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A00544 A discouery of the abhominable delusions of those, who call themselues the Family of loue Wherein their false Christ, and false profession is plainely laide open; and all their grosse cauils cleerely confuted. 1622 (1622) STC 10682; ESTC S118690 53,977 110

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of these Principles and shew wherein we differ and leaue them to the iudgement of the Godly wise First concerning repentance from dead workes they teach that none need repent of performing any bodily seruice to any Idoll as before but that they ought to continue therein making all the beholders conceiue they doe as they inwardly and outwardly when as they in their hearts loath detest that seruice And when they are come to the Family they teach they sinne no more For they write That in this Citty of Communalty there is no more euill Spirit land Cap. 33. sect 9. nor euill suspition nor yet sight of euill in them for within the same one doth neither see nor thinke any thing but all good c. 2. Concerning their beliefe of God thus they write See and marke yee beloued H. Ns mans falling away c. sect 1. in the beginning when God made all things well then was the Lord one Lord of his Kingdome and one God of his workes there was also no more but one God and one Man and they were one and had in all one order being and nature For God was all that the Man was and Man was all that God was And elsewhere thus he writeth H. Ns Epist to 2. Daughters of Warwick sect 22 God had Created the Man that he should bee of one life one being one Spirit and of one Nature with God c. If this be the true Eternall euerlasting vnchangeable and incomprehensible God that had no other Order being and Nature then Man let all that know the true God iudge And concerning their beliefe of Christ we haue formerly related that they hold not the Man Christ that was conceiued borne of that Naturall woman the Virgin Mary for that is a thing ought not to be striuen about but the Perfection of H. N. and his fellow Elders of that louely Family or a Power in man whereby they can keepe the Law without Faith in the Blood of the man Christ This is H. N. and his followers Christ 3. Concerning Baptisine This he writeth Let your selues in all your being nature minde and disposition Crying voyce Cap. vlt. sect 11. become renewed through the loue in her Seruice and giue all your vnderstanding captiue vnder the obedience of the Loue and humble your selues so vnder her seruice to the end that yee all may become washed in the Loue with the pure water of the Loue for to become washed with her pure water is the vpright washing and the true Font of the Regeneration or new hirth So that to be captiuated in H. Ns. loue and her Seruice is the vpright Baptisme And where that commeth not to passe vnto them Epist to the 2 Daugh. sect 20. there is not the Christian seruice ministred let them make themselues so like fashioned to the Scriptures as they will And for the Ordinance of water he calleth that Epist sect 11.17 Ceremoniall Elementish and mens owne Baptisme And M. P. that mighty Prince of the Hebrewes as he calleth himselfe saith Iohns Baptisme is full of many great holy graue shewes M. P. burning light Cap. 13. sect 10. but in power weake as Water he can eate no mans meat drinke no Wine ne strong Drinke therefore must his Head be taken off for he shall not gouerne Disciples still we were glad therefore to depart from him for his going out was the comming in of Iesus 4. Touching their opinion of laying on of handes we are ignorant 5. Euang. Reg. Cap. 35. sect 8.9 Of the Resurrection of the Dead Thus they write Behold in this present Day is the Scripture fulfilled and according to the testimony of the Scripture the raising vp and the resurrection of the Lords Dead commeth also to passe presently in this same day through the appearing of the comming of Christ in his Maiesty which resurrection of the Dead seeing that the same is come vnto vs from Gods Grace wee doe likewise in this present day to an Euangelie or ioyfull message of the Kingdome of God and Christ publish in all the world vnder the Obedience of the loue in which resurrection of the Dead God sheweth vnto vs that the time is now fulfilled that his dead or the Dead which are fallen asleepe in the Lord rise vp in this day of his Iudgement and appeare vnto vs in Godly glory which shall also from henceforth liue in vs euerlastingly with Christ and Raigne vpon the Earth So that all may plainely see the resurrection from the Dead is with these men or rather Deuils to get into H. Ns. Doctrine of the Loue. And because these Godded men that are Godded with H.N. their God doe dye aswell as others and being demaunded what becomes of their Bodies after their death some of their younglings haue answered vs they conceiue their iudgement is that the soule goes into God againe and so becōmeth God and their bodies lye and become as when they were not which opinion may well stand with all their other execrations For if the bodies rise not againe thē no question they may aswell worship an Idol as the true God and commit all their abhominations for after this life there is neither reward nor punishment for the bodies Oh fearefull wickednes Lastly Euang. Reg. Cap. 3. sect 2 3.4 concerning the Eternall Iudgement thus they say When as now in this same day the wicked world becommeth Iudged with the Lords mighty hand which wicked world is reserued or kept in store vntill this same day of the loue to the fire of Hell for to be condemned in the selfe same day of the Loue for euermore to her eternall cursing and iudgement of the fires cruell vehemency And againe Sect. 4. verily now in this same day when as now all vngodly and selfe-wise with all vnrepentant persons and false hearts of the Scripture-learned c. inherite with much smart and griefe in the vehement cruelty of the fire of Hell the terrible condemnation then shall the people of God Spirit land Cap. 27. sect 11.12 namely the whole cōmunialty of the loue c. reioyce them in all loue c. And further thus After this time no time more After the which there is no life more to be wayted for for the same life continueth for euermore This estate of H. Ns. loue and her Seruice it is with the Familists the Christ It is the Holy Ghost the Baptisme the Resurrection the euerlasting Life the eternall Iudgement and all in all Of all which wee are destitute yet herein we haue knowledge that they are abhominations fetcht out of the deepest pit of Hell such as we are perswaded were heuer before vttered by the mouth of any mortall man No maruaile now that H. Ns. Schollers say we vnderstand not one word in all the vniuersall Bible and that we are totally ignorant of the principles of the Family who to set a gloze vpon their wicked forgeries abuse and
this Son of God Iesus Christ That no Idolater can be saued is thus confirmed Confounded bee all they that serue grauen Images and that glory in Idols Psal 97.7 1. Sam. 12.21 Num. 25.2.9 For they are not onely thinges of naught and vanity but they bring confusion and curse vnto all that submit vnto them Yea the Lord saith That Idolaters shall no more inherite the Kingdome of Heauen then Adulterers Fornicators wantons 1. Cor. 6.9 Buggerers Theeues couetous Drunkards raylers nor Extortioners But Idolaters with the fearefull and vnbeleeuing and abhominable and Murtherers and Whoremongers and Sorcerers and all lyars shall haue their part in the Lake that burneth with Fire and Brimstone Reuel 21.8 which is the second Death Therefore we are commanded to flye from Idolatry and seperate our selues 1. Cor. 10.14 and touch none vncleane thing and then God will be our God and Father and walke among vs 2 Cor. 6.17 18. and dwell there and wee shall be his Sonnes and Daughters Hauing thus in generall proued that no Idolater can be saued that wee may come a little nearer the thing let vs obserue how far Idolatry doth extend It is sufficiently knowne of many that Idololatria signifieth a seruice of any likenes not onely of God but also concerning the thinges of Gods worship which is truely acknowledged by the annotation in the English Bible in Quarto vpon 1. Iob. 5.21 Babes keepe your selues from Idols The wordes are meaning from euery forme and fashion of thing which is fet vp for any deuotion to worship God And a great aduersary of the Papists saith Dillingham against the Pa● pa. 37. To serue God as we list and not as he will is Idolatry So that any formes or fashions of Deuotion in Gods worship that is not Gods or besides Gods are Idols and Christs Babes must keepe themselues from them else they will bring them to destructiō as before is proued therefore not onely they that worship stockes and stones as God or as similitudes of God are Idolaters subiect to the Curses pronounced but also all such as in Deuotion to God set vp formes or fashions to worship God by that God hath not commanded and this is plainly proued by those fearefull Iudgements pronounced against all such as worship those mysticall Idols The Beast or his Image spoken of Reuel 14.9 c. Which generally all acknowledge that these worshippers doe in wordes worship the true God For these Scriptures are applyed to those people that in words doe acknowledge both God and Christ yet saith the Holy Ghost These worshippers shall drinke of the wine of Gods wrath and bee tormented in Fire and Brimstone for euermore Which estate of confusion all must comeout of that will be saued For as it is a habitation of Deuils Reuel 18.2 so the worshippers therein are worshippers of Deuils Reuel 9.20 though it be in a great mystery and so perceiued of few Next it remaineth to proue that saluation is promised as to Faith in Christ as before is proued vpon Repentance of Idolatry as of all other sinne so also to obedience of Faith not to obedience of the Law but to obedience of the Gospell for that Faith that is not accompanied with Obedience Iam. 2.19 is not onely a dead Faith but it is the Deuils Faith that which shall neuer profit any man to Iustification Obedience to the Law had iustice in it felfe if any could haue kept it but obedience to the Gospell hath iustice in Christ to all that beleeue obey him who hath fulfilled the Law for them and by the workes of the Gospell wee are saued For this is the worke of God which shall inherite eternall life that wee beleeue in Iesus Christ Ioh. 6.29 Which Faith is accompanied with Obedience of * faith Rom. 1.5 16.26 It is written Not euery one that saith vnto mee Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of Heauen but hee which doth my Fathers will which is in Heauen Math. 7.21 And let it be well obserued that obedience to the Sonne is not properly the obseruing of those morall precepts contained in the second Commandement Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe for that God hath from the beginning written not onely in the Tables of stone but in the tables of mans heart That as a man would another should doe to him Math. 7.12 so he should doe to him againe and not that onely is written in euery mans heart but euen this also that man should loue his Creator aboue all but the manner of this loue consisting in obedience to his Commandements for his worship and seruice that was directed in the Law by Moses and the Fathers If the Gentiles would haue it they must come vnto the Iewes Rom. 3.2 For to them were of credit committed the Oracles of God But now in these last dayes God hath spoken or declared what worship he will haue by his Sonne Heb. 1.2 whome he hath made heyre of all thinges Cōmanding all to heare him who hath shewed what manner of persons he accepteth worship of what his worship is what Ministery he hath appointed and what a Church Gouernment hee hath constituted and all other thinges for the well being of his Church Which is his Body Ephes 5.23 of which hee is the Sauiour who ought to bee obedient to him in euery thing And as the seruant Moses and the Commandements giuen by him was worthy of Honor in that time and euery transgression receiued a iust recompence of reward Heb. 2.2 of which we read of diuers dreadfull examples Leuit. 10.1 1. Sam. 6.19 1. Chron. 13.7.10 2. Chron. 26.16 c. Num. 16. cap. 1. Sā 13.13 c. cap. 15. read Deut. 27.36 So is the Sonne worthy of more honour in his Commandements in these last dayes Heb. 3.3 and soter punishment are they worthy of that doe transgresse them This is the Kingdome Heb. 10.29 and power in Heauen and Earth that is giuen to this Sonne of God to wit Mat. 28.18 to rule ouer the bodyes and soules of men whom he hath redeemed by the scepter of his word This is the gouernment on his shoulder Esa 9.6 Heb. 12.28 Act. 2.30 1. Cor. 15.24 c. and the Kingdome that can not bee shaken On which hee sits for euer to order it euen till hee haue subdued all thinges and deliuer it vp to his Father and they that will not that he shall raigne ouer them by his owne Lawes shall be brought and slaine before him Luk. 19.27 Now if such be the estate of all those that obey not the Sonne in his Lawes as if the Scriptures be true it is then what is the estate and condition of such as in stead of obedience to him contemne his Commandements and submit to mens inuentions for matter of worship to God where now is place for that hypocriticall pretence of
peruert Heb. 6. and other holy Scriptures to their owne destruction Hauing now discouered some of H. Ns. principles The summe of the true Faith wee will in short set downe our Faith concerning these 6. Principles Heb. 6. First of Repentance from dead workes we doe beleeue that euery transgression of any Law of God is sinne 1. Ioh. 3.4 Rom. 6.23 and the wages of euery sinne is Death and so a dead worke That no man by reason of weake Flesh can keepe the Law Rom. 8.3 and therefore by transgression becommeth dead in Sinne Ephe. 2.1.3 and so by weake Nature the Childe of wrath For the Law causeth wrath Rom. 4.15 for where no Law is there is no transgression but the power of Gods word contained in the holy Scriptures 1. Cor. 15.34 Ephes 5.14 and not the Reuelations or Dreames of H.N. nor any others awaking man and setting his sinnes in order before him and the fearefull terror of Gods wrath against him Act. 2.37 16.30 Act. 2.38 3.19 causeth man to be pricked in his heart and to cry out what shall wee doe to be saued To which God answereth Repent of thy sinnes confesse them sorrow for them and reforme them But man seeing by the same holy Scripture that this his repentance or any other thing that he can doe cannot appease Gods wrath nor satisfie his Iustice for his sinne he is inuited hereupon to flye vnto Gods Grace by the Redemptiō purchased through the blood of his Sonne who is God ouer all and tooke our Nature vpon him and became Man Dyed for vs and is risen againe in his Body ascended into Heauen sitting at the right hand of his Father making intercession for his seruants euen for all that obey him Heb. 5.9 through whom alone wee haue Redemption euen the forgiuenes of our sinnes 2. Thus by Faith in the Blood of Christ is this Sinner sprinckled in his heart from an euill Conscience Heb. 10.22 and must also be washed in his Body with pure water 3. This is the Baptisme that saueth not onely the washing away the filth of the Flesh but in that a good Conscience maketh request vnto God 1. Pet. 3.21 by the Resurrection of Iesus Christ Yet not onely the good Conscience is Baptisme but also washing with materiall water into the Name of the Father c. For to enter into the Kingdome of Heauen which is the estate of Grace or true Christianity in this life called the Kingdome of Heauen Ioh. 3.5 Ephes 4.5 Wee must haue Water and Spirit Christ hath coupled them together as his one Baptisme and let no man seperate them 4. By laying on of handes wee conceiue is meant the whole ministery of the Church which consisteth of those Offices mentioned in Christs Testament All which are to be entred into by laying on of hands as these Scriptures teach * Act. 6.6 13.3 For other laying on of hands by which extraordinary guiftes were communicated vnto men wee vnderstand they were myracles giuen of God in the primitiue Church for the confirmation of the Apostles authority who taught thinges that neuer before were taught Heb. 2.5 which that they might be credited they did such thinges as neuer men did And if any Familist can doe Myracles as did th Apostles thē might they haue had some colour to write and bring into the world new Gospels as they are not ashamed to doe 5. Concerning the Resurrection from the Dead We beleeue that our soules shall be seperated from our bodies by naturall Death That the Body returnes to earth whence it came and the Spirit to God that gaue it Eccles 12.7 1. Cor. 15. vntill the day that Iesus Christ shall come againe to Iudge quicke and dead Then shall our Bodies rise againe euen these bodies Ioh. 19.25 c. and with these eyes shall wee see our Redeemer Lastly we doe beleeue and looke for to our great reioycing the blessed appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ to that Eternall iudgement wherein hee shall Iudge both quicke and dead according to their works done in this Flesh 2 Cor. 5.10 whether they be good or euill Reuel 20.12 to an Eternall being to wit Them that by continuance in wel-doing seeke glory and Immortality Rō 2.7 c. 1. Thes 4.17 Rom. 2.8 they shall come to Eternall Life where they shall bee euer with the Lord. But those that are contentious and disobey the Truth and obeyes vnrighteousnes haue done euill and haue not repented thereof They shall come forth to the resurrection of condemnation Ioh. 5.29 indignation and wrath shall bee vpon them burning in the Lake for euermore with the Deuill and his Angels Mat. 25.41 Now let all Iudge whether wee be totally ignorant of the 6. Principles Heb. 6. as these accusers doe suggest or rather that themselues are not only ignorant of them for if they were their sinne were the lesse but they deny them and that after their enlightning The 9. transgression they accuse vs of is Ninthly you will not bee reformed by the Light which God hath manifested in these latter times and whereof much is in the Booke of Common Prayer and in the Homilies and in the Booke of Ordering of Bishops Priests and Deacons Answ VVEE hauing asked some of them what Light this is that in these latter times God hath manifested for we conceiue God neuer spake nor euer will after his speaking by his Sonne in these last dayes who by himselfe and his Apostles hath deliuered all the Counsell of God sealing it vp with these sentences If wee or an Angell from Heauen teach any otherwise then we haue Preached Gal. 1.8 9. let him bee accursed And if any adde to what they haue done Reuel 22.18.19 God will adde the plagues written by them or if any take away any of those their wordes God will take away their names out of the Booke of Life we say we hauing asked them concerning these thinges they haue answered vs God hath spoken to the world at three seuerall times First by Moses and the Fathers 2. By Christ and the Apostles And thirdly by an euerlasting Gospell in these last dayes alledging Reuel 14. Which what Gospell should it bee but the Gospell of the Kingdome which H. N. hath published to the world in which many of his poysoned Doctrines is broached concerning which hee hath giuen himselfe a stately stile farre exceeding the Apostles in all their writings full of blasphemies which is this H. N. through the Grace and mercy of God Euang. Peg. Cap. 1. and through the holy Spirit of the loue of Iesu Christ raised vp by the highest God from the Death according to the prouidence of God and his Promises annoynted with the Holy Ghost in the olde age of the holy vnderstanding of Iesu Christ Godded with God in the Spirit of his loue made heyre with Christ in the heauenly goods of