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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23984 An Abstract of the procedure of France since the Pyrenaean Treaty under these heads, I. The speech of Monsieur Zerowisky, the Emperour's ambassador to the King of Poland, II. A memorial presented by the said ambassador to the King of Poland, III. A letter from Monsieur Du Vernay to Count Teckely, IV. A letter from Count Teckely to Monsieur Du Vernay, V. A letter from Monsieur Peter Jaigel, Governour of Cassovia, to Monsieur Du Vernay ; to which is added, Mercurius panegyricus. 1684 (1684) Wing A141; ESTC R4621 20,869 48

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the Sieur Da Vernay's Letters and Correspondence with Count Tekeley which you will find diametrically opposite to those Declarations so worthy the Piety and Generosity of the most Christian King I have made use of no evil practice for the obtaining these Letters I have not though I could have done it so much as employed any Body to observe the French And to tell you all I got these Letters by the means of the Steward of the most Illustrious Lord Stadnick's Estate The Sieur Du Vernay after having long importuned the Monks of a Monastery of St. Basil went also to importune the Steward who is Castellan at Premislaw So much he did that he stirred up the Gentlemans Anger against himself and so consequently he became my Friend and has ever since been very favourable to my Intentions This Castellan some dayes ago stopt certain Hungarians coming back from Nimiravia whither they went to see the Sieur Du Vernay immediately he ordered them to be brought to me with the Letters he sound about them I presently took care to convey them to the Emperour my Master's Territories sending at the same time the Letters to the end that all the World might judge whether I had not just cause to suspect that the Sieur Du Vernay exceeded his Master's orders Certainly this Agent this Minister this Spy this Ambassador I know not what to call him but I mean Monsienr Du Vernay has committed a great outrage against all Christendom Against the Emperor in fomenting and contriving what he has against him Against your Majesty in entertaining a Commerce so unworthy so pernicious and for so long a time without your knowledge and in your Kingdom as if he had been at home I must add for the Interest of your Kingdom that this Conduct has given the World occasion to believe that the Polanders were blind enough not to see the dangers their Neighbours made them fear and that they would themselves drive the Poniard to their own Breast in permitting the Sieur Du Vernay to live amongst them His proceeding will without doubt appear very injurious to the French King for that Posterity may judge and believe that the great King Lewis the XIV Authorized or commanded what the Sieur Du Vernay his Agent did in his Name Your Majesty will not take it ill that we have discovered to the Assemblies at Francfort and Ratisbonne the Famous Exploits of the French with the Turks and Rebels of Hungary in your Kingdom which for so many Ages has been closely united with the August-House of Austria and has alwayes acknowledged its own Interest to preserve Hungary to the Empire thinking it impossible for Peland to subsist if Hungary shall sall It is now a year that the Sieur Du Vernay travels up and down several Parts of your Maiestjes Dominions on the Borders of Hungary He always pretends his Masters as if we could see that Dantzick or Rogioment which are the Places the French come through were not nearer and more proper to receive what Orders the French King would send But he stays there to observe the nearer the Affairs of Hungary It may be also to be in a better condition to go give Count Tekeley joy and to get the reputation with him of the Progress the Turks by his means might make in that Country I desire your Majesty that after you have seen the Memorial I present and after you are convinced of all the Arts the French have used in this Kingdom you will be pleased to order the Sieur Da Vernay to depart your Dominions since he abuses his Employments to the prejudice of all Christendom and renders himself unworthy the Protection the Law of Nations allows You may do it so much the more justly great King because the Roman Catholick Church your Mother esteems them as Excommunicated Persons who side with Infidels whether it be carrying them Arms or treating with them The Sieur Du Vernay has drawn this upon his own head and if he is punished according to his deserts the most Christian King will banish him his Kingdom for exceeding his Orders and engaging his Master's Honour and Reputation In fine he has committed his Villanies in the French King's Name and broke his Master's word acting in all things contrary to the observance of it which if it should fail in the World could be no where found but in the Mouth of a King or Prince I doubt not great King but all my pressing reiterated and just instances will at last take effect The Alliances and Treaties that are between this Kingdom and the Empire require it from your Majesty And I also with a most profound respect beg to be admitted to the honour of some part of your Affections A Letter from Monsieur Du Vernay to Count Emery Tekeley My Lord I Received with great joy the Letters you did me the honour to write to me from the Camp before Filleck enclosed in the Pacquets of our Ambassadors at Constantinople nevertheless I was a little surprized that you should seal them before he had seen them I wonder also you said nothing about the Siege of Filleck However I doubt not but that place by this time is in your power Monsieur Jaygel I believe knows by my last Letters that I have several times endeavoured to send him what I promised and let him have what I have received but I always wanted an opportunity When you send any of your People to me order them not to come to my House but at Night to the end we may do our business without any bodies knowledge But what I most earnesty desire is that above all things they take care not to follow the Road that goes directly from Tavoravia to Nimirovia For here are several Polish Gentlemen who by the most Serene King of Poland's Order search visit and detain all strangers that pass The safest way in my Opinion is that they leave Premislaw and Toreslavia on the right hand and follow the Road that leads to Sandomiria lest they be seen to enter Nimirovia where I am surrounded with Spyes I recommend the enclosed to you and desire you to send them according to their Directions by the first opportunity I will take the same care in all things you shall be pleased to command me I am most cordially Sir Your most zealous Servant Du Vernay Boucauld Nimirovia Sept. the 22d 1682. The Superscription was thus To the most Illustrious Lord Count Emery Tekeley Lord of Kesmark and Arve General of the Hungarian Army that sights for its Country The Audience being ended His Majesty of Poland said he was convinced of the French Correspondence with the Malecontents He shew'd himself very angry that the thing had been conceal'd from him Next day some of the chief Officers of his Court had Order to go and command the Sieur Du Vernay immediately to depart the Kingdom He said he would obey his Majesties Order but that he earnesty desired those Gentlemen to give him some
they darkned the Sun If you prefer the Moon hid under the Flower-de-Luces before the Sun at which your Eagle looks if you had rather be slaves to the French King than obey the Emperour all things will happen worse and worse to you and you will draw all the Cruelty of the Barbarians on you as a punishment of your Perjury and breach of Faith You are not ignorant of the reproach that we cast upon you viz. that the Germans are the only people that desire to be subject to a Foreign Government and have no love for their Country That reproach cannot justly be retorted upon us and Germany shall ever find in the Polanders all sort of friendship and service We foresee the dangers that threaten us and seeing of it our Fore-fathers example our promised Faith and our natural inclination stir us up powerfully to the defence of our Countrey Sir I know that to make you sensible of all that my Friendship and sincerity has made me say I need only represent it to you It only remains that I desire you to tell me your Opinion with the same freedom that I may be delivered from the disquietness the sight of the present Evils and the fear of those that threaten us has put me into It is time you should read the pieces I send you Farewel Given at my Castle Septemb. 1. 82. FINIS The Speech of Monsieur Zerowiski the Emperour's Embassadour in Poland Spoken in the Royal Palace before his Majesty of Poland and in the Presence of the Princes Noblemen and Embassadors at that Court at Tavoravia the 6th of October 1682. Most Great King AMongst other Books I have hit upon that of the Life and Exploits of Cardinal Commendon who was sent to this Court by the Pope with the Quality of extraordinary Legate in the Empire of Sigismond and Reign of Henry de Valois I have observed in it that it was that Cardinal's Maxim Never to answer but with an affected Silence and Contempt to all that his Enemies could do or say against him Without doubt in his time the state of Affairs the Customs and Spirits were very different from what they now are at least a long experience has made me judge them very different and I know I cannot without great disadvantage conceal or connive at a thing that very much troubles me I have understood that the French King's Ministers published some dayes ago certain Letters which brought as it were assured Testimonies that His Imperial Majesties Envoy's only Business with the Ottoman Court was to endeavour by all possible means to turn the Turkish Armies against Poland There is no Body but sees and your Majesty must needs perceive how injurious this is to the Empire and to what end it is done They give this out to disunite Two Kingdoms both which at this present Conjuncture of Affairs have their chief Interest in being firmly united But the Letters took not so great an effect as they expected The Spirits of this Court were not so credulous as to believe them They are too well satisfied in Poland of the Piety and Affection of those of the House of Austria to think that the Emperor my Master gives his Embassadors such base and unworthy Commissions There is no Body here that can doubt that his Imperial Majesty would be as sensible of the loss of Poland as of Hungary since it is as much his Interest to preserve the one as the other I come not hither great King to tell you what through my Aversion I could publish upon little Rumours that have been spread among us I bring your Majesty those things which I can beyond all dispute produce before the whole World as the true Originals of Letters and Answers which the most Christian King's Embassador Monsieur Du Vernay Boucauld who is here present has writ to Count Tekely the Head of the Malecontents or received from him These will evidently discover to your Majesty what Affairs Mounsieur Du Vernay has Treated about with so much secresie and circumspection with Count Tekely and the reason he had so cautiously to conceal from you the Commission he had in this Kingdom I humbly intreat your Majesty to remember how earnestly I intreated you to remove the Sieur Du Vernay from your Court and Dominions as a man pernicious to the Empire and Poland You would have Great King invincible Proofs and Testimonies of what I related Here they are such as you will wish for and I am persuaded they will be sufficient to make you judge the speedy departure of Monsieur Du Vernay out of your Kingdom very necessary But I fear troubling your Majesty with a long Discourse I pass by a thousand things which I could add this Memorial is enough To you I present it with all imaginable respect A Memorial presented to the King of Poland by Monsieur Zerowisky the Emperour 's Resident Which was read in the presence of his Majesty of Poland and before the Princes and Ministers of his Court at Tavoravia the 6th of October 1682. SInce the last Memerial which I had the Honour to present to your Majesty I have endeavoured according to the Advice of the Illustrious Lords of the Senate to furnish my self with some piece that might evidently shew what Correspondence the French King's Agents have in your Kingdom with Count Tekely Head of the Malecontents in Hungary These wanted also to inform you what Bargains and Agreements passed between them which as I said tend to the breaking off the Peace and Treaties that are between your Majesty and the Emperor my Master You could not easily be informed of it from any but my self I know the French King's Ministers daily assur'd your Majesty that they had a Hand in no such thing and that we accused them falsely And the French would no longer be suspected to have any ill Design against the Empire after the Declaration the French King had made at the raising the Bloccade of Luxemburg His most Christian Majesty would inform all Europe how he behaved himself in that occasion and they were careful to carry his Declaration to all the Courts of the chief Christian Princes The French King plausibly declares that having been informed of the Designs which are carrying on in the Fast against the Empire he would put nothing in Execution which might hinder his Imperial Majesty and the most August House of Austria from opposing the Turks with all their Forces and providing for the common good of Christendom This could by no means allow your Majesty to believe that the French were in League with the Maltcontents and Turks and that they contributed to the taking and plundering the Towns of Hungary for that appeared to be quite contrary to such fair Declarations But God the Defender and Revenger of Christians has ordered those things to fall into my hands which I lay at the foot of your Majesties Throne and which I lay before the Eyes of the whole World These are