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A07288 Saint Peters chaine consisting of eight golden linckes, most fit to adorne the neckes of the greatest states, nobles, and ladies in this land, as the chiefest iewell of true nobilitie: and not vnfit for the meaner sort. Digested into eight chapters, and published by R.M. minister. With a praier annexed to the end of euerie chapter. Mavericke, Radford, b. 1560 or 61. 1596 (1596) STC 17683; ESTC S112697 95,593 198

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in christendome France Germany and many other countries may be produced for witnesses yea I am perswaded that the King of Spaine himselfe which at this day is content to be in this respect at the Popes command to runne to go to fight when he bids him woulde also confesse this The Spanish cleargy the drudges of popery truth if he were not affraide of his cleargy the very drudges of Popery The Turkes and Sarasens neede not trouble themselues to make warre against Christendome for wee haue them that by name and profession are Christians which doe trauel in paine as a woman ready to be deliuered till they heare or see all christendome together by the eares But let Spaine aboue all take heede lest while they prepare A good caueat for Spaine their forces to fight against christians their countrie be ouerthrowen by Turkes and Barbarians And as for that beaste of Rome and the Cittie and country thereof which a long The iudgement of the whore time haue fed and pampered such a blouddy beast and beastly whore Let her I say assuredly knowe that her sinnes are come Reuel 18.5 vp into heauen and God hath remembred her iniquities and will rewarde her as shee hath rewarded other and giue her double according to her workes and in the cuppe which she hath filled to other shall bee filled to her the double In as much as she hath glorified her self liued in pleasure so much shal she haue torment and sorrowe for she saith in her harte I sit as a Queene and am no widdow and shall see no mourning Therefore shall her plagues come at one day death and sorrow Ver. 8. When God iudgeth there is no end of torment and famine and she shal be burnt with fire for strong is the Lorde God that will condemne her Yea God doth dayly destroy her with the breath of his mouth but shal vtterly abolish her at the brightnes of his comming which 2. Thess 2 8 shal be at the day of iudgement And that this day is at hande this is not one of the least signes that nation shal rise against nation kingdome against kingdom as now is to be seene in christendome that Tokens that the day of iudgement is at hand brotherly loue kindnes among christian nations is waxen colde iniquitie abounding euen as our sauiour foretolde shoulde come to passe before the end of the world Therefore let all the wicked ones of the Mat. 24.7.12 world specially they that haue receiued the marke of the beaste in their right Reue. 13.16 hand or in their foreheade howle crie and weepe for the iudgement of the great day is comming But O heauen reioyce of this 18.20 and ye holy Apostles and prophets martirs for God hath giuen you iudgement vpon The godly reioyce for the iudgement of the whore Luk. 21.28 the beast and let all the godly and faithfull people in the worlde bee glad and lift vp their heades with ioy because their redemption draweth neare Thus haue wee seene howe the bondes of brotherly loue and kindnes are broken and rent asunder throughout all the landes of christendom And I would to God ther were no breach of this brotherly loue and kindenes among those christians which liue together in one land vnder one christian Prince hauing all one God one faith one baptisme one true religion that we would walke worthy Contentions among Christians lamentable Ephes 4. 1 2 3 4 5.6 of the vocation whereunto wee are called in all humblenes of mind and meeknes with long suffering supporting one the other through loue endeuouring to keep the vnity of the spirite in the bonde of peace euen as we are called in one hope of our calling and that wee woulde all speake one thing that there were no dissentions among vs but 1 Cor. 1.10 that wee woulde bee knit together in one mind and in one iudgement So should God be glorified so should all our Princes good and godly lawes be obeyed The fruit of Christian concord so should the mouthes of our aduersaries bee stopped so shoulde vertue florish and righteousnes should looke downe from heauen vpon vs so should Sion reioyce and Israel would be glad to see brotherly kindnes maintayned among vs. God is not the authour Galat. 6 16 of confusion but of peace and as many as follow this rule the God of loue and peace bee with them Amen A Prayer for brotherly kindnes O Most wise and mightie creator Lord of heauen and earth who by thine infinite wisedome hast knit mankind together in a most wonderfull order to this end that wee shoulde shew all frendlines and brotherly kindnes one to the other and as in all other liuing creatures of this worlde so specially in man thou didst at the beginning infuse into his breaste this secreat force of nature that we should like and liue together in godly fellowship societie among our selues but so it hath fallen out by reason of sinne the malice of Sathan that as in all other good things so especially in this we do degenerate and grow out of kind one man careth not for another but eueryman for himselfe selfeloue is strong and headdy but brotherly kindnesse weake decayed Therefore good Lord I beseech thee renew agayne in me and in all people by the benefite of grace that which we haue lost by sinne and corruption that as we are all brothers by creation so all nations if it be thy will may shew natural kindnes one to the other but specially graunt grace O Lord to me al Christians that as we are nowe knit together againe by a more neerer bond of religion christianitie so we may shew our selues in all dutifull kindnes to be the children of one God members of one bodie heyres and coheyres with Christ Iesus of eternall saluation purchased vnto vs by his death and passion to whom with God the Father God the holy Ghost bee all praise and glory for euer Amen Of Loue or Cheritie Chap. 8. IT is the manner of cunning and curious golde-sinithes that worke onely vpon fine and pure gold euermore to put vnto their worke some priuie signe or marke whereby they will know their owne doinges from others that vse not so fine gold as they doe The very same thing in a sorte our skilfull and perfect workeman Sainte Peter seemeth to doe in this excellent peece of worke now in hand he hath beaten out all his linckes of the purest and finest golde hee hath so curiously lincked one lincke in the other riuited the same fast with the hammer of Gods worde that it cannot bee perceiued where the soldering is Now being about Saint Peters chaine made all of pure gold to finish his chaine he addeth this last linck of loue vnto it which serueth him as a priuie signe or marke to know this chaine made all of purified gold from all
for hee maketh the Sunne 45. to rise vpon the euill and the good and his raine to fall vppon the iust and vniust On the contrarie saith Christ if yee loue them that loue you what reward shall yee haue doe not the Publicans euen the same Be ye 46. perfect therefore in loue euen as your heauenly Father is perfect To giue our goods 47. only to such poore as we loue and like such as we know wil blaze the same abroade and to hate other whome we should loue is not to be perfect but partiall in loue and so for such loue we shal haue no thanke of GOD. We haue spoken before of brotherly-kindnesse that doeth keepe it selfe within some limites but this Loue wherof now we speake hath no bounds but extendeth it selfe ouer Loue hath no bounds all the world euen to our verie enemies He that cannot loue his enemies for Christs sake is not perfect in loue God loued vs when we were his enemies wee must follow God in this respect Be followers of God saith Rom. 5.6 Saint Paul and walke in loue euen as Christ hath loued vs and so forth Beloued saith Eph. 5.1 Saint Iohn If God so loued vs we ought also to loue one another The loue that God hath 1. Ioh. 4.11 shewed vnto vs is infinite and vnmeasurable wee must therefore endeauour to loue God and our enemies for his sake in some We must loue our enemies because God loued vs being his enemies measure Or else Woe Woe be vnto vs. We must loue God because hee loued vs first and wee must loue our enemies for Gods sake because he loued vs when we were his enemies This doctrine by how much more it is hard for flesh and bloud to performe because it is against our fleshly nature which is euermore desirous of reuenge by so much If we cannot forgiue we must pray God to change our hearts Mat. 18. 24. more ought wee to desire God to change or mollifie our hard harts that we may be readie to forgiue others one hundred pence seeing God is so kind to forgiue vs ten thousand talents alwaies remembring this definitiue sentence of Christ If yee forgiue not other their trespasses no more wil your heauenly Father forgiue you your trespasses Mat. 6.15 Therefore Christians are taught daylye to pray the Lord to forgiue them as they doe Mat. 6.12 forgiue others that is if wee doe not forgiue others then wee desire the Lord not to forgiue vs which is most fearefull if wee haue any grace to consider ofit This then is to be When wee pray doe not forgiue we sinne grieuously perfect in loue as farre as we can attaine to perfection in this life to loue God with all our harts with all our soules and with al our strength our neighbour though our enemy as our selus The which thing because no mā can do in such absolute sort as he ought therefore we cannot bee perfect in loue til Wē cannot be perfect in loue in this life we haue laide down our fleshly nature be clothed with immortalitie but we must doe the best we can and though we cannot loue God and our neighbors as we should yet we must forgiue our enemies freely as wee are commanded yea loue them euen as our dearest frendes though they bee our mortal enemies and haue sworne our death yet wee must loue them not with a fayned We must pray for our enemies Luk. 23.24 Act. 7.60 but true Christian loue and praye for them that God woulde change their harts and forgiue them euen as Christ and Saint Stephen prayed for their persecutors saying To forgiue iniuries is giuen vnto vs of God Lorde lay not this sinne to their charge This loue which causeth vs to suffer iniuries patiently and to forgiue them freely is the speciall gift of God and giuen onely to his 1 Cor. 13.4 elect Therefore Saint Paule saith Loue suffereth long and is curteous Loue enuieth 5. not loue doth not boast it selfe it swelleth not it disdayneth not it seeketh not her 6. owne things it is not prouoked to anger it 7. thinketh no euill it reioyceth not in iniquitie but reioyceth in the truth it suffereth all thinges it beleeueth all things it hopeth all thinges and indureth all thinges Why then he that hath this lincke of loue hath Loue hath all vertues included in it all these vertues included in it O rich chain where one lincke is bedecked with so many precious pearles contrariwise then it must needes follow that they which can suffer no iniuries they that are of a currish nature and not curteous they that enuy at other mens good successe prosperitie they that are puffed vp with pride and vaine glorie Vices contrary vnto the fruits of loue as a bladder with winde they that will commende none but disdaine all they that are not contented with their owne but seek other mens by deceite or oppression they that not onely thinke euill but study to deuise mischiefe they that are sory to haue truth knowen reioyce in iniquitie These and such like whosoeuer they are of what calling or degree soeuer they be of haue not receiued this badge of loue whereby they should be knowen to be true christians Last of all S. Paul saith that loue neuer Verse 8. falleth away but abideth with vs in this life shall continue with vs for euermore in the life to come O then let vs make much of Loue and charitie for it is a surpassing Loue a surpassing treasure treasure It is no maruell that Sainte Peter would not finishe his Chayne before this lincke of loue were aded vnto it That must A glorious Chaine that beginneth with faith and endeth in loue Happy are they that weare this chaine 2. Pet. 1.8 needes be a golden and glorious chaine that beginneth with faith and endeth in loue hauing lincked vnto them both all graces and vertues whatsoeuer happy yea thrise happy are they that weare this Chaine surely they shall neuer be bound in euerlasting chaines If these things saith S. Peter be among you and abounde they will make you that ye shall neuer be idle nor vnfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lorde Iesus 9. Christ But he that hath not these thinges as faith loue the rest is blind cannot see farre of and hath forgotten that hee was 10 purged from his old sinnes wherefore breethren giue all diligence to make your calling election sure for if ye do these things ye shal neuer fall but by these meanes an 11 entring shal bee ministred vnto you aboundantly into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whome with the Father and the holy Ghost bee all prayse glory power and maiestie from age to age world without end A Praier for Loue or Charitie O Blessed Lord God most louing mercifull Father for as much as thou hast shewed vnto mankind thine infinite vnmeasurable loue not onely in creating vs of the dust of the earth then preferring vs to be lords ouer all the works of thy hands but also and especially hast manifested this thine vnexpressable kindnes towardes vs in giuing thine onely beloued sonne to death for vs that hee might bring vs vnto life to this end that in a thankeful remembrance of this thy so great loue kindnes we should shew our loue to thee againe to our neighbours and brethren for thy sake Grant therefore vnto me good Lord that I may loue thee aboue all thinges and my neighbour as myselfe not onely my frends and those that do me good but also mine enemies because thou louedst mee when I was thine enemie that I may neuer suffer the sunne to go down vpon my wrath but with all gentlenes and from my hart I may suffer iniuries and forgiue myne enemies O Lord if thou wilt vouchsafe to receaue me into thy seruice giue vnto me thy badge of christian loue or charitie whereby I may be assured that I am thy seruant let the fire of this loue breake out from me into flames of good works that I may be ready to do good vnto all but specially vnto them that are of the houshold of faith This grace vouchsafe vnto me and to all christians for his sake in whom thou art wel pleased So shalt thou O God dwel here in earth with me and I shal euermore dwelhere and in heauen with thee to whom with thy blessed sonne our Sauiour and the holy Ghost our euerlasting comforter be all lande and honour for euer and euer Amen FINIS Laus Deo honos