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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A51436 Religious meditations on Ecclesiastes, Chap. 12. vers. 13, 14 Mosse, John. 1699 (1699) Wing M2857A; ESTC R221919 20,870 69

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know their duty and more than so they will not be slack to render it in all respects both to God by living to his Glory and to their Neighbours by dwelling in Love and Charity with them For as nothing less than such a Life will bespeak them the servants of God so nothing more is wanting 't is their whole duty comprehensive of Faith Righteousness Charity and all good works the Fruits of the Spirit the fulfilling of the Law one tittle of which shall not pass away or be made void the loving of God with all the heart and their Neighbours as themselves and the effect and product of the Ministry of Jesus Christ Acts 26.18 which proposes a conversion from darkness to light from the power of Satan to God and from a corrupt and repugnant to a clean and regenerate mind as its principal scope whereby the Gospel the Power and Cross of Jesus will be embraced effectual and easie to be bore and the consequence glad tydings reformation and Peace to the Soul witnessed and enjoyed which is the end of all and the crown of all I have fought a good fight saith the Holy Man 2 Tim. 4.8 I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness Oh the comfort the joy and cause of rejoycing has that Man which so lives in this world as to answer his end He that offereth Praise glorifieth me Psal 50.23 and to him that ordereth his Conversation aright will I shew the Salvation of God Oh that Men would be perswaded to consider that God shall bring into Judgment every Work with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil surely then there would be something of a concern after this manner If it be so as 't is most certain that the great Judge of the World takes such a strict observance of all my Actions be they never so Secret nay of all my most hidden thoughts as that he will one day cause me to give an account of them all For every Idle word shall Men give an account in the day of Judgment How am I engag'd to be circumspect and watchful in all things not only in actions that have reference to Men and in my words but also in my thoughts and cogitations which none but an al-seeing God can charge with matter of evil In a sense of his al-knowing Power and of my own impotency I 'le beg of him to give me Grace so to Live in this world as that I may not by reason of my neglect be debar'd of those joys in the world to come and further I am sensible upon a most serious and retired examination that 't is by and through the illumination of a Divine Light that I see the evil of my ways and the misery ensuing such an unlimited course of Life I am therefore willing to deny my self and take up a Dayly Cross that I may know the work of Reformation and Regeneration the way to the Kingdom wrought Joh. 3.3 Vnless a Man be Born again he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven And in the first Place the Fountain of all Defilements and Corruptions being in my Heart Mat. 15.18.20 I 'le cry with the Psalmist Creat in me a new Heart O Lord and renew a right Spirit within me for unless the inside be clean the outside will not be so whilst the principle of hatred and envy is predominant in me 't is impossible I should bring forth works of Love and Charity and whilst I am under the power of the Devil 1 Joh. 3. doing his works I can by no means be the servant of God I cannot serve two Masters if the power of Satan bear rule in me I can be no subject of Jesus I cannot have right to call him Lord Luke 6.46 for I begin to be sensible that not he who says Lord Lord but that does his will is a Servant to him and of the Justice of that rebuke why call ye me Lord and do not the things which I command ye And when I feel the visitation of the love of God to my Soul 2 Cor. 4.6 opening the Eyes of my understanding then shall I see how wretched and miserable I am as also the exclency of the Glory of God who hath for that end caused his Light to appear now and not till now do I perceive the vanity of all Created things and my Soul is effused with breathings to the Lord to give me a further revelation of his will and to create a conformity in my depraved Heart to the same whereby I shall see an absolute necessity of sober and serious consideration of all my doings and the power of Jesus prevailing in my Soul I doubt not of ability to resist all temptations and to walk not as a Fool in my former vicious lewdness but as one that is awaken'd from the sleep of Sin and raised from the grave of Iniquity to redeem the time which I have spent in such an enormous manner as declares I neither endeavour'd to answer the end of my coming into the World nor was sensible of the necessity of the same When such thoughts and considerations have possessed the Hearts of Men they 'l remember that as there is no way to avoid or escape the Judgment of God so also that he will execute his Just and righteous decrees upon all without partiallity or respect of Persons Rom. 2.6.11 as 't is said God will render to every Man according to his works to those that by a patient continuance in well doing seek for Glory Honour and Immortallity Eternal Life but to those that are contentious and do not obey the Truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish upon every Soul of Man that doth evil upon the Jew first and also upon the Gentile but Glory Honour and Peace to every Soul of Man that worketh good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile for there is no respect of Persons with God Then none should presume to think that by vertue of any Personal predestination they shall if evil doers be exempted from the Sentence of go ye cursed For 't is apparent that as the Lord is no respecter of Persons so will he bring into Judgment the works of every Man And in vain will it be for any to plead at the Judgment Day after this manner Lord let me into thy Kingdom whom thou Elected'st before the foundation of the World not by my foreseen Holiness but in thy meer pleasure alone as thou didst for the same reason reject the greatest number in the World and as 't was thy pleasure and mercy to make me one of thy Elect so wholly confiding therein I look'd to be taken for a faithful Servant because thou art a faithful Master and so took no care to perform any thing of Service unto thee as believing that the Blood of thy Son being
RELIGIOUS MEDITATIONS ON Ecclesiastes Chap. 12. Vers 13 14. Let us hear the Conclusion of the whole matter Fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole Duty Man For God shall bring every work into Judgment with every Secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil I will Meditate in thy Precepts and have respect unto thy ways I will delight my self in thy Statutes I will not forget thy word Oh how I love thy Law it is my Meditation all the day Psal 119. Vers 15 16.97 LONDON Printed in the Year 1699. DEDICATION TO THE Piously affected Young Man My Beloved Friend AS it hath pleased the God of Infinite Mercy to incline our heart to seek after him in our tender years and to give us a clear perception of those things which pertains to Eternal Life and Salvation so hath be also Glory to his Name in the Highest given us cause to testifie to the truth of that promise Pro. 8.17 Those that seek me early shall find me And altho' secular concerns may sometimes be ready to prevail yet in retired and serene Speculations of mind the vanity of all created ob●ects is discerned and the Soul meeting with nothing of Satisfaction here below Soars aloft to a Supream being its proper center and place of rest from whence is beheld the World with all its fulness as only filth and dregs and unworthy for an Immortal Soul to be wholy imployed in In such contemplations being exercis'd amidsts various occasions for thoughts of another kind I have many times been fully sensible of the blindness that is over the Hearts of Men who are preferring transitory and earthly Goods to real and durable Riches and that are seeking more earnestly for Treasure here below Matth. 6.19 20.33 than to lay it up in Heaven where Moth or Rust cannot corrupt nor Theif break through and Steal and desires have been rais'd to obey the precepts of Jesus who said First seek the Kingdom of Heaven and the Righteousness thereof c. And that such desires may be strengthen'd and encourag'd let us wait upon the Lord let us trust and repose all our confidence in him and he will provide for all our wants all our necessities of what relation soever shall be supplied and we shall be upheld through all occasions of falling that we may pass through But Oh that we may not presume to think of security by a God that we do not know let us feel after him in whom we live move and have our being Acts 17.22.31 he is not far from any altho' they may be wholy Ignorant of it But he is imperceptable to the Carnal in Heart they are wholly strangers to him he beholds them a far off But let us meditate on his Laws that we may be partakers of his Blessings and let us be low and humble that we may inherit his Glory Prov. 3.34 35 who scorneth the scornful and giveth Grace unto the lowly in Heart To the improvement of my received Talent are these following Meditations produc'd and I expose them to publick view not to be taken for a Methodical comment or learned exposition For as I am too young and uncapable were there occasion for such a Work so am I Old enough to see that too many of the Books abroad in the World of such a kind prove more to the confusion then confirmation of the Readers especially when they treat of places hard to be understood But those comprehensive words that I make the Subject of my thoughts Eccles 12.13 14. as it is one of the most full so t is of the most easie and intelligable places of Scripture which I chose to exercise my privat Meditations on not designing at the first that they should appear in this publick manner And if any remote from God should hereby he induced to approach the throne of his Grace and return from the evil of their ways then shall I think the Publication hereof to be done in a happy Hour But if it be so unsuccessful as to work no such effect yet my comfort is that it has been a greater benefit to my self than it can be a hurt to any And that thou Pious Reader maye'st be further encouraged I present thee with these following metucally exprest Cogitations Contemn the World its Glory all desise It is too base for noble minds to prize How vain and empty is its three fold Treasure Compris'd in Honour Profit and in Pleasure We know such Honours base and such esteem Is set not as we are but as we seem T is like a new Blown but a fading flower Of small continuance and of smaller power It gives no real content no lasting peace But as a blast of Wind doth puff and cease If lean'd upon 't is but a broken reed And only doth our crasy fancies feed But not our Souls they must have food Divine That 's suiting to their 〈◊〉 els they pine And then for profit how can we obtain A real sufficient and a sollid gain That will to such a lasting profit ●end As will not fail to be a comfort in the end This lower Region will not yeild I 'm sure One grain of gain that always can endure We know such Earthly pe●●'s esteem'd for Wealth That can't afford our crasy Bodies Health Much less can all its combin'd force prevail To yeild content when final fears assail The troubled Soul which rowls in sorrow now And from its high flown Seat in forc'd to bow To th' pale attacques of Death whose mighty power No strength of Riches can defer an hour But Pleasures limits seem of most extent As to afford a joy without relent And Peoples minds are wrapt so far therein As not to deem the worser of 'em Sin So swiming in this Sea of vain delight Are plung'd into that dark and dismal night Of an Eternal Woe a just reward To those that think their Souls not worthy of regard But Oh let 's flie the cause of such neglect That so we mayn't be cursed by its sad effect And with an Elevated Soul aspire Above these mean delights to something higher That to a Soul enflamed with Celestial fire Seems worthy of pursuit and of a great desire And as one glimps thereof does Elevate the Soul In what an extasie will all our Spirits roul When that most dazeling Glory shall appear To Principate our joy and end our fear Then shall we sound eternal Hymns and Lays Of Anthems Songs and never ending Praise Unto our great Creator whom we must Admire at in his Love to make of Dust Poor Creatures and at last to make 'em blest By the enjoyment of an Everlasting rest By John Mosse Jun. Aetat Anno 19 20. Baldock Hertford-shire the 20th of April 1699. RELIGIOUS MEDITATIONS On Eccles Ch. 12. Ve. 13 14. THE Wise Preacher 1 Kings 2 Chron. 1.10.12 Eccles 12.9.10 whose Supplication was for Wisdom which the Lord not only
shed for me there was no need of any thing for me to doe so that whatsoever Fruits of Piety and Holiness should through thy power be produced by me would be of no regard Therefore relying upon thee trusting in thee and believeing that thou would'st not look upon me as I am in a state of uncleanness and corruption but through Christ as I am in him I cast my self upon thee and trust wholy in the merit 's of a crucified Saviour who came into the World to save Sinners But to such an exclamation what will the Righteous God reply Surely he will not say I have chosen you respectively in my good will and pleasure that you may Glorifie me World without end and have ordained to Destruction the greatest part of your fellow Creatures not by reason they are worse or you more worthy but that they may Glorifie me in Hell and you in Heaven and as I have mercy on you so will avenge my self on them that have in the Loins of Adam Sinned against me Mat. 25.12.41 But he will say in that day to those that have not fear'd and obey'd him Depart from me ye workers of Iniquity I know ye not with what confidence can you look for admittance into my Kingdom when you know your selves unworthy and unfit for such a Glorious place Rev. 21 27. where no unclean thing can enter or nothing that is defiled how can you expect that I should hear your Cries when you would not hear mine no no. Prov. 1.24.30 Because I have called and ye refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded But ye have set at nought all my Counsel and would hear none of my reproof I also will laugh at your calamity I will mock when your fear cometh when your fear cometh as desolation and your Destruction cometh as a Whirl-wind when distress and anguish cometh upon you Then dismal and terrible will it be at that time shall they call upon me but I will not answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me And mark the just occasion of it For that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord. They would hear none of my counsel and despised all my reproof Thus will the Righteous God plead with the workers of Iniquity who are covering themselves Isa 30.1 and not with the Spirit of the Lord that presume to say we are cover'd with the Righteousness of the Lamb justified by the Blood of Christ when they are inwardly ravening Wolfes corrupted and in a state of abomination and have not come so far nay have not Faith to beleive they ever can be able as to know the Blood of Christ to purge their corrupt and defiled Consciences from dead works perform'd without a renewed Heart to serve the living God in pure and hearty obedience to all his holy Laws Such are ready to forget or at least don 't solidly think that they must be called before the Judgment seat of God there to give an exact and strict account of the deeds done in the Body 2 Cor. 5.10 and to receive a reward according to them for every secret Action for every hidden Thought must they reckon And all that cannot stand this fiery Trial must be consumed by it Therefore came the word of the Lord to the Prophet after this manner Isa 33.13 16. Hear ye that are a far off what I have done and ye that are near acknowledge my might The Sinners in Zion are afraid fearfulness hath surprised the Hypocrites who among us shall dwell with the devouring Fire who amongst us shall dwell with everlasting Burnings He that walketh Righteously and speaketh uprightly He shall dwell on high his place of defence shall be the munition of Rocks Bread shall be given him his waters shall be sure Oh the Blessed estate of the Righteous who is it will not cry Oh that I might die the death of the Righteous Oh that my latter end may be like unto his He shall lay down his Head in Peace and nothing shall make him affraid in a peaceable and quiet Conscience shall he leave the world no terrours of Soul shall assail him But in a certain assurance of endless Peace his Soul is sweetly resign'd to the will of his merciful God he takes his leave of the world without reluctance or trouble in Spirit and why so Oh who can declare that comfort and sweet consolation that he feels to abound in his Soul He is ready to lanch forth into that boundless Ocean of never ending joy Rev. 7. where the Wicked cease from troubling and all sorrow is done away Such a Man overcomes that unwillingness to die which is inherent to our Nature and how so He is sure that when his Earthly Tabernacle is dissolved 2 Cor. 5.1 there 's an Habitation provided for him eternally in the Heavens for this he grones earnestly and desires to be clothed with that Mortality may be swallowed up of Life 1 Cor. 15.55 then can he say Oh Death where is thy sting Oh Grave where is thy Victory whilst he is at home in the Body is absent from the Lord from the full and boundless enjoyment of his Love and Light and walking by Faith not by sight is willing to be absent from the Body and present with the Lord. But with the Wicked it is not so he has spent his days in contempt to the Lord in despight to his holy Laws but the time of his departure is at hand and now he begins to remember how he hath provoked a just and merciful God who would have had mercy upon him and would have reclaim'd him from the evil of his ways but he slighted his Visitations set at nought his counsel would none of his reproof persever'd in his impious courses and did not consider his latter end wherefore has terrour and torture already seised his Soul the Judgments of a Righteous God begin to take hold upon him now his Conscience more then a Thousand witnesses doth condemn him and God who is greater doth condemn him also Now he feels an Hell upon Earth that once had his Heaven here Now he that had as much of Heaven as he desired hath more of Hell than he can bear now he begins that work of repentance which here should have had end Now he cries for a longer time that has so greivously spent his own now I 'le part with all to have peace to my tormented Soul that would not once part with the least of my pleasures for it But ah remember thou in thy Life time Luke 16.25 how did the Lord strive to do thee good how many years did he call unto thee before he gave thee over to a reprobate mind he called and thou would'st not hear now he will not hear thy woful cries but will execute his terrible Judgments upon thee and none shall be able to deliver Destruction comes as a Whirl-wind desolation and misery surrounds on every side now the sight of his Friends that once rejoyc'd help to aggravate the greif of his Soul he spent his time in jollitry with them and forgot the Lord his maker and now he sorrowfully warns them that as he must to all Eternity be cursed with an inevitable woe so must they beware Luke 16.28 lest they come into this place of Torment now Hell is no longer feign'd to deterr him but dismally felt to damn him now Religion is no longer a Po●i●ick design but the neglect proves perpetual Damnation now ther 's an overruling God that will bring all into Judgment for he feels the weight thereof sinking his Soul down into everlasting pangs now he that enjoy'd the unbouaded pleasures of this world is enjoyn'd to bear the never ended plagues of another The thoughts of which may lay us low and humble and cause us to seek him that will secure us from such a deplorable condition of which too many are insensible but 't is to be fear'd will undergoe at last What else can the Wicked look for but the fearful Judgments of a revenging Fire which will burn up all the proud and workers of Iniquity they shall be all as stubble in this terrible day of the Lord Mal. 4.1 2. But to you that fear my name behold the repeated promises of joy to them that fear God shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing under his wings c. And we know that he is risen according to his promise and by the brightness of his appearance hath dissipated the darkness of our Hearts and discover'd the corruption of them and by the vertue of this his arising is healing administer'd to our diseased Souls he hath cured us of our Infirmities and made us strong in the Lord and in the power of his might So that we who have embraced him in this Spiritual appearance are enabled to run the way of his Commandment with great delight having open'd to him who brings refreshment with him Spiritual food and nourishm●●● will sup with him hath he ●●●mis'd and he with me Rev. 3.20 and we encourag'd in this our travel to 〈◊〉 on our course and keep our Fait● because we are assured that a crow● of Righteousness 2 Tim. 4.8 will the Lord to Righteous Judge give to all the that love his appearing And w● can without presumption glory 〈◊〉 God in the highest bear an exper●mental testimony to the words 〈◊〉 the Holy Psalmist Psalm 1.1 2 3. Blessed is the Man that walket● not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of Sinner nor sitteth in the seat of the Scornfu● But his delight is in the Law of t●● Lord and in his Law doth he med●tate day and night And he shall 〈◊〉 like a Tree planted by the Rivers 〈◊〉 water that bringeth forth his Fru●● in his Season his Leaf also shall n●● wither and whatsoever he doeth shall Prosper THE END