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A51719 A discovery, or Certaine observations, concerning the crafty and cursed proceedings of the conspirators, or rebbells of England against their owne King, Queene, church, government, then established; to wit 1639. And the liberty, peace, fafety [sic], & quiet-beeing, of that our nation, and other kingdomes thereunto belonging. By whom the people of other nations have beene also cheated and troubled. Observed by J. M. whose hart hath for many yeares together mourned in secret, for the calamity by the sayd rebbels, brought upon his owne, and other nations. J. M. 1657 (1657) Wing M35; ESTC R217014 62,961 63

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vnto your Majesty and your best friends and Subjects then ever eyther the Canaanites or the Perizzites where vnto Abraham in his dayes I meane such as are sent or employed by Crumwell or the like of him and for him for to corrupt the mindes of your people or otherwise to worke out theyr owne ends who will cause trouble in your Kingdome at the last and disturbe your Majesty and such as desire to live in peace And Thirdly because they were brethern that is to say neare of Kinn yet not nearer of Kinn then your Majesty is vnto the King of Spaine Wherfore consider whether it will not bee the honour wisdome and saffety of your Majesty and your people and the comfort of all good Christians vpon the face of the earth for to Imitate so good and so holy a man as Abraham was by adhearing to peace with your nearest and best friends and with all Righteous Princes States and Cityes that desiers to be at peace with you SIR It will not bee hard to prove those to bee the most eminent Kings and Princes 2. Chron. Chap. 20. vers 7. who are most in favor with the King of Kings neyther was any in those dayes in higher esteeme with the Lord then Abraham who was and unto this day is called The friend of God because in all things hee did that which was pleased to God Gen. 12.7 As I. By helping the oppressed against Vsurpers II. By praying for the sinfull Cities of Sedom and Gemorr●… Gen. 13.4 III. By obaying the Commands of the Lord Gen. To the end of the 32. vers ●●● 4. ● 9 in being ready to offer his only Sonne Isaac IV. By buylding of Altars for the worship of God V. By calling upon the name of the Lord. VI. In that hee beleeved the worde and the promise of God which was counted vnto Abraham for righteousnesse and therefore his earnest intreating of Leth for the preservation and the continuation of peace betweene them and their servaunts was First because the God of Peace doe delight in peace Secondly it seemes Abram conceaved it to bee both disgrace and danger both to himselfe and to Loth for to bee at strife in the eyes of the Heathen amongst whome they then lived Thirdly because they were Brethren who served one God after one and the same manner and so doth the King of Spaine and your Majesty Fourthly they were neere neighbours and very neer of Bloude and yet not neerer then your Majesty and the King of Spaine SIR a serious consideration heerof is most needfull because the Lord our God is worthy to bee regarded and honoured in these our dayes as wel as he was by Abraham in his time SIR it hath been yeare after yeare great admiration and griefe vnto me that the Kingdoms of France and Spaine who are of one Religion one Faith one Hope of one minde and of one Judgment in matters concerning Salvation and the God of both Kingdoms is the Lord of Heaven and not the God of Rebbells And yet notwithstanding all this such lamentable Ruings of the people of both Kingdoms to the destroying of so much bloude and Treasure one of an other And that to the extreame weakening and disabeling one of an other Seeing it is not vnknowne to the Lords Cleargie and many other honourable Persons in your Kingdom that all are not friends to the King and people of France who speake them faire Revel 2. vers 2.9 It is as well of some which pretend to bee Christians and are not but by their proceedings they rather seeme to bee of the Synagogue of Sathan And it were to bee wished that this sorte were not worse then some of those which doe not professe them selves to bee Christians at all and that in matter of fraud deceat and violence which the nations of Portugall and of the Vnited Provences can wittnesse as wel as the King of Spaine Philip. 3. vers 2. and his people wherefore I say Beware of dogs beware of evill workers For First those who hath donne so much mischieffe vnto their owne and severall other Nations by pollicie and stite of hand besides open violence will in the short or in the longe sinde a tricke to trouble you and your people First eyther by stirring vp some of your owne people against your best friends And Secondly against your owne Person and so cause Noble and other Innocent bloud to be shed in France like as them selues by the helpe of their wicked Army haue done in England And I am of the minde of the Prophet Jeremiah who sayd Jerem. 13.23 If a blacke More can change his skinn or a Leopert his spots then may they doe good who are accustomed to doe evill It seemes that it was falsely sayd of the Apostell St. Paull and some others that they sayd Let vs doe good that euill may come of it Rom. 3.8 I wish that this may not bee truly sayd to bee the practise of Oliuer Crumwell and some of his adherences SIR It was the folly of Nahash to bee so vnreasonable as to require the Right eye of every man in Jabesh Gillead as a Reproch insufferable vnto Israell which stird vp in them such a spirit that the wholle Army of Nahash was so overthrowne and scattered that two of his men 1. Sam. 11.2.11 could not bee seene to gether And therefore it will bee honourable for your Majesty and your most faithfull Counsell before God and the world to incline vnto peace vpon resonable Conditions such as may with honour bee granted that it may not bee sayd that the King the Kingdome of France is the cause of trouble terror vnto all good Christians who gladly would liue at peace Wherefore your Majesty your Honourable Councell and reverent Cleargy may bee pleased Numb speedily to separate your selues from such an evill generation in whom is neither feare of God love of Equity nor of Christianity And Saul sayd vnto the Kenites Goe depart get you downe from amongst the Malakites least I destroy you with them 1. Sam. 15.6 for you showed kindnesse to all the Children of Israëll when they came vp out of Egypt So the Kenites departed from amongst the Malakites Saul destroyed the Malakites Vers 7. for the cruelty which they had done long before according to Gods owne commaund From whence your Majesty and all the good People may bee gratiously pleased for to observe that it is very dishonourable and dangerous for a Righteous Prince King or Nation to bee in Company or Combination or Alliance with euill doers who are so desperately wicked as the Rebells of Engeland Jer. 17.9 who by theft murther perjury and falsehood doe over-passe the deeds of the wicked Jer. 5.28 They are waxen fat they shine yea they over passe the deeds of the wicked They judge not the cause of the Fatherlesse yet they prosper Vers 29.
Governement in Ireland First theyr blood-thirsty and tyranny call proceedings against the sayd EARLE when he was tryed for his Life doth apparently show their prepared and abhominable designes Namely a fixt and a firme resolution secretly within them selves by force to take away the Life of the N●●…e Earle without any regard vnto Justice Law or Equity which showes the doge-like mallice of the Rebbels against that worthy Person who was preferd to a place of Quallity Trust and Power who was both willing and able to resist the develish Rebellion then intended by the Conspirators against the King and his Subjects as appeares by one that was convinced of Pergery that came as a witnesse against the noble Earle Secondly they pretended to convince this Earle of some crime by the testimony of only one witnesse who was knowne to bee his profest enemy Which is contrary to the Law of God for it is sayd at the mouth of two or three witnesses he only shall die that is worthy of death Deut. 17.6 but at the mouth of one witnesse no man shall die Thirdly after they were shamefully worsted in theyr accusing this Noble Person of hygh Treason seeing they could prove no Treason at all against him F●●athly after the cloase of the prosses or his charge given in before they alleaged three new Artickles against him with vnhuman Importunity to have the Earle presently to answere vnto them without any time to bethinke him selfe though by Reason of the infirmety of his body and his spirits being much spent by pleading by way of answere vnto theyr accusations against him did earnestly desire some few dayes time to bethinke him selfe which the Lords of the Vpperhouse thought to bee but Reasonable yet nothing would content these shamelesse fellows but a present answer from him Fiftly the Ignorant people being by false Reports Inveteratly set against him by whome he was accused that he caused a Horse to bee stolen and after that hanged the man that bought him because he might injoy his Estate after his death which thing proved so foull against them selves that they did not so much as mention it at the Barre Sixtly they stird vp base and unruly Raskalls not onely for to Importane but to compell the Lords of the house of Peares to pas a Bill for to take his life without Law and contrary to Law and against the will of the Lords Offering violence to theyr persons in case they would not graunt it notwithstanding they found nothing against him worthy of death which the Lords fully declared Seaventhly when the Bill was past it was still by the Law of the Land in the power and choyse of the King to signe the Bill or not His Majesty having also declared that he found in the sayd Earle nothing that toutched his Life justly and the Conspirators supposing the King would by no meanes be prevailed with all to signe the sayd Bill they gave out words presumptiously that in case hee would not they would pull downe the Tower of London where the sayd Earle was Imprisoned and teare him in peeces This ruyd multitude being set on by the slye and secret Conspirators came tumultuously vnto the Kings Court and forced them selves in whether the Porter would or not and sayd That they would have no Porter at all there but would speake with the King when they pleased the like was never knowne before They prest so hard vpon his Majesty neyther would they leave him vntill he was forced to promise them that hee would advise with the Bishops and then signe the sayd Bill Nor durst the Bishops advise the King to the contrary for feare of being murdered them selves I thinke they were threatened too to that purpose I have within my selfe more then ordinary Reason to thinke that if his Majesty had not signed the sayd Bill which was contrary to the Law of God and the Nation and against the Kings owne conscience then he had beene murdered at that present time or shortly after Neither were they yet contented because that they see that what they had donne displeased the King and the Lords of the house of Peares to see so Noble and so Innocent a person to loose his Life as the sayd Earle of Strafford was contrary to Law and Conscience Therefore this theyr impudence brought a necessety vpon them selves to have murdered the King had he not departed from London when he did and yet they blamed him because hee departed This is the Reason that the Precedences and Princes of King Darius sought occasion against Daniell because God gave him wisedome Dan. chap. 6. vers and an excellent spirit was found in him and therefore the King thought for to set him over the whole Kingdome wherefore like Balaam his sayd enemyes conspired to make him cast off his duty to God or to forfeyte his Life to the King because that the Lord gave him savour in the sight of the King who better deserved it then the sayd Precedences or Princes So because there was found in the Earle of Strafford so much Courage Wisdome and the feare of the Lord as not to bee a Rebbell like his enemies therfore they like vnto the Princes of Daryons sought by all vnlawfull meanes their serpentlike heads could possible devise to deprive the King and the Nation of England of a Gentleman who was more noble able honest and Righteous then the best of them selves only because his workes were Righteous the Intentions of the Rebbells was then wholly or mischiefe just like vnto Cain 1. Ioh. 3.12 who was of that wicked one and slew his Brother for no other Reason but because his owne workes were evill and his Brothers good They prepared a way to destroy Daniell saying wee shall finde nothing against him Dan. 6. vers 5. except it bee concerning the Law of his God And because Daniell durst not neglect his duty and so breake his peace with his God when he knew of the conspiracy contrived by his enemyes who had prevailed with the King to signe it he went into his house and his windowes being open towards Jerusalem Vers. 10. hee kneeled vpon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thankes before his God as hee did afore time Heere vpon Daniell was accused to the King by his sayd enemyes for breaking the Kings Decree Vers. thinking therby to have taken his Life from him Inciting the Law of the Meades and Persians which might not bee changed Whereat the King Darius was sore troubled but it proved to the destruction of the conspirators them selves From which I observe that many times evill men brings good men into great trouble as appeares by the conspiracy of Hammon against the Jews which caused Mordicay ●o rend his Clothes and put on Sacke-cloath with Ashes and went out into the mist of the City and cryed with a loude and a bitter cry From whence I conceave it to bee a sad and a
dangerous thing for good women and good mens daughtors to be Married unto Rebbells or into any Rebbellious famely Because oft times besides Bedding with those who are defilled with Theft Lying and many other crying sinnes likewise their being knowne to be gilty of shedding of innocent bloud to wit those that are of such famelye come by that means oft times to be destroyed Iosuah 7.20.24 and theyr Wives and Children with them Ioshua as it apears by Akan and his Children who were stoned with stones and burned with fire So likewise Dathan and Abiram perished with their wives their sons and their little children When the earth swallowed them up and their houses and all that pertained unto Kor● went downe alive into the pitt Numb and the earth cloased upon them and they perished from among the congregation So that all Israëll round about fled at the cry of them And there came out a fire from the Lord which consumed the two hundred and fifty men Vers. 35. that offered Incence Partly because they set them selves against Moyses and Aron whome it had pleased the Lord to set over them Take notice of this O as the Rebbells have done against the King the Bishops and others of the Clargy of England Therefore it is needfull that all good men seperate them selves from such wicked men King of France and beware in time as the said Rebbells bee According to the advise of God and Moyses his servant And the rather because the basor sort of their owne adhearance doe take upon them the places of Ministers and those that are the true servants of God are despysed and rejected And some slandered imprisoned Isa 53.3 and some of them murdered with the cruell hands of Rebbellious Tyrants And therefore they can indure nothing but what is contrary to sound Doctrine neyther will they indevor to know sound Doctrine but after their owne lusts 2. Tim. 4.3 they heaped to them selves Teachers who dispise just Dominion speaking evill of Dignities and of all others who are better then themselves and of other things which they neyther know nor vnderstand Woe vnto them for they have gon in the way of Cane Iude. and ranne greedely after the error of Balaam for reward Who also will one day perish in the like gainsaying of Core without timely repentance and amendment It is not the meannesse of the persons of the Rebbels that I meane but the basenesse of their behaviour towards God their King and Contry nor yet of the mean quallety of Groomes Coachmen Coblers Souldiors and the like that I disdaine at But because they presume vpon that which belongs not vnto them neyther are they in any measure fit for it By reason whereof the word and the trueth of God is despised and slighted which is preached by his owne Servants who were thereunto lawfully called who like the faithfull and holy Prophets of the Lord desiers to keepe a good conscience towards God in the discharge of their duty which is contrary to the procedings of the Rebbells Therfore it is that these conseated and busie fellows are not onely allowed but colleaged with all by the Conspirators who had rather be flattered to hell in their wickednesse then to be justly reproved by the true Messingers of God Hence it is that so many are persecuted and droveout of their livings and out of their native country and which is worsse divers for a lively-hood doth suffer them selus to be perswaded to preach contrary to their owne Consciences without which they cannot subsist nor be quiet in the Land as the case now standes Besids all this I have great reason to conceave that some of the chieffe of the Rebbells of England also some of Schorland and some others else where in which three partys was signefied comprehended the body and foundation of Rebbellion before the Rebellion was knowne in the shape or likenesse of a most huge mighty Cockatrice having it seemes some relation vnto the Prince of darkenesse To wit Mark 9.25 some foule spirit powerfull in strength wonderfully garded for his owne defence full of subtilty Revel 18.2 and evill intention and it seems had some relation to one of those great Dragons whereunto Haman was likened Hest 11.6 which you shall finde mention made of in the History of Heaster or vnto the great Redde dragon that fought against Michaell ad his Angells Who for defeat rage mallice Revell and horrible mischiefe is in a great measure immetated by the Rebbells of England which to the wonder of a great part of the world shall by Gods gratious assistance more fully apeare here after yet notwithstanding the trueth of these Comparisons whereunto I liken the Rebbells of England yet these fellowes like vnto proud Senecharab who is termed the great King of Assiria doe boaste in an impudent manner of their wicked and curssed councell and vsurped strength for warre Isa 36.4 can finde also a Rabshakeh full of bouldnesse against their Souveraine Lord and King and many others of their betters Who pretend they doe not all this violence without the Lord Vers 10. that is to say they pretend that they Rebbell against their King and destroy their Nation in the behalfe of the Lord. See their Serpentlike subtilty resembling exactly that of Rabshakeh when as hee said Let not Hezekiah deceave you for hac shall not be able to deliver you Neither are they lesse blasphemous then Rabshakeh Isa 36. in their severall expressions against God v. 14.15 as well as presumptious and slanderers against their rightious King Neyther doe they come short of Rabshakehs rule and bouldnesse in stirring vp the people to Rebbell against their King but they exceed him in this that they compell by force and violence the people to Rebbell against their lauwfull and righteous King Nay the Traitors of England doe not only abhorre and scorne all those who doe offer to mention that by the helpe of God Almighty the King of England and a righteous government shall be againe restored but they pretend it high treason for any man to say so and vpon this account they murder many of the Kings subjects who are more Noble and Righteous then themselves Neyther in theyr best discourses will they bee ashamed to say Beware least the King deceave you or any body for him saying the Lord is able and will restore vs to our native country and with our neyghbour nations All whome hath beene wonderfully cheated and abused by the hypocriticall shifts and fraud of a generation of Jugglers Neyther will they want brason and whorelike faces to say to other honest men who are not vnder theyr power or Jurisdiction Bee not yee deceaved to thinke that the Lord shall restore againe Charles Stuard to the Crowne and Kingdom of England seing wee have conquered it and wee have forced the Portugall and the Hollanders to doe
what soever wee pleased Isa 36.18.14 and where is the Lord that shall hinder vs And who are the Gods of all these Nations that have delivered their Lands theyr Goods 1. Sam. 22.23 and theyr Shipps from being taken and spoiled by vs Or theyr men from the edge of our sword Wherefore consider this O King and Nation of France and all other good people both hygh and low at home and abroad in whome is eyther courage councell for warrer or the feare of the Lord least that curse come vpon you which came vpon Meroz by the Angell of the Lord Judg. 5.23 not for any act that Meroz had donne but because the inhahitants of that city did not come forth to the helpe of the Lord against the mighty This was a double a bitter curse because the Righteous God doe count him selfe to be slited when men doe forbeare or withould their helpe from the distressed in time of neede when Oppressors are powerfully bent to mischiefe who make no difference betweene Right and wrong Remember what is sayd of such as steale or joyne with theefs Where God saith vnto the wicked what hast thou to doe Psal 50. vers 16.17 18.19 to take my name in thy mouth seeing thou hatest Instructions and casteth my words behind thee when thou sawest a theef thou consentest with him thou givest thy mouth to evill and thy tongue frameth deceite From hence we may see God will not owne those who consent or joyne with theefes And a worse forte of theefes cannot bee then the Rebbells of England because no honest man is ever the better by joyning with such but allways the worse Remember the Inhabitants of Seachem And because God is silent and seemes to take no notice Judges therefore they thinke that all is well Supposing God to bee like them selves who sayth Now consider this yethat forget God Least I teare you in peeces Vers 21.22 and there bee none to deliver So that you may see that it is more dangerous in regard of the Judgements of God vpon such or as doth hange over the heads or attend vpon such as this evill generation is then the Infamy of the world can bee by farre in regarde of men SIR That which may the more and the rather stirre vp the spirit of your Majesty and your good people against the sayd Rebbells in England Is this First Because in former time in the like case the Kings of England have divers times beene helped or Releeved with Shipping Men 2. Chron. 36 z 2. and Mony from France when the Relation betweene the Kings of France and of England was not so neare as now it is Ezra 1.1 Secondly they that destroy with persecution and murder your best friends will also take occasion to doe the like by your Majesty as soone as they have prepared them helpers like vnto them selves in your Kingdom Thirdly because it is sayd that the Innocent shall stirre vp him selfe against the hypocrite What credite can it bee for your Majesty Job 17.8 or any other that loves Equity to have correspondence in the least with the throne of iniquity that frameth mischiefe by a Law Psal 94.10 Who gather them selves togeather against the soules of the Righteous Psal 94.20.21 and condemne the Innocent bloud Fourthly that which makes my hart even tremble within mee is that these Sonnes of Lucefer have so contrived theyr villonous plots as to cause your Majesty the King of England to fight one against the other as I greatly feare they will bring to passe or that some one or other of his Fathers house at the feare thereof I am greatly troubled I have just cause likewise to thinke that they are also the cause of the continuation of the difference so long betweene your Majesty and your owne Vnkle the King of Spaine by which meanes the Godly and Just indeavours of the Pope and others towards that needefull worke are from time to time blasted and frustrated even of the sayd Pope and many others who are more Just in theyr Demands and more Innocent in theyr Actions then the best of them to wit the Rebbels of England because the feare of God is with them but the sayd Rebbells have fully and longe since many ways approved them selves to be at the least some of those who God is sayd to abhore and to hate which cannot cleare them selves of the gilt of none of these six things which God is said to hate in the 6. of the Proverbs of Salomon Neyther can they ever cleare them selves of the seaventh which is an abomination to the Lord. To wit proud Lookes Lying tonges hands that shed Innocent bloud an hart that deviseth wicked Imaginations feet that bee swift in running to mischiefe a false witnesse that spaketh Lyes And him that soweth discord amongst brethren or emnety betwixt deare friends And who so neare like to the divell as the Robbels of England who hasten them selves to doe all such things Psal 5.6 The Lord will abhirre the bloudy and deceatfull man David is against them that flatter with their tounges neyther is it easy to prove that such are better then Traittors Psal 35. vers 19.20 That same Holy King spake and prayed against such as hated him selfe without a cause who spake not for peace but devised deceatfull matters against them that weare quiet in the Land Two very good Kings were blamed 2. Sam. 19. vers 5.6 the one by the chiefest Generall of his owne Army that he hated his friends and loved his enemies Now it is most certaine that such as doe so doe shame the faces and weaken the hands and sorely greeve the harts of all theyr best friends and most faithfull servants as appeares by Naball 1. Sam. 25.10 the Carmollite Naball rayled at them which had showne kindenesse to him and his And marke how his honest servants behaved them selves in this case Vers 14. who by their relation of David and his Mens behaviour towards them in the field who weare a wall vnto them night and day together with the haste and wisdome of Abygaile theyr Mistres prevented the destruction of all the houshould of Naball Vers 16.17.18 and of all that belonged vnto him For the prevention there of David praysed and blessed the Lord God of Israell and blessed the advise of shee that appeased his Anger which kept him from shedding of bloud and from avenging himselfe with his owne hand Had not Abygaill wisely hasted to meet David who with terms of humillity apeased his anger Vers 31.33.34 there had not one beene left alive that pissed against the wall The second vnto whom the Seer Jehuw the son of Hannania said vnto that good King Jehosophat shouldest thou helpe the vngodly and love or joyne with them that hate the Lord 2. Chron. 19 vers 2. Therefore is wrath vpon thee from before the Lord. O King of