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kingdom_n day_n let_v lord_n 2,449 5 3.7592 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05158 A sermon of Master Latimer, preached at Stamford the. ix. day of October. Anno. M.ccccc. and fyftie Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555. 1550 (1550) STC 15293; ESTC S108280 20,703 88

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Reddite ergo que sunt Cesaris Cesari et que sunt dei deo Gyue that that is Cesars to Cesar that that is gods to god THys Doctryne is greuous heui irkesom to couetouse herts rebellyouse and sedyciouse hertes Gyue gyue they canne not awaye wyth it it cā not sticke in their mindes nor sattell in theyr stomakes they woulde rather be taking scraping and catchinge then geuinge But godlye persons wyll well accepte and take it for it is to them a greate pleasure Ioye and comforte For the better vnderstandynge of this place ye shal vnderstand Chryste came to bryng vs oute of bondage and to set vs at libertye not frome cyuyll burthen as from obaying the magistrates from paying taxe and try but but from a greater burthen and a more greuouser burthen the burth●● 〈◊〉 the burthen not of 〈…〉 but of the soule to make vs fre frome it and to redeme vs from the curse and malediccion of the lawe vnto the honourable state of the chyldren of God But as for the cyuyll burthens he delyuered vs not frome them but rather commaunded vs to paye them gyue gyue sayeth he to Cesar obedience tribute and al thynges dewe too Cesar. For the vnderstanding of thys text it shall be nedefull to consyder the circumstance going before whyche thynge dewlye considered geueth a greate lyghte to al places of y e scripture who spake these words to whom thei were spoken vpon what occasyon and afore whome Therefore I wyll take the whole fragmente and shred taken oute of goddes boke for the gospel of this day wrytten in the gospell of Mathewe the .xxii. Chapter Tunc abierunt Pharisei Then wente the Pharisies and toke a counsell Luke hathe Obseruantes marckinge spyinge lookynge totinge watchynge lyke suttel crafty and sleyghtie felowes they toke a councel and sēt to him theyr disciples which shuld fain thē selfs iust mē godly mē glad to learn his doctrine And wyth thē Herods seruaūtes to trap him in his words they sayd to him Master we knowe y t thou arte a trewe man and teachest the waye of God in ueritate truly and carest for no manne For thou regardest not the personage of man Tel vs therfore what thinckest thou Is it lawefull to geue Cesar tribute mony or no This was theyr question that they wold haue snarled him with In answeryng to this they woulde haue caught him by the fote But Iesus Cognita malicia eo rum knowing theyr malice theyr wyckednes theyr vncharitablenes he sayd to them hypocrytes whi do ye tempt me Shew me a pece of y e tribute mony And they broughte hym a penye And he sayde to them whose image is thys and the wrytynge They answered Cesars He sayde to them Gyue to Cesar that that belongeth to Cesar to god that that is goddes Thus ye maye perceyue it was our sauyoure Chryste that spake these wordes and they wer spoken vnto the Pharyseis that tempted him But they be a doctryne vnto vs that are Chrystes Dyscyples For whose wordes shulde we delite to heare learn but the wordes and doctryne of oure sauyour Chryste And that I maye at thys tyme so declare them as may be for goddes glorye your edifying and my dyscharge I praye you all to helpe me with your prayer In the whych prayer c. For y e vniuersall church of Chryst thorowe the whole worlde c. For the preseruation of oure Souerayne Lorde Kynge Edward the .vi. sole supreme head vnder God and Christ of y e churches of Inglande and of Irelande c. Secondly for the kynges most honorable councell Thirdly I commende vnto you the soules departed thys lyfe in the faythe of Chryste that ye remember to geue laudes praise and thankes to almightye God for his great goodnesse and mercye shewed vnto theym in that greate nede and conflicte ageynste the deuil and synne To gyue them at the houre of deathe faythe in hys synnes deathe and passion wher by they myght conquere and ouercome and get the vyctorye Gyue thanckes I say for thys addynge prayers and supplycations for youre selues that it may please god to gyue you the lyke faythe and grace to truste only vnto the death of his deare sonne as he gaue vnto thē For as they be gone so must we and the deuyll wyll be as readye to tempt vs as he was them our synnes wyl lyght as heuy vpon vs as theirs did vpon thē and we are as weake and vnable to resyst as were they Praye therfore that we may haue grace to dye in the same fayth of Chryste as they did at the latter daye be raysed wyth Abraham Isaac and Iacob and be partaker wyth Chryste in the kyngdome of heauen for this and grace let vs saye the Lordes prayer Tunc abcuntes Tunc then ▪ It hangeth on a text before Chryst told them a similitude that the kingdom of heauen is lyke to a king that made a bridal to his sonne he maryed hys sonne and sente hys seruauntes oute to byd hys gestes Wel they wold not come althoughe he had made greate preparing much cost for them ambycion couetousnes and crueltye would not lette them come Then he sente hys warryoures and destroyed them and agayne sente other seruauntes to bydde gestes to hys brydal hande ouer heade come who wold Thei dyd hys bydding and the house was full of gestes The kynge nowe wold vewe his gests and fyndyng there one not cladde in Mariyng garmentes he asked hym frende how cammest thou here not hauing a mariage garmente And commaunded to bynde hym hande and fote and caste him into vtter darkenesse there was wayling grīding of teeth For many be chosen few be called Nowe Chryst expoundeth this The kingdome of heauen is preaching of the Gospel This mariage is the ioyning of Chryst his church which was begun by Christ here in earth shal cōtinue to y e end of y e world The bidders of his gestes are preachers but here are so many lets hinderances couetise is a let ambiciō is a let crueltie is y e greatest lette For they bett hys seruauntes brake theyr heades yea murdered them whiche bad them to thys brydal Wyth this the kynge was angrye and sent hys men of warre to destroye those vnthankful people Was he not angrye wyth couetousenes and wyth ambition Yes he is angrye wyth couetouse men with ambiciouse men But most of all wyth crueltye Thys is an angre aboue commune angre when men be not onlye vnthanckfull but also adde crueltye to persecute the preachers that commeth to call vs to thys maryage This toucheth god so nyghe that he sayeth Qui uos audit me audit Thys crueltye the kynge wolde not leaue vnpunished but sente furthe his menne of warre They are called hys men of warre his men his men for warres come at hys commaundemente Titus and Uaspasian were sente of god to punyshe those couetouse Iewes Ambiciouse Iewes cruel Iews that wold not credit Chryst