo Pope 264 Lansrancus the first author of Transubstantiation 285 Laurence Deacon of Rome suffereth Martyrdome 68 Laurentius Valla 245 Laurence de Medices excommunicated 333 Legends of Saints forged 182 Leger Bishop martyred 320 Leo Emperour burneth Images 257 Leo Emp. of Constantinople slain in his Pallace 343 Leontius and Tiberius Emperors beheaded 376 Letanies the great instituted 154 Leuites 5 Libertie to preach the Gospell in France 215 Liberius the Arrian canonized 256 Lombards raigned in Italy 262 Lombards haue the Empire conuerted to the faith 279 They occupie the Exarchate Linus 20. His death 25 Libraries 95 Licinius Emperour 81 Longin Gracian the first Exarch in Italy 176 Lotharius dieth a Monke 277 Lewis Debonaire giueth power to the Romane Cleargie to elect the Pope 345 Lewis sonne of king Phillip first came to Artois 301 Lewis S. marketh blasphemers with an hotte Iron 299 Lewis Emperour declared heretike by the Pope 297 Crowned by 2. Senators of Rome Ibid. Giueth a reason of his faith 390 Lewis Archbishop brake his neck in a daunce 154 Lewis Duke of Orleance murdered at Paris 453 Leo the 10. Pope 153 Lucian the Apostate 30 Lucius king of England receiued the faith 44 Lucius B. of Rome martired 564 Lucrece daughter wife daughter in law to the Pope 484 Luitprandus king of Lombards besiegeth Rome 297 Leopold D. of Austriche takes the King of England prisoner 322 Lupus Bishop of Troy approueth Letanies 167 Luquois entreateth the libertie of their common-wealth 312 Liuonia or Lisland conuerted to the faith 362 Lēt attributed to Telesephorus 35 First Lent in England 194 Lotharius Emperour 233 Liberius Emperour 113 Luther 106. Excommunicated 504 Lewis Beltram Friar 671 M MAhomet an Arabian a false Prophet 189. Adored after his death 221 Mahomets Alcaron 190 His Paradise lawes and ceremonies Ibid. Mahomet and the Pope conferred together 192 Mahometists take Ierusalem 282 Maister of the Synagogue 52 Mancinellus 486 Manes heretike broiled aliue 99 Manichees books burnt at Ro. 27 Manicheus againe condemned are cast out of Rome 151 Mantell episcopall 253 Marke preacheth in Egypt 15 Marke the Euangelist dyeth 19 Marcelline offereth a graine of incense to Idolls 203 Marcian heretike 40 Marcion heretike 38 Margarite Queene of Nauarre condemned to perpetual prison for fornication 375 Marriage publike 30 Mariage forbidden to Priests 91 Mary the mother of our Lord dyeth 15 Martian Emperor slaine 149 Martine Empresse hath her tongue cut out 216 Marcell Bishop
of the Lorde and was consumed with vermine and died miserably because hee yeelded no glorie vnto God and so the persecution ceased Heere is a second mirrour of Gods iudgement against such as oppresse the Church Saint Paul after his conuersion returned fiue times to Ierusalem At his last beeing there hee recited the Historie of his Ministerie in the assembly of the Elders of the Church His preachings were greatly spread abroad neither ceased hee to plant the Gospell wheresoeuer he went as it appeareth in the Acts. He preached at Rome by the space of two yeares although he was a prisoner Where before there was an assembly of the faithfull as the Epistle to the Romanes witnesseth Philippe the Apostle preached in Samaria where there was a Church which retired thither after the death of Saint Steuen In Azote the Church assembled from thence it went into the Maritine Townes Peter the Apostle also preached the Gospell in many Townes as is at large seene in the Historie of the Acts. Origine in his Tome vpon Genesis saith it seemeth that Peter preached in Pontus Galatia Asia Bithinia and Cappadocia to the dispearced Iewes There was also a Church in Babilon as he himselfe witnesseth in the fist of his first Epistle In Phinicia and Siria in Tyre Sidon Serentia Silicia Pamphilia Pisidia Attalia Lycaonia Also in Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia Bithinia Misia and Phrigia Vnto these did S. Peter write The seuen Churches of Asia are named in the Apocalips namely Ephesus Smirna Pergamus Thyatirus Sardis Philadelphia and Laodicia Aboue all the Church of Antioche was most famous where the Disciples were first called Christians Some say this was the thirtie and eight yeare after Christ others fortie Paul and Barnabas remained there one whole yeare Acts. 11. and 13. Saint Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist after hee had preached the Gospell through all Asia he finally retired into the Towne of Ephesus where he remained many yeares From thence the Church might easily spread it selfe into Europe which was nigh therevnto Now we see the beginning of the Kingdome of Christ and as it were a renewment of the world About the yeare 42. the vengeance of God fell vpon Pilate For after the Iewes had accused him of too great crueltie Lord Vitellius then Gouernour of Siria commaunded him to goe to Rome to answere the accusations that were to bee laid against him But as hee was in the way hee died Tiberius as Iosephus reciteth in the eighteenth of Antiquities Chapter fiue Eutropius in his seuenth booke saith that Pilate was nipped and pinched with so great anguishes because Caligula troubled him that striking and beating himselfe with his owne hands he sought to destroy himselfe See Eusebius in his 2. booke Chap. 7. This same yeare it is held that Saint Mathew writte his Gospell in Iudea The same yeare the Tetrach ship of Herodes was deliuered to Agrippa and a great discomfiture now the second time was made of the Iewes in Babilon See Iosephus in the last Chapter of his Antiquities Claudius the fift Emperour was chosen to the Imperial dignitie the aforesaid yeare and raigned fourteen yeares and nine moneths Herodes Agrippa the yeare 15. and the third of Claudius held the Kingdome of Iudea of the gift of Caligula and Claudius Beeing departed from Rome to come to Ierusalem hee thought good to make a shew to the Iewes that he loued their Religion and after to gratifie the high Priests he put to death certaine of the faithfull At this time Churches were gouerned by the Apostles which were instructed in the schoole of the sonne of God and therefore there is no gouernment to be compared to this Yet in this time the dwell had his instruments in Churches gouernment that is to say false Apostles and false bretheren Euen alreadie wrought he the secret of Iniquitie by his Antichrist 2. Thessa 2. and 1. Iohn 2. and 4. There were Heretickes Titus 3. Dogges Philip. 3. Wolues and men speaking peruerse things Acts 20. People which were neither hotte nor colde Apoca. 3. If at this time Sathan had such license how bolde thinke we will he be now that they are gone Amongst them which now gouerned the Church some were giuen Apostles to visit Churches Their charge was to sowe the Gospell throughout the world They had no place assigned Besides the twelue Paul and Barnabas are called Apostles Acts 14. Epaphroditus is called the Apostle of the Philippians Philippians 2. Andronicus and Iunia are called notable amongst the Apostle Romanes sixteene Prophets are they which had the gift not onely to Interpret scripture but also to apply it to the true vse S. Paul preferreth Prophecie before all other gifts Euangelistes hadde an office which came nigh vnto the Apostleship The difference was onely in the degree of dignitie Of this estate was Timothie and his like which succoured the Apostles 2. Timoth. 4.5 Philip is called an Euangelist Act. 21. b. 8. Doctors were for the conseruation of the puritie of Religion that the holy doctrine might bee kept and published Saint Luke ioyneth Prophets with Doctors Acts. 13. a. 1. Priest signifieth Auncient not for that they were of an age but because age commonly hath with it more wisedome experience and grauitie Vnder this name are comprehended as well Pastors as such as were ordeined for the Regiment of the Church S. Peter calles himselfe Priest shewing thereby that it was a common name Deacons is a general name of seruice but is taken for such as had the charge to dispence the Almesses Actes 19. a. 22. Ministers or seruants are called Adioints or such as accompanied the Apostles in their viands Timothie and Erastus ministred to S. Paul Act. 19. a. 22. Bishop and Priest was then one same name and office Saint Hierome in his Epistle to Euagoras witnesseth it But afterward whilest Schismes endured one was chosen from amongest the Priests and set in the most principall place and called Bishoppe or Superintendent And therefore the office of Bishoppe was after helde to bee higher then the Priests Saint Paul commaunded Titus to place in euerie Towne Priests or Bishoppes Titus 1. a. 5.6.7 See Acts 20. f. 28. With the good seede which was all ouer as is said dispersed there beganne also heresies to be cast into the Lords field The first and most pernitious were the Simoniaques The originall whereof was Simon Magus borne in a Towne of Samaria which Iustin calleth Triton and Eusebius Gitton a man exercised in Letters who by his Arts enchaunted many in Samaria before Philip had conuerted them As is recited in the Acts. Chap. 8. After S. Peter had discouered his wicked Hipocrisie hee went away in such despite that making a mingle-mangle of the dreames of Philosophers and Painims with the religions of the Iewes and that which he learned of the Gospell he corrupted and transferred to his owne person that which was spoken of Iesus Christ of the holy Ghost and of the saluation of man
was Bishop 12. yeares The yeare 88. Domitian by the conduction of Fuscus passed ouer Danaw and ledde his Army against Dorpaneus King of the Gothes or of the Dares The Gothes ouercame the Romanes and Fuscus was slaine and the Campe pilled or spoiled Clement a Romane the fourth Bishop of Rome ruled nine yeares He instituted notaries to write the acts of the Martirs their constancie and patience for example and perpetuall remembrance Domitian of the age of 45. yeares was slaine in his Pallace by the coniuration of his familiar friends consent of his wife He was buried without any honor all his Images cast down The Senate disanulled all his ordinances and called againe such as he had exiled S. Iohn the Euangelist from his exile of Pathmos which is an I le in the sea Egea which is betwixt Asia the great the lesse returned into Ephesus where he died of the age of an hundreth yeares or there abouts and was there buried Nerua Cocceius now olde was made the 13. Emperour and raigned one yeare 4. moneths He died at the age of 71. yeares Being Emperor he pronounced al Christians absolued whether accused or banished and called them backe Hee was wont to say that men must rather respect a mans vertue then his race or country He was by the Senate deified Now rose there many heresies in the Church after the death of the Apostles Traian a Spaniard the 13. Emperour raigned 19. yeares 6. moneths and 15. dayes Hee was greatly praised of Historiographers as a debonaire and gentle Prince yet he persecuted the Christians Vnder him was Clement martyred Foure Townes perished in Asia and two in Greece with Earthquakes The third persecution made against the Christians in the time of Traian He feared some hurt should haue come to the Romane Empire by the encrease of Religion There were each day a great number of Martyrs slaine In so much that Plinie the younger hauing then the administration of a Prouince namely Bithinia and seeing the great number of men which then dyed writ to the Emperour how each day many thousands of persons were put to death yet was there not found that they committed any fault neither did any thing against their Romane lawes but only for that they sung certaine Hymnes and Psalmes afore day to a certaine God they called Christ And finally that Adulteries Homicides Thefts and other crimes were prohibited them and did keepe themselues from such faults liuing carefully according to common Lawes Wherevnto the Emperour gaue answere and commaundement to make no more any Inquisition against Christians Yet was not thereby the occasion taken away from them which had a will to shew cruelty against Christians Timotheus a Martyr in this time Anacletus 5. Bishop of Rome borne in Greece an Athenian ruled two moneths and ten dayes We now enter into the times which were incontinent after the Apostles and take their beginning in the kingdome of Traian Anacletus ordeined that no Clarke should weare a beard and commaunded all the faithfull that were at the administration of the Lords Supper either to communicate or to be driuen out of the Temple Eusebius placeth Anacletus in the place of Cletus after Linus and after Clement immediately he makes mention of Euaristus which is the cause of the discord that is found amongst Historians in this place Anacletus ordeined that the Cleargie two times in the yeare should haue Sinodes or Congregations for the affaires of the Church In his writings amongst other things he admonisheth the people to carrie honour and reuerence to their Ministers and to support them He that speaketh euill of a Minister saith he speaketh euill of Christ and he iudgeth him to be seperate from Christ He was put to death vnder Traian Heresies at this time grieued the Church within and publicke persecutions without 1. Cerinthus the Hereticke held that Moyses lawe must bee kept alone Also that Christ was not risen againe but that hee should rise againe He made the Kingdome of Christ carnall 2. Ebion held Christ to be a pure man engendred as others And he called S. Paul the Apostle of the Lawe 3. Menander a Nigromancian c. 4. Basilides these did infinitely spread their imaginations touching the procreation of their Gods and Angels And to yeeld the more astonishment they vsed disguised and barbarous words 5. The Nicholaites would women to be common 6. Saturnin following Simon Magus said also that men might vse women indifferently as the Nicholaites Papias Bishop of Hierapolis Policarpus Bishop of Smirna Ignatius Bishop of Antioche good and Catholicke Pastors Disciples of S. Iohn the Euangelist See how God destituted not his Church of true Pastors to withstand Heretickes Euaristus the 6. Romane Bishop ruled 8. or nine yeares He ordeined that seuen Deacons should be chosen in euery Citie which should marke and keepe by the Bishop as hee preached and taught the people He appointed them also for witnesses of the word of God that none might impose that he had preached euill against the truth He ordeined that marriages should be publikely solemnized in Churches That the Church should obey his Bishop and that the Bishop should not leaue his Church during his life no more then the woman her husband There be two Epistles found of him In the first he makes that Apostolicke seate head of the Church wherevnto he wils that all doubtfull affaires should be brought yet in his second Epistle he contradicts it In Gallatia three Cities perished with an Earthquake Eusebius Euaristus was Martired the last yeare of the Empire of Traian The Pantheon of Rome burnt with lightning Lucian the Apostate and Atheist composed his dialogues vnder Traian The towne of Antioch was so shaken that euen the Mountaines nigh did shake and quake yea euen the Mount Cassius the highest in Siria the Flouds there dried vp and the earth sounded in a strange maner Tiles falling clattered in such sort and the cries of men ouerthrowne were so fearefull and with dust the obscuritie was so thick that there was neuer seene or heard speake of so straunge things The Emperour Traian was then there and likewise people of all Nations of the Romane Empire Dion writeth this horrible confusion the calamities which proceeded this Earthquake which happened at Antioch Ignacius Bishop of Antioch was led prisoner to Rome to be cast vnto beasts and so to be aspectacle vnto the people As he went from Siria to Rome and passed through the Countrie of Asia in all places where he came he preached to the people and Churches the Christian faith exhorting them to perseuer and keepe themselues from the infection of Hereticks which then began to spring in carefully keeping the doctrine receiued of the Apostles The cause was that in Antioch hauing reprehended the Idolatrie of Traian he was apprehended as
saith that the Towne was dedicated by him the yeare of his Empire 28. and as he had taken the Empire diuided and vnited it in his person so he diuided it againe as a paternall heritage and made a partition thereof amongst his children whom whilest he liued he created Cesars one after an other that is to say Constantine his eldest sonne Anno. 10. Constantius the second Anno. 20. and Constans the youngger Anno. 30. Whose Empires were very turbulent and endured but 24. yeares 5. moneths 12. dayes according to the Chronicle of Hierome Constantine the Father died at Nicomicha after he had liued 66. yeares and raigned 31. yeares Pompon Laet. Licinius the sonne of Constantia sister of Constantine the great and Crispus sonne of the said Constantine the great with his said son Constantine the eldest were created Caesars the yeare of the Lord 316. But the wickednes of Fausta the wife of Constantine the great caused the death of Licinius and Crispus and many other noble personages See Aure. Victor and Pompo Laet. Crispus was instructed by Lactantius Constantine the eldest sonne of Constantine the great was Emperour with his two brethren after the father the yeare of our Lord 338. The Empire was thus parted namely that Constantine should enioy Gaul Spaine and England Constance should haue Italie with Slauonia and Greece And Constantius should holde Constantinople with the East This partition contented not Consantine hee raised warre against his brother Constance being proud of his Army of Gaul but warring more couetously then warily was ouerthrowne by an ambush nigh to Aquilea and being wounded in diuers places dyed there hauing raigned but three whole yeares and liued 25. See Bapt. Egnat and Pomp. Laet. Constance after he had vanquished his elder brother passing the Alpes came to make warre in Gaul and in two yeares with great difficultie conquered the Countrey which his brother had in partition He at the beginning gouerned well but after gaue himselfe to pleasures and at last became odious to all men So that in the end they conspired against him as he was at hunting and was slaine by the deuice and treason of Magnentius who vsurped his Empire yet he had saued this Magnentius his life Constance liued thirtie yeares and raigned fourteene See Pomp. Laet. Constantius had for his part the Empire of Constantinople with the East Hee vanquished Vetranio who made himselfe Emperour in Hungarie after the death of Cōstance Moreouer to reuenge the death of his said brother Constance hee made great warre against Magnentius In the first battaile there were slaine of one part and the other 53000. fighting men Magnentius had the worst And againe making head was ouercome nigh Lions Constantius was suspected vpon enuie and ambition to haue made away Dalmatius his Cousin-germain a vertuous man who better resembled Constantine the great then his owne father and who was appointed for a copartner with the said Constantius when he had his partition But Constantius liued not long after For as he was going the second time against the Persians vnderstanding that Iulian had made himselfe Augustus he tooke a Feuer and dyed the yeare of his age 40. and of his Kingdome 24. See Eutrop. Aurel. Vict. Pompon Laet. and Bapt. Egn. The Sinode of Sardis in her Sinodall Letters calleth Iulius their friend and companion Theodoret. lib. 2. chap. 8. It followeth that the Bishop or Archbishop of Rome had not the pretended superioritie It seemeth that Iulius was dead when Constantius hauing tamed the tyrannie of Magnentius and Syluanus hee was in Italie to appease the discordes of Athanasius his cause Liberius borne in Rome his father being called Augustus succeeded Iulius the yeare of Christ after S. Hierome 352. about the 12. yeare of Constance Empire his confession was agreeing vnto the Catholique faith and writ to Athanasius very Christianly of God the Father God the Sonne and God the holy Ghost as may be seene in his Epistle which is affixed to the workes of Athanasius Athanasius in the Epistle to them which leade solitary liues rehearseth how Liberius was subuerted The Emperour Constans sent to Rome one named Eusebius an Eunuke with Letters wherby he threatned him exile and on the other side tempted him with presents to induce him to cōsent with Arrius and to subscribe to the condemnation of Athanasius Liberius despised both his menaces and gifts as a sacrifice of blasphemie Whereat the Emperour being exceedingly grieued found meanes to get him out of Rome and being come to him threatned him with death But Liberius manfully answered I am ready to endure all rather then of Christians we should be accounted Arrians Why what art thou said the Emperour that with one wicked man troublest all the world The word of Faith said Liberius dependeth not vpon multitude He was then banished by this Emperour Constans into Berrea which is a Towne in Thrace Where after hee had bene two yeares he was called home as saith Theodoret his restitution after some was accorded by the Emperour at the request of many Romanes and of the Westerne Bishops The same saith Athanasius in the before alleadged Epistle Also that Liberius after his two yeares exile feared with threatnings and apprehension of death sealed to the condemnation of Athanasius Ruffin saith the same and Hierome as Baleus saith writeth that by ambition Liberius fell into the heresie of Arrius being once fallen from the integritie of faith We finde some constitutions of Liberius namely not to make noises in fasting time that times of fasting and Lent bee not polluted by the act of marriage that in time of famine and pestilence men should appease the Lords anger by fasting almes and prayers An aduertisement The principall felicitie and ornament of the Church of this time was the multitude of excellent Doctors which by their doctrine sought so farre as in them lay to conserue multiply the puritie of doctrine But this felicitie was greatly obscured partly by the multitude of heretickes and partly by the rage of seditious people and schismatickes In so much that since the time of the Apostles there was no Church that hath endured more dissentions combats and diuisions within it then that of this world Wherevpon by good right Basile the great in a certaine poeme writing of the iudgement of God complaineth saying I haue liued the age of a man and I haue seene great concord amongst the Arts and Sciences But in the Church of God alone for which Iesus Christ dyed I haue obserued so many dissentions that it is altogether dissipated and wasted And comming to the cause As I searched saith he the cause I remembred the place of the booke of Iudges where it is written That then euery one did whatsoeuer hee thought good in his owne eyes Great persecutions were vnder Constantius after the death of Constans against the Catholike Doctors and Bishops by the Arrians Many were put to death euen within the Temples others
the Gothes Viscoths Huns and Scyths who hauing passed Danubia ran vpon Hungaria Epire and Thessalia endammaging much the countrey and burning certaine Townes He was ouercome and flying was wounded with a Dart and so fell from his horse and was put in a litle strawe-house to be healed Alanus the Victor pursued him the house whereinto he went was burnt none knowing he was retired thither This was the reward of his tirannie and crueltie against the faithfull And this came to him three yeares after the death of his brother hauing raigned fourteene yeares This battaile was the beginning of great warre that the Romane Empire after sustained Gratian sonne of Valentinian raigned eight yeares with his Vncle Valens three and with Theodosius 4. But his true Kingdome began after the death of Valens the yeare of our Lord 380. Hee reuoked from Exile the Catholique Bishoppes and put backe the Arrians He made Valentinian his litle brother on the fathers side his companion of the Empire Hauing called Theodosius out of Spaine hee gaue him part of the East Empire establishing him as a Ram-part against the Gothes and Huns which occupied Thrace and Daceas as their hereditary countreys Theodosius handled them hardly At his comming he obtained a great victorie against the Almaines But as he cherished too much some of those barbarous Nations which hee caused to come with him hyring them with Gold his owne souldiers bare him euill will insomuch that Maximus was chosen Emperour in England and passing into Fraunce with the Romane Army ouercame Gratian at Paris who fled to Lions where he was taken and killed trayterously by Androgius See Pomp. Laet. Aurel. Vict. Bapt. Egn. lib. 1. Paul Diac. lib. 1. and Oros lib. 7. chap. 33. Theodosius began his true Kingdome after the death of Gratian the yeare 386. He was of the line of Traian who was also sent by the Emperor Nerua to help the Common-wealth Theodosius maintained and amplified the Empire hee put to flight the Huns and Gothes in diuers battailes which came very farre into the Empire hee also graunted peace to the Persians Valentinian the second of that name the brother of the aforesaid Gratian on his fathers side being chased from Italie by Maximus with Iustin his mother Arrian which had wrought great troubles to Ambrose fled into the East towards Theodosius who receiued him and gaue him part of the Empire after hauing shewed him his fault and that because he rebelled against religion and persecuted the Catholiques he fel into this perill Valentinian was strangled seuen yeares at Vienna in Fraunce by his Chamberlaines at the suggestion of Eugenius and of Arbogastes So that it seemed he had strangled himselfe Theodosius tarried not long before hee ouercame Maximus vsurper of the Gaulois and Victor his sonne and Androgius their Coronell which caused Gratian to die Auenging the death of Valentinian he ouercame Eugenius the Tyrant and Arbogastes his companion in a notable victorie For the time the windes the snowe and hayle ranged themselues on his side who had fewe people in respect of the Armie of Eugenius Claudians Latine verses with exclamation witnesse it saying O welbeloued of God who gaue thee a winter armed for thy successors and made come to thy wages the Tempests and the windes c. The said Iustin hauing drawne into her errour Valentinian her sonne sought also to haue deceiued Ambrose but in vaine One day she sent a sort of souldiers to enuiron the Temple to make Ambrose come out who spake to them and said hee would not so easily forsake his place and that to wolues hee would not expose the sheepfolde nor the Temple to blasphemers And that if they determined to sley him let them do it within the temple and so should death please him Theodo li. 5. chap. 13. Reliques The beginning of adoration of Reliques may be reduced to this time Ruffin writeth of Theodosius before hee enterprised warre against Eugenius the tyrant himselfe went with the Priests visiting the Churches and before the Sepulchres of the Apostles made his Orisons and Praiers The contention betwixt Hierome and Vigilantius prest Bishop of Bercolne in Spaine doth sufficiently shewe that superstition was then come forward By the writings of Hierome which are stuffed rather with iniuries outrages then sound reasons out of the holy scriptures we may know that Vigilantius had reason to oppose himselfe to such Idolatry rather then veneration of the Martyrs The words of Hierome writing to Riparius are Thou saist that Vigilantius openeth againe his stinking mouth and spitteth his infection against the reliques of holy Martyrs calling vs which receiue them Cendrier Idolaters which do reuerence vnto dead mens bones And in the booke which he perticularly writ against Vigilantius saith One Vigilantius is risen vp which with an vncleane spirit against the spirit of Christ denieth that we must honour the Sepulchres of Martyrs condemneth Vigils c then addeth And thou sayest in thy booke that as long as we liue we may pray one for an other but after we be dead that the prayers are not heard and yet they pray for the vengeance of their bloud and cannot be heard In which thou proposest vnto me an Apogrypha Booke which thou and the like readest vnder the name of Esdras where it is written that after death none dare pray c. And thou darest out of the gulfe of thy brest vomit so filthy a mockery as to say the soules of Martyrs then loue their owne ashes and flie about them for being absent they cannot heare a poore sinner who by chance resorteth thither c. Briefly he alleadgeth for great meruailes whatsoeuer Vigilantius said but refuteth it not Hee addeth also that Vigilantius heretike saide that Alleluia should not be sung but at Easter That continencie of single life commaunded is heresie and the seede of whoordome It is also reported vnto me saith hee that against the authoritie of Paul vnto whom Peter Iohn and Iames gaue the right hands who commaunds to remember the poore thou forbiddest that any should send any comfort of money to Ierusalem for the vse of the Saints and maintainest that they doo better which vse their owne and which by litle and litle distribute fruites of their possessions then they which hauing solde their possessions giue all at once He saith yet Thou fearest and turnest away viperous tongue Monkes from their application and studie and sayest by way of argument If all men should shut themselues vp or goe into solitude who should celebrate Churches or who should gaine and winne seculer men c. Wee may know by this rehearsall that Vigilantius and other good Doctors of this time maintained that the adoration of Saints was drawne from the Ethnike superstition of the Gods into the Church of the Lord. The abuse came first from the too great praise of Saints It encreased afterward by the false perswasion of the intercession confirmed by signes and lying miracles The
there are many examples both of the olde and newe Testament which teach as thou knowest an holy discretion I beseech it may not be greeuous to thy Fatherhood if of many I bring some fewe in this my writing The Lorde in the olde Testament hath constituted and ordeined marriage for Priests and we neuer reade that after he forbad it He saith well in the Gospell That some are chaste which make themselues chaste for the kingdome of heauen but hee addeth that all men vnderstand not this word Hee that can comprehend it let him comprehend it And therefore the Apostle saith As for virgins I haue no commandement of the Lorde but I only giue counsell Which counsell yet all cannot as thoa maist consider comprehend after the sentence of the Lord. Thou feest notwithstanding many to whome this sentence of the Gospell is pleasant and flatter themselues being more willing to please men then God and vnder a false appearance of chaslitie commit many great and enormious sinnes do subborne and corrupt other mens wiues and which is more do not abhorre to lye with Males and with brute Beasts And to the end the estate of the Church should not be so wasted and corrupted with such a pollution infection and contagious a pestilence the Apostle S. Paul commandeth faith To auoyd fornication let each man haue his wise But hypocrites corrupt this sentence and say falsly that it only appertaineth to Lay people And yet they make no difficultie nor conscience in whatsoeuer holy order they be constituted to abuse other mens wiues And all those which we cannot see without weeping are abandoned to the aforesaid sinnes and enormities surely they vnderstand not the scripture And because they haue too rudely pressed the brest therof in lieu of milk they haue drunk blood For this sentence of the Apostle namely Let each one haue his wife excepteth no person but him that hath the gift of continency or him who hath purposed to perseuer in his virginity after the Lord. Wherfore ô reuerend Father it shal be your part to see that whosoeuer either with hand or mouth hath made a vow of continency and afterward would forsake it should either be compelled to keep his vowe or else by lawfull authoritie should be deposed from his order An to bring this to passe ye shal not only haue me but all other of my order to be helpers vnto you But y e you may vnderstand that such who know not what a vow mean are not to be violently compelled thervnto hear what the Apostle saith vnto Timothy A Bishop saith he must be irreprehensible the husband of one wife Which setence least you should turne and apply only to one onely Church mark what he inferreth after He that knoweth not saith he how to rule his owne house and familie how should he rule the Church of God And likewise the Deacons saith hee let them be the husbands of one wife which haue knowledge to gouerne their owne house and children And this wife how shee is wont to be blest of the Priest you vnderstand sufficiently I suppose by the decrees of holie Siluester the Pope To these and such other holy sentences of the scripture agreeth also he that is the writer of the Rule of the Cleargie writing after this maner A Clarke must be chaste and continent or else let him be coupled in the bands of Matrimonie hauing one wife Whereby it is to be gathered that the Bishoppe and Deacon are noted infamous and reprehensible if they be diuided in moe women then one Otherwise if they doo forsake one vnder the pretence of Religion both they together as well the Bishop as the Deacon be there condemned by the Canonicall sentence which saith Let no Bishop or Priest forsake his owne wife vnder the colour and pretence of Religion If he do forsake her let him be excommunicate and if he so continue let him be discharged S. Augustine also a man of discreet holinesse saith in these words There is no offence so great or greeuous but it is to auoyd a greater euil Furthermore we reade in the second booke of the Tripartite Historie that when the Councell of Nice going about to establish the same decree would needs enact that Bishops Priests and Deacons after their consecration either should abstaine vtterly from their owne wiues or else should be deposed Then Pathuntius one of the holy Martyrs of whome the Emperour Maximus had put out the right eye hockt his legges rising vp amongst them withstood their purposed decreement cōfessing marriage to be honourable and calling the bed of matrimony chastitie and so perswaded the Councell from making that lawe declaring thereby what occasion might come of it to themselues and their wiues of fornication And thus much did Pathuntius being vnmarried himselfe and the whole Councell commending his sentence gaue place thereto and left the matter free without compulsion to the will of euery man to do therein as he thought good Notwithstanding there be some which gatte S. Gregorie for their defence in this matter whose temeritie I laugh at and ignorance I lament For they know not being ignorantly deceiued how daungerous the decree of this heresie was being made of S. Gregorie who afterward well reuoked the same with condigne fruite of repentance For vpon a certaine day as he sent to his Fish-poole for Fish and did see more then sixe thousand Infants heads which were brought vnto him out of the same Ponde or Moate did greatly repent himselfe of the Decree before made touching the single life of Priests which hee confessed to be the cause of that so lamentable a murther And so purging the same with hartie repentance altered againe the things hee had decreed before commending that Councell of the Apostle which saith That it is better to marrie then to burne Adding moreouer himselfe therevnto and saying It is better to marrie then giue occasion of death Peraduenture if those men had red with me this which so happened I thinke they would not be so rash in their dooing and iudging fearing at the least the Lords commaundement Doo not iudge that ye be not iudged And S. Paul saith Who art thou that iudgest an other mans seruant Either hee standeth or falleth to his owne maister but he shall stand for the Lord is mightie and can make him stand Therefore let your holinesse cease to compell and enforce those whom only you ought to admonish least through your owne priuate commaundement which God forbid you be found contrary as well to the old Testament as the new For as S. Augustine saith to Donatus This is onely that we doo feare in your Iustice least not for the consideration of christian lenitie but for the greatnes and greeuousnes of transgressions committed you be thought to vse violence in the executing punishment which we only desire you by Christ not to do For transgressions are so to be punished that the transgressors may
depriued both of his wife and of his Principalitie and dyed without children Naucler and Corno Abb. Calixtus prepared an Armie against Roger but the Popes death came betwixt and Innocent the second pursued the enterprise One called Iohn a Patriarke of the Indians came vnto Rome and rehearsed to the Pope and Cardinalls in a Councell that by a myracle S. Thomas the Apostle came euery yeare to giue the Eucharist vnto the good and refused the wicked Naucler Miracles and apparitions are on all sides forged The Emperour Henry the fift bearing a long time an hatred vnto the King of France assembled a great Armie to runne vpon him taking occasion that hee was at the Councell which the Pope Calixt held at Rheimes wherein he was excommunicated and vaunted that he would destroy the Citie of Rheims where the said Councell was held but when he perceiued the Kings power which met him with the precious standard called the Auriflame he desisted from his enterprise and returned into his Country Iohn le Maire Pomerania receiued the Christian Faith Nancler Honorius Pope second of that name borne at Imola in Italie a man of base condition yet learned gouerned the Romane Church 5. yeares 2. moneths Before he was called Lambert Bishop of Ostia and was promoted rather by the ambition of some then by the consent of the good Supp Chron. He inuested Roger of the Duchy of Pouille after the said Roger had done vnto him homage who also was King of Sicilie The same Robert author of the order of Premonstre went to Rome vnto the Pope obteined what he desired cōcerning y e order Nauc Arnulphe Arch-bishop of Lion had at this time a singular grace in preaching who after he had preached in Fraunce and Italie came vnto Rome But because in his Sermons he rebuked too sharply the vices the delights and pompes of Church-men he was slaine Honorius feined to be grieued therat yet he made no search for the murderers Plat. and Sabel Bonifa Simo. say that hee did this in fauour both of the Nobilitie and of the common people The yeare of Christ 1125. Henry the 5. died in the Citie of Vtreict without heire male Lothaire in the Almaine tongue Luder the sonne of Count Gebhard who was slaine in the warre by Henry the fourth as hath bene said being created Duke of Saxonie was chosen Emperour a man of great industry and prudence and persecuted the race of the Emperour Henry whereof arose many troubles For Frederic and Conrade Dukes of Souanbie were a long time Rebels vnto him Finally S. Barnard Abbot of Cleruax reconciled these two brethren with Lothaire Hugo a Saxon by Nation and surnamed of Victor a Theologian of Paris was at this time in Paris Amongst his writings are found many complaints against the disordinate life of Clarkes in this time It is he whom some say that at Masse as he lifted vp the body of our Lord there appeared a litle childe which said vnto him Eate me And he abhorring it said hee could not eate him vnlesse he hid himselfe againe vnder the bread and straight it came so to passe and he eate him Who sees not that this is a fable inuented to proue the new doctrine of Pascasius and Lanfrancus And yet this is against their doctrine and especially against that of Thomas Aquine in the third part question 76. Charles Count of Flaunders Nephew of Lewis King of France was traiterously murthered as hee was on his knees in the Church of S. Donatus in Brugis in Flaunders The murtherers were certaine villaines of the Countrey which were grieuously punished in sundry maners Sigeb Baudwin the second who was the third King of Ierusalem died in a Monkes habit whom Fulco succeeded Naucl. Chron. Sigeb Innocent Pope 2. of that name a Roman gouerned 14. yeares After his coronation he attempted mortall warre against Roger the Norman Who first named himselfe King of Naples but in the end Innocent was ouerthrowne in battaile and ledde away prisoner Whilest he was in prison the Romanes elected Peter Leon the sonne of a puissant Romane Citizen But Innocent after he had agreed with the said Roger was constrained to goe into France for succour towards King Lewis le Gros of whom hee was honourably receiued Being come into France he held two Councells one at Auerne and an other at Rhemes in Campaigne From France he retired towards the Countrey of Liege where he found the Emperour Lothaire who also promised all the assistance he could by meanes of which hee returned into Italie Anacletus the Antepope stole away all the treasures and Reliques of the Church to wage them which were of his band he died with griefe and his Cardinals craued pardon In the Councell held at Rheimes Subdeacons were commaunded to liue without marriage vnder paine to loose theyr Benefices There became a contention betwixt the Pope the king of France because that after the death of Alberic Archbishop of Bourges the Pope sent one called Peter by him consecrated Archbishop of the said place to reside and rule there but the King reiected him neither was be receiued into the Towne because he was created without his knowledge Sigeb Innocent agreed set a peace betwixt the towne of Pise and the towne of Genues and raised them vp vnto Archbishops A Sinode at Rome at this time ordained that no Lay-man should presume to lay hand vpon a Clarke vnder paine of excommunication from which none could absolue him but the Pope vnlesse he were at the poynt of death for then his Bishop might absolue him 17. Quest 4. Chap. Si quis suadente diabolo In this time was Richardus de sancto victore and Hugo a Monke of Corbie in Saxonie who wrote the booke de clanstro animae Peter de Balard an hereticke of this time said that the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ was onely giuen vs for an example of patience of vertue and of loue he shewed vnto vs. Wherefore he was condemned with all his writings by the Pope Innocent S. Barnard writ against him Writers say that one called Iohn of Time if it be a thing worthy the credite liued 361. yeares that is to say from the time of Charlemaigne whose Councellor he was and died in this time Naucler and Suppl Chron. The Emperour Lothaire went to Rome to restore Innocnt according to his promise The faction of the Guelphes for the Pope and of the Gibellins for the Emperour began in this time Naucler Lothaire returning from Italie the second time after hee had deiected Roger of Pouille and Calabria died of the pestilence nigh Trent amongst the Mountaines in a poore lodging saith Naucler But Palin saith that he died at Verona the 13. yeare of his Kingdome and the 7. of his Empire leauing one daughter called Gertrude Conrade 3. of that name Duke of Souabe sonne of Frederike of Haulte Staufen and of Agnes daughter of Henry the fourth obtained the Empire
be alwaies ready to suffer to present themselues vnto all perils and dangers for the defence of Christian Religion euen to shead their bloud C. Masseus O craft and childish mockerie He cited the Emperor personally to appeare And because he appeared not he excommunicated him and depriued him of his Empire although he sent thither his Embassadors Immunities of Monkes He gaue great Immunities and priuiledges to Monkes not onely to Mendicants but to all others and made likewise the rule of the sisters of S. Claire After this Councell he sent to the Electors to proceed to a new election Frederic on his side writ Letters to the King of France by which he shewed the wrong that the Pope did him See Naucler The Electors at the Popes commandement elected Henry Lantgraue of Turinge who hauing laid siege before Vlme was strooken with an Arrowe and soone after died of a Flux of the belley Naucler O deiection of Christian Princes that will suffer themselues to be so fondly carried away by a foolish feare of excommunication This Pope hauing not onely absolued from the oath of fidelitie the Emperors subiects but also excommunicated all Lords and Princes which fauoured and obeyed him so mooued and angred the Emperour that he depriued 40. Bishops of their dignities sacked the houses which appertained vnto the Popes parents and caused to be put to death vpon a Gibbet many notable persons which had consented to the Popes conspiration Note how many troubles and mischiefes comes in the world by Popes After the death of Henry Guilliam Count of Holland was chosen but soone after was slaine of the Frisons In the said Councell of Lyon was the Croisado published whereof S. Lewis was made chiefe But yet the holy Land was not recouered For things went alwaies from euill to worse S. Lewis in that voyage beyond the Sea was prisoner Frederic gaue to Manfroy his bastard sonne the Kingdome of Sicilie but the Pope Vrbaine tooke it from him by reason he was contrary vnto him and gaue it to the brother of S. Lewis Charles Count of Aniou In this time raigned Odo Chauncelor of Paris Hugo Cardinalis Iacopin Vincent the Historiographer Alexander de Hales an English man Alexander de Villa dei a Frier who made the doctrine The yeare of Christ 1250. Frederic founded a Towne in Italie and called it Victoria It was after taken by the Popes souldiers and by his Legate and raced vnto the foundations Then Frederic returned into Pouille where soone after he died of sicknesse of the age of 57. yeares Some say he was traiterously slaine by his sonne Manfroy Conrade King of Germanie was crowned in his father Frederic his time vnderstanding then of his death he went into Italie and from thence into Pouille where hee became sicke His bastard brother Manfroy to raigne peaceably gaue the Phisitian a summe of siluer to poyson his medicines whereof he died but first he made his Testament and instituted Corradin his sonne heire of his kingdomes and countries and was honourably buried The Pope assembled souldiers to goe against Manfroy and thinking shortly to obtaine his kingdome died at Naples sooner then he thought and was buried in the Church of Saint Laurence Naucler S. Lewis returned from beyond the Sea The Colledge of Sarbone was now instituted and founded at Paris by Robert brother of S. Lewis Alexander Pope 4. of that name of Campaigne ruled at Rome 7. yeares The Pope canonized S. Claire The Hermittes of the order of Saint Augustine were by this Pope drawne from their Hermitages in woods vnto good Townes commaunding them to preach and heare Confessions and gaue vnto the said order priuiledges exemptions and indulgences He excommunicated Manfroy the bastard and after made warre vpon him but the Pope was ouercome and his Legate imprisoned at Naples The Archbishop of Rauenna was created Legate Apostolike hee preached the Croisado against Ecclinus promising eternall life to such as would goe to warre against the Popes enemies So did Gregorie the 9. against Frederic the 2. The yeare of Christ 1256. William Count of Holland fell into a poole and his horse not being able to get vp was slaine by the Frisons After the death of Henry Lantgraue of Hesse and of William Count of Holland the Electors disagreed Some elected Alphonsus King of Castile Others Richard Count of Cornwall the King of England his brother and that by the Popes Instigation Naucler There was a schisme in the Empire 23. yeares after Naucler or 28. after others and all by the occasion of Popes and this schisme endured from the yeare 1245. vntill the yeare 1273. which was the first yeare of the Empire of Rodolphe The first League of the Switzes The alliance of Leagues and Cantons in the Countrey of Switze beganne now They droue out of their Country many Noble men which were tirants and committed vniust actions vpon them So did they defend the poore the Orphanes and widowes whereby they became renowmed through all the world saith Fasci temp In this time S. Lewis king of France as soone as he was returned made many goodly Lawes and ordinances to hold his people in iustice Bayliffes Prouosts and Sargeants in theyr duties that they might not be raueners or eaters of the people vnder the paine to be put from their offices He droue from his Court Morrisdauncers and Ieasters forbidding Officers to take gaine or to take Benefices for theyr children Hee ordained that the blasphemers should haue the hotte Iron set in their browes He went into Affrike tooke Carthage and besieged Tunes The plague fell in his Campe where he died of a Fluxe of the belley hauing raigned 44. yeares His body was carried to bee buried at S. Denis See Emil Lib. 7. An opposition against the Sects of Mendicants or begging Friars Guilliam de S. Amour Doctor of Paris Chanon of Benuais flourished in this time In his Sermons as himselfe witnesseth he especially enuied against the hipocrisie of Prelates saying that that vice was of all most dangerous wherewith all the Church was infected He opposed himselfe against Monkes and aboue all against Mendicants accusing them that they troubled Churches and brought out the witnesses of the scriptures which make mention of Antichrist and his supporters And applying them to the time present proued by 39. signes that begging Friars were false Prophets He expounded that place of the Gospell If thou wilt be perfect goe and sell all that thou possessest c. Vpon which place the Mendicants founded their order And he gaue to know in full disputation that the place was not meant of actuall pollicie as Sophisters speake but of habituall pouertie that is to say that Iesus Christ demaundeth of vs not that we should forsake and cast off that which we haue but that we be readie when the confession of the name of God and the glory of Iesus Christ requireth it to abandon and forsake not onely that which we possesse
at the houre that he yeelded the spirit the fire flamed in the pallace of Auignon which could not be put out vntill the greatest part of it was burnt And after that followed a schisme in the Popedome the greatest of all the others Then saith Masseus the people and Cleargie of Rome assembled towards the Cardinalls and prayed them to chuse some Italian and no French man Vrbain sixt of that name a Nepolitain by Nation called before Bartholemewe Archbishop of Bar being not yet of the order of Cardinalls and absent at the great pursuite of the Romanes was created Pope He was saith Crantzius a cruell man of whom by prayers nothing could be obtained Being come to the Popedome he would not procure that peace might be amongst Christians as his dutie was but sought to reuenge himself of iniuries done him by Cardinals and by Iane Queene of Sicilie Clement Pope 7. of that name was also chosen and ruled in Auignon 15. yeares And thus began the 22. Schisme the cruellest and horriblest which endured long This came to passe for that after the death of Gregorie 11. the Cardinals parted themselues into two bandes the Italian Cardinals by constraint of the Romanes did chuse the said Bartholemewe Archbishop of Bar and called him Vrbane the 6. but because he reprooued and reprehended the Cardinals for their lightnesse they all departed from him and went into the Cittie of Tendes where vpon enuie with the Frenche Cardinals they chose one called Robert borne at Geneua Cardinall of the title of the twelue Apostles and called him Clement the seuenth who came to dwell in Auignon because of the schisme Nauclere saith that this Clement was borne at Catalongne and was chosen 3. moneths after the promotion of Vrbain 6. For the French Cardinals for the heate of the time demaunded lycence of the Pope to goe into Anagnia and from thence were transported into Pouille where they elected the said Clement When Vrbane sawe himselfe thus left of his Cardinalls he created thirtie new vpon one day This schisme endured fortie yeares vntill the Councell of Constance whervpō came great disorder The King of France and all his kingdome Item Spaine and England held the part of Clement the 7. The other Countries that is to say Italie Almaigne Hungarie c. followed Vrbane the 6. and on both sides there was great contradiction The kingdome of France endured great euils about this schisme For Clement had good 35. Cardinals maintained liuing chiefly of the said kingdome and all held the best Prelateships benefices and dignities The kingdome there also was sore greeued with Impositions Annuities Tenths expectiue graces and other inuentions Insomuch that the poore Clarkes Students of the Vniuersitie of Paris could get no Benefices but all were occupied for Cardinals and other Courtiers of Auignon who had euer hired people to enquire of the value of Benefices Vrbane was cautelous seditious and vncurteous memoratiue and reuengefull of iniuries and one that tooke pleasure to sowe dissentions amōgst Christian Princes rather thē appease them Neither could he liue in peace with the king of Hungary and of Naples He would haue depriued Charles king of Sicilie of his kingdom Insomuch that Charles came against him and cōstrained him to flie to Genues by sea and as he passed on the Pope caused 5. or 6. Cardinalls to be drowned because he thought they fauoured Clement the 7. who was at Auignon Two other Cardinalls fled towards the said Clement and were welcommed but Vrbain excommunicated them Clement absolued them and the two Popes one excommunicated an other and their adherents Naucler Vrbain absolued the Florentines of an excommunication to acquire their grace and fauour To shewe himselfe deuout he instituted the Feast of the visitation of the Virgin Mary in the Mountaines He went to Naples to put Ladislaus sonne of Charles king of Naples and Iane his sister from their heritage but it was in vaine Therefore he returned to Rome wherein he was poysoned and died The said Charles at the sollicitation of Pope Vrbain the 6. came from Hungarie to Naples where being he slew the Queen Iane to please the Popes apppetite All the Archbishops Bishops Abbots and Priests which adheared vnto the said Iane were depriued of their Benefices by the Pope and in their places other were instituted See Naucler So Charles remained king of Naples fiue yeares afterward he returned into Hungarie but by the subtiltie of the Queene he was poysoned and died the yeare 1385. So wickedly as hee had caused Queene Iane of Sicilie to be slaine So the Queene of Hungarie slew him But the cause why Vrbane sent for Charles to Naples was in despight of Queene Iane who had receiued his Cardinalls into her kingdome wherfore he depriued her thereof and was crowned King of Sicilie by the Pope the yeare 1381. vnder conditiō that he should leaue to his Nephew certaine Duches Counts in Sicilia But because the said Charles was poore the Pope sold the Churches goods yea and the goods of certaine Monasteries euen amounting to 8000. Florence he aliened also and sold certaine ornaments of Gold and Siluer Crosses and Images with which helpe he obtained the kingdome of Naples as is said Charles the sixt sonne of Charles the fift was sacred King of France very yong He would beare but three Fower deluces in the French Armes His Father left him 1800000. Scutes Gaguin saieth 18. Millions and yet at the beginning of his raigne he had no mony For it was dissipated and dispearsed by diuers Tutors and Gouernours The aforesaid Clement 7. crowned Lewis King of Naples who by armes occupied the Prouince going into Italie against the said Charles and Vrbane hauing in his Campe 30. thousand fighters but hee dyed two yeares after hee was in Italie The Fountaines and waters were impoysoned wherof he dyed and all his Nobilitie Naucler The said Iane Queene of Sicilie Countesse of Prouence the wife of Charles Duke of Calabria sonne of Robert King of Sicilie and Nauarre and the sister of the King of France Philip had made the said Lewis Duke of Aniou her heire For she had now raigned 30. yeares without hauing any line The Sea of Histories Lewis Archbishop of Magdebourge as hee daunced in the Towne of Caluin with Ladies and Damozels vntill night sell vpon the ground and brake his necke and beat out his braines with one of the Ladies which he led The same hist The yeare 1381. Hugo Aubriot born at Bourgongne who before had bene great Gouernour de Finances of France by the meanes of the Duke of Bourgongne was made Prouost of Paris and during his gouernment the policie of Paris was well administred Many buildings were made as the bridge of S. Michael the walles towards the Bastile S. Antonie and the length of the Riuer of Seine the litle Bridge the litle Castle and many other places Hee was accused of many crimes and aboue all
Iohn they proceeded also against Pope Gregorie the 12. who was cyted to appeare in person but he would not come there yet either by faire meanes or force hee sent Malateste Lord of Armenia with an ample procuration and power to resigne the said right hee had in the the Papall dignitie into the hands of the said Councell The which was done and the said Gregorie 12. was created Legate in the Marquesdome of Ancone where he died soone after with mourning in the Towne of Racany which is a Port of the Adriatike Sea Iohn le Maeire There remaineth yet the third Antipope Peter de la Lune Of him it was that Gerson often said We must needs take away this man of the Moone called Benet the 13. who would not obey the Councell but died obstinately in the Kingdome of Arragon and commaunded his Cardinalls on his death-bed that as soone ar he was dead they should elect an other which they did and elected Clement the 8. borne at Barselone wherein they profited litle For the Pope Martin as shall bee saide had the Popedome whole and had the obedience of all the Princes in Christendome yet the saide Clement the eight was after made Bishop of Maiorque See Iohn le Maire That Pope Benet troubled much the Emperour Sigismond For seeing hee would not consent to any agreement the said Emperour was constrained in person first to goe into France vnto the King then to the King of England to make an attonement betwixt those two Kings Item towards the King of Arragon in Spaine with certaine Embassadors deputies of the saide Councell to exhort them to hold the hand to the vnion of the Church and to perswade the said Pope to doo as others did which hee would neuer be brought vnto Then the Princes of Spaine the Arragonians the Cathelains Armignaes and the Kings of Fraunce and England seeing his obstinacie followed the opinion of the Councell and withdrew themselues from the obedience of Pope Benet the thirteenth which Sigismond signified to the said Councell Naucler Sigismond returned after to Constance about Candlemas and the Councell with burning Candles excommunicated and depriued the said Benet of his Popedome after declared him an heretike a schismatike the 18. day of March 1417. Naucl. This Pope Iohn whilest he was placed in the Romane seate amongst other Ieasts of a Pope he did that which followeth in diuers Authors He had stirred maruellous warres against the king Ladislaus and assembled a Councell at Rome to find means to driue him from his kingdome He also commanded to make a procession with the head of S. Iohn Baptist for that subtilly and cautelously he had determined to sell it to the Florentins He approoued the Sect of such as named themselues De la Chemise or Frisonniers which lifted themselues vp in the territorie of Luques and admitted the congregation of that new reformation in the Monasterie of S. Iustine commenced at Padoue by Lewis Barbe As Pope Martin the fift was at Florence this Pope beeing deliuered from prison contrarie to the opinion of all so that all that were present maruelled thereat came thither towards him and after he had kissed his feete acknowledged him as his Pope the successor of S. Peter saluted him as if he had bin some earthly God Martin mooued with affection certain daies after receiued him into the number of Cardinals and hee made him Bishop of Tusculū but after certain moneths he finished his life sad and grieuous the yeare of the Lord 1419. in the same Towne of Florence where he was honourably buried with great pompe in the Temple of S. Iohn Baptist by Cosme de Medicis who euer bore him great loue In the said Councell the Counts of Cleues and Sauoy were erected to Duchez by the Emperour Sigismond Things being effected as is said the Emperours will was that there should now be an handling to correct the maners of Ecclesiasticall persons and to reforme the Church but it was said that this could not well bee done during the vacation of the Apostolike seate wherefore it was concluded to proceed to a new election of a Pope Naucler Martin Pope fift of that name called Otho a Romane Cardinal Deacon of the house of Colonnois of one same accord and will by the consent of all was chosen of 33. Cardinalls at the Councell of Constance and was called Martin because hee was consecrated on S. Martins day hee gouerned fourteene yeares The Emperour Sigismond very ioyfull that the Cardinalls had chosen such a Pope and so necessarie to the Christian common-wealth entred into the Conclaue where without regarding his dignitie falling on his knees before the Pope in great reuerence hee kissed his feete On the other part the Emperour receiued him beningly and heartily thanked him for the diligence and paines which he had taken to establish the vnion of the Church Naucler After that the Emperour had long time trauelled to assemble this Councell of Constance desiring to see the particular reformation of the Church excused it that Rome had bene long without an head and the time would not permit to begin a reformation for the Councell had long endured Wherefore an other Councell should bee assigned at Basil where that should be done and so the Emperour was frustrate of his purpose and hope for seeing a reformation in the Church-people In the said Councell was dispatched Letters and Bulls to Lewis Duke d' Aniou to goe take possession of the kingdome of Pouille for him and his Naucler Martin Pope returning from Constance to Rome remained two yeares at Florence and for recompence of his entertainement he ordained that the Bishop of that place should bee a Metropolitane and subiected there vnto the Church of Volaterre Pistorie and Fesides The Hussites came vp at this time which reiected all humane traditions more purely preaching the doctrine of Iesus Christ which engendred many contentions betwixt Lay-men and Clarkes A pestilence was at Florence where died more then 16. thousand men Chron. Euseb Mahomet Emperour of the Turkes died after he had raigned 14. yeares Wencelaus died taken with feare because of a tumult raised at Prage hee fell into an Apoplexie and from that euill into a palsie which within 18. daies tooke away his life the yeare of his raigne 20. Charles 7. of that name king of France the onely sonne of Charles the 6. succeeded his father Hee was assailed by the English and Bourgonions and hauing lost as it were all the Countrey of the Frontiers tooke his recourse into Bourges and there remained a certaine time and therefore the enemies in mockerie called him king of Bourges Henry sonne of Charles his sister called himself in his titles king of England of France and at Paris was crowned king of France A pucell or maide plaide the part of a man at Armes and gaue succours to Orleance which was besieged constrained the enemies to leaue the siege conducted the king
in regarding and contemplating the auncient money precious stones or Images and Portraitures In the Romane consistorie Gregorie King of Boheme was condemned an heretike depriued of his kingdome and after the Pope by his Legate sollicited the Princes of Almaine and the king of Pannonia to inuade the kingdome of Boheme which they did and the said George was cast out of one part thereof Chron. Euseb In the moneth of September a Legate arriued in France to breake the pragmatike Sanction vnto whom Iohn de S. Romain the Kings Proctor generall would not consent for any menaces of the said Legate but said hee would rather loose both his office and goods before hee would yeeld to doo any thing so greatly to the preiudice of the Realme and Common-wealth The Towne of Liege was put to fire and sword by the Duke of Bourgongne because they had put their Bishop in prison who was his Nephewe by his sister as is reported by the Chronicle of Eusebius Others say he was his brother by his wife the Duke of Bourbon his daughter Frederic the third vpon deuotion went to Rome in winter Chron. Euseb Pope Paul hauing made alliance with the Turkes ioyned in league also with the Venetians Chron. Euseb The Pope Paul held Platina the Historiographer in prison wrongfully but his successor deliuered him He destroyed the Abbreuiataires in hatred of his predecessor who had reduced the said estate into order At that time it was a Colledge of learned and studious people in Diuine and Ciuill Lawes Poets Orators Historiographers c. See Naucler He set the Iubile from 25. yeares to 25. yeares not for the saluation of soules but rather to drawe new money vnto him saith Fasci Temp. There is found in the booke of Stanislaus Ruthen a thing worthy to bee noted That is that this Paul hauing read certaine Poesies that were made against him and his daughter began to weepe and amongst his friends began to accuse the rigour of the lawe of his former predecessours which forbadde Priestes to marrie for as much as hee which ought not onely to bee the head of the Church but also of continencie sawe that each one had talke of his daughter to his great dishonour and had theyr eyes continually vpon her And although shee were most excellent in beautie yet did it grieue him that men should thinke that hee had engendred her in whoredome Seeing hee knew well that there was a lawe ordained of God whereby shee might haue bene borne in wedlocke had it not bene for that singlenesse that is the defence for Priests to marrie which hindred it Therefore he had determined to haue set vp againe the marriage of Priests but he could not execute it because death preuented him For as he perswaded himselfe that hee should liue long he was suddenly taken with an Apoplexie and died suddenly hauing well supped the night before After this time the Popedome fell and decayed more and more The Kingdom of Cyprus The Venetians got the kingdome of Cyprus First the yeare 1470. they had established in the kingdome one Iames bastard of Cyprus against Lewis sonne of the Duke of Sauoy and the Queene Charlotte his wife daughter of Iohn king of Cyprus the true heire of that kingdome But for the better vnderstanding of the matter you must know that the said Venetians gaue to the said bastard in marriage Katherine the daughter of Marke Corrario a Gentleman of Venice who vpon their commaundement had ayded the said bastard in all his affaires against the said Lewis of Sauoy and the Queene Charlotte his wife euen to cast them out of Cyprus This Katherine was solemnly adopted a daughter by the Signiorie of Venice but it was not but for to adopt also the kingdome therewith But the said king bastard with his Venetian wife espowsed the cause of their death for as soone as she was espied to bee with childe the Venetians poysoned the said king caused a fame to runne that he died of a Fluxe of the belley and that hee had left his wife and the childe she was with his heire recommending them vnto the Seignorie of Venice When then shee was brought to rest they did with the chide as they had done with the father And they tooke the said Katherine which they called Queene and brought her to Venice and from that time they ceased and tooke possession of the said Kingdome which they haue held since the yeare 1470. vntill this day saith Iohn le Maire Of this Iames bastard and of the oath he made vnto the Souldan see Naucler Sixtus or Sistus fourth of that name a Geneuois by Nation borne in the Towne of Sauonne called before Francis de Ruere generall of the order of Friars and Cardinall of S. Sixtus after the death of Paul succeeded in the execrable Chaire As the solemnitie of his Coronation was done whilest they carried him in his Litter to the Church of Laterane hee was in great daunger of his life in a mutenie which arose suddenly in such sort that he was assailed euen with stones and forsaken almost of all that accompanied his Litter This Pope was very liberall towards his and bore them such an affection that in fauour of them he did and agreed vnto many things against all right and reason He promoted vnto the dignitie of a Cardinall before all others one called Peter de Ruere one of the same order and Nation and had bene nourished from his Infancie with a brother of his called Hierome although it seemed this man was borne foolishly to spend money For in two yeares that he liued after he consumed in all dissolution and violence the summe of 200000. Skutes besides many debts he left Iohn Textor in his Officine makes mention of this Cardinall and saith that in two yeares he spent in dissolutions vanities and incredible luxurie 300000. skutes The yeare 1475. a Citizen of Trent lost in the weeke before Easter commonly called the passion weeke a childe of two yeares olde And hauing sought him through all streetes in the Towne and not finding him he suspected he was carried away by the Iewes which inhabited there Wherefore he got him towards the Magistrate making great sorrow and deliuering his suspitions The Sunday following the Iewes told the Bishop that they had found a childe betwixt the floud called Rusch and the house of Samuel a Iew which the force of the water had cast vp there Certaine men were appointed to visit the childe which was found in the house of the said Samuel with his garments all wette his body was marked with diuers prickes Being asked how this childe came there they answered they knew not but that the fiercenesse of the water had driuen him thither But as soone as they were put to the Racke they confessed and rehearsed the case in order that is to say how they had consulted and chosen amongst them one Tobias to steale a Christian childe and to crucifie him at Easter
The Historie of the reuoult of England To the ende the Lord may be knowne in his iudgements which daily happen and that he which is to day aloft may take heed hee fall not let vs harken vnto that infamous revoult of England and see how they returne to their first vomite The Wednesday the 28. of Nouember of this yeare the Parliament of England was assembled and in the presence of King Phillip and Queene Marie the Cardinall Poole expounpounded his Legation and exhorted them to the holy seate of the Pope shewing them how greatly bound they were to God who now enlarged vpon them his diuine grace prouiding for them such Princes as they had After he declared vnto them how the holy Father the Pope vsed towards them his benignitie and clemency by him his Legate greatly thanking them that they had receiued him and placed him in his Country and Nobilitie whereof he had bene long depriued and that therefore he held himselfe more bound to procure they might be restored into the Ecclesiasticall Court as his desire was This vile Apostate of the truth calleth that stinking Court of Rome the celestiall Court After he had thus spoken be withdrew himselfe to the end to giue respet vnto the Lords of the Parliamēt to resolue thervpon what to doo The Chauncellour of England straight tooke the Cardinalls wordes and shewed how they had cause to thanke God who had raised them vp such a Prophet out of their owne seed to procure their saluation as the reuerend Legate did Insomuch that all with a common accord concluded to cōsent vnto the vnion obedience of the Romane church The Thursday following they ordained to agree vnto that which the Cardinall had saide so that vpon a common accord they presented a supplication wherein they prayed the King and Queenes maiesties as heads of the kingdome that they would pray the Popes Legate that they might haue absolute remission of their sinnes and errours promising to make voide all such lawes as they had before established against the authoritie of the Romane seate whervnto they would sweare neuer to contradict The King sent the said supplication to the Legate and the day after assembled the Parlament in the place where the king and the Queene with the Cardinall Legate were set And the Chancelor rose vp with great reuerence an high voice vttered the resolutiō made by the Lords of the Parliament praying in the name of all that they wold accept the supplicatō written in Latin tongue shut sealed by the said Chancellor The supplication being opened by the Legate was deliuered vnto the Chancellor to publish hee red it with an high voice and that done demaunded of all them of the Parlament if their wills were according to the tenor thereof and they all answered yea Vpon this the King Queene rose vp and presented the said supplicatiō to the Legate who red it then presented he the Bulles of his Legation which were red also to make appeare vnto them the authoritie hee had from the holie Father to absolute them That is to say to plunge them into the deepe pit of hell That done the Reuerend made them an Oration in their own language shewing penance which pleased God and that the Angell of Paradice reioyce more at a sinner repenting his sinnes then of ninetie nine iust persons and vpon that brought for his examples cōtrarily drawne to furnish out his impudencie falsly abusing the word of God After he had ended he rose vp and the King and Queene fell vpon their knees before him calling vpon God and the holy Saints that hee would pardon the penitent people of England the authoritie of whose person he representeth Then the Legate pronounced a generall absolution which done they all departed with the King the Queene and the Legate towards their Chappell where was sung Te Deum and after the saide Legate had made his triumphant entries hee yeelded all power and authoritie to the Bishops the first Sunday of Aduent as they call it on which day the Bishoppe of Winchester an other Apostate of the truth made a Sermon after a solemne Masse taking for his Theame Nunc tēpus adest de somne surgere that is It is now time to awake As if before in the time of the Gospell vnder the raigne of king Edward of England they had still slept But that awaking shall be deare sold vnto all such Organes and Instruments of Sathan which haue caused so many murders and bloudshead of Gods children since that time in the Realme of England See the booke of Martyrs A more horrible vengeance of God cannot come to a Countrey then when God withdrawes his light therefrom Ferdinand sent out of their Countrey 200. Ministers of the faithfull in the kingdome of Boheme Touching the true Martyrs of the Lord executed this yeare in England vnder the tyranous raigne of Queene Mary and the disputations held betwixt the Popish Doctors and them of the true Religion See the fourth part of the bookes of Martyrs A Iourney of the Empire was held at Ausbourge and although fewe Princes came thither Ferdinand made a long Oration the fift of Februarie of two principall poynts The first of Religion by reason whereof he said all the disorder and destruction of Almaine happened and that it might be remedied by disputations and communications of Theologians as once had beene begun The second was to helpe and succour the afflicted estate of the warre past and punish such as made the troubles Melancton and other learned people by their Letters comforted the Ministers of the Churches of Boheme which were dispersed ouer Misnia Casal a Towne nigh vnto Po was taken by the French vnder the conduct of Brisac the 3. of March Marcel second of that name a Tuscan by Nation called before Marcel Ceruin succeeded and was borne in a place called the Monte Pelicien in the territories of Florence Of a Cardinall of the title of the holy Crosse in Ierusalem was created Pope by the common consent of all the Cardinalls which were in the Conclaue the 9. day of Aprill 1555. The day following he receiued the Pontificall ornaments in the Church of Laterane but he would not change the name that he receiued at his baptisme Being come vnto the Papacie he was an enemie vnto the Gospell as before he was Pope you may see he was euer In his youth he had some litle profited in humane Letters and so kept the schooles Afterward as Paul the third had created Cardinall Alexander Farnesius the sonne of Peter Lewis his bastard sonne hee gaue his this Marcel for a Schoolemaister Certaine time after the Cardinall Alexander leauing there the studie of Letters applyed himself altogether to handle the affaires wherein as well he as also Paul his grandfather serued themselues with Marcel who was their Secretary The Bishoppricke of Nichastre being vacant hee was made Bishop of that Church yet he alwaies liued
all the family of the dead Dauid George of whom we haue spoken before some also which were not of his family but adherent vnto his Sect were adioyned before the Senate of Basill after information taken of the pernitions Sect which the said Dauid George had alwaies held whilest he liued The Advower declared vnto them that the Seigniorie was dulye enformed that they withdrewe themselues into the Castle of Binningen not as they which were persecuted for the Gospell as they falsly said but for the Sect of Dauid wherewith they were alreadie spotted Eleuen were appointed prisoners out of them to draw the truth The most part examined by the straightest Inquisition confessed the truth of the matter which finally obtained pardon The first of May the Ministers Rector professors and Maisters of the Vniuersitie of Basill hauing all with one voyce condemned the poynts of doctrine professed by Dauid George the Senate beeing fully informed of all proceeded the 13. of May to the indyting and condemning of Dauid George that is that all his writings as full of impietie and mortall poyson also his body or his bones and all that which remained in his graue should be burnt with his Image which was found in his house liuely representing him and that generally all the goods of so wicked a man in what place soeuer they were found should be confiscated and adiudged vnto the Seignorie This sentence was proclaimed according to the custome of the place and all the forme of lawe and of the ordinances of the Towne was obserued in the execution thereof The life maners and death of such pernicious men admonish vs to watch diligently least being deceiued with any beautifull appearance we allow not euill for good and contrary and so fall into the snares of the diuell A peace as hath bene said being concluded betwixt Henry King of France and Phillip King of Ppaine enemies of the Gospell tooke their opportunitie to persecute such as they called Lutherans Commissions were dispatched to go through all the Prouinces of France to attend while the conditions of peace were accomplished King Henry by his Letters Patents on the second of Iune sent to all Bailiffes and Stewards to aide the said Commissioners with power to assemble as they call them ban and arrierban that is as I take it we vse to say tag rag and the Prouost Marshals and their Archers straightly forbidding the sparing of any either vsing any dissimulation or winking at any otherwise that they themselues should be first punished The Cardinall of Lorraine charged a great number of the Councellours of the Parliament of Paris to be fauourers of heretickes And this was vpon the occasion of a deliuerance they made of certaine prisoners for the Gospell by a simple banishment out of the kingdome And did so much that the Mercuriall was held at the instance of the kings Proctor general wherin a great part of the Councellours were of aduise that by an holy and free Councell all matters of Religion should be remedied rather then by persecutions The King Henry being at this Parlament and hauing heard Anne de Bourge Councellour reasoning caused him to be staied prisoner with other Councellors And the 19. of Iune a Coniunction was directed to certaine Iudges to make theis proces During the marriage Feastes of the daughter of Fraunce and the last of Iune King Henry imploied himselfe all that morning in the examinations of as well Presidents as Councellors of the said Parliament and other prisoners and their companions which were charged with the like doctrine When he had dined because he was one of the sustenants at the solemn Turney which was made in the streete of Saint Anthonie he entered into the Listes And after hee had broken good store of staues as brauely as was possible as he was cunning and a valiant man at Armes running against Montgommery the sonne of Captaine Lorges a strong Souldier they encountred so rudely that bursting ther Launces the King was attained with a counter blowe so right in the vizard that the shiuers entred into his head and the blowe was as suddaine as violent so that his braines were wholly astonished without finding either succour or comfort And whatsoeuer any could doo with sending Phisitions and Surgions on all sides yea from Brabant by King Phillip nothing profited Insomuch that eleuen dayes after namely the 10. of Iuly 1559. he expired and finished his dayes in great dolour hauing raigned 12. yeares three moneths and ten dayes To the Christian Readers Hauing gathered from diuers Histories of our time a sort of the most memorable things happening about religious matters and the state of this world since the yeare 1559. vntill this present yeare 1581 and perceiuing that this volume handling the Churches affaires was deliuered vnto the Printer I haue also giuen these my remembrances following to the same Imprinter to ioine thē vnto the former that you may haue a whole briefe and summary from that time of Christ vntil now There remaineth that considering the wonders of God especially in the conduction gouernment of his Church we should pray that it would please him to cause vs to see more more the effect of that promise so precious that he wil be with his vntil the consummation of the world and that we may remaine firme in the profession of his truth vntil the last sigh maugre all the forces of Sathan of Antichrist and of their complices So be it Francis the 2. of that name of the age of 15. yeares fiue moneths succeeded his Father Henry In the beginning of his kingdom the Churches of his realme florished vnder the crosse hauing the fauour of certain Princes and great Lords yet in such sort as the faithfull endured much in sundry places that same yeare 1559. The Church of Paris was one of the chiefe but it was exceedingly molested by slanders and subornations of certaine Iudges and especially of an Inquisitor called Demochares they were charged the Thursday before Easter they procured a great assembly of men women mayds about midnight where after they had preached eaten a cochon in lieu of the paschall Lamb the lamp which gaue them light put out euery one committed wickednes with other Chals Cardinall of Lorraine gouernour of the king who had espowsed Mary Steward Queene of Scotland the said Cardinals Niece impaired made things worse by imputing vnto them of the religiō all the pollutions of the auncient heretikes Insomuch that during the raigne of Francis there was nothing but imprisonments robbing of houses proclimatiōs for banishments executions of them of the religiō with cruel tormēts notwithstanding amongst such tempests they discōtinued not their preachings other exercises of Religion although also many were burned at Paris executed in other places Amōgst which are not to be forgotten Nicholas Guerin Marin Marie Margarite le Riche called the Lady de la Caille a yong Carpēter Adrian Panssi Marin Roussean Giles
le Gourt Phillip Parmentier Peter Millet Iohn Befferoy Peter Arondeau M. Anne du Bourge a man of great pietie very learned a Councellor in the Parliament of Paris The death of this last man was especially amōgst others noted because of the qualitie of his person his constancy astonished also many of his enemies who notwithstanding left not to cōtinue as wel in Paris as in other Parliaments of France in that remainder of the yeare 1559 in al the yeare following during which the French Church before being hid because of persecutions began to shew it self Insomuch that in all Prouinces thoughout the kingdom they of the religion had Sermons openly the zeale of some surmounting the crueltie of others In this same yeare 1559. in the moneth of May the Lord triumphed ouer Antichrist in the cōstancy patience of many Christians executed to death for the witnesse of his truth in the kingdome of Spaine by the practises of the officers of the Inquisition wherof it shal not be impertinent briefly to touch About an 100. yeares ago that Ferdinand and Isabelle kings of Castile established that Inquisition against the Iewes which after baptisme kept their cerimonies Certaine yeares after the Monkes assailed by the doctrine of the Gospell did so much that it was cōuerted practised especially against such as they could discouer to be neuer so litle aduersaries of the Romish traditions For the better establishing of this tyrannie and to lift it vp aboue the King and the Councell of Spaine the Spanish Theologians made thē belieue that the holy Inquisitiō could not erre and for the exercise thereof they had Iudges officers in the most part of the Townes of the realme which alwaies had a watchful eye to bridle all the world But ordinarily they espied the richest the learnest such as of little began to become great for they desired bootie of some they feared y e knowledge of others and the last are odious least they should make head against the Inquisitiō They espied marked very nigh these 3. sort of people that if there came any word out of their mouthes it shuld be noted thogh they spake no word yet would the Inquisitors finde meanes enough against such as worshipped them not sufficiently for after they had shut them in prison they would keep them there a long time without speaking vnto them and at leisure inuent Rymes against them In the meane while no man durst sollicite nor speake for the prisoners If the Father shewed to haue any care of his childe hee was straight imprisoned as a fauourer of heresie No person could haue accesse to any prisoner which was in any dungeon or other obscure place neither might hee write but besides the misery and horror of the prison the prisoners endured a thousand outrages and menaces and after blowes with whips and diuers other the greatest iniuries that can be imagined Sometimes they are suffered to escape by infamy and from some high place they are shewed vnto the people During their imprisonment their processes and their Inditements goe not forward in course of lawe and for ordinarily a prisoner shall be so kept vp tormented two three or foure yeares and if there be any thing done therein there are none but the Inquisitors their officers and executioners that know any newes of them After one hath tortured and beaten them the space of many moneths he that will haue his life he must diuine and gesse at his accusor If then the accused can diuine the name of his accusors and what is the accusation in firmely and strongly denying that which is imposed and laid to his charge and after great protestations to be an hartie and a very affectioned seruant and subiect of the Popedome his life being so saued yet he is not thereby set at libertie but after hauing endured infinit pouerties miserie which they call their penance they are let goe but yet in such sort as they make him weare a kinde of coate of yealow colour called Sambenito which is a publike infamy vnto him and all his race But if contrary the prisoner be an ill diuiner after diuers tortures he is condemned and cruelly burnt They that constantly maintaine the truth of the Gospell are so vngently tormented and cruelly handled that the punishments of the greatest Tyrants which were in the time of the Primitiue Church were nothing in comparison vnto these But then assoone as many persons of high and base condition in sundry places of Spaine beganne to see the light of the word of God the Antichrist his subiects straight discouered certaine assemblies insomuch that the Inquisitors imprisoned a great number of them whereof some were put to death the 21. of May in the presence of the kings sister their gouernesse in her brothers absence of Dom Charles Prince of Spaine and of many great Lords which deliuered their oaths vnto the Inquisition namely the Gouernesse and the Prince to maintaine against all This done with great solemnities the faithfull remaining constant were burnt aliue namely Augustine Cacalla late the Emperour Charles the fifts Preacher Francis de Biuero Priest of Valledolid the brother of Augustine Blanche and Cōstance de Biuero their sister Alphonsus Peres Priest of Valence Christopher del Campo Christopher de Padille Antonio de Huezvelo Catherine Romaine Francis Errem Catherine Ortegne Isabella de Strade and Iann Velasque Many other men and women were then condemned to diuers honourable amends as they call them and to remaine prisoners a certaine time In the moneth of September following the Inquisitors of Siuil caused to be burnt Iohn Ponceus de Leon sonne of the Count de Bailen a Gentleman amongst all Spaniards commendable because of his great pietie constancie and doctrine Iohn Gonsolue Theologian of Siuile Isabelle de Vacine Mary de Viroes Cornelie Mary and Iane de Bohorques Ferdinand de Saint Iohn Iulian Fernand and others in great number For three yeares before a goodly Church was raised and set vp at Siuile which being discouered by the spies of the Inquisition very nigh eight hundred persons were imprisoned insomuch that after that the tormentors did no other thing but hang strangle and burne men and women yet notwithstanding many verie liuely tasted the doctrine of the Gospell and forsooke Spaine the more freely to serue God some flying into England others into Almaine to Geneua Likewise all the Monks of the Couent of Saint Isodore nigh Siuile forsooke their habit and their Country and saued themselues at Francford two of which namely Iohn Leon Iohn Fernand were taken in a Port of Zeland brought againe into Spaine and put to death In this same yeare the Estates of the Empire were assembled at Ausbourge to handle affaires of Religion and it was agreed that things should remaine peaceable and the funerall of obsequies of the Emperor Charles the fift were then made The Embassador of Othon Henry chiefe Elector assisted
to the Princes Army arriued vpon the marches of Limosin where an hotte feauer tooke him and carried him out of the world the 11. day of Iune leauing for Commander of his troupes Wolrad Count de Masfeld who brought his Army nigh to the Princes foure daies after this accident and performed greatly his due with the other Lords that accompanied him in all the rest of this warre hereof is a witnesse that which happened in the encounter which was the 25. of that moneth at what time if a great ruine had not come the Army of the Catholicke Romanes had bene ouerthrowne yet they loft a great number of their auantgard and afterward the Princes got many places in Poictou Although the Princes were strong yet they neuer ceased to demaund peace but their Herauld was not suffred to carrie their request vnto the king so warre was continued and the Princes besieged Poiters where they lost time and many people by diseases happening in their Campe. Whilest things were thus confused in Fraunce and Flaunders the Emperour Maximilian the 18. day of August suffered the Lords and Gentlemen of the Archduche of Austrich to enioy a free exercise of Religion in their Townes Villages and Castles after the doctrine of the confession of Ausbourge The 27. of the same moneth Cosme de Medices Duke of Florence was created and after solemnly proclaimed at Rome great Duke of Thuscane by the declaration of the Pope Pius the fift The Parliament of Paris condemned the Admirall as guiltie of treason who notwithstanding was of great authoritie in the Princes Army couragiously acquiting himselfe of the charge he carried without any apprehension of the daungers wherevnto he was still subiect by murderers and poisoners which were daily sent to sley him One of which who had once bene his chamberlaine was put to death for the like attempt by the sentence of the Princes Lords and Captains of the Army the 21. of September After the one Army had long time sought the other finally they encountred in the plaine of Montcontour the third of October and there was a generall battaile wherein after great losse of both sides but more of the Princes especially of their Lansquenets and a part of their French footemen the field remained vnto the Catholicke Romanes which made great triumphes thereof through Europe But in lieu of following their victory they stayed vpon the siege of the Towne of S. Iohn d' Angeli which was yeelded to them by composition at the end of certaine weekes during which time the besieged occupied themselues so well that the Catholickes lost many thousands of men and that of the most resolute of their troupes by meanes whereof the Princes had meanes to reassure theyr people to gather in their forces and to prouide for the affaires of warre so that the Catholickes found themselues againe to begin The sixteenth of Nouember the Duke of Alua caused to bee published in the lowe Countries certaine Letters of absolution and pardon of the king of Spaine for such as were absent and would returne into their houses but this deceit serued for nothing but to bring in birdes too much alreadie tamed with the too much violence of so bloudie a Fowler The 24. there was discouered in England a coniuration or rebellion of certaine Earles which would haue planted Poperie in that Kingdome But the Queene prouided there so well for all things that their forces remained wholy vnprofitable The third of December S. Iohn d' Angeli was yeelded by composition Sansac other Catholick Romanes were shamefully chased from before the Towne of Vezelay in Bourgongne after great losse of his brauest souldiers to the number of 150. The rest of the yeare passed in diuers exployts of warre heere and there to the great hurt of both parts and to the ruine of the kingdome In the beginning of the yeare 1570. the Princes and Lords of the Religiō of the kingdome of France desiring peace had diuers negotiations about it but at that time nothing was concluded but warre continued the Churches then being very desolate The Theologians of the Countrey of Saxony being then in great contention for the intelligence of certaine Articles of Christian doctrine namely of Iustification of free will of good workes of things indifferent and of the presence of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ in the Supper By occasion whereof they assembled themselues in a Towne of the Duchie d' Aumale called Zeruest where by the stepping in of a certaine Doctor of Tubingue called Iames Andrew a man then very renowmed in all Almaine through the Prouinces whereof hee had not ceased certain yeares to runne to cause that monstrous opinion of the vbiquitie of Christs body to be receiued by the meanes whereof the errors of Nestorius and of Eutiches auntient heretikes and their complices are againe renewed there was made a certaine agreement which after was reiected and controwled by diuers Theologians Heerevpon afterward happened greater troubles which euen at this day doo endure by the practises and slaunders of that vbiquitarie Doctor Whilest the Christians contended with their voyces with their writings and blowes of sworde in diuers places of Europe and that the Westerne Antichrist sought by all meanes to maintaine his tyrannie the Antichrist of the East did what hee could by meanes of Selim Soliman his successor the Turke to encrease his domination For Selim sent his Embassador who arriued the 27. of March at Venice and denounced warre against the Venetians if they refused to yeeld him the I le of Cyprus Which they refusing there was preparation for warre on both sides The 4. of Aprill the Ministers of the Churches of Lithuania and Sathogitia comprehended in the kingdome of Polongne held a Sinode in the Towne of Sendomire where they agreed vpon certaine Articles touching the Mediatorship of Iesus Christ and the holy Supper to the end they might all agree in one concordance of doctrine During this time the troubles of France continued The Electors Palatin and of Saxonie assembled at Heidelberge with certaine Princes and great Lords of Almaine for to honour the marriage of Duke Cassimere who espowsed Elizabeth daughter of the Duke of Saxonie sent large Letters to the king to exhort and induce him to enter into a pacification About the end of Iune the king of Polongne and the Muscouite made a truce for three yeares The Muscouite was then sore troubled with extreame famine In the moneth of Iuly the estates of the Empire were assembled at Spire to prouide for the affaires quietnesse of Almaine The Emperor was there in person with his two daughters Marie and Elizabeth which were affianced vnto the kings of Spaine and France vnto which they were sent In the moneth of August the Duke of Alua put to death in the Towne of Antwerpe a great number of souldiers of the garrison of Valenciennes for a mutinie against
haue bin to conserue and keepe the puritie of the Euangelicall doctrine but suffering to take roote I know not how that which tasted of carnall wisedome in so much that in the place of the true end marke which the Gospell proposeth vnto vs men began to establish vnto vs all the perfection of Christianitie in sufferings and afflictions for the Gospell and in arresting abiding a litle too subtilly vpon the stay of certaine fantastike persons springing from the schoole of Philosophers so fell by litle and litle to that vnhappinesse as to transforme the holy scripture into allegorike interpretations a maruellous baite for the curiositie of humane vnderstanding and a fountaine of infinite mischiefes in the Church True it is that the first inuentors of such things thought nothing lesse then that which came after So much then did the Lord humble his people But about the end of this periode euil was seene to aduance and ceremonies encrease in such sort that men enclined vnto Indaisme and Paganisme the loue of solitude and Munkery the abstinence from marriage and from certaine viands and meates on particular dayes many Feasts and other seeds of superstition after succeeding tooke a maruellous roote So the commencement of praiers for the dead and of the sacrifice of the Masse did then discouer themselues not that the intent of such as made mention of the dead to encourage the liuing constantly to serue God and which brought of their goods into the company of the faithfull for the comfort of the poore after the celebration of the Supper was to bring in the execrable Idolatrie which long time after sprung vp There were also introducted and brought into Baptisme certaine ceremonies yet not such as the ridiculous superstitions which since haue bin forged Finally the good intent began to shewe it selfe and from thenceforth to lift vp the head vntill at the last vpon the ende of the second time of the Church it rose vp aboue the word of God As for the third periode of the first time heerein it was happie in that God during that time raised vp diuers learned persons Greekes and Latines to oppose themselues with liuely voyce at Sinodes as also by their bookes whereof wee haue some number at this day against the impietie of infinite heretikes Amongst other S. Augustine was an excellent Doctor of the Church who notwithstanding is not alwaies so cleare as is to be desired Amongst the Latines this time also brought forth other great persons yet men also which yet is more seene in the Greeke Doctors lesse pure then the Latines especially in the right knowledge of the merite of Iesus Christ and all was the want of a pure and natiue intelligence of the Lords language in the Prophetike and Apostolike bookes Their allegorike interpretations had as it were gotten the vpper hand ceremonies maruellously encreased Monkeries began to take footing the true meanes to diuide the Church and to forge a new seruice of God afterward the veneration of the Martyrs Sepulchres paintings and after Images glistered in Churches The pure doctrine of the Lords Supper began to bee falsified for want of right vnderstanding the manner of Sacramentall speeches and the vertue of the alone sacrifice of Iesus Christ Bishops especially that of Rome thrust into the world and the misterie of iniquitie formed it selfe as it afterward should come into the light For Arrianisme hauing serued for a seed to Mahumatisme and the dispising of the celestall veritie with corruption of manners maintaining the audacitie and boldnesse of the Bishops of Rome this periode finishing gaue entry vnto straunge euils wherewith the Church was ouerthrowne a litle space after Let vs now say something of the second time of the Church which we diuide into two periodes The first from Phocas about the yeare 600. vntill Charlamaine by the space of 300. yeares The second from Charlamaine vnto Charles the fift of that name Emperour about 700. yeares In the first periode of this second time of the Church as the Antichrist of the East thrust himselfe well forward that of the West established his Throne and then was the doore open to all errours which notwithstanding entred not at once but came by litle and litle into the Church Aboue all the opinion of purgatorie fire and of the sacrifice for the dead were the foundation of the Papaltie and of all that vermine of their Cleargie and infinite Sects of Monkes which like Grashoppers from the deepe pit came to spread themselues through Europe But it was in the second periode of the second time that Idolatrie and superstitions obtained the vpper hand Insomuch that the poore Church as it were buried had no more any spring neither appeared there any token wherevpon to cast her eye but onely the inuocation of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost in Baptisme And although from time to time the Lord made shine some flames and torches in the bowells of that darkenesse to redargue and weaken such as rotted in so heauie and palpable ignorance yet was their blindness so lamentable and their sleepe so deepe that for one which lifted vp the head and to whom Antichrist gaue no release nor leaue to approach witnesse all such as during this periode opposed themselues neuer so litle against his tyrannie an infinite remained liuelesse and altogether dead The Lord making himselfe admirable in the mercie which he shewed vpon some and renowned in horrible and iust punishment of their ingratitude which loued better lyes then truth Who can heere recyte the superstitions Idolatries of Antichrist his crafts and subtilties to establish his kingdome and tirannie vpon bodies and soule He had his seruants and instruments of all sorts to leane fasten encrease and multiply his Throne in the Temple of GOD carrying in his browe the name of miserie sitting in the Temple of God calling himselfe God yet vnknown of such as called themselues Christians which he put off vntill the end of the world and to I know not what fancie and dreame of an Antichrist which should be borne but a litle before the second comming of the sonne of God Briefly the great spiritual Babilon the murdresse of soules had her kingdome during this period tyrannizing the Israell of God hid and dispearced in a litle number and by her impostures blasphemies and impieties mocked the true God Father of Iesus Christ whose name auowed with the mouth shee trode vnder her feet by her abhominable errour But the Lord willing to make his worke admirable which was to ruinate Babilon to destroy the man of sin by the breath of his mouth and by the brightnesse of his comming presented himselfe in the third time and by the ministerie of people feeble and of small appearance yet driuen and drawne on with the zeale of his glory first brought in y e knowledge of tongues then the celestial truth maugre all the strengthes of the world and in
Caius Emp. of Rome 75 Caracalla Emp. 51. slaine 161 Charles K. of Naples sleyeth his sister Iane at the Popes instigation 397 Chartreux order founded 370 Castle of S. Angeto builded Chiliastes renued 67 Chorepiscopi particular Bishops 91 Christian libertie 19 Church of Antioche in great fame 16 Church in Babylon 10 In Affrike troubled by Gensericus 78 Romaine declared principall 111 Church called Sancta Sanctorū builded 63 Churches flourishing in Asia the lesse gouerned by the Apostles 8 Churches orientall communicated but once a yeare 227 Churches orientall and occidentall appeased 244 Church of Aquilegia reduced 89 Christians persecuted the first time by Nero. 19 The second vnder Domitian 27 The third vnder Traian 28 The 4. vnder M. Aurelius 40 The 5. vnder Seuerus 41 The 6. vnder Iulius Max. 55 The 7. vnder Decius 58 The 8. vnder Galius 60 The 9. vnder Aurelian 70 The 10. and most cruell vnder Dioclesian 76 Christ exerciseth his ministerie suffereth his passion 6 Cleargie Clarkes and their signification 90 The Cleargie augmented 112 Cleargie Romane vsurpeth the election of the Pope 149 The temporall sword 201 They wil haue no reformatiō 232 Except from common collectors 241 Clarkes enioy immunities 39 That they ought to meddle with secular affaires 160 Clouis baptised and his Nobles 108 Collation of Benefices 209 Colledge of faire women 194 Comet seene three moneths together 397 Commodus strangled 45 Cōmunicants take the wine and bread in their hands 238 Councell at Ierusalem 192 Councells touching Easter 162 Clerus Bishop 26 Clement the first 27 Claudius Emp. 69 Councells of Philadelphia 56 At Antioche 68 At Nice 96 Councels prouinciall euery yeare 98 Councell Affrican 107 Councell of Carthage 109 Ephesus 112 Of Chalcedon 120 Of Orleance 132 At Tara in Spaine 136 Tolledo 141 Constantinople 155 Councell at Auuergne 161 At Orleance 171 At Lyons 177 Paris 197 Ciuill 200 Tolledo 222 Councells the foure generall to be kept as the Gospell 223 Councell at Rome 128 Councels cannot prescribe lawes to the Romane Church but from thence hath her vertues and perfections 243 Cornelius B. of Rome 60 Councell at Reius 335 At Tours 33. Lateran 349 Councell in France against the K. thereof 359 Councell generall at Vienna 371 Councel National in Fracē 430 Councel general at Vienna 444 At Parpignan 445 At Pise 459 At Constance 460 Cardinall Albert. 641 Christian Churches of Constantinople 650 Charles Borgia 642 Clement 8. Pope 679 He maketh warre vpon Caesar Est 760 Confession taken away by Nectarius 92 Confession annicular instituted 346 Conon Pope 88 Conrade 1. of that name Emperour 250 Conrade the second 261 Conrade the third 272 Conrade a Merchant of Milain disposeth the Sect of the Fratriceilli 384 Conrade the lawfull K. of Sicilia beheaded by the Popes councell 409 Consecration of water mingled with wine 98 Constance sister of William King of Sicily a Nun was dispended with for marrying 335 Constātius Emp. an heretike 226 Constance pilleth Rome 161 Constance Emp. abiureth his heresie Ibid. Constance slaine at the Bathe 20 Comodus Emp. 44. His death 45 Count or Earle 366 Constantine the great Emperor desired to be baptised in Iordan 83 Hee caused a Tabernacle to bee carried in warre 87. He burneth the libell of the Bishops 92 By his humillitie he raiseth vp the pride of the Popes against his successors 31 Constant the 4. Emp. 198 Constant the 5 Emp. 215. He commanded Images to be cast out of Churches Constant 6. Emp. 222 Constant Pope 2. of that name hath his eyes put out 220 Constant Paleologne the last Emperor of Constantinople 421. murdered at the taking therof Costātinople builded in the midst of Byzantium 89 Is fired 112. Is besieged 3. yeares of the Sarazins and Arabiās recouered by the Grecians 211. Besieged of Baiazeth 222. is taken Cosroes K. of Persia destroyeth Syria 185. He would abolish Christianitie Ibid. He is ouercome by Heraclius Coronation of Clement the fift troubled with the deathes of many 2018 Cresselius punished for his ambition 334 Croisades take their beginning 299 Crueltie of Pope Pius the fourth 300 Cyrus reedifieth the Temple 4 Custome vpon wine and salte in France 112 Cyprian S. his death 64 D DAgobert instituted a Colledge of faire women 194 Damasus 2. of that name Pope 2●5 Denmarke with his K. conuerted to the faith 121 Danes and Normans do returne into France 156 Darfosa martyred 89 Darius Histaspes endeth the Temple 12 Dauphin sold to the K. of Fr. 129 Decadence and fall of the Pope 259 Decretalls frō whence forged 60 Decretalls examined 61 Decretalls gathered together by Raymond the Monke 352 Decretalls attributed to Lucius 71 Degrees Ecclesiasticall 59 Denis Bishop of Alexandria his death 119 Denis B. of Rome and his Decretalls 68 Denis a Romane Abbot made the great paschall Cicle 173 Denis the woman of great Constantine martyred 116 Deus Dedit or Dorithe Pope 186 Deacon and his signification 14 Didier last K. of Lombards 221 Dydius Iulius Emp. 45 Dydinus a blind man a famous Regent in the Schoole of Alexandria 244 Digna a noble matron in Aquilea cast her selfe headlong into the water 153 Dioclesian caused his feet to bee kissed 76 Dioclesia Max. depose themselues of the Empire 78 D. Saunders 642 Duke Alanson 640 His death 645 Duke of Guise slaine 666 Death of the L. Russell 658 Death of the Q. of Scots 659 Dissention in religion 682 Duke of Parma dieth 680 Death of Sixtus the 5. 674 D. de Maine 676 Death of Ch. Burbon 673 D. of Neuers 685 Dissention amongst the Protestant Princes 627 Death of Amurathe 690 D. Lopez executed 688 Dioclesian dyeth in a rage 79 Diuision of the kingdome of Iudea 3 Diuorce permitted for the long sicknesse of a woman 257 Doctrine Euangelicall receiued at Valence in Dauphine 177 Domitian Emperour 26 Domitian slaine 37 Domitius Nero. 28 Donation of Constantine 89.405 Death of the Duke of Guise 577 Decius Emperour 58 His death 59 Diaconesses 92 Deodatus Pope 199 E EAster ordained on the Sonday 39 To be celebrated in one day in all places Ibid. Ebion an heretike 18 Edmond the last King of the Easterne English men slaine by the Danes 271 Edward the 3. King of England elected Emperour 411 Election of the Pope giuen to Charlemaine 253 Giuen to the people and Cleargy of Rome 256 Vsurped by them the Ro. people 271 To the Popes Elders 5 Election of the Emperours giuen to the Germaine Nation 277 Emperour kisseth the Popes feet 219 Empire Westerne endeth 153 Empire Romane decayeth 141.187 Empire of Constantinople transferred into France 218 Empire diuided betwixt two Emperours 79 Empire of the West diuided 262 Empire in discord 303 England first keepeth the Lent fast 194 Euensong of Sicily 362 Estate of France 619.623 Estates of the lowe Countries 620 Estates of Almaine 692 Euangelists which 14 Euaristus martyred 74 Eucharist called oblation 37 Giuen into the hand of the receiuer 91. carried to such as were nigh dead 80. A booke
Empire Lorraine made lesse Otho 2. Donus 2. Boniface 7. Benet 7. After some 77. Otho 2. Otho the 2. taken by Pyrates The Dukes of Sauoy discended from Saxonie Otho 3. Otho 3. Iohn 16. Iohn 17. Naucler Supp Chron. Platina Gregorie 5. Schisme Iohn 18. A true reward of ambition The beginning of Electors Iohn 18. Inuention for the dead Siluester 2. Apoc. 20.2 Henry 2. After Abb. Vrsp Iohn 19. Henry 2. Iohn 20. Salue Regina Sergius 4. Benet 8. Conrade 2. Schisme 14. This was to get siluer and to maintain Purgatory Iohn 21. The Gamma inuented Benet 9. Henry 3. Henry 3. Siluester 3. Gregorie 6. Clement 2. Sacraments of the Aultar Damasus 2. Leo. 9. For the Pope is ignorant of nothing Victor 2. He calleth married Priest Fornicatiors Henry 4. Stephen 9. Henry 4. Benet 10. Schisme Nicholas 2. The pusillanimitie of Berengarius The words of Berengarius touching the Sacrament Philip. Alexander 2. Homicide committed for the Popedome A Councell At Mantua The determinations of the Councell Gregorie 7. Archpriests Cardinalls The 1000. yeare after the destructiō of Ierusalem Apoc. 20. c. 8. Croisaides against the Turkes The Historie of Hildebrand his Negromancie A Councell at Rome What treason is there that Popes will not excogitate The Host cast into the fire by Gregorie the seuenth The Emperor excommunicated Arrogance diabolicall Sledan reciteth it in his 3. booke of the 4 Monarchies Warres betweene the Emperor and Rodolphe Rodolphe his repentance Egbert of Misue slaine Matilde the Popes harlot named the daughter of S. Peter Troubles on all sides stirred by the Pope Clement 3. Templers Rugular Chanons Grandmont Chartreux The Abbey of Andim Victor 3. The calamities of the ciuil warre of the Almaines Vrbane 2. Councell at Cleremont The euill which comes of Croisadoes against the Turkes Paschall 2. New blasphemies of the 7. kayes Nicholaits after the Pope See 10.6 q. 1. ca. Decimus The disloyaltie of the Emperors sonne Henry 5. Henry 5. 1. Pet. 2. cha Rom. 13.3 Henry 4. Henry 5. Lewis le Gros. Henry 5. The Inuesture of benefices yeelded vnto the Emperour A Councell at Troyes in Campaigne The King of England depriued of his right by an Archbishop Luk. 22.25 Marriage of Priests condemned in England Foure new orders of the crossed The proud answere of a Pope Matilde giueth her goods to the Pope Gelasius 2. Schisme 18. Calixt 2. Resignation of Inuestures Anno. 1122. This decree is attributed vnto Calixtus the first Honorius 2. Arnulphe slaine at Rome Lothaire Innocent 2. Lothaire A new Pelagian Conrade 3. Beginning of euils Celestine 2. Lucius 2. Patrician Conrad 3. Eugenius 3. Touching the doctrine of S. Barnard Frederic 1. Anastasius 4. Adrian 4. Excommunicatiō for temporall goods Arnold Bishop The Pope and his disciples Frederic 1. Iohn de Salisburie a true Doctor A word of cōdemnation commeth frō the Popes owne mouth See the Tenor of the Popes Letters in the Popes liues by R. Barns Naucler The poore men of Lyons Alexander 3 A schisme of 17. yeares A mockerie offered vnto the Emperor Ecco la Fico The 6. king of Ierusalem Sudden death giueth occasion to Waldo Note here the diuersitie of examples Waldo strengtheneth himselfe with places of the Doctors Carmalits Willelmin Monasteries founded Berne The Iewes chased from France Lucius 3. Saladins tenth Vrbane 3. Gregorie 8. Clement 3. Frederic 1. Celestine 3. Henry 6. A Nunne dispensed with to marry Henry 6. For the diuersitie touching this historie see Naucler Innocent 3. Transubstantiatiō is made the 13. article of the Faith A Croisado Innocent 3 Confession instituted Canonizing of Saints reserued to the Pope Diuision of the Empire by the Pope Otho 4. Frederic 2. The death of the Emperour Phillip Frederic 2. Friars Iacobins Carmalits Augustins The wicked disloyaltie of the Pope Almaricus of Chartres Eating of flesh in Lent S. Dominike persecuteth them Honorius 3. A dreame the foundation of Iacobins The Host shut vp Lewis 8. Stigmates of S. Frances Gregorie 9. Decretals gathered together Petrus de Vinea William the Goldsmith Guelphes Gibellines Celestine 4. Innocent 4. Multiplication of Feasts Frederic 1. The fruites of the faction of Guelphes Gibellins Frederic 2. The death of Frederic the second Sarbone instituted Alexand. 4. Augustine Hermits The Empire vacant Ordinances of King Lewis Luk. 14.16 The Popes new souldiers Vrbain 4. The Feast of Transubstantiation The Euensong of Sicilie Chaplet inuented Clement 4. A Legate This was the last Duke of Sanabe Almaine Gregorie 10. Certaine Monkeries defaced Rodolphe Emperor Rodolphe Pride mocked Caliphe of Babilon Insatiable cupiditie punished Innocent 5. Disorders that were in Italie Law for the buriall of Clement the fourth The ordinance touching the shutting vp of Cardinalls Iohn 22. He was called Petrus Hispanus The Venetians molest thē of the Marquesdome of Ancone Nicholas 3. The charge of the Conclaue The kingdom of Sicilie redemanded by the Pope The treason of the Siciliās The Exarchat of Rauenna brought vnder the Pope The Popes pleasures The Pope inriched his Nephew Papal subtilty The Popes death the cause of great good A monstrous Popes bastard Martin 4. Charles S. Lewis his brother who was made Ki. of Sicilie by Clement 4. Peter de Arragon excōmunicated The French slaine all in an houre in Sicilie Martin succeeded in the concubine of his predecossor Egidius de Roma The Pallace of Paris Honorius 4. Pandulphe Senator of Rome Peter of Arragon excōmunicated Venice Ducats The Carmes called the bretheren of the Virgin Marie Nicholas 4. Apoc. 8.9.10 The occasion of the discord betwixt the Venetians Geneuois and Pisans Adolphe Emperor Adolphe Celestine 5. Rome can abide no reformation He was too simple for a Pope Adolphus An ordinance to giue ouer the Popedome The order of Celestines Boniface 8. Intrauit vt vulpes regnauit vt Leo mortuus est vt Canis Albert. Albert. The sixt of Decretalls Phillip king of France excommunicated Alphonsus of Arragon The Friars Vado in pace The first Iubile Fratricelli He raigned as a Lyon Note a deuellish arrogancy He died as a dogge Benet 11. Mat. 23. a. 2. The Chaire of Moyses Iohn 21.2 The right side and left of his kingdome Good sheepheards taken form the sheepfold Psal 81.7 The office of Priests ouerthrowne The Pope opposed against Iesus Christ The wages of the Popes Curriers A comparison of the Pope to Nabuchodonozer Ier. Chap. 1. of the same 12. A true description of the Pope Exhortation to the Kingdome of England The simplicitie of the world Ier. 22.30 Clement 5. The Popes corronation hanselled with dead men An example of Gods punishment Auignon the Papall seate Generall Councell of Vienne Ferrare Henry 7. Henry 7. Templers burnt The Pope cōmandeth the Angels Beghards or Begnins Oathes of Princes Clementius The kindnesse of the Emperour Vniuersitie of Orleance Arnold de Villa Noua a true faithfull man The bookes of Doctor Arnold The Sea of Histories Adulterie punished Schisme in the Empire Iohn 23. Poysoning of