Selected quad for the lemma: kingdom_n

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kingdom_n day_n let_v lord_n 2,449 5 3.7592 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07173 A wonderfull and straunge newes, which happened in the countye of Suffolke and Essex, the first of February, beeing Fryday, where it rayned wheat, the space of vi. or vii. miles compass: a notable example to put vs in remembraunce of the iudgements of God, and a preparatiue, sent to moue vs to speedy repentance. / Written by William Auerell, student in diuinitie.. Averell, William. 1583 (1583) STC 982.5; ESTC S125869 9,271 33

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of Gods worde and see how it agreeth alas it makes the godly to grone although the vngracious feele no greefe Leaue this and looke vppon our couetousnesse what pittie is there of the poore and what releefe of many needie how are rentes raised Incombes leueyed Leases corrupted Bonds and their forfeites sued poore needie soules imprisoned lawes wrested and truthe little regarded maie it not be said of our daies as Petronius said of his Quid faciunt leges vbi sola pecunia regnat Aut vbi paupertas viuere nulla potest Iam non iudicium est nihil est nisi public amerces Nullaque iustitia est fraus vbi iura regit Venalis populus venalis curia primum Ipsaque maiestas aere sepulta iacet What good do lawes where money rainges alone Or where the poore can not obtaine his right Our iudgement now to common gaine is growne No iustice is where fraude puts lawe to flight Men set to sale the iudgement seate likewise Honor her self in money buried lyes But omittyng this with our Vsurie Blasphemie Adulterie Enuie Subteltie Oppression Extortion and Briberie seyng we are all corrupte euen from the sole of the foote vnto the hedde Seeyng there is nothyng whole in vs but all wounds and swellyngs and sores full of corruption Lette vs desire the Lorde to wrappe vs vp to binde vp our woundes and to mollifie vs with the Oile of his grace for wee are the vnfruitfull Vineyard euen this little realme of England whiche albeit our lande hath been plentifull yet haue our liues been barren and vnthanckfull the Lorde hath hedged vs in with his graces he hath gathered out the stones of Poperie and errors he hath planted vs with the beste plantes namely of sounde Religion and the truthe of his Gospell he hath builte a Tower in the middest of vs whiche is his Churche Wee haue a wine presse the house of prayer the Lorde hath looked that we should bryng forthe grapes of good life but we haue brought forthe the wilde grapes of wickednesse and now our owne consciences can be witnesse that the lorde hath doen so muche for vs as more he could not doe for any Nation he will therefore take awaie our hedge of defence namely his mercies and so shall wee bee troden doune of our enemies The Lorde hath looued vs with an euerlastyng loue he hath chosen vs to hym self in mercie he hath fedde vs with the fatnesse of the yearth and giuen vnto vs the dewe of heauen he hath caste a bancke about vs for our defence and closed vs in with a wall of strength he hath with peace sent vs plentie and with aboundance giuen vs tranquilitie Wee haue a gracious and mercifull Queene to guide vs indued with wisedome learnyng and vertue that laboureth daiely the increase of the Gospell God hath giuen wise and graue Counsailers in the middest of trouble to determine our causes who care and carke for the defence of our Countrie and applie their studie for our common weales commoditie the Lorde hath endewed vs with learned Bishoppes Pastors and teachers who ring daiely in our eares the golden belles of the Lawe and Gospell who sounde out of a sweete golden Trompet the cherefull allarum against our enemies Thei feede vs with Manna beyng Aungelles foode and giue vs cleare water out of the pure Fountaine Thei haue stopped vp the muddie puddelles of Popery and giuen vs to drincke of the cleare Siluer streames of the Gospell Lett vs not bee vnthanckfull to GOD for them for thei stande in the gappe to tourne awaie the wrathe of the Lorde it is the praiers of these that holdeth backe the angrie hand of the Lorde Ouid saieth that Arturus is a Starre placed nere the Pole Artick whiche neuer falleth but riseth and compasseth continually about the Pole if this starre should fall the Pole would by and by faile and so the whole frame of the worlde should perishe Euen so these holie and godly men as no doubte there are some though the number bee few in this Citie thei are those that daie and night doe compasse the Pole of this worlde who continually beate in the eares of the lorde with their praiers and like this Starre thei are continuall in risyng and neuer fall were it not for whom the frame of this worlde had long since been dissolued but assuredly there being is not long for these wonderfull tokens and prodigious signes dooe manifestly tell vs of the worldes consumation let vs therefore watche for the time is at hande Lette vs bee wise Virgines with our Oile in our Lampes that wee maie enter into the weddyng Chamber whē our spouse Christe Iesus shall come to Iudgement let vs continue to th ende that we maie eate of the hidden Manna let vs striue valiauntly that we maie obtain the Croune and gaine the kyngdome we haue long hopes for and heare the sweete and cōfortable saiyng Come ye blessed of my father inherite the kingdome prepared for you from the beginnyng of the worlde and that this maie speedely come Lett vs continually crie Come lorde Iesus come quickly bryng vs to the fruition of thy ioyes and shorten these our miserable daies that wee maie all with one voyce glorifie thee in thy heauenly kyngdome and sing that swete song holie holie holie Lorde God almightie Graunt this O Father for Christes sake to whom with thee and the holie spirite be all honor and praise bothe now and for euer Amen VVitnesse hereunto these men whose names doe followe Maister VVillyam Geffreyes dwellyng in Jpswhich John Bull seruaunt to Justice Germaye Richard Boothe of Jpswhich dwellyng with Olyuer Boothe Richard Kaye with diuers others FINIS