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A97294 Some prison meditations and directions on several subjects viz. on [brace] the fall of man, the sufferings of Christ, repentance and faith, reproof and counsel, the holy Scriptures, prayer, love to mankind, sincerity, the vanity of the world, the benefit of affliction, heaven and hell / by Samuel Young, minister of the Gospel. Trepidantium Malleus. 1684 (1684) Wing Y88A; ESTC R43962 59,844 144

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Christ will condemn the Wicked in the great day there is not the least Promise of Pity after thousands of Years or Ages Aegyptian Bondage though long yet ended so did the Babylonish Captivity but there will be no end of this misery God is not a man that he should repent 1 Sam. 15.29 there will be no change of his mind If God changeth Al. in Philos Platon saith a Platonist 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. he must be changed of himself or some other if of another he must be greater than God or wiser which none can be if of himself he must change either for the better or the worse both which would argue imperfection in God and therefore he shall be known for ever to be a God that changeth not God is now preparing his Instruments of Death though vain men consider it not but are as Sheep or Oxen or other Beasts of the field that are grazing or sporting when one stands by whetting his Instruments to slay them DIRECTIONS Prepare for the day of Judgment and when prepared pray for it The compleating of the happiness of the Saints as to their body will be in that day What think you of the particular Judgment in the time of Death When Saul was told he should dye for that is the meaning of the word be with me that is in the number of the dead for Jonathan was a good man 1 Sam. 28.19 20. Then Saul fell strait way all along on the earth and there was no strength in him In the sixth verse we find In the day of his trouble God answered him not neither by Dreams nor by Vrim nor by Prophets Neither will God speak comfortably to ungodly men when they die by Ministers nor Scripture nor Conscience If you ask what that Vrim was we read not of it as a thing made by Moses or the People some think it was a precious stone in the breast of the High-Priest that by the change of its colour shewed what success the People should have in War as by Thummim what Offerings were accepted I know Mr. Weems throws in one rub against this Because saith he when the Priest put on Vrim and Thummim he asked Counsel at the mouth of the Lord He pleads if there were such a wonderful miraculous change of the colour of Vrim there was no need of asking of God his Opinion therefore was when the Priest had it on he was inspired to answer to the question I will not gainsay the Opinion only I conceive the objection is of no force for that change of the colour might be made by or in Prayer and calling upon God Saul had no answer the Ungodly shall cry in a time of Death and not be heard and when the day of judgment cometh that great day the Consciences of the despisers of Christ may say to them what once Zebul said to Gaal Judg. 9.38 Where is now thy mouth wherewith thou saidst Who is Abimelech that we should serve him Where is now thy mouth wherewith thou saidst Who is Christ that I should serve him Then will he say to such Exod. 6.1 what once God said to Moses of Pharaoh Now shalt thou see what I will do to Pharaoh Now shall Angels and Saints see what God will do to the ungodly but such as are prepared for that day may Pray for it Aug. Medit Aspice Domine Jesu cries Angustine viduitatis orbitatis meaelacrymas quas tibi offero donec redeas Behold Lord Jesus the tears of my Widdowhood or fatherless condition which I pour out 'till thou returnest Pray for the Judgment day that sin may be no more that all the faithful may be gathered in Pray for the eternal Kingdom Mat. 11.12 The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force You see how poor hungry Beggars cry at your doors for an alms if you do not presently answer them if you frown on them they will not be gone Let us all smite our breasts Blessed God what an infinite disproportion is there between my desires and their objects how coldly do I Pray for a Heaven 2. Get a Settlement in your Hearts of the truth and certainty of all these things It is reasonable to believe that verily there is a Reward for the Righteous Psal 58.11 verily there is a God that judgeth the earth God rewardeth not his People now God punisheth not his Enemies now and therefore will do it hereafter The worst of Men have many times the best of the World and the best of men the worst God hath put breathings and longings of Soul in his own after the full enjoyment of himself in Glory and he puts not those desires there to torment them but to satisfie these desires Men venture much at Sea in hopes of great gain Let hopes even weak hopes in many put them on diligence in God's Service Wherefore 1 Cor. 15.58 my Brethren be constant unmoveable alwayes abounding in the work of the Lord knowing your labour shall not be in vain 3. Let all the Saints admire and adore our Lord Jesus that saveth them from Hell and brings them to Heaven Mr. Ambrose in his Looking unto Jesus saith thus Suppose for an Offence thou wert to be rack'd leisurably that thy Bones and Sinews might be pained thirty or forty years that so much Flesh should be cut off-one day such a Bone broken another and by Art the Flesh should be restored and the Skin cured again and all th●se years thou be dying and never dead and all this while thou shouldest have no Cloaths F●od or Sleep convenient for thee and when thou thought'st there was no hope a great Prince should come and deliver thee from all this misery and not only so but give thee great Treasures and one of the most pleasant Habitations in his Kingdom how would'st thou love that Prince Our Sin had condemned us to far greater Misery and our Lord Jesus hath procured for us far greater Mercy It is well God hath prepared an Eternity to admire this Love in 4. Do God that Service here on Earth that you can never do him in Heaven I will name a few Particulars and leave the Amplification to your Meditation 1. Take thy fill of spiritual Mourning for shine own and other mens Sins now Thou canst not do this when thou comest to Heaven for there is no Sin there 2. Bear up patiently under all thy Trials now thou canst not do this in Heaven for there is no trouble there 3. Deal liberally with distressed Christians now thou canst not do this in Heaven for there is no distressed Christians there 4. Delight in Scripture and Ordinances for the healing of thy Soul now thou canst not do this in Heaven for there is no unhealed Soul there A Word to the Vnconverted Are these things so Then may I say to you what the Prophet said of Moab and Kirharesh Isa 16.11 Wherefore my Bowels shall sound as
immediately on the fall applyed himself to him and promised a Redeemer Paul to the Romans makes Adam a Figure of him that was to come Rom. 5.14 If sin and guilt might have made any man pine away Adam had been the man that opened the Flood-gates of Sin and Wrath to break in upon the World and was the ruine of the greatest part of his Posterity yet hearing of a Saviour he lived almost a thousand years We are not so to mourn for sin as to forget to rejoyce in Christ our Saviour Of this blessed Saviour I shall speak in the next Chapter CHAP. II. Of the Sufferings of Christ MEDITATIONS GOD is more pleased with the Sufferings of Christ than displeased with the Sin of Adam he more loveth us as the Children of Christ than he hated us as the Children of Adam We must often consider the Death of Christ and be affected with it It was Prophesyed of old Zach. 12.10 They shall look on him whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for the loss of an only Son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his first-born And O what wringing of hands what deep Groans what doleful Out-cryes are there made oftentimes for the loss of an onely Child or First-born Act 2.37 What made Peters Converts to be prickt at the Heart but the Preaching of a crucified Christ I shall here consider 1. What Crucifying was 2. Who were the Agents in this Work 3. Who and what he was on whom this Cruelty was acted 1. For the manner of Crucifying There was Lignum Geminum as the learned Weems speaks at large in his Christian Synagogue The Cross had four things Arrectarium or Main-tree Scabellum the Tree where the feet were Nailed Lignum transversum whereunto their Arms were fastned with Cords and there Nail'd Vertex the Title with the Inscription above the Head This way of putting to Death was so shameful and so lingring that the Romans inflicted it on none but Slaves or the vilest sort of men Constantine in Honour of Christ took away this Punishment Christ had carryed his own Cross as all Crucified Persons did but they had so weakned him Mat. 27.32 that they made Simon of Cyrene to carry it not out of Kindness to Christ but hatred lest he being so severely handled before should faint by the way and their blood-shot eyes lose the Pleasure of beholding him tormented on the Cross The Romans call'd this Punishment Servile Supplicium for the reason before-named 2. We come to consider the Actors in this woful Tragedy They were not the prophane Gentiles or common Rabble among the Jews that only did this but the High Priest the Scribes the Pharisees 1. They that had so long prayed and waited for his coming Before he came into the world the Devout Jews thought Blessed were the eyes that should see the promised Messiah in the Flesh It was a Petition commonly made by them in their Giving of Thanks at their Tables Let our eyes be made worthy to see the Messiah in the Flesh What cryes were there Isa 64.1 O that he would rend the Heavens and come down Malachi that closed up the Old Testament foretold how though they longed for him yet they could not stand before him Mal. 3.1 2. Behold I will send my Messenger and the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his Temple even the Messenger of the covenant in whom ye delight But what follows But who may abide the day of his coming And who shall stand when he appeareth For he is like Refiners Fire and as Full●rs Sope. He dealt too plainly with the world con●erning their Sin and Duty to be welcom'd by them They expected a Messias to deliver them from the power of the Romans and God sent a Messias to deliver from the power of the Devil 2. They that were acquainted with the Law and the Prophets That might by Types and Prophesies have known that Christ was the promised Saviour 3. They that heard his Doctrine and saw his Miracles His Doctrine was spitual and Heavenly reaching the Heart and Soul His Miracles were not done in a Corner as feeding many thousands with a few Loaves his raising Lazarus from the Dead 3. We now come to consider who and what he was who thus suffered 1. He that did their Bodies so much good Paul sayes for a good man some would even dare to die Though scarcely for a Righteous man Rom. 5.7 That is consider him as righteous before God and so few love him so well as to die for him but consider him as good to man so some would lose their lives for him But here they were so far from dying for this good man that they contrived his death He cured all sorts of men of all sorts of Distempers he raised the Dead c. 2. He that came to save Souls from endless burnings and to bring them to endless Blessedness 1 Thes 1.10 It is not more true that our Bodies and Souls are now in the world than that they had been in endless misery had not Christ dyed 3. He that was God God suffered in the Person Acts 20.28 though not in the Nature Hence it is that his Temporal Sufferings were as much as our Eternal would have been Christ had his Sonship but not his Substance from the Father who begat him in respect of Personality not of Essence The dignity of his person made the Sin of crucifying him so great I will suppose that all the Saints in Heaven and Earth were met together yea that all the Angels were incarnate and among them and that a man or number of men should murther them all this Sin were no sin in comparison of what I now speak of the Crucifying of the Lord of Glory Christ suffered from first to last In his Birth for the Ancient of Dayes to be born in time for the Eternal God to become a Babe this is soon said but who understands the depth of these things Luke 2.12 And this shall be a sign unto you you shall find the Babe wrapped in swadling-cloaths lying in a Manger yet was all ordered by the infinite wisdom of God Had Christ been the Son of Herod or Caesar then it had been no wonder that all the world went out after him but that one so obscurely born should carry the world before him was wonderful John when in Patmos Rev. 11.15 foresaw That the Kingdoms of the World would become the Kingdoms of the Lord and his Christ which then was very unlikely in outward appearance He was sorely tempted by the Devil we read at large in Mat. 4. Gods end in all we have Heb. 2.18 Being tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted Ask the Saints what Suffering this is that often sweat under this Saddle when they are tempted to hate God or distrust him have such suggestions as are not fit
to be named He was despised in his common converse with men Luk. 8.20 The Foxes had their holes and the Birds of the Air their nests but Jesus had not where to lay his head He was reviled as one that had a Devil Joh. 10.20 Mark 2.16 Luk. 22.44 and was made as a Friend of Publicans and Sinners In his Agonies in the Garden He sweat drops of Blood though it were such a cold season that one might think would have struck the Blood inward It was a cold time for Peter stood to warm himself Our Sin was the heavy burthen that lay upon him When and after he was Betrayed Betrayed he was by a Friend a Bosome-friend to be Betrayed and that in point of Life and all by an intimate acquaintance goes near the Heart What David said to him that betrayed might Christ say to Judas Had it been an Enemy Psal 11.13 14. I could have born it but it was thou my Companion we took sweet Counsel together and walked together as Friends He was severely handled by Souldiers who batter'd his Ears with Blasphemy as well as tormented his Body when he was on the Cross Mat. 27. v. 39 40. they waged their Heads tell him of what he was accused vers 41 42 43. The great men revile him when usually men that scarce pray all the year long for themselves if they see any infamous Criminal executed they never tell him in a way of scoffing of his Fault or Crime but say God be merciful to his Soul At last Christ cryes out Mat. 27.46 My God my God why hast thou forsaken me We must warily understand this not as if God had forsaken Christ in respect of Strength for an Angel was sent to strengthen him Luk. 22.33 nor in respect of Essence nor of Complacency but God forsook him as to present comfort in a great measure Imagine you stood as the Devout Women at the Cross and saw this I now come to lay down a few Directions DIRECTIONS 1. Look on and wonder Are these things so 2 Tim. 3.1 Then great is the Mystery of Godliness God manifested in the flesh If it be a Mystery it cannot be fathomed Wonder at what Christ is and at what he doth What he is Prov. 30.4 It was the wise mans Probleme or hard Question What is his name or his Sons name if thou canst tell His Name is called Wonderful Isa 9.6 Wonder that the Divinity did not swallow up the Humanity that the fire and the bush can so well agree together All the Attributes of God are given to Christ all the Works of God spoken of him as of Creation Sanctification Glorification Therefore Christ is God not only by name or secundum divi but God by Nature He was God that he might satisfie he was Man that he might suffer Wonder at what he doth Patereulus says that when the Lacedemonians opposed Attica the Pythian God told them that that Army whose General was taken should conquer Codrus deposita veste regia c. Codrus laying aside his Princely Robes went among his enemies and was slain by them Our King on Maunday Thursday so call'd as some say because of the Command of Love Christ gave his Disciples before his Passion Mandatum novum do vobis I say our King useth to wash the feet of as many poor People as he hath lived years and yet not the less a King for this humble act Our Lord Jesus the King of Kings and Lord of Lords dyed that we might live abased himself that he might exalt us Psalm 126.1 2. When God delivered the Church out of Babylon by Cyrus they were like men that dreamed How much more should we be Astonished at our deliverance from Sin and Satan by Jesus Christ 2. Let Love be attactive of Love Let the Love of Jesus to us make us to Love him I have read of Agilmond King of the Lombards that one day he went a fishing and saw a Babe sprawling in the Water perhaps a base child he took it up and made it his adopted Son and called him Lama and left him his Crown and Kingdom You may easily imagine what delight this Lama took in seeing of King Algilmond whilst he lived and in thinking and speaking of this King after he was dead How excellently doth God express his love to the poor Jews of old Ezek. 16.4 5 6. As for thy Nativity in the day thou wast born thy Navel was not cut neither wast thou washed in water None eye pitied thee to do any of these unto thee to have compassion on thee but thou wast cast out into the open field to the loathing of thy person in the day that thou wast born And when I passed by thee and saw thee polluted in thy own Blood I said unto thee when thou wast in thy Blood live And lest this should be soon passed over the Holy Ghost bids them as it were stand and hear it the second time Yoa I said unto thee when thou wast in thy Blood live When Tiberius was in a Village named Spelunca Stones fell from the house where he was Sejanus genu vultu manibusque super Caesarem suspensis opposuit sese satis incidentibus saith Tacitus Sejanus covered the Emperour that if the Stones fell where they were Sejanus might die and not the Emperour which as the Historian observes made the Emperour ever after to love Sejanus though he loved him not before The wrath of God fell from Heaven because of mans sin Christ hath embraced the Sinner and that wrath hath fallen on him that else had crushed us O let us love him let us not be satisfied till we find our hearts burning in love 3. Crucifie Sin that crucified Christ Be the death of those Sins that were the death of Jesus Pride Wrath Covetousness and every abominable thing which the Soul of God hates Rom. 6.6 Knowing this that our Old man is crucified with Christ that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin Sin is onely destroyed by his death had not Christ dyed for us we could no more have killed our Corruptions or been made Saints than the Devils can cease to be Devils and become Angels 4. Come to God as those that expect to be justified no other way but by Christ and his Righteousness In him is God well pleased with Believers The Names given to Christ are in Scripture given to a Christian as Son of God an Heir King yea the name Christ The Apostle saith 1 Cor. 12.12 As many Members make one Body even so is Christ Where it is understood not of Christ personally but mystically for Christians or the Church of Christ Now as Adams sins is imputed to us though he and not we disobeyed so Christs Righteousness is imputed to us though he not we obeyed 2 Cor. 5. last verse Though Adams Sin be imputed to us yet we were not the first sinners nor the involvers of all Mankind
unholy still and seeing thou wilt to Hell to Hell shalt thou go Do as Jacob cry and strive long for the Blessing Gen. 32.26 And he said that is the Angel Let me go for the day breaketh and he said I will not let thee go until thou bless me What if he had given over an hour or two after he began to wrestle or but an hour before he had the blessing he had spoiled all No but he strove the whole Night You that have repented and believed give Glory to the Lord your God When God made a Covenant with Abraham he fell upon his face Gen. 17.3 When Israel heard of their deliverance out of Egypt they bowed down the head and worshipped He that believeth feeleth he believeth he knows the Acts of Faith physically considered though not Morally he hath the Faith of Adhesion though it may be not of Evidence he finds the lively workings of Faith though he may not know whether they be of the right kind But though our Safety depends upon the having of Faith yet our Comfort dependeth on our knowing that we have it If you know it say as David when he had great things from God he went and sat in his house before the Lord and said 2. Sam. 7.20 And what can David say more unto thee for thou Lord God knowest thy Servant Or as Paul to the Romans Rom. 8.31 What shall we say to these things What indeed Now may you rejoyce that instead of the Thorn is come up the Fir-tree and instead of the Brier is come up the Myrtle-tree Isa 55.13 Instead of Sin in the heart Grace now grows and instead of abominable practices in the life there are now good works They that have repented and believed should endeavour the Conversion and Confirmation of many in the Faith as they did Acts 2.47 that by them may be added unto the Church such as shall be saved But of this in the Following Chapter CHAP. IV. Of Reproof and Counsel MEDITATIONS WHO can sufficiently bewail the neglect or slight performing of this Duty by most good men though the blessing that followeth the serious practising of it by some be very great How many times have we been by Land by Water a long time with many Persons and never drop one Word suitable to their Condition Nay sometimes the Spirit hath spoken to our Consciences what once it did to Philip concerning the Eunuch Go join thy self to him Act. 8.29 yet Shame want of Courage Laziness hath kept from it All sorts of Christians may be useful this way We read Act. 18.24 Priscilla a Woman taught Apollos a man an eloquent man a man mighty in the Scriptures the Way of God more perfectly vers 26. Bishop Vsher converted when eleven years old by a Sermon on Rom. 12.1 would as soon preach at the Request of a poor Woman as of a Magistrate and he delighted more to converse with poor weak Christians than with many Learned men I may truly say to many Women on whose Souls the Image of God hath been drawn in a lively manner what David said to Abigal 1 Sam. 25.32 33. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel which sent thee this day to meet me and blessed be thy Advice It is the Property of a proud Pharisee not of a humble Christian to contemn Reproof and Counsel from an inferiour or a mean Person John 9.34 The Pharisees could not bear a few plain pious considerations from a poor blind man but said to him Thou wast altogether born in Sin and wilt thou Teach us and they cast him out Thou us Thou an illeterate man as blind in thy Soul as once in thy Body Vs great men great Professours Let the Counsel be never so good it will not take with many wise fools if it come from a plain man F. P. Coun. of Trent Mattheo Longi Archbishop of Saltzburge after he read the Augustine Confession of Faith by the Luthetherans in Saxony and Zuinglians in Zuric he told every one That the Reformation of the Mass was honest and the liberty of meats convenient and the request just to be disburthened of so many Commandments of men but that Luther a poor Monk should Reform was not to be endured God is so well pleased with this work of turning Souls to Righteousness that the Blessed Apostle Paul had his name changed from Saul to Paul because he was the instrument of Converting a famous man call'd Paul Acts 13.9 Then Saul who also is called Paul There is the change of his name verse 7. Paulus a prudent man a Deputy called for Barnabas and Saul to hear the Word of God So one sayes of this Apostle Paul Platina de vita Pon. tif A Paulo proconsule Cypri nomen accepit quem praedicatione sua ad fidem redegerat What care then should Parents take of the Souls of their Children Masters of their Servants Friends of one another For Children it is true whilst they are Infants they cannot be instructed but may be pray'd for for as Sin and misery comes on them and they not sensible of it so may Gods Grace and Mercy they are Members of a Kingdom Subjects of a King and yet cannot understand this So they may be Members of the Body of Christ Subjects of the Lord Jesus and have no knowledg of this They may have great Estates and the benefit of Rents and yet know not what an Estate is or Rents are Admonished they should be as they grow up that they may say of their Parents as Solomon of his Prov. 4.3 4. I was my Fathers Son tender and onely beloved in the sight of my Mother He taught me also and said unto me Let thy heart retain my words Keep my Commandements and live Happy are those children that can say when their Parents are dead I remember what my Father and Mother now in Glory said to me how they instructed me In the second Epistle to Tim. 1.5 we read of the good effects of this duty When I call to mind the unfeigned Faith that is in thee which first dwelt in thy Grandmother Lois and thy Mother Eunice and I am perswaded that it is in thee also What comfort may good Parents take in good children Socrates Scholasticus says of Leonides the father of Origen that when his Son was asleep he would sometimes uncover his breast and kiss it with a kind of veneration knowing his Son was a Temple for the Holy Ghost to dwell in Leonides was wont when Origen was very young to teach him some Aphorisms and Sentences in Christianity every day which made such a deep impression upon him that he was soon called Senilis Puer the Old Boy Vir magnus ab Infantia A great man from his Childhood Young he was in years onely but old in Knowledg and Grace When Bathsheba had a Promise from King David that Solomon her Son should be King after him it is said 1 Kings 1.31 That she bowed her face to