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A17140 Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. Or, the trauels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, iudges, kings, our sauiour Christ, and his Apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Testaments. With a description of the townes and places to which they trauelled, and how many English miles they stood from Ierusalem. Also a short treatise of the weights, monies, and measures mentioned in the Scriptures, reduced to our English valuations, quantitie, and weight. Collected out of the workes of Henry Bunting, and done into English by R.B.; Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. English Bünting, Heinrich, 1545-1606.; R. B., fl. 1619. 1636 (1636) STC 4020; ESTC S106784 396,681 582

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downe the walls destroied the Temple which the Emperor Constantine had built and made havock of al things Presently vpon this the Turkes that came out of Scythia by the Caspian mountains won the city draue thence the Saracens Thus we may see that the Saracens and Turks though they were both of one religion yet for the country of the Iewes fought one against another and compelled the Christians to pay them Tribute for the fourth part of the city wherein the Sepulchre of our Lord stood being againe restored by the Emperor Constantine after the destruction of Caliphas The Christians being weary of this tribute and of the oppression of the Infidels became sutors to Pope Vrban the second of that name for their deliuery who in the yeare 1094 assembled a Councel at Clearemont in France and by the instigation of one Peter the hermit stirred vp the hearts of diuers Christian princes and great Lords to make a croysado so that 10000 braue well mounted souldiers went into the Holy land and for a token of their war bore red crosses vpon their armes In the same yeare there was a great blasing starre seene in the West and after that followed a great plague for the space of two yeares through the world this neuerthelesse hindred them not in their designes but that they went their intended journy won the City of Aelia from the Saracens deliuered the Christians from their bondage and tax and chose Godfrey of Lorrain Earle of Bullion King thereof whom they anointed in the Temple of the holy Sepulchre but hee refused to be crowned with a Crowne of gold saying That it ill beseemed him to be called King of Ierusalem the true King whereof was Christ or to sit crowned with gold in the place where he was crowned with thorns that was the Son of the euer-liuing God and then chose Arnolphus of Rhodes Patriarch In the moneth of October the same yeare a blasing Starre of maruellous bignesse appeared towards the South it seemed to be like a wauing sword foreshewing no doubt the destruction of all those that went about to re-establish this earthly Ierusalem Immediatly after the Feast of the Natiuitie of Christ all the Christians of the East countries vpon Candlemas day came out of Syria but especially out of Antiochia to Ierusalem in the Temple of the holy Sepulchre consecrated their Bishops and Chorasters and with one consent sung Illuminare Ierusalem They tooke also all the Cities Castles and Villages and ouer them set Bishops created foure Principalities one at Ierusalem another at Antiochia a third at Edissa a fourth at Tripoly Also certain Earledomes and Baronies as at Brito Zidon Caesarea Galilee Ioppa and Ascalon All these were appointed to pay tribute to the King of Ierusalem All this was done in the yere of our Lord 1099. No sooner were these newes published to the world but there was an vniuersall croysado through all Christendom for the conquering and winning of the rest of the holy land but before they could get thither they were either slaine by the Grecians and other nations or els died through famin thirst so that in them was fulfilled the prophecie of Zacharias cap. 12.3 where it is said It shall happen that I will make Ierusalem an heauy stone for all people all they that lift it vp shal be torn though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it And verse 9 And in that day I will seeke to destroy all the nations that come against Ierusalem This yeare 1100 died Godfrey King of Ierusalem of a feuer vpon the ●8 day of Iuly when he had reigned scarce a yere and was buried in the temple of mount Calvarie After him succeeded his brother Baldovin the first of that name second King of Ierusalem This man reigned 18 years in Ierusalem and being ouercome by Caliphas Sultan of Egypt after the losse of thirteene thousand Christians he had much adoe to escape with life Within a short time after hee died without issue Baldwin the second succeeded his vncle and was the third king of Ierusalem He began his reign Anno 1118. This man ouercame the Turks and the King of Damascus had issue only one daughter named Milesent whom he maried to the Earle of Angiers and gaue with her the kingdom of Ierusalem and died without heire male in the yeare 1131. Fulco in right of his wife succeeded his father in law was the fourth King of Ierusalem This Fulco was brother to the King of England he reigned 13 years fought many worthy battels against the Turkes put 3000 of their men to the sword tooke many of them prisoners and caried them to Ierusalem After that as hee was hunting the Hare by Acon riding speedily hee fell from his horse and was sorely brused whereof he died and left two sonnes called Baldwin and Almerick Baldwin the third was the fifth King of Ierusalem and succeeded his father He won the city of Ascalon he rebuilt the towne of Boza which had beene destroyed placed there certaine Knights Templers he lost the City of Edissa to the Saracens where many Christians were cruelly slain And hauing reigned 19 yeares he died without issue After him succeeded his brother Almerick as was the sixt king of Ierusalem In the time of this king the Sultan of Egypt gaue a great ouerthrow to the Knights Templers which he seeking to reuenge inuaded Egypt with a great army besieged the great city of Alcaire but to small purpose wherefore returning back to Ierusalem he shortly after died when he had reigned 12 years he left behinde him three children a sonne called Baldwin and two daughters Sibilla and Isabella Baldwin the fourth succeeded his father and was the seuenth king of Ierusalem who abusing his gouernment was struck with leprosie with the contagion of which disease he died miserably in the 25 yere of his age hauing reigned 13 years Baldwin the fift of that name the onely begotten son of his sister Sibil by his consent was chosen his successor a youth of 9 yeares old his fathers name was William Mountferrat earle of March who dying his mother married one Guy Earle of Lusignan to whom Baldwin committed the protection of the kingdome and of his yong kinsman till he came to mans estate But this yong man within 7 years after the death of his vncle died sitting at his table not without suspition of poison Guy his protector by the persuasion of his wife and at the instigation of the Ierosolimits took vpon him the gouernment but Raimond Earle of Tripoli was his great aduersary for that Baldwin 4. for his exceeding pride at the instigation of that Guy had displaced him of all his Offices and titles in the commonwealth These two striuing for the kingdom it hapned that Guy was charged with his kinsmans death vnder which pretence Raimond made war against him During these troubles Saladine Sultan of Egypt taking aduantage of this opportunitie made war vpon them
the inhabitants to death because of their mocks From thence he went to Ophra foure miles where gathering together all the gold which hee had taken from the Midianites he made a rich Ephod Iudg. 8. From Ophra hee went to Sichem where his sonne Abimalech was borne which is 10 miles From thence he returned backe to Ophra which is ten miles and there he died after he had judged Israel 10 yeares So all the trauels of Gedion were 82 miles The Description of the Townes and places to which GEDION trauelled Of Iesreel IEsreel was a faire Citie scituated vpon a hill neere to the flood Kison bordering vpon the Tribe of Isacher 48 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and signifieth the seed of God being deriued from El and Dara the seed of the Almighty God There was another of this name in the tribe of Iuda Ios 15. In times past this was onely the seat and chiefe abiding place of the Kings of Israel For Ahab and Iesabel kept their Court there and Ioram their sonne whom Iehu ouercame and here Iesabel was eaten vp of dogs At this day this faire citie hath in it but thirtie houses and is called by the inhabitants of the holy land Sanatham being scituated at the foot of the mountaine Gilboah Westward in it there is a Watch tower vpon the top whereof you may see through all Galile to Carmel and the mountaines of Phaenicia also to mount Thabor and the mountaines beyond Iordan called Gilead Of this Towne you may reade Ios 17.19 2 Sam. 2. Of Nobach THis was a citie beyond Iordan and stood in the halfe Tribe of Manasses 38 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward In times past it was called Kenah but after Nobach Prince of the halfe Tribe of Manasseh had conquered it he called it Nobach Num. 23. and signifieth a Prophet being deriued of Nabah or Nabach he hath prophesied or cryed out Of Iogbeha THis towne was built by the children of Gad and lies beyond Iordan 34 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward and taketh the name from the height of the place where it standeth being deriued from Gabah which signifieth it excelleth in height Of this you may reade Iudg. 8. Numb 32. Of Karkor KArkor is a citie in the halfe Tribe of Manasseh and is scituated beyond Iordan some forty miles distant from Ierusalem Northeastward and taketh the name from Kir which signifies he hath destroyed or subuerted the walls for here the two Kings Zeba and Zalmuna were taken Saint Ierom saith in his booke de locis Hebraicis That in his time it was a faire Towne The typicall signification of GEDION THis Gedion whose name signifieth to root out destroied and subuerted the enemies of the Iewes so Christ hath destroied the kingdome of Sathan and daily rooteth out all his impious and wicked members which are enemies to his Church The Trauels of Abimalech the sixt Iudge of Israel GEDION being dead Abimalech his sonne went from Ophra to Sichem which is ten miles and there was chosen by the citizens to succeed his father in the gouernment From thence he went backe to Ophra which is ten miles and there put to death his 70 brethren all sonnes of Gedion but by diuers concubins for God permitted Bigamie but did not command it From Ophra he went ten miles into the land of Sichem and there was chosen King about the yeare of the World 2712. From Sichem which was the seat of the kingdome he went to Ophra being ten miles there he iudged Israel three yeares After that hee went the third time backe to the Sichemites which is 10 miles but they breaking promise with him for very madnesse he caused the citie to be destroied and salt to be sowne in the place that so euer after it might become barren accursed and vnhabitable From Sichem hee went with his hoast to Thebets or Tebez which is two miles where he was mortally wounded by a woman that flang a stone vpon him at the siege of that towne wherof he died Iudg. 9. So all the Trauels of Abimelech were 52 miles Of Thebez THis was distant from Sichem two miles Northward and from Ierusalem 38 it tooke the name from Bitzah which signifieth a deepe pond Abimelech tooke his name from an hereditary kingdome or rather because he obtained the kingdome ouer Israel after his father and is as much to say as My father is a King because good Princes differ little from good fathers for Maelaech with the Hebrews signifieth a King Malechah a Queene and Malchech a kingdome So that this name Abimelech properly signifieth a King or one that is a father of his people Of the flight of Iotham which was the brother of Abimelech IOtham signifieth a perfect and swift man being deriued from Iatham that is perfect and swift This man at such time as Abimilech put to death the rest of his brethren to saue his life fled to Mount Carizin where hee propounded the riddle mentioned Iudg. 9. And after from thence he went to Beerah where he hid himselfe from the fury of Abimelech All this was 44 miles Of Mount Gerizim GErizim or Garizim was a mountaine in the kingdome of the Samaritans and extended it selfe in the longitude as farre as Iericho neere to mount Hebal In these two mountains the blessings and the cursings were recited of which more shall be said hereafter and it taketh the name from the felling down of trees being deriued from Garaz which signifieth to cut or to fel down here Christ spoke with the Samaritan Iohn 4. Of Beerah BEerah was a Towne in the Tribe of Iudah ten miles from Ierusalem Westward Neere to this Citie Iudas Machabeus fought a memorable battell against Bacchides and others whom he conquered It taketh the name from a cleere Well being deriued of Beer that is he hath made cleere Of Thola the seuenth Iudge of Israel In the 3 yeare of this mans rule Hercules king of the Argiues famous for his twelue labors began to raign Macrob. lib. 1. THola takes his name from a red worme or purple colour which colour is proper to Princes Hee succeeded Abimelech in the gouernment of the Iewes and began to rule An. mun 2715. and 1253 yeares before Christ His fathers name was Puah of the Tribe of Issacher He dwelt in Samir a citie of Mount Ephraim not far from Iericho twelue miles from Ierusalem towards the North and there he was buried as you may see Iosh 15. Of Iair the eighth Iudge of Israel In the 10 yeare of this Iudge An. mun 2747 and before Christ 1221 Hercules died and Priamus king of Troy began his raigne which he lost fortie yeares after IAir succeeded Thola began his gouerment in the yere of the world 2738 and 1230 yeares before Christ He took his name from the singular worth and noble disposition that was in him This Iair was one of the tribe of Manasseh he was lame of both his feet and was a man of great estimation among the Iewes for
that hee was constrained to leaue the battell 1 Reg. 22. And as he went backe againe to Samaria which was 24 miles he dyed of his wound Of this man you may reade more 1 Reg. 21. 22. So all the Trauels of Ahab were 152 miles The Description of Carmel Apheck and Ramoth you may reade before Of Iesreel IEzreel is a city in the Tribe of Issachar scituated vpon a rising ground some 48 miles from Ierusalem towards the North where Ahab somtimes kept his court Here Noboth the Israelite dwelt an honest and religious man one of good esteeme and authoritie that feared God and would not suffer the inheritance of one Tribe to be transferred to another because God had commanded the contrary Nu. vlt. For which cause he would not sell his vineyard to Ahab wherefore Iezabel that wicked woman to satisfie the Kings desire caused him to be stoned Iezreel signifies The seed of God being deriued of Sera Seed and El the Almighty God Though in former times this hath bin a faire town yet at this day there is not past 30 houses in it and is called Charity standing at the foot of Mount Gilboah they shew at this day the field of Naboth the Iesrelite lying towards the West as you goe into the citie a little before you come at it This towne standeth vpon a faire prospect for you may see from thence through all Galile to Carmel the mountaines of Phoenicia and Mount Thabor also from Mount Gilead by Iordan and Mount Salem where Iohn baptised neere by Mount Hermon vpon the North side of Mount Gilboah there lies a faire and plaine way to the citie Iezreel by which Iehu came when he made wars vpon Iehoram King of Israel of which you may reade more 2 Reg. 9. It stood not far from the riuer Kison as you may reade Ios 17.19 1 Sam. 2. 1 Reg. 4. 18. Of Ahaziah the sonne of Ahab AHaziah was crowned king of Israel during the life of his father a cruell and wicked man he began his raigne in the 17 yeare of Iosaphat king of Iudah Anno mundi 3049 and before Christ 919 about such time as Ahab went downe to Ramoth Gilead to recouer it from the Syrians within a while after the death of his father hee fell through the lattice window in his vpper chamber which was in Samaria of which hurt he died Of this you may reade more 1 King 1. The Trauels of Iehoram King of Israel IEhoram succeeded his brother Ahazia in the kingdome of Israel who began his raigne in the 18 yeare of Iosaphat King of Iudah and as Iosephus saith li. Ant. 9. about the fifth yeare of his raigne went from Samaria to Ierusalem which was 32 miles There he told Iosaphat how the king of Moab had rebelled against him therefore desired him to goe along with him to the war 2 Reg. 3. Then Iehoram and Iosaphat and the King of Edom went from Ierusalem and compassed about through the wildernesse of Idumaea by the space of seuen daies so that they and their army for want of water had almost perished but at the prayers of the Prophet Elisha they were miraculously preserued At length they came to Petra the Metropolitan Citie of the Moabites and is distant from Ierusalem 172 miles which they tooke and consumed it with fire and sword 2 Reg. 3. From the citie of Petra Iehoram King of Israel returned backe to Samaria which was 104 miles where within a while afrer he was so sorely besieged by Benhadad king of Syria that the famine grew very great within the towne insomuch as a certaine woman eate her owne childe 2 Reg. 6. From Samaria he went to Ramoth in Gilead with his armie which is 24 miles where he was ouercome by Asahel King of the Syrians and wounded euen to the death 2 Reg. 8. From the fight of Ramoth Gilead he was carried in his chariot backe to Iezreel which was 24 miles where he lay to be cured of his hurts But Iehu one of his chiefe Captaines rebelled against him and as hee was in his Charriot shot an arrow and wounded him the second time whereof he died in the field of Naboth the Iezrelite 2 Reg. 9. So all the Trauels of Iehoram were 356 miles The Trauels of Iehu King of Israel IEHV signifies A constant man in himselfe and was the sonne of Iosaphat the sonne of Nimschi hee was annointed King of Israel in the castle at Ramoth in Gilead by Elisha Anno mundi 3063 and before Christ 905 hee raigned 28 yeares 2 Reg. 9. From Ramoth in Gilead in his Chariot he went to Iezreel which was 24 miles where in the field of Naboth the Iezrelite he killed Iehoram with an arrow And when he came to the gates of the citie he caused Iezabel to be throwne from a tower whom he trampled vnder his horse feet And after in that same place shee was eaten vp with dogs Then hee sent messengers to Samaria commanding the Samaritans that they should put to death the 70 sonnes of Ahab which they immediately did and sent their heads vnto him in baskets 2 Reg. 10. From Iezreel he went to Samaria which is 16 miles In that journey he caused to be slaine by his ministers the 42 brothers of Ahaziah king of Iuda neere to the well which was beside the house where sheepe was shorne And when he came to Samaria he caused all the posterity of Ahab to be vtterly destroied and rooted out And to conclude the tragedy by a cunning policie put to death all the priests of Baal 2 Reg. 10. So all the trauels of Iehu were 40 miles Of Iehoahas King of Israel IEhoahas was the sonne of Iehu and succeeded his father in the Kingdome of Israel he began his raigne in the 33 yeare of Ioas King of Iudah in the yeare of the World 3091 and before Christ 876 hee raigned ouer Israel 17 yeares God stirred vp against this wicked King Asahel King of the Syrians who with 10000 foot and fiue hundred horse besieged Samaria very strongly put to the sword many of his subjects and got many cities and townes from him as the Prophet Elisha had before told him 2 Reg. 8. 13. The Trauels of Ioas King of Israel IOas succeeded his father Iehoahas and while he was yet liuing was annointed King of Israel in the 37 yeare of Ioas King of Iudah and raigned two yeares with his father after his death 15 so all the raigne of Ioas was 17 yeares This man was a great souldier and went from Samaria with an army against the Citie of Apheck which was 14 miles there he smote the Syrians and in three seuerall battels carried away the victory recouering the Cities which his father Iehoahas had lost according to the prophecie of Elisha 2 Reg. 17. From Apheck he returned to Samaria which was foureteene miles From thence he went with his army to Bethsemes in the land of Iuda where in a sharpe and cruell war he conquered Amasia and tooke him
aliue 2 Reg. 14. which was 32 miles From Bethsemes hee went to Ierusalem and carried the King thereof with him captiue which was 4 miles He woon the citie and broke downe the Walls of it from the gate of Ephraim till you come to the Angle gate foure hundred cubits in length 2 Reg. 14. From the Citie of Ierusalem Ioas the conquerer returned to Samaria with the spoile of the temple and of the Kings house with many captiues and a great prey which was 32 miles where at the end of the seuenteenth yeare of his raigne he died and was buried In this mans time Elisha the Prophet died 2 Reg. 13. 14. So all the trauels of Ioas were 96 miles Of Bethsemes Of this Citie you may reade before The Trauels of Ieroboam the second of that name King of Israel THis Ieroboam succeeded his father Ioas in the Kingdome of Israel and began his raigne Anno mundi 3123 and before Christ 845 which according to the text of the Bible happened about the 15 yeare of Amasia King of Iuda and hee raigned 41 yeares 2 Reg. 14. He kept his court at Samaria where the Prophet Ionas told him that he should recouer not only the townes and cities of the land of Israel that had beene lost but also the cities of Hemeth and Damascus Wherefore he gathered a great army out of the citie of Samaria and went thence vnto Hemeth or Antiochia in Syria which was 248 miles This Citie he conquered and all the countrey thereabout so that he recouered all the ancient Townes and Cities that belonged to Dauid and Saul euen from Hemeth in Syria to Soba in Armenia with all the Cities Townes Castles and Countries neer adjoyning to them 2 Reg. 14. From Hemeth or Antiochia he went to Damascus which is 140 miles This citie he also tooke and all the countrie of Syria round about he made tributary to him 2 Reg. 14. From Damascus he went to the Red sea euen 320 miles and also recouered all the South part which in times past belonged vnto the kingdome of Israel 2 Reg. 14. After this he returned to Samaria his owne countrey which was 192 miles where in the 41 yeare of his raigne he died and was there buried After his death the kingdome of Israel was oppressed with tyranny vntill it was destroied by forreine nations and for the space of 12 yeares there was no King that succeeded him In the raigne of this king a little before his death there hapned an horrible earthquake of which you may reade Amos 1. which without doubt did foreshew some eminent changes that should happen in that kingdome as did afterward Zac. 41. So all the trauels of Ieroboam the second of that name were 900 miles Of Zachariah King of Israel TWelue yeares after the death of Ieroboam Zachariah his son began his raigne in Israel in the 38 yeare of Azaria king of Iuda which was Anno mundi 3975 and before Christ 793 he raigned six moneths and then was miserably slaine by Sallum his friend 2 Reg. 15. Ioseph lib. Antiq. 9. Of Sallum King of Israel SAllum began to raigne after he had slaine Zachariah in the 39 yeare of Azariah King of Iuda and when hee had raigned scarce a moneth he was slaine by Menahem losing his life and kingdome together 2 Reg. 15. The Trauels of Menahem MEnahem was borne in Thirza in the Tribe of Iuda who began to raigne in the same yeare that he slew Sallum hee raigned ten yeares 2 Reg. 10. From Thirza he went to Samaria with his army which was six miles where hauing slaine Sallum his Lord and King he vsurpt vpon the kingdome 2 Reg. 15. From thence he went to Thipsa which is six miles This towne he cruelly destroied with fire and sword and all the townes thereabout because they refused to open their gates vnto him From Thipsa this cruell tyrant went backe again to Samaria 6 miles where he grieuously afflicted the children of Israel tenne yeares Wherefore the Lord being offended with him for his exceeding crueltie stirred vp Phul Belochus King of Assyria who came from Babylon to Samaria beeing 624 miles and put King Menahem to such an exceeding great streight that hee was constrained to buy and procure his peace with * What this was in our money you may read after in the quantity of monies 1000 talents which mony being receiued he suffered him to enioy his kingdom and returned backe vnto Babylon with all his army 2 Reg. 15. So all the trauels of King Menahem were 18 miles Of Thypsa THis was a towne neere to that kingly city Thirza scituated in the tribe of Manasses 24 miles from Ierusalem Northward But because the inhabitants thereof denied to open their gates to this cruell tyrant Menahem therefore he vtterly destroied it euen to the ground Thipsa signifieth The Paschal Lambe or a Passeouer being deriued of Pasach He passed by Of PEKAHIA King of Israel PEkahia reigned two yeares after his fathers death at the end of which term he was slain by Pekah the son of Remalia who succeeded him in the gouernment Ioseph lib. Antiq. 9. saith That this murther was done at a banquet The Trauels of PEKAH King of Israel PEkah the son of Remalia began to reig●● in Samaria Anno mundi 3189 and before Christ 779. in the 52 yeare of Azariah King of Iudah and reigned ouer Israel 20 yeres 2 Reg. 15. 16. From the city of Samaria he went with Resin King of Syria to Ierusalem which was 32 miles and besieged it but could not take it neuerthelesse he ouercame Ahaz King of Iuda in a great battell and put to the sword in one day aboue 12000 souldiers that bare armor In this war were taken 200000 women children and maids all which hee carried Captiues to Samaria 2 Reg. 16. 2 Chr. 28. From Ierusalem hee returned to Samaria with a great bootie which was 32 miles and at the command of Obed the Prophet set at libertie all his captiues After about the end of the 20 yeare of his reign he was slain by Hosea his chiefe captain who succeeded him in the gouernment 2 Reg. 15. So all the trauels of Pekah were 64 miles Of HOSEA the last King of Israel HOsea began to reign in the fourth yere of Ahas king of Iuda Anno mundi 3209 and before Christ 759. He kept Court at Samaria and was a cruell and wicked King Wherefore God stirred vp Salmanasser Emperour of the Assyrians who about the end of the 7 yeare of his reigne came to Samaria and besieged it for the space of 3 yeares at the end of the third yeare with great labor he won it and all the country round about so that he tooke King Hosea prisoner and led him together with a great multitude of the Iewes amongst which were Gabriel and Raphel the friends of Toby the elder thence to Niniveh captiues beeing 652 miles From Niniveh he sent them to a place called Rages in Medea being 752 miles and
his trauels were 120 miles Of Ahaz King of Iudah AHAZ signifies Apprehending or a possessor He began to raigne after the death of his father Iotham about the end of the 17 yere of Pekah King of Israel Anno mundi 3206 before Christ 762. He raigned wickedly 16 yeares 2 Reg. 16. 2 Chr. 28. For hee was a notorious hypocrite who out of a peruerse zeale worshipped many Idols and burnt his sonne in the valley of Gehinnon as an offering vnto Moloch Wherefore he was vnhappy in his gouernment for God stirred vp mighty enemies against him euen Resin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel who wasted and destroied his Kingdome and straightly besieging Ierusalem conquered Ahaz in a great battell and put to the sword 120000 of his men After that Resin returned to Elath and tooke it so that he lost more than his father had gotten Where being strucke into a great feare hy reason of these aduersities hee sent to craue the aid of Tiglasse Phulasser king of the Assirians who at his request sent a great Army from Niniueh to Damascus 520 miles and there ouercame Resin and put him to death and tooke captiue 242000 of the people of Damascus and sent them into Cyren a country of Africa 2 Reg. 16. The Trauels of Ahaz King Ahaz went from Ierusalem to Damascus which was 160 miles to meet Tiglath Phulasser King of the Assirians to rejoyce with him for his happy victory and giue him thanks for his aid and assistance where when he saw the Altar at Damascus to be very glorious he sent for Vrija the chiefe Priest who tooke a patterne thereof and carried it with him to Ierusalem where he made an Altar like vnto it 2 Reg. 16. From Damascus he returned backe againe 160 miles So his trauels were 320 miles But yet Ahaz continued in his peruerse impiety and idolatry without any regard or feare of God therefore he stirred vp other enemies against him viz. the Idumaeans who tooke a great multitude of them captiue and the Philistines who with their Army broke into the South part of the tribe of Iuda and tooke these cities following viz. Bethsemes Aialon Timnath Socho Gederoth and Gimso with their villages These Cities for the most part are mentioned in the precedent treatise except Gederoth and Gimso Gederoth commonly called Gederothaim is distant from Ierusalem eight little miles towards the South-west and stands neere to the castle of Emaus being compassed about with a hedge from whence it seemeth to take the name for Gadar is as much to say as He hath hedged about Gimso was also in the Tribe of Iuda but in what place it is not certainely known Thus king Ahaz all the daies of his life did euill in the sight of the Lord for which God punished him and all the land and in the 16 yeare of his raigne he died and was buried with his fathers in the Citie Dauid The Trauels of Ezekias King of Iuda Ezekias which signifies The Champion of Iehouah was borne when his father was but thirteene yeares of age which made many questions whether he should succeed him as his lawfull heire in his Kingdome because they doubted whether he was lawfully begotten For if you doe obserue the order and course of the yeares and chronologie in the Scripture you shall finde that from the beginning of the thirteenth yeare of the age of Ahaz to the first yeare of the raigne of this King Ezekias make just twenty fiue yeres Ezekias therefore began to raigne after the death of his father Ahaz about the end of the third yeare of Hosea King of Israel 2 Reg. 19. Anno mun 3222 before Christ 746 being then about 25 yeres of age a little before Easter as it appeareth 2 Chron. 29. He gouerned that Kingdome with great commendations 29 yeares The first journey that he tooke was from Ierusalem to Gaza which was 44 miles there he ouercame the Army of the Philistines and recouered all those cities which his father Ahaz had lost according to that in the Prophet Esay cap. 15. 2 Reg. 18. From Gaza hee returned to Ierusalem which was 44 miles there he broke downe the places for idolatry and the brasen Serpent made by Moses in the wildernesse and called it Nehustan a brasen thing that hath nothing in it selfe of a diuine nature and could neither profit nor hurt therefore ought not to be worshipped This brasen serpent was kept in memory of that signe that God shewed vnto the children of Israel in the desart when they were bitten and stung to death by fiery serpents for looking vpon this brasen serpent they were healed But now because of the abuse thereof by the Iewes which turned it into idolatry it was broken to pieces Num. 21. 2 Reg. 18. So all the trauels of Ezechias were 88 miles In the 14 yeare of the raigne of Ezekias and in the 38 of his age Senacharib that mighty Emperour of the Assirians hauing taken many townes and cities in the Holy land would haue also besieged Ierusalem and for that purpose sent from Lachis which was 20 miles distant from Ierusalem Thartan Rabsarim and Rabsacha three mighty Princes Embassadors with a great traine to attend them These men went about the citie to see in what part it was most subject to batterie and might easiest begot so when they came to the conduit of the vpper poole which is by the path of the Fullers field between the Fish gate and the old gate in that place where they might easiliest be heard they called to the King but Eliakim the sonne of Hilkiah which was Hezekias Steward Shebnah the Chancellor and Ioab the sonne of Asaph the Recorder went vpon the wall then Rabsacha vttered blasphemous words against the Lord but Ezekias when hee had heard what the enemie had said called all the Elders of Ierusalem together and sent for Isaiah the sonne of Amos the Prophet and they went into the temple of the Lord and praied Wherefore the Lord heard their prayers and sent his Angel into the Campe of the Assirians and loe in one night there were slaine 185000 men as they lay in their tents before Gibeah which at this time they besieged being distant from Ierusalem some ten miles towards the Southwest This great deliuerance hapned in the yeare of the world 3235 and before Christ 733. About the end of the 38 yeare of the age of Ezekiah he fell into a dangerous disease which so farre forth as could be gathered by all likelihoods was the plague for God doth oftentimes try the patience of his Saints with sundry afflictions but yet at his feruent prayers hee was restored to health and his daies were lengthned 15 yeares at which time the Sunne went backe ten degrees according to the variation of the shadow in the Dyall of Ierusalem 2 Reg. 20. Isa 38. 2 Chron. 32. But at the end of the 15 yeares which was about the 54 yeare of his age he died and was buried with his
fathers The Trauels of Manasses MAnasses or Manasseth signifieth forgetting or he hath forgotten This man was 12 yeares old when hee succeeded his father Ezekiah in the Kingdome of Iudah he began to raigne anno mundi 3251 and before Christ 717. This King was a great Idolater and one that put the Prophets of the Lord to death so that it was wonderfull to see what tyranny mischiefe he wrought in Israel wherefore the Lord stirred vp the Assirians against him who ouercame him in a great battell and tooke him captiue carrying him bound in chaines from Ierusalem to Babylon euen 680 miles But after being humbled by his afflictions he came to a knowledge of himselfe and repented for his former euill humbling himselfe with prayer and fasting vnder the hand of God wherefore the Lord tooke compassion of him and stirred vp the minde of the King of Babylon to mercy so that hee loosed his bands and sent him backe againe to Ierusalem 680 miles From that time forward he left idolatry and worshipped the true God adorned the Temple of the Lord with many faire and beautifull buildings and in the 55 yeare of his age he died and was buried in the Kings garden 1 Reg. 21. 2 Chron. 33. So all the trauels of Manasses were 1360 miles Of Amon King of Iuda AMon signifieth True and faithfull he succeeded his father Manasses when he was but 22 yeares of age anno mundi 3307 before Christ 661. He raigned two yeres and then because of his exceeding idolatry the Lord cast him off when he was about 24 yeres of age neere which time some of his seruants conspired against him and put him to death The Trauels of King Iosiah IOsiah signifies A sacrifice of the Lord he succeeded his father Manasses in the gouernment when he was but 8 yeres of age Anno mundi 3309 hefore Christ 659. He gouerned Israel with great commendations 32 yeares 2 Reg. 22. his mothers name was Iedidah and dwelt in a towne called Bozkath but how farre this Towne stood from Ierusalem it is not set downe by any Author This good King went from Ierusalem to Bethel which was 8 miles there he burnt vpon the Altar which Ieroboam built the bones of the Priests of Baal as the man of God that came from Iuda had told Ieroboam 350 yeres before 1 Reg. 13. 2 Chr. 23. From Bethel he returned backe again to Ierusalem which was 8 miles there he celebrated the Passeouer with a solemne feast and great attendance 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chr. 35. In the last yeare of his raigne he went with his army from Ierusalem to Megiddo which was 44 miles against Pharaoh Necho K. of Aegypt in which battell he was slaine with an arrow about the 39 yeare of his age 2 Chron. 35. From Megiddo his body was carried in a chariot backe again to Ierusalem which was 44 miles and there with great lamentations honourably buried 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chr. 35. So all his trauels were 104 miles The Trauels of Iehoahas King of Iudah IEhoahas signifies The knowledge of God he succeeded his father Iosiah in the 23 yeare of his age Anno mundi 3340 which was 628 yeares before Christ and raigned onely three moneths 2 Reg. 24. 2 Chron. 36. Ieremy cap. 22. calleth this man Schallum that is A recompence He went from Ierusalem to Riblah a city in the tribe of Nepthaly which is accounted 80 miles where he was taken prisoner by Pharaoh Necho 2 Reg. 23. From Riblah Pharaoh Necho led him captiue bound in chaines backe again to Ierusalem which was 80 miles and there appointed Iehoiakim his elder brother to raigne in his place 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chron. 36. From Ierusalem he carried Iehoahas to Memphis the Metropolitan citie of Aegypt which was 244 miles 2 Reg. 23. So all the Trauels of Iehoahas were 404 miles Of Iehoiakim King of Iuda IEhoiakim was the eldest sonne of Iosiah that good King and succeeded his brother Iehoahas in the Kingdome Anno mundi 3341 before Christ 627 he gouerned Iudah 11 yeares Pharaoh Necho made him King when he was 25 yeares of age to whom he was constrained to pay 100 talents of * What this is in our money you may reade after in the quantitie of moneys siluer and a talent of gold This money being payed he obtained the Kingdome and continued in great impiety and idolatry for which cause he was sharply reprehended by Ieremiah the Prophet but he being offended at his words sought to put him to death wherefore the Lord stirred vp Nebuchadnezzar the second of that name Emperour of the Assirians and Babylonians who in the 11 yeare of this Kings raigne came to Ierusalem and took him captiue tyed him in two chaines and would haue carried him to Babylon but his minde changed wherefore hee caused him to be put to death and cast out into the fields of Ierusalem for a prey to wilde beasts Ier. 22. 2 Reg. 23. Of Iehoiachin King of Iudah IEhoiachin signifies the preparation of Iehouah This man succeeded his brother Iehoiakim and began his raigne about the end of the 3351 yere of the world and raigned only 3 moneths and 10 daies which was about the 8 yeare of Nabuchodonesor the great at which time he was led captiue from Ierusalem to Babylon together with Mordochae and many other Nobles which was 680 miles This captiuitie hapned 617 yeares before Christ 2 Reg. 24. 2 Chron. 36. Ester 2. Ier. 52. The Trauels of Zedekiah the last King of Iudah AFter Iehoiachin succeeded Zedekiah which signifies The just man of God This was the sonne of that good King Iosiah yet an impious tyrant who by the permission of Nabuchadonezar the great was suffered to be King of Iudah after his brother when he was 21 yeares of age He began to raigne about the beginning of the 3352 yeare of the World and before Christ 616 he gouerned tyrannically 11 yeares 2 Reg. 24. In the 11 yere of this king Ierusalem was taken by Nabuchadonezar the great Emperour of the Babylonians wherefore Zedekiah to escape the brunt of war fled from Ierusalem with all possible speed to Iericho which was 12 miles Ier. 39.52 From the plaine neere the citie of Iericho where he was ouercome by the Princes of the Chaldeans he was led to Riblah to Nebuchadonezar which was 68 miles From Riblah after the Emperour Nabuchadonezar had caused all his children to be put to death before his face and had put out both his eyes he led him captiue to Babylon which was 600 miles where he died miserable 2 Reg. 25. So all the Trauels of Zedekiah King of Iudah were 680 miles Of the destruction of Ierusalem by Nabuchadonezar In the ninth yeare of this Zedekiah which was the last King of Iudah Nabuchadonezar began to besiege Ierusalem it being then Winter anno mundi 3860 vpon the tenth day of the tenth moneth Tebeth which answereth to the 27 day of December which day the Iewes till now obserued as a fasting
of the Assyrians ioyning his army with Pekah son of Remalia King of Israel had streightly besiege Ierusalem Ahas was constrained to craue aid of this Tiglath Phulasser sent him great presents which he accepted kindly brought his arm from Niniveh to Damascus 520 miles where he put Resin and the whole city to the sword 2 Reg. 16. From Damascus he came with his army into the land of Israel which was 120 miles where he ouercame Pekah in a great battell conquered all the land of Gilead and the tribe of Nepthaly and put a great multitude of the Israelites into perpetuall exile 2 Reg. 15. From thence he went backe to Niniueh 640 miles A little after this King Tiglath Philasser went from Ninive to Ierusalem 680 miles where hee so streitly besieged that wicked King Ahas that he was constrained to giue him great abundance of gold and siluer to raise his siege and be gon 2 Chr. 28. From Ierusalem he returned back to Ninive being 680 miles So all his trauels were 6640 miles OF the city Niniveh you may reade after in the trauels of Ionas the Prophet Of Kyr which is commonly called Cyrene KYr or Cyrene is scituated in Africa 816 miles from Ierusalem Westward In which country Simon that bore the crosse of Christ was borne Mat. 27. Luke 23. It signifies in Hebrew A strong wall and in Latine a Heart The Trauels of King SALMANASSER SAlmanasser signifieth The Assyrian Peace-maker This man Ptolomaeus that excellent Mathematician calleth Nabonassarus that is the Prophet of the Assyrians He began to reign vpon the 26 of February An. mundi 3221 before Christ 747 and reigned ten yeares or thereabout This man went with his army from Ninive to Samaria being 652 miles where hee compelled Hosea the last King of Israel to pay him tribute 2 Reg. 16. From thence he returned backe again with his army to Niniveh 652 miles After when Hosea K. of Israel conspiring with So K. of Egypt denied to pay him tribute hee returned backe againe the second time to Samaria which was 652 miles and after 3 yeres siege he tooke and destroied it with fire and sword and conquered all the country round about From Samaria he returned back again to Niniveh 652 miles So all the trauels of Salmanasser King of the Assyrians were 2608 miles The Trauels of SENACHARIB King of the Assyrians SEnacharib as Melancthon expounds it signifieth a two edged Sword He succeeded his father Salmanasser Ann. M. 3231. before Christ 737. He reigned 7 years This man imitating his father endeauored to cary away the rest of Gods people into captiuitie for which purpose he brought an army from Niniveh to Lachis which was 700 miles which town he besieged sent his Princes to Ieresalem beeing 20 miles where hee blasphemed the Lord of which you may reade more in the historie of King Hezekiah From Lachis hee went to Libnah 8 miles This was a strong Hold but he besieged it so narrowly that within a while after he had begun the siege he tooke it While he was before this town there came newes That Taracha a King of the Ethiopians had inuaded his country Wherefore he sent the second time messengers to Ierusalem But the Lord was offended with their blasphemie wherefore hee sent his Angell who in one night destroyed 185000 of his army This sudden and vnexpected euill falling upon him in a great feare he returned to Niniveh 692 miles where he was slain by his sons in the Temple The same of these things was so divulged abroad that Herodotus lib. 2. makes mention of them So these three journies make 1400 miles Of Lachis and Libnah you may reade before Of Assarhaddon King of the Assyrians ASsarhaddon his father Senacharib being slaine succeeded in the gouernment An. mundi 3238 which agreeth with the 730 yeare before Christ and reigned ten yeares in Niniveh the chiefe city of the Assyrians Here again the mutation change of Kingdoms may be obserued for Merodach a Chaldaean rebelling against Senacharib continued his gouernment in Babylon 11 yeares that is during a part of the reign of Senacharib and all the reign of Assarhaddon his son in which time he conquered the Assyrians and made them subiect to the empire of the Babylonians Of Merodach the first Emperor of the Babylonians MErodach signifieth A bitter repentance He was the sonne of Baladan Prince of Babylon who ruled at such time as Senacharib had that grieuous ouerthrow in Iudah Wherefore taking aduantage of the time and the necessitie of that Prince he rebelled against him and his son Assarhaddon taking vpon him the absolute command of the city and whole Empire The beginning of whose reign hapned in the yeare of the world 3236 and before Christ 732. This Merodach sent to Ierusalem wise and learned men with gifts and presents to King Ezekiah iust in that yeare when the Sun went backe ten degrees to know the truth of this miracle For it was a custome amongst the Nations round about Ierusalem if any thing hapned beyond the expectation of man to send thither to enquire the truth thereof Such and so wise a people were the Iewes esteemed in those times as may appeare by diuers places in holy Scripture In the beginning of the 12 yeare of this King Assarhaddon Emperor of the Assyrians died after whose death he became Emperor of all Assyria Chaldea He began to reign ouer that spatious kingdome An. mundi 3247 before Christ 721. and reigned after that 40 yeares Of Ben-Merodach Emperor of Babylon BEn-Merodach that is the son of Merodach succeeded his father An. M. 3287. before Christ 681. He reigned 21 yeares Of Nebuchadnezar first of that name Emperor of Babylon NEbuchadonesar or Nebuchadnesar signifieth A Divine Iudge He was the most potent king of all the Babylonians This man obtained the chiefe command ouer the Babylonian Empire An. M. 3309 before Christ 659. He reigned 35 yeares and held his Court somtime in Babylon sometimes in Niniveh Iud. 1. He made war with Pharaoh Necho King of Egypt of which battell you may reade 2 Reg. 25. 2 Chr. 35. in the vally of Megiddo where Iosias was slain Herod lib. 2. doth also make mention of this battell and calls the place by the name of Magdalum Of which Ieremy also speaketh But they were towns in the tribe of Manasses scituated neere to the plaine where this battell was fought in which country Mary Magdalen was borne The Trauels of Nebuchadnezar the second of that name Emperor of Babylon NEbuchadnesar or Nebuchadonesar the Great which Ptolomaeus calleth Nebupollasser about the end of the third yeare of Ioachim King of Iudah being a little before created Emperour his father yet liuing came vnto Ierusalem which hee besieged so streightly that hee constrained Ioachim to pay him Tribute for thirty seuen yeares Berosus saith Lib. 3. A little after that is Anno mundi 3344. before Christ 624 hee was sent against the Syrians Phoeniceans Egyptians that rebelled So
in that country peopled many towns cities with them so that there were many of the Israelites led into captiuitie aboue 1396 miles for so many miles is Rages and the Cities of the Medes from Ierusalem Northeastward This captiuitie of the ten Tribes hapned An. mundi 3227 and before Christ 741. OF the cities of Rages and Niniveh you may reade in the trauels of Toby and the Angell Gabriel The Trauels of the People which SALMANASSER Emperour of the Assyrians sent to dwell in the Land of Israel SALMANASSER after hee had carried the Children of Israel away captiue into Assyria sent as it is said part of them into Media and part of them into Persia and so dispersed them here and there about the Countrey But because the Land of Israel by reason of this captiuitie became desolate and without inhabitants therefore he caused those people which dwelt about the riuer Cutha in Persia to go thence and dwell in Samaria and in all the countrey round about to till the land and dresse the Vines least some other people that were strangers to his gouernment should vsurp vpon that kingdom it being thus without inhabitants Ios li. Ant. 9. You may reade of this also 2 Reg. 7. In whose place and neere to the said riuer of Cutha a multitude of Iewes with great shame and griefe were constrained to dwel He also gathered a great multitude of other people out of Babylon Hamath or Antiochia some out of his own dominions of Assyria also out of Medea and the people of Ava and Sepharuaijm which people are mentioned Esay 37. and sent them to inhabit in Samaria and all the cities and countries round about because it was a fertile and pleasant country and to defend it against the incursions of strangers From whence may be gathered that in this behalfe the policy of this Emperor was much greater that of the Romans for the retaining of this kingdome but especially than that of Titus Vespasian for hee hauing conquered the land wasted it and destroyed it with fire and sword put thence the inhabitants and dispersed them heere and there left the countrey bare and naked onely a few Garrisons were placed in the strongest cities to keepe it to their vse Which not beeing able enough to oppose the incursions of the Saracens that in great Troupes brake out of the Desarts of Arabia Petraea they soone lost all that they had gotten and the Turks ioining with them they haue now gained into their possession that pleasant and fruitfull Land of Iudaea and inhabit therein euen to this day to the great detriment and scandall of the Christians But to return to the people sent to inhabit this kingdom who as they were of diuers Nations so were they of diuers religions and euery Family had his particular god Wherefore the Lord sent a multitude of Lions among them which daily vexed them from whence it hapned that Salmanasser was constrained to send backe vnto them a Levite one of the Priests that had bin caried away captiue to shew them the true worship of God He came to Bethel and there taught them the doctrine of the Lord and the customes and ceremonies of the Mosaical Law whereby it hapned that they began to worship God and their idols in neither obseruing their antient custome For which cause they became so abominable vnto the Iewes that they refused their companie and familiaritie as that Samaritan woman confessed to Christ at Iacobs Well Ioh. 4. so that when the Iewes could call a man by any ignominious or odious name they would term him a Samaritan Ioh. 8. Do we not say rightly that thou art a Samaritane and hast a Diuell But of all the people which Salmanasser sent into the Holy land those that came out of the East part of Persia from Cutha called Cutheis dwelt in Samaria and got the chief command and gouernment ouer the rest The Trauels of the Kings of Syria that made warre vpon the Kings of Israel And first of the Trauels or incursions of BENHADAD BEnhadad King of Syria went from Damascus the chiefe city of his kingdome and came to Samaria and streightly besieged it in the time of Ahab King of Israel 1 Reg. 20. being 132 miles From thence being ouercome and put to flight by Ahab he returned backe againe to Damascus which was 132 miles The second time he came from thence and inuaded the land of Israel euen vnto the city of Apheck 124 miles which hee besieged But Ahab King of Israel ouercame him in a great battell and put 100000 Syrians to the sword and when the rest of the multitude would haue fled into the city the ruines of a wall fell vpon them so that there died 27000. This put King Benhadad into such a feare that hee was constrained to fly from one chamber to another to hide himselfe but at lost was taken and not without the great wrath and indignation of God by that wicked king Ahab pardoned and set at liberty 2 Reg. 20. Wherefore he went thence backe vnto Damascus which was 124 miles Within three years after he brought a great army against Ramoth in Gilead which is 104 miles from Damascus South-eastward Here he won of Ahab a great battell in which Ahab was slain with an arrow 1 Reg. 22. From thence he returned back to Damascus which was about 104 miles After that he came again from Damascus into the land of Israel with a great army 120 miles where he counselled with his Captains and men of war saying Here and there will we incamp our selues But the Prophet Elisha discouered their purposes 2 Reg. 6. Out of the land of Israel he returned to Damascus which was 120 miles From thence he returned again with his army to Samaria being 132 miles which the second time he besieged so straightly that an asses head was worth 80 pieces of siluer But yet the Lord at the feruent prayers of Elizeus the Prophet strook such a feare and anguish among the enemies that Benhadad and his army were constrained to fly 2 Reg. 6. Being sore troubled because he was thus put to flight he went to Damascus which was 132 miles and there within a while after died of grief 2 Reg. 9. So all the trauels of King Benhadad were 1224 miles The Trauels of the Captaines which Benhadad King of Syria sent to waste and destroy the land of Baesa King of Israel THis army went from Damascus and came to the towne of Hion 72 miles From thence they went to Dan which is 4 miles From Dan they went to the city of Abel-Bethmaacha twelue miles From thence they went to the land of Chineroth which was accounted 8 miles there they tooke certain cities of fruit and spoiled and destroyed them From Chineroth in the tribe of Nepthali when they had cruelly wasted destroyed that country they returned with a great booty to Damascus being 88 miles 1 Reg. 15. So all their Trauels were 184 miles ¶ The Description of
Ierusalem Southward and fell by lot vnto the tribe of Iuda This tower was as it were a bulwark for the city of Ierusalem stood in the way as you go thence to Bethlem and so to Gaza Of Zareah THis was a city in the tribe of Iuda eight miles from Ierusalem toward the West which Rehoboam did also repaire and fortifie 2 Chr. 11. There was another city of this name scituated vpon the border of the tribes of Iuda and Dan 18 miles from Ierusalem Westward of which you may reade in the trauels of Sampson Of Adoraijm ADoraijm or Adarah was a city in the tribe of Iuda 44 miles from Ierusalem Southwestward which Rehoboam the son of Solomon also fortified 2 Chr. 11. It is scituated vpon the borders of Iudah and Arabia Petraea betweene Cades and Casmona It signifies a glorious City being deriued of Adar he was glorious The Trauels of King Abia. ABijah or Abia signifies The Father of the sea Hee began to reign in the 18 yeare of Ieroboam his Aduersary An. mundi 2988 before Christ 980 and reigned ouer Israel 3 yeres 1 Reg. 15. 2 Chr. 17. He went from Ierusalem to the mount Zemeraim 8 miles After that hee went to Bethel and conquered all the countrey from thence to Ephron which was 36 miles From Ephron hee returned to Ierusalem 44 miles there hee tooke vnto him 14 wiues and begat 20 sonnes and 16 daughters 2 Chron. 13. The Trauels of ASA King of Iudah ASa signifies a Physitian He began to reigne about the end of the 21 yeare of Ieroboam King of Israel An. mundi 2990. before Christ 978. He gouerned Iudah with great commendations 41 yeares He went from Ierusalem to Maresa 16 miles where in the valley of Zephatha hee ouercame the Ethiopians in a memorable battell 2 Chr. 14. From thence he pursued the Ethiopians to Gerar being 22 miles and recouered many cities which the Ethiopians dwelt in 2 Chr. ca. 14. From Gerar he went to Ierusalem which was 32 miles and offered to the Lord of the spoiles that hee had taken 700 Oxen and 7000 sheepe 2 Chr. 15. These trauels of King Asa make 70 miles The journey and expedition of Saerah King of Aethiopia whom Asa King of Iudah ouercame in the valley of Zephatha SAerah or Saerach signifieth A noble and puissant Lord. This was a mighty and warlike Prince who gouerned Lybia and Aethiopia the King of which countrey at this day wee call Presbyter Iohn or rather Petro Iohannes who holdeth his Court in a faire and goodly city called Hamarich the Metropolitan of all Aethiopia and extendeth his gouernment beyond Meroes in Affrica Many though ignorantly suppose he is a Priest because he is called Presbyter though indeed he is not so but rather a puissant and mighty Emperor But to return to Saerah or Saerach who in hope to extend his Empire into these parts went with a great army out of Ethiopia to the valley of Zephatha in Iuda to fight with Asa King of Iudah 1200 miles but lost the day and returned with great shame 2 Chr. 15. It seemeth that this King was the mightiest of all his predecessors and a Prince of no vulgar estimation because of the multitude and great aboundance of soldiers which he brought in his army for it is reported that there were 1000000 that bore armor and 300 chariots but this great army was dispersed and most of them died miserably as did that great army of Xerxes which consisted of 1700000. From whence it may be concluded That it is not the strength of man which deliuereth him but the Lord. The Trauels of IEHOSAPHAT King of Iudah IEhosaphat signifies The Iudge of the Lord. He began his reign in the fourth yeare of Ahab 1 Reg. 22. The greatest part therfore of the first yeare of this King hapned in the yeare of the world 3033 and before Christ 935. Hee reigned ouer Israel 25 yeares that is from the 35 of his age till the 60. In the 7 yeare of his reigne hee went from Ierusalem to Samaria which was 32 miles to visit his kinsman Ahab King of Israel for Ioram his son some ten yeares before had maried Athaliah King Ahabs Sister 2 Reg. 8. From Samaria hee went with Ahab to the war at Ramoth in Gilead which was 24 miles where Ahab was slaine 2 Reg. 22. 2 Chr. 18. From Ramoth he went safe from the wars to Ierusalem which was 48 miles From Ierusalem hee went to the city of Beersaba the vtmost bounds of his kingdome towards the South to instruct his people in the Law of the Lord which was 42 miles from Ierusalem Southward From Beersaba passing through all his kingdome hee came to Mount Ephraim which was 48 miles and the vtmost bounds of his kingdome Northward beeing some 8 miles from Ierusalem 2 Chr. 19. From Mount Ephraim he went to Ierusalem which was eight miles Thus Iehosaphat went through al his dominions to instruct his subjects in pietie and the true worship of God In euery Citie ordaining Iudges and Gouernours Magistrates Procurators and Assessors committing to their discretion the deciding of all controuersies saying to them Take heed what you doe for the office which you haue taken vpon you is not humane but Diuine and as you iudge so shall you bee iudged for the Lord is with you in iudgement Wherefore doe all things with diligence and in the feare of the Lord for with the Lord there is no iniquitie nor respect of persons neither taketh he any bribes And he himselfe remained chiefe Iudge in Ierusalem to whom any might appeale from the inferior Iudges that so there might be a iust end of controuersies 2 Chr. 16. Afterward Iehosaphat went forth with his army to Tecoa sixe miles from Ierusalem where by feruent prayers the sounding of trumpets and other musical instruments he obtained a memorable battell against the Moabites Ammonites and Idumaeans for the Lord turned the weapons of them one against another and they wounded one another to the death This fight happened in a faire vally between Tecoa and Engedi So Iehosaphat pursued the enemy for three daies with great slaughter and returned with a mighty spoile This was called the valley of Blessing because of this great victorie at Tecoa and began 8 miles from Ierusalem Southeastward and extended it selfe to the tower of Engedi neer to the banke of the red sea 20 miles From Engedi out of the valley of Blessing Iehosaphat and his army returned to Ierusalem 20 miles and went into the Temple with shalmes harpes timbrels and great joy thankfully acknowledging Gods mercifull fauor toward him in giuing him so great a victorie 2 Chr. 20. But as there is nothing in this life that can be said permanent so likewise the felicitie of Iehosaphat changed on a sudden the froward and aduerse frowne of aduersitie seising vpon his prosperitie for ioyning with that wicked and impious King of Israel Ahaziah vpon condition to build a certain navy of ships at Ezeongaber to
the sinnes of the world Ioh. 1. So these trauels were 140 miles The Trauels of our Sauior Christ in the first yeare of his Ministery which was the 31 of his age BVt yet our Sauiour Christ began not to preach publiquely because it was not lawfull for any to be admitted into the Ministerie of the Word vntill they were past thirty yeres of age Now our Sauior Christ in the moneths of Ianuary and February being then past thirty for he was full thirty vpon the 25 day of December began to preach publiquely but yet hee had no disciples neither had he wrought any miracles In the month of March Iohn Baptist testified of Christ before the Priests Levits and within two daies after Christ being then present Iohn said Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world c. Within a while after Christ went thence towards Cana in Galile in which journy he took vnto him some disciples namely Andrew and Iohn the Evangelist and as some thinke Peter Philip and Nathaniel neere to the town of Bethel where the Patriarch Iacob saw a ladder reaching from earth to heauen for Christ maketh mention of that vision in this journey which was 32 miles Ioh. 2. where hee graced the marriage with a notable mircle turning six pots of water containing 168 gallons and three quarts or thereabouts into wine Ioh. 2. After he went thence with his mother and his disciples to Capernaum 20 miles but he stayed there but a while for the passeouer of the Iewes was at hand Ioh. 2. In the beginning of Aprill Christ went from Capernaum to Ierusalem to the feast of the Passeouer which was 56 miles and there cast out of the Temple the money-changers and those that sold sheepe and oxen and doues in it This was done about 46 yeares after Herod Ascalonita King of the Iewes had rebuilded and beautified the Temple of which you may read in Iosep li. Ant. 15. cap. 14. Ioh. 2. This first Passeouer of the Ministery of our Sauiour Christ The first Passouer of the Ministerie of Christ of which you may reade Iohn cap. 2. was celebrated vpon the sixth day of Aprill and continued vntill the thirteenth day of the same moneth During which time our Sauiour Christ did many Miracles insomuch that many beleeued in his name and amongst the rest Nicodemus who came to him by night and reasoned with him concerning the kingdome of God Nicodemus signifies the Victorie of the people Ioh. 3. At this time he continued in Ierusalem till the moneth of October and there celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles and preached the acceptable yeare of the Lord Esay 61. The feast of Tabernacles being ended Iesus with his disciples came into Iudea that is hee went from Ierusalem and began to teach in Iudea and his Disciples baptised Ioh. 3.4 Iohn also baptised at this time vpon the borders of Galile neer Iudea 42 miles from Ierusalem Northward vpon the East side of the riuer Iordan for hee was not yet cast into prison Therefore Christ chose him a place to teach and baptise in vpon the riuer of Iordan neere Iohn that they might meet and conuerse together A little after the question was moued concerning Purification and Iohn began to preach of Christ and that he was the Son of God and Spouse of the Church In this Sermon Iohn in many places called himselfe the Friend of the Spouse From whence it is euident That Christ and Iohn in the moneth of Nouember did often meet and conuerse together In the moneth of December Christ being assured of the captiuitie of Iohn the Baptist Mat. 4. Mark 1. and of the persecution and fallacies of the Pharisees Iohn 4. went from Iordan and returned into Galilee by the prouince and countrey of Samaria in which countrey he came to Iacobs Well which stood close by Sichar in former times called Sichem about some 10 miles from Iordan towards the West in which place he spake with the Samaritan woman this happened some foure months before Haruest and after went into Sichar and continued there for the space of two dayes and after returning into Galile was very acceptably entertained of the Galileans because they formerly hauing seene his miracles done at Ierusalem were ioyfull to see him there When he had trauelled from Sichar to Cana a city in Galile the lower which was 32 miles where he had changed water into wine there was a certain Ruler came vnto him whose sonne lay sicke at Capernaum 20 miles distant and besought him to heale his son our Sauiour told him that his son was made whole so he beleeued and his son was made whole the same houre This was the second miracle that our Sauior Christ did Io. 4. It is thought that this rulers name was Chuza of whom there is mention Luk. 8 and was Herods Procurator whose wiues name was Iohanna which signifieth Gratious This woman ministred of all her substance vnto Christ Ioh. 4. So these Trauels were 192 miles ¶ Of the Townes and places to which he trauelled Of Canain Galile THis was a city of the lower Galile where our blessed Sauior Christ turned water into wine being distant from Ierusalem 68 miles Northward The place where our Sauior wrought this miracle is to be seen at this day but it is within the ground and you must descend by certain steps before you can come at it because as it seemes there haue bin many churches and buildings set vpon it which being sundry times ouerthrown the ruins therof haue raised the earth in such sort that the antient place is as it were hidden laid vnder the earth as is also the place of the Annuntiation of the natiuity of our Sauior Christ and many other where hee wrought miracles to which they doe descend downe vnder the earth by steps Vpon the North side of this towne stood a round hill and vpon the South a goodly plaine beeing called Cana in Galile to put distinction between it and another towne called after the same name which stood vpon the borders of Tyrus and Sidon in the Tribe of Aser in which the Canaanitish woman or Syroph oenicean dwelt which besought Christ to heal her daughter who was possessed of a diuel Mat. 15. Mark 7. which was called Canah the greater as this was called Canah the lesse and was distant each from other 44 miles Canah was so called because round about it grew Reeds and there were many moorish and waterish grounds wherof the town tooke the name For Canah signifies a Reed which is a fit type of the Church for as our Sauior Christ at this town which stood in a moorish and reedy place graced the marriage with an extraordinarie miracle so likewise will he grace the marriage of his Church though troubled with miseries and afflictions in this world tossed to and fro like a wauering reed with the glorious presence of his gratious countenance and in the world to come crowne it with eternall
in carts Thus God turneth the aire and the earth to the confusion of those that persecute his Church Of Pergamus THis was another of the townes whereto Iohn wrot his Reuelation It was a famous city and metropolitan of Mysia scituated in Asia minor 228 miles from Ierusalem Northwestward It stood vpon a high rock close by the riuer Caicus from whence it was called Pergamus For in antient times all famous and notable places were called amongst the Graecians Pergama as Suidas and Servius obserueth Strabo lib. 13. saith That in the time of Lysimachus the sonne of Agathocles who was one of the successours of Alexander the Great it was but a castle in which place because of the strength of it he vsually kept all his treasures and those things that were of account and committed the custody of it vnto one named Philetaerus an Eunuch of Tyanus But this man being accused to Lysimachus That he would haue forced his wife Arsinoës for feare of some future punishment because of that offence moued the inhabitants of that Hold to rebellion At the same time also there happened many commotions in Asia whereby Lysimachus was constrained to leaue this and make opposition against Seleucus Nicanor who had inuaded his dominions But in this war Lysimachus was slaine And Philetaerus hauing in his possession great riches that hee might enioy what hee had was alwayes obseruant to him that gat the victorie by which meanes he kept himselfe and his riches for the space of 20 yeares in that castle and then dyed and left all his wealth to Eumenes his brothers sonne who inlarged his gouernment and ouercame Antiochus the sonne of Seleucus This man after hee had raigned 32 yeares dyed and Attalus his sonne succeeded him in the Gouerment who hauing conquered Galatia made a league with the Romans and by them was first called by the name of a King After him succeeded his son Eumenes the second of that name who aided the Romanes against Antiochus magnus King of Syria for which seruice the Romans gaue him all the dominions that Antiochus had on this side the Alps. This man was the first that enlarged the castle of Pergamus and made it a goodly city planting round about it a thick wood or grove and called it Nicephorus And after he had reigned 49 yeares he died and left his kingdom to his son Attalus called Philometor This Attalus after hee had done many notable exploits died without issue when hee had reigned 5 yeares and left his kingdome to the Romans who turned it into a prouince There liued in this town many learned men as Galen the Physitian who was famous in the time of Trajan the Emperor and as the fame went liued 140 yeares Of that town also was Apolodorus the Rhetoritian who was schoole-master to Augustus Caesar of which man the Apollodorean sect tooke name and Dionysius Atticus his scholer Here Antipas was crowned with the Wreath of martyrdome To the Bishop of this Towne Iohn wrot his Reuelation and in the second Chapter thereof sharpely reprehendeth him because he bore with the sect of the Nicholaitans which although it lasted not long yet it was very dangerous Eusebius saith That Nicholaus one of the seuen Deacons for the poore at Antiochia of whom you may reade Act. cap. 6. was the first author of this sect yet Clem. Alexand. cleares him of it laying that offence rather on certaine idle persons that misconstruing his words being giuen ouer to vile affections couered their euils vnder his name calling themselues Nicolaits though indeed he had no hand in it but liued and died honestly The opinion that this Sect held as Euseb saith li. 3. ca. 23. and Irenaeus libr. 1. Chap. 27. was That women were to be common That it was lawful to eat meat offered to Idols That fornication and Adultery was no sin beside many other wicked and peruerse opinions concerning the Deity which would be too tedious to recite in this place You may read more of it in Eusebius and Tertullian Of Thyatira THis was the fourth church to which Iohn wrot his Reuelation it was scituated close by the riuer Caicus vpon the borders of Mysia and Lydia 600 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward It was a very faire city in Asia minor yet subiect to the Lydians In this country Lidda was born that dwelt at Philippa and gaue entertainment to Paul and Sylas Acts 16. Philippa was distant from this town 400 miles It was at first called according to the testimony of Stephen Pelopea and Semiramis But after Seleucus Nicanor K. of Syria making war vpon Lysimachus king of Thrace comming to this towne had newes that his wife had bore him a daughter in honor whereof he would needs haue the town called Thugateira which in Greeke signifies a daughter but Thyatira Diuine reuerence Of Sardis TO this city also S. Iohn wrot his Reuelation It was a famous and princely seat scituated in Asia not farre from the mountaine Tmolus where Croesus King of the Lydians kept his court being 536 miles from Ierusalem towards the Northwest It was so called without doubt of Sardus the sonne of Hercules which maketh Sardis in the plural number Of this Towne were those two Diodories which were Oratours The younger of them did write Histories and Poems and was one of Strabo's great friends Close by this Towne is found a precious stone which after the townes name is called Sardis it is of a fleshly colour and therefore is commonly called Carnalia of which you may reade more in Pliny lib 37. cap. 4. Of Philadelphia SAint Iohn also wrote his Reuelation to this city It was scituated in Mysia a countrie in Asia Minor being 450 miles from Ierusalem towards the Northwest This city is so often troubled with Earthquakes that the inhabitants are many times constrained to dwell in the open fields Vpon the East side thereof lies a dry and barren country which seemeth to be burnt and scorcht with heat being 60 miles long and 48 miles broad where there grows no trees but there are found great plenty of grapes which being prest yeeld very pleasant wine and may compare with the best of those parts The superfices of the earth seemeth like ashes mountany stony and blacke many conjecture the cause therof to be by reason of the great thunders and lightning that they haue there but there are some which giue other reasons for it It was called Philadelphia of Attolus Philodelphius who first built it Of Laodicea THis was the seuenth and last Citie that Iohn directed his Reuelation to It stood close by the riuer Lycus in Caria a country in Asia the lesse fiue hundred and twentie miles from Ierusalem towards the Northwest and is likewise oftentimes troubled with Earthquakes as Sardis Magnesia and Philadelphia are The reason of these often Earthquakes is thought to be because there are vaults and hollow caues vnder the earth into which the aire in the time of heat hauing free entrance
he rose vp and went into the towne Act. 14. The next day they went to Derbe a citie of Lyaconia which was 48 miles From thence they returned backe againe to Lystra in the same yeare which was 28 miles From Iconia they came to Antiochia in Pisidia which was 16 miles in this citie they comforted the Disciples exhorting them that they should perseuere in their faith For through many afflictions we must enter into the Kingdome of heauen They also elected Elders in the Churches so with fasting and praiers they commended them to the Lord in whom they beleeued In the 47 yeare after Christ they went from Antiochia thorough all Pisidia and came to Pergamus a citie in Pamphilia which was 132 miles here they preached the word of the Lord Acts 14. From Pergamus in the following yeare they went downe to the citie of Attalia which was 26 miles In the 48 yere after the natiuitie of Christ they loosed thence and went to Antiochia in Syria which was 340 miles here they assembled the Church and shewed what wonderfull things the Lord had wrought by them and how hee had opened the doore of faith vnto the Gentiles in this place they staied a great space Acts 14. In the yeare following they went from Antiochia to Ierusalem which was 280 miles to the Apostolicall Councell which was celebrated in that citie Anno Dom. 49. and as they went they passed through Phoenicia and Samaria and there declared the estate of the Church among the Gentiles Acts 15. From Ierusalem they with Sylas and Iudas syrnamed Barsabas went againe to Antiochia in Syria which was 280 miles here Paul opposed Peter for preaching vnto the Gentiles Gal. 2. So these trauels of Paul were 1744 miles Of the townes and places to which he trauelled Of Cyprus BEcause you may reade of Seleucia before I therfore willingly omit it that I might speake more fully of Cyprus This is a faire and spacious Isle scituated in the Mediterranean sea in the gulph of Issa bordering vpon Cilicia and Syria distant 160 miles from Ierusalem towards the North as Strabo saith lib. 14. It is in compasse 428 miles very fertile powerfull and spacious for an Island There inhabited in it in times past nine Kings and as Pliny saith lib. 5. cap. 31. called Macaria or one of the happy Islands the inhabitants were giuen much vnto luxurie and venerie from whence it hapned that Venus was greatly honoured amongst them It is said that there are many pretious stones found in it besides Crystal Allum and Cypresse wood which abounds in that place from which it seemeth the Island was called Cyprus There are also found many Symples that are Physical much Sack comes thenee and many other things necessarie for the life of man Here also standeth the Mountaine Olympus whose top seemeth to touch the heauens from whence it taketh the name because there neuer lies any clouds vpon it Lucan lib. 2. There are foure mountaines of this name the one lyeth between Macedon and Thessalie the other in Cyprus the third amongst the Mysians at the foot whereof Haniball built Prusa and the fourth in Aethiopia vpon the East side of Heliopolis There are many cities in this countrey as Macaria Cyprus or Cyrhera after called Paphos and now Baffa in which there standeth such a famous Temple that Venus of that is called Cypria and Cytherea Nicosia and Salamus now called Famagusta There haue beene many and cruell sharpe warres betweene the Venetians and Turkes concerning this countrie but at this day it is vnder the jurisdiction of the Turks from whence they fetch great abundance of Pitch and Rosin for their ships and cables Of Salamais SAlamais Salamin or Salamina was one of the principal cities of Cyprus and was distant from Ierusalem 196 miles towards the North built by Teucer the sonne of Telamon and scituated in the Eubeian sea just against Athens The occasion why this town was built hapned by reason of a discontent that grew betweene Teucer and his father Telamon for Teucer returning from Troy not hauing reuenged the death of his brother Ajax so much incensed his father that he banished him his countrie whereupon Teucer sailed thence to Cyprus where he built this citie and because of the extraordinarie affection that he bore to the countrie where he was borne called it by the name of Salamena or Salamais Saint Ierom saith that there is a riuer of extraordinary hot water that runneth through a great part of this countrie and that it was once ouercome by the Iewes and vtterly ruined and destroied but afterward repeopled and called by the name of Constantia This towne at this day is called by the name of Famagusta and was taken with the whole Island of Cyprus by Mustapha chiefe Captaine to Selimus the second Emperour of the Turkes An. Dom. 1570. Solon that notable and famous Philosopher was borne in this Towne And Paul and Barnabas sailed out of Syria and liued in this Towne Acts 31. Of Paphos THis Citie is scituated vpon the shore of Cyprus 212 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and seemeth to take the name from Paphos the sonne of Pigmalion the Artificer In this towne there stood a notable Temple built by that Pigmalion in the honour of Venus for that as it seemeth by the Poets hee was much giuen to women Here Elimas that wicked Magician who as some will haue it called himselfe the sonne of Iesus as others the sonne of Iehouah dwelt whom the Lord by the hand of Paul strucke with blindnesse Here also Sergius Paulus the Proconsull was conuerted It was in times past a goodly faire citie as the ruines thereof testifie to this day but now it is destroied and almost desolate There as it is for the most part through that Island the ayre is impure and vnwholsom and the ruines of many goodly churches and buildings are to be seene also the wals of a strong and almost impregnable tower scituated vpon a hill in the middle of the citie and as may be thought was sometime the habitation of Sergius Paulus There is also showne vnder a certaine Church which in antient times belonged vnto the brothers of the Minories a certaine Prison diuided into seuen roomes where Paul and Barnabas were imprisoned for preaching the Gospell Here also vnder another Church is found a spring of very wholesome water which is a present remedy for the Ague and Feuer Here also is excellent Wine Of Perga PErga was a citie of Pamphilia from whence Diana is called Pergea because there was a notable Temple in that Towne which was dedicated to her It is scituated in Asia the lesse neere to Cheractus as Ptolomais saith but as Strabo saith close by Cestria a faire and goodly riuer 356 miles from Ierusalem towards the North. The countrey wherein this standeth is full of mountaines extending from the mountaine Taurus which beginneth in this place abounding with Vines Oliues and other fruits vnto the sea There are many
Samaria which was 104 miles where he relieued a certain widdow woman that was afflicted with pouertie and want miraculously by a Cruse of Oyle 2 Reg. 4. Iosephus lib. Antiq. 9. supposeth this Woman to bee the widdow of Obediah the Kings Steward of whom you may reade before who did hide and maintaine a certaine number of the Prophets of the Lord in a caue 2 Reg. 18. From Samaria Elisha went oftentimes to a Towne called Sunem as he returned to Samaria to Carmel which was 16 miles distant Here a certaine rich woman obseruing his often passage to and fro by that Towne built him a little chamber wherein he might rest himselfe after his journey to which place he often resorted and in recompence of this benefit although she had been long barren he prophecied that within a yeare she should haue a sonne which accordingly shee had to her great joy and comfort 2 Reg. 4. From Sunem he went to Carmel which was 16 miles From thence he returned back again to Sunem to the woman where hee vsed to lie which was 16 miles here hee restored her sonne to life 2 Reg. 4. From thence he went to Gilgal which is distant from Sunem 36 miles towards the South here he fed 100 men with 20 barlie loaues 2 Reg. 4. From Gilgal he went to Samaria which is accounted 20 miles to this place Naaman the Syrian came to him to be healed of his leprosie 2 Reg. 5. From Samaria he went to Iordan which was eight miles Here he made a Hatchet of yron that fell into the water to swimme 2 Reg. 6. From Iordan he went to Dothan where the children of Iacob sould their brother Ioseph to the Midianites which was 8 miles here the Angells of the Lord compassed him and his seruant about lest they should haue bin taken by the armie of the Syrians and God strooke the Syrians with blindnesse 2 Reg. 6. From thence he led the army of the Syrians being thus made blind to Samaria which was 12 miles and deliuered them to the King of Israel vpon condition that he should giue them meate and drinke to refresh themselues and suffer them to depart in peace which he did 2 Reg. 6. From Samaria he went to Sunem which was 16 miles here he aduised the woman where he vsed to lie to trauel thence to some other place because of the famine that should follow and continue for seuen yeares 2 Reg. 8. From Sunem hee went to Damascus which was 132 miles there he told Hazael that he should succeed his Master Benhadid in the gouernment of the Syrians 2 Reg. 8. From Damascus he returned to Samaria which was 132 miles where soone after he fell sicke and died his body was buried neer to Samaria where the Lord a long time after his death shewed a wonderfull miracle for a dead man being throwne into his Sepulchre was restored againe to life by touching of his bones 2 Reg. 13. This man gouerned the Church of God amongst the children of Israel 60 yeares after the death of Elias So all the Trauels of Elisha were 730 miles Concerning the townes and places mentioned in his Trauels you may reade before The Typicall signification of Elisha ELisha or Elischa signifieth The saluation of God being deriued of El that is God and Iaschag He hath saued from hence Iesus a Sauiour because this Prophet was a notable type of our Sauiour Iesus Christ for as Elisha was annointed Priest by the Prophet Eliah so Christ was the annointed Priest of the father and as Elisha did many workes of mercy and myracles to make euident Gods power and prouidence so our Sauiour Christ went from place to place shewing mercy to the blind lame and impotent vpon them working wonderfull miracles that thereby his Doctrine might be made euident to the World and all such as trust in him be made capable of eternall happinesse Tha Trauels of the Shunamite whose sonne Elisha had raised from death to life FRom Sunem she went to Mount Carmel and besought Elisha to come and raise her sonne from death to life which was 16 miles 2 Reg. 4. From thence she and Elisha returned backe againe to Sunem which was 16 miles and there hee deliuered her sonne vnto her aliue 2 Reg. 4. From Sunem hauing buried her husband shee trauelled into the land of the Philistins because of the famine that was to come suddenly after being 56 miles 2 Reg. 8. From the land of the Philistines shee returned to Samaria which was 40 miles 2 Reg. 8. From Samaria she returned to Sunem which was 16 miles So all her trauels were 144 miles Of the Prophet Isaiah or Iesaia IEsaia or Ieschaia is all one in signification with Elisha that is a Sauiour He was the sonne of Amos which signifieth strength and by consequence Ozia King of Iudah was his cosin-german as may appeare by this Genealogie following Ioas King of Iuda Amasiah King of Iuda Ozias King of Iuda Iotham King of Iuda Ahas King of Iuda Ezekias King of Iuda Manasses King of Iuda who caused Isaiah to be slaine Amos Isaias father Isaias had two daughters Sear Iasub that is the rest remaining and was a signe of the rest of the posteritie of Iuda that should remaine and dwell there Isa 7. Mahez Schatal that is a suddē destruction for this 2d daughter of Isay did denote the immediat desolation of the kingdomes of Syria and Samaria From whence it plainely appeareth that the Prophet Esaias was of the stocke of Dauid and linage of Christ for which cause in the fifth chapter of his prophecie he calleth him his beloued He began to teach publiquely in the yeare of the World 3167 and before Christ 800 and gouerned the Church eighty yeares and more vntill the time of Manasses who caused him to be cut in pieces with a saw In anno mundi 3190 before Christ 778 Isay saw the Lord sitting vpon a high throne in great majestie the lower part whereof filled the Temple and the Saraphins compassed him round about Esa 6. Cherubins are glorious and bright shining Angels of a fiery nature For Saraph signifieth He hath turned to fire His doctrine was two fold that is partly concerning the Law partly the Gospell as may appeare by his prophecie in the first forty chapters whereof the doctrine of the law is set forth with sharpe reprehensions for sinne in the first foure of which are grieuous accusations of sinners for breach of the first commandement the other for the most part prophecie of horrible punishments mutations and change of gouernement but principally of the Iewes Babylonians Assirians Syrians and Aegyptians From the fortieth to the end of the booke is contained the doctrine of the Gospell and of the Kingdome of our Sauiour Iesus Christ which hee hath set forth with such excellent eloquence figures and amplifications that hee may be compared with the best Orator that euer wrote The Trauels of the Prophet Ieremias IEremias or Ieremiah signifieth The exalted of
the Lord he was borne in the Tribe of Benjamin in a Citie of the Priests called Anathoth and from thence came to Ierusalem which was two miles and continued there for 40 yeares teaching and prophecying From Ierusalem he was sent to Euphrates where in the cliffe of a rocke he hid his girdle Ier. 13. which was 400 miles From the riuer Euphrates he returned backe againe to Ierusalem 400 miles A little after the Lord sent him backe againe to Euphrates 400 miles to fetch his girdle and loe it was putrified From thence he returned backe againe the second time to Ierusalem 400 miles From Ierusalem he was led captiue bound in chaines with other prisoners to Ramath a citie in mount Ephraim which was eight miles there Nabusaraden the chiefe captaine caused him to be set at liberty From Ramath he went to Mispah which is 8 miles where he continued a while with Gediliah Prince of the Iewes which man had the chiefe command of certaine cities of Iudaea vnder Nabuchadnezzer But in the seuenth yeare of the captiuitie of the people of Israel Ishmael that was of the stocke and progenie of Dauid hoping to obtaine the gouernement of Iuda made warre vpon Gediliah and put him to death wherefore Ieremy went from thence with Iohn the son of Kareach Prince of the Iewes to Bethlem Euphrata which was 8 miles Ier. 41. Now when he had staied a while in a village neere Bethlem called Geruth Ghimeham were sometime Chimeham the sonne of Barzillai liued 2 Sam. 19. hee prophecied saying If you stay in this land you shall do well neither shall any euill hap vnto you but if you depart hence into Aegypt they shall deuoure you with famine and with the sword Ier. 42. But Iohn and the rest of the Princes would giue no credit to the words of Ieremy but went into Aegypt and compelled the Prophet to goe along with them so they went from Bethlehem to Tachpanes which was 172 miles Here the second time Ieremie prophecied vnto them saying Behold Nabuchadnezzer shall come hither and wast and destroy all the countrey of Aegypt beat downe the Images of Bethsemes or Heliopolis and carry away the Aegyptians into perpetuall captiuity Ier. 43. But the people of Israel being moued to anger because of his words stoned him to death So the Trauels of the Prophet Ieremiah were 1786 miles Concerning the townes and places mentioned in the Trauels of this Prophet you may reade of them before except Geruth Chimeham which stood close by Bethlehem it taketh the name from a stranger or traueller being deriued of Gor which signifieth He hath trauelled and Tachpanes which was a Citie of Aegypt some 180 miles from Ierusalem where the Prophet Ieremy was stoned to death it is oftentimes called by the name of Taphnis The trauels of Vrijah the Prophet VRias or Vriah signifies Illuminated or inlightned of the Lord. He was borne at Kiriath-jearim a mile from Ierusalem towards the West from thence he came to Ierusalem and there prophecied of the destruction of the Citie After when King Ioachim went about to take away his life he fled thence into Aegypt 160 miles But the king sent messengers into Aegipt fetcht Vrijah back againe to Ierusalem 160 miles and there cut off his head and caused his body to be throwne into the sepulchre of a poore despised man that it might not be knowne that he had beene a Prophet of the Lord. So all his trauels were 321 miles Of Hananias the false Prophet HAnanias or Chanania signifieth the grace of God This false Prophet was a Gibeonite and came from Gibeon to Ierusalem which was foure miles where he tooke the woodden yoakes from the necke of Ieremiah the Prophet but Ieremiah caused yron yokes to be made in their places and told Hananias that for his falshood that yere he should surely die as after he did Of the Prophet Ezekiel Ezekiel or Iechezkel signifies the strength or fortitude of God He was carried captiue with 3000 others of the Nobility of the Iewes from Ierusalem to Babylon which was 680 miles the same yeare that Nebuchadnezzer put King Ioachim to death within fiue yeares after a little before Easter the Booke of the Law was found 2 Chron. 3. He began to prophecie in Babylon Anno mundi 3356 before Christ 612 at which time he saw his first visions neere to the Riuer Chebar Of the Riuer Chebar THe riuer Chebar was neere Babylon in Chaldaea vpon the borders of Mesopotamia falling into Euphrates and was oftentimes called Aborras according to the opinion of many learned men Strabo in the seuenteenth book of his Geography saith that there is another riuer between Tygris and Euphrates called Basilius Aborras passeth along by the citie of Athemusia and is a very faire streame from whence it is called Chebar which signifies a swift and spacious riuer Neere to this riuer the Prophet Ezekiel saw the Glory and Majestie of our Lord Iesus Christ in a bright shining cloud In this place also dwelt many Iewes to whom hee prophecied and foretold the destruction of Ierusalem by Nebuchadnezzer and the captiuitie of Zedekiah The Trauels of the Prophet Daniel DAniel signifies The Iudge of God In the raigne of Ioachim King of Iudah he was carried away captiue from Ierusalem to Babylon by Nabuchadonezar which was 680 miles and there with his fellowes learned the Arts and Language of the Chaldaeans for three yeares He was then but young about some 19 or 20 yeares of age and liued in exile 91 yeares vntill the third yeare of Cyrus Emperour of the Persians about which time he saw his last vision and a little after died when hee was about 110 yeares of age as may be gathered by the circumstances of Histories and times From Babylon he went to Susan in Persia an mun 3418 before Christ 550 being then 94 yeares of age which was 252 miles where neere to the flood Eulaeus hee had a vision of a ram and a goate which set forth the state of the second Monarchie which was that of the Graecians In this vision Gabriel the Archangel appeared to Daniel Dan. 8. This was in the third yeare of King Balthasar From Susan Daniel returned to Babylon which was 252 miles Here hee interpreted to Belthasar the meaning of these words Men Mene Tekel Euphrasin Dan. 5. From Babylon he went to the riuer Tygris of Hidekel which was accounted 36 miles here in the third yeare of Cyrus King of Persia he saw his last vision which is described in the 10 11 and 12 chapters of his prophecie From Tygris he returned to his own house at Babylon which was 36 miles Sometimes also in his three last yeares of his life he vsed to goe to Egbatan the Metropolitan citie of the Medes which was accounted 464 miles from Babylon towards the Northeast Here Daniel built a faire and artificiall Temple so strongly that it remained vnperished and retained the ancient beautie many ages to the great admiration of all the