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A17028 A sermon preached at the assises holden at Winchester the 24. day of Februarie last, before Sir Laurence Tanfeild knight, Lord Chiefe Barron of the Exchequer, and Sir Richard Hutton knight, one of the iustices of the Court of Common-pleas. By Abraham Browne prebend: of the Cathedrall Church of Winton. Browne, Abraham, d. ca. 1625. 1623 (1623) STC 3906; ESTC S119312 28,509 46

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his day and to set out another would require good warrant Put breake this and to put in no other will be irreligion The Sabaoth day to be kept holy should be accounted though not so expressed in statute yet necessary in his vnderstanding but he vsurpeth another Phrase as Arrests to be good any commandement from God notwithstanding and so a priuate man will make iudgement for the whole Kingdome Is it not breaking of an holy Sabaoth day to doe occupations of the world on the Sabaoth day as to Cart and Plow and is it nothing to vse violence and to draw to prison the Iaylor to attend Scriuener to be called for Obligations to be made money to be payed Iudge righteous iudgement shew not Art of Law in the lawes of men against the law of God There is a Prophesie in the Scripture concerning the Church of Christ as that the Wolfe shall dwell with the Lambe and the Leopard shall be with the Kid and the Calfe and the Lyon and the fat beasts together and a little Childe shall leade them What are these beasts but men of diuers natures which haue subscribed to the faith and Religion of Christ some proud and haughty in minde strong and by nature rauenous fat some in the pleasures of this life and in the abundance of wealth others meeke gentle poore and miserable and who is this Childe that doth leade them vp and downe to their pastures and feeding in the word but that Minister and Preacher of the Word in respect of such a great worke as a Childe weake and simple yet ordereth their wayes And when the common Barretor and his neighbour the Vsurer and his Captiue shall sit before the Childe in one Church if not in one Pew the common Barretor shall learne a lesson of peace charity and the Vsurer taught mercie and his Debtor learne to borrow and pay againe Shall the borrower be as an excommunicate person for a miserie that may be could not be auoided and shall God leese his right because man will haue his destruction and ruine is prophesied to that place where man is preferred before God If it be said that if we loue not our brother whom wee see how will we loue God whom we see not Let these cruell men haue their brethren brought into a place that they may see them to make experience if loue of brother be in them if not how then the loue of God The conclusion of these shall be take heede of this generall Assise Psalme saying What hast thou to doe to declare mine ordinances that thou shouldest take my couenant in thy mouth seeing thou hatest to be reformed and hast cast my words behinde thee Our Sauiour saith Light is come into the world but men loue darknesse more then light For euery one that doth euill hateth the light neither commeth to the light least his deedes Ioh. 3. 19 should be reproued But he that doth the truth commeth to the light that his deedes may be manifest that they are wrought in God It is no small inducement for men to runne to the Popish Religion because there is to be had this ordering of wayes very particularly like as it was done by Iohn Baptist when they came to be baptized of him confessing their sinnes euen at an auricular confession to doe it a grace if it be a grace not to be had with vs will be a defect I cannot denie but that it is an ordering but not an ordering aright of the wayes of Christians For that ordering is cursorie after this manner A deputed Priest for that purpose a most particular enumeration and telling of sinnes pennance proportionably enioyned and absolution administred To examine these in order as they are set downe The first a Priest Deputed for Confessions And where in the new Testament is this Deputed Priest Is it euery Priest St. Iames albeit he had said If any man be sicke let him call the Presbiters Elders or Priests as they will haue it to Chap. 5. 14. pray ouer the sicke person and to annoint him yet in the very next verse speaking of Confessions of sinnes or faults saith Confesse one to another sinnes or faults neither doth he will the Priest to enioyne it but biddeth the Christians one to another to confesse sinnes And if it be but to pray one for another that Act is not onely for Priests but common with euery Christian and it is not absolue one another but pray one for another that they may be healed And the prayer is of a iust man but onely Priests are not iust And for the second point which is so particular an enumeration and telling of sinnes this I will say that the deuising of questions about the breaking of the ten Commandements by the Confessor is worthy the reading that we may see the multitudes of trespasses and offences for our instruction And farther to helpe euen for the amendment of things in our soule much amisse but the confession of a crime and haynous fault how can it be repeated I haue read it in a printed confession booke after this manner That since I was at Confession or as the words are first I acknowledge my selfe guilty vnto Almighty God vnto our Lady St. Marie and to all the Company of heauen and to you my ghostly father that sith the time of my last Confession I haue offended my Lord God greeuously and specially in the seauen deadly sinnes and comming to the ten Commaundements he saith I haue sinned fleshly with person that beene wedded and other moe and more would if I might haue had time and place Such a Confession had neede to be auricular tolde in the Priests eares and kept close But what pennance shall be set out for such a man The saying is Hee that will not pay it in his body must pay it in his purse And will that be an ordering of wayes And shall hee be thus absolued from time to time then will it not be washing a Sow that walloweth in the mire You Papists say that our Religion is an easie Religion you meane because you fast often in abstaining from eating of flesh for that is all you taske your selues with Prayers and vndergoe penancies but if this ordering of wayes bee your Religion your Religion will bee the easier Religion for it is easier to mortifie the flesh then to mortifie the deedes of the flesh you call it the Sacrament of penance if penance be the Sacrament you will deceiue the more persons laden with sinne and to thinke themselues lighted of the burthen of sinne when sinne still from time to time ladeth them Speake plainly ●nd say it is repentance and forgiuenesse is the Sacrament as our Sauiour saith to vs Preachers setting downe our Commission Thus it is written and thus it behooued Luke 24. 46. Christ to suffer and to rise againe the third day and that repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes should be preached in his name among all Nations
mediators for that place For I will say as Saint Paul saith in a smaller matter They were neither crucified for vs nor 1 Cor. 1. 13. wee baptized in their name This is the Church and so deuised that to contradict this Church if Gouernours of people shall persecute their Subiects if they will not worship Imager nor haue their Church Seruice in an vnknowne tongue not receaue in one kinde nor admit more Mediators then Christ they are execated and indurated blinded in their vnderstanding and hardned in their hearts On the contrary side if Gouernours shall not tollerate any to say we will worship Images haue our Seruice in the Latine tongue though not vnderstood of vs and will but vnder one kinde receaue at the Communion and will haue more Mediators then one If by the seuerity of their powers they compell them to come into this vndoubted Catholike Church they shall doe it cleerely with a good conscience There was one named Apelles as it appeareth in the Ecclesiasticall Histories who was of this opinion That Euseb l. 5. c. 12. Doctrines were not to be inquired after but euery one to abide as he hath beleeued and euery man to be saued that beleeueth in Christ Crucified so that hee be found in good Workes This opinion was holden for erronious and so it is For albeit Pharises and Saduces came into the Church or Temple altogether yet our Sauiour spake vehemently against the Pharesie denouncing a Woe vnto them and Math. 23. Math. 22. 29. also confuted the Saducie And excommunications euer haue beene executed though making differences in the executions There are two sorts of men which professe Recusancie against this Church which in respect of these foure points I dare affirme to be Apostolike and a true Catholike Church the one beareth the name of a Recusant the other is called a Separatist I make to my selfe some difference betweene them as the other an Aduersary in doctrines of Faith this agreeing in doctrine but discontented with the Ceremonies of our Church But notwithstanding the other dislike of doctrines and this man distaste our Ceremonies why shall not both of them come to a common Church where there will bee common Prayers Supplications Thankes-giuing for the King and for the Kingdome with other necessities for the affaires of men in occupying on the Seas and on the Eearth The God is common to both the Mediator common to both yea the Lords Supper as common to both as Baptisme is common The Recusant Papist being with vs a professed Christian differeth not from vs in ciuility of life vertues and good workes The maine point of these separations is only Scriptures and only Christ two matters of great importance let them grant that the Scriptures are only the tryall for matter of Saluation tending to eternall life which thing the Iewes sought in them as our Sauiour affirmeth and withall make Christ the only Mediator Iohn 5. 39. the reconciliation will be at hand As for the Seperatist wee agreeing in doctrines our Ceremonies of greatest note in offending being but three in number as the Surplis kneeling at the receauing of those blessed Signes giuen by Christ as children kneele when they receaue their fathers blessing the third crossing in Baptisme For the fewnesse of them like a thinne cloude which will nothing hinder the glorious shining of the Gospell through them nothing burdenous and which will much cleere the English Church from any great offence he that is in the Pulpit with his handfull of Corne sowing the word of God his iudgement by them is not any whit Captiuated and brought into subiection but may freely say when he hath crossed a childe in Baptisme that the Baptisme was perfected before the Crosse came O what golden dayes haue beene lost by this separation And now I haue made this Preface to my second part I will frame a question like that as Who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle and who shall rest in thy holy hill Whereunto answer is made He that walketh vprightly and worketh righteousnesse so I will make the like question to whom will he shew the saluation of God And answer shall bee to him that ordereth his wayes aright In the Hebrew it is to him that shall put his wayes And I will make to bee putting his way into a vow And so it shall answer to that which succeedeth the burnt offerings and said Offer vnto Verse 14. God praise and pay thy vowes vnto the most High For there is no way better then to put our wayes into a vow into which order of proceeding the English Church falleth aright For the childe at the baptisme putteth his waies into a vow and when he commath to bee Catechised he is asked of it and he answereth that they did promise and vow three things in my name meaning Godfathers and Godmothers whom otherwise wee call Witnesses And now our waies are put into vowes they are debts and answer to that in the Lords prayer where we are willed to craue that our heauenly Father would forgiue vs our debts for what foolishnesse were it to vnderstand our vowes to be other then those that are specified in our baptisme which are diligently to be marked as to forsake the Diuell and all his workes the pompes also and vanities of this wicked world and the sinfull lusts of the flesh to beleeue the articles of the faith and generally to keepe Gods commandements Who but a Papist would expound in triuiall matters And to draw to the application of the matter Iohn Baptist was the first that began the Ministerie of our new Testament and applyed vnto himselfe out of the Prophet Esay his office to be a Crier in the Wildernesse saying Prepare yee the wayes of the Luke 3. 4. 5. Lord make his pathes straight euery valley shall be filled and euery mountaine shall be brought lowe and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough waies shall bee made smoothe How manifestly doth this of the Psalme of ordering of wayes proceed so confirmed by a Prophet and executed by Iohn Baptist more then a Prophet And that we may thinke that these were not words without deeds a practise accordingly it may well appeare by the successe that Iohn Baptist his preaching had for it fell right into the ordering of waies in such sort that particular persons one by one enquired of him how to order their wayes The people and they no doubt the common people came vnto him and asked of him what shall wee doe Luke 3. 10. then and he answereth vnto them and saith hee that hath two coats let him impart to him that hath none and hee that hath meat let him doe likewise Then came also the Publicans to be Baptized and said vnto him Master what shall we doe And he said vnto them aske no more then that which is appointed you And the soldiours likewise demaunded of him saying and what shall wee doe and hee said vnto