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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18521 The consolation of the soule being an assurance of the forgiuenesse of sinnes, with the most notable promises of God conteined in holy Scripture, both in the olde and newe Testament: briefly expounded and applied, as hereafter followeth. With certaine examples woorth the bearing in minde, touching the great mercies of God, towards poore, and miserable sinners. ... Made by Iohn Chassanion, and englished by H. S. of Greyes Inne. Gent.; Consolation de l'âme sur l'asseurance de la remission des pechez. English. Chassanion, Jean de, 1531-1598. 1590 (1590) STC 5061; ESTC S118621 36,864 96

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onely by nature creation but also by right of redemption for he is our redeemer and our pledge which hath redemed vs and keepeth vs against all enimies Mich. Chap. 7. vers 18. Who is a God like vnto the Lord that taketh away iniquitie passeth by the transgressions of the remnant of his heritage he retaineth not his wrath for euer because mercy pleaseth him hee will turne againe and haue compassion he will subdue our iniquities and cast all our sinnes into the bottom of the sea thou wilt performe thy trueth to Iacob and mercie to Abraham as thou hast sworne to our fathers in old time TRuely there is none that may bee cōpared vnto God either in gentlenes or in power for he and none other remitteth sinne and although he met a sinner in the way because all thinges bee present vnto him yet he will not stay himselfe to punish but depart farther of as though he took no heede what is done and leaue behind him the offence committed By this maner of speech it is sayd that God casteth our sinnes backe from him Esay Chap. 38. ver 17. yet onely to those which do properly appertaine vnto him whom he doth auouch acknowledge for his inheritance and peculiar people who are of that Church to whome hee graunteth grace from which all others bee sequestred And be it that sometymes he doth anger himselfe and his wrath be mooued against his owne iustly yet it is not of long continuaunce in so much that hee is rather prone to mercie and clemencie then to seueritie and rigor And although he seeme by our offences and vices to turne himself back from vs and to afflict vs as we deserue yet he will returne againe and wil shewe vs the cherefull and comfortable light of his countenance in shewing compassion on vs he forgiueth all our sinnes by putting downe and destroying all the violēce and force of death so that we are no more houlden in captiuitie and bondage but made free and set at libertie by him not by casting them on the groūd onely but by destroying and deliuering vs from them by throwing them into the bottome of the Sea that they may appeare no more but the memorie of them passe away as a thing which is bound vp and cast into the deepest Sea And in this we see that he is not mooued for any worthinesse that is in vs but of his onely bountie and clemencie being gentle and full of mercie slowe to anger and of great goodnesse by nature faithfull in his promises which he made vnto the fathers and cōfirmed by his oth and in these latter tymes fulfilled the bountifulnesse of his mercie in his onely Sonne who is the onely pledge to assure vs of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes And wheras the Prophet saith that God doth not onely forgiue our sinnes but passeth them ouer not by putting them downe onely but casting them into the bottome of the Sea for to abolish them wholly it cannot be more plainly expressed or declared how God forgiueth vs. Then if in the tyme of the lawe and shadowes his promise was not in vaine how much ought we now to be more certaine of it vnder the kingdome of Christ by whome wee obtaine trueth and grace The grace of GOD towardes vs by meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ Ieremy Chap. 31. ver 31. Beholde the day is come sayth the Lord that I will make a new couenant with the house of Jsrael and with the house of Iuda J will put my law in their inward parts write it in their hearts and wil be their God and they shall be my people I will pardon their iniquities and will remember their sinnes no more THis is the holy and happie alliaunce that wee obtaine with God by Iesus Christ his Sonne by whome albeit we bee sufficiently taught and instructed in the knowledge of his trueth both in wil and affection to obey him according to his commandements yet we goe oftentimes astray and doe against his deuine precepts by the wickednesse and imperfections which remaynes in vs wherefore we haue alwayes neede of his grace for the remission of our sinnes in the promise which hee hath made vnto vs as wee are taught in this place of Scripture which although it was made in the auncient couenant of the lawe wherein al things also are included yet it partaineth properly vnto the newe promise obtained by Iesus Christ the very Sonne of GOD the sure foundation and perfect substance of our saluation for he is the mediator of the newe Testament as it is sayd in the Epistle to the Heb. Chap. 9. It is he by whose desert all our sinnes are forgiuen which could not bee remitted by the outward figures and vaine shadowes of the lawe Esay Chap. 53. ver 4. Surely he hath borne our infirmities and caried our sorrowes he was wounded for our transgressions broken for our iniquities the chastisment of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes wee are healed The Lord hath layd vpon him the iniquities of vs all by his knowledge shall my iust seruāt iustifie many for he shall beare their sinnes AS God is by nature gentle and mercifull so is he a seuere and iust Iudge for he leaueth not sinne vnpunished but layeth the punishment of it vpon his onely Sonne who in the fulnesse of time deliuered him for vs vnto the shamefull and accursed death of the Crosse wherein his iustice and mercie is founde by ioyning both together in an inseperable bond of vnitie And first in that that Iesus Christ suffered for our iniquities the other in that that he was well pleased to suffer his Sonne to be a pledge and an attonement for vs. This then the Prophet teacheth in this place that Christ hath suffered for vs an infinite number of greefes torments and punishments as touching his soule he suffered a death full of shame and reproch in the worlde to iustifie and deliuer vs from damnation and eternal death acquiting vs from the wrath of God Seeing then that in hart and affection wee acknowledge him for our tru● Sauiour and Redeemer we neede not to feare although we shall perceiue and acknowledge our selues to be guiltie yet wee may bee assured that wee are in peace with God because Iesus Christ our Redeemer hath borne the paines due for our iniquities If Sathan then doe assaile vs by terrible imaginations of the paines and torments which we haue iustly deserued in respect of our iniquities let vs present our selues in the rightuousnesse and holinesse of Iesus Christ for he hath borne our greefes layde our sorowes on him he hath bene wounded hurt and murthered he died for vs which are vniust and rose againe for our sanctification to the end he might iustifie and absolue vs. Zach. Chap. 12. ver 1. In that day there shal be a fountaine opened to the house of Dauid and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem for sinne and for vncleannes THis is the
Sea or as the starres of Heauen yet we know that he holdeth the Sea in his hand and calleth the Starres by their names for as the Heauen is in comparison of the Earth so are his mercies towards all that call vpon him Why should any then mistrust the benignitie of GOD seeing he is so carefull to assure vs of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes whensoeuer we doe call vpon him Exech Chap. 18. ver 21. If the wicked will turne from his sinnes that he hath committed and keepe all my statutes and doe all that is lawfull and right he shal surely liue and not dye al his transgressions which he hath cōmitted shall not be mentioned vnto him Haue J any desire that the wicked should dye saith the Lord or shall hee not liue if he retourne from his waies Therfore returne and repent you for your transgressions so iniquitie shall not bee your destruction Cast away from you all your transgressions wherby you haue transgressed and make you a newe heart and a newe spirite for why will you dye O house of Israel THe Lord in this place speaketh not directly vnto the sinner which falleth by frailtie and weakenesse of flesh but to the wicked which of mallice and crueltie hath robbed and shed innocēt blood who hath oppressed the needie and solde the poore for olde shooes who hath whined after his neighbours wife hath bene partakers with the Adulterers which haue runned frō Bethel to Dan and from Dan to Bethel to serue straunge Gods which haue sacrificed of their owne flesh to Molocke and haue eaten the offringes of the dead to these which ●●●nke sinne as water and drawe iniquitie with cords to these I say speaketh the Lord and telleth them that if they doe truely repent them of all their misdeedes which they haue committed they shal neuer be imputed to them againe they shall be deliuered from them and made partakers of eternall life if his repentāce be true not fained but yeelds himself wholly to serue his God though his obedience be imperfect and there bee some want in him yet hee shall bee washed in the blood of the Lambe by his woundes he shall be healed and in his weakenesse he shall bee made strōg he shal be holy because he which hath called him is holy And in this respect are Christians called oftentymes iust in holy Scripture though there bee some imperfections in them daylie to bee seene yet this is shewed to declare the wōderful and great bountie and clemencie of God towards vs that hauing offended him in breaking his ordinaunces and so made guiltie of eternall death yet that he vouchsafeth to call vs againe vnto him and to stretch forth his arme all the day long to take vs vp when we were fallen and exhorteth vs to repentaunce and to newnesse of life which is the token and euident testimonie of a true conuersion and newe regeneration by the holy Ghost And whereas he commaundeth vs to repent adding a promise of life and saluation he sheweth that hee would haue vs touched to the quicke and truely sorie for our faultes committed with firme and stedfast purpose to liue better in time to come so that here wee may knowe what kinde of man he is which shall not perish but shall haue eternall life according to this promise Zach. Chap. 1. ver 3. Returne you vnto me saith the Lord of hosts and J will returne vnto you HEre is an other exhortation to repētance ioyned with the promise and reconciliation to God very like vnto that before Math. Chap. 4. ver 17. Amend your liues for the kingdome of heauen is at hand THis is the first exhortation that the Lord made to the people of Israel agreeable to that where Iohn Baptist admonisheth euery one to repentance and amendement of life which that they may the better performe he addeth this reason and promise that the grace of God the remission of sinnes and the reconciliation with God is present and neere to them by the preaching of the Gospell which is here called the kingdome of God for by this meanes the tyranny of Sathan is destroyed and ouerthrowne the force of sinne dead the kingdome of Christ gloriously extolled and lift vp on hye raigning in the hearts of those which by his spirite haue felt the vertue vnto newnesse of life a sufficient token to assure vs in this life to be made partakers of his inheritaunce in the life to come Math. Chap. 9.13 J am not come to call the rightuous but sinners to repentaunce THis is the answer of our Sauiour made to the Pharisies who finding themselues offended that he and his companie did eate with Publicanes and Harlots with sinfull and leaud liuers thought him a glutton and lose fellowe For these men counting them selues onely the people of GOD erred and corrupted themselues in such a sorte that they accounted all other vtterly profayne Whereupon our Sauiour Christ sheweth wherefore he leaueth their companies who so much iustified themselues and betaketh himselfe and all his to poore sinners though they were wicked and euill in life that by this meanes he might drawe them frō their vice and iniquities and bring them into the right way To those then which doe repent of their sinnes appertayneth the grace of God for repentance is the very effect of the sonne of God which bringeth saluation vnto all people Acts 3. ver 19. Amend your liues therefore and turne that your sinnes may be put away THose to whom Peter spake in this place had put and deliuered to death the holie and the iust the Prince of life that is to say our Lorde Iesus Christ yet he exhorteth thē to a godly conuersation of life promising that their sinnes shall bee forgiuen them so that the grace of God is shewed forth to all men whom the Lorde counteth by putting from them their iniquities Acts Chap. 5. ver 31. This is that Jesus whome GOD hath lift vp with his right hand to bee a Prince and a Sauiour to giue repentaunce of sinnes to Jsrael and forgiuenes of sinnes THis is spoken to this ende that the Lord Iesus hath brought vs vnto saluation by repentaunce which is neuer seperated from the forgiuenes of sinne 1. Cor. Chap. 7. ver 10. Godly sorowe causeth repentance to saluation THe profayne and wicked men continually doe reioyce in their wickednesse and harden their harts in their sinnes neuer ceasing till their accursed ioye bee turned into weeping and gnashing of teeth by the iust and feareful iudgement of God who casteth all such into vtter perdition but they which haue the feare of God after that they haue done amisse in any sorte bee greatly sorie in heart weeping and lamenting that haue offended such a gracious God and alwaies suffer extreme greifes because they offended him in breaking his commandements The rulers which had the ouersight of the church of Corinth beeing reprehended by S. Paule for their slouthfulnes and slownes in not acquitting themselues