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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03887 A briefe chronologie of the holie scriptures as plaine and easie as may be, according to the extent of the seuerall historicall bookes thereof. Comprised first in a few verses to a short vievve for some helpe of memorie: and afterward more particularly layd forth and explaned, for a further light to the course and proceeding of the holy sorte. With a catalogue of the holy prophets of God, as touching the times wherein they prophesied. Aylett, Robert, 1583-1655?, attributed name. 1600 (1600) STC 14; ESTC S490817 39,775 88

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VVE haue seene already from the books of Ezra Nehemiah and Ester what was the state of the Iewes for the former part of these 490 yeares of Daniel and it may also be discerned frō Daniel himselfe Wherein though they had their troubles yet it was rather prosperous then aduerse and trouble some But as touching the middle part of the same 490 yeares that is from the time that Alexander of Macedonia had subdued the Persians vnder the Grecians the Iewes more more corrupting their wayes and the worship of God as it is euident by the prophesie of Malachie the last of the prophets whom God sent much about that time or not long before vehemently to reproue their most grieuous and enormious sinnes they are through the iust iudgement of God because of the hardnesse and impenitencie of their hearts heauily afflicted oppressed and spoyled by sundrie and diuerse heathen kings specially by the deuided successors of Alexander compared to ten hornes Dan. ch 7. 24. whom also in respect of the situation of Iuda he partly calleth Southerne kings namely those fiue Ptolomies who successiuely ruled in Egypt and partly he calleth them Northerne kings of the which three bare the name of Seleuchus and foure were called by the name of Antiochus with some difference of Sir-names who ruled in Syria according to that which we reade Dan. ch 8. and ch 10. and chap. 11. The fulfilling of which prophesie is plainely and plentifully testified by the records of verie manie heathen Historio graphers for the space of 149 yeares whose writings are extant among vs that is from the beginning of the Grecian monarchy by Alexāder to the end of the reigne of that most vile barbarous persecutor Antiochus Epiphanes with whom Daniel endeth his prophesie touching the speciall afflictions of Iuda chap. 11. verse 21. c. to the end of the chapter Reade also the first booke of Machabees chap. 1. vers 1. c. After that Alexander the Macedonian the son of Philip went forth of the land of Chittim and slewe Darius king of the Persians and Medes and reigned for him as he had before in Grecia he tooke great warres in hand c. and verses 8. 9. 10. 11. So Alexander had reigned 12 yeares when he died And his seruāts reigned euery one in his roome And they all caused themselues to be crowned after his death and so did their children after them manie yeares and much wickednesse increased in the world For out of these came the wicked roote euen Antiochus Epiphanes the son of K. Antiochus which had bene an hostage at Rome and he reigned in the 137. yeare of the kingdome of the Greekes And chap. 6. 16. King Antiochus died in the 149. yeare Now concerning the last part of the 490 yeares of Daniel that is to say frō the miserable end of Antiochus in his reigne to the death of our Sauiour Christ which was the space of 211 yeares the greater part was spent in the weakning and wasting of the Greeke monarchie partly by the ill successe of their warres against Iuda and partly by their wars among thēselues according to the prophesie of Daniel chap. 2. 41. 42. 43. 44. but chiefly by the Romanes who altogether subdued them according as Ezekiel prophesied that they should Reade ch 38. and chap. 39. These prophesies were fulfilled about threescore yeares before the seuentie seuens of Daniel were expired For so many yeares passed from the vtter suppressing of the Grecians broken Monarchie and the end of those yeares Now therefore albeit Iuda strengthened of God did frō the end of vile Antiochus his reign recouer their kingdome and gouernment and obtained the free possession of the citie of God by the mighty valour of Iudas Machabaeus read 1. Machab. chap. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. c. In his acts hee was like a Lion c. and ch 6. vers 58. 59. The heathen finding themselues to decrease dayly they consent that the Iewes should liue after their law as they did afore and they agree of peace Read also 2. Machab. chap. 10. 1. 2. 3. c. Machabaeus and his company through the help of the Lord wanne the Temple and the citie againe c. and chap. 15. 38. Thus farre concerning Nicanors matters and from that time the Hebrewes had the citie in possession And although the Romanes after they had gotten the souereigntie did nothing against the religion of the Iewes yet their estate euen at the best was full of miserie by reason of the manifold corruptions of Gods worship among themselues and because of their great wickednes in the course of their life specially among their high Priests leaders and guides For they were of diuers sects both Pharisies and Sadduces as we reade in the Gospell yea and Essaei also as other stories make mention Wherunto the Prophet Zacharie hath respect chap. 11. 8. where the Lord threateneth before hand that he would cut off three Shepheards in one moneth in so much as his soule lothed them c. Which also came to passe after they had shewed themselues obstinate and incorrigible euen to the reiecting of our Sauiour Christ. For hereby they prouoked God in the highest degree and therefore he sent the Romane armie in his wrath to take their nation vtterly away as we are herafter further to obserue concerning the proper time season thereof And thus we are come to the end of the 490 yeares comprended in the seuenty seuene of Daniel chap. 9. 24. c. Of the which the first seuen times seuen years that is 49 yeares were spent in the building of the Tēple three yeares being reckened till the foundation was layd the other 46 before it could be finished by reason of the great and often hinderances which the Iewes had as hath bene declared before Reade also Iohn 2. 20. Fortie sixe yeares was this Temple a building From thence were 67 seuens that is 434 yeares And last of all the Prophet reckeneth one seuen more of the which the latter halfe that is three yeares and a halfe were appointed by God to be the time from the Baptisme of our Sauiour Christ which was at the thirtith year of his age vnto his death which was at the 4. Passouer following after his baptisme For so we reade Luke chap. 3. verses 21. 22. 23. At his Baptisme saith the Euangelist he began to be about thirtie yeares of age But concerning the Passcouers in the times wherof our Sauiour Christ went vp to Ierusalem to the celebration of them we haue only three expresly and by name mentioned the first and third only by the Euangelist Iohn chap. 2. 13. The Iewes Passeouer was at hand therefore Iesus went vp to Ierusalem And againe chap. 6. 4. Now the Passeouer a feast of the Iewes was neare Neuerthelesse the second Passeouer is mentioned by the same Euangelist chap. 5. 1. After that there was a feast of the Iewes saith S. Iohn and Iesus went vp to
Psalme it must needs from so ancient a time be to be esteemed an admirable prophesy cōcerning Dauids annointing to the kingdom by Samuel his prosperous successe in obteining of the same 300 yeares at the least before Dauid was born like as king Iosiah was by name prophesied of as touching that which he should do aboue 300 years before his birth as we are afterward more exactly to obserue also concerning the afflictions of the Church bewailed therein euen such afflictions as fell vpon it in the captiuity of Babylon which fell out as long a time after that King Dauid was dead But grant that they were that Heman and Ethan which are recorded 1. Chron. 6. 33. and vers 44. likewise chap. 25. ver 4 5 6. concerning Heman both which were yet of another tribe that is of Leui when those named cap. 2. are of Iudah as hath bene already shewed but grant I say that they were those who liued not only in K. Dauids time as being his Seets or Prophets which yet is only sayd of Heman 1. Chron. 25. 5. that also in respect of his singing of Propheticall Psalmes such as king Dauid indited not because himselfe did prophesie Grant notwithstanding I say againe that they liued not onely in king Dauids time but also in king Salomons dayes yea that they suruiued him and saw also as some thinke that miserable hauocke which Shishak king of Egypt made in the cities of Iudah in the house of God the treasures whereof he caried away c. as we reade 2 Chron. ch 12. in the reigne of Rehoboam after that Salomon was dead Yet Ethans Psalme must needes be taken for a propheticall instruction touching a great part of it as being fitted to be a monument for the direction of the Church how to comfort it selfe and to bemone the owne calamitie in the most doleful and distressed estate which the Prophet by the Spirit of God foresaw that it should afterward fall into So then these two were indued with a notable gift of prophesie although it be not granted that they were so ancient as that they should be reckoned in this second classis or company of Prophets Let vs proceed to the third company Prophetes such as were in the time of the Iudges and so forth to the beginning of the reigne of the Kings DEborah was a Prophetesse about 80 yeers after the death of Ioshua Iudges chap. 4. 4. At that time Deborah a Prophetesse the wife of Lapidoth iudged Israel Reade her excellent song as it followeth in the fift chapter In the second chapter of the first book of Samuel vers 27. c. A Prophet is sent to Eli to prophesie against him his children and posteritie which was partly fulfilled chap. 4. read also 1. Kin. chap. 2. 27. All Israell from Dan to Beersheba knew that in the dayes of Eli faithfull Samuel was the Lords Prophet 1. Sam. 3. 20. He prophesied first against the sonnes and posterity of Eli verses 11 12 13 c. according to the prophesie of the man of God euen now mentioned vnlesse rather we vnderstand that to be written concerning Samuel himselfe See Tremelius Iunius in their annotations vpon that place Read also Act. 3. 22. Neither must Hannah the mother of Samuel be forgotten when we speake of such women as God graced with his excellent gift of Prophesie as her prayer and thanksgiuing giueth vs to vnderstand from the beginning of the second chapter of the first booke of Samuel And the rather wil we iudge so if we compare her speech with the thanksgiuing of the virgin Marie for we shall perceiue that Hannah was enlightened to haue a respect vnto Christ in her magnificent description of the most mighty power of God ioyned with his most rich and tender mercie which also is the argument of the virgin Maries Magnificat In the time that Samuel annointed Saule to be ●…ing of Israell mention is made of a companie of Prophetes which prophesied and that Saule himself a little while after he was annointed prophesied among them 1. Sam. chap. 10. 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. This prophesying no doubt was an excellent kind of vttering the excellent things of Gods spirituall kingdom from the inlightening of the Spirit of God according to the former groūds principles of prophesie contained in the bookes of Moses which were read and studied among the people of God Of this kind of prophesying we read againe in the same first booke of Samuel chap. 19. verses 18 19. c. where it is written that at Naioth in Ra●…ah there was a companie of Prophets prophesying and Samuel standing as one appointed ouer them And further that the messengers which Saule sent to apprehend Dauid were for the time so heauenly affected with that which they hard that they also brake forth to the magnifying of the name of God for the same things which he reuealed to thē This was done thrise by three seuerall companies of messengers the one sent after the other Last of all Saule himself went to Rama with an euil purpose against Dauid but the Spirit of God came vpon him also so that he laying aside his former mind as well as his warlike weedes he prophesied all that day and all that night Here we may see the most gratious and mightie power of the spirit of Prophesie to affect alter the minds of men to fill thē with spiritual ioy although we cannot reckē all those for holy Prophets of God who are thus sodainly affected with the spirit of Prophesie Neuerlesse by occasion hereof and specially because Saule for a time was as a Prophet among the Prophets let vs come to that company of true Prophets whereof we are to make rehearsall frō the beginning of the reigne of the kings of Iudah and Israell Prophetes such as were from the beginning of the reigne of the kings of Iudah and Israel the which we are to consider of vnder many companies But first concerning some of the Kings themselues KIng Dauid whom the Prophete Samuel at the commandement of God annointed to be king ouer Israel next after Saul he was himselfe a most excellent Prophete of God So it is testified of him Act. 2. 30. c. Seeing he was a Prophet saith the Apostle Peter and knew before that God had sworne c. he prophesied of the resurrection of Christ c. yea hee prophesied of the whole person and office of our Sauiour Christ touching euerie degree both of his humiliation and also of his exaltation as many of his Psalmes do plentifully declare Read Psal. 2. Psal. 16. Psal. 22. Psal. 45. Psal. 68. Psal. 110. and many other In K. Dauids reigne was the Prophet Nathan 2. Sam. 7. 2. c. ch 12. And the prophet G●…d who was called Dauids Seer 2. Sam. 24. 11. and 2. Chron. 29. 25. King Salomon was also a holy Prophete as his bookes the Prouerbes Ecclesiastes the
declare And these were the Prophetes which God of his great mercy and goodnesse sent more specially to Iudah and the kings thereof after that the ten tribes were departed from them Prophetes which the Lord sent to the tenne tribes of Israel and to the Kinges thereof after that they were departed from the tribe of Iudah VVE may not vnfitly begin this company of holy Prophetes with Ahijah the Shilonite of whom we read 1. King chap. 11. 29. c. He is that Prophet whom the Lord sent to prophesie vnto Ieroboam the son of Nebat that it was the purpose of God to rend the kingdome out of the handes of Salomon to make him king ouer ten tribes of Israell This was the iudgement of God against the sin of Salomon and of the people in his latter time for that they forsooke the Lord and worshipped the idols of the heathen as it followeth in the same eleuenth chapter vers 33. The accomplishment of which prophesie reade in the very next chapter euen shortly after the Prophesie was vttered to Ieroboam read chap. 12. ver 15. c. In the reigne of this Ieroboam in so much as he contrary to the will and commandement of God set vp idolattie to serue his owne wicked deuise and policie for the preuenting of the pebples reuolt which he suspitiously scared the Lord therefore sent a Prophere out of Iudah vnto Bethel in Israel the chiefe place of his new erected idolatrie euen at such time as he himselfe was dedicating the altar which he had made chap. 12. 26. c. 33. And the Prophete prophesying against his idolatrie telleth Ieroboam standing by his altar to offer incense that a child should be borne to the house of Dauid Iosiah by name who should breake down his altar and destroy the Priests of his high places ch 13. 1. c. The accomplishment whereof reade 2. King ch 23. 15 c. 20. This Prophesie did the Prophet giue forth about three hundreth and thirtie yeares before king Iosiah was borne This Prophet was he who harkening to the lye of that old Prophet of Bethel was for his transgressing of Gods commandement in that he eat and dranke in the place wherof God had said vnto him Thou shalt neither eat nor drink he was therefore killed in the way by a Lyon which met him Neuerthelesse as it may seeme for a monument of Gods mercie in forgiuing the sin of this Prophet he restrained the Lyon from deuouring his body as it is recorded in the same 13. chapter Reade also 2. King 23. 17. 18. In the reigne of the same Ieroboam the ancient Prophet Ahijah of Shilo who at the beginning told Ieroboam that he shold be king ouer the ten tribes of Israel he is now afterward toward the end of his wicked idolatrous reigne euen then when Ahijah could not see through the decay of his sight by reason of age the minister of God to prophesie against Ieroboam and his posteritie 1. King chap. 14. 2. 4. c. 18. This was fulfilled after that Nadab the sonne of Ieroboam had reigned two yeares For Baasha conspired against Nadab and slew him first thē also he smote all the house of Ieroboam according to the word of the Lord which he spake by his seruant Ahijah the Shilonite So we reade chap. 15. vers 27. 29. In the dayes of king Baasha who began his reigne ouer Israel in the third yeare of Asa king of Iuda Iehu the sonne of Hanani prophesied against Baasha like as the former two Prophetes had prophesied against Ieroboam 1. King 16. 1. c. In the dayes of Ahab who began his reigne ouer Israel in the 38. yeare of Asa king of Iuda prophesied Elijah that mightie Prophete of the Lord against Ahab his posteritie 1. King 17. c. He reduced the people of Israel to the acknowledgement of the true God of Israel He prophesied likewise by writing against Iehoram the son of Iehoshaphat who left the good waies wherin his father had walked followed the wicked wayes of the kings of Israel For as the holie Storie saith he had the daughter of Ahab to wife and he wrought euill in the eyes of the Lord and compelled Iudah so to do Wherfore the Lord by his Prophet Elijah sent a grieuous prophesie threatening fearefull diseases and a horrible death against him which also tooke effect as we read 2. Chron. 21. Michaiah also the sonne of Imlah prophesied against wicked king Ahab 1. King 22. And before him another Prophet whose name is not expressed chap. 20. 41 42. But verses 13. 14 22. and verses 28 29. God sent a Prophete to prophesie vnto him his double victorie ouer the great armie of the Aramites In the reigne of Iehoram the sonne of Ahab and so forth vnto the reigne of Ioash the sonne of Iehu prophesied Elisha the prophet who succeeded Elijah in Israel 2. King chap. 3. c. and ch 13. vers 14. c. But before Elisha had receiued of the Spirit of Elijah the children of the Prophetes both they of Bethel and other which were at Iericho prophesied that God would in extraordinarie maner take away Elishaes master that is Eljiah from him 2. King chap. 2. 3. 5. In the reigne of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash prophesied Ionah the sonne of Amittai who was of Gath Hepher 2. King 14. 25. This was the same Ionah whom the Lord sent about the mid dle time of the reigne of Ieroboam to prophesie against Nineueh as we shal see further anon Prophetes vvhich prophesied more iointly both cōcerning Iuda also concerning Israel after their separation yea and some of thē euen after the captiuities of either of them HOsea prophesied in the reigne of the same kings of Iudah when Isaiah prophesied to wit in the dayes of Vzziah Iotham Ahaz and Hezekiah with whom also are mentioned the dayes of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash king of Israell chap. 1. 1. of his prophesie to the end that Israel might the rather be admonished that his Prophesie belonged to them as ●…el as it did vnto Iudah for the reproofe of their sinnes for the comfort of either of them if they would repent and lay hold of the promises of the gospel which he by the spirit of prophesie published as belonging to them both In the reigne of the same Vzziah king of Iudah and in the the reigne of Ieroboam the son of Ioash king of Israel two yeares before the earthquake which was not long after the beginning of the reigne of Vzziah the Prophet Amos prophesied concerning Iudah and Israel though chiefly and for the most part concerning Israel chap. 1. 1. c. He prophesied particularly against Amaziah that malignant and proud priest of Bethel chap. 7. He prophesied also of the destruction of Ierusalem and of the captiuitie and restoring of the people of Iudah and Israel Finally he prophesied of the calling both of the Iewes and Gentiles