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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08219 An epistle sent vnto tuuo daughters of VVarwick from H.N., the oldest father of the Familie of Love ; with a refutation of the errors that are therein, by H.A. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622?; Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580? Epistle sent unto two daughters of Warwick. 1608 (1608) STC 18553; ESTC S1318 62,756 66

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his shadow and figure Howbeit herein he was overseen to gather his pedegree frō the Papacie which he enought much better have fetched frō the holy scriptures but that he is an enimy to scripture learning as he oftē bewrayeth For H. N. the greatest in the Family who is as himself sayth Godded with God in the spirit of his Love Because The God of heaven as the Father himself is come down bringeth in the service of his Love himself with his Christ his holy Ghost with al that which with him is Gods vnto his obedient man H. N. Godding the same with him he hath manned him with the same This new God of the Nicolaitans is described in scripture thus They have a king over them which is the Angel of the bottomlesse pitt for so also H. N. sayth he was raysed vp from the death whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek he is named Apollyon in al languages The destroyer The doctrine taught by this H. N. corrupting and darkning al the holy scriptures was figured out by the smoke of the botomlesse pit which darkned sun and aier And the ylluminated Elders of this Family ar pourtrahed out by Locusts that came out of the smoke of H. N. his heresies with stings in their tayls like scorpions to wound mens cōsciences by their deceivable doctrines This had ben a directer and playner pourtrature of the Familists then that figure fetched frō the Papists And thus we may perceiv it was not without cause that H. N. cried out Oh oh no the Antichrist is neerer vnto vs wer it wel knowen when in deed so great a monster of Antichristianity was hatched in his own bosome who thus hath Deified hmself and blasphemed God Neyther is he a friend to Popery onely and a Lover of the whore of Babylon but of Judaisme also that he may appear to be quite abolished from Christ. Paul in his Epistle to the Hebrewes proveth at large the abrogating of the Levitical Priesthood and sacrifices by the coming of our high priest Christ Jesus and sacrifice of his own body according as was prophesied of him that he should cause sacrifice and oblation to cease and for the Jewes that would stil continew their figurative worship he sheweth them to have no part in Christ when he sayth We have an altar wherof they have no authority to eat which serv in the Tabernacle But H. N. teacheth vs that the services of Aarōs priesthood are yet necessary for some in these words Oh alas how grosly hav then certayn wise of the world and scripture-learned overreached them herein which have without diversity forsakē the law the service of the Elders Testamēt and of the Priests office after the ordinance of Aaron and set back the same as a thing vnneedful not once distincting vnto whom the service after the ordinance of Aaron is yet necessarie nor yet with whom the same at th' appointed time ceaseth or leaveth off Thus H. N. sheweth how good a friend he is to Jewes and Papists But his enmity agaynst Christ and his Gospel can not easily be opened it is in so many particulars He thrusteth himself into Christs throne and maketh himself the Judge of al the world For behold sayth he in this present day the glorious coming of our Lord Iesus Christ with his many thowsands of his saincts which hath set himself now vpon the seat of his Majestie for to judge in this same day which the Lord hath ordeyned or appoynted the whol world with equitie c. with many like speeches as before is shewed wherin the scriptures which foretel of Christs comming to judgement at the worlds end H N. applieth to himself and so the playn doctrines of the gospel are made but fabulous by this blasphemers allegorie and he sheweth himself to be the Father of those mockers that wer foretold should come in the last dayes which walking after their lusts should say where is the promise of his comming c. Now because at Christs comming must be the resurrection of the dead therfore that one errour necessarily draweth on another namely that the resurrectiō is past already which was the kanker wherby Hymeneus and Philetus in the Apostles dayes destroyed the fayth This heresie hath H. N. published in his Gospel saying Behold in this present day is this scripture fulfilled and according to the testimony of the scripture the raysing vp the resurrection of the Lords dead cometh also to passe presently in this same day through the appearing of the cōing of Christ in his majestie Which resurrection of the dead seing that the same is come vnto vs from Gods grace we doe likewise in this present day to an Evangelie or joyful message of the kingdome of God Christ publish in al the world vnder the obedience of the Love In which resurrection of the dead God sheweth vnto vs that the tyme is now fulfilled that his dead or the dead which ar fallen a sleep in the Lord rise vp in this day of his judgment appear vnto vs in Godly glory which shal also from henceforth live in vs everlastingly with Christ and reign vpon the earth Thus hath this Sadducee overturned that mayn groūd and principle of Christian religion without which our fayth were but vayn and we were of al men the most miserable And that his religion might be even a sink of synful errors he hath taught that in their Lovely societie they do not vow or bind themselves in the matrimony of men nor yet suffer themselves to be boūd therin but are like the Angels of heaven to verify the Apostles words that in the latter times some should teach and give heed vnto doctrines of Divils forbidding to marry c. Now seeing he sayth in another place that they commit not any adultery for they are honest chast of life and clean or pure of hart what may we think is among them but a cōmunity of al men and women yet without syn as they suppose so long as it is not with them of the World especially seing he sayth also further There is no man that claimeth any thing to be his own as to possesse the same to his own private vse For no man that out of every ones good disposition can desire any thing to be his own or yet to make any thing proper to himself from an other but also whatsoever is there is free is there left free in his vpright form Ther is also no man denyed to vse any thing in freedom of al what is profitable and needful for him for they stand all in the equitie as one in the Love and again That they know not of any other religion or God-service then of the service of Love and to love one an other and so to keep themselves pure and vnspotted of the world Which writing of H. N.
God By Christ or righteousnes H. N. sayth he meaneth the being like Christ not any ceremonial Christ so he seemeth to esteem the playn doctrines of the gospel to be but ceremonial that wheras we read there of one Jesus to be crucified for our syns c. this he coūteth but a ceremonie shadow or figure such it may be as was the ram that Abraham offred or the beasts that Aaron killed or perhaps the parable that Jotham told for the true Christ that saveth men is the Lovely being that is in the Familists themselves this idol hath their god H. N. out of his prudency according to his fleshly mind set vp And this is a great secret or mysterie of iniquity H. N. 5. Herevpon my beloved mought ye or som other say we learn not or ther is not any thing taught vnto vs then out of the clear scripture which may not lie Yea my beloved the scripture lyeth not but al those which ar not instructed through the spirit of Christ they lie are beguiled signify or expoūd the scripture which is spokē through the holy Ghost shewed out in the spirit of life Iohn 6. vpon an earthy or elementish foundation wherthrough the man can not obteyn or get any renewing of the hart Even like as in the witnessing of the scripture ther is witnessed sufficiently to those that can vnderstand the same Who is ther without the word of the Lord which is spirit life Iohn 6. that hath atteyned vnto the salvation or who hath I beseech you in any world brought forth any true witnes vnlesse that he through the Spirit of the Lord which is his word become altogether born anew● H. A. UUE are sure the sacred scripture l●●th not but H. N. which abus●th and falsifieth the scripture and denieth Jesus to be the Christ making Love and the Lovely Being in himself and his familie to be Christ as we have heard is by the Apostle condemned for a Liar and an Antichrist 1 Ioh. 2. 22. and he not being instructed through the Spirit of Christ hath taught an earthly and rotten foundation to the ruine of true religion The scripture cannot rightly be vnderstood or opened but by the Holy Ghost that is the gifts of the holy Ghost But some have the gifts of the Spirit which yet are not themselves altogither born anew as had Balaam the Scribes and Pharises Caiaphas Judas the traitor and others many which as the Apostle sayth Heb. 6. 4. were once lightned have tasted of the heavenly gift were made partakers of the holy Ghost Therfore it is false which H. H. writeth that none in any world brought forth any true witnes vnlesse that he became altogither born anew Againe he here brocheth another error in expounding the Spirit of the Lord to be his word which H. N. in his grosse vnderstanding perversly gathereth from Christs words Iohn 6. 63. the words that I speak vnto you are spirit wherby our Lord meaneth that his words were spiritual not that they were the Holy Spirit it self For he vseth the like phrase of a spiritual and regenerated man saying Except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God and that which is born of the spirit is spirit Iohn 3. 5. 6 Now seing H. N. describing his Communialty of the Love sayth Whosoever cometh into this good city he becometh altogither born anew in the spirit he may by like reason conclude that himself and his Nicholaitans are also the holy Spirit and so be a blasphemer against the Holy Ghost as he is against the Father and the Son The Scriptures teach vs playnly to distinguish between the word and the Spirit of the Lord this latter being cause and author of the former as it is written 2 Sam. 23. 2. The Spirit of the Lord spake in me his word was in my tongue and of al the prophets it is witnessed that they spake as they were moved by the holy Spirit 2 Pet. 1 21. The Apostle sayth this is the word which is preached among you and how they preached it an other sheweth when he sayth that by the spirit of God they knew the things given them of God and spake those things not in words which mans wisdom teacheth but which the holy Spirit teacheth that al men may see how ignorantly if not worse H. N. hath confounded the word and the Spirit of the Lord as if they were one thing H. N. 6. Note wel or consider of fellowship the estate or manner of the Apostles how that they although they went about so long tyme with Christ wer alwayes with him whiles the power of God was wrought through him vnderstood not what the mind of the Lord was concerning the godly causes before that the day of Pentecost or Whitsontide when that they received the holy Ghost was come vnto them Even like as there standeth written how that they sayd at the tyme when Christ was crucified among them we had hoped or supposed that he should have delivered Israel and it is now the third day and ther cometh nothing of it we wil goe a fishing For they supposed that Christ should have set vp a fleshly kingdom H. A. HEre H. N. to magnify himself as a spiritual and godded man spareth not to wrong the holy Apostles as if they before Pentecost Acts. 2. vnderstood not the scriptures nor preached the word truly wheras it is evident that they were sent and had preached the word long before Luk. 9. 1. 2. which word Christ had given them and they received Iohn 17. 8. 14. and were made clean by it Iohn 15. 3. and he had opened their vnderstanding to vnderstand the scriptures Luk. 24. 45. though afterward at Pentecost they received more plentifull graces of the spirit when Christ was gone from them Act. 2. 1. 2. 4. c. Again H. N. as if he delited to falsify the scripture sayth there standeth written how that they sayd when Christ was crucified we hoped that he should hav delivered Israel c. wheras these words were spoken by Cleopas and an other disciple which were none of the Apostles as appeareth Luk. 24. vers 18. 21 33. and to make vp his patcherie he addeth that they sayd it is now the third day there cometh nothing of it we wil go a fishing Wheras those two spake not at al of going a fishing but other men at an other time Ioh. 21. 3. By this the reader may mind what credit is to be given to H. N. his allegations of scripture who careth not to profane the holy word for maintenance of his lies and setteth things down as they come in his idle head But why say I so of this godded man seeing men ought not to distrust him nor suspect any manner of evil or vnwisdom by this Oldest Father whose eysight as himself sayth was clearer then Chrystal his vnderstanding brighter