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A02430 The glasse of mans folly and meanes to amendment, for the health and wealth of soule and body. This glasse of mans folly, is that we may know, the cause of the cruelty, which dayly doth flow. ... B. H., fl. 1595. 1615 (1615) STC 12562A; ESTC S118418 51,161 76

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makes none ingenious to goodnesse the euill effects are monstrous It dulles and takes away the sences sets the eyes in the head anstere and strange to behold It makes a man a monster metamorphosed from the Image of God to the image of the Diuell their actions are irksome to good people though the rude reioyce to see it Quaffing is the occasion if not the cause of felonious theeues and flattering theeues alias couseners the first are dangerous the last liker hypocrites to insinuate and say they loue you but it is the adiunct of your purse promising but neuer paying I restraine to particularize any by-qualitie or name yet many deteine that is not their owne but prosper not The effect of drunkennesse and gluttony is pouerty Pro. 23. Woe sorrow contentions babling woundes without cause rednesse of eyes are adioynts to them that tarry long at the wine At the last it byteth like a Serpent and stingeth like an Adder Thine eyes shall beholde strange Women and thine heart shall vtter peruerse thinges Wine and Women leade wise men out of the way The best wine and worst women are prouokers Much eating and drinking makes Idiocie and dotage whereby men are allured to the vndiscreet as Herode to graunt the head of blessed Iohn Baptist to a deceytfull Dauncer Hosea 4. Whoredome Wine and new wine infatuates the heart Excesse makes men estranged from themselues excluding all honesty humanity Some cannot liue on their lands nor others by good Occupations Psalm 107. and therefore spoyled in prisons A fruitfull Land is turned into barrennesse for wickednes Drunkennesse destroieth Gods benefits and doth auert his blessings Yee Common-wealth consumers deuote not your selues to the Diuell Your sursetting excesse so raiseth the price that the poore cānot maintaine theyr Families but are distressed some distracted Yée are the death and vndooing of thousands How can you answere for those yée cause to starue and for the death of your selues by your excesse All the world haue the lesse and worse successe for you Millions of men haue beene vndone by haunting such Houses Be counselled where they lost their liuing and learned leaudnesse Young men thinke on this for your sakes I write this before your Land be gone before yée be in thraldome and dis-franchised of your liberties Remember now thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth Eccles 12. before thine eyes be dimme and thou tremble Doe not procrastinate It is apparent that superfluous powring in of drinke hath prouoked God to powre downe extraordinary Flouds and for your foaming out to make the Sea breake out whereby People haue perished Cattell drowned Goods and Bridges borne into the Ocean The Skye cries against vs Thunders are fearfull Diuels irefull Trées rent Houses brent People killed many things destroyed God is displeased winde and weather auerre it oft Ships are sunke Oh we are obdurate we pull downe greater vengeance and amend not Manie vse Dolus to pamper theyr paunches with Diues till with that Epulo they taste dolorificus Oh soule thinke how the diuell doth pollute thée make not so much of thy bodie Excesse brings not salubritie nor sanctitie wholsomnesse nor holinesse but contrarie Prouerb 20. Wine is a mocker strong drinke is raging and whosoeuer is deceiued thereby is not wise Such are deceyued and vnwise as quaffe Quartes in a day but one were better and hée fitter to any good action Yet protract they the time at Ale-houses and make their bodies vnprofitable receptacles Prouokers fat themselues others for the day of slaughter hindring manie but profite not any Oh a dearth is to be dread Bée not a sucking Sodomite the mouth shal be full of earth Quaffing leades to the lake of quaking Pray and repent Our prosperitie tranquillitie and truth many yeares taught will be witnes to reprooue vs for want of loue to God and for our selfe-love to impiety Consider this yée that forget GOD. Be not brutish they are worse then Brutes that are bond-slaues to euill Affections Therefore hate that which God abhorreth to him be all honour for euer Amen DEO omnis Potestas Gloria ¶ Drunkennesse and Excesse of drinking reprooued COmbibo perswades his complices that they committe no Drunkennesse so long as they can talke and walk although theyr Bellyes be bladder-blowne But remember oh Swyne and manners worse what the Prophet saith Woe be vnto them them that are mightie to drink wine Esay 5.22 and men of strength to mingle strong drinke Now knowe that God hateth the inordinate Drinker although hée doe not stagger Some are gyddie by Age Sicknes or Imbecillity yet little drinkers the Drones are the Drunkards Woe and the woe of woes are denounced to them Esay 5.11 Woe vnto them that rise vp early in the Morning that they may follow strong drinke They haue woe and sorrowe Prou. 23. that tarrie long at the Wine Yet Bibulus whose best behauiour is barbarous vseth the Ale-house and abuses it as an euill-house woes will not warne him hée neglecteth his Vocation to the detriment of his Wife and Children But if any prouide not for his owne and especially for those of his owne House hee hath denyed the Faith 1. Tim 5.8 and is worse then an Infidell Many prouide for the wormes that shall wring their corpulent Carcases Christ giueth a Caueat Luke 21.34 Take heed to your selues least at any time your harts be ouercharged with surfetting and drunkennesse Let menacing or Admonition amend vs. Ephesians 5.18 And be not drunke with wine wherein is excesse but be filled with the Spirit Alas the Carcas is filled and the spirite of God excluded Heluo hasteth to hell and gormondise his guts till hee euacuates as hée receyued A Swyne is a swallower immoderate to moysture Matth. 8. The Gergesenes lost many into whom the Diuels entred droue them into the Sea drowned them in that moysture and the Diuels driue Swinish mindes to drowne them with drinke 1. Cor. 10. Our eating and drinking must be to Gods glorie to eate and drink to liue and not liue to eate and drink Drunkennes reuellings are fruits of the flesh Gal 5. they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdome of God A fearfull Enthymeme to them not mortified Imbrace the saying of S. Paule not the pot Let vs walke honestly as in the day not in ryotting drunkēnes not in chābering wantonnesse nor in strife enuying but put yee on the Lord Iesus Christ Rom. 13.13 and make not prouision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts therof Except wée abandon the déedes of darknes we put not on the Lord Iesus but the diuell To sée him makes such to quake but they entertain him serue him and feare not The Lord saith by the prophet Ioel 1.5 Awake ye drunkards weepe and howle ye drinkers of wine Hee menaceth and admonisheth them to preuent the Anger to come Ierem 35.6 The Rechabites abstained from drinking of wine at
be here Math. 17.4 But then wee shal be in light vnchangeable and sée Christ euer in felicity whom his enemies had in obloquie Those Ioyes infinite passe all Ioyes finite The voyce of Ioy and gladnes shal be euer with the righteous Oh happy heires of heauēly inheritance without our deserts Aug. Deus coronat dona sua non merita nostra God crowneth his owne gifts not our merites O blesse the Lord who redeemeth thy life frō destruction Psal 103.4 who crowneth thee with louing kindnes tender mercies Feare not little flock Lu 12.32 Reu 4.8 for it is your Fathers good pleasure to giue you the kingdome O let vs say holy holy holy Lord God Almightie which was is is to come We shal be Citizens with the saints and of the houshold of God dignified and glorified In Ioy we shal reioyce that our names are written in heauen franchessed fréemen irreuocably inrolled as sure rather surer then the estate of Angells We shall haue the fruition of Christs Resurrection and be manumissed from the bondage of death and destruction Frée denizens freed from miseries and proude peoples malice Those Ioyes passe all Iubilees Good Iesus bring vs to that blisse As there is no equalitie betwixt the Creator and vs here sinfull creatures So is there none betwéene the ioyes of Heauen and worldly pleasures These are ioyes transitory the other Ioyes eternall Rom. 8.17 Wee shall be ioynt heires with Christ and partakers of true happinesse There is no sighing singing No heauinesse Ioyfulnes No ignominie glory Holy holy holy shall be euer ascribed to Iehouah The Virgins could learne the new song which follow the Lambe Reuel 14. Oh the Ioyfull harmony that wee shall heare and be glorified euer in glorie Wee shall haue a palace vnspeakable being deliuered into the glorious libertie of the Children of God Luke 20.36 Neither can they doe any more for they are equall to the Angels and are the Children of GOD being the children of the Resurrection If a man here sicke heard those ioyes he would not féele his paine Oh ioyfull shall we be when we be there hearing seeing and hauing vnspeakable ioyes Aug Erit in Coelo domus tua aeterna si modò bene in hoc tabernaculo vixeris Thine house shall bee eternall in heauen if now thou liuest well in this tabernacle Lose not that permanent Paradise for this pleasure which in respect thereof is paine for the Barley corne lose not the pretious Pearle for carnall copulation eternall benediction for a minute of selfe-will Reu 3.20 millions of yéeres ioyfull Ah God forbid he bids vs returne and reteyne him Behold I stand at the doore and knocke Receiue him and hee will receiue thée to sit in glory with his Maiestie which is a dignitie of all dignities Iob. 19.25 This did mitigate Iobs misery For I know my Redeemer liueth that he shall stand at the latter day vpon the earth and though after my skin wormes destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God S. Paul saith Phil. 3. For our conuersation is in heauen from whence also wee looke for the Sauiour the Lord Iesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body c. A Comfort Our bodies shall be conformable to the body of Christ our Head We shall be like him ill thoughts bad motions and perturbations shall be excluded Wee heare this but hée that beléeues it and hopes to haue it his affection is fixed in heauen Therfore pray and repent so shalt thou haue what A worldly commodity for which thou dost venture soule and body Ah thou shalt haue a Throne of tryumph excéeding all earthly treasures to reigne in ioyes for euer If thou hadst all earthly riches plentiousnes pleasures and pleasantest place on earth with all elegant obiects Princely prospects dainty delicates musicall Instruments swéete singers persumes and fine sauours with all thy vnfained friends and choyce of chiefe louers yet all this were paine in respect of heauen where we shall ouer be with our good God to whom be all prayse honour power and glory now and euer Amen with heart and tongue againe Amen Gloria in excelsis Deo PSAL. 66.18 If I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not heare me PROV 23.26 My sonne giue me thine heart ¶ Pray heartily OH heauenly Trinitie one God in vnitie to thee bee all honour Glorious God at thy brightnes the Sunne Moone and Starres are abashed and impure in thy sight much more I a sinfull creature which by mine iniquities haue stained those bright creatures Omniscient God thou knowost my thoughts before I thinke them and knowest me before I was I was conceiued in sin borne in sinne in sinne I liue I am by nature the childe of wrath O giue me grace to be borne from aboue that I may enter into thy kingdome I am not worthy to looke vp to thee I deserue to bee cast downe to hell but I appeale to the Throne of thy mercy in the Name of Iesus my Sauiour which calleth all penitent sinners to him to giue them rest Oh Sauiour refresh my silly soule which cryes to thee out of my sinfull carkasse that I may apply thy sufferings merits and promises to my soule and conscience and be accepted through thy righteousnes My Lord and my God out of 〈◊〉 side issued the bloud of my redemption and water of absolution to purge me from pollution thou standest at the dore and knockest giue me grace to open the dore of my heart touch it with the finger of thy Spirit that it maybe a fit receptacle to entertaine thee Create in me a cleane heart ô God and renue a right spirit within me that I may resist all exill and walke in righteousnes and holinesse all the dayes of my life Let the assurance of thy loue wipe all teares from mine eyes so come Lord Iesus Good God forgiue me all my sinnes for Iesus sake in whom thou art well pleased cloath me with his righteousnes and behold me in him I doe deserue damnation but hee hath payde my ransome Lord let me finde and feele thy mercy Giue mee grace to redeeme the time and spend it to thy prayse Blesse this Realme our King Queene and Royall Progeny blesse and comfort all thy children Make vs loue those things that thou dost loue and hate that thou hatest that we may keepe faith and a good conscience And if it be thy will forgiue and conuert our enemies Good God prepare me and thy children fit for thy kingdome O Christ giue vs grace to examine our selues whether thou be in vs that we may expresse the power of godlinesse in our liues Lord receiue our soules when we depart this life that we may prayse thee in heauen eternally The which peace God bring vs for Iesus sake that bought vs to whome with thee ô Father and the holy Ghost three persons and one God be all might maiestie prayse honour glory power and dominion now and euer Amen Watch and pray prayse God FINIS
youth Gen. 39.8 when he was offerrd he refused for he feard God The body is not for fornication but for the Lord yet such forsake Christ and make themselues the members of an harlot They are repugnant to those that kéepe themselues chaste for the kingdome of heauen sake which Christ hath set in a place of price and saith Mat. 19. Hee that can take it let him take it but a varlet takes an harlot Hee that hath not the gift to liue single and chast may séeke for mariage lawful for all men 1. Cor. 7.9 Heb. 13.4 and is an Antidotarie against fornication to bee vsed in the feare of God for the procreation of children and for the mutuall societie of each other Yet many of the sauadge sort maryed know not the right vse of mariage but linger after lusts like bruit beasts and like a Nicholaitan not content is cōmon with an other proud Paramour The vnmaried maried of leawd disposition must be aduertised by Solomon Pro. 23.27 A reproofe of Adultery A whore is a deepe ditch and a strange woman is a narrow pit Pro. 6. He that committeth adultery destroyeth his owne soule Her house inclyneth vnto death her paths vnto the dead None that go to her returne againe Pro. 2. neyther take they hold of the waies of life Oh drudges of drudgery ye refuse the heauenly felicity Adultery fornication vncleannes laciuiousnes Gal. 5. All kinde of vnleannesse must be abandoned Pro. 15. Psal 113. Ier. 23. Amos 9. A meanes of chastitie are fruits of the flesh the cōmitters thereof shal not inherit the kingdome of heauen It is to be feared that fornicators adulterers are Atheists for durst any doe such a thing before a king they doe it before the All-seeing King of kings The eyes of the Lord are in euery place beholding the euill the good Yet Asotus serues Asmodeus in Cities towns and countries Psa 97. Ye that loue the Lord hate euill A meanes of chastity is mediocrity in dyet labor watching prayer reading hearing meditating refrayning frō wāton cōpany vnchast speaches gawish apparrel gazing on the disguised frō wanton looks therfore rule thy rowling eies Iust Iob saith 31. I made a couenant with mine eies why should I think vpō a maid If thy heart be cleane thy eye is ruled if thy heart be wicked thy eye is wādring which fils thy hart ful of pollution Christ faith Mat. 5.28 Whosoeuer looketh on a woman Mat. 5.28 to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart Kéepe in thy eye the heart will be the better vse it to thy booke 2. Sam. 11. Dauid looked on the wife of Vriah hee liked lusted and for it was perplexed and hauing a new heart hee prayeth to the Lord Psa 119.37 Turne away mine eyes from beholding vanitie Gen. 12. Pharaoh was plagued and all his house with great plagues for delighting in Sara vnknowne to them to be a wife Yee Lust-louers leaue it Yée Fornicators and Adulterers in pretence and action how shall ye escape the vengeance to come your idlenesse and drunkennesse bringeth Bastards I grudge not your collections but grieue at your small corrections Oh Salax bee sanctified resist Sathan Susanna consented not but withstood the stout Adulterers Be warned youth was neuer more wayward Consider this you that are marryed and are inordinate in abusing your bed O feare the Lord lest your propagation be vntoward extraordinary and stange abortiue or vntimely Imitate Tobias 8. He being newly maried to Sara rose out of the bed and said Sister arise and let vs pray that God would haue pitty on vs and the latter end of his prayer was this vers 7 And now ô Lord I take not this my Sister for lust but vprightly therefore mercyfully ordaine that we may become aged together And she said with him Amen And I pray God more may be so minded Amen Timete Iehouam ¶ Starch is here reprooued Poking-irons are ill vsed AS by Gods word Drunkennesse and Whoredome is conuinced so is Starch made of that which is the chiefest foode for the sustentation of vs here reprooued For whereas poore people that want bread should be nourished and fed therewith many to fulfill their fond affections feede their great Ruffs which shewes we haue more desire to carnall delights then loue to relieue the needy Many men women children want bread which earth doth vse for pride But Loue-lusts say they buy it and the efore not culpable of the making a ridiculous excuse for if there were no buyer there should be no seller There be wealthy Houswiues and good house-kéepers that vse no starch but faire water their Linnen is white and they looke more Christian-like in small Ruffes then Light of loue lookes in her great starched ruffs looke she neuer so hie with eye-lids awrye The princely Prophet saith Him that hath an hie looke and a proude heart will not I suffer Psal 101. Presuppose prettie pleasure did say Where finde you in Gods word starch forbidden It is like it was not vsed in the time of the Apostles therefore not named But the Diuell hath inuented it and many such deuises in these last lustfull dayes I finde that CHRIST saith Whatsoeuer yee would that men should doe to you euen so doe you to them Therefore consider would you the poore shuld vse vnprofitable meanes to make you suffer hunger and colde No Math 7.12 no pricked pride your fruits are faultie Whatsoeuer will serue necessarily for the sustētation of man ought not vnprofitably to be spent but the Meale Starch is made of will serue necessarily for the sustentation of man Ergò it ought not vnprofitably to be spent This Syllogisme consisteth of no false principles And if you think it not spent vnprofitably vpon great ruffs consider the effects First it hindreth our food Discōmodities of starch starching it wasteth our wood it spends the precious Time that might be spent better And people liue gréedily and néedily to maintaine it It frets out much Linnen and the poking-Irons seare it and wasting that people want it is to be feared it hath often moued GOD to seare the Corne and Grasse vpon the ground Wanton wenches are tempters and Inticers that ruffs must be great and starched Good men must resist them for Eue by inticing brought Adam to ruine There is as much spent in that haynous order as might sustaine manie poore people which aske Bread The answer is I haue it not when Newe-guise hath it about the necke Manie spend Daies and Nights vnprofitably to set great Ruffs yea oft when they should heare and learne Gods word Oh shamelesse Mares more liker then bashfull Maids that spend most parte of theyr life time about Starch and starching patting pulling thrusting rubbing wearing tearing and starching of cloth with hote Irons Lucifer inuenter of Pride hath inuented an exercise wherein Minion Meretrix takes alacritie Much wood
Persist with the woman of Canaan Mat. 15. Imitate Dauid voyd of pusillanimity full of magnanimitie yet mourned Psa 6.6 I am weary with my groning all the night make I my bed to swimme I water my couch with my teares The sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit Psal 51.17 Luke 15.7 Psa 103.11 a broken and contrite heart ô God thou wilt not despise Ioy shall be in heauen ouer such Therefore with submission vse contrition For as the heauen is high aboue the earth so great is his mercy toward them that feare him God giue vs repentante that we may be faithfull applyers of Christs righteousnes Amen Dum spiro spero ¶ Of the ioyes of heauen prepared for Gods Children FOr the faithfull penitent which warre against wickednesse is prepared a place so ioyfull as is vnspeakable such haue not onely immunitie and freedome from bondage but also interest to the priuiledges of Gods children who are heyres with God Rom. 8.17 Reuel 7.14 and coheyres with Christ in his Kingdome which is by the bloud of Iesus which washeth vs white without the which is no puritie God imposed the punishment for our sinnes vpon him Rom. 8. and he hath fully satisfied the Iustice of his Father for them The holy Spirit speaketh to faithfull perseuerers Reu. 2.10 Bee thou faithfull vnto death and I will giue thee the Crowne of life Reuel 3.21 To him that ouercometh will I graunt to sit with me in my Throne euen as I also ouercame and am set downe with my Father in his Throne Reuel 21.4 And God shall wipe away all teares from their eyes and there shall be no more death neyther sorrow nor crying neyther shall there be any more payne for the former things are passed away Verse 7. He that ouercommeth shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my sonne 1. Cor. 2.9 Eye hath not seene nor care heard neyther haue entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that loue him When the Quéene of Sheba was come to Solomon shee sayd 1. King 10.7 Behold the halfe was not tolde mee So Gods Saints shall then sée that the thousand part of those ioyes were not tolde them Aug. O gaudium super gaudium vincens omne gaudium extra quod non est gaudium quando intrabo inte vt Deū meū videam qui habitat in te O ioy aboue all ioyes surpassing all ioyes without which there is no ioy when shall I enter into thee that I may see my God that dwelleth in thee Profectò in me totum non intrabit sed ego in illud totus intrabo Truely it will not enter wholly into me by my knowledge that I may comprehend it but I shall enter wholly into it by fruition that I may enioy it for euer It is such frée-hold as is good for vs to build there an inheritance incorruptible 1. Pet. 1.4 and vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for vs. There is beauty brightnesse iubilation exultation mirth without mourning heauenly harmony delectable vnspeakable Saints shall sing with Angels and heauenly habitants All glory to the Trinitie There is health rest riches abundance with continuance A Paradise excéeding all pleasure The Trinity in vnity shal ioy all hearts his beauty is glorious the longer viewed the more desired O excellent Soueraigne Exo. 34.29 2. Cor. 3.7 brighter then the day Sunne the skinne of Moses face shone bright by being with God glistering and glorious then shall men bee being glorified and euer with God Sinne shall no more disquiet vs the flesh and the spirit shall then be at quiet hauing perfect knowledge perfect holinesse For now wee see through a Glasse darkly but then face to face 1. Cor. 13.12 Exo. 33.20 2. Tim. 4.8 now I know in part but then shall I know euen as also I am knowne The Lord God said There shall no man see me and liue but there we shall sée him and liue All that reigne with Christ shall haue crownes of righteousnesse 2. Pet. 1.11 It is an euerlasting Kingdome Luke 14. Blessed is he that eateth bread in the kingdom of God Ioyfull is the societie of those heauenly Citizens the Region is Royall and a Kingdome excéeding all kingdomes Reu. 21. It is likned to a City of pure gold which had no neede of the Sunne neither of the Moone to shine in it for the glorie of GOD did lighten it the Lambe is the light thereof vers 25. And the gates of it shall not bee shut at all by day for there shall be no night there We heere are in danger of the Diuell and his darlings but there shall be no enemie to hurt nor annoy The glorious Heauen of heauens is not contaminate but immaculate there shal enter into it no vncleane thing Mat. 13.43 Esay 25.6 Then shall the righteous shine foorth as the Sunne in the kingdome of their Father God will feast his faithfull at his right hand is fulnesse of ioy euerlasting ioy shall bee vpon them Aug. There is myrth without mone place without payne life without labour light without darknes there youth alwaies flourisheth and neuer decayeth there is no torment felt nor howling heard no sorrow séene but possession of ioyes euerlasting How glorious things are spoken of thée thou Citie of God true reioycing is in thy habitation We shall bee rid from warfare and bee in welfare from sinne Satan and his adherents from hunger thirst heate cold wearinesse infirmities dread doubtfulnesse sicknes vexation death damnation be euer with God our preseruer Good children are glad to sée their father here much more to behold our Heauenly Father his sonne our Sauiour the Holy Ghost our Sanctifier there S. Iohn sprang in his Mothers wombe at the tidings of our Sauiour Luk 1.41 Angells praised and said Lu. 2.24 Glory to God The shepheards went and saw him published the newes and gaue praise vnto God Old Simeon took him in his arms reioycing Old Anna gaue thanks likewise vnto the Lord and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Hierusalem Oh when men and all the hoasts of Heauen sing to his Maiestie most glorious is that harmonie Wée shall sing in the presence of God Halleluiah Saluation glory honour power be to the Lord our God Oh heauenly harmony myrth melody Blessed are they that are called to the Lambs supper M. Bradford the Martyr belieued this beatitude and thus did animate the young-man at the fire Be of good comfort Brother for we shall haue a merry supper with the Lorde this night All faithful harts crossed with calamity and grieued for iniquity be comforted yée shall inherit a kingdom We shal come to the mount Sion not Sinay where the Law was giuen but to the innumerable company of Angels S. Peter saide for the sight he saw on the mount Lord it is good for vs to