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A05035 The summe of christianitie gatheryd out almoste of al placis of scripture, by that noble and famouse clerke Francis Lambert of Auynyon. And translatyd, and put in to prynte in Englyshe, by Tristram Reuel. The yere of our lorde. 1536; Farrago omnium fere rerum theologicarum. English Lambert, Franz, 1486-1530.; Revel, Tristram. 1536 (1536) STC 15179; ESTC S109321 59,361 166

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it selfe Call them selues Christes seruauntes and loue hys worde yet they denye and treade downe bothe Christe and his worde and receyue for him donge of inuencyons of men and worshyppe for Christe antichriste and his lawes this euery man perceyueth excepte he be blynde as they be O I wolde to God the lorde wolde sende another Iosy as that wolde dystroy all greate buldynges places aulters phaanes secres decrees of antychriste and all that belōgeth to that curfyd worshyp 4. Reg. 23. and. 2. Parali 34. ❧ ❧ In what thynges bysshoppes of the churche of God shulde be subiecte to prynces and rulers and of theyr auctoryte and mynystery that is of the worde and sacramentes and of sentwaryes The seuenthe Chapitre ☞ ♣ ♣ ☜ BYshoppes .i. mynysters of the worde / be in all thynge subiecte to prynces and rulers as other cytezyns be excepte in these thynges that belonge to theyr propre offyce For it is necessarye that they be cytezyns whiche we adfyrme of all relygyouse ☞ ✚ ❧ ♣ ❧ Byshoppes in mynystery of the worde be subiecte to no man but god alone iudgement of the churche whiche dothe iudge by the worde of god ☞ If lordes probybyte preachyng to byshopes for a day or .ij. they must be obeyd but perpetually obey them nat for god must rather be obeyd thē man Actes .5 If they cōmaunde they shall interprete the worde of god agaynste hys propre nature that is after the wyl of the pope his kyngdome obey them nat but resyste the mater more purely and feruently ☞ ✚ ♣ ❧ ¶ And they cōmaunde that they shal teache tradycyons and cōmaūdementes of men obey them nat and so of al other of this maner that be agaynste the worde of the lorde ☞ ❧ ☞ The greatyst and hyest poynte of theyr offyce is to preache to the people those thynges that the lorde hath spoken so purely so nakydly and so symply as god saythe nother increasynge nor demynyshyng .i. puttyng to nothynge of the inuencyons and dreames of mē for the people of the faythful shuldbe rulyd by the alonly worde of the lorde ☞ ✚ ☜ ♣ Theyr auctorite is to correcte with the worde of god ye kynges and prynces and rulers and with the church togyther to seperate apostates and slanderers of the worde frō the comunion of the faythfull and they so amending to receyue them agayne ☞ It is also aparte of theyr offyce chefly in those dayes that the chylde of perdycyon the man of syn is to be publyshed to the electe with the spirite of the mouthe of the lorde .i. with hys worde lest they consentyng to him do peryshe to expoūde to al people with a quicke voyce and wrytyng those places of scrypture perteynynge to that kyngdome euery man as he hathe taken of the lorde let hym be banyshed from the temples of god that is frome the hertes of the faythful and let him neuermore be taken of them for the vycker of god or spouse of the church for if he be to be reuelid with the worde of the lorde it is necessary that it be done fyrste pryncypally by thē whō god hathe made his euangelystes ♣ But I do nat denie this to belonge to all faythefull that haue the worde of god for it is commaundyd to all men of the kyngdome of the pope vnder the similitude of the whore of Babylon mother of al fornycacyon Apocalyp 18. Go from her my people and be nat parttakers of her synnes bycause her synnes haue come to heuyn and the lorde remembrethe her iniquities gyue her as she hathe gyuen to you and double her double workes in the cuppe that she dyd myxe to you myxte to her double as muche as she hathe gloryfyed her selfe in delycates so muche gyue to her tormente mournynge whiche wordes I haue expoūdyd in the preface of myne oracyon in to the rule of the mynorytes ❧ ¶ Therfore nother emperoure kyngꝭ nor prynces or any other rulers may lawfully prohybyte that these thyngꝭ shulde nat be done and if they do prohybite they ought nat to be obeyd for God is more than manne ●ormes and rotennes ☞ ❧ ♣ ✚ ❧ They may forbyd that any thyng shulde be done without the worde and then they are to be obeyed ❧ ♣ ☞ And they may constrayne .i. leste any man robbe or strike the popes chaplens and monkes / or of hys owne brayne plucke downe ydolles for this belongeth to prynces and rulers that haue the sworde that if any thynge muste be done it may be done with holsome counsel and in good tyme by the worde of god ☞ ❧ ♣ ❧ ☜ ❧ For all that the companye of the faythfull gatheryd and well enformyd in the worde of god may for this matter desyre and that instantly prynces and rulers that all thyng may be done pesably ordinatly and in good season ¶ wherfore messengers that is apostles and byshoppes of god be subiecte alonly to god ī ministery of the worde we say in mynystery of the worde for as for al outwarde thyngꝭ as to preache in thys place rather then in that place with a surplyce or without in tabernacles of the faythfull and nat in the comen market or in the market and nat in the tabernacles and so of all other outwarde thynges by which theyr mynysterye is nat lette they be subiecte to prynces rulers as other cytyzens be ☞ ❧ ♣ ✚ ☜ ♣ For and cause lawfull be they may holsom counsell taken depryue putte them forthe and pryson them c̄ ☞ Nat withstandynge the decrees of the sonne of perdicyon whiche vnder payne of cursynge do prohybyte leste any man touche his tyrannes and mynysters of hys clergye for what wyll suche preceptes but to wyll that with out any lette they may waxe wanton stele and go madde Forthermore I haue sayde that god turnythe all the cursyng of this kyngedome of perdycyon to his electe in to a louyng blessynge ☞ ❧ ♣ ❧ ☜ ❧ Also all sanctuaryes pryuyleges and pardones of that kyngedome be lyes of the deuyll and therfore to be countyd for nought ¶ ✚ ¶ ☞ Therfore bothe byshoppes and al other if they haue offendyd maye be taken from any place ye frome tabernacles and churcheyardes ♣ Townes and places may be ordeyned of prynces and rulers in whome they that flee whiche by chaūce with out hate or malyce haue shedde blode maye be safe vnto theyr innocencye knowen they maye retourne to theyr owne ❧ ♣ ✚ ❧ ❧ who so euer with sworde staffe or stone or any other way of hate or lyeng in wayte hathe stryken or slayne any man he ought nat to be suffered safe in any place but alonly he that agaynst his wyl hath done any of these And so the lorde hathe ordeyned cytyes for them that flee Numeri 35. ¶ No byshop hathe aucthoryte vpon hys felowe but to teache hym if he knowe the truthe better for the feynynge of archbyshoppes is nat of the worde of god ❧ Byshoppes haue no nede to be
christen brother lent to me as yet bothe yonge in yeres and muche lesse in learnynge haue taken in hande to translate this so precyous a treasure and offer it to your most noble grace rudely sette forth trustynge that youre grace wyll cause the same eloquently and ornatly to be translated by some of your dyscret wyse and well learned clarkes most humbly besechynge your grace in good parte to take this my rude enterpryse pryncypally to confesse the truthe bycause I am very vnmete to do such a thinge and partly for lake of tyme oppressed with pouertye the whiche as the Poete MANTVANE wrytteth is enemy to good maners consequētlye my wryttynge is verye course and base as yet ferre from the trade of a wryter the which be the causes of my offerynge to your grace so rude a volume so indygeste a phrase and to be brefe so vnsemely set together wherfore I humbly beseche your grace to take these my fyrste frutꝭ yf they may be called frutes euen as Chryste our mayster hathe accepted the offerynge of the pore woman whose wyll was good Mar. 12 Lu. 21. whē she offered al that she hade thoughe it was but lytle And the holy goste preserue our sayde soueraygne Lorde and your most deare husbande your grace the ladye ELEZABETHE Pryncesse Doughter heyre vnto you bothe and gyue to you the lyght of hys mercye to whome with god the Father and the Sonne be honoure and glorye for euer more So be it ✚ The epystell of the auctour ❧ To the noble and moste gentyll lorde lorde SEBASTIAN of Moūt faulcone prynce of Lausanc FRANCIS LAMBERT the vnprofytable seruancte of Iesus Christe grace and peace of god the father and the lorde Iesus Christe ❧ NOt many yeres passyd moste noble prynce whā I shulde preache the pure and holsome worde of god at your cytie of Lausane I dyd ꝑceiue by many argumentes bothe the sobre gentylnes of youre mynde and also the outragyous wyckednes of certayne flaterers and deceiuers For at altymes where as you were present at my sermons you dyd moste purely fauer the worde of god and whan you were constreynyd with vrgent busynes to be absent whiche was ones and eftsones as you haue enformyd me very many were aboute sumwhat busyly to alyenat or make you straunge ye as it were to say enuiously to drawe you frome the worde of god lyke fyrye burnyng knyghtes adfyrmyng that I preachyd heresye But at the laste the myghty verytye hathe so conuycte you that you haue wryten many thynges for me and I gladly cōfesse that for the loue of you I was gentylly enterteynyd with the Bernēses Ligurynes Basylyanes Friburgyanes Farthermore at my departyng from you you instantly desyryd me very ofte to wryte to you whiche to do I gladly promysed in tyme conuenient wherfore I beseche your hyghnes of pardone bycause I haue nat performyd it to thys daye for it chansyd nother by obliuiousnes or neglygence but very ofte whan I was about to do it I was constreynydly rapte to other maters The laste of al I wolde haue made answere to the hundreth paradoxes or questyones of CONRADVS TREGARIVS the Augustyne freresēt to you wherin he is very busy not alonly to pull you away frome Christe but also the noble gentyles of Heluetia although he do glory with pretens and zele of the spirite of Christ in the spirite of erroure and blyndnes Veryly he dothe teache nothyng lesse then Christ For he laboryth very sore to vndermyne the vyneyarde of the lorde of companies that is to saye the congregacyon or churche of christen people euyn lyke to a crafty or wyly foxe but this foxe muste be taken I saye thys lytle foxe ye the whiche is without effycacytie or strengthe of the spirite that other he maye be sauyd or els confoundyd put downe accordynge as the spouse commaundyth in the cantykles saing take to vs these foxes these lytle foxꝭ that vndermyne the vyneyardes and the lytle eyes of the vynes which wordes howe they shulde be vnderstādyd I haue declaryd in my enarracyon in to the cantycles Farthermore whā I was about an answere in to the sayde paradoxes or conclusyons the derely belouyd and trewe teachyd bretheren of god VVLSGANGVS FABRICIVS Capito and MARTINE BVCER two of the byshopes of Argentyne preuentyd me And for that cause I dyd leaue of my purpose and toke on hande the reiteracyon or settyng forthe the comentaryes whiche I had begonne in to certayne of the prophetes with many other thynges for I knowe them to furnyshe that mater more dylygently then shal nede that any man shulde adde any thynge to theyr wrytingꝭ I wolde but alonly monishe you to beware and take hede of suche wolues goyng in shepes clothyng that they do nat in euery place vyolently rapte slee and dystroye I haue also made answere to the epystle that he dyd wryte to you in the begynnyng of his boke deferrynge to wryte to you matters of greater grauytye vnto a tyme more conuenient as well as if I had made answere to the sayde paradoxes or conclusyones Nor you shall nat merueyle that I sayde there be many byshopes of one cytye for verely euery cytie hath so many byshoppes as it hathe true euangelystes or preachers for euery preacher of the truthe I say of the truthe that dothe nat preachelyes decrees inuencions dreames lawes and coūselles of men but the moste pure and symple worde of god is a true byshope although he be nat callyd so of many the churche of god hathe no other byshopes but these therfore there as is no pure minister of the worde of god is no bysshop and without doute we haue ben very longe and manye yeres without byshopes in the moste fearfull iudgement of god for they that haue be callyd byshopes to this day be nothyng lesse than byshopes excepte they wyll be callyd wycked or purse byshopes or byshopes of the kyngdome of antichriste Verely a byshope is callyd by interpretacyō an ouersear or watcher and euery man is byshope of the thīg that he moste entendythe But there is no man so blynde but he perceuyth to what thyngꝭ these byshopes of the kyngdome of perdycyon entende Ye and they glory them selues in lyenge wordes sayeng He that dothe a thīg by another / aperethe to do it by hym selfe This rule / is execrable / and cursyd byfore the lorde in those thynges that pertaine to the office of a byshop whose hyest pointe is ministery of the alonly worde of god for they may cōmytte to other the ministery of sacramentes bycause they be pryncypally sent to the ministery of the worde As saynte Paule wryteth of hym selfe in the fyrste epystle to the Corinthianes the fyrste chapitre sayeng Christ sent nat me to baptyze but to preache the gospell more ouer these buggyshe bysshopes substitute or haue none vnder thē that is a pure euangelyst but hyre wretches and moste couytouse marchantes of lukre that seke nothynge lesse then the
hebrues ☞ ✚ ♣ ☜ ¶ wherfore byshoppes and prestes of the kyngedome of the pope be nothynge lesse then that whiche they affyrme them selues to be ❧ ¶ Nor they do nat succede to the lawe of tythes fyrst frutes and oblacyons whiche be dewe alonly to them aforesayde for they be not prestes and leuites of the lawe ☞ ❧ ♣ ☜ ¶ They be therfore execrable theues when they requyre tithes fyrst frutes and oblacyons ☞ ❧ ❧ ☜ ♣ For they be dewe to thē by no lawe not by goddes lawe as I haue sayde nor by mannes lawe for all suche lawe dothe not bynde the faythful bycause it is wyked brynginge them into bondage of the lawe that god hathe made free from it ☞ ♣ ❧ ¶ Also Chryste spekynge of tythes Mathewe .23 and Luke .11 spekethe in the pretertens you ought to haue done these c̄ that you maye knowe they shulde haue be gyuen them and not you ☞ ♣ ❧ ¶ And yf you saye they shulde haue be geuē thē Ergo nowe you conclude folishlye because the lawe is abrogat for thē it shuld folowe that you shuld haue be cyrcumsysyd offeryd beastes go to Hierusalem on dayes apoynted of the lorde Ergo nowe yf thys consequente be nought nor the fyrste ¶ Furthermore althoughe faythfull be not bounde to gyue those thynges to them yet rather then they shulde stryue they shulde haue them at theyr requeste accordynge to that of Luke 6. frō him that taketh away thy cloke do not forbyde thy coote to all that axythe the geue and of hī that taketh from the axe it not agayne ☞ ¶ They maye ye they ought yf they maye do it to warne them leste they wyll peryshe for suche a detestable exactyon and thefte for it is wytten yf thy brother offende the correcte hym Matthewe .18 and Luke .17 ❧ ❧ ¶ But it is the duety of princes and rulers to make people free from thys thefte and tyrannye of the apostate kyngedome for nother the pope cardynalles nor byshoppes nor all they to gether that do attayne to this wyked kyngdome may lawefully requyre one halfepenye vnder the name of fryste frutes tythes and oblacyons ❧ ¶ Let these flowe belyes worke and lyue with laboure and lette them haue wherof they may gyue to rhe pore his necessite as is wrytten in the sweat of thy browes thou shalt eate thy breade Gene. 3. and .2 Thessal 3. he that laboryth not let not hī eate and yf they be of the houses of prynces or nobles or any other ryche men lette them go to theyr owne houses do sumthyng els better prouydyd so that they do not steale other mennes gooddes and maye be sauyd ❧ ♣ ¶ To true byshopes .i. to true euaungelystes be not owyd fyrste frutes tythes and oblacyons but alonly they to whome they preache be bounde to helpe them and theyr householde as you maye openly se in many places of scrypture as I haue teached in an other place more largelye ☞ ♣ ❧ ¶ For it is sayde cheffelye to them wyl not you to heape treasure Math. 6. and although thꝭ chaunce to al men yet they shulde gyue example to other that they maye shewe Chryste and hꝭ mekenes yee in theyr deades ❧ ♣ Therfore yf they haue any thyng plentyfully geuen to them lette them geue it to the pore and let them kepe hospytalyte as Paule saythe Tite 1. ♣ wherfore vnder the gospell there is none that of the apoyntmente of god tythes shulde specyallye be gyuen to not the kyngedome of the pope as we haue sayde nor yet true euaungelystꝭ to whome euen by the comaundement of god meate and drynke and clothe is dewe of them whom they rule with the worde and not to prynces rulers or nobles ☞ ✚ ❧ ♣ ☜ ♣ For to them must be gyuen tributes and customes by the precept of christ Matth. 22. Marke 12. Luke 20. gyue that to the Emperour that is the Emperoures that to god that is godes and Roma 13. gyue to euery one theyr deutye to whom trybute gyue trybute to whome custome gyue custome to whō honor giue honor to whō dread dreade wolde god that many iniuste exactyons were taken away and that they wolde take alonly tythes as the lorde dyd apoynte the kynges of Israel 1. Regum 8. ☞ ♣ ✚ ☜ ♣ Also they must haue tythes twelftꝭ twentytes and suche other lawefull customes whiche many haue purchasyd by laweful meanes as geuynge for them and theyr heyres theyr proper landes for a perpetual custome of the fyftenth or twelfte ꝑte of theyr frutes ¶ I do not vnderstande of vsurus bergens for it is wrytten lende one to another trustynge of no auauntage Luke 6. ☞ ❧ ♣ ✚ ❧ ♣ what shall then be of tythes shall they be vtterly put downe godforbyd but I saye that the faythfull be free that they geue nothynge ouer them to them whome the man of synne commaundethe to be geuen ❧ ♣ ❧ ¶ I geue thꝭ counsel to the faythful that of al they that receyue of the lord to gather tythes and dystrybute them into good vses as to helpe the publike weall to noryshe true byshoppes that truly gouerne to helpe the fatherles puples and wydoes with other pore ¶ we saye this of thē that be able for if they be pore let them pay nothynge or els that whiche they maye frely chefly for a comon weall mynysters of the worde of whome the greattest count muste be gyuen 1. Tim. 5. senyours that gouerne well be worthye double honoure chefly they that laboure in the worde and lernynge ¶ Prīces rulers and nobles to whō as I sayd trybutes other shuldbe gyuen by the lawe maye not thynke them free to do with them what they wyll for they muste be watchynge for a good state and pease of the people and be meke and plentyful to the pore ¶ To whom thys must be counsyled that by example of Abraham and other Sayntes to dystrybute tythes of all that they receyue to the pore and not to set vppe chappels and buylde cloystures ☞ ❧ ❧ ♣ ❧ Nor it is not lawefull for them to multeplye horses for pride to haue many wyues or hores to gether great heapes of golde syluer to be proude ouer hys brethren that is people whō he shulde haue in steade of hꝭ brethren to declyne from truthe and iustyce to the ryght hande or to the lefte hande but they shal haue the lawe of the lord in whiche they shal rede all the dayes of theyr lyfe and lerne to dreade the lorde and theyr god and kepe hys preceptes as is sayde in Deutryno 17. Of the table of the lorde that it is not a sacrefyce and of wyked and vsurus customes of the kingdome of perdycyon vtterlye to be pluckyd awaye and of purgatory Capi. 10. THe pope and hys scoles haue dyffyned the table of the lord to be a sacryfyse and haue denyed in it to be the promyse of grace and both kyndes to be giuen to any other
named It dothe greaue me sore / moste noble prynce to make answere to the wekydnes of thꝭ deceyuer I wold but alonly gyue you warnynge that you with al dilygence shulde flee and auoyde the poyson of hym and suche other for you must do so of necessyte if you wyl play the true prince / or els it is impossible that you shulde be sauyd / nowe perceyue / I do thys with a greate hope / remembryng our olde amytye / the whiche in tymes passed / you dyd vouchsafe apon me / of the noble mynde of your good lordshyppe / I wyl not go aboute to oynte your hede with oyle of a synner / the burden is great that oppressythe you take hede therfore lest you peryshe vnder it / take hede also that you haue vnder you / true chrysten people / and that chryste may regyne in them / for then you shall cheflye play the true prince / when you chefly gyue delygence / that Chryst maye be a prynce in your subiectes / take hede also that the most pure worde of god may be preached to you banyshe from your landes / al false prophetes / wolues suche maner of marchande mē / I wolde that you shulde perfytlye knowe / that if youre people peryshe your soule shal be for theyres ye if it be thorowe your cause if ther peryshe but one / pryncypally beware of al hoded men / for al they / excepte a fewe / haue coniured agaynst god / and hꝭ chryst / but aboue al other take hede of these for they are to be flede of you that glory them selues wykedly / with the tytle of obseruantes / execrable to all Chrystyanes / for theyr ypocrysye hathe lede very many / ye almost innumerable to death / I pray god the hyest and best / that they maye shortly be expulsyd / the courtes of al princes / by lytle and lytle it is hyely necessary that you extyncte / put downe / the tyrannes of the kyngdome of Antychryst .i. these dysceytfulnes of perdons ydolatry of sayntes that slepe / the offycyalles courtes / cursyd costomes / by no meanes to be permytted of Chrystyanes the outragiousnes of sectes with al such other then conceaue in your mynde that you wyl haue holy scryptures in your hādes stody vpon thē nyght day the holy gost wyl teache and enforme you / by what meanes all thyngꝭ shal be wel orderyd withī your kyngdome for yf you deny the word of god to the people they ought not to obeye you for they be the shepe of Christ they wyl be fedde with the meate of his holy worde therfore al the people of the faythful maye saye to theyr princes / rulers ye they be bounde to make cōgregatyons for it and say / we wyl heare the worde of our lorde god we wyll not heare the decrees lawes of the pope / we wyl not ye●ecreralles of these glosing sophysters the which yf prynces / or rulers wyll denye them when they wylbe taken for faythful the sayde people may depryue them theyr kyngdomes / lordshypes / the people be subiecte / in al thinges to princes rulers / sauynge those thinges / that be against the worde of god / or that they shulde not haue the worde of god preached / let your hyghnes gyue place to the truthe / and god shal encrease you in althynges / establyshe your kyngdome I was aduertysed of late that bycause a certeyne minyster as we cal it a prest despysynge that decre of antychryst prefarryng the precepte of god is maryed to a wyfe / for the which he is taken prisoner of a certeyne tyrante thorowe your consente they do saye that he doth persecute him to deathe / take hede that you consent not to any man for your soule shuldbe for his he hathe done a thynge necessary which god hathe commaunded to al that can not absteyne as I haue copyouslye opened in my boke of matrymony and euedētly proued it To the most chrystē Kynge of Fraunce the whiche I dyd put forth because of my owne mariage for I am maryed altho the synagoge of the son of perdicyon was madde at it for we must rather obeye god then man god hath cōmaunded matrimony to euery man that can not abstayne the pope prohibyteth and maketh ypocrytes to whom shuld we gyue place not to god the lorde dyd make no distynctyon betwyxte the layealtye and the clargye the cōmaundement is general perteyning to euery mā of euery state ye and if your highnes wyl beleue the truthe take a wyfe and by your exmaple you shal destroy this cursed decre of antychryste for when he dyd commaunde to the Clargy chastyte of lyuynge contrarye to the worde of god he dyd multyply al maner of lecherye and to speke the truthe thys reprouable order is spronge of no other thing but of dysceytfull spirites doctryne of deuylles as you maye playnly perceyue the first of Tim 4. the same iudgement is of the prohybyting of meattes ī the same place very copyously I hade no space nor tyme to wryt many thinges to you therfore I haue brefly made answere to that wyked Tregaryus wherin I haue putte moch good councel bycause this deceyuer goeth about falsly to instructe you of the authoryte of the coūcelles of the church of the which matter we hade comunycatyon very oft in your palace I shal also adde to .385 Paradoxes or cōclusyons / concludynge another thīge then Tregaryus hathe teached I do also make redy my selfe to answere to them al where so euer it shal be eyther in Germanye or in Fraunce or where so euer they wyl so that they wyll heare me not go about to put me to deathe vn harde I wyl dyspute the matter openly if the counsel be holdē in Frāce and wyl no other iudges but the most pure worde of god and all that iudge syncerely after it bycause it is no otherwyse lawefull in case they ouercome me with the worde of god and proue that I dyssent from the truthe in those thynges that I shall affyrme by the same worde let them order me as they thynke it beste and yf they be conuycte I wyl not that they shulde be in danger of the least heare of theyr hede but alonly let glory be gyuen to the truthe wherfore I beseche youre Lordeshyppe to accepte thys treatyse of Paradoxes or conclusyons compendyouslye concludynge almost all what soo euer dothe perteyne to Chrystyanytye / and doo not dysdayne my dewetye towarde your hyghenes / and perauenture God the greatteste / and moste hye wyl graunte that I may shortlye put forthe vnder your name some thinge more exelent peace and grace of oure Lorde Iesus Chryste and ioye of the holye gost be with your noble lordship and with al youre people So be it ❧ The fyrste Chapitre ¶ The cause of the greate blyndnes of the worlde whiche hathe cōtinued so longe tyme by what meanes the
consecrate of any man but of the holy ghoste it is suffycyent to them for all consecracyon to be sende and callyd of the lorde ☞ If any byshoppes in them selues theyr wyues or with dyuers conuersacyon offende the cōgregacyon they ought to be correcte of rulers and the churche and nat geuyng place to holsome doctryne ought to be deposed of them and seperate the comunyon of the faythefull ❧ Another mynystery of theyres is to baptyze to minister the table of the lorde and cōforthe them that amende ☞ Thys mynysterye of sacramentes whiche is but accydent to them and not pryncypall they may commyt to other when they be let with ministery of the worde they be nat sende to baptyze but to preache As Paule sayeth of hym selfe 1. Cor. 1. ♣ To the fyrste offyce that is to preachyng be inseperably knyt visitacyon and comfortyng of the sycke alwayes that they can to helpe the congregacyon that euery byshope rulythe in the worde of god ❧ Byshoppes shulde nat wayte to be callyd to the howses of the faythefull where as they knowe necessyty but of theyr selues shulde watche and haste to brynge them helpe and comforthe The eyght Chapitre ¶ That byshoppes may nat be lordes and prynces and it is agaynste theyr offyce The eyght Chapitre ❧ BYshoppes be nat lordes ouer the people of god but mynysters and seruauntes ☞ ❧ ☞ Nor they may commaunde them nothyng of thē selues although they may reproue desyre and blame in all pacyence and pure doctryne of the scriptures of god 2. Timoth. 4. ❧ It is nat out of pacyence but a necessarye and moste free zele to god when any man is angrye and feruent agaynste the wycked after the worde of the lorde for verely there muste be resystence with the worde as ofte as necessyte requyryth ye with the moste feruent zele As Phinees dyd please with the zele sleyng bothe Zambri capitayne of the trybe of Symeon and Cozhi doughter of Sur the prynce of Madianites Numeri 15. And also Mathathias with that zele sleynge a Iue and the messenger of the kynge of Antioche the fyrste boke of Machabeus the seconde Chapitre Lyke wyse Helias whose sermones were euyn as fyre or a burnynge bronde 1. Kynges 17. and Ecclesiasti .48 ♣ ♣ Byshoppes may nat be prynces and lordes of any place but of theyr owne howsholde for it is contrarye to be a byshope and a prynce For to be a byshoppe is to be a mynyster and faythefull seruande ¶ Therfore they ought nat to haue lordeshyppe of the leaste towne of all the worlde the sauyour spekyth to byshoppes Matthewe the .20 chapitre and Marke the .18 Chapitre Luke the .22 Chapitre Kynges of gentyles haue rule ouer them and they that haue power be callyd gracyous lordꝭ but you nat so that is you shall nat haue lordshyppe of other nor shal nat haue power in them as prynces c̄ ☞ And bycause the pope and his byshopes with other perteyninge to his kyngedome do boste them selues for mynysters seruaūtes of the church and neuerthelesse wylbe prynces and lordes they must be depryued al kyngdome and lordshyppe whiche to do it belongeth to prynces and rulers ♣ If that they be of the hye prynces and wylbe taken for suche and playe the true prynces and to permyte frely holy byshopp●● 〈…〉 of euery congregacyon 〈…〉 be suffred or els to be put 〈…〉 other to be chosen for prynces ❧ ♣ ☜ ¶ It is not laweful for byshoppes to haue vycars offycyalles secretaryes chauncelers courtes of stryfe suche other But alonly helpers for mynystery of Sacramentes as I haue sayd before ☞ ❧ ♣ ☜ ❧ ¶ For there is no processe that maye lawfully be determyned before him or hys offycyalles for this doth belonge to prynces and rulers ☞ ❧ ¶ But it is lawfull for them to haue a scrybe of sermons of truthe yf they nede or yf they be suche that can expounde the scryptures in wrytynge ¶ Scrybes and other that be of the councell of Cetyes and other notaryes ordayned of prynces and rulers may receyue testamentes and all maner of contractes whiche is not to be suffered to the notaryes of Antychryst and hys tyrannes excepte they forsake Antychryst and hꝭ kyngdome and be admytted of rulers or els the coniurynge of the sonne of perdycyō shuldbe cōfirmed which by al meanes after the worde of god is to be abolysshed and drounke of hī in the moste harde cuppe ☞ ♣ ♣ ☜ ☞ To prynces and rulers it belongeth to subuerte all pompe tyranny of byshoppes and to reforme them to humylyte and symplecyte of apostles ♣ Therfore to the pope and cardynals and byshopes or other tyrannes of hꝭ kyngdome shuld not be suffered pompyous interestys of cetyes precyous miters crosses hattꝭ slyppers of sylke and gyltyd and rynges for yf he wyll playe the byshoppe let hym enter lyke a byshoppe apostle and pastor and let it be suffycyent for euery one of them to haue on or two or thre seruauntes for they be not greater then Peter or Paule or other apostles whiche haue gone very ofie with one dyscyple alone to the mynysterye of the worde to whose humylyte both the pope cardynalles and all the tyrantes of hys kyngedome ought to be restored but what counsel these kinges and lordes that haue admitted those dygnytes of Antychryste with theyr honour maye vse I haue spoken of in the epystele to the noble prynce Iohan cardynall of lotherynge ☞ ♣ ❧ Of a brogatyō of fyrst frutes tythes offeringes and what the faythful owe to theyr byshopes .i. to true mynisters of the worde and of those they owe to prynces and rulers Capitulo 9. FOr mynysters of the lawe that is to saye prestes and leuytes god hathe ordyned tythes fyrste frutes and oblatyons of tythes and fyrst frutes Exodi 20. Leuiticum the last Numeri 18. and Deutri 14. of oblatyons Exodi 23. and .34 thou shalte not apere voyde in my syght and Deuterono .16 he shall not apere voyde before the lorde ❧ ♣ ☜ ♣ Verely ons before the lawe Abrahā dyd gyue tythes to Melchiseadech kynge and preeste of the hyeste god Genesis .14 and Iacobe vowyd to the lorde that he wold gyue tythes of all that he shulde receyue Gene. 28. whiche no doute of was not without the counsell of the holye gooste that they bothe dyd ☞ ✚ ✚ Therfore to gyue tythes that is a good thynge bycause it dothe agree with holy scryptures ✚ ☜ ✚ But we finde in no place that euer it was lawefull to any man to requyre them of deuty except the forsayd mynysters of the lawe and kynges of Israell as is manyfest .1 Regum 8. of the lawe of a kynge that shuld raygne apon them ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ For that cause the preesthode of Aaron is abrogate and is translatyd into Chryste and the faythfull and christe is made alone the true and hye byshoppe of the faythful as is openly declaryd in the epystle of S. Paule to the
and gospellers they be made of Belzebub Sathan that is of nought worse and moste hatefull to god ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ❧ Aboue all the cloystures of the Mynorytes ought to be scolles of the professyon of the gospell for Chryste commaunded to saynt Frauncys that they shulde lyue after the forme of the holy gospel whiche I haue prouyd in the cōmentaries of theyr rule Cap. 1. ✚ Princes and rulers of theyr offyce ought dylygently to watche that the goynge forthe of all cloysters myght be free and by al meanes so to do that they whiche yet tary in cloysters lyue subiecte and be dylygently instructyd with the alonlye worde of god or els what shal these cloysters be but chafe ringe houses and bonde houses of the deuyl these laste 18. posytyons and other belongyng to monastycal secte I haue declaryd in my cōmentarye into the rule of the minorytes more largely whose deutye is to iudge of the voyce of the lernyd / yf he be of god / and by what we be assuryd / also of wekyd vnyuersytes Capi. 12. IT dothe belonge to the church of god / to iudge of the voyce of all that teache / yf it be of god / whiche we haue proued openly in other bokes chefly in the cantykles of Solomon / the voyce of my well beloued c̄ Capitu. 2. and. 5. to what the churche of god is is declaryd within ♣ For of the worde of god / they alōly can iudge that haue the spirite of christ whose deuty is to iudge of hye thingꝭ 1. Corinthi 2. ☞ ✚ ♣ ❧ ☜ ¶ It is heresye to affyrme / that the spirite of Chryste is not in the faythfull for he is in them / and they walke and vnderstande after hym by whome they mortifye the deades of the fleshe and lyue and crye in hym abba Pater and he gyuethe a testymonye to theyr spirite that they be children heyres of god hayres annexyd with chryste he axethe for vs with teres vnable to be spoken of and makyth intercessyō for sayntes after god whiche Paule speketh of moste ceposlye Roma 8. ♣ Furthermore it is thē knowen that any man iudgethe of the spirite when he goeth aboute hys iudgement with open testimonyes of scrypture for the scryptures of god be the moste sureste testimonyes of the iudgementes of hꝭ spirite as I haue sayde verye ofte ✚ whiche scryptures who so euer denyeth to be necessarye can no otherwayes affyrme the surenes of hꝭ saynges bycause those alone be the sure testymonyes of god ☞ ♣ ❧ ¶ Therfore they that be of the church of god that is to say symple and meke yee plowe men and artyfycers that syncerely beleue in god and be the shepe of chryst may iudge of the voyce of theyr pastor yf it be in those doctoures or not ☞ ☜ ☞ ♣ ♣ ♣ ✚ Verelye they that be not of that church can not iudge of it but rather abhore and hate it bycause it is aduersarye to theyr sense that is to say the fleshe by whiche they be ruled ♣ For any man to iudge of the worde it helpeth not to haue be many yeres at Parryse or other vnyuersityes or to haue stodyed the tongues excepte the holye gooste be presente ♣ Vnyuersyties that haue be of many yeres stryue clene agaynst the worde of God ☞ ✚ ☜ ❧ ♣ ❧ ☞ Promotyons of deuynes whiche they hunt for doth engēdre nothinge but pryde and be full of couetousnes and vanyte and is a certen gentyles maner for what so euer is of goddes worde yf monye be brought quyckely there is a tytle grauntyd and doctoures neuer teachynge and ofte tymes the most foles be promotyd wherfore they be abhomynable to god ❧ ¶ And the lorde forbade hꝭ apostles / that they shulde be made maysters Math. 23. no doute but he wolde haue them maysters and teachers of the people .i. that they myght teache hys scriptures but he wolde not that they shulde hunt for the vayne and proude tytles nor wolde not that they shuld teach any thyng but vnder hꝭ seruyce ✚ There is no man almoste that teachethe more vnhappely the scryptures of god then these pompos bugges and ydolles of the worlde ☞ ♣ ❧ ♣ Yf any man be worthye the mynysterye of god I wolde counsel that he shulde fyrste be chosen of other deuynes mete that he may be sende to any place and that the companye of the faythefull shulde pray for hym and yf he haue it let hī gyue to the nedy and pore people and make them a feast accordynge to the gospell not as they do nowe a dayes to gyue cappes gloues or make greate coste of feastes to ryche men and full belyes that the same day they begyn to professe the gospell they do openlye agaynste the gospell for in truthe all these be abhomynatyon byfore the lorde ¶ Yf al cloystures of the worlde that withī or nye to cetyes were as I sayd a lytle before the scoles of the worde of god so that the supersteciō of clothing were not obseruyd mans tradicions for we cā not serue both God Baal the worde of god the worde of men ✚ Prynces and rulers yf they wyll iustlye rule let them take hede aboue al thynge that Chryste maye rule his people also let them make scoles in euery place for chyldren and maydes in whō they may be wel instructe ī the worde of god and honeste laboures lerne to dreade loue our lorde Iesu Chryst to whom with the father and the holy goste be honour worshyppe and empyre for euer more .. So be it Of the partes as they cal it of penaunce Cap. 13. THe partes of holy true penaunce is not confessyon cōtrytyon satysfaccyon but the actes of a true penytente of faythe without satysfaccyon ¶ whiche be necessarye to helthe but not as sophysters saye ☞ ♣ ❧ True satysfaccyō ī so much as it is ī the merites of Christe alonly can be no perte of penaūce nor act of the penytēt ✚ But it is the hyest rewarde which we that beleue syncerely in chryste haue by hys meryte ❧ ♣ ❧ ♣ The inseperable seruaunte of true and necessarye penaūce is pure fayth for these the sauyour ioyned to gether saynge be penytent beleue the gospel ♣ This necessarye fayth is not to beleue this or that promise but so to beleue them all that we doute in no promyse of god no not in the leaste as is that he stedefastlye cleaue to goddes promyse ī which he hath promysyd to al faithful grace remissiō of sīnes by christ as ofte as they axe it ī faythe thꝭ is the gospel to whō we must beleue ¶ True penaunce can neuer be wtout true fayth nor sayth is neuer without grace and the spirite of truthe also affectyons and true good workes what true penaunce is PEnaunce that the kyngdome of the pope preacheth teacheth is wykyd cursyd and lyenge to the lorde for it is nothinge lesse then
penaunce and maketh nought but an ypocryte wherfore we call it false ♣ This diffynityō of penaūce is most colde penaunce is to lamente synnes paste and in mornynge not to commyt them agayne ☞ ♣ ☜ ❧ ¶ True penaunce is to amende dayly from syn with fayth in Christe by the whiche he stedfastly beleuyth all synnes to be remyttyd to hym by chryste and hollye to be gyuen hym to walke in newenes of lyfe ♣ This dayly amendynge is a curcyfyenge of the fleshe and mortyfyeng of it necessarye to all faythefull whiche christe cōmaundeth to be borne about in name of the crosse that with frut in veryte we may folowe him .i. to beleue most purely to him folowe him ¶ All the lyfe of a chrystyan is to be penytent and beleue in Christ that is to mortyfye dayly and ryse by chryst ¶ For a mā altho he be holy as longe as he is in this lyfe hathe vnstedfaste fleshe resystynge the spirite and therfore he ought to crucyfye it dayly that it may be subiect to the spirite ¶ All affectyons and all worke without the spirite of god is fleshe and is then crucyfyed when it is hatyd and suppressyd ☞ ☞ ❧ ❧ ❧ ¶ who so euer is so truly penytent hath chryst lyuynge and reynynge in hym and therfore is of the kyngdome of chryst verely the fleshe that is concupyscēce and al worke that is not of the spirite of god is dayly more crucyfyed subiecte and mortyfyed ♣ And who so euer is not so penytent is an ypocryte and crucyfyeth chryst in hym not wyllynge that he reygne vpon hī wherby he is not of the kyngdome of chryst but of the fleshe and the worlde that lyue reygne in hꝭ hart ¶ Chryst reygneth in our hart plesythe when we trust to him verelye he is crucifyed and doth not please whē we trust in other and not in hym ♣ The worlde and the fleshe reygne ī vs whē they please we trust to them they be crucyfyed and mortifyed whē we represse them and truste nothynge to them but rather hate them and do not to theyr desyres Of true good workes A Trewe penitent is neuer without trewe goodworkes for he dothe all thyng in faythe whiche shulde els be wycked for al thynge that is nat of faythe is synne Roma 14. ♣ They that be of the coniuryng and kingdome of antichrist be neuer truly penitent or do true good workes for they do nat lyue and worke of faythe ☞ The prophetes of antichriste that they may more lyghtly turne the symple people frō Chiste say that we prohybyte fastynge prayers and all good dedes when we do preache nothynge more then that they shulde haue true good workes that is of faythe for we preache thus that we be iustified alonly by faythe and say that we muste do god workes nat to be iustified but to brynge forthe frutes of true fayth for they be frutes of faythe that be done in that faythe ❧ we saye that there muste be good workes nat as the kyngedome of the po●e but as Christe teachythe wherfore ●e can nat erre bycause Christ is truthe and true doctour of the faythfull verely the pope and euery man is alyer Psalm 115. ☞ ❧ ☞ They say there muste be good workes after the doctryne of the pope other men wherfore it is nat inpossyble that they shulde erre and therof it folowyth that they be full of heresies and made antychristes scysmatykes and apostata frome the kyngedome of our lorde Iesus Christe ❧ ♣ From whō leste we be made straūge therof to peryshe we be made Christes seruauntes and be apostata frome the kyngdome of that anty christe the pope ☞ ❧ ♣ ♣ And who so euer is nat made straūg from that same kyngdome is a scismatyke from Christe apostata and antychriste and at the laste shall peryshe for euer ☞ ❧ ♣ ❧ ☞ ❧ Of lybertye and subiectyon of the faythefull THe faythful dothe alway worke well for he dothe all thynge in faythe and lybertie of the holy ghoste If he eate or drynke or do any other thynge he dothe all in the glory of Christe or els in faythe or in hys name whiche be all one ❧ ♣ This lybertie is nat that they may thynke it free to do any thynge but that they may knowe that it is moste fre to them to do those thynges that they be commaundyd by the worde of god ye and all the men of the worlde wolde commaūde otherwyse for they be free from all doctrynes and tradycyons of men that do nat agree with the worde of god as be the decrees of the kyngedome of the pope and doctryne of sophisters ¶ The lybertye of the spirite is nat carnall but spirituall and moste holy makynge a man free frome all lawe of men that he is bounde to none except it agre with the scriptures of god ✚ Also as you may se of Paule to the Rom̄ Galath it makyth a man free from the lawe of god euyn that spirite nat that we ought nat to kepe the preceptes of god nat that we shulde kepe them nowe by compulsyon as before the spirite be there but with the moste redy wyll ☞ ♣ ✚ ❧ ☞ Thys lybertie makyth a man syncere without hypocrysy the louer of of truthe plentyful ful of charity and moste full of all good workes ❧ ❧ For then a man is so made free in Christe that he wyl be subiecte to euery humane creature for Christe ☞ He is cursyd and execrable to the lorde who so euer vnder the name of christen lybertie dothe gyue hym selfe to chāburynges drunknes and suche other for verely they walke nat after the spirite but after the fleshe but this holy lybertie admytteth no carnall thynge ☞ ♣ ❧ ☞ Of contrycyon ☜ COntrycyon is nat a sorowe voluntaryly taken of vs for our sinnes but that whiche the spirite dothe worke in vs. that is to say trewe hate of syn for zele of the glory of god without hypocrysie or lyenge for it is a worke alonly of the power of god ☞ ♣ ❧ ¶ For the wyll of man can nat without lyeng and hypocrysy hate synne nor to take for it sorowe sadnes for the pure wyl of man which is without the spirite of god is a synner alway ♣ God commaundeth that we shulde take the mournyng of his only sonne that is that we shulde be sorowful and mourne truly for our synnes bycause the wyll of a synner can nat fulfyll it of it selfe ☞ ♣ ❧ ❧ For euery precepte of god is inpossyble to the wyll beynge a synner whiche god with hys spirite makythe possyble to vs. for that whiche he commaundythe in vs he wyll fulfyl in vs that he alone may haue glorye for all and that euery fleshe may nat presume to be gloryed in hys syght ¶ But it is by the hyghe goodnes of god that he gyueth to his seruandes those thyngꝭ that he mercyfully doth in them callyng them contryte iuste penitent conuertyd
wyse to be made in a tonge vnknowen to the penitente ❧ ✚ ♣ ❧ ☞ For it is necessary that he vnderstande the worde wherby hys soule is to be comfortyd in the lorde to whom he muste nedes beleue ¶ Of sygnes of grace and remyssoyn of synnes ❧ BAptysme is to the faythefull as lōge as he lyueth the most surist sygne of grace and remyssyon of sīnes for in al his lyfe he asking that is moste assurid by that signe all though it be receiuyd but ones ❧ For what so euer the faythful takyth as mortyfyeng crusyfyeng quotidiane spoylyng of the olde man be fyguryd in the plongynge out and in the water with the iudgement of the newe man Roma 6. ♣ Another sygne there is the table of the lorde which is to euery mā receyuyng it in fayth the moste suryst signe of grace and remyssyon of synnes ♣ Thys table is a memory of a sacryfyse ones offerid in the crosse and nat the sacryfyse ¶ For to affyrme that it is a sacryfise and that it shulde be sacryfyed of any man it is execrable wicked and abhomynable byfore the lorde and more of this in another place ♣ The thyrde sygne is the worde spoken of the churche or of any faythful sygnifieng grace and remyssyon of sinnes to be gyuen by him that amendith and asketh it in faythe ❧ These sygnes be the vesselles of grace as manye haue defynyd in the spirite of errour ☞ But sygnes do not brynge grace but the lorde Psalmo 83. It is not gyuē by signes but by fayth ¶ By fayth we be pertakers of al the gyftes of the holye goste ♣ Also these sygnes without faythe / be nothynge / whiche scolers saye of fayned thynges ☞ ❧ ☞ ❧ ¶ Paule saythe Ephe. 5. Chryst hath santyfyed his churche made it clene with the lauer of water by his worde verelye it is clensyd with the worde when it beleueth it of the which clensynge the lauer of water is a sygne he sayd not symply it is made clene with the lauer of water but put to by the worde that you maye knowe the makyng clene to be sygnifyed by the lauer ¶ whiche thou haste openly 1. Pe. 3. baptyme hath made vs safe not by the which fylth of the fleshe is put away / but it maketh that a good conscyence answeryth well to god by the resurrectyon of Iesus Chryste ♣ Althoughe that we get by the same alonlye faythe in Chryste grace full remyssyon of all our synnes yet god the hyest and greateste of the aboundance of hys goodnes hathe put to these sygnes to the greatter comforte of the faythefull whether any cases may be reseruyd WHat so euer the man of syn the son of perdycyon the pope with all his kyngdome haue reseruyd and kepte cases hath ben a faynynge of the deuyl so moch more hateful dampnable cursyd as it repugnethe euen contrarye to the eternall scryptures of god ♣ Nothynge at all may be reserued to the faythful that hathe all most plentyfully remytted to hym so that there can be no greater ♣ The church cā nether lose or bynde but after the worde of god by whō she muste be gouerned in all thynge Of satysfaccyon and as they call it inioynynge of penaunce BYcause satysfaccyon for synnes dothe shewe a suffycyencye of deades by whō euelles be restored which haue chaūsyd ī those synnes there is no mā that can outher gyue or do suffycient for thē it is wekyd that sophysters thynke that we can satysfye for them ¶ For nether with fastynge prayer nor almes or any other worke we be able to satysfye bycause these be not satisfaccions but frutes of true fayth for there is another satysfaccyō with out all these ♣ There is one alone ful and true satysfaccyon for the synnes of all the world in whom we must nedes beleue made of the lorde Iesus Chryste ¶ Sines be sayde to be redemed with almes yf it be of fayth for they be redemyd of faythe of the gyuer and not for the almes it selfe ♣ The same iudgement is of fastynge and prayer and of al workes of fayth which be good bycause of true fayth ¶ whiche fayth beynge absent be but mere wekydnes and syn for all that is not of fayth is synne Roma 14. ♣ Of iogelyng spirites and doctryne of deuyls dyd it sprynge that many haue affyrmyd penaunce to be inioynyd ☞ For it can not be inioyned of man but gyuē of god to the sīner that he may truly be penytent for his synnes ♣ They call it folyshlye penaunce that these chapleyns haue costomyd to inioyne to him that telleth his synnes ☞ For theyr ought nothynge to be inioyned by cause Chryste is full satysfaccyon for all faythfull ❧ The penytent is to be comfortyd with the worde of god and to be monyshyd to true faythe and the workes of it for as it is sayde what so euer is not of faythe is hypocresye and syn ♣ Not that people shulde be losyd or that he cleuynge to this maner of confessyon shulde styke to vs as the prophetes of antychryste inioyne vs but we haue wrytten so of penaunce that al dreames and lyes of men put away and all crafty conueyance and greate burdens of the kyngedome of antychryste reiecte Chryste and the worde of truthe may reygne in euery place ♣ we haue spoken of penaūce those that perteyne to the scryptures of god in fewe wordes hauynge no regarde what the wyked synagoge of the kyngdome of antychryste in the spirite of errour hath otherwyse dyffyned for it is necessary for vs to flye his poyson for it can not be that we shal gyue place both to Chryst and Antychrist ♣ The conclusyon THe sum of christyanyte we haue breflye wrytten that is in .385 peradoxes or posycyons that thys boke myght be to bere in the handes of thē that desyreth it there was .ij. thīges that mouyd me cheflye to do it fyrste there be very many that put forthe reprouable peradoxes as there was one Tregaryus by whome they be about to make the symple people straunge from the truth the other is that before the .ix. monethe at the noble cetye of Wetens the companye of antychryste was gatheryd agaynst me which mouyd me to styke vp many posytyons verely I put to them a hūdreth and .xxvi. whō I haue nowe increasyd to .385 let thē answere therfore yf they haue any thynge let not these blynde pharesyes stande ī theyr owne conceyte and legates and tyrantes of the sonne of perdicyon that for hꝭ decre and lyke preachynge dyd make the noble wytnes of Chryste S Iohan castellane somtyme my welbelouyd brother the laste of all that is the 12. daye of the monethe of Ianuarye Anno. 1525. at Vuy a towne of lotherynge with fyer they made hym a martyr of Chryste but for hī god shall fyght agaynste them and for one well rayse a thousande and yf they hade slayne me to Chryst hade vouchsafe thys glorye of martyrdome to me for me ten thousāde shulde ryse for surely antychryste with all hys kyngedome apostata shall falle to the glorye of the lorde Iesus Chryst and that with spirite of hys mouthe which with the father and the holye goste lyueth one god gloryous for euer more So be it WOo woo be to the thou purple whore / whore of Babylon that loueth the sygne of the rose coloryd beaste and to it empyre thou arte made drunke with the blode of prophetes sayntꝭ and dothe call to the shedynge of the blode of the electe as it were to a feast of dētyes promysinge to thy assystentes grace and remyssyon of synnes with thy false iogelynge woo I saye to the for thou shalte be dystroyd for with the vyolence of a mylstone throwen into the see thou shalte be sende into the botome of hel and thou shalt be founde no more Apoca. 18. bycause the lorde hathe remembred the blode of hys electe whom thou haste slayne and whom thou hast deceyuyd to establyshe thy lyes and abhomynatyons and hathe alwaye trode vnder fode the veryte of our lorde Iesus Chryste for the which thou shalt be troden downe of it for euermore and the beaste that thou haste worshypped shall peryshe with the. So be it ¶ Let thys be done lorde Iesu come quyckly thy enemyes ouercome and reygne in vs. So be it The ende of thys collectyon of places of scrypture ☞ ❧ ☜ ❧ ❧ ♣ ❧ ♣ ☞ ☜