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A49194 Severall speeches, spoken by the right honourable the Earle of Loudoun, Lord high chancellour of the Kingdome of Scotland at a conference with a committee of the honourable houses in the Painted chamber, October 1646. Loudoun, John Campbell, Earl of, 1598-1663. 1646 (1646) Wing L3087; ESTC R201195 13,219 12

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single concernment to England Nor is the Question how the Kings Person may be disposed of de facto by any one of the Kingdoms neither is the Question properly de jure posse but de esse bene esse And as it is neither good Logick nor good Divinity to argue a posse ad esse so sure I am in this case it is far worse policie for either Kingdome to dispute what they may do in the height of their power when both are consulting what is sittest to be done for the Peace and Security of both And the relation of both Kingdoms to his Majesty and of each Kingdome to other being rightly considered as he is King to both as both are Subjects to him as both are ingaged in the same Cause and have been in the same War and are labouring under the same Danger are seeking the same Remedies and should have the same Security we do hold that the disposing of the Kings Person doth not properly belong to any one of the Kingdomes but joyntly to both And after Scotland hath suffered the heat of the day and winters cold have forsaken their own peace for love of their Brethren have set their own house on fire to quench theirs After so much expense of their blood in all the three Kingdomes after we have gone along with you in all the hardship of this War and without vanity be it spoken have been so usefull in this Cause And that the King hath cast himself into the hands of the Scottish Army and that by the blessing of God upon the joynt indeavour of both Kingdoms we are come to the harbour of a peace We cannot expect that the honourable Houses will think it agreeable with conscience or honour or with the justice of the Houses that the Person of the King should be disposed of by them as they shall think fit or by any one of the kingdoms alone but that what ever shall be resolved in this may be done by joynt advice of both as may serve most for the peace security and happinesse of both Kingdoms The Lord Charcellour of Scotland his second Speech At a Conference in the Painted Chamber with a Committee of both Houses Octob. 6. 1646. AT our last meeting in this conference your Lordships did assert the Vote of the Houses That the Person of the King should be disposed on as the two Houses shall think fit And we did hold that the King who is the Head and Monarch of both Kingdomes ought not to be disposed of by any one of the Kingdoms but by joynt advice of both as might serve most for the peace happinesse and security of his Majesty and both kingdoms which we fortified with severall arguments from the interests and relations which both Kingdoms have equally to the King and from the covenant and treaty between the Kingdoms as the best way to preserve our Unity But since your Lordships do adhere to the Vote of the Houses as that which you cannot part from We do humbly desire that your Lordships may be pleased in time convenient at the close of this conference to report the difference of our judgement to the honourable Houses who upon better reasons both may and we hope will take their Vote into further consideration And so with reservation of our judgement that the disposing of his Majesties person doth belong to both and not to any one of the Kingdoms especially in such a juncture of affairs as both Kingdoms stand engaged in this cause I shall descend particularly how the Kings Person should be disposed of to the best advantage of both Kingdoms and for attaining such a happy peace as all good men should desire But lest we should walke in the dark upon obscurity of ambiguous words I shall desire that the word of disposing of the Kings person may be rightly understood and the true sense of it may be clearly known For Dolus versatur in universalibus For To dispose of the Kings person as both Houses or both Kingdoms shall think fit may in some sense be to depose or worse But because the word Dispose may admit a more benigne interpretation as when men commit their estates and children or that which is dearest to them to be disposed of which is but to be advised by these who have nearest relation to them and in whom they repose most trust I shall speak of the disposing of his Majesties royal person in that sense which I hope is also the sense of the Houses Nor do I know any other way how his Majesties person can be disposed of but that he be put either under restraint or be at freedom with honour and safety As for the way of restraint I look upon it as it looks upon us as a remedy more dangerous then the disease as a mean to draw the war of forain Kings upon us especially the Prince being in other Kingdoms rather then to quiet our troubles at home And therefore supposing that none of the Kingdoms will take any way concerning his Majesties person but such as may consist with duty and honour and which may lessen and not encrease our troubles I shall lay aside the way of restraint and speak of the way which may be with freedom honour and safety which can be no other but that his Majesty shall go into Scotland or come to his Parliament here or some of his houses near-abouts His going into Scotland is full of dangers and inconveniencies to both Kingdoms The Amalekites are not yet driven out of that I and. The bloody barbarous Irish banded with a wicked crew of Malignants possesse the mountains and high-lands which are the strong holds and never conquered parts of that Kingdom They have not laid down arms but keep in a body together and they are so near Ireland as the Forces of the Rebels there may in two or three houres space come over and joyn with them and Scotland not being able to keep and entertain Armies long the King being there may raise such forces in Scotland as may make way quickly into England And therefore his Majesties going into Scotland before our peace be setled being of most dangerous consequence to both Kingdoms I shall humbly offer to your Lordships consideration his Majesties comming to London or some of his houses hereabouts as the most probable way to procure a speedy and happy agreement which is also his Majesties own desire in his Answer to the Propositions And although no perswasion of ours could prevaile to procure a more satisfactory answer for the time then what is returned to the Houses of Parliament yet I assure your Lordships that the Committee of Estates of the Parliament of Scotland and the Noblemen who were at Newcastle did faithfully contribute their best endeavours that his Majesty might have given his assent to the Propositions And as we did then deliver our minds with that plainnesse and freedom which was fit for faithfull and loyal Subjects with
greater honour then that after you have dissipated your Enemies his Majesty is willing to returne to you And if so kind an offer shall be refused and the King driven to despaire it is to be feared these kingdomes will be involved in greater difficulties then ever and we shal be driven out of the harbour and entrance of a peace into the tempest of new and bloudy wars For although Scotland be most willing and desirous that the King should return to his Parliament with honour safety and freedom and that he may remaine where his personal presence may serve most for the security and happinesse of his people yet if any such course shall be taken or any demand made for rendring of his person which cannot stand with his honour and safety or which cannot consist with our duty allegeance and Covenant nor with the honour of that Army to whom in time of his extreme danger he had his recourse for safety it cannot be expected that we can be capable of so base an Act. And if to shun this and avoid occasion of quarrelling between the Kingdomes he shall go to Scotland and resent his expulsion out of England and crave the assistance of that kingdome for recovery of his right to his crowne He may in a short time raise such Forces in Scotland and Ireland as with the assistance of Foraine Princes these kingdomes may be made a field of bloud and the youngest amongst us not live to see the end of these unnaturall wars But if the present opportunity be wisely mannaged and that we maintain the just priviledges of Parliament and liberty of the Subject in both kingdomes with that wisdome and discretion as that may be given to God which is Gods and to Coesar what is Goesars if we feare God and the King and doe not meddle with them who are given to change That same divine providence and wisdome which hath brought us through many difficulties will also teach us how to establish these kingdomes in peace and the Kings Throne in righteousnesse That the great blessing of a constant and friendly conjunction of the two kingdomes now united by allegeance and loyall subjection to one Soveraigne and Head may be firmly observed and continued to all posterity The Lord Chancellour of Scotland his last speech at a conference in the Painted chamber with a Committee of both Houses October 10.1646 My Lords and Gentlemen THis day I hope will bring our conference to some results to be reported to the Houses and therefore I shall frame my Discourse and Arguments with that succinctnesse as may bring us soonest to a close At our first meeting the subject of our debate was Whether the Right Power of disposing the person of the King is solely in the two Houses as they shall think fit or in the two Kingdoms and at our last meeting we had some arguing about the same question but your Lordships did still assert the Vote of the Houses and we say in respect of the interest and relations which both Kingdoms have equally to the King especially in the present juncture of affairs when both Kingdoms are entred in the same league and covenant have jeoparded their lives in the same war are labouring under the same danger are seeking the same remedies and stand in need of the same peace and security and both Kingdoms are bound by our Covenant to preserve Unity and are obliged by Treaty that none of us shall make any peace cessation or ●greement whatsoever without mutuall advice and consent of both That the person ●f the King cannot be disposed of without the joint advice and consent of both Kingdoms But as we do acknowledge that England hath parity of interest with Scotland so do we still offer that they shall have parity of power in disposing of the King and we do affirm that the person of the King who is King of Scotland as well as of England and is Head and Monarch of both kingdoms cannot be disposed of by any one of the kingdoms alone but what ever is to be done concerning the dis●osing of his Majesties person ought to be done by joynt advice and common consent of both as may serve most for the Peace security and happinesse of the King and Kingdomes which we did prove by severall Arguments To which there was nothing answered in effect but that the King being within England his person was to be disposed of as the two Houses shall thinke fit and that the King being with the Scottish Army and they being paid by the Parliament of England he is in effect in the power of the Houses and ought to be at their disposing in the same way as if he had come to the army of Sir Thomas Fairfax or any other of the Parliaments armies To which we shall not need to make any reply other then we have made already I hat the Kings present residence in England nor no locality can take away the reality of our relations formerly mentioned by us far lesse can it take away the engagements and stipulations between the kingdoms and though the Scottish a my be paid by the Parliament of England yet they are the Army of Scotland raised for pursuance of the ends of the Covenant and are to be ordered and directed by the Parliaments or committees of both kingdoms and therefore they cannot with conscience duty nor honour deliver the person of the King without his own consent to be disposed of as the two Houses shall think fit but we have declared and do still declare that we are content that the person of the King be disposed of the word Disposed being taken in a right sense as may serve most for the peace safety security honour and happinesse of the King and both kingdoms and did offer to your Lordships consideration his Majesties comming to or neer London as the most probable means to procure a speedy and well-grounded peace And seeing your Lordships have done us the honour to meet with us in this free and brotherly conference we do expect that you wil concur and assent to this proposition or propound a better expedient for the good of both kingdoms But if the honourable houses will not admit of this proposition our next desire is that it may appear no lawfull and possible means are left unassayed which may procure a happy agreement betwixt the King his Pa●liaments and for our further exoneration that Commissioners may yet once more be sent from both Kingdoms to his Majesty to shew the meaning of our Propositions to assert them and to hear the Kings doubts difficulties and desires who may further intimate that if his Majesty shall not give a satisfactory answer to the propositions then both Kingdoms will without making any such further application to him take such course as they shall judge fittest for the peace and security of the kingdoms And as at the opening of this conference I did begin with an humble lawfull
SEVERALL SPEECHES Spoken by the Right HONOURABLE The Earle of LONDOUN Lord high Chancellour of the Kingdome of SCOTLAND AT A Conferen●e with a Committee of the Honourable Houses in the Painted Chamber October 1646. Proverbs 25.11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver EDINBURGH Printed by Evan Tyler Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty 1646. Good Reader I Understand that the right Honourable the Lord Chancellour of Scotland had not right done him by the printed Copie of his Speech to the Kings Majestie at New-castle concerning the Propositions of Peace there being in that Copie Errours and Omissions and both material which hath moved me to resolve as to print the former according to the true Copie so for preventing the like mistakes and mis-representations first to procure to my self and now to communicate to the publike view the true transcrips of these last three Speeches In which thou shalt find the merit of an excellent subject to speak for it self for thou hast here a most solid judicious candid and plain debate concerning the best and most hopeful means of attaining a speedy and happy Peace which may put a period to the lasting miseries of these three Kingdoms Read and consider and beware thou do not receive with the left hand what is reached forth with the right This Noble Lord hath dealt freely and faithfully both with King and Parliament and as Truth and plain dealing did appear in his Speeches so what he spake is here faithfully imparted and thou maist be confident that in this it holds true 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thine to serve thee for the Publike good G. A. The Lord Chancellour of Scotland his first Speech At a Conference in the Painted Chamber with a Committe of both Houses Octob. 1. 1646. My Lords and Gentlemen THe end of this Conference is to advise what is fit to be done for the Peace and Security of the Kingdomes in relation to the King and how to dispose of his Majesties Person which is a matter very ticklish and of most high concernment and they who would build very high must dig very low for a firm foundation And therefore I shall make bold to desire That what ever we resolve upon concerning the Kings Majesty it may be done by joint advice and consent of both Kingdoms and that the Unity between the Kingdomes may be inviolably preserved as that wherein next to Gods protection the chief strength of both lies which would be laid as a ground of our future debates And because the purpose we are to speak of is very grave and serious I shall speak of it with that sincerity as I wish my words were written with the beams of the Sun and registred to posterity that all the world might see the candor and integrity of our proceedings towards the King and our Brethren of England And is I had occasion once to expresse in this place so do I now say That no man hath conscience nor honour who will not remember our solemn League and Covenant as the strongest bond under heaven between God and man between man and man and between Nation and Nation in which our Unity is founded upon Verity in a threefold relation to God to the King and amongst our selves The first is the greatest and ascends as high as heaven for Religion which hath its name a religando unites us to God himself and so long as he is in League with us we need not fear who be against us Let us therefore hold fast our Unity in Religion and beware of Toleration of all Religions which is the ready way to have none for there is nothing more divine in God then Unitie and nothing more Diabolicall in the Divell then Division who therefore is known to the vulgar by his cloven foot to be the spirit of Division The next ground and relation of our Unity is with the King to whom we are bound in the strictest bonds of loyall Subjection by our Allegeance and Covenant as to one Head and Monarch and therefore the faithfull endeavours of both Kingdoms should without wearying be constantly contributed That we may be united to him by a happy and just Peace For if one of the Kingdoms shall cast off the King and the other have a King if the one shall make Peace with the King and the other not make Peace but be still at variance with him it is to be feared that no humane wit nor policie will be able to keep the two Kingdoms long without a rupture And if it please God so to incline the Kings heart and direct the wisdome of the Parliaments as that the King and wee could make a happy agreement no power or policie can be able to divide us for Qui conveniunt uni tertio conveniunt inter se The third ground and relation of our Unitie is the conjunction of the two Kingdoms which hath been acknowledged to be so necessary and usefull to both That they have often declared they would stand and fall and like Hippocrates twins live and dye together And therefore as we regard our solemn Covenant with God Almighty and tender the standing and safety of the Kingdomes let us with one heart and mind joyn our Counsels and Actions That whatsoever we resolve upon for our common Peace and Security in relation to the King and of each Kingdom to other that it be done in zeal to Religion in loyalty to the King and with unanimity amongst our selves And as the Pythagoreans did note the number of Two with the mark of Infamy ●…erus ●…ius ●…is est pri●…ausus disce●… ab u●…e as being the first number that durst part from Unity so which soever of the Kingdoms shall first violate the Unity which is bound up in our Covenant may apply it to themselves But if we shall adhere to that Unity which is builded upon the firm foundation of Verity in our relations to Religion the King and amongst our selves it will be a three-fold cord which is not easily broken and our Unity I hope shall be turned into an Identity both Kingdomes may be perfectly one Having thus in the first place laid a ground for Unity of Counsels and Resolutions I shall in the next place humbly desire and protest That what-ever may be our Propositions or Debates concerning the King it be not mis-construed as if one of the Kingdomes were imposing conditions upon the other or that we are absolutely wedded to any one desire more then to another but that all severall waies being amicably debated and rightly pondered That which may serve most for the safety security and happinesse of the King and both Kingdomes may be gravely resolved upon And now I come to the Question it self concerning the disposing of His Majesties Person first Negatively and then Positively Negatively the Question is not of the power and authoritie of the Houses of Parliament in disposing of any person or judging of any case which is of