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A61432 The liturgy of the ancients represented as near as well may be in English forms calling : with a preface concerning the restitution of the most solemn part of Christian worship in the Holy Eucharist, to its integrity, and just frequency of celebration. Stephens, Edward, d. 1706. 1696 (1696) Wing S5429; ESTC R24616 81,280 108

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Blessed being it self a Receptacle of Holy Souls made illustrious with Visitations of Angels and happy by being a Repository for such Spirits who at the day of Judgment shall go forth into Eternal Glory In the interim Christ hath trod all the Paths before us and this also we must pass through to arrive at the Courts of Heaven Justin Martyr said it was the Doctrine of Heretical Persons to say that the Souls of the Blessed instantly upon the Separation from their Bodies enter into the highest Heaven And Irenaeus makes Heaven and the intermediate Receptacle of Souls to be distinct Places both blessed but hugely differing in degrees Tertullian is dogmatical in the Assertion that till the Voice of the great Arch-Angel be heard and as long as Christ sits at the right-hand of his Father making Intercession for the Church so long blessed Souls must expect the Assembling of their Brethren the great Congregation of the Church that they may all pass from their outward Courts into the inward Tabernacle the Holy of Holies to the Throne of God And as it is certain that no Soul could enter into Glory before our Lord entred by whom we hope to have Access So it is most agreeable to the proportion of the Mysteries of our Redemption that we believe the Entrance into Glory to have been made by our Lord at his Glorious Ascension and that his Soul went not thither before then to come back again to be contracted into the Span of Humanity and dwell Forty days in his Body upon Earth But that he should return from Paradice that is from the common Receptacle of departed Spirits who died in the Love of God to Earth again had in it no lessening of his Condition since Himself in Mercy called back Lazarus from thence and some others also returned to live a Life of Grace which in all Senses is less than the least of Glories Sufficient it is to us that all Holy Souls departing go into the hands that is into the Custody of our Lord that they rest from their Labours that their Works shall follow them and overtake them too at the day of Judgment that they are Happy presently that they are visited by Angels that God sends as he pleases excellent Irradiations and Types of Glory to entertain them in their Mansions that their Condition is secured but the Crown of Righteousness is laid up against the great Day of Judgment and then to be produced and given to St. Paul and to all that love the Coming of our Lord that is to all who either here in Duty or in their Receptacles with Joy and certain Hope long for the Revelation of that day At the Day of Judgment Christ will send the Angels and they shall gather together the Elect from the four Winds and all the Refuse of Men evil Persons they shall throw into Everlasting Burning Then our Blessed Lord shall call to the Elect to enter into the Kingdom and reject the Cursed into the Portion of Devils for whom the Fire is but now prepared in the interval For we must all appear before the Judgment-Seat of Christ saith St. Paul that every Man may receive in his Body according as he hath done whether it be Good or Evil. Out of the Body the Reward is not And therefore St. Peter affirms that God hath delivered the Evil Angels into Chains of Darkness to be reserved unto Judgment And St. Jude saith that the Angels which kept not their first Estate but left their first Habitation he hath reserved in everlasting Chains under Darkness unto the Judgment of the Great Day And therefore the Devils expostulated with our Blessed Saviour Art Thou come to Torment us before the Time And the same also he does to Evil Men Reserving the Vnjust unto the Day of Judgment to be punished For since the Actions which are to be judged are the Actions of the whole Man so also must be the Judicature And our Blessed Saviour intimated this to his Apostles In my Father's House are many Mansions but I go to prepare a Place for you And if I go away I will come again and take you unto me that where I am there ye may be also At Christ's second Coming this is to be performed Many outer Courts many different Places or different States there may be and yet there is a Place whither holy Souls shall arrive at last which was not then ready for us and was not to be entred into until the Entrance of our Lord had made the Preparation and that is certainly the Highest Heaven called by St. Paul the third Heaven because the other Receptacles were ready and full of holy Souls Patriarchs and Prophets and holy Men of God concerning whom St. Paul affirms expressly that the Fathers received not the Promises God having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made Perfect Therefore certain it is that their Condition was a State of Imperfection and yet they were placed in Paradice in Abraham's Bosom and thither Christ went and the blessed Thief attended Him And then it was that Christ made their Condition better For tho' still it be a Place of Relation in order to something beyond it yet the Term and Object of their Hope is changed They sate in the Regions of Darkness expecting that Great Promise made to Adam and the Patriarchs the Promise of the Messias but when He that was promised came He preached to the Spirits in Prison He communicated to them the Mysteries of the Gospel the Secrets of the Kingdom the things hiddea from eternal Ages and taught them to look up to the Glories purchased by his Passion and made the term of their Expectation be his second Coming and the Objects of their Hope the Glories of the Beatifick Vision And altho' the State of Separation is sometimes in Scripture called Heaven and sometimes Hell for these Words in Scripture are of large Significations yet it is never called the third Heaven nor the Hell of the damned For altho' concerning it nothing is clearly revealed or what is their Portion till the Day of Judgment yet it is intimated in a Parable that between Good and Evil Spirits even in the State of Separation there is a Distance of Place Certain it is there is a great Distance of Condition and as the holy Souls in their Regions of Light are full of Love Joy Hope and Longing for the Coming of the Great Day so the Accursed do expect it with an insupportable Amazement and are presently tormented with Apprehensions of the Future Happy are they that through Paradice pass into the Kingdom who from their highest Hope pass to the greatest Charity from the State of a blessed Separation to the Mercies and gentle Sentence of the Day of Judgment which St. Paul prayed to God to grant Onesiphorus and more explicitly for the Thessalonians that their whole Spirit and Soul and Body be preserved blameless unto the Coming of our Lord
do no Good thing without thee grant us the Help of thy Grace that in keeping thy Commandments we may please thee both in will and deed through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen * ALmighty and everliving God by whose Spirit the whole Body of the Church is sanctified and governed Receive our Supplications and Prayers which we offer unto thee for all Estates of Men in thy holy Church that every Member of the same in his Vocation and Ministry may truly and godly serve thee through our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ Amen Then the Collect of the Day with one of these Two for the King ALmighty God whose Kingdom is everlasting Power infinite Have Mercy upon the whole Church and so rule the Heart of thy chosen Servant N. our King and Governour that he knowing whose Minister he is may above all things seek thy Honour and Glory and that we and all his subiects duly considering whose Authority he hath may faithfully serve honour and humbly obey him in thee and for thee according to thy blessed Word and Ordinance through Iesus Christ our Lord who with thee and the holy Ghost liveth and reigneth ever One God World without end Amen Or. ALmighty and everliving God we are taught by thy holy Word that the Hearts of Kings are in thy Rule and Governance and that thou dost dispose and turn them as in thy most excellent Wisdom thou seest best We humbly beseech thee so to dispose and govern the Heart of N. thy Servant our King and Governour that in all his Thoughts Words and Works he may ever seek thy Honour and Glory and study to preserve thy People committed to his charge in Wealth Peace and Godliness Grant this O merciful Father for thy dear Sons sake Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then turning toward the People The Epistle written in the Chapter of at the Verse And when he hath done Here endeth the Epistle The Holy Gospel c. People Glory be to thee O Lord. And at the end of the Gospel Pr. So endeth the Holy Gospel Pe. Thanks be to thee O Lord. Then turning toward the Altar I Believe in one God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth and of all things visible and invisible And in one Lord Iesus Christ the onely begotten Son of God Begotten of his Father before all Worlds God of God Light of Light Very God of very God Begotten not made Being of one substance with the Father By whom all things were made Who for us Men and for our Salvation came down from Heaven And was incarnate by the holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary And was made Man And was Crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate He suffered and was buried And the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures And ascended into Heaven And sitteth on the right hand of the Father And he shall come again with Glory to judge both the quick and the dead Whose Kingdom shall have no end And I believe in the holy Ghost The Lord and giver of Life Who proceedeth from the Father and the Son Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified Who spake by the Prophets And I believe one Catholick and Apostolick Church I acknowledge one Baptism for the Remission of Sins And I look for the Resurrection of the Dead And the Life of the World to come Amen * WE praise thee O God we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. All the Earth doth worship thee the Father everlasting To thee all Angels cry aloud the Heavens and all the Powers therein To the Cherubin and Seraphin continually do cry Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Sabaoth Heaven and Earth are full of the Majesty of thy Glory The glorious Company of the Apostles praise thee The goodly Fellowship of the Prophets praise thee The noble Army of Martyrs praise thee The Holy Church throughout all the World doth acknowledge thee The Father of an infinite Majesty Thine honourable true and onely Son Also the Holy Ghost the Comforter Thou art the King of Glory O Christ Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father When thou tookest upon thee to deliver Man thou didst not abhor the Virgins Womb. When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of Death thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all Believers Thou sittest at the right hand of God in the Glory of the Father We believe that thou shalt come to be our Iudge We therefore pray thee help thy Servants whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious Blood Make them to be numbered with thy Saints in Glory everlasting O Lord save thy people and bless thine heritage Govern them and lift them up for ever Day by day we magnifie thee And we Worship thy Name ever World without end Vouchsafe O Lord to keep us this day without sin O Lord have Mercy upon us have Mercy upon us O Lord let thy Mercy lighten upon us as our trust is in thee O Lord in thee have I trusted let me never be confounded * ALmighty and everliving God who hast given unto us thy servants Grace by the Confession of a true Faith to acknowledge the Glory of the eternal Trinity and in the Power of the Divine Majesty to worship the Vnity We beseech thee to keep us stedfast in this Faith and evermore defend us from all Adversities who livest and reignest One God World without end Amen ALmighty Everliving most Merciful and most Gracious God who hatest nothing which thou hast made and dost forgive the Sins of all them who are Penitent create and make in us New and Contrite Hearts that we worthily lamenting our Sins and acknowledging our Wretchedness may obtain of thee the God of all Mercy perfect Remission and Forgiveness through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen THE Liturgy of the Ancients Represented c. PART II. The Office of the Faithful The Priest turning toward the People Pr. * The Lord be with you Pe. And with thy Spirit Pr. Christ our Pascal Lamb is offered for us once for all when he bare our Sins on his Body upon the Cross For he is the very Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World Wherefore let us keep a Ioyful and Holy Feast with the Lord. YE who do truly and sincerely Repent you of your Sins and are in Love and Charity with your Neighbours and intend to lead a new Life and heartily to follow the Commandments of God and to walk from henceforth in his Holy Ways Draw near * The Men on the one side and the Women on the other saith the Rubrick in the first Book of E. 6. after the Offertory and such was the Ancient Usage with Faith and take this Holy Sacrament to your Comfort and make your humble Confession to Almighty God meekly kneeling upon your Knees Then Kneeling ALmighty God Father of our Lord Iesus Christ Maker of all things Iudge of all Men We acknowledge and repent us of our manifold Sins and Wickednesses which
other Benefits of his Passion And here we offer and present unto thee O Lord our Selves our Souls and Bodies to be a reasonable holy and lively Sacrifice unto thee humbly beseeching thee that whosoever shall be Partakers of this Holy Communion may worthily receive the most precious Body and Blood of thy Son Iesus Christ be fulfilled with thy Grace and Heavenly Benediction and made one Body with him that he may dwell in them and they in him And although we be Vnworthy through our manifold Sins to offer unto thee any Sacrifice yet we beseech thee to accept this our Bounden Duty and Service * And command these our Supplications Prayers to be by the Ministry of thy Holy Angels brought up into thy Holy Tabernacle before the Sight of thy Divine Majesty In the First Book of Ed. 6. but lese out afterward not weighing our Merits but pardoning our Offences through Iesus Christ our Lord by whom and with whom in the Vnity of the Holy Ghost all Honour and Glory be unto thee O Father Almighty World without end Amen AND we humbly beseech thee O Lord our God That it may please thee to give us Hearts to love dread and adhere unto thee and diligently to live after thy Commandments That it may please thee to preserve rule and govern thy Holy Church Vniversal in the Right Way That it may please thee to illuminate all Bishops Priests and Deacons and particularly of this Church and Diocess with true Knowledge and Vnderstanding of thy Word and that both by their Preaching Living they may set it forth and shew it accordingly That it may please thee to direct keep and strengthen in the true Faith and Worship of thee and in Righteousness and Holiness of Life thy Servant N. our King and Governour That it may please thee that he may ever have Affiance in thee ever seek thy Honour and Glory and have Victory over all his Enemies That it may please thee to bless and preserve all the Royal Family That it may please thee to endue the Lords of the Council and all the Nobility with Grace Wisdom and Vnderstanding That it may please thee to bless and keep the Magistrates giving them Grace to execute Iustice and to maintain Truth That it may please thee to bless and keep all thy People to give them increase of Grace to hear meekly thy Word and to receive it with pure Affection and to bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit That it may please thee to give to all Nations Vnity Peace and Concord That it may please thee to bring into the way of Truth all such as have erred and are deceived That it may please thee to strengthen such as do stand and to comfort and help the Weak-hearted and to raise up them that fall and finally to beat down Satan under our feet That it may please thee to succour help and comfort all that are in Danger Necessity and Tribulation That it may please thee to preserve all that Travel by Land or by Water all Women labouring of Child all Sick persons and young Children and to shew thy Pity upon all Prisoners and Captives That it may please thee to defend and provide for the Fatherless Children and Widows and all that are Desolate and Oppressed That it may please thee to have Mercy upon all Men. That it may please thee to forgive our Enemies Persecutors and Slanderers and to turn their Hearts That it may please thee to give and preserve to our Vse the kindly Fruits of the Earth so as in due time we may enjoy them We humbly beseech thee to hear us O Lord our God through the Merits and Intercession of thy dearly beloved Son our blessed Lord and Saviour Christ Iesus and as he hath taught and commanded us we are bold to say OUR Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done on Earth As it is in Heaven Give us this day our Daily Bread And forgive us our Crespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into Temptation But deliver us from Evil For thine is the Kingdom And the Power And the Glory For ever and ever Amen Then after a little Pause for all to offer up their own private Prayers this Collect of humble Access to the Holy Communion Kneeling WE do not presume to come to this thy Table O merciful Lord trusting in our own Righteousness but in thy manifold and great Mercies We are not worthy so much as to gather up the Crums inder thy Table But thou art the same Lord whose Property is always to have Mercy grant us therefore Gracious Lord so to eat the Flesh of thy dear Son Iesus Christ and to drink his Blood that our Bodies and Souls being cleansed and our Sins part oned through his most precious Blood we may enjoy thy Favour be filled with thy Spirit and evermore dwell in Him and He in Vs Amen Note Concerning the Behaviour of the Communicants these things are to be observed that Anciently 1. They came Fasting to it v. Sparrow 2. They came in Purity from all not only Unlawful but Carnal Embraces whatsoever for some time before v. S. Hier. Apol. pro Lib. contra Jovin 3. They came up to the Rails v. Spar. to which they are called by these Words Draw near in the Invitation before the Confession 4. They answered Amen to the Words of the Priest at the Delivery of the Sacrament v. Spar. 5. They received the Consecrated Bread in their Hands v. Spar. 6. They were careful that none of it should fall to the Cround v. Tertul. de Cor. Mil Origen Hom. 13. in Exod. circa Med. Cyril Hierosol Cat. Myst 5. sub fi Aug. Hom. 26. l. 50 Hom. 7. They did but sip or tast of the Cup. So did the Jews before for it was a Rite of Thanksgiving to God in Use amongst them and so did the christians both using it as a Sacred Cup and not to be prophaned by pleasing the Palat which was the Fault of some of the Corinthians punished by the Judgments of God 1 Cor. 11.30 and savouring of the Temper and Disposition of those Jews whom our Saviour repremands Jo. 6.26 At the Communion this Benediction and Recognition THe Body of our Lord Iesus Christ † which was given for thee preserve thy Body and Soul unto Everlasting Life Ans Amen Take and eat this in Remembrance that Christ Died for thee And at the delivering of the Cup this THe Blood of our Lord Iesus Christ † which was shed for thee preserve thy Body and Soul unto Everlasting Life Ans Amen Drink this in Remembrance that Christ's Blood was shed for thee and be thankful Then having decently covered what remaineth of the Consecrated Elements this Thanksgiving ALmighty and Everliving God we most heartily thank thee for that thou dost vouchsafe of thy Favour and Goodness towards us to feed us who have duly received these Holy Mysteries
Payment of the last Farthing Mat. 5.25 Prisoners of Hope Zechar. 9.11 12. Sins blotted out when the times of Refreshing shall come Act. 3.19 Such as shew the Incertainty of many Souls in their separate State even such as were Professors of a high Form in this World of what their final Doom shall be at that Day as Mat. 7.22 23. and 25.44 45. c. And the Recompence of Rewards at that day 2 Thess 1.6 7. 1 Cor. 5.5 Luk. 14.14.2 Tim. 4.8 c. Which if our confident Opposers had sufficiently considered one would think they should not have presumed to make so light of that middle State as for the maintaining of Parties to deprive so many Souls there of all Benefit they might receive by their surviving Friends here which many Apparitions even among Protestants do frequently signifie The Practice of the Jews I have noted already and shall add only here That in Discourse lately with one of them he assured me that the Form they now use for that purpose is generally believed by all to have been composed by E●ra and the Great Congregation I there also remembred an instance of the Practice of the Apostles themselves in St. Paul's Prayer for Onesiphorus in such a Form as is hardly to be met with for any Person living however proves it not in vain to Pray for any Person of whom there is Hope but not Certainty till that day So that tho' our great Man with more Considence I doubt than Conscience and without any Proof or Reason at all doth positively affirm him then living p. 210. he gets nothing at all by it Thus we see in this a Universal Agreement in all things but on the contrary if we examine the Obstinate Opposition of it throughout we shall find nothing solid and consistent in it neither with Truth nor Honesty nor any good Consequence but a plausible Pretence of the Pure Word of God to cover an impure Inclination and Desire to set aside the Authority which God instituted and set up themselves and their own Conceits in the place of it 2. Inconsistent with it self first denying or cavilling at the Antiquity or Universality of the Practice and then when they thought they had found out an Evasion confessing that which they could no longer for shame deny and betaking themselves to their new Invention 3. Inconsistent with the Sincerity Simplicity and Ingenuity of the Gospel in their shameless Shuffles Cavils and Evasions of which I have noted divers and many more might be observed but there is one not to be omitted here their alleadging the Writings of Epiphanius Chrysostome Augustin and others against not only their own but the confessed ancient Practice of the Church in their time in this Case Inconsistent with that Modesty Respect and Decency which the Gospel requires toward all in their Censuring as delirous not only some particular Persons but generally all the most Holy Ancient Christians in what was their common Sentiments and is believed by the most learned of the Church of England to be plainly taught in the Holy Scriptures 5. Inconsistent with that Reverence and Regard that Christians should have for the Honour of the Church of Christ his Promises to it and Care of it in so foul and scandalous an Imputation as that they received their common Notions of the present State of separate Souls in the other World from an Impostor which was not their Impudence therein as notorious as it is groundless and destitute of any proof at all might prove a Tentation to unsettled Souls to suspect all to be no better And for other Consequences it is plain they lead the way to all others to reject their own usurped Authority with the same Ease and Impudence that they do that of the Church of Christ and to set up their own Conceits against theirs and pretend Scripture for it and so to an endless Course of Separations Schisms Sects and Confusions and in conclusion set up that Authority over others which they themselves in the mean time reject as by their Synod of Dort and others in France appears And besides all this it is much to be feared that they lead multitudes of Souls into that miserable Security and Presumption wherewith our Saviour hath acquainted us that many will find themselves deceived at that day Mat. 7.22 And therefore if these be not pertinacious Schismaticks and Hereticks speaking perverse things to draw away Disciples after them and therefore carefully to be avoided I know not who are or what so many Cautions in the Scripture to that purpose do signifie FINIS The Doctrine of the Scriptures concerning The Middle State of Souls And the Tradition of the Church for Prayers for the DEAD Summ'd up by Dr. Jer. Taylor late Bishop of Down and Conner With the Judgment of Mr. Herbert Thorndike a late most Learned Prebend of Westminster ALtho' there hath been lately Printed a Discourse of Prayers for the Dead proving the Practice and Tradition thereof in the Church to be truly Catholick and a competent Evidence of Apostolick Original and Authority wherein divers Learned Protestants are alleadged to have been of the same Opinion yet for the Readers farther Satisfaction in that respect it hath been thought fit to Print the Discourse of these two other eminent Persons of the Church of England more at large than was thought proper for that place And first that of the late Bishop Dr. Jer. Taylor 1. Of the Middle State of Souls THE Holy Jesus promised to the blessed Thief That he should that Day be with Him in Paradice which therefore was certainly a Place or State of Blessedness because it was a Promise and in the Society of Jesus whose penal and afflictive part of his Work of Redemption was finished upon the Cross Our Blessed Lord did not promise he should that day be with him in his Kingdom for that day it was not opened and the everlasting doors of those interior Recesses were to be shut till after the Resurrection that himself was to ascend thither and make way for all his Servants to enter in the same Method in which he went before us Our Blessed Lord descended into Hell saith the Creed of the Apostles from the Sermon of St. Peter as he from the Words of David that is into the State of Separation and common Receptacle of Spirits according to the Style of Scripture But the Name of Hell is no where in Scripture an appellative of the Kingdom of Christ of the Place of final and supream Glory But concerning the Verification of our Lord's Promise to the beatified Thief and his own State of Separation we must take what Light we can from Scripture and what we can from the Doctrine of the Primitive Church St. Paul had two great Revelations he was wrapt up into Paradice and he was wrapt up into the third Heaven and and these he calls Visions and Revelations not one but divers for Paradice is distinguished from the Heaven of the
Name evermore praising thee and saying Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Hosts Heaven and Earth are full of thy Glory Glory be to thee O Lord most high Amen THou art worthy O Lord to receive Glory and Honour and Power for thou hast created all things and for thy Pleasure they are and were created Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive Power and Riches and Wisdom and Strength and Honour and Glory and Blessing For thou wast slain and hast redeemed us unto God by thy Blood out of every Kindred and Tongue and People and Nation Blessing Honour Glory and Power be unto Him that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever Then turning toward the People Let us pray for the whole State of Christ's Church Militant here on Earth And turning again toward the Altar ALmighty and Everliving God who by thy holy Apostle hast taught us to make Prayers and Supplications and to give Thanks unto thee for all Men We humbly beseech thee most mercifully to accept these our Oblations and to receive these our Prayers which we offer unto thy Divine Majesty beseeching thee to inspire continually the universal Church with the Spirit of Truth Vnity and Concord and grant that all they who do confess thy Holy Name may agree in the Truth of thy Holy Word and live in Vnity and Godly Love † We beseech thee also to save and defend all Christian Kings Princes and Governours and especially thy Servant N. our King that under him we may be godly and quietly governed and to grant unto his whole Council and to all that are put in Authority under him that they may truly and indifferently minister Iustice to the punishment of Wickedness and Vice and to the maintenance of thy true Religion and Vertue † Give Grace O Heavenly Father to all Bishops Priests and Deacons and more particularly of this Church and Diocess that they may both by their Life and Doctrine set forth thy true and lively Word and rightly and duly administer thy Holy Sacraments And to all thy People give thy Heavenly Grace that with meek Heart and due Reverence they may hear and receive thy holy Word truly serving thee in Holiness and Righteousness all the Days of their Life And we commend especially unto thy merciful Goodness the Congregation which is here assembled in thy Name to celebrate the Commemoration of the most precious Death and Sacrifice of thy Son our Saviour Iesus Christ And we most humbly beseech thee of thy Goodness O Lord to comfort and succour all them who in this transitory Life are in Trouble Sorrow Need Sickness or any other Adversity And we also bless thy holy Name for all thy Servants * C. departed this Life in thy Faith Fear beseeching thee to give us Grace so to follow their good Examples that with them we may be Partakers of thy Heavenly Kingdom who having finished their Course in Faith do now rest from their Labours And we render unto thee most hearty Thanks and Praise for thy wonderful Grace and Vertue declared in all thy Saints who have been the choice Vessels of thy Grace and the Lights of the World in their several Generations a And chiefly in the glorious and most blessed Virgin Mary Mother of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord God and in thy Holy Patriarchs Prophets Apostles and Martyrs Ed. 6. most humbly beseeching thee that we may have Grace to follow the Example of their Stedfastness in thy Faith and Obedience to thy Holy Commandments b We commend unto thy Mercy O Lord all other thy Servants which are departed hence from us with the Sign of Faith and now rest in the Sleep of Peace Grant unto them we beseech thee thy Mercy and Everlasting Peace and that at the Day c. Ed. 6. v. H. Lestr c. 6. T. V. that at the Day of the General Resurrection we and all they who are of the Mystical Body of thy Son may be set on his Right Hand and hear his most joyful Voice Come ye Blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the World Grant this O Father for Iesus Christ's Sake our onely Mediatour and Advocate Amen Then the Prayer of Consecration ALmighty God our Heavenly Father who of thy tender Mercy didst give thine onely Son Iesus Christ to suffer Death upon the Cross for our Redemption who made there by his own Oblation of himself once offered a full perfect and sufficient Sacrifice Oblation and Satisfaction for the Sins of the whole World and did institute and in his Holy Gospel command us to continue and celebrate a Perppetual Memory of that his precious Death and Sacrifice until his Coming again Hear us O merciful Father we most humbly beseech thee and of thy abundant Goodness vouchsafe to bless and sanctifie with thy Word and holy Spirit these thy Gifts and Creatures of Breat and Wine that they may be unto us the Body and Blood of thy most dearly beloved Son our Saviour Iesus Christ so that we receiving them according to His Holy Institution in Remembrance of his Death and Passion and Recognition of our Redemption thereby may be Partakers of his most blessed Body and Blood who in the same Night that he was betrayed (a) Here the Priest is to take the Paten into his Hands took Bread and when he had given Thanks (b) And here to break the Bread he brake it and gave it to his Disciples saying Take eat (c) And here to l●y his Hand upon all the bread This is my Body which is given for you do this in Remembrance of me Likewise after Supper (d) Here he is to take the Cup into his Hand he took the Cup and when he had given Thanks he gave it to them saying Drink ye All of this for This (e) And here to lay his Hand upon every Vessel be it Chalice or Flaren in which there is any Wine to be Consecrated is my Blood of the Now Testament which is shed for you and for many for the Remission of Sins Do this as often as ye shall drink it in Remembrance of me Amen The Memorial or Prayer of Oblation WHerefore O Lord and Heavenly Father according to the Institution of thy dearly beloved Son our Saviour Iesus Christ we thy humble Servants do celebrate and make here before thy Divine Majesty with These thy Holy Gifts the Memorial which He hath willed us to make having in Remembrance his Blessed Passion Mighty Resurrection and Glorious Ascension rendering unto thee most humble and hearty Thanks for the innumerable Benefits procured unto us by the same And we humbly beseech thee of thy Fatherly Goodness mercifully to accept this our Sacrifice of Praise and Chansgiving and graciously to grant that by His Death Merits and Intercession and through Faith in his Blood we and all thy whole Church may obtain Remission of our Sins and all