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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A30685 The four epistles of A.G. Busbequius concerning his embassy into Turkey being remarks upon the religion, customs, riches, strength and government of that people : as also a description of their chief cities, and places of trade and commerce : to which is added, his advice how to manage war against the Turks / done into English.; Legationis Turcicae epistolae quatuor. English Busbecq, Ogier Ghislain de, 1522-1592.; Tate, Nahum, 1652-1715. 1694 (1694) Wing B6219; ESTC R14352 216,533 438

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Folks being thus provoked return Jeer for Jeer from Words they came to Blows the Italians assisting my Men the cause of the Scuffle was that one of the Ianizaries lost the Linen Covering off his Head which was thrown I know not whither Hereupon the Ianizaries hye to their General complaining of their Wrongs and loss received by my Servants for they watch'd them and found them return'd to my House Their General presently sent for my Interpreter who was present at the Conflict He was seiz'd upon sitting at my Door and they were pulling of him away I beheld it from a Gallery above and was much concern'd that any of my Family should be taken forcibly from me without my Consent to be carried to the Bastinado for I understood something of the Matter before for I could not imagine he would be return'd to me without being well beaten he being one of the Turk's Subjects Whereupon I ran down and laid hold on him commanding him to let him go they did so grumblingly but hasted presently with far more grievous Complaints to their General who commanded more of their Company to go and seize those Italians who of Christians are said to become Turks yet he charged them to offer no Violence to me at the House where I lodged They came back presently and with a great Noise and many Threats demanded those Italians but they foreseeing what would come to pass had sailed back to Constantinople Much Clamour there was on both sides at last my Chiaux which at that time was an old decrepid Man out of jeer thrust some Pistols into their Hands unknown to me to buy a new Bonnet in the room of that which was lost and thus the Dispute ended I have been the more punctual in relating this Story because on this occasion I understood from Rustan's own Mouth what Opinion the Sultan had of the Ianizaries For he hearing of this Scuffle sent a Messenger to me to desire me to cut off all occasion of Dispute with the Ianizaries as the worst of Men You know said he 't is a time of War wherein they may be said to reign rather than the Sultan who stands in fear of them himself This he spake as being well acquainted with the Sentiments of Solyman who always susp●cted some Men of their own to lye in wait against their Militia which would break forth when he had no Opportunities to prevent it And the truth is though there may be some use of a standing Guard and Mil●tia yet there are also many Inconveniences attending it of which this is the chief their Emperor is very fearful of them lest having the Sword in their Hands they should alter the Government as they pleas'd of which there had been many Presidents yet there are ways also wereby this may be prevented While I was in their Camp there came Albertus de Vbiis a worthy and learned Person as I think born at Amsterdam as an Envoy from my Master Caesar He brought with him some Presents for their Sultan as some Goblets gilt with Gold with a Clock neatly made and carried like a Tower on an Elephants Back as also some Mony to be distributed amongst the Bassa's Solyman would have me deliver these Presents in the Camp that the Amity betwixt Him and my Master might be more publickly known and so no Danger at all to be feared from the Christian Arms. But to return to Bajazet after the Fight at Iconium who retired to his Government of Amasia pretending to live quietly there if his Father would permit him so to do For why He had sown his wild Oats and for the future seem'd plyable to obey his Fathers Will and for this he employed sundry Persons to carry submissive Letters to his Father begging his Pardon Neither did Solyman pretend that he was averse from Reconciliation with his Son and therefore he admitted his Messengers into his Presence he read his Letters and answered them mildly So that the Report was spread over all the Army what an Agreement was like to be between Father and Son what he had done amiss was to be imputed to the hot Blood of his Youthful Age provided he would shew himself Obsequious the residue of his Life This Solyman did by the Advice of his Bassa's for the cunning old Man would not declare himself till he had brought Bajazet into the Nooz of his own Power He was terribly afraid lest out of Desperation he should march furiously into Persia his only Place of Refuge with so great Post-haste that all his Sanziacks should not be able to prevent them To prevent which Mistakes he sent many Letters to all the Governours upon the Borders to watch Bajazet and not to suffer him to escape if he attempted it In the mean time he put all those of Bajazet's Party that he could light upon to the Rack and when he had got out of them what he could he put them privately to death amongst which were some that Bajazet had sent to be his Companions to his Father The Kingdom of Persia at that time contained all the Countries between the Caspian Sea and the Seas of Persia with some part of Armenia the Greater though Solyman by taking of Babylon Mesopotamia and part of Media had abridged their Empire very much and other far Countries even to the Empire of the Homaium Patisach as the Turks call him and over that last part of Land Sagathmas was King The Father had been formerly over-thrown by Selymus in a great Fight in the Field of Chalderon and from that time the Persian Affairs began to decline for Solyman a fierce Enginier press'd upon the very Face and Thamas being much inferiour to his Father's Courage made but a weak Defence For he was wholly given to Sloth and Idleness and would sit in his Palace amongst a Croud of Harlots amorously pleasing his Humour and sometimes consulting Magicians concerning future Events He had little Care of Administring publick Justice to his People This Neglect of his opened the Door to all Injustice and Oppression in every part of his Empire For the Strong oppressed the Weaker and Innocence could find no Justice or Defence in his Court. Notwithstanding this malevolous Instruction yet the Persians have so sacred an Opinion of their Prince that they believe him happy that can but kiss the Door of his Palace and the Water wherein he washes his Hands they use in order to the Cure of several Diseases He hath many Children but the most promising is Ismael like his Grandfather both in Name and Nature a beautiful Prince and a Capital Enemy to the Race of the Ottomans 'T is reported that he was brought forth into the World with his Fist all bloody whence 't was vulgarly said That he would be a Warlike Person and when he was but young he confirmed that Report by obtaining a great Victory over the Turks But when his Father made Peace with Solyman 't was agreed betwixt them that Ismael should
may be compos'd without Blood neither are we to be forc'd to sheath our Swords in one anothers Bowels As for Bajazet he is forced to do what he doth in a way of Self-preservation When these Rumours came to Solyman's Ears he sent for the Mufti the High Priest of the Turks from whom as from an Oracle they expect Answers to their Doubts and propounds a Case to him in these Terms How them Men ought to be dealt with who durst disturb the Peace of the Empire by taking of Towns and raising both of Men and Mony while he was alive As also what he thought of those who were assistant to him in that Design and fought under his Ensigns and lastly what was to be done with those who refus'd to engage against him but rather justified his Practises The Mufti 's Answer was That such a Person with all his Followers were worthy of Death and they that refused to Fight against him were to be abominated as Prophane and Deserters of their Religion This Answer was divulged among the Commonalty and by the Chief of the Chiauxes was transmitted to Bajazet A while after there came a Chiaux to Constantinople who had been sent by Solyman to Selymus but had been intercepted by Bajazet by whom he sent a Message to their Father to this effect That he would never fail in expressing his Duty to his Father and that he never took up Arms against him but was resolved to be obedient to him in all things The Dispute was only between his Brother and himself who sought his Life so that he must fall by his Brothers Sword or his Brother ther by his This difference might be decided in his Fathers Life and therefore he desired him not to interpose or assist his Brother but to carry himself in an exact Neutrality but if said he you pass over into Asia as Report says you will to assist Selymus don't you think I shall be speedily reduced for I know whither to retreat and let me tell you the first day you set foot in Asia I will destroy all by Fire and Sword and will make it as desolate as ever Tamerlin or the War of our Enemies ever did When this Message was delivered to Solyman it did much disturb him especially when word was brought to him that the Town of Arvar which Selymus his Son was Sanziack of was taken by Bajazet and after he had exacted a great Sum of Mony from them had plundered and sack'd it notwithstanding But Selymus when he heard that his Brother march'd towards Amasia and was already come as far as Hucyras being now freed form the suspicion of Treachery which he fear'd march'd also himself towards Iconium wherein he had put a Garrison till his arrived 'T was none of the least of Solyman's cares which distracted his Mind lest Bajazet should seize on Iconium and so march into Syria from whence there is a large Passage into Egypt a Province not fully setled in Subjection to the Turks and not forgetting the ancient Governors of the Circassians or Marncasses longed for a change And if Bajazet once got thither he foresaw it would be a very hard Matter to beat him out should the neighbouring Arabians assist him who in hopes of Booty were ready to take any side And if with much ado he could have been driven out of Egypt yet from thence he might easily be wafted over into any of the Christian Countries whereupon Solyman by all means sought to stop his March thither because he thought it would be Bajazet's last Shift and to that end he had written to most of the Governors of lesser Asia to be watchful and to assist Selymus when he called for their Aid And accordingly Solyman's Army forced a Camp before the Walls of Iconium For he thought it best to be slain there than wait for the Auxiliaries of his Father and not to hazard his All on the doubtful Issue of a Battel On the other side Bajazet knowing what a hazardous Enterprize he had undertaken was as vigorous to support his Cause he hired a great Body of Horse called Chiarts perhaps formerly Gordianes Men noted for Valour in whom he put great Confidence They assoon as ever they came into his Army began the representation of a Battel on Horseback which had so much of Truth in it that many of them were slain but more wounded His Camp was pitch'd in the plain and open Fields of Aucyra from which City he was supplied with many Necessaries and at the Castle thereof he placed his Concubines and Children From those Merchants that were Rich he borrowed Mony upon Terms of Re-payment with Interest if God gave him Success Form thence also he was furnished with Arms for his Soldiers Besides his own Family consisting of very many among the higher sort of Turks and the Chiauxes before mentioned those that were of his Mothers or his Sisters and of Rustan's Faction came in to him so did very many of Mustapha's and Achmet's Favourites fierce and skilful Warriers for they grudging at the undeserved Death of their Master were resolved to revenge them with the hazard of their Blood some also came under his Banner out of Commiseration of his depressed Condition as being necessiated to fly to Arms his last and only Refuge A great many favoured Bajazet because he was so like his Father whereas Selymus had not one Feature in his Face resembling him 'T is true he was very like his Mother a Woman hated while she was alive he was a Big-bellied Man with swoln Cheeks and his Face of a deep and uncomly Redness insomuch that the Soldiers would seemingly say He was cramm'd with Barly Pudding Besides he liv'd a slothful banquetting idle Life neither was he courteous or of easie Access nor did he oblige any Man by Largessee or Bounties The Reason he gave was That he would not offend his Father by aiming at popular Applause Thus he became dear to his Father only but dis-respected of every Body else yea those Persons did most disdain him who coveted a munificent and an active Emperor The same Soldiers that were wont to call Bajazet Softi i. e. a seddentary Man and given to Ladies when they saw that he took up Arms and ventured his All to defend himself and his Children now extolled him to the Skies as a Man of extraordinary Valour Why said they reasoning among themselves should his Father abdicate a Son that is his express Image Why should he prefer his slothful pot-bellied Brother before him that had nothing of his Fathers disposition in him As for Bajazet's taking Arms Necessity enforced him thereunto and therefore he was not to be blamed for did not Selymus their Grandfather do the same What greater President could there be For he did not only arm against his Brother but Necessity also compelled him to hasten his Fathers death and yet by this Procedure he established the Kingdom to himself and his Posterity Now if Solyman did rightfully possess