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A18433 A sermon preached in S. Peters Church in Exceter the 6. day of December last wherin is intreated of the second commming of Christ vnto iudgement, & of the end of the world. By Iohn Chardon maister of Art, and preacher of the word of God. Chardon, John, d. 1601. 1580 (1580) STC 5001; ESTC S107733 22,790 62

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glory or euerlasting infamie euen as Dauid againe to the comforting of him self● and the Church telleth vs in thes● wordes Then thought I to vnderstan● this Psal 73.16 but it was too hard for me vnti● I went into the sanctuarie of God and considered the end of these mē Namely how thou settest them in slipperi● places that thou maist cast them dow● headlong and destroy them O ho● sodenly do they consume perish an● come to a fearefull ende Yea euen a● a dreame when one awaketh so makes● thou their Image to vanish out of th● Citie And because the infirmitie o● the godly is great whiles they carr● this earthly tabernacle about them that they cannot but feare by reaso● of those fearefull tokens that shall go● before the ende and consummation o● the worlde therefore our Sauiour t● their comfort and consolation speake●● vnto them in this wise Luke 21.2 When thes● things beginne to come to passe the● looke vp and lift vp your heades for ●●r redemption draweth nigh Mea●●● that they should not faint but 〈◊〉 plucke vp their heartes and bée ●●rry for that they do prognosticate 〈◊〉 declare how that their redemption 〈◊〉 at hand when they shal be deliuered 〈◊〉 raunsomed as it were from the ●●series of this lyfe in the comming ●f the Sonne of God vnto iudgement 〈◊〉 consideration whereof Paule cal●●●h this day the day of Redemption Eph. 4.30 〈◊〉 of this his deliueraunce he glori●● in these wordes 2. Ti. 4.7 I haue fought a ●●od fight haue fulfilled my course ●●d haue kept the fayth From hence●●rth is layde vp in stoare for mee a ●owne of righteousnesse which the ●ord that is a righteous Iudge shall ●●eme at that day not to me only but ●●to all them also that loue his com●ing And therfore the day of the Lord ●●●ht not to be terrible to the godly ●●ither ought they to feare his cōming 〈◊〉 that he commeth to deliuer them to ●t them at ease but to render to the wicked eternall paine And I do firmely beléeue that the godly haue a thirst● and a desire to enter into the courte● of the Lordes house Psal 84.2 that they desir● the day of Redemption Luke 11.2 that they still crye Let thy kingdome come Tha● they still cry Apoc. 22.20 Come Lorde Iesu Tha● they looke vp waighting his comming Phil. 3.21 which shall make their vile bodyes like to his owne glorious body That they desire Apo. 21.2 euen a litle shew ● that holy citie new Ierusalem descending from heauen prepared of GOD as a bryde garnished for her husband For they certeinely beléeue that the● there shall bée a full and complete end● of all their troubles But the troubles of the wicked shall then begin● The wicked shall sée aboue them a●● angry Iudge beneath them an horryble pytte of hell without them ● burning worlde within them a gnawing conscience on the ryght hand● theyr sinnes accusing them on th● lefte hande the deuiles halling the● to torment The wretched sinners th●● s● are besette where shall they go ●●h then where shall they flée Ps 139.7 Oh then ●●●re shall they hide Oh whether ●●●ll they go then from his spirit or ●hether shall they goe then from his ●●●sence If they clime vp into heauen ●is there If they goe downe to bell 〈◊〉 is there also If they take the wings ●f the morning and remaine in the vt●●rmost part of the Sea euen there 〈◊〉 shall his hand leade them and his ●●●ht hand shal hold them If they say ●●e darkenesse shall couer vs then shall ●heir night be turned to day For the ●●rkenes is no darkenes with the Lord. The night is as cléere as the day the ●●rknesse and lyght vnto him are both ●●●ke Oh with what terrour shall the ●●cked be stroken in the day of the Lord Oh in what feare shall they be Ap. 6.16 They shall say to the hyls and rockes Fall vpon vs and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the seat and from the wrath of the Lambe for the great day of his wrath is come who is able to abide it The mockers which haue saide 2. Pe. 3.4 Where is the promise o● his comming shall then sée and fée● his comming to their great gréef● shame and confusion when as too la●● repenting them selues they shall sa● Tedious wayes haue wee gone Sap. 5.7 but ● for the way of the Lorde wée haue 〈◊〉 knowne What good hath our pr●●● done vnto vs or what profit hath th● pompe of riches brought vnto vs L●● these thinges are passed away like ● shadowe and thus are we consumed 〈◊〉 our owne wickednesse For the hope ● the vngodly is like a dry thistle flower● or dust that is blowne away with th● winde lyke a thinne fome that is scattered abroade with a storme and a● the smoake that is dispersed with th● winde and as the remembraunce of 〈◊〉 straunger that tarryeth but for a day and then departeth But the righteou● shall liue for euermore their reward 〈◊〉 with the Lord and their remembran●● with the highest Therefore shall the● receiue a glorious kingdome and a● beautifull crowne at the Lordes hand For with his right hand shall hee couer 〈◊〉 and with his holy arme shall hée ●●fend them Mat. 25.32 For when the Sonne of 〈◊〉 shal come in his glory and all the ●●ly Angels with him then shal he sit ●pon the seate of his glory and before 〈◊〉 shall be gathered all nations and ●●e shall separate the one from the o●her as the Shephearde deuideth the ●héepe from the Goates And hee shall ●et the Shéepe on his right hand and ●he Goates on his left hand that is to ●●y the wicked whom hée compareth ●●to Goates For as the Goates are ●●thy and stincking beastes so the ●icked by reason of their sinnes do ●tincke in the sight of God And as the Goates do stricke the gyltlesse shéepe with their hornes so the wicked do punish and afflicte the godly with their tyranny And as the Goates do destroy the orcharde and garden so do the wicked destroye the vineyarde of the Lorde as it is sayde in the thirde of the Prophet Esay Esay 3. 14. Ye haue eate vp the Vineyarde the robberie of the poore is in your house These Goate● hée shall set on his left hand And the● shall the king saye to them on hi● ryght hande Come blessed childre● of my Father inherit the kingdom● prepared for you from the beginning● Then shall the king say to them on the left hand Departe from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the deuill and his angels Oh then how happy shal they be tha● shall heare this ioyfull and happy sentence of Christ Come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdō prepared fo● you from the beginning of the world Oh then how vnhappy shall they bée that shall heare this terrible and fearfull sentence Go cursed into
after the things that shal come v●pon the earth For the powers of he●uen shal moue These fiue signes sh● goe before the comming of Christ vn● iudgement First there shal be sign● in the Sunne and in the Moone and ● the starres that is as S. Marke wr●teth Mar. 13.24 The Sunne shal be darkened th● Moone shal not giue her light and t● starres of heauen shall séeme to fall Secondly in the earth the people shal● be at their wittes end thorow dispain● That is as S. Marke againe doeth u●terprete Mar. 13.8 Nation shall rise against nation and kingdome against kingdome Thirdly the sea and the water shal 〈◊〉 roare that is there shalbée cruell tempestes vehement and vnaccustomed ●●●des Fourthly by reason of these ●ens hartes shal faile them for feare 〈◊〉 looking after the thinges that shall ●ne vpō the earth Fiftly the powers ●f heauen shal moue that is there shall ●ee straunge sightes in the heauen and ●n the earth there shal bee earthquakes 〈◊〉 al quarters Briefly the heauen the ●●rth and sea shal witnes and declare the day of the lord to be at hand Now beloued wée our selues may witnesse that most of these signes and tokens ●re passed alreadie For wée haue séene ●trāge Eclipses of the Sunne moone ●ée haue séene nation to rise against ●●tion and kingdome to rise against kingdome we haue heard of cruel tempestes vehement and vnaccustomed ●indes with other strange thinges And therfore wée may iustly prognosticat yea and beléeue that the ends of the worlde are come vppon vs and that it wil not be long before Christ wil come vnto iudgement Beholde sayeth our sauiour the figge tree and all other trees when they shoote foorth the buddes ye see and know of your ow● selues that sommer is nigh at hand 〈◊〉 likewyse yee also when yee see the things to come to passe be ye sure th● the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand But wée haue séene most of these come to passe and therfore let vs thi● no otherwyse but that the kingdom God is nigh at hand and that the lor● is ready to take his fanne in his hād Mat. 3.12 purge his floore to gather his wher● into his barne and to burne the cha● with vnquenchable fire Other toke● there are besides these to prooue vn● vs that the end of the world hangeth ●uer our neckes among which in i● iudgement the preaching of the G●pel is not the least For as our sa●●● sayeth in the 24. chapter after the G●pel of S. Mathewe Mat. 24.14 The Gospel of 〈◊〉 Kingdom shal be preached thorow e● the world for a witnes vnto al nation and then shal the end come By wh● words the Sonne of man doth plai● declare that about the time of t● worldes destruction the true and comfortable doctrine of Christ shoulde bée preached Whereby it is gathered that the same was obscured and darkened almost defaced by reason of the false Prophetes Apostles afore that time But nowe againe by the vnspeakeable grace and mercy of God we do plainly perceaue such a cleare light of the Gospel to shyne ouer the whole world that in spite of the deuil and his adherents it casteth his bright beames ouer al nations And therefore what other thing may wee looke for but as Christ did foretel a sodaine downfal of this miserable and wretched world Another token of the ouerthrow of the world is because wee doe plainely perceaue all things dayly to wax worse and worse and to decrease in their vertue For example The ayre is oftentimes corrupt sometime with vntimely showres sometime with vnprofitable drynesse nowe with too much colde and nowe with extreame heate The fruitfulnes of the earth is not such as it hath béene afore tyme. Moreouer wée may think● and perceaue the foundations of the world to be worne out and the same to bée falling vppon our shoulders whe● we sensibly perceaue our selues to li●● in those daies of which our Sauiour hath foreshewed I meane eating an● drinking marrying and married buying and selling planting and building For neuer more did men eate drinke neuer did they faster marry wyues i● the dayes of Noe neuer more did they buy and sell plant and builde in th● dayes of Lot than they doe now which may prooue vnto vs that the endes o● the worlde are come vpon vs. For as our Sauiour sayth After these examples shal it be Luke 17.30 when the Sonne of man shal appeare And if wée compare th● tyme present with that which is past and set the manners of men before our eyes wée shal perceaue wickednesse to haue his ripenes and to raigne almost euery where without cōtrolment For notwithstanding that God thorot A● vnspeakeable mercy in these latter dayes hath giuen vs the vse of his most ●ly worde whereby we shoulde frame ●●r lastes and affections according to 〈◊〉 most holy will what desire of righ●●usnesse what loue of vertue what ●●●e of godlynesse or what zeale of re●●●ion is there to bée founde yea who is ●●t in Christianitie eyther colde or ●arelesse Wée may nowe plainely see greatest vice to bée counted for chiefest ●ertue and those men to bée most commended which of al other for impietie ●●ght most to bée dispraysed For the ●rafty deceitful men are counted wise ●he couetous are called good husbands ●he prodigal are called liberal and rich men are déemed the best men Besides S. Paule foresheweth that in the last dayes shal come perillous tymes 2. Tim. 3.1 For men saieth hée shal be louers of themselues couetous bosters proude cur●● speakers disobedient to father and ●●ther vnthankeful vnholy vnkind 〈◊〉 so foorth And when did men more ●et by themselues When were they ●●re couetous When were they more proude when more giuen to cursed speaking when more disobedient to father and mother when more vnthankful when more vnholy when more vnkinde And to bée short when more geuen ouer to worke wickednes Eph. 4.16 that with al kind of gréedines then at thes● dayes And therfore it must néedes follow the comming of Iesus Christ vnto iudgement to bée nigh at hand Whose comming shal be in a cloude with power great glorie In the first of the Acts Act. 1.9 after the talke that our sauiour had with the Apostles whiles they beheld hee was taken vp and a cloude receaued him out of their sight And while they looked stedfastly vp to Heauen as he went behold two men stood by them in white apparel which also said Ye men of Galilee why stande yée gasing vp into heauen This same Iesus which is taken from you into Heauen shal so come euen as ye haue séene him to goe into heauen But hée went in a cloude into heauen and therefore hée shal come in a cloude from heauen with power and greate glory euen as ● Paule wryteth in the fourth of the 〈◊〉 Epistle to the Thessalonians 1. Thes 4.16 The ●orde shal descend from
and eternall thinges Ecc. 10.9 ●ere is not a more wicked thing then ●●man to be in loue with mony Mat. 6.24 No 〈◊〉 can serue two maisters for ey● he shall hate the one and loue the ●r or he shall cleaue to the one and ●●ke the other Ye cannot serue God ● Mammon Who so euer will be a 〈◊〉 of the world Iam. 4.4 is made the enimy 〈◊〉 If thou wilt be perfect saide ●●●t to the rich man go and sell all ●t thou hast and geue it to the poore Mat. 19.21 ● thou shalt haue treasure in heauen 〈…〉 and followe me But when ● heard that saying he would none of ●●t went his way mourning for hée ● great possessions These worldly cares were also the cause Luke 14.18 why 〈◊〉 came not that in the Gospell were c●●led to the great supper 1. Ti. 6.9 The sayin● S. Paule vnto Timothy is most tr● They that will be rich fall into tem●tation and snares and into many fo●lish and noysome lustes which drow● men in perdition and destruction F● couetousnes is the roote of al mischi● which while some lusted after haue 〈◊〉 red from the faith and intangled the●selues with many folde sorrowes 1. Ti. 6.17 A● therefore he willed Timothy to cha●● them that are rich in this world that th● trust not in vncertein riches but in 〈◊〉 liuing God which giueth vs abundā● all thinges to enioy them laying vp● store for them selues a good foundati● against the time to come that they 〈◊〉 obtaine eternal life But when our S●uiour willeth vs to flée the cares of th● life his meaning is not that we sho● leaue a necessary 1. Ti. 5.3 and godly ca● which who so hath not hath den● the fayth and is worse than an 〈◊〉 fidell but that wée should not so 〈◊〉 drowned in the cares of this lyfe as ●●h wée had no care of the worde of 〈◊〉 of the hasting of Christ vnto iudg●t or of the world to come Hée 〈◊〉 right well that gurmandise 〈◊〉 cares of this life would abound a● the time of the worldes destructi● and that men would be apt and redy ●llow such vices euē to the last cast 〈◊〉 therefore he saieth Take heede to ●●r selues least your heartes be ouer●●e with surfetting and dronkennes ●●d cares of this life and that that day ●●e not on you vnwares For as a ●re shal it come on all thē that dwell the earth Eccles. 9.12 As the fish is taken with the ●●●e and as the birdes are taken with esnare so are men taken in the peri●●● time when it commeth sodenly v● them For though it be certain that ●●●s Christ shal come vnto iudgment of the yeare the hower time of his ●●●ing vnto vs is altogether vncer●●e For as our Sauiour doth saye 〈◊〉 the 24. chapter after the gospell of Mathewe Of the day Math. 24.36 and hower knoweth no man Mark 13.32 no not the Angels o● heauen but my father only no not th● sonne him selfe as he was man Mat. 24.27 But 〈◊〉 the lightning commeth out of the Ea● and appeareth in the West so shall th● comming of the Sonne of man be As the dayes of Noe were Math. 24.37 so shall th● comming of the Sonne of man be Fo● as in the daies of Noe that went befo●● the floud they did eate and drink● marry and were married euen vnty● the day that Noe entred into the Ark● and knew not till the floud came an● tooke them all away so shall the comming of the sonne of man be Likewi●● also as it chaunced in the dayes of Lo● They eat Luke 17.28 they drāk they bought the sold they planted they built And en● the same day that Lot went out of S●dom it rayned fire and brimstone fro● heauen and destroyed them all Aft● these exampls shal it be when the S● of man shall appeare The Apostl● when they asked Christ Act. 1.16 saying Lo● wilt thou at this time restore again th● kingdome to Israel Hée saide vn●● the● It is not for you to knowe the ●●s and seasons which the father ●●h put in his owne power The day the Lord shall come as a théefe in the ●●●ht For when they shall say peace 1. Thes 5.2 ●ace all thinges are safe then shall so●●e destruction come vpon them as ●●ow commeth vpon a woman in her ●auell and they shall not escape And ●●refore beloued take héede to your ●●●es that your heartes be not ouer●●●e with surfetting and dronkennes 〈◊〉 cares of this life and that that day ●●e not on you vnwares Which ex●●tation teacheth vs not only how to repare our selues against the com●●ng of Christ in the last day but also ●w euery particular man should order in self against the comming of death For death is wont to set vpon men ●hen they thinke least thereof when ●ey thinke to be most mery and when ●ey promise them selues that they ●●e many dayes to liue An example 〈◊〉 haue in the 1. of Samuel 1. Sa. 25.36 in the .25 ●●pter of Nabal who held a feast like the feast of a king and his heart 〈◊〉 mery within him for hee was v● dronke Now in the morning w● Abigail his wife after that the wine 〈◊〉 gone out of his head had signified 〈◊〉 to him the purpose of Dauid his he●● died wtin him he became as a st●● Likewise in the xii of Luke Luke 12.16 we re●● how that the ground of a certaine r● man brought forth plentifull frutt● And he said within him self what 〈◊〉 I do I haue no roome to lay my fruit in I will destroy my barnes 〈◊〉 buyld greater I will say to my soul● Soule thou hast goodes layde vp i● stoare for many yeares Take no● thine ease eate drinke and be merr● But God said vnto him Thou fo●l● this night they shal fetch thy soule fr●● thée Take héede therefore for eue● when yée thinke not vppon God wi●● send his messenger death to call vs away Now that our Sauiour hath tolde vs what we should not do against the day of his comming Hée likewise sheweth vs what wée must do Watch saith hée and pray continually Fyrst ●●●deth to watch Math. 25.1 In the 25. of Ma●● our Sauiour lykeneth the king●● of heauen vnto tenne virgins ●ch tooke their lampes and went to ●te the bridegrome But fiue were ●he and fiue were wise They ●t were foolishe tooke their lampes ● tooke no oyle with them But the 〈◊〉 tooke oyle in their vesselles with ●r lampes also Now whiles the ●●egrome taryed they all slumbred 〈◊〉 slept And at midnight there was ●ry made Beholde the bridegrome ●●eth go out to méete him Then the ●gins arose made redy their lamps 〈◊〉 the foolish said vnto the wise Geue vs of your oyle for our lāps are gone out But the wise answered Not so least there be not enough for vs and you But go ye rather to them that