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A08964 The tranquillitie of the minde A verye excellent and most comfortable oration, plainely directing euerye man, & woman, to the true tranquillitie and quyetnesse of their minde. Compyled in Latine by Iohn Barnarde, student in the Vniuersity of Cambridge, now lately translated into Englishe by Anthony Marten.; Oratio pia, religiosa, et solatii plena, de vera animi tranquillitate. English Bernard, John, d. 1567?; Marten, Anthony, d. 1597. 1570 (1570) STC 1925; ESTC S101618 90,089 234

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Christ for succour Let vs make spéede to come to thys our sauior with a sounde faith and learne to depende onely vpon him by whome we are lead from the vaine similitude of good thinges vnto the true and euerlasting goodnesse it selfe Also when we be troubled in our consciences let vs go to the minister of the Church such a one as is godly no babler of things tolde him but well wylling ardent in charity One that can indure troubles with vs One learned and exercised in Scriptures and garnished with giftes of knowledge who as a skilfull Phisition is both wylling and able to make medicine in due time for euery disease who sometime féeling in himselfe the fall of his owne conscience shall easily be able to staye vp ours when it beginneth to wauer and decaye But if such a one be not readie at hande nor may easily be founde out so as his aide maye be with vs then refusing others which be vnlearned vngodlye baine talkers drunkardes rashe bablers abroade whatsoeuer we tell them in secret affected with no priuate féele of sinne no Priestes but counterfeyters of Priestes no nor ministers of Christ but bondslaues of Sathan and rascall of the common wealth of whome we cannot looke for remedie of our sinnes nor to be instructed in godlines For how can they by their doctrine make vs better when by their examples they may make vs worse refusing such I say let vs if so occasion fall out go to the lay man which is indued with the same giftes that are in a godly Minister and with him let vs conferre to him let vs open our griefes and troubles if he can giue vs anye good councell let vs heare and receyue it with a willing minde Let vs often beare in remembraunce the mistery of our redemption accomplished and performed in Christ and wheresoeuer the holye Supper of the Lorde is rightly distributed and ordered as it ought to be thyther let vs often assemble to receyue the same worthilye togither Whereby we shall strengthen our mindes in the sure hope of our saluation we shal also take fruit of the heauenly pleasure while we yet liue here and when we be called by God to depart this life we shal be in a good readinesse and well setled in an excellent hope of dying well But if so be we cast all shamefastnesse from vs making our selues common to false Gods to commit adultrie with them like shamelesse Harlots and so wickedly depart from God leauing him so louing a husband to runne like a light huswife a whoring to Idols it is greatly to be feared least he make vs a Bill of deuorcement and then we vtterly loose his heauenly grace and fauour and through our owne default be depriued of the heritage of that blessed kingdome and so put for euer from that most delectable beholding of god from the felowship of Aungels and societie of Saintes Let vs not imagine in our selues good intentes and meanings when they haue a shewe thereof and yet be contrary to the worde of God since from thence rise oftentymes doctrine of Deuils and supersticious and vngodly customes but wyth great charinesse let vs reiect them from vs. For by them the children of Israell being beguyled did sacryfice their children to Saturne Thereby Aron erected the Caulfe to the intent he might kéepe the people in their duetie and obedience Thereby the Iewes persecuted the Apostles supposing they did God good seruice therein Let vs beare away what happened to Vza for staying the Arke to Saule for sauing king Agag and the best cattell Let vs not thinke that we ought to proue our owne wisedome or to followe the aduise of mans heart which is prone and inclyned to euill nor to doe that which séemeth good and right in our owne eyes but let vs doe that which the Lorde our God hath willed and commaunded vs to doe whose voyce when we here let vs not harden our harts but in hearing the same to declare our true obedience which the Lorde hath alwaye preferred aboue oblation and sacrifice Let vs neuer so long as we haue breath and lyfe within vs consent to the intisements of the world to the suggestion of Sathan or to the desires of the fleshe nor suffer our selues through their iolly flatteries to be inchaunted and ouercome as it were wyth the swéete tune of the Marmayde or to rest as séemeth to the vngracious in the pleasaunt slumber of sinne But let vs withstand them with all our force might determining to make continuall warre wyth those thrée most cruell aduersaries ▪ Let vs call to remembrance that God is 〈◊〉 sanctification and by lyuing well let vs trie whyther we haue the testimonie of a good conscience and not onely to laye holde of the liuely hope of our saluation but euery day also to increase the same more more Let vs knowledge and confesse that the most true worde of God which is the onlye comfort of our soules and wherein consisteth the spiritual kingdome of Christ is taken away from vs for our vnthankfulnesse and that we haue deserued to be put from the same which is so inestimable a benefite as Dauid being amazed when he thought therevpon song this Verse The Lorde sayth he hath not done so to euery nation nor his iudgement hath he opened to the heathen people Wherefore with iust sorowing let vs lament and let vs pray to God contynually that he wyll forget our sinnes and restore vs to hys grace and fauour againe And although not bicause of our vnworthynesse yet for the aduauncement of his name and challenging of his honor he will rise vp and defende the constant defenders of his pure religion and ouerthrowe the obstinate aduersaries of the truth which are Authors of darkenesse and subuerters of soules that he will by his iust iudgement giue them due punishmēt for their desert Who knowing him to be God doe not glorifie hym as GOD nor obey the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christ but wandering in their owne inuentions and sticking to their owne wysedome rather suppresse and keepe vnder the worde of god But these except they shortly repent shall suffer punishment euen death euerlasting from the face of the Lorde and from the glorie of his might when he shal come to be glorified in his Saintes and become wonderfull vnto all true beléeuers in him But if affliction fall vppon vs let vs recken it in steade of a benefite vnto vs since the Lorde thereby rather informs vs as children calling vs into the right waye then reiectes vs as Bastardes and reprobates to reserue a greater punishment for vs in Hell. Let vs in tyme of aduersitie abandon all naughtie murmurings against our merciful God and vse often prayer and thankes giuing vnto him with a sure hope and confidence in his mercy which thing is the most acceptable sacrifice of all other If affliction oppresse vs and there be no staye of miseries and disquietnesse
sayth In a great house are not onely vessels of golde and siluer but also of wood and earth if any man therefore pourge himselfe from all these he shall be a vessell sanctified to honour They which dwell in kinges houses wherein armour is layde are so well fortified as neyther théeues nor housebreakers nor any other wicked rowte dare set vpon that house Euen so wheresoeuer the spirituall bookes remaine from thence is all the Deuils force expelled and into those inhabitaunts is entered a great comfort If we offende in any thing forbidden vs the verie sight of those bookes strykes our consciences frayes vs from sinne and makes vs to abandon our euill purpose And if we persist in holinesse therein we become more firme and stedfast through them and by laying holde vpon the Gospell we settle our minde leading it away from worldly businesse and thereby diligently clense our life being voide of godlinesse The Philosophers Rhetricians and Ethnicke wryters desiring to be had in admiration did but shadow in a certaine darke sense the secrete thinges of their wisdome But the Apostles and Prophetes as vniuersall teachers of the worlde haue put things in wryting so plainly and manifestlye as by reading onely they may be learned Who hearing that happie are the méeke the mercifull and so forth with the rest will desire any scholemayster to interprete the same But if in thinges which be more secrete thou shalt not perhappes find an instructor and wilt bestow the more earnest studie therein God séeing thy diligence and not despising thy care and vigilancie no doubt will open the thing to thée which thou séekest for Remember the Eunuke in the .viij. of the Actes who by reading obtayned a guide God which knewe the readie inclination of his minde imbraced his indeuour and sent him by and by an expounder A great defence agaynst sin is the reading of the scriptures but a great daungerous ruyne and a déepe dungeon of blindnesse is want of knowledge of the scriptures and to knowe nothing of Gods lawe is a great lacke of saluation For that is it which hath bredde heresies brought in filthie life and turned all vpsydowne For it cannot be that often and héedefull reading should bring no fruit with it This excellent exhortation of S. Chrysostome who for his godly eloquence obtayned the surname of golden mouthed did blessed Gregorie and saint Augustine imitate and follow who aptly conueniently plainly and excellently well doe set forth with due prayse the most heauenly worde of the Scriptures That minde saye they is an enimie to this doctrine of ours which either in going astray knoweth not the same to be wholsome or else being sicke doth lothe medicine For the verie phrase of speach which the scriptures vseth hath the way to nurse hir little ones abroade and to preserue them in priuate and also how to occupie their mindes with admiration of high misteries It is a Riuer as I may terme it euen and déepe wherein both the Olyphant may swim and the Lambe may walke and it conteyneth things both plaine and euident It talketh like a familiar friend to the heart both of the learned and vnlearned It lyeth hid in misteries It settes not forth it selfe wyth haughtie communication and therevnto the slacke and vnlearned minde as poore to the riche dare not approche But it inuiteth all men with an humble speach Not onely It féedeth them with apparaunt and knowne truth but also It exerciseth them in secrete veritie setting that abroad to the worlde which it hath in secrete store But least those things which be plaine should be contemned those secrete things againe are desired being desired are after a sort renued and being renued are swéetely signified what they be By the Scriptures both wittes which be euil are wholsomly amended which be small are cherifed and which be great are reioyced For the worde of God knoweth fayth when it first groweth when it comes to rype yeares when it is brought to full perfection and when it draweth to olde age againe it nourisheth the same with gentle and wholsome foode Other things haue not so much relation to their age tyme and place The studie hereof nourisheth our tender age and infourmes vs in all godlinesse It brideleth and kéepeth in our lassiuious youth delighteth our age indueth vs with the swéete hope of immortalitie and incourageth vs to be of a ioyfull minde to the vttermost ende of our life It instructeth vs when we be in prosperitie feares and restraynes vs from pride and presumption giues vs comfort and succour in time of aduersitie delightes vs at home and kéepes vs in our duetie abroade It calles to our remembraunce the shortnesse of life and that death approcheth euery houre It telles vs of the iudgement of God and how there is a hell a pit of darknesse a fire that shall neuer be extinguished And besides these It sheweth vs of an innumerable sort of Gods benifits as of the crosse of Christ of the holy ghost abiding in vs of the aungels appoynted by God for our safegarde and of the ioyes of the kingdome of heauen Whereby we ought at all times to be reuoked from our wickednesse and to be stirred vp to do euery thing which is good and righteous Last of all we eate the flesh of the Lord and drink his bloud not all only in the holy misteries but also by reading of the scriptures whereby we are delighted and refreshed with inost swéete taste of eternall life and with an vnspeakeable ioye Here nowe it commeth verye well to minde to consider how the christian conscience may be quieted in these daungerous times wherein not without néede by reason of those errors which haue crept in they deale in questions which concerne the high misteries of Christian religiou And to one man this way and to an other that waye and to euery man his owne way apperes best Many cry out saying aske councell of the Church That cannot erre for it is gouerned by the holy ghost If thou be disquieted in thy minde heare hir voyce imbrace hir iudgement and it will shake of all scruple of thy conscience But if a man should fréely and sincerely demaund of me what I thought best to be done herein I would councell him first of all whiche I déeme to be the right and wyser way and more agraeable to the Scriptures that in such a daungerous tyme he chiefly followe the councell of the deuine Prophete Esay who crieth out that they rather should haue recourse to the law and to the witnesse For if they shall not speake agréeable vnto thys worde there shall no morning light appéers to them but béeing all inuironed wyth darkenesse they shall fall at once be hardned and perish with hunger The holy prophete well remembred the commaundement that God in the xtj of Deutronomie gaue the children of Israell you shall not euerye one of you doe that which séemeth right in your owne eyes
of controuersie concerning our fayth and haue intreated of euerie thing in order as matters necessarie for our purpose did fall out There resteth that by all wayes and meanes we can we searche more dilygentlye and when the place serueth better for the purpose to trye out vppon whome Christ is woont to bestowe that excellent peace which he promosed at his departing hence to giue to his Apostles and wyth them to leaue it Shall all persons enioye this peace shall euery one possesse thys so high a benefite I woulde all Christians woulde so wholye dedicate themselues to Christ and so dyligently obserue the rule prescrybed to them by him their onely maister that they might aspire to that most plesaunt ioye of a quyet minde But the way to this so firme a peace is cut off from an infinite multytude through their owne default who starting from the purenesse and integritie of lyfe are defiled in their sinnes and serue their owne lustes Farre from thys are they kept which laying aside the feare of God set great store by themselues which walke in this world according to the tyme according to the spirite that workes in peruerse children and according to their owne concupiscence and which studie not wyth all indeuour and resistaunce to purge the olde leauen but doe whatsoeuer pleaseth the fleshe and their owne fansies To be short all such as are excluded there from as wittingly and wyllingly repugnaunt to the Table of the ten commaundements with all pronenesse of minde rushe hedlong into all mischiefe naughtinesse A great way also are they seuered from thys peace to recken euery sinne more perticularly which be whoremongers adoulterers delicate persons théeues couetous folke drunkardes raylers extorcyoners vniust and wicked men mankyllers lyers periurers enuyers whisperers backbyters spightfull highe minded and glorious men and al vncleane persons which obstinatelye contynue in their sinnes and boldly followe whatsoeuer is enimy vnto the wholsome doctrine of the Euangelist and vnto the glory of the blessed god For those men cannot but tremble in their mindes and quake with inwarde dreade when they vnderstande the wrath and vengeaunce of God towardes them when they perceyue before hande that they shall haue him to be a Iudge and reuenger of their naughtinesse And all those which be prophaners of his temple and runne hedlong into vice the Lorde will destroy and iudge except they repent For he will punishe them with a seconde death casting them into the lake burning with fyre and brimstone and condemning them to euerlasting paine For they obtayned not the spirite of promise eyther by reason of their vnbeliefe pride and wantonnesse eyther for that they were apparelled with no workes of righteousnesse nor practised the worde of God as they ought to haue done but lyued after their owne wayes or rather after the maner of Dogs in gyuing themselues to vncleanesse ryot and other vices And bicause they walked on still after the maner of men in their owne concupiscenses not agréeable to reason therefore hath the Lorde whyle they yet liue called them deade the Apostle named them fleshely and beastlye the Prophete termed them cattell and brute beasts common experience counted them no better than cattell voyde of reason and finally the lawe it selfe hath iudged them vncleane persons Therefore they only are taught by Christ and finde rest vnto their soules which detest sinne and turne to their God by fayth especiallye with the desire of their heart which crucifie the flesh with hir lustes and kill the déedes of the same by the spirite and being deade to sinne liue to righteousnesse and innocencie The which being buried togither with Christ liue againe with him and studie to walke in newenesse of life They which after a sort worke violence to theyr owne nature to take away dominion of sinne in them and they also which reposing their trust in God endeuour to liue in the fleshe as if they were not in the fleshe that the old man being shaken of they may dayly put on the new and the Image that in Adam was lost they may recouer again by renuing the same more more in there mynde euery day They only ascend to that blessed kingdome wherein is ioy and peace in the holy ghost which perceiue the loue of God towardes them and imbrace the same from the bottome of their heart with thankesgiuing helping their poore brethren as farre as their habilitie wil stretch both with their trauell councell and substance They also which spare no labour to serue in their vocation but hauing taken a function in hande do passe through the same to the glorie of god They which couet not riches which compasse not honors nor hunt after pleasures but with a stayde mynde dispise all humaine and earthly things and fixe the same vpon the high and celestiall treasure And they moreouer which in wishing for the Lordes comming doe rather lyke the same should come than dread and abhorre it Such persons as thus renounce all impietie and bestowe the course of this lyfe in godlinesse righteousnesse holinesse and sobrietie of verye right are called men both pure spirituall and liuing to God bicause they haue the spirit of the father which maketh man pure exalteth him to the life of god Whose quietnesse what is it the can impaire when they perceiue féele the louing kindnesse of God so great towards them as he doth not onely of his fatherly affection appoynt them among the number of hys children giues them plentie of his spirite and as the Apostle sayth richely endueth them styrres vp new desires in their harts and such as are correspondent to the will of God inflames vs to loue God and to haue charitie towards our neighbour driues vs to prayse God continually to confesse our sinnes to aduaunce the Gospell to call for helpe to render thankes to haue true and stedfast confidence in God mooues vs moreouer to all dueties of godlinesse to pacience in aduersitie to sobrietie in aboundaunce to dexteritie towardes our neighbor to diligence in our calling to meeknesse in behauiour to the indeuour of peace and concorde to vertues méete for a Christian to liue friendly to the life of man and profitably to the Church of Christ to the reposing of our sure and stedfast saluation in Christ But he also beholdeth vs with hys fatherly countenaunce kéepeth vs carefully as it were the apple of his eie and brings vs to that glorious kingdome where wée being ridde from the burthen of necessitie and turmoyles of this lyfe all the blessed shall inioy the continuall beholding of their god Vnto which blessednesse let no man thinke he shall attaine which vnder the cloke of fayned holinesse and colourable chastitie of life shal for a time bleare mens eyes and hyde his secret filthinesse wyth craftie and hypocriticall dissimulations vnlesse he shall inwardly also before God appeare such a one as he outwardly professeth and shall in déede liue continently temperately soberly