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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A81567 The divine dreamer: or, a short treatise discovering the true effect and power of dreames; confirmed by the most learned and best approved authors. Whereunto is annexed the dreame of a young gentleman, immediatly before the death of the late earle of Strafford. Gonzalo. 1641 (1641) Wing D1720; Thomason E157_6; ESTC R22994 7,143 21

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that hee had great neede of taking some bloud from him by meanes whereof he was cured of the plurisie Others dreamed that they were bathing themselves in a Bath of hot water The Physitian prognosticated upon this dreame that the Patient must be freed from this disease by judicatory swimming which thereon followed and thereby he won great reputation whosoever dreameth that he is pressed with a great burthen there is no doubt but his animall faculties are oppressed by a great multitude of humours contrariwise such as dreame they flye in the aire runne leape and dance denoteth a light body exempt from the superaboundance of vitious humours Such as dreame that they are in dunghills and such like filthy places they must needes bee possessed of noysome humours but they to whom it appeares that they are conversant in pleasant sweete and delightfull places good humours doe abound in them and it is a signe of health Besides these forenamed dreames I will not here insert that there are none but such as are grounded upon naturall causes but on the grace of God especially hee giveth advice to some men to expresse such things for the benefit good of others as hapned to Galen the Physitian who had a man under his care that had an artery in his ancle bone halfe cut in sunder whereby hee lost all his bloud before any remedy could be applyed to him hee writeth that hee was advertised in his sleepe that hee should cut the artery in sunder and the ends would retire to each side and so locke together againe when hee awaked hee executed what his dreame had represented to him by that meanes hee cured the man We read likewise of an Angell that appeared in the form of the goddesse Pallas to Antonius Physitian to Augustus admonishing him that though Augustus was sicke yet hee should not faile to bee present in the battell which was on the morrow to be given by Brutus and Cassius and that he should there abide in his tent which he would have done but that the Physitians perswaded him to the contrary for it came to passe that the enemies souldiers wonne the tents where questionlesse they had slaine Augustus if hee had beene present there So by this dreame he prevented his death wonne the day and remained sole Monarch of the Roman Empire under his Reigne was borne the Redeemer of the World Quintus Curtius declares in the life of Alexander that when he maintained his siege before the City of Tyre hee being entred for succour of the Carthaginians who said they were descended of the Tyrians concluded to raise his siege as dispayring ever to surprize it but in a dreame a Satyre appeared unto him after whom hee followed as hee fled before him into his Chamber His Interpreters told him that this was a certaine forewarning to continue his siege for longer daies before the City and that hee should surely take it which fell out to be true and this long before had beene foretold by a Prophet who said that a Greek should governe in the Country The Scriptures are full of Dreams whereby divers Princes have beene admonished both for their owne and peoples welfare as Abimelech King of Gerar who was possessed of Abrahams wife supposing she had been his sister onely hee was fore-warned sleeping that hee should attempt nothing against her modesty lest he incurred the judgement of God and he obeyed Another Egyptian King by Dreames which Ioseph interpreted to him whilest hee was in prison found neverthelesse the assistance of God to shun his owne ruine and the death of his people by a barrennesse in his Kingdome which should continue for seven yeares after as many years of rest by reason whereof he made such provision of graine that he had sufficient to serve the people during those fore-told seven yeares whereas else hee had wanted provision for his people Katherine de Medicis Queen of France and wife to Henry the second dreamed the very same day before the said King was wounded to death that shee saw him very sickly holding downe his head as he walked downe the streets of Paris being followed by an infinite company of his people that lamented for him hereupon shee most earnestly intreated him and as is said with wringing hands upon her knees not to adventure into the ranke of Tilters on that day but hee giving no heed to her words the last day of the feasting for the marriage of Madam Margret sister to Emanuel Phillibert Duke of Savoy for her honour and turning to breake a Lance against a bold and valiant Knight to wit the Count of Montgomery happened to bee wounded for in the Lances breaking on both sides a shiver or Splinter entred by the sight of his Helmet and strucke very farre into his head The King died soone after of this wound aged about 40 yeares leaving his Kingdome lamenting his losse wee may observe the dreame of this great Princesse and how it happened whereof doubtlesse God gave premonitions by his good Angell both for her good and the whole realme of France but the King more desirous to follow the vanities of the world then the good advertisements of his wife by his decease the people of France suffered many calamities His son Henry 3. three dayes before he was murdred at S. Cloa beheld in a dream all his royall ornaments to wit his linnen vesture Sandals Dalmatium robe mantle of azure Sattin Crown and Scepter bloudy and made foule with the feet of religious men and other people and that he himselfe was angry with the Sexton of the Abby of S. Dennis albeit all good advice was given him according to the danger of his dreame stands securely upon his guard yet so it fell out as a thing permitted by heaven that hee could not avoyd that fatall chance but was slain whatsoever strong guard was there about him Calphienia wife to the adopted father of Caesar having dreamed that she beheld Caesar slaine and massacred gave him notice thereof but he instead of converting of it to his benefit dispised the dreame and went to the Senate house the day following where the dreame sorted to wofull effect I cannot omit the dreame and revelation of Ioane d'Arke the Virgin that dreamed that shee her selfe should be the only meanes to put Charles the seventh in possession of his Kingdome After he had acquainted her father and mother with her dreame she is brought to the Lord Baud●icate and habited like a man is presented to the King The matter seemed ridiculous to the King he takes upon himselfe the habit of a Country-man this Maid being brought into the Chamber goeth to the King and salutes him with a modest countenance and delivered to him the charge which shee had received of the God of heaven and told him that shee should be the meanes to place the Crowne upon his head and relieve Orleance that was besieged by the English The King was perswaded to give her a Troope