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B08236 A Briefe relation of certain speciall and most materiall passages, and speeches in the Starre-Chamber, occasioned and delivered Iune the 14th. 1637. at the censure of those three worthy gentlemen, Dr. Bastwicke, Mr. Burton and Mr. Prynne, as it hath beene truely and faithfully gathered from their owne mouthes by one present at the sayd censure.. 1637 (1637) STC 1569; ESTC S126020 21,885 34

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following came up to him and like a loving Spouse saluted each eare with a kisse and then his mouth whose tender love boldnes and cheerefullnes so wrought upon the peoples affections that they gave a marvailous great showte for joy to behold it Her husband desired her not to be in the least maner dismay'd at his suffrings And so for a while they parted she using these words Farewell my Deerest be of good comfort I am nothing dismay'd And then the Dr. began to speake these words There are many that are this day Spectators of our standing here Dr. Bastwicke as Delinquents though not Delinquents we blesse God for it I am not conscious to my self wherein I have committed the least trespasse to take this outward shame either against my God or my King And I doe the rather speake it that you that are now beholders may take notice how farre Innocency will preserve you in such a day as this is for wee come here in the strength of our God who hath mightily supported us and filled our hearts with greater comfort then our shame or contempt can be The first occasion of my trouble was by the Prelates for writing a Booke against the Pope and the Pope of Canterbury sayd I wrote against him and therefore questioned mee But if the Presses were as open to us as formerly they have beene we would shatter his Kingdome about his eares But be yee not deterred by their power neither be affrighted at our sufferings Let none determine to turne from the wayes of the Lord but goe on fight couragiously against Gog and Magog I know there be many here who have set many dayes apart for our behalfe let the Prelates take notice of it and they have sent up strong prayers to heaven for us wee feele the strength and benefit of them at this time I would have you to take notice of it wee have felt the strength and benefit of your prayers all along this cause In a word so farre I am from base feare or caring for any thing they can doe or cast upon mee that had I as much blood as would swell the Theames I would shedd it every droppe in this cause Therefore be not any of you discouraged be not daunted at their power ever labouring to preserve Innocency and keep peace within goe on in the strength of your God and he will never fayle you in such a day as this As I sayd before so I say againe Had I as many lives as I have heires on my head or dropps of blood in my veynes I would give them up all for this cause This plot of sending vs to those remote places was first consulted and agitated by the Iesuites as I can make it plainely appeare O see what times wee are fallen into that the Lords must sit to act the Iesuites plots For our owne parts wee owe no malice to the persons of any of the Prelates but would lay our necks under their feet to doe them good as they are men but against the usurpation of their power as they are Bishops wee doe professe our selves enemies till doomes day Mr. Prynne shaking the Dr. by the hand desired him that hee might speake a word or two With all my heart sayd the Doctor The cause sayd Mr. Prynne of my standing here M. Prynne is for not bringing in my Answer for which my cause is taken pro confesso against mee What endeavours I used for the bringing in thereof that God and my owne conscience and my Counsell knowes whose cowardise stands upon Record to all ages For rather then I will have my cause a leading cause to deprive the Subjects of that liberty which I seeke to maintaine I rather expose my person to a leading example to beare this punishment And I beseech you all to take notice of their proceedings in this cause When I was served with a Subpoena into this Court I was shut up close prisoner that I could have no accesse to Counsell nor admitted pen inke or paper to draw up my Answer by my Instructions for which I feed them twice though to no purpose yet when all was done my Answer would not be accepted into the Court though I tendered it upon my oath I appeale to all the world if this were a legall or just proceeding Our accusation is in point of Libell but supposedly against the Prelates To cleare this now I will give you a little light what the Law is in point of Libell of which profession I have sometimes beene and still professe my selfe to have some knowledge in you shall finde in case of Libell two Statutes The one in the second of Queen Mary The other in the seaventh of Queen Elizabeth That in the second of Queen Mary the extremity and heighth of it runs thus That if a Libeller doth goe so farre and so high as to Libell against King or Queen by denomination the higth and extremity of the Law is that they lay no greater fine on him then an hundred pounds with a moneths imprisonment and no corporall punishment except he doe refuse to pay his fine and then to inflict some punishment in liewe of that fine at the moneths end Neither was this Censure to be passed on him except it were fully prooved by two witnesses who were to produce a certificat of their good demeanor for the credit of their report or else confessed by the Libeller You shall finde in that Statute 7. Eliz. some further addition to the former of 2. Mariae and that onely in point of fine and punishment and it must still reach as high as the person of King and Queen Here this Statute doth set a fine of two hundred pounds the other but one This sets three moneths imprisonment the former but one So that therein onely they differ But in this they both agree namely at the end of his imprisonment to pay his fine and so to goe free without any further questioning But if hee refuse to pay his fine then the Court is to inflict some punishment on him correspondent to his fine Now see the disparity betweene those times of theirs and ours A Libeller in Queen Maries time was fined but an hundred pounds in Queen Elizabeths time two hundred In Queen Maries dayes but a moneths imprisonment in Queen Elizabeths three moneths and not so great a fine if they libelled not against King or Queen Formerly the greatest fine was but two hundred pounds though against King or Queen Now five thousand pounds though but against the Prelates and that but supposedly which cannot be prooved Formerly but three moneths imprisonment Now perpetuall imprisonment Then upon paying the fine no corporall punishment was to be inflicted But now infamous punishment with the losse of blood and all other circumstances that may aggravate it See now what times wee are fallen into when that Libelling if it were so against Prelates onely shall fall higher then if it touched Kings and Princes
consideration before you proceed to Censure Your Honours may be pleased to consider that in the last cause heard and censured in this Court betweene St. Iames Bagge and the Lord Moone wherein your Lordships tooke a great deale of paynes with a great deale of patience to heare the Bills on both sides with all the Answers and Depositions largely layd open before you which cause when you had fully heard some of your Honours now sitting in Court sayd You could not in conscience proceed to Censure till you had taken some time to recollect your selves If in a cause of that nature you could spend so much time and afterwards recollect your selves before you would passe Censure How much more should it moove your Honours to take some time in a cause wherein the glory of God the Prerogative of his Majestie your Honours dignity and the Subjects Liberty is so largely ingaged My good Lords it may fall out to be any of your Lordships cases to stand as Delinquents at this Barre as wee now doe It is not unknowne to your Honours the next cause that is to succeed ours is touching a person that sometimes hath beene in greatest power in this Court And if the mutations and revolutions of persons and times be such then I doe most humbly beseech your Honours to looke on us as it may befall your selves But if all this will not prevaile with your Honours to peruse my Bookes and heare my Answer read which here I tender upon the word and oath of a Soldier a Gentleman a Scholler and a Physitian I will cloath them as I sayd before in Roman Buffe and disperse them throughout the Christian world that future generations may see the Innocency of this cause and your Honors unjust proceedings in it all which I will doe though it cost me my life L. Keeper Mr. Dr. I thought you would be angry Dr. Bastw No my Lord you are mis-taken I am not angry nor passionate all that I doe presse is that you would be pleased to peruse my Answer L. Keeper Well hold your peace Mr. Burton what say you M. Burton My good Lords your Honors it should seeme doe determine to Censure us and take our cause pro confesso although we have laboured to give your Honors satisfaction in all things My Lords what you have to say against my Booke I confesse I did write it yet did I not any thing out of intent of Commotion or Sedition I delivered nothing but what my Text ledd me too being chosen to suite with the day namely the fifth of November the words were these c. L. Keeper Mr. Burton I pray stand not naming Texts of Scripture now we doe not send for you to preach but to answer to those things that are objected against you M. Burton My Lord I have drawne up my Answer to my great paynes and charges which Answer was signed with my Counsells hands and received into the Court according to the Rule and Order thereof And I did not thinke to have beene called this day to a Censure but have had a legall proceeding by way of Bill and Answer L. Keeper Your Answer was impertinent M. Burton My Answer after it was entred into the Court was referred to the Iudges but by what meanes I doe not know whither it be impertinent and what cause your Lordships had to cast it out I know not But after it was approoved of and received it was cast out as an impertinent Answer L. Finch The Iudges did you a good turne to make it impertinent for it was as Libellous as your Booke so that your Answer deserved a Censure alone L. Keeper What say you Mr. Burton are you guilty or not M. Burton My Lord I desire you not onely to peruse my Booke here and there but every passage of it L. Keeper Mr. Burton time is short are you guilty or not guilty What say you to that which was read Doth it become a Minister to deliver himself in such a rayling and scandalous way M. Burton In my judgement and as I can proove it it was neither rayling nor scandalous I conceive that a Minister hath a larger liberty then alwayes to goe in a milde strayne I being the Pastor of my people whom I had in charge and was to instruct I supposed it was my duety to informe them of those Innovations that are crept into the Church as likewise of the danger and ill consequence of them As for my Answer yee blotted out what yee would and then the rest which made best for your owne ends you would have to stand And now for mee to tender onely what will serve for your owne turnes and renounce the rest were to desert my cause which before I will doe or desert my conscience I will rather desert my body and deliver it up to your Lordships to doe with it what you will L. Keeper This is a place where you should crave mercy and favour Mr. Burton and not stand upon such termes as you doe M. Burton There wherein I have offended through humane frailty I crave of God and man pardon And I pray God that in your Sentence you may so Censure us that you may not sinne against the Lord. Then the Prisoners desiring to speake a little more for themselves were commaunded to silence And so the Lords proceeded to Censure The Lord Cottingtons Censure I Condemne these three men to loose their eares in the Pallace-yard at Westminster To be fined five thousand pounds a man to his Majestie And to perpetuall imprisonment in three remote places of the Kingdome namely the Castles of Carnaruan Cornwall and Lancaster The Lord Finch added to this Censure MR. Prynne to be stigmatized in the Cheekes with two Letters S L for a Seditious Libeller To which all the Lords agreed And so the Lord Keeper concluded the Censure THe Execution of the Lods Censure in Starre-Chamber upon Dr. Bastwicke Mr. Prynne and Mr. Burton in the Pallace-yard at Westminster the 30th day of Iune last 1637. at the spectation whereof the number of people was so great the place being very large that it caused admirat●on in all that beheld them who came with tender affections to behold those three renowned Souldiers and Servants of Iesus Christ who came with most undaunted and magnanimous courage thereunto having their way strawed with sweet hearbes from the house out of which they came to the Pillary with all the honour that could be done unto them Dr. Bastwicke and Mr. Burton first meeting they did close one in the others armes three times with as much expressions of love as might be rejoycing that they mett at such a place upon such an occasion and that God had so highly honoured them as to call them forth to suffer for his glorious Truth Then immediately after Mr. Prynne camme the Dr. and hee saluting each other as Mr. Burton and hee did before The Dr. then went up first on the Scaffold and his wife immediately