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A06268 Lachrymæ Londinenses: or, Londons lamentations and teares for Gods heauie visitation of the plague of pestilence. With, a map of the cities miserie: wherein may be seene, a journall of the deplorable estate of the citie, from the beginning of the visitation vnto this present. A Christian expostulation and admonition to such as fled out of the citie. ... 1626 (1626) STC 16753; ESTC S105404 26,898 51

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hath the most odious termes and aspersions to cast vpon them and their doctrine though it be the message of Christ and they the Messengers thereof And for the Sacrament of the Lords Supper a Reuerend and zealous Diuine hath deliuered publikely and is perswaded that this present Pestilence was sent and did begin about Easter last when a multitude of miscreant people came vnprepared and vnworthily hand ouer head to receiue the Sacrament viz. Such as were Swearers and Blaspheamers Sabboth-breakers Common Whoremongers and Whores Panders and Bawdes Drunkards and Epicures or Belly-gods Oppressours and Couetous wretches Contemners and Scoffers of Gods word and his Ministers yea of the Sacrament they came to receiue which they came to receiue only for fashion sake or else because they would not be lyable to the Law penall in that kinde Seuenthly for Pride this Luciferian Sinne hath infected the Citie as much if not more than the Plague at this present And though by the hawtie lookes of Men and Women we may iudge and discerne too much of the Pride of their hearts yet because God is the tryer of the heart I leaue that and come to the horrible Pride and and prodigalitie more apparant in Apparaill For wee haue seene Merchants and their wiues apparelled like Princes wee haue seene ordinary Tradesmen and their wiues like Noblemen and great Ladies Knaues Cheaters and Cunny-catchers clad like Knights Lawyers like Lords Taylours like Theeues Shoomakers in Sattin Tapsters in Taffety Horse-scoursers and Hostlers wearing gold lace Nay I haue seene a Coblers Daughter attyred like a Merchants Daughter a Kitchen-maide wearing a silken Cobweb-lawne Ruffe and it is not ordinary to see Seruingmen in siilken Stockings and Prentices weare farre better clothes than their Masters And this sinne of Pride the premisses considered we may perswade our selues that it is in a higher degree than the Pride of Sodome Which Sin therefore must needs be one speciall cause of drawing downe Gods Vengeance of this present Pestilence And lastly for fulnesse of Bread and Contempt of the Poore because I haue spoken of them in the Premisses though I could speake much more yet I desist to display them further There is another sinne lurking nay too apparant in and about this Citie which is the pride of the Clergie many Ministers and their Wiues who should be Lamps of Humilitie the which I heard a zealous Preacher of Gods word deliuer publikely hee was perswaded was not the least cause of incensing Gods wrath of the Present Pestileuce for me therefore Satis superque In respect of which heynous sinnes before named the Prophet Zephanies Denunciation or Gods by his mouth and complaint may be fitly applied to London in these words following Woe to her that is filthy and polluted to the oppessing Citie Shee obeyed not the voyce Shee receiued not correction Shee trusted not in the Lord Shee drew not neere to her God Her Princes within her are roaring Lyons Her Judges are raeuening Wolues they gnaw not the bones till to morrow Her Prophets are light and treacherous persons her Priests haue polluted the Sanctuary they haue done violence to the law J haue cut off their Nations their Towres are desolate I made their Streets waste that none passed by their Citie is destroyed so that there is no Man no Inhabitant J said surely they will feare me thou wilt receiue instruction so their dwelling should not be cut off howsoeuer J punished them but they rose earely and corrupted all their doings The Prophet Jsaiahs saying and accusation may also bee verified and applyed to this Citie in these words following How is the faithfull Citie become an Harlot It was full of judgement Righteousnesse lodged in it but now Murthers Thy Siluer is become drosse thy Wine mixt with Water Thy Princes are rebellious and companions of Theeues Euery one loueth Guifts and followeth after Rewards they judge not the Fatherlesse neither doth the cause of the Widow come vnto them Therefore saith the Lord the Lord of Hosts the mightie one of Israel Ah J will ease me of mine aduersaries and avenge me of mine Enemies And J will turne my hand vpon thee and purely purge away all thy Sinne. And J will restore thy Judges as at the first and thy Counsellers as at the beginning afterward thou shalt bee called the Citie of righteousnesse the faithfull Citie And the same Prophet Isaiah prosecuteth his Complaint which wee may still apply to London in these words following The Lord will enter into judgement with the Ancients of his people and the Princes thereof For yee haue eaten vp the Vineyard the spoyle of the Poore is in your Houses What meane yee that yee beat my people to pieces and grinde the faces of the Poore saith the Lord God of Hosts Moreouer the Lord saith because the Daughters of Zion London are haughtie and walke with stretched forth Neckes and wanton Eyes walking and mincing as they goe and making a tinkling with their feete c. And so vnto the latter end of that third Chapter obseruable and worthy your reading with Chapter endeth in these words And her Gates shall lament and mourne and shee being desolate shall sit vpon the ground And now let mee come againe to yee beloued Londoners that fled from me your Mother Tell me haue not yee your parts and shares in these reigning sinnes of this Citie before named Surely such of you as haue not and haue your Consciences to beare you witnesse that you are guiltlesse it is well for you But then tell me which of you euen the best of you can say but you haue beene slacke and backwards in performance of Holy duties to God and just duties to your Neighbour If there bee any such amongst you I dare pronounce them guiltlesse and Righteous Persons that need no Repentance But otherwise yee that did and are runne away must all ioyne with vs that remaine in Repentance and Humiliation to God before wee can looke that God will with-hold his hand and cease the Plague wholly To which end take this Counsell in briefe from me your indulgent Mother following Let him and her that hath beene accustomed to Swearing sweare no more but rather let your yea bee yea and your nay nay and so let euery one speake truth to his Neighbour And consider who hath said The Curse of God shall not depart from the House of the Swearer Let euery Sabboth-breaker learne from him that hath commanded it to keepe holy the Sabboth day that you may be the better prepared to celebrate an euerlasting Sabboth with God in his Kingdome Let all Adulterers Fornicatours Whoremongers and Whores learne to possesse their Vessells in Chastitie considering your bodies are or ought to be the Temples of the Holy Ghost and remember who hath said Whoremongers and Adulterers the Lord will surely Iudge Let all Drunkards and Gluttons leaue their Drunkennesse and Gurmandizing considering who it is that hath denounced Woe to them
bee heard of to lay clayme to the Goods and Estate remayning and if any such found out how shie and fearefull to enter and take possession of the said Goods I know I say the names of such Families the places where they dwelt yea and Nurses and such like keeping-Creatures going away with the best part of such Goods as are left in the Houses whiles Friends and Neighbours hearken after the right Inheritours And who is there remaining in this Citie that hath not a share in the knowledge more or lesse of this Tragedie of those that are dead from vs Now for our Londoners that fled from vs their enterteinment in the Countries about vs and in the seuerall Shires of this Kingdome I must leaue you to those forced and farced if not feigned Relations before specified or rather to their owne Reports by their Letters and at their returnes bad enough and too bad I partly heare it hath beene for which the Countries hard-heartednesse to Citizens extended my Prayer shall be that God haue not a scourge in store for them And so not to trouble farther with Preface I referre and commend you to more purpose to the ensuing TREATISE ⸫ Vale fruere MATER LONDINIA deplorat filijs Civibusque suis I Must begin with the Prophet Jeremies Complaint and wish O that my Head were Waters and mine Eyes a Fountayne of Teares that J might weepe day and night for the manifold Sinnes of my Children the Citizens and Inhabitants of LONDON and for the heauy hand of GODS Plague of the Pestilence thereon for the same I London that haue beene styled by Strangers Emporium celeberrimum totius Orbis The most famous Citie and Market-place of the whole World By others styled Trinobantum 1. Troynovant or New Troy by others Augusta 1. An Imperiall Citie by all euer held Camera Regis 1. The Imperiall and Royall Chamber of the Kings of this Nation the Metropolis of this Land I I say that euen the other day was graced with my Royall Soveraignes Presence and with my Sister Westminsters helpe I contayned not onely the Courts of Iustice for the whole Kingdome but the high Court of Parliament also the Representatiue Body of this whole Kingdome I London I say againe that yesterday also enjoyed all my Children the Citizens their presence with free Commerce Merchandizing and Trading with all Merchants of Christendome yea I may say of the whole World am now become the most forlorne place of the whole Kingdome For by reason of the Contagious Infection of the Pestilence raigning within my Circumference and about my Skirts First my Gracious Soueraigne hath forsaken me and high time it was considering the disasterous accident in his Majesties House at White-Hall that his Sacred Majestie should abandon mee for his Majesties Life and safety is more worth than many Millions of others his Subjects Yea Heavens grant his happie dayes may neuer end Sith on his Life Millions of liues depend But I haue not onely lost his Presence but the presence also of all the Nobilitie and Gentry of this Land also the Termes and Courts of Iustice haue suffered interruption by reason of my Visitation the High Court of Parliament adjourned and remoued farre away from me but all this I must confesse not without just cause That which grieueth me most addeth to my Affliction is my natural Children the Citizens all the wealthier sort who haue sucked the best sap of their Estates from my Breasts haue abandoned me in my greatest Affliction and whom haue they left but the poorest sort to defend and support me And although I will be more charitable than to censure all such as fled from me For I hold it lawfull in time of Infection for men to lessen their Houses and remoue themselues and their Families with moderation Yet as a Learned man hath lately counselled them they shall giue me leaue to aduise them in the same words Let not rich Citizens by fleeing vnlesse they likewise flee from their sinnes thinke to escape scot-free So long as they carry their sinnes with them the Lord will finde them out and his hand will reach them wheresoeuer they are And I adde thus much For mine owne part although I will not deale so harshly with you as St. John the Baptist did in the Gospell in another case with the Multitude in these words O yee generation of Vipers who hath forewarned yee to flee c. Yet because I your Mother haue to deale with a Multitude also let me aduise with you my Children in a milder manner O yee Generation of Citizens beloued Londoners Men Fathers Brethren yea and Sisters too tell mee who hath forewarned you to flee from the Vengeance of the Pestilence Yee may call to minde that Gods Plague of the Pestilence is called in Holy-writ the destroying Angell and I must tell you that Angels haue Wings and can flee faster than any of your Coaches can hurrie or your Geldings can gallop And doth not wofull experience tell you already since the beginning of this Visitation of the Pestilence that some of you hauing sent your best-beloued before-hand into the Countrey as Wiues Children meaning to follow after your selues and those your best and dearest beloued haue beene infected with the same Sicknesse before you could come and some against you came vnto them and others of you haue beene your selues arrested and surprised with the same before you could follow How say you Is not this true And was not I say the destroying Angell quicker therein than either you your Coaches or Geldings could bee I say vnto you therefore againe as I said before and I speake to all such as flee hand ouer head without taking counsell of God c. Who hath forewarned you to flee from Gods Vengeance First what warrant haue you to flee And I come vnto you more particularly Art thou a Magistrate Shew me thy warrant to flee and who shall supply thy place to see Iustice executed Art thou a Priuate man rich and wealthy who shall relieue the Poore in thy stead Peraduenture thou wilt answere me that though thy presence be absent yet thy Purse is present and if so thou canst say and say truly it is well But alas how many score I might say Hundreds of you haue gone nor leauing nor sending any succour for the Poore Insomuch that I may say yee haue left in a manner none but the Poore to relieue the Poore 1. The poorer and meaner sort of House-holders many whereof haue need of reliefe themselues to relieue poore aged impotent blinde lame sicke and diseased people who daily die in the fields and streetes for want of succour and sustenance Our Calamitie extendeth yet further For we that remaine in about London being for the most part but poore I say our selues and men of meane estates some of vs hauing had our Houses visited and so shut vp for a long space and others of vs taking no money at all neither for
that rise early and sit vp late to drinke and that are mightie to drinke Wine and strong drinke And remembring what became of the rich Glutton in the Gospell Let euery Oppressour and Grinder of the Faces of the Poore repent them of their sinnes and consider the third Chapter of Jsaiah before recited and with Zacheus let them learne to make Restitution and consider who hath said Let him that hath stolne steale no more c. And for Viperous and gryping Vsurers let them often reade and meditate on the 15. Psalme Let all Contemners of Gods Word his Sacraments and faithfull Ministers thereof repent and learne to receiue the Food which is able to saue their Soules with all meekenesse and to haue the Ministers thereof in due reuerence for their Message sake Let all Proud and high-minded People learne of St. Paul Coloss 3. 12. Nay let them learne of a greater than Paul euen of our Sauiour Christ himselfe Matth. 11. 29. To conclude let all sorts of Men and Women Rich and Poore old and young forsake their sinfull courses and striue to finde out the Plague in their owne hearts whether sinnes of heart or sinnes of life sinnes of commission or omission and turne vnto the Lord with true Repentance according to Iohn Baptists Counsell Bring forth fruits meet for Repentance Yea let vs with the Apostles in the Gospell cry Is it I Lord Is it I c. Nay let vs euery one say Is it not I Lord Js it not J c. And so hand in hand Let vs all approach the Throne of Grace by heartie and feruent Prayer and neuer giue ouer importuning the Lord vntill he be pleased to hold the hand of the destroying Angell and cause him to sheath his Sword and so this grieuous fearefull and deuouring Sicknesse of the Pestilence as it is wonderfully asswaged shall cease from this Citie To which end I your indulgent Mother haue collected these ensuing Platformes of Prayers to helpe those that cannot otherwise poure out their soules vnto Almightie God in Prayer Which I wish may yield some profit and comfort to euery honest-hearted Christian that shall view and make vse of them in these sad times of Mourning and Humiliation Amen And aboue all beware of Securitie now GOD hath for the time so much and mercifully withdrawne his hand PRIVATE PRAYERS appropriated to the present perplexed times A Prayer of Thankesgiuing vpon the decreasing and ceasing of the Contagious Sicknesse O Almightie Iehouah who as thou art the GOD of Iudgement so thou art the Father of Mercy And in the dayes of olde diddest in thy just Iudgement drowne the whole vnrepentant World by thy Deluge of Water except thy Seruant Noah and his Family and yet at length thou didst remember Mercy and ceased the Floud and sent drie Land And in the dayes of thy Seruant Dauid for his and his Peoples sinne didst destroy a mightie Multitude with thy Plague of Pestilence and yet at length didst also remember Mercie commanded the Destroying Angell to sheath his Sword and cease And in the time of thy Seruant Ionah didst remoue the deserued Destruction of Niniueh remembring thy Mercy Thou art the same God of Iustice still and we doe confesse wee haue most iustly deserued thy Wrath and prouoked thee by our infinite sinnes to send this present Pestilence amongst vs which hath swept away so many Thousands of vs And seeing thou remembring thy wonted Mercy hast heard the Prayers of some Noah some Dauid some Ionah thy Seruants remaining and hast begun to shew vs fauour insomuch that first the tops then the midst and lastly the whole Mountaines of thy Mercies haue appeared and doe appeare vnto vs after this thy great Deluge of Destruction by the hand of the Destroyer wee doe vpon the bended knees of our sorrowfull soules returne vnto thy mercifull Maiestie all possible and heartie praise and thanksgiuing most humbly beseeching thee for thy Christs sake still to shew vs thy fauourable Countenance in withdrawing more and more this thy heauy hand and Visitation of the Pestilence and withall make vs so thankfull for this and thy many other fauours that we that remaine may reioyce in thy Saluation and praise thee in the Congregation of the liuing O Lord as thou hast permitted the Blacke Horse of the Pestilence to trample on vs in so great a measure so thou hast giuen vs a glimpse of the Pale Horse of Famine and no lesse of the Red Horse of Warre Wherefore furthermore O blessed God wee doe most earnestly intreate thee to be yet more mercifull vnto vs and remoue and auert all or any other thy Iudgements which doe deseruedly hang ouer our heads and when thou hast with-drawne the Pestilence from vs let not as bad or a worse Plague ouertake vs But Lord wee pray thee looke mercifully vpon vs and Lord if it be thy will let the Cup of thine indignation and wrath passe from vs of this Citie from this Land wherein we liue although wee doe confesse that the crying sinnes of this Land yea of this Citie doe deserue that thou shouldest vtterly destroy vs from off the Earth yet we know that thou art a God that canst not forget to be mercifull therefore we beseech thee to spare vs oh spare vs good God for thy infinite mercies sake and in sparing vs giue vs grace to redeeme the time because the dayes be euill that so wee our Wiues Children and Seruants that remaine aliue may blesse and laud thee in the Land of the liuing euen now and all the dayes of our liues and to that end giue vs wee humbly craue health of body and peace of Conscience that so wee may daily grow vp from grace to grace in this world and hereafter reigne with thee in the Kingdome of Grace and Glory where thou reignest with thy Sonne our Sauiour and the Holy Ghost a God of Eternitie Indiuiduall Immortall and the only wise God for euermore Amen A devout and feruent Prayer to bee vsed by all Londoners and members of the Citie in time of and during the contagious Pestilence VVHither shall wee goe O Lord in the day of our Affliction but onely vnto thee Thou alone canst saue and out of thy hands none is able to giue deliuerance Heauy at this time is thy hand vpon vs in this Citie and fearefull is the Disease with which thou hast afflicted vs Wee are euen afraid one friend and neighbour of anothers breath nothing is before vs but present Death Scarcely can wee looke forth but we may see some one or other amongst vs carried away to the Graue and the Mourners going about the Streets We must needs confesse that though this bee grieuous yet it is the smallest part of our desert It is just with thee to smite vs with Botches and Scabs that cannot bee healed and to make the Pestilence euen to cleaue vnto our loynes and to sweepe vs away from off the Earth euen as a man sweepeth
away dung till all bee gone For how haue wee multiplied our iniquities before thee and to what a shamelesse and intollerable measure are our sinnes increased Many warnings haue beene giuen vs by thy Ministers thou hast risen earely and late and sent vnto vs by them yet we haue made our hearts as Adamant stones and haue put farre from vs the Euill-day perswading our selues that their Sermons were but winde and that they did but commend vnto vs their owne fancies Thus haue wee encouraged our selues in Euill and haue set thy judgements at naught euery one turning to his owne course as the Horse rusheth into the Battaile adding Drunkennesse to thirst and falling away from thee more and more But O Lord giue vs now at the last remorsefull and repentant hearts make vs as it were to smite vpon our thighes as a signe that wee see our wandrings and that we are ashamed of our sinnes Embolden vs in the name of Christ to come into thy Presence and in all earnestnesse of spirit to cry vnto thee Take away our Iniquities and receiue vs gratiously Teach vs as well to feare sinne the cause of this wasting Sicknesse as we doe the Sicknesse itselfe which is the fruit of Sinne. Comfort vs according to the dayes that thou hast afflicted vs and let the sweet feeling of the gracious testimony of thy Spirit speaking Peace vnto our Soules preuaile against all other sadnesse or cause of griefe or sorrow whatsoeuer Say O Lord vnto the destroying Angell It is sufficient hold thy hand Or if it bee thy pleasure to stretch thy hand yet further and to take vs or any of vs away also O prepare vs to thine owne purpose endue vs with a holy patience to endure the vtmost Tryall and grant that whatsoeuer befall our earthly Tabernacles yet our soules may be alwaies acceptable vnto thee and all this for Christ Iesus his sake who hath loued vs and giuen himselfe to be a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling sauour vnto thee Amen A Zealous Prayer in time of the Plague to bee vsed by all Londoners that are fled from the Citie and all others that are sensible of the Cities Calamitie wheresoeuer O LORD GOD our onely helper and Defender who amongst all other Euils hast promised to deliuer thy People from the noysome Pestilence Wee beseech thee take this thy heauy Plague away from vs and especially withhold thy hand from off the Citie of London the Metropolis of this Kingdome where thy Name is daily called vpon And let our humble Supplications which at this time vpon our knees wee make vnto thee in the name of CHRIST IESVS procure our happie Release and appease thy Wrath which wee haue justly procured against vs thorow sinne Lord wee being heartily sorry for our sinnes fully purposing by the assistance of thy holy Spirit to amend our liues doe humbly intreat thee to haue mercy vpon vs to take away this Plague from vs and not to suffer vs to perish after so miserable a sort Wee thanke thee O Lord that thou hast not left vs altogether comfortlesse nor cast vs off without hope but hast somewhat withdrawne thy heauy hand and spared many of vs wee pray thee to continue thy fauour daily more and more towards vs to deale with vs in Mercy not in Iustice to blesse vs all those that depend on vs To set thy sauing Marke vpon our Houses as thou diddest for the Jsraelites in AEgypt To giue order to the Destroyer that hee hurt vs not to put thy strength to our Medicines to let thy good blessing make the preseruatiues of Physicians effectuall and to make our shifting places for more securitie profitable vnto vs. Giue vs grace O Lord not to trust too much on outward meanes but only on thy Mercy Protect vs alwaies in all our wayes haue pitie vpon our destressed Brethren and Sisters whether in London or else-where Comfort the desolate Widow prouide for all Orphanes and Fatherlesse Children gather vs together againe that by these meanes are dispersed Send vs Health Peace with men vpon Earth and peace of Conscience towards thee through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer for our gracious King Charles O Thou mightie Jehouah whose habitation is in the highest Heauens who rulest all things euery where by that same wisdome by which thou didst first create them euen thou the Lord of Lords exalted farre aboue the Princes of the Earth who haue no power rule nor Authoritie but what is giuen them from thee For by thee Kings Reigne and Princes Rule Forasmuch as thou hast commanded by thy Apostle Paul that we shall make Jntercessions for Kings as being a thing good and acceptable in thy sight Wee are bold vpon this Warrant to appeare before thy Throne of Grace and to present thee with a Prayer and Supplication in the behalfe of our Dread Soueraigne and Liege Lord King Charles for whom wee thy Seruants his most loyall and faithfull Subiects by thy appointment doe most humbly Supplicate that seeing thou hast chosen him as thou hadst appointed it long before to be now a King to vs thy people and a Iudge of thy Sonnes and Daughters and hee knowing that the Throne on which he sitteth as King in thy stead is thy Throne may bee illuminated with thy Spirit of Vnderstanding and all Princely knowledge from aboue fully replenished with that Wisdome which sitteth by thy Throne So doe according to Equitie and Righteousuesse and execute Iudgement with an vpright heart For he thus enabled by thee shall know how to goe out and in among thy people whom he is to judge being now in the midst of them Kindle rherefore in his heart which is in thy hands as the Riuers of Waters a true and constant zeale of godlinesse which may argue in him a sound and perfect knowledge of thy heauenly Will that so principally and aboue all things seeking and procuring th' aduancement of thy glory hee may be vnto thy people a Noursing Father to defend maintaine and preserue thy Church against all Enemies Forraine Domesticall Atheist or Papist open or secret which trecherously seeke to disturb the peace of it and of his Kingdomes For the better maintenance whereof as also for establishing a common tranquilitie in his State politique in thy feare giue him the wise heart of Moses thy Seruant to obey the godly Counsell of some Iethro cause him to prouide Ministers vnder him such as are men of courage fearing Thee his and their God dealing truly hating Couetousnesse And grant O Lord that these so ordained and constituted Magistrates vnder him for his ease For who is able to ouercome such a People alone as Iethro speaketh may bee as his Eyes Eares and Hands to see and looke cleerely in all parts of his Kingdomes with a sincere and single sight heare the Causes and Controuersies of his people with an Eare of Wisdome and vnderstanding deale righteously in all matters with euery Man and his Brother and
the stranger that is with him without respect of Person or feare of any mans face as Moses speaketh O Lord heare vs praying vnto thee for our King out of loyall hearts And thou O Lord thus blessing our King with wise and discreet Ministers stablish his Kingdome and settle his Throne in his Posteritie and so wee and our Posteritie may pray for him and them and praise Thee for him and them that may proceed from his Loynes euen while the Sunne and Moone shall endure Lord protect his sacred Person from the Pestilence his Minde from Papistrie make his dayes as Methusalems and in fulnesse of time giue him a Coelestiall for his Terrestriall Crowne Amen A Prayer for Queene Mary Wife to our Gracious Soueraigne O Lord God our only God and Father Thou didst open our mouthes and wee prayed to thee for our Dread Soueraigne thine Annointed Charles our King Be pleased wee beseech thee to vntie our Tongues now also to vtter a Prayer vnto thee for our Queene his Wife for whom Shee being a person of Princely Maiestie wee presume to intercede witnessing that loyaltie towards her which may be acceptable vnto Thee Wee craue and humbly intreate thee that thou wilt blesse her with all heauenly Graces such in speciall are best befitting her Personage and may also testifie the loue and care thou hadst of thy Glory to be aduanced by her now thou hast called her to this high Estate of an Eminent and illustrious Dignitie aboue others here with vs of her Sex Grant wee beseech thee that as thou hast made her the Wife and Consort of our most Gracious King so thou wilt blesse her as thou didst Sarah whom thou didst blesse to bee a Mother of Nations and Kings and that it may be a meanes to continue a Succession for the Peace of thy Church So forasmuch as thou hast promised by the mouth of thy Prophet Isaiah that Queenes shall be Nurses to thy people begotten by the Immortall seed of thy Word Shee being the Queene to our King who is to vs a Nursing Father may likewise in a mutuall consent of one and the same thy Religion here established amongst vs employ all her Endeauour Power and Authoritie for Her part to the preseruation of the Peace of Israell which is in the person of a Queene to be a carefull Nursing Mother of the Church For this cause Lord inspire her minde from aboue direct and guide her Will that shee may serue thee in feare of thy Maiestie who hast the Hearts of Kings yea of Queenes also as the Riuers of Waters to turne them as thou pleasest Enlighten her Minde and Vnderstanding wee beseech thee with the true knowledge of thy Will reuealed in thy Word that shee hauing first receiued a sanctified apprehension thereof by instruction from thy Spirit may resolutely persist in the Profession of it and so shee liuing here in thy feare may die in thy Loue to liue in thy Glory with thy Saints for euermore in Heauen Amen A Prayer for Frederick Prince Elector Palatine King of Bohemia Queene Elizabeth his Wife and their hopefull Children WHO are wee O Lord that thou shouldest heare vs and what can be our worthinesse that wee should dare now againe to intercede by Prayer before thee Wee confesse it is thy free Mercy that thou hearest and not of any worthinesse in vs praying And in this Name that thou art the Father of all mercies in Christ wee pray and beseech thee to behold from aboue with the Eye of pitie Frederick whom thou hast created Prince Electour Palatine and Lady Elizabeth c. our Kings Sister by thy ordinance coupled together Man and Wife and so made one-Flesh Forasmuch then as thou hast so appointed it and the end also of Matrimonie to be for the Propagation of Seed and that thy fauour in no outward thing more appeareth than in the increase of Children and which hath appeared in thy giuing them many sweet and hopefull Children Good Lord blesse them and let thy Grace grow with them and let that Noble and Excellent Lady be still as a fruitfull Vine on the side of her Husbands House and his Children like Oliue Plants round about his Table Blesse them O Lord euen with this Temporall fauour because of the Spirituall blessings which thou hast made to thy Church whereof they are and their people to professe thy Name and Truth after thy Word Lord cast thy Eye of pitie and compassion vpon their present downe-cast Estate Comfort them according to the dayes wherein thou hast afflicted them Let their Enemies and thine no longer triumph ouer them and their Inheritance Exalt them whom thou hast humbled and in thy good time wipe all teares from their Eyes Let thy Power and Wisdome ouer-shadow them O thou most High Thy heauenly grace lighten and preserue them in thy Loue that they may also gouerne their Subiects in the Truth of thy Faith in mutuall Charitie and so haue them alwayes obedient in all Loyaltie in thee for thy sake Prolong the dayes of their liues with many yeares to see their Childrens children If it be thy will let them enioy Health Wealth Peace and Prosperitie of all things That they liuing in thy feare to set forth thy Glory and Worship here on Earth may after this temporall euer-dying life be translated from hence into thy Kingdome to liue there with thee for euer and euer world without end Amen A Prayer for the Right Honourable the Lord Maior the Right Worshipfull the Sheriffes and Aldermen of this Citie of London O Heauenly Father the All-sufficient and Euer-liuing God wee thy seruants and children in Christ doe acknowledge thee to be the sole Preseruer of all Orders and States Politique wheresoeuer ruled and gouerned with good Discipline wholsome Lawes and iust judgements in Equitie by Magistrates as thy Lieutenants appointed and constituted ouer thy people for the good of both Church and Common-wealth a very manifest and singular Testimonie of thy Prouidence and presence among men Setting Establishing and vpholding Authorities that wee may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie In this acknowledgement and confession wee giue thy most diuine Maiestie our heartie thankes which wee pray thee accept as a sweet smelling Sacrifice beseeching thee further in the name of Christ for whose sake thou hast promised to heare and grant our Petions that forasmuch as thou hast commanded vs to make Intercessions for all that are in Authoritie and dost accompt it for an acceptable seruice in thy sight thou wilt be pleased to looke downe from thy high Throne of pitie and mercy beholding vs from thence with a gracious Eye euen now that we doe Supplicate for the whole State of this Citie especially the Lord Maior and the Sheriffs and Aldermen of the same The Lord Major who is placed in Authoritie and chiefe Ruler vnder our King by thy gracious permission and ordinance wee in these our Prayers first and principally commend vnto